
The Music that was Played


Audio Recording.

I was doing my daily rounds. On myself was my water canteen, the round one that you would see people in movies carry when they're in scorching hot deserts, cause the last thing they need is hallucinating just because they didn't have enough water to soften their mind.

Don't forget that most of the human body consists of water, so if there isn't any water, then I'm afraid you're done for. Although seeing how this entire building has at least three air conditioned airvent with in each hallway, heat wasn't my biggest worry.

It was the constant noise I would hear from time to time. Screams left and right just ringing in my ears. That was the majority of noise that is actually loud here. Patients who are either in pain, physically or mentally, or maybe they're not use to getting needles into their skin.

There was however one patient that struck my mind: Patient #81.

I had been here for almost 2 years and I had never heard him scream, even when he had to go through therapy or get a needle in him. On one particular day, I passed by his room, and I stopped as soon as I heard a melody of instruments. First there was a violin, played so elegantly.

Initially, I had no interest in dwelling, then I began to hear the rising sound of bass. I knocked on his door, and he opened. That white face of his was striking, and he looked at me with big eyes.

"Did you play any instruments in you room." I asked. He simply shook his head and closed the door.

I thought that was the end of that, until I went past back his room again. This time I oculd hear a parade of instruments playing. Violins accompanied with flutes, basses, drums, trumpets at one point.

I opened his door's room. He was just sitting on the bed.

As soon as I closed the door, the music played again. I opened again, and he was still there. The process repeated until I couldn't take it anymore.

By this time, I yanked his door open, and I finally saw it. Humanoid figures coming out of the wall playing a symphony in front of him. They all looked at me with confused eyes. Well, the figures didn't really have eyes.

I gave in, and told them to continue playing as I brought myself to sit next to the patient and listen to the figures play.

"That was nice." I told the patient as I exited his room, seeing how I should get back to work. He gave a small "you're welcome" as I went out. My throat felt dry, and I took some water for myself from my canteen. The music that was played in the beginning was still going on as I drank myself for refreshment.

By the time I filled myself with water, the music stopped, for good.