
Karmic Sleep

I could not sleep, for the things I did.

I remember the previous hours, where my accomplice and I had robbed the seemingly wealthy home within a South Jakarta borough. The place was up for grabs, a gold mine waiting to be raided.

The thing about robberies, is that we're only there for the items that we could also sell back by the time we got our hands on them.

Unfortunately, my partner failed to understand that.

The home we robbed belonged to a a family of 4. The parents having 2 children who seemed to still be in elementary. At the hour of night, we went inside the back window, just after we helped each other get over the fence they had.

Rather unfortunately, as we took items in the living room, the father was accompanying his son to get a drink in the kitchen.

My partner took out his hammer, and struck the father. He held the boy down to the floor. THe boy's screams attracted the mother and the boy's sister. The two were mortified by the sight as my partner exclaimed. "You scream and he gets it. I don't care. We're not here for you. Get down here, now." He said as the mother and daughter didn't comply. "Now I'll bash your son's head in."

We gathered the family into a corner, my partner gripping the hammer and keeping watch on them as I scavenged the rooms, gaining jewelry and other expensive accessories: the phones of the family members included.

Then I heard a scream. Coming down from the stairs I saw the father struggle with my partner. "Help me!" my partner said as the father wanted to get the hammer.

My heart beating faster than normal, I scurried over to the kitchen and grabbed one of the knives in the knife holder. THe father tried to hit me with the hammer which he succesfully got but I slashed his arm. His wife screaming, "Stop! Just go! You got what you want."

"Give me that." my partner shouted as he took the knife and plunged it into the father's abdomen. He then kicked the body to the family in the corner, the children mortified and crying. "Now we go." And just like that we were out.

At this point the family's screams still haunt me. I had trouble sleeping in bed just hours after we raided the house. I tried closing my eyes, all while I was imagining I was counting sheep, like characters do in cartoons when they're in bed, a different type of sleep.

But I felt the room around me got smaller as I began breathing rather closely to a surface. Opening my eyes, total darkness. No moonlight was seen. When I touched the surface above me, I banged my hands on it, and some dirt came falling down near me.

I was buried alive in a coffin, and I screamed out of this seemingly placement of karma toward me.