Darkness surrounds me from all directions. Normally this would terrify me, but I feel oddly at peace. It's relaxing, it is as if it is only dark and empty because I don't feel the need to add anything.
I remember that I was in my room playing games, then a vortex of darkness consume me, as I look to myself, my body is a ball of light and I have tiny little arms, bewildered that transpire in my body.
After a moment, a see-through screen in front of me it looks like a system from webnovel, manga, and webtoon that I read.
You gain Minecraft System
Choose 1 mode, 4 mods, and 2 skill
In the end, with nothing else to do l choose first is the creative mode for obvious reasons, I can get all blocks and items in Minecraft.
As for mods, the first mods that I have to choose are Journeymap this mod has maps. I'll have a pretty good idea of what this mod does. Specifically, it lets view a more real-time map, and on the mini-map, as well as being able to view the map where I previously have been.
The second mod is just enough item mod this mod will help me identify and remember the recipe for any craft item and along with auto placing in the crafting table. This will help me manage in crafting an item.
The third mod is Mahou Tsukai Mod, this mod is base on type- moon series where you can create Boundaries deal with protective AOE effects centered on a magic circle.
Displacement Spells deal with teleportation magic.
Projection Spells deal with weapons.
Exchange Spells usually involve a trade of some sort, often to refund or generate mana.
Mystic Spells are unique, often offensive spells that provide miscellaneous effects.
Mystic Eyes are sight-based spells.
Intelligence Spells typically deal with decision making, often focused around entities.
The last mod is too many golems, In this mod, I can create a different kind of golem.
Then next is choosing skills, the first skill that I choose is shadow extraction instead of bones or flesh reanimated. The user extracts the shadows of the dead to do their bidding and any power of the decease will reflect off their shadows.
As for the second skill is Absorption, in this skill, I can partially absorb any skills, power, or life force.
After I finalize my choices I tested my power absorption, I absorb the darkness that surrounds me.
After I absorb the darkness it gives me control over space it feels nice, then I was absorbed by a portal.
I am once again surrounded by pitch-black darkness, but this time it feels different, now it seems like I have merely closed my eyes.
When I open my eyes I see a beautiful woman, she seems cried for some reason.
"Please Kronos, not our firstborn son Hades you already have swallows three of our daughters, " the woman pleaded.
"Silence Rhea, I will not tolerate this defiance and that thing is a threat to my rule." A man shouted in front of me
Suddenly, an enormous hand took me from my new mother as I saw his face
He has brutal golden eyes, black curly hair, and an unnerving, long pointy beard.
Is this it dying after reincarnation in this new world, As I fall in his stomach I use the absorption skill of my cannibal If a father, then I felt new power surging through me it felt intoxicated and in the process of absorbing the power of my father I instantly grew into teenage and straight into some kind of liquid.
As I submerged on some kind of liquid I think this is stomach acid, it doesn't hurt it gives me power as I use absorption then I gain Chronokinesis, I contemplated as I recall my new name and my colorful parents, and the power I gain my father it clicks their names it's the name of Titans in Greek mythology, and I Hades lord of Dead, the Underworld, Wealth, Darkness.
Two powers are a complement of each other thus combine into one
gain space-time affinity, portal creation, time manipulation
Well, I become a divine being in my second life after that I tried to open my in my inventory I have two inventory a personal inventory and Minecraft Inventory it like in the game there are a lot of items and blocks.
then I created a platform for me to stand on as this liquid is stunk.
Surprisingly end stone, obsidian, and netherite block and soul sand have resisted the stomach acid of Kronos, I choose end stone as the platform for my starter house before I created my house I craft netherite chest plate, leggings, helmet and boots to be presentable.
After I've finished my starter base it has 5 floor the first floor has a reception area and guest room, inside of the second floor are training rooms, lavatory, and crafting room, the third floor has a dining room, kitchen library, the fourth floor has a hot tub, jacuzzi they made by heat block and water, and individual comfort room, and the last floor has 5 bedrooms and mini veranda garden all light source is glowstone after I finish building the house.
Satisfied with the house that I build, now I can experiment outside with some of my power with the Minecraft inventory and search spider spawn egg, this spider is not the same type of mobs in the game it looks realistic, its size is 2 feet long, and when the spider attack I freeze the time of the spider then accelerate the age of it this is the power I obtain of Kronos.
When it died its carcass remains and a handful of web string unlike in the game they poof out of existence when they die, this will give boon me as I use the body of almost instinctively.
Soon enough a silhouette emerges in the spider a shadow version of it, good this will be the start of my shadow army.
I spawn numerous Minecraft mobs to test my powers, I tested my shadow power like Shikamaru to immobilize them and I can restrict all within my sights next to test my power to Minecraft boss then Ender dragon is immune in time manipulation and time freeze, it seems smarter than in the game as it shoots acid breath on me while flying and avoiding getting hit and its minimal damage in slashing.
If it comes to this I summon ten shadows ghasts that I defeated earlier, the ghast shoots fireball to Ender Dragon gives huge damage.
Enrage the Ender Dragon attack discriminately anyone in his sights on, this will work of my favor as I hit it with my shadow magic, it took 20 minutes to defeat it rather of dragon egg it leaves it carcass, scales, nails, and headgear.
As I look to my destroyed house frowned as I see the damage.
Next time I will spawn it in different locations location.
Next to test for is the major Tsukai mod when I created mystic code it bonded to me and when to draw a circle you need to injure yourself to draw a circle in blood on the floor. There's a short timeframe that you have to do this after injuring yourself, so there's a Dagger you can make to stab yourself if you want. As a bonus, the dagger is very sharp so it increases the short timeframe by a bit.
If the spell you're making requires a Cloth, put the cloth down first, and then draw the circle on top. Add catalysts; when you're done.
Adding Catalysts:
There are seven catalysts each representing one of the known categories of magic. Take a Hammer or a Mortar and Pestle and smash them up into a Powdered Catalyst, and add those powders to the blood circle you drew.
The catalysts and their corresponding categories are:
* (I) Iron – Boundaries
* (e) Ender – Displacement
* (D) Diamond – Projection
* (E) Emerald – Exchange
* (G) Gold – Mystic
* (Q) Quartz – Intelligence
* (O) Ender Eye – Mystic Eyes
Boundaries deal with protective AOE effects centered on a magic circle.
Displacement Spells deal with teleportation magic.
Projection Spells deal with weapons.
Exchange Spells usually involve a trade of some sort, often to refund or generate mana.
Mystic Spells are unique, often offensive spells that provide miscellaneous effects.
Mystic Eyes are sight-based spells.
Intelligence Spells typically deal with decision making, often focused around entities.
After I repaired my house I create boundaries like alarm boundary and enclosure boundary, then I have an idea in the basement I created a Boundary of Drain Life I can change some aspect in the spells instead of drain lifeforce nearby things into health, fullness, and mana for me I change it to give the life force to me and people who I considered Allied.d
Like the mystic code, the projection spells, reality marble, and treasury projection bonded to me and I can project unlimited items that I'm looking at.
As for reality marble, it needs to activation word for it to use so I choose the unlimited blade work, as for treasury projection instead of gauntlet it creates personal dimension where I can store items, it will open with a command word to operate, I choose Gate of underworld it has three types 1. AoE mode 2. Chain mode 3. Target mode.
When I test the Mystic Eyes of Death Collection it permanently bonded in my eyes.
Next is too many golem mod I went overboard in crafting golems, I crafted 10 of each golem.
Diamond Golem (220 health, 20 attacks)
Emerald Golem (190 health, 18 attacks)
Gold Golem (80 health, 8 attacks, knockback resistance)
Lapis Lazuli Golem (50 health, 6 attacks, gives targeted entities a negative potion effect)
Sandstone Golem (15 health, 4 attacks)
Wool Golem (10 health, 1 attack, to change color)
Hardened Clay Golem (22 health, 4 attacks)
Obsidian Golem (120 health, 18 attacks)
Librarian (Bookshelf) Golem (28 health, 4 attacks, grants itself a beneficial potion effect)
Glass Golem (8 health, 14 attacks)
Log Golem (20 health, 3 attacks, to change texture)
Clay Golem (20 health, 2 attacks)
Straw (Hay Bale) Golem (10 health, 1 attack)
Nether Brick Golem (25 health, 7 attacks, lights target entity on fire)
Glowstone Golem (8 health, 12 attacks, lights up in V1.15+)
Endstone Golem (50 health, 7 attacks, teleporting ability)
Packed Ice Golem (18 health, 7 attacks, walks over water and lava by cooling/freezing blocks)
Nether Quartz Golem (85 health, 8.5 attacks)
Sponge Golem (20 health, 2 attacks, soaks up water)
Leaf Golem (6 health, 0.5 attacks, Regeneration I)
Melon Golem (18 health, 1.5 attacks, plants flowers occasionally)
Coal Block Golem (14 health, 2.5 attacks, can inflict Blindness I)
Bedrock Golem (999 health, 32 attacks, indestructible. Spawn and despawn using an item)
Slimy (Slime Block) Golem (20 health, 2.5 attacks, massive knockback attack)
Prismarine Golem (24 health, 8 attacks)
Red Sandstone Golem (15 health, 4 attacks)
Mushroom Block Golem (30 health, 3 attacks, plants mushrooms occasionally, to change texture)
Sea Lantern Golem (26 health, 4 attacks, lights up nearby area)
Redstone Golem (2 attack, 18 health, emits Redstone power)
Stained Clay Golem (3 attacks, 26 health, to change color)
Stained Glass Golem (12 attacks, 9 health, to change color)
Crafting (Workbench) Golem (2 attacks, 26 health, to open Crafting GUI)
Bone Golem (6.5 attacks, 78 health)
Magma Golem (4.5 attack, 22 health, lights mobs on fire, glows faintly, slowly melts cobblestone)
Nether Wart Golem (1.5 attack, 22 health, plants nether wart when on soul sand)
After I craft the golem their appeance`is not block in the game, it look like their fantasy look, size of 10 feet and they can understand complex command, I send the Endstone golem to fetch my sibling.
After an hour of waiting three endstone golem appeared on me carrying three terrified Goddess.
"Hi there"
I wave at them as they look at me