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Chapter 7- A Long Time

"What?! How is that possible when Skylar and I are close to the age, but the only difference is I was on World X all my life." I questioned.

"You see, time passed by longer than what we felt on World X. Since we live light speed away everything changes. We become older." Raelynn tells us.

"See I told you we should've come earlier, but it's fine," I tell Skylar quietly.

"I didn't know this would happen."


"What did we miss?"

"Well, you did miss Blake and I's wedding day. The birth of Mia. Our aging process. You've missed a lot. Now, what have you been doing all this time."

"Uh, well on World X we, uh, made out. Um, I taught Skylar how to fight. That is mostly all." I say nervously.

"Oh, I see. Was it good?" Derek questioned.

"Um, yeah it was. We're sorry we didn't come sooner."

"It's fine. You guys were going through a rough time with losing Zoe. Since you fell in love with her, Lexa and you were her sisters, Skylar." Raelynn told us both.

"It has to be rough on you too since she was your best friend since grade school," Skylar said with a strong voice.

"While you guys are here, why don't you meet your niece Mia. Mia come here!" Rae yells out. "Mia these are your aunts, Lexa and Skylar. Can you say hi?"

"Hi, do want to come with me to play."

"Sure, lead the way," I said playfully. "How old are you now, 4?"

"Close, 3 actually."

"Awesome. So what game are we playing."


"I will so beat you in the tag, both of you."

"Tag," Mia said as she tapped Skylar and runs.

"Dang it. I'm going to get you back."

We played for hours and hung out by the house. It was so weird seeing Raelynn, Blake, and Derek older now. They look like they're in their high 20's already.

"Hey, I never asked you guys where Remi was at."

"She alive, just at the bowling alley with her new friends from school."

"How many did she make? Does she have a boyfriend yet?" I questioned Rae.

"About 6 friends and no boyfriend yet."

"Nice, more than what I had," Skylar says.

Living on different worlds, then seeing everyone, it's crazy. I didn't think any of this would happen. I guess Skylar and I got caught up in the moment. I'm glad Skylar and I are a thing now, but I'm still upset about Zoe. Also, I thought Skylar liked Derek, but I don't think so anymore.

It started to get dark so Skylar and I went up to her room. We both got ready to go to bed, but I wasn't really tired so was Skylar. Instead of going to sleep we just sat there and talked.

"I love you Skylar and I loved your sister. I'm sorry I didn't save her, that I didn't protect her."

"I love you too, I knew you love her too and it's ok that you couldn't save her. I wouldn't have been able to save her either." She says as she looks at me.

"I'm glad we became a thing, I had a crush on you from the first time I met you. Then I told Zoe I was gay and then she kissed me that night we saved you. I thought we would never get you back. I was worrying just like Zoe. The day she died, a minute before I told her I loved her. I still can't wrap myself around her death. I was glad you killed my brother for me since he killed Zoe."

"I kind of noticed you were gay. She told me she kissed the night you saved me. I can't wrap myself around it too. I miss her so much. She all I had and now I have you."

"I miss her too." I look at her sad.

We just look at each other than kiss again. We cuddled then watched a movie that she liked. It was a love movie, I don't really remember what the movie was. Then I thought to myself and remembered what my brother said before he died.

"I remember what my brother said before he died. He said I can't fall in love and I need to find out why, but in the morning. I want to spend the night with you first."