Chapter 298- Ticket to Freedom

Zain gritted his teeth, kicked him back, and picked up the blade nearby. Amid the frenzied combat, Zain's blade danced with lethal precision, but amidst the chaos, he found himself face-to-face with an opponent resembling Rizi, which in turn killed his desire to kill him. "Who the f*ck are you?" Zain asked.

"Your death!" The boy, aka. Black answered back in a rage. Zain noticed a subtle shift in the boy's behavior and as if he realized something, with a swift twist of his wrist, he adjusted his grip on the hilt of his sword, shifting his stance to focus more on defense than offense.

As his adversary lunged forward with a vicious strike, Zain sidestepped the blow with lightning-fast reflexes, narrowly avoiding the lethal edge of the Black's blade. With a deft flick of his wrist, he redirected the force of the attack, using the momentum to send the assailant stumbling off balance.