
The Encounter


I had been in RBP for several months, and I have not been surprised at what I had to witness.

At least before today.

If my brother, who was a clean freak, saw the things I saw in this here mental hospital, then he probably get admitted in here himself.

The filthiness that was scattered around here was beyond dirt on the walls, or the foul odor of somebody's laundry.

No, that kind of filth was still forgivable.

There have been many times where I had to come up as if I had a cape on my back and my superpower to was to rid all filth by yelling out 'Begone filth'

I had to clean dirt from beds, the remains of rat excrement from the floors, cause rats have a tendency to crawl into the patients' rooms through the tiny wall holes, and even one patient's teeth which fell off.

Although its safe to say that I've had the intense cleaning moments. Take the room of Patient #58 for example. I passed by his room one day with my cleaning supplies, then I stopped at the sound of struggles. I positioned my face sideways to his door, my ear trying to pick up what was going on in there. He let out a large moan much to my horror. The room next to his which had Patient #59, said out loud. "He's finally done it ladies and gentleman!! He's finally done his self service!" Trust me when I say that it took hours to clean Patient #58's room from all the white stuff from his inner organs. I was surprised that he even had time to jack off in the first place.

Fast forward to a few days after that mishap, I was sent to wash a part of the large Men's showers on the left side of the hospital. This large place was home to all male and female patients alike, the only real thing keeping them apart is where they shower. Arriving at the Men's shower hall, I took out my mop and began cleaning about. I listened to music on my iPod, the bass of the song burying deep into my eardrums.

Once I had finished mopping, I proceeded to my cart and get my brush. I was baffled that it wasn't there. To think I had it on me.

Just then, somebody tapped my shoulder. I saw a tentacle coming from out of the shower drain holding my brush.

"Thank you." I said before I realized it was a tentacle. My screaming didn't seem to startle the tentacle though.

From my left, another tentacle held me by the collar and brought me to one of the showers, while a third tentacle turned on the water, and a fourth constantly rubbing soap all of me.

Ï am not dirty." I exclaimed but it was no use. It continued to cover my body in soap, before drenching me in cold freezing water.

The tentacles retreated back into the drain, and my brush was placed back onto my cart.

If that thing is still around, then I might as well do the cleaning much much earlier, Or, have one of the patients do it.

Actually, I've thought of something else following this encounter

If Dr. Proctor is reading this, then I demand a vacation! Have somebody else do the cleaning here!