Boy that entire experience and witnessing of planet Earth was a real doozy. Really blew my mind, as the humans would say. Really took my energy as well, considering I had to move from place to place.
I have enjoyed these last few months, living every day as if it were my last. I've seen people encounter fantastical creatures, I've seen a teenager get his blood drained out from a swimming pool, a man sleep walking to get his night snack, I even saw a guy encounter a bartender who had a spider woman for a wife. Imagine that!
That last person I saw, the one who saw me, the one screaming who I was, that was probably the most interesting human of them all. He saw me when nobody else would, and it's not everyday that happens.
It's strange how he saw me while the people who were bringing him away didn't. Very strange indeed.
I began floating above Earth's atmosphere. The Yellow Flu started to get to me. I felt my inner stomach just twisting and turning. This is how it is.
I have lived a long life even before the Flu, and I was grateful that the universe was kind enough to let me live even now. My eyes sometimes feel like they're in a pot of boiling water, with me blinking most of the time.
It was me against the Flu at this point.
Well, there was also the wind. For some reason I started to feel the wind forcing down on me, eventhough my shape was that of a sphere. My head crashed with a minor part of a wall, part of the atmosphere that is.
Apparently atmospheres have layers. Layers of consumable air. I soon came to a halt at another wall, this one was transparent, and it was a real bugger. I bumped my head against it, testing the hardness of the surface, which went well.
I let out an 'ouch' as I grumbled. The only thing between me and Space was this wall. If I could have found the builder of this wall, I'd scold him for blocking the way of life forms like myself.
Like come on!
I looked up at the yellow ring surrounding my head, the one where it was mistaken as a ring by the last human I saw. Shaking my head, I noticed it started to shake as well.
I turned my head to one side, then I flinged my head to the opposite direction. The ring came out of my head and went at full speed towards the wall.
It broke into a gazillion pieces, scattering around the sky. I grinned and flashed through the broken structure, finding my way into space. No wind was in space, and that equals no downforce for me. I stopped midway, looking at Earth from this distance. It was the blue planet I've always known, and it certainly didn't dissapoint when I first arrived. I got what I wanted, stories to tell my kind before my inevitable death by the Yellow Flu.
Goodbye, Blue Planet!