
Cleaning up Dirt

The Head Doctor hated the Dirty substance, hated it with a passion. Burning hatred fueled his brain and body as as saw the row of the poor souls corrupted by the outside world.

Day by day, month after month he would personally inspect a Patient's brain. Temporarily separating it from their body, said body was hooked up to a machine to stabalize them until the Doctor had finished what he had to do.

Social media, misunderstandings, exchange of words, people, he thought. "People" was embedded into the Doctor's own thoughts, it was stuck there, stuck there ever since he grasped the concept of mental health and illness.

Thoughts that were darker than night itself, the corrupt ideas that plague the human mind and soul.

Some people the Doctor knew were quite, ignorant. Ignorant in terms of facing problems. "Just get over it." some would say. "Life goes on." they also exclaimed.

They were right to a certain extent, thought the doctor, but getting rid of something that crawls into your brain wasn't as easy snapping your fingers or reciting the alphabet from A to Z. People needed a process, their brains needed a process from their sunken issues to the glorious amazing vibrance of positivity.

Nimble, as weird as the being may be, was a blessing in the Doctor's case, for the machine he was using and the new tools used to cleanse the human brain and mind.

The Doctor was using the HBB - Human Brain Brush, onto the brain of his current patient, he dipped the brush in Positive Soap water. The dirt, consisting of Anxiety, Depression and other negative feelings, was gone within seconds, all he took for the Doctor was to give the brain a hard scrub.

He looked at the row of patients just outside his office. People of all ages, different in many ways except for their common case of mental illness. The Doctor grinned, as there were more to clean.