
Last Call to Vertigo

I was clad in my jet black suit, and the day greeted me with a cold lifeless wind to my face, with an equally lifeless gray sky. It's been like this for the past few days. Same weather, different day. Today is different however, considering it is the day where I execute the operation.

I was looking for a certain Man, because I planned to sell him to other men.

Of course this Man in particular had something that buyers wanted, but I figured I could sell the Man to other potential people who might need his skill, or other parts of him? Trust me when I say that a particular side of the Internet is more than open for various organ donors.

With my fedora steadied on my head, I began to take the casual walk, mingling in with the crowd. The Man could be anywhere, so I had to blend in. The last thing I need is him running off.

I stopped as soon as the I had reached the city center, where the giant plasma screens on various buildings lit harder than than the street lamps on a cold night. In the middle of the crowd walking on the sidewalk across me, I saw the Man. It didn't matter what he was wearing, but it was the giant egg that was tucked into his hands, carrying it around like a box. Nobody that was walking alongside him noticed the egg he was carrying. They were either on their phones or they were just looking straight ahead.

My eyes locked onto the target as I began crossing the street.

A smaller fluffy but energized dog barked at me, prompting the Man to look behind and see me. He did not say anything with his mouth, rather he let his running feet do the talking. My potential buyers didn't want that egg to be shattered or damaged in anyway, so I couldn't really tackle the Man.

Surprisingly he was holding the egg on top of his head while he zig zagged across the crowd. I chased him out of the crowd of people, I stopped for a moment to see he was heading into an apartment building, bursted through the front door. I brought myself to chase him up the stairs, eventually stopping at the top of the roof.

The view from here was eyecatching, you could see the city skyline way up to the north. This is enjoyable unless you're suffering from vertigo.

The Man didn't say much as he knew he was screwed.

The egg was still in his hands, said egg had a bright yellow aura around it, said aura lit up in this ever black and white world.

I popped out an egg from my coat. It was a normal sized egg, but it had a similar aura to the egg the Man was holding. I plunged the normal sized egg into my mouth, swallowing it within one gulp.

The Man grasped onto the Egg with his two hands. Fear was in his eyes, and his legs also talked by moving backwards and standing on the ledge.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I said to the Man, who didn't seem to bother looking at me. "Give me the egg or you can take a long way to fall. Your choice."

He started to lean backwards as I expanded my arms and they began to lunge at the egg. My spring like arms extended as far as the Man's distance, cupping the egg as the Man went on to his fate. The Man certainly didn't sit on a wall, but as I heard a large thud and came over to look at the edge, I could certainly say that the Man had a great big fall.

As my arms brought the egg to me, I spoke into my earpiece. "The Man has taken a fall and is recovering him is out of the question."I have the egg with me."

"What happened to him?" a distorted voice spoke.

"He took the last call to vertigo"

"It is what it is." the voice sighed. "Bring the egg to the Offices."

"Wait" I say as I kneeled down and look around the egg. I then sighed. "The Man put a patch over what seems to be a crack."

"We can't have it leaking." the voice said. "You know what to do."

"Understood", I took out a hammer from my coat.

"This world has sunked into Depression." I say about the black and white surroundings. "No happiness should be contained in this here prison." I remarked about the egg before I swung my hammer at it, igniting the world into a better light.