Chapter 307- Final fight (3)

With each blow, she felt a surge of satisfaction, a sense of justice being served as she struck back against the man who had tormented her for so long. Caught in her rage, Rizi failed to realize Stephano had pulled a knife from his socks. As he attacked Rizi, she was able to defend herself at the last moment and the knife was able to slice through side of her abdomen. Before Stephano could attack again, the glass door burst open and she observed Zain entering the room.

Zain stormed in, his eyes blazing with fury as he took in the scene before him. Seeing Stephano looming over Rizi, his fists clenched at his sides, "Get away from her!" Zain roared, his voice reverberating off the walls of the control room. His fists tightened around his weapon.