Chapter 311- Mr.Lucas's explanation

After changing her clothes, Rizi along with Jason and Sara decided to check up on everyone starting from her mother.

As Rizi and her friends stepped into her mother's private ward, a somber atmosphere enveloped the room, thick with the scent of antiseptic and the quiet sounds of medical equipment. Her mother, Ara Cruz lay on the hospital bed, her figure still and fragile beneath the crisp white sheets. Bandages wrapped around her head and legs with abusive marks on her face, evidence of the injuries she had sustained.

Mr. Lucas sat beside Ara, his usually imposing figure softened by sorrow. His shoulders drooped with the weight of his grief, and his weathered hands trembled as he reached out to gently brush a strand of hair from Ara's face. His only precious daughter. His eyes, usually sharp and commanding, were now filled with a pang of deep sadness, embarrassment, and regrets as he watched over his injured daughter.