Chapter 316- Arlette and francesco

Arlette paced back and forth outside Francesco's private ward, her mind racing with a mix of worry, frustration, and relief. She had been on edge ever since she heard about the mission gone awry, and now that Francesco was safe and recovering, her emotions were bubbling over. She took a deep breath, steeling herself before pushing the door open and stepping inside.

Francesco lay on the bed, his arm in a sling and a bandage on his forehead. Despite his injuries, he managed a grin as he saw her enter. "Hey, Arlette," he said, his voice warm. "You look... stressed and h-hot. I mean hot. You look smoking hot." Jason has already given him heads on how furious Arlette has been. Francesco tried to play it cool but inwardly he was sweating bullets. The redness around her eyes speaks volumes. It broke her heart to see the love of his life so stressed and crying over him.