The first thing I did by the time I woke up was not the time to look at myself in the mirror, or stretch my arms, or think that this was going to be another day similar to that of yesterday.
It was falling down, and I wasn't referring to the metaphor.
My face fell flat onto the ceiling which was now the ground and my floor where my bed was became the new ceiling, at least temporarily.
Though I was shaken and my mind was going frantic at what was going on, I had prefer not to panic, not to scream immedietely like the hysterics portrayed in disaster movies. I am a teen but I do not shout as if I just learnt how to swear.
Taking deep breaths, I calmed myself as I began to slowly walk on the new floor, opening my now upside down window.
Outside, I could see the trees were still being held down by gravity. Some of the people were as confused as I, yet all of their feet were till on the surface. They were all standing like me, eventhough we all know that the world has taken a roll, literally.
"Hey there." an older man called out to me. He had a great bushy beard. "What's up?" after he asked that, he looked at the sky.
I chuckled in spite of the current position myself and the rest of these people are in. Sometimes I wonder why is it I live in Storm Falls in the first place. If you do ask me that question, then the best answer I can give is the cheesiest one: cause I got nowhere else to go, money wise I got enough to live here.
Apparently somebody pulled a certain Lever that determines the position of the Earth, or this side of Storm Falls. Said Lever was used to alter the town's position towards certain weather conditions, like the sun, floods, etc. Kinda like an angular making device. I was told to wait.
Fine by me, I guess, it is what it is.
I know, I know. It does seem weird, me not panicking or questioning what on earth is going on here.
But to be honest, I've been through those kinds of situations, and questioning things just makes my brain hurt, and I don't need that right now.
I started waiting by going home, going through the window where I first went outside. I spent some hours just reading through the novels I haven't finished. Some I just started new, others were me continuing to read them.
Funny, I could do the majority of stuff here while my parents are away. Going to the toilet was a bit hard if I was honest considering I had to hold it in.
I felt the world turning back, and I fell back onto my bed.
Whoever told me patience was golden had a point, but right now I just made my way straight to the bathroom.