Chapter 303- I will kill you

"Oh, my dear Zain," he chuckled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You are quite naïve, aren't you? Innocence is a luxury we can ill afford in times of war." Stephano signaled and the gag covering Ara's mouth pulled of. "Now, I know last time because of truth serum you have extracted information about her already. So it's no surprise you are here to save Ara. I know today will be the end. But who all will leave from this unscathed is yet to be decided, my boy!" Stephanao laughed loudly and then he pointed the gun toward Ara.

Zain's fists clenched at his sides, his teeth grinding together in frustration as he fought to keep his temper in check. He knew that arguing with Stephano would get him nowhere, and that the only way to save Rizi and her team was to take action. Reinforcement will be here in some time but he has to ensure no one is hurt.