Reed woke up eyes wide opened, the entire space around him was white, and there were gray lines everywhere. Said lines were supposed to connect to one another, but they were incomplete.
His window for instance, was not fully formed, it was missing the lower bit of the frame, yet it was still standing, although it wasn't colored. As he touched it, he felt a soft surface, almost paper like, and the lines seemed like they were drawn.
"DId the Electric Bungalow had something to do with this?" He muttered to himself as he went to his bathroom, which, was covered in pencil marks, almost as if he were in a storyboard. Looking into his simple oval mirror, he shrieked at his face.
It was just a circle, and his body was extremely thin. Moving to a larger mirror in his bedroom, he saw his figure.
"A stickman?" He said at his view. "A STICKMAN?"
Reed ran towards the liviing room, where he saw the safe being 2 dimensional now. Opening it, he frowned and had someone in mind as he turned his head to the 2 dimensional stairs. "Brother!"
"Yes Reed?" the younger brother of Reed went down, and like his elder brother, was a stickman as well.
"Did you or did you not take the money in the safe?"
The younger brother stammered in nervousness. "I was really hungry so I had to use it to buy food at the market, you know how it is."
"There's only ¼ left for the budget. Did you a quarter of the supermarket there?" Reed demanded.
"No! Of course not. OKAY, maybe I did buy a bit too much, but it might last for months."
THere was a silence between the two stickmen.
"Do you know what this means?" Reed asks as his younger brother only responded with a tilt of his head. "No budget means no scenery, no proper anatomy for our bodies, and worst of all, we can't pay the writer writing this flash fiction?"
"We're inside a flash fiction?" The younger brother said as he touched a hard surface. "Hey, you think people can see us? Wow!"
Reed only sighed, the stickman figure and aesthetic was all he had for now, at least until he can get the budget to make himself human again.