A man hears a knock on his door. Opening it slowly because you'll never know when somebody is going to troll you with a prank or something, the man swiftly moves his head left and right, up and down. He stopped at the down part.
A letter was there, which was kinda odd, but then again he knew himself that he took an afternoon map, so maybe the mailman decided to leave it there seeing how there wasnt any postbox or anything resembling it.
The man opened up the letter. His eyes widened in surprise but enthusiasm as he began to read:
Hey there, Susanto
This is Jim here speaking, er..writing I mean, from Florida a.k.a Sunshineland. Okay maybe the sun doesn't always shine here but you get my point. Hope you can read my hand writing, cause I ain't sure if sending you an email would be right. I'm living in a new age now, trying to get used to all this technology and such, so I'm not entirely sure if Indonesia is able to get the email I sent ya. That's why I sent this letter.
I'm sure you've been on the Internet or something about Florida but lemme just say it's been great here. Yeah, weird things been going on.
For one there was that sewage incident. Are there a lot of curb holes that show the inside of a sewer where you live? Cause some parts here got loads of them. Yeah, there have been a usual habit of kids peeking into the storm drains and seeing what might be inside, that is until a certain incident came.
Child lost their arm. I wish I was bluffing but for some odd reason an alligator found its way in. Maybe it's the sewers? I don't really know. Of course seeing how rain occurs in Florida, of course you have to be wary of what may or may not be shoved into the sewers thanks to heavy storms and waters. Not that I want to blame the kid of course, but who spends their time peeking in places they should be at?
I'm no Floridan to be honest, or resident of Florida, whatever you wanna call it, but I find it strange that alligators are a thing here. Didn't think they appear much around here. Why a few nights ago, I went to one of the many Wendy's stored around these parts. Car in front of him took longer than most people. Normally when you're in a drive thru it literally takes a minute to get your order at the next window. I peeked out my head out of my car and saw that the man in front of me gone threw an alligator from his car into the restaurant. Damn wild if you ask me.
It ain't always bad with alligators though. These alligators didn't ask to be in public places when you think about it. It's the people you gotta be careful about. You'll never know what people are gonna do, whether it be driving into a wall thinking time travel is possible at high speeds, or beating somebody up with a rubber chicken.
At the time of me writing this letter, a man living across the street apparently died in an explosion. People found a small microwave of his being inside a bigger microwave which he also owned.
Well in spite of this madness, I hope you could visit Florida though!
From you pen pal,
Susanto sighed and folded the letter gently. "Guess I won't be going to Florida then."
Such a shame really, he really wanted to go.