Chapter 320- Leo's gaming profile

"Dad!!!" Leo's shrill scream reached Zain's ears, and he immediately stood and caught the small figure running towards their seating arrangement.

"Dad! Uncle Zack deleted my gaming profile!" Leo complained with an irritated huff. His face flushed with anger.

"Oh, did he now? Let me have a word with him. There must be a reason for it," Zain replied, amused.

"He said I'm too young to do all this, Dad! Can you believe it? Me and Nia are pros at this. We've won so many championships, and he thinks I'm too young, Dad. Dad, you must tell him to recover it my "Garfield" profile. What will Nia will do? Please!" Leo spoke in a single breath, his cheeks flushed with indignation. His green eyes reflected anger and hopelessness.