Chapter 314- Truth about Donor Uncle

Rizi tried to take a nap, but sleep eluded her. She knew it would be pointless to even try, with her mind racing and her heart aching. She decided to go through the documents that Assistant Han had dropped off earlier, hoping to find some distraction in the paperwork.

As she opened the bag, she picked out a few files and, beneath them, found another mobile phone. She already had Zain's, but the other device was unfamiliar. It must be his separate phone for urgent work, she thought with a shrug.

Rizi set aside the files and opened her laptop, intending to assist Grandpa Bennetti with some business matters. As she navigated through the documents, the second phone buzzed and its screen lit up. A photo of her and Leo appeared, taken in the hospital. Rizi remembered that day vividly—it was right after Leo's stem cell transplant surgery for leukemia. In the photo, she and Leo were hugging each other in the hospital room, a bittersweet moment of relief and hope.