Chapter 4 : ' Morning ' meeting of Sundaya and ' morning ' unacceptance
Queen Destiny snarls as her way of yawning as she stretches and wags her furry , long tail in jolly ! She continues to snarls , allowing her golden/yellow , bright , fluffy , furry back turn away from - either what is to come out of her view. , showing that as far as she can see from her family den. She doesn't seem to care about what's out there - ' if ' for her , and what's not in her view.
When she overhears something collapse onto the stone , rock mixed , dark gray ground she quickly turns her long , furry back around in alarm - in her usual encroached , deadly , furry position , and sees a dead antelope. , then looks ahead seeing a beefy , fluffy and buff , furry appearance - colored in all dark black , from the bright , shiny rays in the sky in Sundaya.
She just ' had ' to know and ' had ' to think about it to her furry self. How ' did ' he get a dead antelope if cheetahs are fast enough than lions and known to eat antelope ?
Then a thought shoots out of her furry head when another thought backed her questioning thought up. Could he ' really ' have gotten help from either a large part of Tawn's collision to Kipster's ? , or any other cats collision in Sundaya than her very , very large elite force of furry , huge lioness ?
He spoke knocking her thought out with the popping sound of a bubble in her furry head.
Uncle : " What's in front of you is none other than your breakfast my dear. Belly up. "
Queen Destiny bends down and starts to smell the failure of suffocation , dead carcass while looking at the furry , thick figure. With thick , black eyes stuck into an endless , forever daze as if in shock. , and skinny , long ' n limper , furry body laid out in front of her backwards. Front , long , bony looking - since the female antelope's bones can be seen , stuck out away from her legs. And long , furry legs pointed downward away from the arms but pointing directly at her , looking like it does not have enough meat on it's bones at all.
He continues to talk hearing her soft , yet unique smells coming from her furry , snout/nose.
Uncle : " It's fresh .. not poison. "
Queen Destiny : " No thanks ... "
Stopping her usual , dirty snarls , she stands up on only her furry , long , hind legs about to walk out of the family den. , but stops in her furry , hind footsteps when her Uncle continues to speak as if he came in front of her blocking her way and view. In response , she brought her furry , right arm/paw up close and above her furry chin and furry head as if frozen in movement and her furry body almost leans back uncomfortably to the diagonal right. , startled into a jump without saying anything.
Giving her Uncle a : " What do you think you're doing ? " furry look.
Uncle : " I can see you are ' still ' defensive about what went wrong last night. Hm , we ' all ' .. were out of line yesterday. "
Queen Destiny : * in her furry head * " I really wonder if Flaunt's got to you like I planned , but that'll be an interesting thought to save for later. - .. Unc. "
Queen Destiny : ( in fury ) " Nooo. - ! There you go ' bout putting Flaunti in this royal nonsense when this clearly is all of your furry , royal doings ! , dragging me in your * she air quotes with the both of her furry , big , front paws * " furry " , traditional ways of a lioness's lifestyle , like I wanted this into my furry life ! I hope you are not forgetting that I had no choice but to step up when others felt like crying , standing in the furry , back ground ! "
Queen Destiny : " This is ' my life ' and I'm entitled to ' my ' opinion and to live it ' my way ' the same way you live yours ! This - as always , is all you Uncle ! "
Uncle responds innocently almost as if he just ignored EVERYTHING that his granddaughter : Queen Destiny , has just said.
Uncle : " Don't be a picky and grumpy guppy now. Every Queen must eat. "
Queen Destiny : " I don't eat leftovers. "
She folds her heavy looking , arms/paws over her big built , furry chest from furry head to furry , hind leg. , swirling her furry , long tail to the left , furry side behind her widened hip from behind her. Her furry , long , hind legs close turning forward at the view out of the family den instead of towards her Uncle a small gap to the left , sitting upright confidently near by her. , keeping his calm , gray eyes at the view instead of meeting his grand daughter's challenging dark/light brown eyes.
Uncle : " Only at the stomach length is gone. "
Queen Destiny : " The stomach's the best part ! "
Uncle : " I looked at that antelope long and hard. Believe me , I saw some good parts that are second best. "
Queen Destiny : " I don't settle for second best. , this is something you should know about me by now. I'll wait until lunchtime. I'm not that hungry anyway. "
She walks on all furry , long fours pass her Uncle below hopping over overlapping rocks and keeping a sharp , furry eye out for cracks hidden in rocks.
Uncle : " You know , Flaunti ' was ' concerned about you last night. "
Queen Destiny stops , faces her Uncle and spoke feeling hesitantly and quite surprised. Only her furry head turned to look at Uncle while her furry , long body is pointed to the path ahead of her. In mixed feelings , she arches her right , furry eyebrow over her dark/light brown eye as if angry and confused , keeping her left , furry , dark/light brown eye still with a blank , '' blink '' in response.
In three , slow seconds she slowly turns her furry , long body to Uncle putting her furry , front arms/paws over a stone step that is skipped ahead before reaching Uncle and her furry , long , hind legs is over another , skipped stone step.
She meets his gray eyes in deep , concerned curiosity.
Queen Destiny : " H-ee was ? "
Uncle : " Oh certainly yes. "
Queen Destiny : " Do you happen to know why ? "
Uncle : " You can only know for sure if you ask him. "
Queen Destiny : " What is today's agenda ? "
Uncle : " There will be a meeting about the King regulations of Sundaya this afternoon. "
Queen Destiny : " Ugh .. there's more. , and I'm ' still ' trying to accept the last thing you just told me. "
Queen Destiny : * sighs deeply *
She takes her furry , long arms/paws away from a stone , step with a sound * pat ! * in response as she moves her furry , long body back and smoothly swings her furry , long , hind legs onto the stone step she's now on. , not meeting Uncle's furry , alarmed gaze.
She sits upright confidently turning her furry head away from Uncle coming off more interested in looking at the view ahead of her since that's where she would rather be as of right now.
Uncle : " It will take place by myself and your throne."
Queen Destiny : ( says sarcastically ) " Forgive of me for not leaping into action .. not looking forward to it or really caring you know. ( stops being sarcastic ) - Well that's too bad. , and to think you ' would ' have a cheerful Queen looking forward to such good , royal and kingly news like this. - "
Queen Destiny : " Least that's the way I get in other furry cases. , just NOT this one or seeing why I even should consider the furry thought of it either. "
Uncle : " Lighten up my Destiny , you need to accept things for the way they are and go with it. You might like it. "
Queen Destiny : " Oh please , what would I like about random , male lions being grabby against one another , just so I can end up being ' their ' furry prize only to rule Sundaya as my King ? ! "
Uncle : " It's entertaining ! "
Queen Destiny squints her furry , dark/light brown eyes at Uncle into a : " Now you're just being annoying " furry look in silence.
Uncle : " Don't you like the combat , dominance , blood and t-the kill ? ! "
The ' same ' furry look almost seems to NEVER leave Queen Destiny's furry , vain face again.
Queen Destiny : " You're dumb for that , but I hate to admit that part of this is true. , it ' does ' come off rather sweet , persistent and loveable - oh I'm sure Uncle , but ... ? * shutter like * oooooo-h , now I'm starting to sound like Mavs now ! "
Queen Destiny : " If anything at all really , I refuse to go ' bout carrying myself into a wild , dirty way of a lioness like that's what I'm suppose to be selling for all male lions in Sundaya to see. , yet I ' STILL ' don't think you seem to understand how worse and stronger my opinion gets when you discuss this with me. "
Uncle : " You are very smart to forfend them if they do consider your intentions to be mistaken and misinterpreted. That won't happen. "
Queen Destiny : ' You ' don't seem to get it or listen too well * pauses * , do you ! You know what ? Sure Uncle ! Luck does suddenly seem to be a very good , darn word to use in this case. , so you'll do me a furry favor : ( in serious demand ) by handling this royal , furry crap all on your own .. since me : Desi just had to be the only , furry lioness - closer to Mama , to end up being in Sundaya as Queen. I mean .. if this is your way of an apology .. for what you have done or ALL you have done for the past eleven years in Sundaya of my furry life as well as ten years of Flaunti's and the rest of the years between Cassy , Miss Sassy and Dal combined ; then I won't EVER forgive you : UNLESS I've gone completely crazy. "
She leaves the rock area away from the family den turning left. , walking slowly , heading for herself and her Uncle's throne where Kip always is , not quite out of sight yet.
Uncle : " Okay. "
Queen Destiny : " Thanks alot Uncle. , you just made my day. And the day ( raises her voice ) just started a few seconds ago ! "
Uncle : " Love you too ! "
He smiles at his grand daughter's easily spotted yellow/golden , bright , furry figure then laughs finding her quick to anger reaction to her situation funny. Then his laugh weakens as he spoke up to himself.
Uncle : " What ' am I ' .. going to do with her ? "
With agility , he dashes not to the area where Tawny's territory is or where the cats play one of Queen Destiny's playful , famous , royal games but to the area of his grand daughter's tower , further into the grassy plains where you would see elephants , giraffe , gazelles , zebras , hyenas , wildebeest with their off spring and cheetahs in yellow blades of grass stalking their prey. , looking like they stood there all day with a pond of water near by.
By Queen Destiny's throne ,
Kip sat upright looking around. , vigorously searching for the Queen.
When Queen Destiny reaches Kip , he spoke gland handedly as she hops onto her royal throne then lazily lies on top of her furry arm rest attached to her throne. Her long , furry , hind legs over her left arm rest in a dangled fashion and the rest of her furry body from up lies over her right arm rest stopping at her broad , furry shoulders.
Her furry head from the mid center is placed on the right arm rest , over and slightly dangled over the other arm rest. Furry , long arms attached to her big paws. She flashes her furry , left paw out in front of her in a narcissistic way as a soft * clang ! * of her claws pops out of her paw and into the air.
Her right , furry arm attached to her paw crossed over her big built chest under her hidden but shown furry , double " D " breasts. She keeps her furry head back with her dark/light brown , furry eyes closed as if they are supposed to be looking at the open , cloudy , baby blue sky.
Kip : " Morning miss highness ! So , how did you and your Uncle's chat went ? "
Queen Destiny : ( low toned ) " Now .. is NOT the time to ask of me something like that relevant to my royal family Kipster. "
Kip : ( sad and apologetically ) " What happened ? "
She continues to speak as she sits upright cross ' n long , hind legged with her furry , long back straight as possible and furry , front paws after long , furry arms cross into a smooth " X " shape flip. , over to the furry , open palm with furry paws that each have claws curled close next to one another. , that sit from one furry side to the other in her lap. Her furry , long tail that curls out into the air and dangles a skinny gap between her ladder attached to her throne and her right , arm rest.
Queen Destiny : " See , my Uncle wants me to have a King and he's been coming at me towards this after or ever since my furry , ninth birthday. , and even before enough to get a piece of my Mama to once ask me : " Have you decided on your King yet or do ' we ' need to decide for you ? " type of conversation while Dad starts to get concerned and then pushes at the royal , furry matter with me as well. , though ( sarcastic ) " Oh noo .. " ( stops being sarcastic ) I'd NEVER thought my Dad would start to see things the furry , sick way my Uncle sees of them considering he's the understanding type and , "
Queen Destiny : " I just ' know ' he's knows I really don't need or want a lion as King of Sundaya. I've ruled for soo long without a king. , what would even make of him think .. that I suddenly ' must ' have a lion by my right , furry side or left , furry throne - " * she gestures the royal , furry action to Kip with an elegant sway of her long , furry arm. , as Kip playfully mouths to her : " Your highness , " while bowing down with his very long , furry body in a straight line facing her and furry , big head is placed furry chin first onto the dirt ground. , then sits upright like her usual , obedient , furry guards that are always by her furry sidelines in respect of the Queen's furry presence. , then he chuckles softly and titters some more girlish like silently. , while using his furry , long , right paw to shove off the furry matter with a silent : " Pffft ! " included in the air. , then puts down his long , furry , right paw onto the dirt ground.
Queen Destiny : " This all does ' NOT ' seem to make any furry sense. "
Kip stares up at Queen Destiny while ignoring the sound of a cricket in the background. , as he cocks his furry head/face in innocence. , then the cricket sound stops when Kip starts to speak up - gently as always , again.
Kip : " Then what ? "
Queen Destiny : " Then Uncle and I were discussing the matters of Sundaya one minute , then it went to royal family lies and secrets but eventually - in which , was .. rather quick .. : Flaunti came in , and things went out of control ! "
Kip : * heartbroken like - in a hushed whisper and furry , big head cocks backwards at the furry thought of it , as if he didn't understand what Queen Destiny just said a second ago * " He goes and does .. whaat ? ! "
Queen Destiny : " After the argument , I didn't speak to any of them for the rest of the night. "
Kip : " Oh ... I'm so very sorry Desi. "
Queen Destiny : * weak , furry smiles at Kip * " I am too. Yeah Kipster ..... - why you make it seem like you definitely can do something ' bout this now ... "
Kip : ( grows serious by an instant ) " Yes , I ' can. ' "
She looks at the determined gleam in her best , lion pal's and number one : royal , best , furry servant after Daunnie ; deep , dark , neon green , furry , fearless eyes that are familiar to her dark/light brown , fearless eyes and is like looking into ' her ' dark/light brown , furry eyes herself.
She spoke up at a great loss of furry energy now.
Queen Destiny : " Me too Kip , me too. "
Kip : " Why I ' STILL ' can't believe it. , you're putting up with the same , furry thing ever since you and I were furry cubs. I remember back in those days we used to ignore things like that and imagine you and I alone in Sundaya and include the most furry , yet critical cats - ONLY when we really want to , a part of us. We knew that would make us feel happy and enjoyable even if we simply can't seem to take exception to the messed up phases of our furry lives. "
Kip : " ' This ' has got to be the most ugliest , gordian's knot I have ever listened to .. and witnessed. "
Queen Destiny : " It's ' like ' you have no idea. "
She spoke up in excitement as she opens a small sized box then throws the top and bottom box elsewhere.
Queen Destiny : " Ooh ! , that's nice ! "
But her spirit easily dies out.
Kip spoke up biddably like.
Kip : " We ' should ' do something about this. , just one day - and give me this blessing Desi , I'll say a thing or two to your Uncle and any other cats joining along the way all for you and many more to think of , " * blushes more deeply at what he just said to Queen Destiny *
Queen Destiny spoke some more as she hops off of her royal throne onto only her furry , long , hind legs. She slowly walks but struts to Kip in her usual strut of slow ' n sexy , furry , widened , womanly hips as the itty bitty piece of her long , furry tail rapidly swishes about left and right in the back ground of an excited , golden blur.
She stops being very close in front of Kip with her furry , long , crossed arms attached to her paws over her furry , long , tall body. , furry , long tail in poise.
Queen Destiny : " Aw Kip .. you're - say , I bet if you give me another furry day I just ' may ' let you up onto that now. " * smiles at Kip love like then winks at him *
Kip : * starts to purr alittle then - * * ! : at the sound of himself purring , then has pep talk with himself in his furry , big head * '' ' I ' thought I vowed to myself that I wasn't suppose to do that when I'm with Desi. But I don't know if I can anymore. , she's just so beauti - "
Kip stops himself in his furry thoughts just as he overhears her voice while she begins to tie a yellow hair bow onto her bright , yellow/golden tail then examines it as if it were dancing. , even if her long , furry tail is swishing about and twirling. , then to the diagonal right of the dirt ground like a ribbon used for rhythmic gymnastics.
Queen Destiny : ' I ' don't want you to go through all of this trouble and nonsense just for my royal , furry commitment and doings. , this is what I get for opening my furry , big mouth ! None of this would've happened if I hadn't said : " I'll reconsider " to my other family members now that my Mama and Dad has left Flaunt and I permanently here in Sundaya ! "
Kip speaks up reasonably just as Queen Destiny folds her furry , long arms over her furry , slim built but big boned chest. , and narrows her dark black eyebrows over her dark/light brown eyes looking away from him. And curled up , shiny eyelashes slightly move through emotion.
Kip : " I know you're NOT allowing your past to eat you all up now. I know of what happened when you and Flaunti were young. I know the whole story , I understand your furry emotions and how you had an opinion of Flaunti's when it is seen in his blue eyes. You and I both know that our furry bond is like twins. I feel whatever you feel , I sense what you feel AFTER it is shown in your furry , physical appearance. , or onto your furry face. But right now , I need you in the present and the future with me. I feel you're more than just a furry twin in my furry eyes. "
Kip takes her furry , right paw into his furry , right paw.
Queen Destiny : ( hurt and sincere like ) " Oh Kipster , * she shakes her furry head left and right at the furry thought * you shouldn't - noo. "
Kip : " I ' should. ' I'm stuck with you forever anyway. If this may seem too bad for either of us , but I'd go crazy if I can't spend every , heart aching moment without you. "
Queen Destiny : ( warm hearted like ) " Thanks Kipster , I .. feel well now. "
She squeezes Kip's furry , right paw in return then throws her left , long , furry arm and hugs Kip tightly. , while her furry head lays by his furry , left , buff shoulder. She nuzzles into his furry neck as if kissing Kip.
Kip : " Yeah Desi ? , do you really ? Because of me ? "
In closed , furry eyes she softly responds.
Queen Destiny : " Like living in an endless dream with you , yes. "
Her furry , long back is turned to look at her birthday gifts pile. She releases Kip completely just as he closes his dark , deep , neon green eyes leaning in to snout kiss Queen Destiny. , who walks closer and continues gazing at her birthday gifts pile seeing her next , lucky , small sized , box shaped victim to her advantage.
A messed up record player comes into the background just as Kip opens his dark , deep , neon green eyes. , to see Queen Destiny has released from his furry grip and is found with her furry , long back turned to her birthday gifts pile leaning forward for a closer look. , but giving each and every one birthday gift their undivided attention.
Kip speaks up to himself in his furry head.
Kip : " Then - as always , she hypnotizes me , then leaves. * purrs again alittle * * then : ! * * ! : gets alarmed again in his furry head * Dang ! "
Kip : * blushes red in furry thought * " Your highness , I've been wanting to tell you something for so very long like the day when we very first met as cubs. All my life I've felt this way so strongly for you .. I just - ... * sighs deeply * I think I love y - "
He is interrupted when Queen Destiny spoke in a hurry giving him a warning.
Queen Destiny : " Birthday gifts , avvalanchhhhe ! "
Queen Destiny manages to avoid her collapsing birthday gifts that come down all together in one , huge tidal wave and the ones that came early. When the gifts hit the hard , solid , dirt ground , Queen Destiny leaps at the right moment just when the wind currents come by. , letting it carry her , waiting to land whenever the birthday gifted avalanche chooses to stop it's raging impact. , then bounces upon impact in disturbance onto the dirt ground.
Kip didn't appear so lucky.
She spoke getting up and dusting herself off.
Queen Destiny : " Yes I made it ! * light , sweet cackles * , ha ha ! "
Kip : " Mmm-hmm-mmmh ? "
Queen Destiny : " Am I really hearing things ? * looks around her * Whom said that ? "
Now is the time she feels to open the plain , orange box in her right , furry paw.
She opens the box then spoke.
Queen Destiny : * gasps * " A yellow bow that'll match the one on my tail ! But it's polka dotted. Oh well ... "
She neatly puts a yellow , polka dotted designed , hair bow in her dark black bangs of her long , furry mane that is coming from her furry forehead. , letting her fluffy , hair strands lay on the right side of her dark/light brown eye.
Queen Destiny : " I just feel I forgot something. Oh yes , Kip ! " * gasps in shock *
Queen Destiny on all furry , long fours , hurriedly spoke up as she quickly searches through her birthday gifts pile making a huge mess around the area. Rapidly throwing about flying , gift wrapped boxes that scatter colorfully around her Uncle and her royal throne area almost looking like a broken exit of a children's ball pin after the colorful balls have fallen out of the huge cage.
Queen Destiny : " Kip where are you ? Come on out ! "
Kip : " Follow my voice. "
Queen Destiny looks both ways as if crossing the street : wildlife style but confused. Nothing.
Kip : " Colder. "
Queen Destiny moves up.
Kip : " Warmer. "
Queen Destiny keeps moving.
Kip : " Warmer , warmer , red hot , so hot , smoking hot ! "
Queen Destiny : ( happy and playful toned ) " There you are ! "
At this moment , Queen Destiny is pulling Kip's long , furry tail since it's the only way to get him out. , even ' if ' he is ' still ' stuck and Queen Destiny's birthday gifts are ' still ' stacked upon him. , pass his furry , big head surrounding around it and covering the rest of his very long , furry body. , except long , furry tail stuck out straight and pulled plainly into Queen Destiny's furry , gripped paws in a straight line in front of her.
Kip : " Ow ! , Ow ! , Ow ! , Ow ! , Ow ! , Ow ! , OOOW ! , Ow ! , Geez ! "
Queen Destiny : " Lion it up Kip ! , almost got you ! "
Finally , Queen Destiny gets Kip out causing him to find himself walking a certain direction he chooses not to go. , and ends up hitting a place male lions SHOULDN'T hit at a near by exotic , tall , palm tree whether by self defense or just an accident.
Kip : " Oooh ! , heeee ! "
He squeals in pain as his dark , deep , left , neon green eye twitches in a crazy like , twitchy way and his other dark , neon green eye remains in a frozen blink as he goes down hard like a broken , angry tree during a hurricane. , and onto the dirt ground with a hard , very dusty * thud ! * while his furry , long , hind legs shoot up in the air that seem like furry sticks at first.
Queen Destiny spoke up - to herself , but her voice lowers down , close to finishing her sentence when she almost steps on a royal purple , small sized , box shaped gift onto the dirt ground with her furry , long , hind leg.
Queen Destiny : " Kip , are you .. - ( in low murmurs ) okay ... ? "
The Queen of Sundaya picks up the royal purple , box shaped gift with her left , furry paw then groves it with her paws as she reversed.
* Flashback *
Tawny's voice echoes : " I have a little somethin ' , somethin' for your upcoming or future troubles. "
Tawny's voice echoes : " Hey beautiful. "
* Thunder flashes angrily *
Tawny turns his furry , very long back to her looking over his furry , buff , strong , left shoulder with his normal , sick twisted , foul tempered , furry , murderous look that Queen Destiny could ever possibly imagine. With his furry , left , long arm and pawed claw brought up to his furry face with long , gray claws unleashed and his right , furry arm behind his furry , very long back but near by his furry , very long tail - pawed claw unleashed exposing more of his long and sharp claws that are pointed downward. Furry , very long tail swishing to the left of his furry side and furry hip - that seems to shy itself from being seen at the furry tip. Overly long , pushed back , light reddish orange , golden/mixed mane dancing constantly into the air. Curtaining medium sized , very light , hazel pearls that gleam through his many , hair strands. Eyes that say : " I will kill you in any way I possibly can ONLY ' if ' you are after my Desi in any manner possible. , and I pro-miss-e you : that you will not see daylight in Sundaya ever again. " Eyes that speak to her saying : " We're exactly the same. , don't you see beautiful ? "
His mischievous but proud , furry grin comes to mind as a caricature.
* Flashback Over *
Queen Destiny : ( to herself ) " What ' did ' he get me .... mmmm ... "
She turns to look at Kip who keeps on squealing in pain and prancing about while holding his furry personal in the background from the very left to right. She smiles at him through a soft chuckle at Kip to herself then looks at the box Tawny gave her as a birthday gift.
She spoke again to herself.
Queen Destiny : " Mmmm , Kip is sooo genial and Tawn , very frenetic. * sighs almost hopelessly * How ' am I ' suppose to get out of this ? , or what .. isn't to get out of. "
Seeing that she has nothing to lose , she unties the dark purple , silk made string that was neatly tied into a bow and opens the box. Her brown and dark/light brightened eyes widen in slight shock as she took out a ' real ' , golden , ankle bracelet into her furry , left paw as it gleams into the fading , white light from the sky. Hung out in front of her but over three , furry , clawed paws instead of her furry , fourth thumb. , and holding the purple box with all furry , clawed paws into her right , furry paw and the cover pushed to the side of the box over her furry thumb. , by her right , furry , widened hip.
She spoke once more.
Queen Destiny : " O-ooh my , I love it. ( in low murmurs ) Oooh , I can't believe I just said that. , and this is Tawn's gift we're talking about here ... "
Queen Destiny : ( normal voice to herself ) " Oh there's words ! , ( softly ) It says : " The only one that is just like me .. is you. " "
She blushes red as she puts the ankle bracelet in the royal purple , small sized box then throws it onto her throne. She turns her furry head/face and furry , tall body to Kip who is still in the background then spoke up raising her voice.
Queen Destiny : " Kip , you alright ? "
Kip lies down onto the dirt ground looking ahead into the cloudy , baby blue sky as he spoke up raising his voice.
Kip : " Yup ! , I'm good. "
Queen Destiny : " Come on then. "
She begins to walk on all furry , long fours but stops and sees a quick , in a rush , furry figure run to her.
The quick , in a rush , furry figure spoke aloud to her.
Daunnie : " Your highness ! , your highness ! , your highness ! "
Queen Destiny : ( spoke up to herself ) " Ugh , it is not easy being a Queen. And I put up with ' this ' every , other .. day. "
Daunnie : " I forgot how to stop running ! "
This makes the Queen confused as she arches her right , furry , dark black eyebrow while twitching her left , furry , dark/light , brown eye in craziness.
She raises her voice.
Queen Destiny : " All you have to do is trot ! , that's ' how ' you stop ! "
She quickly trots out of the way , coming to an obvious feeling that she'll stop with a crash.
Daunnie : " I forgot how to do that too ! , Inccomminnng ! "
With the sounds of a car crash , Daunnie runs into Kip as they both roll like a huge sized , tennis ball hitting the dirt ground every passing second soon to hit a tropical , slim body of a tennis racket. , with the sound of bowling pins colliding roughly into one another loudly. Very soon , Daunnie and Kip did. But the palm tree ' did ' seem to have a mind of it's own as multiple numbered , angry coconuts begin to fall on Kip and Daunnie's furry heads having NO control of where it'll land. Or caring what's below the palm tree.
Queen Destiny sighs deeply as she puts her furry head/face down in shame , while closing her dark/light , brown eyes.
Kip spoke aloud to Daunnie in frustration.
Kip : " Ow ! , come on ! "
He sits up beside the right side of the palm , tall tree even if his furry , long , hind legs are spaced out into a big gap in front of him adorably and furry , long arms/paws pressed onto the dirt ground in front of his very long chest and furry body with his furry , long back slightly slouched. He shakes his furry , very long mane after every second while rubbing the right side of his furry forehead where there's pain as if it'll make it better while the tip of his furry , very long tail swish slowly left and right in the background , but behind the palm tree.
Even if a whole lot of coconuts are scattered and surrounded by him onto the dirt ground. , and dark/light green leaves that have rained all over Daunnie and himself joining the coconuts.
Daunnie fiercely remarks to Kip as she pulls herself out between Kip and the coconuts. , then belly flops - furry stomach first , onto the dirt ground heavily with the sound of a * Doh-bing-a-ding-a-ding ! * , even if the sound goes heavy first then goes soft.
Daunnie : " I did say incoming. I bought you time Kip ! "
Kip : ( in a painful , temporary state ) " Nice to see you too Daunnie ... "
He sighs deeply as he slowly stands up with furry , hind , slowly tucked legs first the same time he gets up to sit upright but slouching abit. And furry , long , front arms/paws a skinny gap in between one another but over his very long , furry body. He begins to shake his very long , wild mane as if there are green leaves and dirt inside then slouches his furry , long back while licking his furry , left paw then rubs his furry , big head against it , then repeats the same process.
His furry , body language giving off an " I don't care " message but is always facing towards Queen Destiny's furry , long body.
Queen Destiny : " What's up Daun ? "
Daunnie trots up to Queen Destiny then stops three meters in front of her. , while Kip remains by and under the palm tree alone while still licking his furry , left paw and rubbing his furry , big head against it in silence with the cutest yet weirdly sounded , soft purrs. Not caring to acknowledge Daunnie who recently arrives or even follows Queen Destiny's every move.
Daunnie : " T-The meeting of Sundaya. It's about to start ! Every ' lion ' and ' lioness ' is on their way here ! "
Queen Destiny : " Tell me that did not just happen ... "
Kip chuckles aloud still girlish at what Queen Destiny just said in the background.
Daunnie turns her furry head/face to look back at Queen Destiny after turning her furry head to look at Kip who ' still ' focuses on his furry , left paw with his furry head/face back down as if not knowing Daunnie was looking at him. , or Queen Destiny.
Queen Destiny hops onto her royal throne again and throws her furry self onto it again. Over her furry arm/paw rest and her furry bum inside her seat. With her long , fluffy tail sticking out straight almost reaching her straight , directed ladder. Like before ; furry , long , hind legs dangling over her left arm rest and her furry head abit dangling over her furry , right arm rest. , but the difference is she folds her furry , big paws onto the mid center of her furry , slim chest and her furry , long elbows sticking out to looking like thick , backward , ninety degree , dark black angles.
Forgetting about Tawny's royal purple boxed gift just for her by the right side of her arm rest. Ignored.
Queen Destiny : ( barely sounding like a question ) " Do clean that avalanche gift nonsense up , will you ? "
Daunnie : " I wish I could , but this is no dream. Your Uncle's on his way. And Tawny ... "
Kip rolls his dark , deep , neon green eyes then sighs in disgust. Then a dark black question mark appears instantly over his furry , big head. , while looking at Daunnie then to Queen Destiny trot rushing to her without being aware that Daunnie has left him and Queen Destiny is back on her royal throne again.
Queen Destiny : * blushes red , but stops fast * " Stop it .. let's get a move on ! , you too Kip ! "
Kip : " Yes your highness ! "
He begins to restack her gifts neatly over one another looking like each individual didn't mind.
Daunnie : " Right away Desi ! "
She joins in to help Kip by giving him gifts he can't reach from his spot. , as he lets more and more gifts join one another neatly.
Kip curiously questions her even if he's got a feeling that Queen Destiny is never nervous about anything. She's just soo fearless and approaches anything with wild , great confidence.
Kip : " You anxious your highness ? "
Queen Destiny : " Of course not. , NOT so happy at all though , since I'm ' still ' refusing at the moment , to like royal , furry , king nonsense that is suppose to happen any minute now ... "
She groans softly in annoyance then licks her right , furry paw.
Daunnie : " Sorry to interrupt your disagreement to what is about to happen your highness , but look on the bright side. "
Daunnie freezes holding a certain gift in her furry paws as Kip looks at Queen Destiny with a relaxed/puzzled , dark , deep , neon green , furry look , listening in on the conversation back to Daunnie , waiting for her to hand over the next gift. Queen Destiny stops licking her right , furry paw then looks at her left , furry , royal servant : Daunnie grimacing at the thought of it.
Narrowed , dark black , as if angry eyebrows over dark/light brown eyes and a sour frown crossing the right side of her furry cheek.
She blurts out.
Queen Destiny : " What .. ' is ' the bright side of this already ? ! "
She lies back down in her same , furry position slowly beginning to unleash her right claw that was once in her right , furry paw.
Daunnie : " T-That w-we're by your side ? "
She hands Kip over the next gift in particular out of her paws as he quickens his pace with constant , empty , furry paws then continues to give him more and more.
Queen Destiny : " Mmmm , good recovery I can say , but that ' still ' doesn't throw my problems out of a near by window. "
Kip spoke in order to hearten Queen Destiny back to the way she normally is. Bossy , controlling yet hardcore and outspoken , serious but sassy , spunky and lively all into one.
Kip : " I hate seeing you like this your highness. , you must shake this off and find a positive side to all of this. "
Daunnie : " Done your highness ! "
Queen Destiny : " Excellent Daunnie and Kip ! - Kipster , I'm trying to - I really am , but I'm stating the facts here. This is horrendous ! Is it not ! ? "
Kip : " I understand your feelings your highness , but it isn't healthy to let this get to you. "
Queen Destiny : " Besides you , whom else said so ? "
Kip : * sighs deeply * * silence *
Queen Destiny : " Exactly , mmm-hmm ! "
She sighs in grieve.
Then she continues to speak not feeling happy to accept her best friend's advice. , therefore suspecting she had to have hurt his feelings.
Queen Destiny : " Fine Kip , you're right. Whom am I to be kidding ..... I actually ' want ' to see how this ends. "
She sits cross legged again facing her two , royal servants with her furry , long back straight and long , furry tail up confidently but behind her and crossing into the air over the left arm rest of her royal throne moving lightly. Furry , big paws placed onto what is known as furry , knee caps. Then leans back and brings her furry , long , hind legs up close and leaned to her right arm rest with her furry , long tail laying over the remaining space from the left side of her arm rest then crosses out into the air to a diagonal left.
Daunnie : " The good thing your highness is that you'll figure this out. , no doubt about this ! You're quick thinking and smart ! "
Kip : " I know so too Desi , you got it. "
Queen Destiny smiles alittle at Kip and Daunnie even if aware of how quick thinking and smart she is then spoke.
Queen Destiny : " Oh I know that already. , you guys don't have to tell me. But , thank you both .. so much. "
Suddenly , a familiar roar is overheard at a far distance. A roar that wildebeest and gazelles could hear by the grassy plains , a single male lion could hear in his territory and something that any lioness or ANY lion couldn't have ignored. , at least to look about turning their furry heads/faces while perking he/she's furry ears into the air before minding it's own business.
Queen Destiny easily comes off as one of those lioness who overhears a familiar and related roar - but it ' is ' her business , as she leaps off of her royal throne standing up straight. Her furry , big ears perked up in alert and could pick up the sound by looking at the exact direction.
She spoke turning her furry head/face to Kip and Daunnie.
Queen Destiny : " That's Flaunt's roar. , that's the signal ! Every cat's coming this way now ! "
Daunnie : " But I already told you that Desi ! - Never mind , what do we do now your highness ? "
Queen Destiny spoke as Kip sits upright joining her at her left , furry sideline while Daunnie comes along sitting upright at her right , furry sideline.
Kip : " I believe - after all these years being with you your highness - I now see why you grow so disinterested in royal matters. , it makes sense now. "
Queen Destiny : * smiles at Kip sweetly while turning her furry head/face to him * " Thanks Kip. , least I know ' now ' that I'm not in my own , little world. "
Daunnie : " Don't forget me ! "
Queen Destiny : " ' And ' Daun too. "
Daunnie smiles at Queen Destiny as she continues to speak satisfied.
Queen Destiny : " What a relief. "
Daunnie : ( in a deep , hurried , panic almost sounding like she is dramatically singing when she spoke ) " Your highness , you don't suppose ' now ' would be a good time to - "
Kip looks at Daunnie to Queen Destiny with a plain , yet innocent , furry look on his furry face while listening in on Daunnie and Queen Destiny's conversation.
Kip : " ... "
She narrows her furry , dark black , eyebrows over her dark/light brown eyes in a over calculated - yet fascinated , furry thought. Even if she is sitting upright in the middle of Kip and Daunnie but abit more closer to Kip rather than Daunnie. Kip , noticing how Queen Destiny and his furry , left to right shoulder brushes up close against her , blushes really red as he snarls aloud in excitement in his furry head.
In demand ,
Queen Destiny : " Let ' them ' come. "