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Chapter 13- Someone Worth Saving

"We have to do something. There has to be another way to save her. Please, I can't lose her again." Raelynn says crying as she drops to the floor with Remi.

"What I know of, there is no other way. I've tried every idea I could think of to save her." Zoe explains in a serious meaningful way.

"Wait, what if there is another way. I read something about when an angel gives a life the other way to restore theirs is to put their soul back into their body to turn them into an angel again, but the only thing is the body still has to have some skin for the ritual. But everything could be a joke."

"Well it would be worth a try don't you guys think?"

"Yeah, but we would have to find her body, and the ritual spell, which we don't know where either of those is," Derek said in a mad tone.

"I'm the fastest at digging a body up in my werewolf form, but I don't remember if the book was at my place or not. We would have to split up and work together. We also need a place to do the ritual and we need to work fast."

"What about the abandoned factory by Brookner?" Asked Blake.

"I think that would be good."

The twins went with Raelynn, Blake, Mia, and Remi to the factory. Derek went to my place with Skylar. Zoe took me to Remi's grave. I turned into my werewolf form as we were getting closer to the portal, and Skylar kind of got jealous because her sister rode on my back all the way there. I drop them off at my place on the way to our destination. She gave me a little kiss on my dog cheek for good luck.

I could feel us getting closer to the portal, then I stopped quickly. We were there, Zoe started chanting the spell to open the portal and it worked. We got on Earth and stole a car, Zoe took us straight to Remi's grave. When we got there I tried everything to turn into my werewolf form, finally, it came to me. I started digging and got to the coffin and open the coffin up.

"No, no, no this can't be happening the body it's already almost gone completely. She might not be able to make it to the portal on time."

"Well, let's get her in the car and get back to the portal. We have to try, we just have too."

"Fine, let's hurry, we are losing time by the minute."

We got her to the car and headed back to the portal. The body was disintegrating as we were getting closer to the portal. There was almost no skin on the body. Zoe opened the portal I turned again and ran to the factory. Zoe started to talk to me.

"So how has it been with my sister."

"Nowooh right now is not the time," I said in my deep werewolf voice as clear as possible.

"Ok fine, but could we talk later." She said then I nodded yes.

Skylar was waiting for us outside the factory with clothes so I can get into clothes. Then I turned back to my human form

"Here are some clothes for you, Lexa." She said behind as I was walking to the side of the building."

"How much time do we have left? That body is disintegrating by every second, there almost no skin on it."

"Not a lot of time, I'll go tell them to start and you and I can be on watch."

"Ok, but hurry. Run!"

I knew it was too late, we weren't going to save her. Soon everything outside became dark. That's when you know when they are doing the ritual. I stood by the front door of the factory waiting until they were done. Skylar soon came out to look out for me. She asked me something, she said she was just wondering.

"So did you and my sister do anything while I was gone?"

"No, no I would never do that to you. Why would you think that? Yeah, I might still have feelings for her, but I'm with you."

"I just wondered, I wanted to make sure you never did anything. I know you still had feelings for her."

"Again, I would never cheat on you, never."

Soon after I said that Zoe came out. She had her head down like something bad happened, which something bad did happen.

"She didn't make it, just didn't make it. I'll let you guys go inside to see them. I need fresh air anyway." Zoe said trying not to cry but could see she wanted to.

"Oh, ok. Are you sure you can stay out here by yourself?" I asked protectively.

"Yeah I will be fine just don't worry about me."

"Yeah she will be fine Lexa, let's just go in," Skylar said demandingly.

Skylar and I walked inside, Raelynn sat right next to Remi's angel body that hasn't disappeared yet. Blake stood behind Raelynn, Derek stood farther back away from everyone. Mia was playing with the twins in a corner and had them separate from each other. They couldn't hurt her yet by their touch.

"Rae, I'm sorry for Remi. I thought it would work. I was for sure it would work."

She was looking down, I couldn't tell if she was mad or sad. She just looked down the whole time. She looked like she was going to punch someone in the face. I could feel her sadness which I never felt before. I think it's one of my new abilities I get with my werewolf body.

"I will leave you alone if that's ok with you right now. Again I'm sorry for your loss."

She just nodded her head. I walked out to get fresh air, as I was walking around to calm myself. Then I saw Zoe sitting on a rock in the distance. She said she did want to talk sometime, well here's the chance. Skylar did stay inside to comfort Raelynn. I walked over to Zoe and sat down.

"The sky looks beautiful doesn't it?" I asked to break the silence that was happening.

"Sure does."

"So what did you want to talk about a little bit ago?"

"Do you love her, my sister?"

"Yeah I do, and I still love you too, but I don't know who to choose. I really wish it wasn't so complicated with each other. I wish you came back sooner before your sister and I became a thing, but this is life now, a complicated life."

"I'm sorry I didn't come back, I thought when I saw you two together that I was already forgotten. I loved you too. I'm sorry I made it so complicated with your life, but I couldn't handle it, I couldn't handle seeing you confused."

"I was confused when you came to the doctors if you didn't want me confused you should have let me die. Skylar is better without me anyways."

Then it went silent after that, just quiet silence. I felt someone watching us and then I look back and it was Skylar looking right at me.

"Skylar wait," I said as ran after her.