34- Timeless Clock

The boys headed to class like normal and took their normal seats in the front row. Chaos and Speedy laid on the desk as Brock laid on the floor next to Skye's seat.

"Good morning" Saige said as he walked into the class. He was carrying a box in his hand and placed it on his desk before sitting down.

"Today I would like to talk about the different tiers of elements." The students all wore blank expressions as they really had no idea what Saige meant by tiers.

"I can see you're all super excited" Saige said with a smile. Tapping his pad and swiping up, a picture of each of the seven different elements appeared on the board.

"You all are probably not too familiar with the element tiers because it isn't widely talked about. The tiers refer to the difficulty of wielding the elements, other than that it doesn't hold much importance.

When we say basic elements we are referring to the more common ones, fire, water, and earth. These elements can be found in abundance on earth and a lot of other places in the galaxy, they are also amongst the easiest to wield.

Your mid tier elements are wind and lightning with wind being more on the basic side and lightning being more on the advanced side. Wind is a very versatile element and there is also an abundance of it which is why its closer to the base elements. Lightning a purely offensive type, even when defensive items are imbued with lightning elements they still provide offensive support. Lightning is also one of the more difficult elements to master.

That brings us to our advanced tier or higher elements time and space. Although time and space are everywhere the elemental energy is a lot more difficult to wield. Both elements are extremely versatile but are most commonly used in support of others. Advanced tier elements require a vast amount of knowledge to use effectively. It's not uncommon for Elementalists to hurt themselves when utilizing the powers of higher tier elements. For example, the teleportation technique is not only a very difficult technique to master, but also a deadly one if used incorrectly.

Imagine what would happen if you were trying to teleport some where and the portal you created wasn't stable enough and broke midway through, what do you think would happen to your body. Or what if you accidentally teleported inside a wall."

The students we're a little taken back by this info, especially Alex who Kaius had teleported onto the ceiling on the first day.

Saige continued, "all the elements hold risks for backlash but the higher tier elements hold a higher risk, which is why higher tier Elementalists are more rare.

When speaking of Elementalists different parts of the world may yield more of a specific type. Believe it or not but a lot of time Elementalist hail from China and that part of the world.

Are there any questions" Saige said as he looked around the room to each student. Skye raised his hand and Saige nodded towards him signaling him to speak. "Sir, do the tiers play a role when trying to unite with a second Elemental?" Hearing Skye's question Brock jumped on his shoulder and started mussing his hair.

"I'm just asking" Skye yelled out. Brock made a low growl sound and returned to his spot on the floor.

Saige laughed as he began to answer Skye's question. "Yes and no, first of all it's very difficult to unite with a second Elemental in the first place as it's difficult for our bodies to handle the stress. When attempting to bond with a second Elemental it is easier if it is with one from the base tier, and it's even easier if the element is complimentary to the one you already wield. For example a water Elementalist would have an easier time and a higher chance of success if they attempted to unite with a wind Elemental. That same Elementalist would have a more difficult time trying to unite with a fire Elemental.

Even though wind is technically a mid tier element, remember it is a versatile one and leans towards the basic side. However, a space or time Elementalist has the same odds of success regardless of what element the other Elemental is.

While the type of element and the tier play a role remember the main factor is the human bodies ability to handle it."

Skye and the other students nodded in understanding, this was good info that would come in handy, especially for someone like Zane who was a time Elementalist. Kaius didn't care either way as he already wielded all the elements.

"Ok lets stop here for the day, enjoy your lunch and afternoon classes" Saige said as he left the classroom.

After a quick lunch the boys split up as Skye needed to head towards his earth course and Kaius would be joining Zane at the time course.

Zane was excited Kaius was coming with him and hoped the two would be able to figure out how to open the door. Zane had already attended the course so he was familiar with the normal entrance just in case they couldn't do it.

"We're definitely doing it" Kaius said "I don't care if we have to spend the whole class trying." Zane laughed "cool i'm in."

Zane led the way and soon the two ended up in front of a building that was molded into a giant analog clock. The clock was moving and showed the accurate time of 1pm, where the six would be on the clock there was instead a single steel door. There were three hands like on a traditional clock, but these hands seemed a little bigger than necessary.

"Got any idea how to open it" Kaius asked while examining the clock. "Nope" Zane said shaking his head, "the only thing I could find online is that the door will open at a certain time." "That can't be all there is to it" Kaius said. The second hand was slowly ticking by as the minute hand moved every sixty seconds, as far as the boys could tell it was just a simple clock.

After observing the clock for a few minutes Kaius came up with a suggestion, "lets at least see if we can find what time the door opens by speeding up the clock. Kaius focused the time elements around him and used them to push the hands of the clock. The clock hands began spinning faster. The seconds hand looked like someone was winding it up as it crazily sped in circles.

The hands continued to spin and spin, when the clock read 630 the boys heard a swish swish sound. All the clock hands were lined up in front of the door where the 6 would normally be, but due to the oversized hands the boys couldn't see if the door actually opened or not.

"It sounded like the door opened but we can't be sure, try to speed up the clock again" Zane said.

Kaius sped up the clock once again. Nothing else happened until the clock once again read 630 and the boys heard the swish swish again.

"It has to be the door but how can we get to it with the hands in the way" Zane said.