Queen Destiny : " Flaunt ! "
Queen Destiny runs on all her furry , long fours then onto her furry two's getting in Flaunti's way preventing him from reaching to Tawny. Flaunti who is pushed up against Queen Destiny's long , furry body with clenched , tighted paws by his hips/sides. Furry , long tail pointed out to his diagonal right side of his furry , long body.
Kip is in front of Tawny with his furry , long body blocking Tawny's view and way. Tawny is pushed up against Kip's furry , long body ' more ' than ready to get to Flaunti just like Flaunti is. Not clenching his furry , front paws into tight fists but snarling with his furry mouth open and long tail curled out into the air to the left side of his furry , long body.
Flaunti freezes in thought at what Kip has defensively told him.
Flaunti : " ... "
This quick reaction of Flaunti's knocks him out his anger - completely !
Flaunti : ( relaxed and calm ) " Y-You , you don't want Tawny hurt ? "
Queen Destiny : " I'm confused too Kipster. , why ever not ? "
Kip hesitates. Ignoring Queen Destiny and Flaunti for a second.
Tawny spoke up to Kip in low murmurs after bringing his furry , big head/face over his right , furry shoulder almost to his furry , right ear. Unclenching his tight fisted , furry , front paws by his furry hips/sides. Long , furry tail relaxed.
Tawny : " Well aren't you sweet Kippy hon. , as my old ex , - Now I suppose you may want to snout kiss me like before. - " * snarls alittle seductively at Kip * * smirks at Kip interestingly *
Tawny : ( soft and light ) " Hmph. "
Kip leans his furry head but not furry face backward to Tawny. Only turning his slightly bloodshot , dark , deep , neon green eyes to the right of his eye sockets as if looking at Tawny.
Kip : ( as if in stifled annoyance ) ( low murmurs ) " Don't .. push it. "
Tawny : ( low murmurs ) " Right. "
Kip turns his furry , dark , deep , slightly bloodshot neon green eyes back to Queen Destiny and Flaunti. Bringing his furry head forward away from Tawny's.
Kip : ( raises his voice abit ) " B-Because .. - uh .. - as much as Tawny ' deserves ' this , "
Tawny : ( not in low murmurs but raising his voice ) " Now you're screwing up. "
Kip : " Not helping Tawny. " * looks at the corner of his dark , deep , neon green , slightly bloodshot eyes as if to Tawny then back to Queen Destiny and Flaunti *
Tawny : " Backing off. "
Kip : " There's ' still ' much things I don't understand between us .. and , needing him alive , is the best way for me to go. "
Queen Destiny : ( abit surprised ) ( softly ) " You .. what ! Kipster ... "
She pauses through her sentence watching Flaunti after turning her furry head/face just in case he doesn't get any ideas. But he doesn't do much.
Flaunti walks away from behind Queen Destiny then stops in place facing Queen Destiny , Kip and Tawny. He looks at Kip still mad at what Kip has told him.
Flaunti : ( in annoyance ) " Please don't .. tell me , that you're defending Tawny for all that he has done to you. , even hours ago. "
Kip sighs deeply while closing his furry , deep , dark , slightly bloodshot , neon green eyes. With his furry head/face coming down. Tawny moves backward and away from Kip reaching the exit of Queen Destiny's den closer to Queen Destiny to her left side. Flaunti speed walks over to Kip just after letting more tears fall down onto the dirt ground and from his furry chin. Before coming down his furry cheeks. He sniffles some more.
Queen Destiny : ( low toned , serious and normal toned ) " Kipster , you oughta .. open that furry mouth of yours and make things clearer for us. , or am I going to have to believe what Flaunt just said. You deserve better .. and with ' me. ' "
She smiles alittle into a curved , little line at the last sentence she just said.
Tawny : ( low toned , normal and serious ) " I hate to admit it .. but dawl is right. However , I ' am ' touched of the kind gesture you have done to me. Feeling rather * scratches his furry , orange/reddish streaked mane with his left , furry , front paw uncomfortably * uncomfortable about it too. Always did hate the mushy gushiness. "
Tawny : * light red blush * " ... "
Flaunti gets to Kip's level.
Flaunti : ( softly but Tawny and Queen Destiny could hear ) " Please don't make this difficult for us Kip. , please. "
Kip : " .. I - .. "
Queen Destiny and Tawny turn their furry heads/faces to look at one another with no expression at all then back to Flaunti and Kip.
Flaunti : ( still softly ) " What Kip , what ! "
Kip : " F-launt , I'm - and Desi - Tawny , I'm sorry. "
Flaunti widens his dark blue , furry eyes staring at Kip's furry , golden/red streaked , wildly long mane in thought. Slowly turning his furry head/face away to the right over his furry shoulder into space for a moment.
Flaunti rises backward from Kip's level.
Flaunti : ( in a soft whisper to himself ) " N ... - oooo. "
Tawny leans his furry head/face to furry , long body close to Queen Destiny speaking to her in low murmurs. Near by Queen Destiny's left shoulder.
Tawny : " Is .. ' he ' going to be alright ? And here I thought Kip was worse. "
He looks after turning his furry head/face at Queen Destiny waiting for an answer. Turning his furry head/face still waiting.
Queen Destiny : * shrugs her furry , broad shoulders * ( unaware ) " Mm-hmm. "
Tawny leans his furry head/face back turning it straight ahead to Kip and Flaunti like before.
He turns his furry head/face back straight ahead staring into space. Wrapping himself into his furry , short arms over his furry chest. Queen Destiny slowly reaches out to Flaunti coming by his left , furry side without making a sound.
But says something to Flaunti.
Queen Destiny : ( softly and abit low ) " Now Flaunt ... - "
But she is interrupted when Flaunti back talks to Queen Destiny.
Flaunti : ( stubbornly ) " No ! "
Queen Destiny : " Flaunt , if you can just calm down it would be - "
Kip : " Please understand Flaunt - and I'm not sure if you understand either Desi or Tawny. , but this is what I feel I have to do. I'll do it if I ' have ' to. "
If anyone could hear it , Flaunti looks like he has steam shooting out of his furry , big ears. Shaking abit but rapidly just as Queen Destiny walks the same time Flaunti walks , shifts left , to right , side to side , diagonal and so on making sure Flaunti doesn't get to Kip. Allowing him to get absolutely nowhere. With her furry , long back turned away from Kip and Tawny. He snarls softly but it grows louder in frustration at Kip. , as Kip slowly moves backward onto his long , furry , hind legs stopped dropping his furry , long , wrapped arms off of his hot , furry chest. Widening his slightly bloodshot but teary , dark , deep , neon green eyes abit at Flaunti.
Kip turns his furry head/face to catch Tawny slowly walk up closer to Queen Destiny to her left side behind the exit of her den at the far left. He sighs deeply ignoring Flaunti's loud snarls meant for Kip stopping , but leaving almost small spacing between them. He ignores the feeling of Kip's stare only smirking abit in enjoyment at the attention he is recieving from Kip. Seeing Tawny's smirk that crosses the right side of his furry cheek , Kip blushes alittle red quickly turning his furry head/face over to Queen Destiny not at all - all of a sudden , caring of Flaunti's need to strangle him or do something stupid that will make him feel better.
Tawny ' is ' talking to Kip but keeps his distance as of right now close by Queen Destiny knowing that she will say something after. Not turning his furry head/face to Kip but to Queen Destiny or making any angry sounds of cat language at Kip.
Tawny : " I didn't .. mean for this to be the way that happened between us. I never wanted any of this for you. , at all. "
Dark black eyebrows slightly narrowed over his very light , hazel eyes. Frowning overwhelming. To holding back his soft growl meant for Kip.
Kip was planning to say something but Flaunti interrupts talking to Kip. Still looking him into his slightly bloodshot , dark , deep , neon green eyes. Being blocked by Queen Destiny.
Kip : " ... ? "
Tawny : " Well Flaunti , when you put it like that .. that's actually sweet and thoughtful of Kippy hon. "
Kip : * blushes abit more red * " A-Actually , - again , not the reason you think. "
Once turning his furry head/face to look at Tawny who isn't looking at him then back to Queen Destiny and Kip.
Queen Destiny : " Again , shut up Tawn. * leans her furry head/face forward to Flaunti * ( raising her voice partially aloud ) FLAUNT ! "
Flaunti stops walking to widened his dark blue , furry eyes abit and blinking them hard out of space. He looks at the serious , still look onto Queen Destiny's furry face leaning her furry head/face backward away from him.
He stops growling at Kip.
Flaunti : ( normal toned and soft ) ( sounding like he lost his memory ) " What ? "
Tawny : " Is he really serious? "
Kip : " Just you wait Tawn. , it gets better. "
Queen Destiny walks away from Flaunti with her furry head/focused furry face staring back at Flaunti watching if he'll make a stupid move to Kip. She stops close by Tawny's right side folding her furry , long arms over her furry , big boned chest. Tawny turns his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny then smiles abit at how close they are but always has been whenever they were near each other. But hides his deep red blush turning furry head/face away from Queen Destiny. Kip and Flaunti do not notice this.
Queen Destiny : " Kipster is right. , he means Tawn and himself has to work their differences out and come to much better terms WITHOUT .. being a couple like in the past. "
Queen Destiny : " Also meaning that he isn't going to go through all of what has Tawn done to him whether he brought it upon himself or not. "
Tawny turns his furry head/face to Kip keeping his long , furry body still.
Tawny : " Kippy hon , I have to know. , was that kind gesture of yours' is a way of saying sorry ? Because I don't know yet if I should forgive you .. or not. "
Kip : " Only if you want it to be Tawny. " * weak , small smile at Tawny *
Tawny struggles to react to Kip's small smile. That small curve of a smiled line that crosses his left , furry cheek. The way he always smiles at him when they were together. How he always saw diamonds or stars in those deep , dark , neon green eyes. He weakly smiles uncomfortably feeling some heat onto his furry cheeks looking away from Kip. Letting his smile have a * hmph. ! * sound.
Tawny : " ... "
Kip turns his furry head/face over to Queen Destiny and smiles alittle bit at her. Without saying anything.
Kip : * small curve of a smile at Queen Destiny crossing the right side of his furry cheek * " Desi is right Flaunt. I told you. It's NOT at all what you're thinking. You've .. completely got me all wrong. "
Flaunti looks at Kip again then down while slowly putting his furry head/face down pausing for a few seconds.
Flaunti : ( in low , soft murmurs ) " M-Mabye .. I have. "
Queen Destiny speed walks her way to him onto her long , furry , hind legs rapidly swinging her left , furry paw in authority in Flaunti's furry face. Dark blue , furry eyes looking up and down at her paw that rapidly shakes in front of him.
Queen Destiny : " You don't listen .. do you. Do you ' ever ' listen to me. , even if your life depended on it. ? Look at you , tch , tch , TCH ! Always assuming somethin ' stupid. Now look at what you went and acted in front of Kipster ! "
Flaunti : ( in annoyance ) * groans into a growl * " Alright big sis , alright ! You made your point. - "
She tugs at his right , furry ear pushing to her left rouphly as he softly snarls , mioaws and roars in annoyance as a plead or more to Queen Destiny.
Kip chuckles softly with the adding shrug of his furry , big shoulders to halfway rolling his slightly bloodshot , deep , dark , neon green eyes. Stopping his crying abit because of Tawny. Closed furry , dark , deep , slightly bloodshot , neon green eyes closed after laughing.
Tawny smirks weakly but alittle in enjoyment. And easily drops his frown after.
Queen Destiny : " Yet you keep doing it ! "
Within seconds , Queen Destiny and Flaunti go out into a intense , playful wrestling match. Flaunti being thrown onto his furry , short stomach to overstreched arms/clawed paws scratching at the dirt ground trying hard and desperately to reach Kip near by. Under much of Queen Destiny's hissing , snarling , roaring and mioawing , he still made sure he is heard from Kip.
Kip turns his furry head/face down to look at the widened furry look onto Flaunti's furry face. Staring at his furry , long tipped tail after shifting his furry , slightly bloodshot , deep , dark , neon green eyes away from Flaunti. Back to turning his furry head/face to him. Keeping his furry , long tail up in the air.
Flaunti : " Kip ! Ahhh .. ( low toned ) Kip .. look man , ( normal , panicky toned ) I need your help ! Can you get her off of me. ? I-I can't m-move ! "
Kip couldn't help but smile widening it into a happy , furry , funny grin.
Kip : " Not a chance. - , even if I tried. - This is entertaining. "
Flaunti looks at Kip as he is slowly pulled away from him because of Queen Destiny as his claws leave multiple , white trailed paths onto the dirt ground. With a faint * screeching. ! * sound. His furry , dark black eyebrows narrow abit in annoyance at Kip but easily relaxes after frowning letting that thin , dark black line cross diagonally to his left , furry cheek.
Flaunti : " ... * growls angrily in Kip's furry face as he chuckles softly * ( to Tawny ) Hey. ! You. ! Yeah .. "
Tawny turns his furry head/face to stare down at Flaunti. Looking exactly like he doesn't want to do anything.
Tawny : " You mean .. me going by .. Tawny. ? "
Flaunti : " Yes. ! ( low toned ) Tawny. ! ( normal and panicky toned again ) Please , get her off of me. ! I-I need help. ! - "
Tawny : " Do you ' realize ' who you are talking to. ? Your're looking at a lion who hungers trouble , drama , fun , torture , as strong as ever , can be a real lioness's lion - " * winks at Queen Destiny *
Queen Destiny : * scoffs softly at Tawny after staring plainly at him * " ... "
Before being apart from Flaunti by his diagonal right encroached in position. Turning her furry head/face to look at Tawny.
Queen Destiny hisses at Flaunti narrowed , furry eyed while in a encroached position slightly onto her long , furry , hind legs. Resuming to what she was doing with Flaunti. On the opposite , diagonally righted side of their circle. In much movement between Queen Destiny and Flaunti , light gray to white clouds crowd their view with defensive sounds into the air.
Tawny : " And your're asking ME .. to help you. ? I don't .. know the - this , word of help ... mmh. I haven't heard of it. "
More sounds of cat language in Queen Destiny and Flaunti's playful , wrestling match.
Somewhat of a pause between Tawny and Kip.
Under the sounds of brawled cat laguage between Queen Destiny and Flaunti.
Tawny : " I .. didn't think about it this way Kip hon. - , I never knew you hungered for me , just to talk. Even if both. "
Kip : ( almost annoyed and sounding exhausted ) " Oh Tawn. "
The cloud of Queen Destiny and Flaunti's brawl stops way too quickly.
Both of furry siblings freeze in place with Queen Destiny standing at the left side of their circle spaced apart from Flaunti at the right side of their circle. Her furry , long arms folded over her big boned chest. Flaunti in the middle of shaking his furry , long , blue streaked mane rapidly left to right. Stopping .. then more shaking left to right rapidly again.
Playfully enough , but not too serious to get any bruises , scars , scratches - like between Tawny and Kip , to seeing blood.
Flaunti : " Besides wishing Dale was here to break up our scrap - I ' still ' don't get what did Tawny do to Kip to make him cry in this ugly and furry state. "
Queen Destiny : " As obvious as it is - ' still ' the question lingers of how stupid can you get Flaunt , mabye it's best that we ' don't ' poke our furry heads into their business. Into the loving history between Tawn and Kipster. This is ' their ' harmony. ' Their ' dance of love. - "
Tawny smiles alittle in understanding at Queen Destiny even if she's frowning.
Queen Destiny : " He's right Flaunt - "
Flaunti folds his furry , short , arms/paws over his chest. Turning his furry head/face away from Queen Destiny.
Queen Destiny : " This isn't our position to speak. Mabye they don't want to share it - , and that's fine. But I'm here for you both - always , if you need to talk to talk to me. * looks at Kip * , - "
Flaunti : * sighs deeply * " ... "
Kip : * looks away from Queen Destiny * " ... "
Tawny : " ... "
Queen Destiny : " But you've got to understand Tawn. Kipster is like family to us. - , even if no cat seems to care , notice , or love him in my pride. But ' I ' do. Care , love , notice and give him all I could possibly have to him. And he knows that. We care for him. - , love him - , He means alot to us - , and .. - "
Queen Destiny : " can you blame us for caring for Kipster. ? There is no need for jealousy Tawn. - , and I keep making that clear to you when I'm with Kipster. You'll get the exact same treatment even if your're different from Kipster. "
Tawny : " And to ' think ' that you would say that Kippy hon and I are the same - , ( almost aloud to Queen Destiny ) You know ' exactly ' that it's so much more than that. ! "
Queen Destiny : " Haven't you even thought that mabye we should slow that down abit. ? ! "
Tawny : " ... " * folds his furry , long arms/paws over his chest *
Queen Destiny slowly walks onto her long , furry , hind legs over to Tawny coming by his furry , left side of his long , furry body.
Flaunti : " Kip , I .. - "
Kip : * smiles alittle bit at Flaunti * " It's fine Flaunti. , just forget it. "
Flaunti : " You .. sure. ? "
Kip : " Yea - "
Tawny : " Kippy hon is right. I ' have ' beyond .. overstayed my welcome. "
Queen Destiny refolds her furry , long arms/paws over her furry , big boned chest in front of Tawny. Who turns his furry head/face to look at her when she is talking. Her furry head/face is already turned to Tawny when talking.
Queen Destiny : " You're letting the door hit you on the way out if you don't hurry up. "
Tawny walks abit quickly to Queen Destiny while tilting his furry head/face to his right leaning his furry face to nose/snout to her. Leaving tiny spacing between them. Looking at her up and down to smirking in thought at her.
Tawny : " If only a lioness as hot as you could hold the door for me and present me a lick onto either of my furry cheeks , I just might forget about the door hm dawl .. ? "
He uses his left , furry , long arm to pull Queen Destiny closer to his furry , long body on her left , furry , widened hip. NOT something she normally does , Queen Destiny slowly moves her furry , long , hind legs closer to Tawny while leaning closer to Tawny without tilting her furry head/face to the left side of her furry , broad shoulder. Unlike Tawny's on his right.
Flaunti rolls his dark blue , furry eyes at the view between Queen Destiny and Tawny. Kip hisses softly under his furry breath sniffling some more. Looking away from them with the turn of his furry head/face. Narrowed eyed look in aggravation.
Queen Destiny : " Oh. ! * Tawny's right , furry ear twitches to the sound of Kip hissing softly under his breath * * He looks from the corner of his furry , very light , hazel eyes as if to Kip * The door is closing alot faster than I hoped for. ! - up. ! Too late. Beat it Tawn. "
She starts to low growl threateningly to Tawny just as he slowly leans his furry head/face backward away from Queen Destiny. Slowly taking his left , furry , front paw away from Queen Destiny's left , furry , widened hip.
Slowly , he moves backward away from Queen Destiny still onto his furry , long , hind legs. He stops walking when talking to Queen Destiny.
Tawny : " See you much later dawl. " * winks at Queen Destiny *
Queen Destiny half curves a soft smile without opening her furry mouth at Tawny. Winking with her left , furry , dark/light brown eye. To unfolding her long , furry , arms/paws off of her big boned chest. Placing her left , furry paw onto her furry , left , widened hip. Using her right , furry paw up in the air to wave back at Tawny.
Tawny doesn't say anything to Flaunti. Which brightens his dark blue , furry eyes in happyiness - , and that he is leaving too.
He does turn around into a circle about to run fast onto all furry , long fours but he hears a soft , light , almost faint and gentle voice of a male's.
Kip : " Tawny. ? "
By the sound of Kip's voice , it makes him turn his furry head/face so fast much the same reaction as if with Queen Destiny. He looks at Kip filled with many emotions like annoyance , grief in his heart , more annoyance , frustration , love , fear and concern.
Queen Destiny widens her furry , dark/light brown eyes alittle at what Kip is doing. With her turned furry head/face to him. Flaunti innocently cocks his furry head/face at Kip to the left over his furry shoulder. Leaning his furry head close in amusement at what Kip is going with whatever he's trying to say to Tawny.
After slowly rising up from his furry , long arms/paws about to touch the dirt ground. Furry , handsome face looking serious to very light , hazel eyes burning in cruelty and a piece of love. Love - ' still ' , for Kip.
Tawny : * shakes his furry head/face alittle rapidly at Kip for him to continue * * After blinking both of his very light , hazel eyes * " ... "
Kip understood.
Kip : " Tawny , * sighs alittle if deeply * I .. ' did ' love you endlessly. , But if I hadn't I would've meet what was behind that cruel and sicktwisted , furry aura of yours. "
He smiles alittle with a shrug of his furry , big shoulders at Tawny. Who blinks again still staring at him with his very light , hazel eyes. He lets out a soft , almost faint chuckle. Having interrupted the moment , Flaunti responds in all the quiet. All the warmness.
Furry , three , heads/faces of Kip , Tawny and Queen Destiny look at Flaunti. Kip looking alarmed , Queen Destiny calm and Tawny in annoyance. Aware of what's to expect from Flaunti.
Flaunti : ( normal toned ) " It's about time you left. "
Tawny turns his furry head/face away from Kip without reacting to what Flaunti said. He does say something back to Flaunti just as he breaks into a wild run onto all of his furry , long fours out of Queen Destiny's den. Turning left to her and Flaunti's claustrophobic den. Where his lion friends are waiting for him and Blankey.
Tawny : ( coldly ) " Wow Flaunti. , nothing gets past you does it. "
Flaunti : ( cheerful ) " Bu-bye. ! "
Queen Destiny : * low growls at Flaunti * " ... "
Flaunti turns his furry head/face to Queen Destiny.
Flaunti : " What. ? "
Kip sighs almost impatiently to himself and for Flaunti.
From above Queen Destiny and Flaunti's claustrophobic den ,
Lion one , two and lion three end up coming to a trot close enough in front of Blankey who is above Queen Destiny and Flaunti's claustrophobic den. Sitting lazily upright with his furry back turned to them in his diagonal righted direction of his furry body. Turning his furry head from left to right smoothly staring at the view of white clouds gliding slowly from one side of the wide , open sky to the other. Seeing much dark grey rocks to walls that surround or split up certain parts of Sundaya. Near by Queen Destiny and Flaunti's claustrophobic den.
In a row from left to right - below the high ledge that Blankey is on , lion one , two and lion three with their furry , big heads thrown up high to stare at Blankey's furry back and figure. First , the three lions look at one another in thought of Blankey ignoring the faint whistling of the wind that frequently comes rushing through their furry fur. Stops .. and rushing again. When lion two and three stop looking at Blankey turning their furry heads/faces away from him thrown up to stare at Blankey again - without saying anything , lion two randomly opens his mouth.
Rather than lion one who usually opens his mouth anyway.
Lion 2 : " Blank , we've been worried about you these past few weeks. - , You've been acting strange and aloof lately and this isn't like you. "
Lion 3 : ( low murmurs to lion two even if lion one and Blankey could hear him ) " Should we take him back to the infirmary. ? "
Lion 1 : " This isn't a big deal. - , ( in low murmurs but his friends could still hear him ) least not last time. ( normal toned ) ' I ' know exactly what this is about. "
Lion 2 : " Tawny has been concerned about you. - , if you're alright or not. "
Blankey turns his furry head/face to the right away from his furry shoulder in a obvious reaction of how much he couldn't care less of hearing his life long friend : Tawny like usual. MAINLY out of trouble , drama , fights and royal power. - Even trying to limit competition from other lions.
Without much force , he shakes his furry head/face left and right out of thought. Sounding sour , rotten and mean. Just like the way he acted with lion one before breaking up the fight between Kip and Tawny. NOT .. like Blankey at all.
Blankey : * scoffs softly into a soft chuckle * " ... Please. - , Tawn can walk back to his mother's den .. and cry about his past , if that's what it'll take for him to not waste his time coming for me. ( lying ) Doing just fine. "
Lion two and three look at one another questioningly after turning their furry heads/faces to one another.
Lion 2 and 3 : " ? "
Lion one narrows his dark black eyebrows over his furry , colored eyes staring at lion two and three carefully in thought. When they're not looking at him. Grinning ugly and in such nasty words possible. Slightly widening their furry , colored eyes , lion two and three quickly turn their thrown up furry heads/faces to look back at Blankey who is talking to them.
Lion one leans his furry chest closer into the air eager to listen to what Blankey is about to say. Arching his left , dark black eyebrow in curiosity. Staring at Blankey slowly up and down pretty hard.
Blankey : " What does he care. ? ( lowers his voice ) Neither will I. "
Lion 3 : " That's ridiculous Blank. ! You do. "
He looks at lion three from the corner of his furry , baby blue to dark blue ringed eyes without turning his furry head/face to lion three.
Blankey : " No , I don't. "
Lion two leans his furry chest forward narrowing his dark black eyebrows at the nonsense that Blankey is telling him. He growls low in annoyance at what Blankey already said who is still going all off about Tawny keeping his grin that is a skinny black line into a small curl from the right side of his furry cheek.
Lion 2 : * stares at Blankey carefully * " ... ? "
Lion 1 : " You guys ' do ' realize that Tawny is here right. ? "
Tawny slowly reaches closer to his lion friends almost at the end of their row making a turn to bring his furry head/face up at Blankey. On all long , furry fours. Smirking coldy in thought of what he is seeing with his lion friends in front of him. Clearly unsatisfied of handling Blankey. Getting him rather worked up , rather than nice ' n calm. TOO late. Saying nothing.
His furry , long body almost curled into a circle in front of Blankey. Lion one turns his furry head/face slowly to Tawny. Looking at him up and down in thought. Wondering when he will hop in the conversation. Or if he knows what is going on between them and Blankey. Least before Tawny said he was on his way to him.
Lion three turns his furry head/face to lion two without turning his furry body to him. He speaks to him in cat language. - It works like a charm for lion two who breaks out into a deep breath with the lifting of his furry head/face from up to slowly down. Repeats to going up and down. Inhauling deep breaths to exhauling. Stopping his low growls in annoyance at Blankey.
Blankey : " Still not caring - , if you hadn't heard that word from me already. "
His lion friends throw their furry ears up hearing the soft , cold chuckle coming from Tawny. Stopping lion two from low growling again at Blankey in annoyance. If it was possible , we would hear the sound of a kettle whistling making known of his temperature of anger. Filling up his furry body slowly of his boiling hot , red blood from furry , hind legs to his furry head.
Blankey shows no reaction to Tawny's soft , cold chuckle. Used to it as always. Always knowing Tawny has ' something ' to chuckle about. Not turning his furry head/face to him. Or caring about lion one mentioning them of Tawny's furry presense.
Lion one sighs in relief adding a slouch from his furry back. Relieved that Tawny finally hops in their conversation.
He turns his furry head/face over to his lion friend slightly narrowing his dark black eyebrows over his very light , hazel eyes while talking. Crouching in position for a jump and ends up onto the ledge that Blankey's on still above Queen Destiny and Flaunti's claustrophobic den.
Facing Blankey , his furry head/face already turned to his lion friends from below their ledge himself and Blankey are on with his furry , long tail relaxed into a nice curl into the air for balance.
Tawny : ( calmly ) " The rest of you guys can excuse us. - , Blank and I ' need ' to talk. "
Blankey stares at Tawny when he isn't looking at him with his turned furry head/upset face to him. He turns his furry head/face away almost half way shaking his furry head/face at Tawny.
Blankey : * scoffs unpleasantly to himself about Tawny * " ... "
Lion three turns his furry head/face over to Tawny and lion two curiously. Lion one scoffs softly in annoyance at lion three because of his dumb question he asked again. Like he hasn't answered lion three's question already.
Lion 3 : " You sure .. we don't have to take him back to the infimary. ? "
Tawny and lion two turn their furry heads/faces to lion three.
Tawny and lion 2 : " Positive. " * furry , narrow eyed look in annoyance at lion three *
Lion 3 : ( sounding like he regrets saying what he said ) " R-Right. " * nervous , soft laughs *
Tawny : ( raises his voice ) " Move it. ! "
He thundered almost aloud to lion one , two and lion three causing the lions to slowly turn their furry bodies showing off their furry backs as done. Getting off their furry butts and trotting quickly into a agapped row that gets thicker and thicker as the lions move away from Tawny and Blankey together. Reaching near by the edge of Queen Destiny and Flaunti's claustrophobic den.
Almost able to hear Blankey and Tawny's conversation. Looking ahead at the view in front of them until Tawny calls them back. Or if either of them can't take standing down from Tawny and Blankey's conversation any longer.
Tawny turns his furry head/face to Blankey. Turning his furry , long body alittle to face the view ahead coming by Blankey's furry , right side. Blankey continues to ignore Tawny closing his baby blue , furry to dark blue ringed eyes taking a deep breath. Lifting his furry head/face up to down. Opening his furry eyes. Sighing deeply again. Keeping his furry head/face turned to his left away from Tawny. But barely looking at him from the corner of his furry , narrowed , upset eyes.
Tawny tries to reach out to him rather softly too keeping his very light , furry , hazel eyes at him. When he's not looking at him.
Tawny : " Look Blank , I understand ' why ' you're acting the way that you are. ( low toned ) Least what I have already put you through. "
Blankey quickly turns his furry head/face to Tawny. Showing his narrowed , furry look to horrid , furry grin at Tawny. Getting onto his furry , long but not too long , fours about to walk but chooses to get up in a evenly slow to quick pace. Onto his long , but not too long , furry two's. Facing Tawny.
Blankey : * narrowed eyed * ( raises his voice ) " Stop it Tawn. ! You don't know ' any ' mood swings I've been going through about something you should've ' been ' told me before it all happened. ! "
Tawny quickly gets onto his furry , long fours. Starting to slowly walk up to Blankey on just his long , furry two's after keeping his furry head/face still at Blankey.
Looking at him with much nerves knocked out of him so quickly.
Tawny : * narrowed eyed in frustration again * ( raises his voice ) " I didn't mean to hurt you. ! "
He stops walking leaving a slightly , thin gap between them.
Blankey moves back away from Tawny reaching the unoutlined edge of the ledge they're on. Shaking rapidly into a little swing of his furry face/head in no direction to express his irritation with Tawny while folding his furry arms/paws over his furry chest.
His furry head/face leaned forward to Tawny.
Blankey : * widens his furry , baby blue to dark blue ringed eyes abit in surprised anger at Tawny * ( almost calmly but still upset ) " I mean , I ' know ' you told me about this between you and Kip but you expect me to remember and not be hurt about it. ? - , about not knowing. ? ! "
Blankey shakes his furry head/face wisely to Tawny then hops off of the ledge he was on running his way into abit of a rush onto his long , but not too long , furry fours. Hopping from rock to rock , platform after the next , until reaching the middle walkway leading back to Queen Destiny's royal , family den.
As quick as ever , Tawny runs to Blankey on his long , furry fours. Getting there the ' same ' way he has but trots pass him. From the right side of his furry body. Throwing his furry , long body to furry face in front of Blankey. Making him lean his furry head/face backward at the sight of Tawny. Leaving small spacing in between them.
Tawny leans his furry head/face to Blankey.
Tawny : " But you can't know ' every ' little thing that I tell you as my life long friend. ! I mean , that ' is ' our thing in myself and Kippy hon's collision but I don't want you butting into my life like you're my mother. ! "
After turning his furry head/face away from Tawny , Blankey quickly turns his furry head/face to Tawny staring at him seriously offended. Looking at him up and down slowly in thought. Once out looking at him.
He narrows his dark black eyebrows over his baby blue to dark blue ringed , furry eyes at Tawny hating ' more ' of what he said and heard from Tawny. Just now.
Leaning his furry head/face to Tawny.
Blankey : " I ' was ' - and always will be , all you had after your mother. , and you think ( still rasing his voice ) throwing that into my face is going to mean something for the both of us right now. ? ! "
Tawny walks up closer to Blankey. Easily getting up onto his furry , long two's rather than furry fours. In front of Blankey's furry face.
Tawny : * scoffs almost loudly at Blankey in annoyance * * turning his furry head/face to his right away from him * " ... ! " * rolls his very light , hazel eyes at Blankey annoyed by his dramatic performance *
Blankey almost struggles to move back away from Tawny but moves forward closer to his furry head/face without thinking at the moment. So angry of the way Tawny is acting now. What ' must ' or ' could ' be in his furry mind to do what he did to him.
More angry that Tawny is ignorning him.
Blankey : * growling at Tawny stressfully * ( aloud ) " ANSWER ME. ! "
After running on quick furry fours , lion one comes in between them pushing their furry chests away from one another with both of his furry , front paws. - , Blankey and Tawny stagger backward abit into their walk together still staring unhappily at one another. Tawny's furry face relaxes , but Blankey's furry face stays narrowed.
He turns his furry head/face to Blankey and Tawny with tight fisted paws by his furry hips/sides.
Lion 1 : ( raises his voice ) Now ' I'm ' going to answer the both of you. ! - Stop .. it. ! " * furry , narrow eyed look at Blankey and Tawny *
Tawny narrows his dark black eyebrows over his very light , hazel eyes at lion one. Not happy that he is disobeying his order. His furry , hazel eyes looking up and down at him in confused thought.
Without moving his furry head/face.
Tawny : " I thought I told you to back off. This is between me and Blank. "
Lion one ignores Tawny. About to say something to Tawny and Blankey but is interrupted by Blankey now. Lion one widens his furry , colored eyes at Blankey after turning his furry head/face to Blankey.
Blankey : ( almost softly but voice is still raised ) " I'll say it is. "
Tawny and lion one freeze in place , turn their furry heads/faces to each other and at Blankey. After two seconds , realization hits Tawny quicker than lion one. Understanding his witty , cold remark. Narrowing his furry , dark black eyebrows untrustingly at Blankey. Giving him a hard , furry stare. Lion one blinks in thought.
Tawny and lion 1 : * looks at Blankey curious to cluelessly * " ... ? "
Blankey takes a few more steps backward away from Tawny. He stops leaving a rather thick gap between them to lion one by his left side.
His voice going abit soft but still loud for Tawny and lion one.
Blankey : ( still upset , sad and unhappy ) " I ' still ' can't believe it. ' You ' were in a loving yet abusive relationship with Kip. Desi's life long friend/servant. ; ( raises his voice ) Tawn if you keep it up , you'll be draining out his life , feelings and heart .. it'll be alot more difficult for him to take. ! "
Tawny : ( still raising his voice ) " I ' still ' love him deep inside for Kinny sake. ! "
After running along on his furry fours with lion three joining his right side , - after overhearing what Tawny just admitted , lion two turns his furry head/face to Tawny widening his furry , colored eyes in thought. But a raised , dark black , right eyebrow in strange curiosity. Lion three turns his furry head/face to Tawny then turns it away from him staring into space in thought.
Lion 2 : " ? " * ? : stares at Tawny with a dark black , raised eyebrow in strange curiosity *
Lion 3 : ( softly into a whisper to himself ) " H-what. ? "
Blankey , lion two , lion one and Tawny could hear what he said but doesn't say anything to show how they were listening to him.
Lion one looks at lion three with his furry head turned to him to face and shrugs his furry shoulders at him as a response.
Blankey looks at Tawny widening his furry , baby blue to dark blue ringed eyes at him in rejection. Pissed off and hateful. His dark black eyebrows renarrowed again to his furry mouth opening agap into a sick twisted grin.
Blankey : ( softly , mad , sad and unhappy again ) " I'm sorry Tawn. - , with you the reason ' why ' I'm doing this. I don't approve of you and Kip's love. - "
Tawny , lion one , lion two and lion three do not say anything. Still staring at him. A way of allowing him to finish his speech.
Blankey : " I mean , you ' know ' I would just as much as our friends in yourself and Kip's collision would accept what happens between you and Kip but much , much longer - , but later on. - , but I can't do this with secrecy , lies , - this collision thing. - , NOT that I don't want to be in our collision anymore and end up in either Desi or Kip's but. - , I need time and patience to be away from all of this. - "
Blankey : ( in low , slightly confused murmurs ) And you liking Destiny a whole lot ' more ' than you say. It sounds alot like love to me. ; I'm done here. "
Tawny calls out to Blankey softly.
Tawny : " Blank please ... - "
Blankey slowly turns his furry head/face away from lion one , two , three and mainly Tawny ignoring him. He lets out a soft , hesitant sigh - , part of him wanting to stop so Tawny could respond. And part of him NOT wanting to hear enough anymore. He is on his long , but not too long , furry fours reaching the middle of the walkway to Queen Destiny's family den.
But stops when lion three spoke almost aloud to him. Having him turn his furry head/face to him rather than lion two , one and even Tawny. Not ready to look into Tawny's very light , hazel eyes.
Lion 3 : " Wait a moment. ! , Blank .. is coming with us later on to the Queen's den to help ? "
Still looking at lion three , Blankey smiles alittle friendly as always at him but weakly into a added , soft chuckle to him.
Tawny , lion one , two , three and himself could hear his soft chuckle.
Blankey comes off calm , cool and a tad bit relaxed with sadness ' still ' in him , madness , anger and unhappiness. But seen in his baby blue to dark blue ringed , furry eyes. What Tawny , lion one , two and three could see still looking at him.
Blankey : " We'll see. "
Blankey runs but this time , without stopping already hopping down the stone steps pass Queen Destiny's royal den. Tawny , lion one , two and three - with their furry heads/faces turned , could see Blankey's furry , long but not too long figure flash away over stone steps. Now , onto the dirt ground.
Tawny growls soft but also overwhelmingly with his furry head/face slowly pulling up his furry head running his furry , front paws through his very long , dark orange and reddish streaked mane. Out of frustration too. He slowly turns away from lion one , two and three walking away from them from furry , long two's to furry , long fours away from them. Lion one , two and three turn their furry heads/faces to one another without emotion , but in thought together.
Lion one , two and three : " ? ! "
Inside Queen Destiny's royal den ,
Flaunti , Queen Destiny and Kip stare overwhelmingly at one another.
No sound ,
no noise ,
ziiiiip. !
Being overly sensitive as always , Kip breaks into a soft cry , runs from furry , long two's to furry , long fours and back at his furry , long two's throwing himself into a tight , but comforting hug at Queen Destiny.
He speaks abit quickly in a very rushy way allowing so much more tears to stream unstoppably down both of his furry cheeks. Wrapping his furry , long arms/paws around the middle , furry , white part of Queen Destiny's overly slim waist. With his furry head laid onto Queen Destiny's furry , broad , left shoulder panting softly into his mixed soft to strong cries.
Kip : " Oh Desi I was so scared for my furry life. ! Tawny , he-he ' still ' wants me and loves me back , into a relationship again - and - "
Flaunti comes running to Queen Destiny and Kip onto his short , furry fours. He gets onto his furry , short two's quickly in front of Queen Destiny and Kip. He turns his furry head/face to Kip listening closely to what else he has to say after hearing what he said to Queen Destiny before he came to hug her. His dark black eyebrows arching in worry and into a sympathetic , furry face burning through his dark blue eyes with a shine. , from both of his furry eyes. Tilting his furry head/face to a diagonal righted direction pass his furry , right shoulder in curiosity at what he is hearing from Kip.
Frowning sadly it crosses into a curl ending at the right side of his furry cheek.
Flaunti : " ... "
Queen Destiny wraps her furry , long , slightly dangled , left arm over Kip's furry neck pass his furry , left shoulder. And her furry , long , right arm/paw pressing against Kip's wildly long , golden and red streaked mane. Gently smiling alittle at him. With the turning of her furry head/face laying onto Kip's furry , left shoulder with the available space near by her furry , left arm. Feeling him tighten their hug. His furry , crazy hot , looking chest panting roughly in and out from his strong cries. Pushed in and out slow to repeatedly against her overly slim stomach to waist. Soft to any level now.
She interrupts Kip still understanding what he is already saying. Parts of what he is saying.
Queen Destiny : " Shhhhhh , it's okay Kip .. it's alright. Okay. ? I'm very proud of what you did - how you handled Tawn. I'm so glad you've finally stood up to him - meet up with him evenly as a bully back then. , Don't you ever think twice or beat yourself up upon the lines ' you ' crossed when against him. "
Queen Destiny and Kip pull their furry heads/faces backward to look closely at one another. Queen Destiny could see another tear shoot down from his right , furry cheek seeing more forming tears at every corner of his deep , dark , furry , neon green eyes. Looking at his destroyed by heart , furry stare.
Kip : " D-Desi , I'm sorry for doing this to you without warning but - " * cries harder *
Queen Destiny : " Oh nonsense .. my Kipster. , shhhh ... "
He puts his furry head/face down back onto Queen Destiny's left , furry shoulder still panting rapidly into his cries. Sniffling out of so much tears.
Flaunti : ( softly ) " She's right Kip. Your're ' more ' than what cats in Desi's pride say. You're the opposite of shy. Always ' has ' been , always ' will ' be. "
Kip slowly lifts his furry head/face off of Queen Destiny's left shoulder , turns his furry head/face to Flaunti and smiles weakly alittle at him. Without saying a word. Or letting out another sniffle. He lets out a weak , soft chuckle sounding like he's sighing deeply with alot of breathing mixed in.
Kip : " It was so horrible Desi. ! I'll be forced at my own will , virginity - if not already and - "
He keeps on crying harder , harder and alot more harder the more he thinks about his loving yet abusive relationship with Tawny. Finding it hard to imagine what could possibly be in store for him with ' Tawny ' and what happened in their past. And the dirty , painful talk he had with Tawny.
How he wanted Kip ' his ' when he'll be King of Sundaya again. Forced to be happy with Tawny. Forced to give in to him the next time they make love be greatly convinced to find such rough , painful pleasure in it. - Not wanting any love making to begin with. Possibility to be impregnated by Tawny with cubs of their's and Tawny is the father. ' Still ' loves him as his old flame and is thought of as his to Tawny every Sundaya day and night. The many rough , love bites he had and has now onto his long , furry body from Tawny. How Tawny touchs him to get him in the mood for things he doesn't want to get into with Tawny. How he'll be humilated in front of Queen Destiny's pride during the king competition and punished even worse than humilation itself. Forced to be married to him going wherever Tawny goes. Forced to love Tawny back even pass the good of him for all the bad , cruelty he always has in him. A million things that Tawny said during Kip and Tawny's conversation could be listed endlessly , but it's way too painful for Kip's heart to take. In the exact same reaction Blankey ' knew ' long enough from the start Kip would get into. Blankey ' was ' right. , this is what he meant.
Heart , feelings and out of control.
Flaunti slowly walks up to Queen Destiny and Kip giving them a group hug. Putting both of his furry , short arms over Queen Destiny and Kip's left , furry shoulders.
Queen Destiny : " Shhhh. , come now Kipster , it's okay. - "
Kip : " But - * sniffling * T-Tawny - and - " * still cries harder *
Kip could hear Queen Destiny's soft , cool purrs to Flaunti's faint , little purrs. Wrapping his furry , short arms over Kip and Queen Destiny's slim , furry waist pulling them closer to him. Laying his furry head/face onto Queen Destiny's left , furry shoulder bone. Queen Destiny laying her furry head onto Flaunti and Kip's furry head/face laid onto Flaunti's furry head/face.
Slowly losing color in their scene.
Much , much later ,
Lion 1 : " Your highness , we've finished loading up your gifts. "
Hearing no respond , Tawny's lions walk to the exit of her family den while some took a head start away from each other heading for the rocky area from outside. Luckily , she spoke just in time before Tawny's friends could exit.
Queen Destiny : " Whoa , whoa , whoa. ! What's it you lions think you're doing. ! Are you sure you got all of them. ? Didn't miss .. not one. ? "
Tawny's lions blankly stare at her then look at one another to see who is daring to speak. One of the lions looks outside , backward , tipped , furry toes back to where he stood like Queen Destiny wasn't watching from the corner of her furry eye. She looks at that lion with a raised , right , furry eyebrow over her dark/light brown eye and her usual frown that crosses even more to the right side of her furry cheek. Tawny retracts his claws , walks to the middle of his lions that way he is facing Flaunti and Queen Destiny , then folds his furry , long , hard arms over his slim chest listening in on the stupid , usual , furry antics of his friends whenever they see the Queen of Sundaya together.
Lion one stupidly spoke up to Queen Destiny in much frantic and slight worried speech pattern.
Lion 1 : " T-There's more. ? , when was this. ? ! "
Two lions to Tawny's left from lion one to Tawny's right , - the two lions and Tawny look from Queen Destiny to lion one repeatedly left and right overhearing the conversation between them. , as Kip slowly slings away from Tawny giving him the ugliest , nastiest , furry , death glare to a Tawny who wasn't even looking at Kip. Not feeling Kip's stare. He low snarls under his breath.
Queen Destiny : * laughs * " Relax - , just pulling your peach is all. Just a little joke. I'm glad you didn't freak out though. "
Lion one spoke up to Queen Destiny all terrified and sarcastic through his tone of voice. , as a narrow , furry eyed , annoyed and irritable Tawny looks at him letting out a soft * hmph. ! *
Tawny : " Hmph. ! "
escape his furry mouth. , to two lions to Tawny's left lean their furry bodies and furry heads close to the very right and stare blank and confusedly at lion one. Tawny growls low under his breath. His face expression saying it all with a slight twitch through his left , furry eye and still right , furry eye. , to toothy , crazied , wide , furry smile.
Lion 1 : " Yeah .. you didn't freak me out. "
Tawny walks up to Flaunti then speaks out to him.
Tawny : " Hey Flaunti. ! mind if I borrow your sis. ? I mean .. majesty. ? , It'll be quick. "
He begins to pull Queen Destiny gently aside with his left , furry wrist gripping and dragging at her furry , left arm. , even if her long , furry , hind legs slowly follow after Tawny. Flaunti doesn't say anything , but could only stare in rudeness - with a slightly narrowed , furry look , at what Tawny has just did in front of him. Although himself and Uncle were so sure Tawny had exactly what it took to be the NEW King of Sundaya , he couldn't help but think twice on the true , sassy responses - even ' if ' they were a few , Queen Destiny mentions when it came to Tawny. , letting that dangerous , little , gleam of light sparkle in his dark blue , ocean eyes. All in such a sudden suspicious , unpleasant , furry glare.
Flaunti : " Not at all. , ( to himself in soft murmurs ) Happens every time anyway. "
Tawny : " Did you find out the gift I gave you. ? "
Queen Destiny : " Y-eah .. I did. An ankle braclet. It's beautiful. I loved it. - , but what .. exactly was the meaning of a such a personal , looking gift Tawn. ! - "
Queen Destiny : " I ' know ' you've been at me like this ever since we grew up together as closest friends and now frienimies , but what .. exactly do you think you're trying to propose to me. ! "
Tawny : " Whoa. ! , hey. ! Now calm down a second - "
She gives Tawny that " bad choice of words " , furry , narrowed look without saying anything or making a sound.
Tawny : " Never mind me saying that. , look , the ' same ' reason I came on your birthday is the exact ' same ' reason why I'm coming here for help just like you asked. "
Queen Destiny : " But my birthday is over for the day. - , so what other excuse do you wish to throw up into my furry face Tawn. ? , what. ! , is it .. do you want. "
Tawny : " To talk. ! , just , to .. talk. , nothing else. ( in low , nervous murmurs ) I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about us anyway. "
Queen Destiny : " You make it sound like we're together now. "
In such a " I'm not aware of what's going on between us " kind of way she has calmly - to furry face , said that easily pisses Tawny off as she smirks nasty and mean like to him with a big hint of cockiness. A way to sound stupid even if she really knows what's going on between them.
He narrows his dark black eyebrows at her over his very light , hazel eyes. , and his furry head brought down to look at her and body leaned , but brought close to her touching her furry body.
In much fierce and anger he replays into soft , low murmurs.
Tawny : " You know ' exactly ' the answer to that question. ! , and I found it rather cute dawl , how you try to play it off stupidly like I haven't seen right .. through , that smirk on your furry face. "
He chuckles softly in enjoyment as he lets the furry front of his left , furry paw gently caress against Queen Destiny's furry cheek showing the palm. , he twists his paw over and uses just his thumb to softly rub at Queen Destiny's left cheek.
Queen Destiny angrily slaps Tawny's paw/left arm away and off of her furry , left cheek then after two , quiet seconds hisses aloud in front of his furry face. He smirks enjoyably at Queen Destiny without another soft , amused chuckle as usual.
Queen Destiny : " Don't let , my smirk get to you now Tawn. - , it just .. might drive you wild. , even if you're cluelessly dumb enough to not even know what my furry smirk even means. "
Tawny folds his furry , long arms over his chest again in front of her.
Tawny : " It's almost like saying : " Do you even know what the ankle bracelet I got you on your birthday even means as well. " , Don't worry , we'll be * snarl like * stupid , together. "
Queen Destiny : " NOT in your furry life Tawn. "
Tawny : " Even if we're both .. a part of each other's life in reality. ? "
Queen Destiny : " Whatever gets you to back off Tawn. "
Tawny pauses then chuckles softly again in front of Queen Destiny's furry face.
Tawny : " So that tells me you have no idea what the ankle bracelet I gave you , means right. ? "
Queen Destiny : " It better NOT be something you've yearned for me to have from you. , because I'd rather have a clan of hyenas eat me alive instead. "
Tawny : " Awww .. ! You growing really sick of me aren't you. , but love can always be the answer you're ( dramatically ) soooo confused , ( normal ) not knowin ' what to do or how to get out of your , ru-tt. "
Queen Destiny : " Unless you want the gift back , I suggest you quit your stalling to approach me differently like I don't have my ways of saying : " Get away from me or beat it. " , since you ' are ' done helping me , the exit is waiting for you. - "
She turns her furry head to the right to exaggerate the demand and rude act while smiling satisfiyingly at a persistent and stubborn looking Tawny who stands in place in front of her. Not even showing that he'll move to the exit.
Queen Destiny : " and don't forget to bring your lions along too. , you could use the company after what dig-nity , you would have left. , see you when I see you. "
Tawny : " You know , a simple thank you would satisfy me dawl since you've failed to even mention it to me and my lions properly. - , and without difficulty in your voice even if I enjoy it. "
Queen Destiny : " If you ' think ' I'm not going to say something with non attitude , sass , or difficulty I think you're speaking to the wrong lioness. - , you might as well make yourself and lions useful and go search ' round Sundaya else where but make sure you lions take your furry butts to bed before dark. - "
Queen Destiny : " It's not like my difficultness is going anywhere. "
Tawny : " At least once. ? - , if not numerous times in our past. "
She chuckles evilly but softly in front of Tawny and his lion's , furry faces.
Queen Destiny : " Gee .. thanks. " * still frowns *
Tawny : " I'll buy that dawl. , and don't forget to give your King of Sundaya a snout kiss goodnight. "
Queen Destiny : " Unless you want your furry mouth cut up , I strongly suggest you get away from me Tawn. ( nickname ) , don't say I didn't warn you. "
Tawny takes Queen Destiny's furry , right paw then brings it up really close to his furry mouth but not too close.
Tawny : ( normal voice ) " Not even if I beat you to it. ? "
He gently licks her furry , right paw as he sits upright really tall and confident closing his very light , hazel eyes while he keeps licking.
Queen Destiny : * smiles * * blushes really red to Tawny * ( in much disgust and fake politeness ) " My do you ' still ' got such convincing ways to charm your way out of ugly spats like ours between us. How , truly * snarl like * swee-ttt. , bye now. "
She turns to walk away , but her walk cuts short - skitting her long , furry , hind legs to a stop , when she realizes Tawny is STILL holding her right , furry paw. Still sitting upright in front of her and looking calmly at her.
He spoke in thought while looking deeply into her dark/light brown eyes of lenity. Even if verbally talking to her right now.
Tawny : " Will my wish come true if you arrive at the " Kings ; only kings " , lion competition. - , and if we can get the chance to talk to each other in private. I understand if you're busy as Queen , we can work something out together. "
He slowly gets up onto his furry , long , hind legs while holding her right , furry paw then lets it go gently.
Queen Destiny : " True , but every Queen needs a break from her royal duties. Wish granted. , it's not like I got a choice to go to that King competition. , my Uncle would want me to be there anyway. " * smiles at Tawny alittle bit *
Tawny : " That's jimdandy your highness. It really .. and truly will be an honor to talk to you , see you at the competition and feel very fortunate to be in your furry presense. "
Kip's dark , deep , furry , neon green eyes shoot wide , furry eyed with the sound of glass crackling aloud as he comes to the realization that he's going to end up running into Tawny during the King competition. , and he'll end up seeing his Queen's furry , beautiful face in shock. Flaunti tilts his furry head and body at the same time to the right and catches the freaked out , worried , furry look onto Kip's furry face.
A message that says :
Kip : " I am so screwed. ! , if Desi found out , I'll be at risk with Tawny then I wouldn't know what I'd do. ! "
while Flaunti turns his furry head/face from Tawny and his older sister Queen Destiny standing close and in front of one another still talking.
The message on his furry face saying :
Flaunti : " Why. ! , in Sam heck .. have you entered the King competition for. ? ! "
Queen Destiny : " I'll see you tomorrow Tawn. "
Tawny : " It's a date. "
Kip loiters while widening his furry , dark , deep , neon green eyes in shock then exchanges an alarmed , frightened , furry look to a very concerned , looking Flaunti. , gasping dramatically and faints onto the dirt ground.
Flaunti - on just his short , furry , hind legs , runs to Kip without saying anything , gets behind him to slip his furry , long arms/paws to hoist a fainted Kip up. , and drags him quickly out of the family den and into the claustrophobic , small den to the left near by.
Leaving Tawny who is still talking to Queen Destiny alone.
Tawny : " - Great. ! , we've got so much to catch up on after all of these years being here with you. "
By the claustrophobic den , a hard .. scrapping sound is heard coming from Kip's very fair , furry weighted , long body onto the dirt ground. , as he daringly murmurs to Kip even if it's a possibility that Kip might not be able to hear Flaunti in a state of blurry quiet to inaudibleness.
Flaunti : " Alright Kipster , let's get your tall , furry self in here just for the night until Desi figures out the next step for you after she's done letting herself go with Tawny. - "
Flaunti : " As much as you can't stand that or hate , I kind of don't blame you for having a strong thing for my big sis and all. , I won't say anything. - , I think I may be starting to regret * in a exhausted squeal * agreeing , * he gently drops a fainting Kip onto the dirt ground near by his small , favorite corner of the den without waking Kip up * with Uncle like Desi told me. - "
He pants softly but almost heavily to himself while still murmuring softly to Kip. , after taking a step back away from Kip , sitting upright with his furry , short back slouching fully and his furry head down facing the dirt ground and his body. In front of Kip leaving a small gap in between them.
Flaunti : " almost like a kiss up. * gasps softly * - "
realizing that he has left his older sister with Tawny , he quickly gets up and murmurs softly to Kip who groans softly while stirring to get up , twisting his furry , long back and his furry , long arms/paws standing onto the dirt ground , but he drops roughly onto the dirt ground with a weak , partially heard * plop. ! * sound on the ground. , facing the near by corner away from Flaunti. From onto his furry chest , twisting away from Flaunti.
Flaunti : " Kip. ! , you stay here , while I go and tend to Tawny and Desi for now. - , I'll be .. right , back and try not to move like you did. " * he widens his furry , dark blue eyes alittle in alarm then keeps his eyes relaxed *
He hesitant - and reluctantly , moves back away from Kip , turns quickly in a circled turn , then runs his way back to the family den.
Kip groans softly in a
Kip : " Hu , -ohh .. "
weak , faint sound as he tries to open his dark , furry , deep , neon green eyes slowly seeing a near by corner of a small den he's very familiar with - the dark grey , damp , dripping walls from the rain bouncing in a quick , swaying blurry then shuts them quickly.
Inside Queen Destiny's royal den - again ,
Tawny : " So , I wish you a good night dawl. " * smiles alittle at Queen Destiny *
Queen Destiny : " Nighty night Tawn. , now go on already. "
She walks away but then quickly turns her furry head to Tawny angrily in annoyance while moving back to a stop in her step. , she growls into Tawny's furry face as he spoke to her already a few feet away from her after licking her onto her furry , left cheek before she could get to him. , then runs , the last lion out of his cats to leave her den not aware of the still , faint Kip that is still down onto the dirt ground in the near by den.
Tawny : " I knew if I was quick enough * moves quickly away from Queen Destiny * , I would get that snout kiss on your furry cheek .. instead of on your mouth but good enough for me. ( enthusiastically ) Soo , see you tommrow dawl. ! "
Flaunti who has leaned against the side of the den to the right , has watched the whole , furry incident go down in silence after giving the running Tawny that has left the den a protective , suspicious , furry look. , without a sound or word. His dark blue , furry eyes look at Queen Destiny who's furry back slowly turns to face away from Flaunti before Tawny on all his furry , long fours with a calm , furry look onto her furry face.
Speaking calmly and acting innocent even if his words kind of sting.
Flaunti : " Did you see that sis. ? He must ' really ' like you. - , and I mean , badly. - "
Queen Destiny : " Once again Flaunt ... we're just frienimies. I'm positive he doesn't feel that way for me anyway. "
He mutters to himself while slowly walking into the den to meet closer to her furry face to face on all furry , short fours. , but his backtalk murmuring was already enough for Queen Destiny to overhear.
Flaunti : " As if a certain lion ' I ' know really well , wouldn't feel that way for you. - , least , a lion that I ' don't ' have second thoughts for , didn't kiss up to agree with Uncle that Tawny ' should ' be your NEW King of Sundaya and a lion that I can trust. "
Queen Destiny : ( almost angrily ) " What do you think you're nagging me about Flaunt. , I've had a really , really , really , long day today. "
Flaunti : ( dramatically ) " Oh .. really. ! , enough to get in ' n out of Tawny like you've always liked him back in the past when .. you and I both know , that Tawny wants you. ! "
She storms pass Flaunti angrily while walking out of the den almost at the exit then stares ahead lifting her furry head up at the view in front of her. A very dark , faded view through the sky with deep , dark grey clouds covering entirely the sky without missing a spot.
She spoke as she walks quickly.
Queen Destiny : " Oh Flaunt. ! , enough of all this nonsense that's ' my ' own business. ! , NOT yours. ! , You know you're not in ' any ' position to go ' bout nagging me about this. ! "
Flaunti raises his voice as he quickly trots to the diagonal right of her leaning his furry , short body last to his furry face first in front of her furry face.
He raises his voice.
Flaunti : " Don't I .. NOT have a say in this. ? ! , ' I'm ' here to support you Desi. ! Just get this reason into that furry , big head of yours. ! I'm NOT against you. ! ( almost softly ) ; I'm always going to be by your side and on the same team as you. - "
Queen Destiny looks away from Flaunti to the left at the view as he continues to speak to her growing softly but still raising his voice loud enough for a fainting Kip to overhear.
Queen Destiny : " ... " * low growls *
Flaunti : " Why can't you seem to understand that. ? "
She sucks her teeth in response aloud to Flaunti as she shakes her furry , lowered head while walking away as if slinging off from Flaunti. , and over to the right side of the den near the walls , that rock with an upside down ice cream coned , top and cut up , white , nylon rope that Tawny left behind. , sitting upright and putting her furry head down.
Flaunti answers as if her low growls were words.
Flaunti : " Hm. ? "
Queen Destiny just gives Flaunti a cold , " just drop it " furry glare as he trots to the left side of the den near by other rocks in one single , curvy row from the left side to the right. , behind a rock and sitting upright while leaning his furry body and head close to her. , even if his furry , front arms/paws are apart from him.
Taking that furry , cold look from her furry face as nothing serious or alarming , he continues to talk calmly but keeps his voice raised that way Queen Destiny can hear him.
Flaunti : " Don't let me out of this Desi. , talk to me and I'll do my best to answer whatever you are either asking or telling me. "
Queen Destiny sighs deeply as another response with her furry head lowered down in submit. Flaunti widens his dark blue , furry eyes in a taken aback , challenging way as he walks quickly pass Queen Destiny in a diagonal path to the right of the claustrophobic den without looking at her. , but raising his furry head high and furry eyes closed.
He spoke passing by.
Flaunti : " Well if you're stubbornly NOT going to talk to me , then ' I'll ' tell you something. ( in low , soft murmurs ) I'm going to go check on Kip to see if he's alright. "
Queen Destiny throws her furry , turned head at Flaunti overhearing the sound of her by cub hood , long bud : Kip she forgot all about. - , but tends to make a habit of it at the same time.
She pauses allowing it to last for three seconds then spoke up to Flaunti in her normal , low voice.
Queen Destiny : " Is Kipster , alright. ? "
Flaunti stops walking already out of the den , but has overheard what his older sister has said even if about to enter the den near by seeing Kip ' still ' onto the dirt ground. , catching the calm , slow rises and falls of his furry , long chest.
He throws his furry head/face at her in irritated feeling while talking to her aloud.
Flaunti : " Oh. ! , so ' now ' you want to talk to me. ? ! "
She hisses at Flaunti aloud in annoyance.
Queen Destiny : " I .. did not say that. - , I asked of you if he is alright and only Kip. "
Flaunti tilts his furry head/face alittle left and right as he spoke then slams his furry , left arm/paw against the ground in front of her.
Flaunti : " Hmm. - , * tilts his furry head left and right alittle * I would know that if I could just * slams his furry , left arm/paw * get the chance to check first. ! "
Queen Destiny slowly gets up.
Queen Destiny : " I meant , ' how ' did it happen Flaunt. " * abit narrowed eyed at Flaunti *
Flaunti : " He just fainted after he overheard something you said to Tawny. - , "
Queen Destiny hisses.
Queen Destiny : ( in threatening , low murmurs but soft to Flaunti ) " Tell me , what else .. I want to know or ' I'll ' tend to you myself. ! "
Flaunti : ( slightly panicked and frightened ) " I can't tell you the rest .. I'll swear if I have to. ! ; You'll have to talk to Kip about that yourself. , It's a lion thing when it comes to having ' feelings ' for a lioness. - "
Queen Destiny just stares at Flaunti keeping her furry , narrowed eyed look. Clearly unconvinced.
Queen Destiny : " ... "
Flaunti : " Honest. ! "
Queen Destiny : ( normal toned and calm ) " Fine. , where is he now. "
Flaunti : " In the next den - , "
She turns her furry head , face and dark/light brown eyes back at Flaunti even if looking at the path ahead of her then back to Flaunti. Wanting him to finish talking even if she already walked up at the entrance of the claustrophobic den. , after staring at Kip who still hasn't got up from the dirt ground yet.
Flaunti : " He ' did ' get up once then he went down but really harshly. By the way he's acting , he's making it seem ' more ' than just fainting. "
He joins her at her right side of the very short , dark grey walkway to the small den that Kip is in both looking at the continuing rises and falls of his furry , long stomach. , now the soft , stifled groans that grow.
After a few , six seconds of a pause , Flaunti spoke up to Queen Destiny.
Flaunti : " I dragged him here while you were talking to Tawny just for now until you decide what to do with him until Uncle gets back. - "
He pauses a second then turns his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny who isn't looking back at him as he talks.
Flaunti : " Wait , what ' are ' you going to do to Kip before Uncle gets back Desi. "
Almost sounds like a question , but in feeling.
Queen Destiny : " Nothing we can do Flaunt. , knowing him , he's quiet enough to not sell himself while staying here in our den as soon as Uncle gets home. , so he's perfectly fine where he is - not just ' for now ' , it'll be for the night until the next morning. "
Flaunti gasps in shock but softly at Queen Destiny who has already turned her furry head/face a second ago to Flaunti with a narrowed , confused , furry look onto his furry face. , and her furry head brought back away from Flaunti but her furry , long body remains still.
He exclaims.
Flaunti : " What. ? ! , * in gasping shock * Hooo-no. ! , no. , no. , no. , no. , no. ! - ( in upset whispers ) You can't do this to Kip. ! ? , He won't know where he is when he wakes up. ! - And what if Uncle finds out. ? He'll be giving us his usual uproared lecture to us about Kip. ! - "
Flaunti : " This is a .. horrible idea that you had such. ! .. confident nerve to tell me. ! Kip doesn't belong here. ! This is not his home. ! "
Queen Destiny : " Put a sock in it already Flaunt. ! , Now Unc won't even know that Kipster is here as long as we don't bring suspicious attention to ourselves. - , plus , he'll be gone by the morning and off to the stupid , King competition the next , few days. "
Flaunti : ( aloud ) " What are you thinking Desi. ? ! "
The two , furry siblings heads/faces move to the furry , long back of Kip as he yawns into a snarl loudly while stirring in what fainted sleep of his.
Queen Destiny looks at a nervous " Sorry " , furry look onto Flaunti's furry face as he moves his furry head/face back. , and she leans her furry head/face close and in front of his. , even if in a narrowed eyed , angry , furry look.
Queen Destiny : " I know ' exactly ' what I'm thinking Flaunt and you need to support and trust me on this one. , I'll sleep with him for the night anyway so there isn't anything to worry about. , "
Flaunti : " Can't you just take him home before it gets dark or something. ? , I'll cover for you if Uncle happens to get home before you do. - , I'll lie for you - , say , you were asking Antevill for a favor to stroll about Sundaya and check the pride if no cats are missing and together - , ( almost happily ) so we all can be able to sleep peacefully for the night. - "
Flaunti : " Something like that. "
Queen Destiny : * alittle annoyed as she quickly turns her furry head/face to the sky outside then back at Kip * " Again .. no Flaunt. ! , Now I don't know if you're listening too clearly or not , but it's too late for me to do that. - "
Queen Destiny : " Even ' if ' I left earlier after Tawn having ' me ' to drag Kipster all the way to where he normally sleeps for the night , that'd put me at risk as it gets dark for other lions like Ant to suspect of me out at dark when normally Touph and Tum go ' bout Sundaya and check if all cats in my pride are settled for the night. , before we all go to bed. - "
Queen Destiny : " Is he heavy. ? "
Flaunti : " For a really tall , slim , furry lion who eats reasonable amounts of food - yes. , you'll be struggling as you go along if you ' were ' out to take him home for the night. "
Queen Destiny : " Exactly my point Flaunt. ! - "
Queen Destiny : " Well as sure as I ever am , it's definitely OUT of the question for tonight. , Kipster stays and that's final. "
Flaunti pouts softly as he speaks to Queen Destiny.
Flaunti : " Noooooo ... - "
She looks at Flaunti but speaks softly.
Queen Destiny : " Am I understood. ? "
Flaunti spoke softly back to Queen Destiny although lowering his furry head/face reluctantly in deep worry and concern. , as she slowly walks away from Flaunti and back into their family den. , leaving Flaunti alone to sigh deeply to himself after looking at Kip then smacks himself with his furry palm with his right , furry paw in frustration. Then drags it down onto his furry face.
He slowly walks with a deep sigh spreading through the family den without saying a word.
Flaunti : * sighs deeply * " ... "
Queen Destiny ; who sat upright to the left of the family den but a short walk way to the claustrophobic den , continues to look at the view in front of her that gets completely dark looking like the start of an angry storm.
Queen Destiny : " I have a follow up .. like why would you think that Tawn would be the perfect King for me. ? ! "
Flaunti : " You both are perfect for each other. ! He'll be a placate. ! A changed lion. ! "
Queen Destiny : " How could you even mention something as dumb as that. ? ! You're always sticking up for Uncle like a kiss up. ! , Like you're not brave enough as ' I ' am to go against Uncle. ! - "
Queen Destiny : " Can't you both see you are choosing a lion for me when that's my choice. ? ! Is the catch NOT loving a lion every since cub hood not known to you just like you said to me. ? ! - "
Flaunti : '' .. ''
Queen Destiny : " I thought you'd have my back. ! - It's funny how we think and assume things that are definitely NOT true. - , You're both so selfish. "
Flaunti : " Selfish. ? ! ( raises his voice ) , ' you ' think I'M .. being selfish. ? ! You're being completely ungrateful. ! You throw a tantrum if things don't go like you planned. - You're already Queen of Sundaya. What more could you possibly want. ? ! "
Queen Destiny develops a glower look onto her furry face to Flaunti.
Queen Destiny : " What .. ' are' .. you trying to say Flaunt. ? Jealous I was first in line for the royal heir and you got nothing in return. ? - "
Queen Destiny : ( normal toned after raising her voice ) " Like ' you ' getting nothing along with Cassy and Dal. " * slight , soft chuckle to herself for Flaunti to hear *
Flaunti : ( keeps his voice raised in anger ) " Oh don't be ridiculous Desi. ! I'm saying ' I ' should've been King. ! ( normal toned ) You ' know ' darn well you can't handle all of this on your own. "
Queen Destiny : * soft chuckles again to herself for Flaunti to hear * " ... You King. ? Sundaya only needs a ' Queen ' you twit. ! - Unless you want to be a prince .. of Sundaya then that's cute to share to me Flaunt. - ( sarcastic ) I ' really ' .. forgot how to laugh. ( normal toned ) It's like you must show me how to laugh again. , - You wouldn't last a day Flaunt. ! "
Flaunti : " ' Every ' decision you make ' takes ' a day. ! "
Queen Destiny : " Excuse me for choosing wisely. ! But if ' you ' like choosing so quickly without much thought , common sense and straight logic .. then I must tell you ( aloud ) ' you ' would make a horrible King. ! "
Before Flaunti could give a comeback to Queen Destiny , Kip spoke in such a faint , sickly , weak , soft voice though kind and soft like usual.
Kip : ( almost quietly ) " Wha .... What in the Sundaya ' has ' or ' did ' happen to me. ? "
Widen , furry eyed and agapped , furry mouths of Queen Destiny and Flaunti spoke up together staring at a faint Kip who brings his furry , long arm/paw up to his furry forehead as if to feel if he has a fever or not. Weakly , slowly walking on long , furry , hind two's that drag and loudly scrap against the dirt ground in much , slow , as if careful , baby steps.
Already ran into the cornered wall to the right side of Queen Destiny's royal den before a forked road split in two's. The left path leading back to Queen Destiny and Flaunti's furry den. Right path leading to the stone steps out of Queen Destiny's royal den farther below. Throwing his furry , big head down and weakly , but small like , stumbles from left to right abit.
Queen Destiny and Flaunti : " Kip. ? ! "
Kip smiles alittle gently after turning his furry head/face to look from Flaunti back to Queen Destiny ' still ' in his slightly blurriness and abit audible state of furry , fainted mind. Like in a dream.
Kip : " Heyyy my furry pals. ! Always happy to see you guys furry face's. - , Especially ' you ' my angetic Desi. "
Ignoring the very heated , red blush coming from his furry cheeks.
Queen Destiny's royal den gets quiet for a second. - Flaunti turns his furry head/face to her letting it all say :
Flaunti : " Mmmmmm ... ! "
already aware that Kip has presented himself to her in such a poetic manner but also not exactly like what Tawny does when talking with her. Flaunti stifles a tempting , soft chuckle that is muffled but heard into his furry mouth
Flaunti : * soft chuckle at Queen Destiny * " ... "
to a narrow eyed , frowning Queen Destiny after she has turned her furry head/face to Flaunti. Causing him to turn his furry head/face away from Queen Destiny back to Kip.
Her furry face saying :
Queen Destiny : " What .. is so funny. ? "
Flaunti : ( raising his voice in great panic to Queen Destiny ) " This .. is NOT ' suppose ' to be happening AT ALL. ! , - " ( soft , but heard murmurs ) * shaking his furry , short body in place up and down rapidly while rubbing his furry , short , crossed arms over his chest * * Using his furry paws to cover the sides of his arms as if shivering *
Flaunti : " Oh my Kinny , oh my Kinny , oh my Kinny , oh my Kinny , oh my Kinny , oh ( aloud ) MY * shakes * SWEET * shakes * GOOD * shakes * KINNY. ! - "
with his furry , big head thrown into the ceiling with raised , furry , bent , short arms/paws pressed to his furry , short body leaving a thick gap in between in mid air. As his panicked performance , a way he occasionally freaks out when bad situations like this happen.
Kip yawns into a loud snarl throwing his furry , big head/face backward with his closed , furry , deep , neon green eyes closed for a second. After bringing his furry , long , bent , arm/paw to cover his yawn leaving a small gap in between. He ignores Flaunti stumbling into a run his way lightning fast over to a slightly shocked Queen Destiny throwing his furry , long , left arm over her left , furry , broad shoulder. He lets out a very soft chuckle
Kip : * soft chuckle * " ... "
that sounds like a very soft , muffled snicker coming from his closed , furry mouth.
Kip : ( as if slurred toned ) " You're so very pretty Desi. No wonder I've fallen for you. "
Queen Destiny ; though hiding her deep red blush that has already formed onto her furry cheeks , spoke to Flaunti after curving a small smile Kip's way after looking at him who leans his furry , long weight over to her while nuzzling his furry , big head against her furry , right cheek. Queen Destiny doesn't turn her furry head or furry face to Kip. Then he starts purring aloud - greatly to Queen Destiny's pleasure , to stare at her shiny , dark black mane and strokes it gently with his left , furry paw. His right , furry , long arm thrown under Queen Destiny's big boned chest to furry chin first with his clawed paw gripping and sinking into her furry , right , broad shoulder.
Kip's furry , long arm leaving a thick , mid aired gap in between.
Queen Destiny : ( low , normal , serious tone of voice ) " ' You're ' right Flaunt. - , this really ' isn't ' suppose to be happening. - As if to us right now. He should be dragged back into the den like ' you ' brought him to. - , And we ' better ' do it fast before Uncle gets back. "
Kip : ( almost whining ) " But I came to see how ' hot ' you are Desi. - "
Queen Destiny : * blushing deeply red again without looking at Kip * " ! " * pauses * ... * ! : tries to ignore what Kip is saying to her but it grows difficult for her *
Flaunti gives her a : " Kip DID NOT just say that to you Desi " furry look.
Queen Destiny stares back at Flaunti making it as obvious as ever to mention that whatever Kip just did to her is true - , That it wasn't ignored. With a : " believe it " half lidded , dark and light brown eyed to straight lined mouth look.
Kip continues to talk to Queen Destiny slowly , gently cupping her furry chin into his right , furry , twisted , front pawed palm forcing Queen Destiny's furry face to look him into his furry eyes when he still is talking to her.
Kip : ( softly in a whisper but Queen Destiny and Flaunti can hear Kip a little bit ) " Kinny could - I almost - temptingly , kiss you my lovely Desi. " * looking up and down at Queen Destiny slowly in interest *
Kip : * curving a happy , small smile at Queen Destiny * " ... "
Flaunti : ( keeping his furry voice raised to Queen Destiny ) " OH NO ! ' WE ' are NOT going to keep Kip here ! ( softly ) * rapidly shaking his furry head left and right * NOO ! , NOO ! - ( still raising his voice ) This is definitely ' not ' going to work out ! What's all this '' WE '' stuff ? ! It's not like ' I'm ' carrying Kip's long , heavy , FURRY ! .. body back again to the den where he lay. - "
Queen Destiny responds to a trailing off Flaunti that says ' more ' than she does calmly.
Queen Destiny : " Flaunt ... - "
Flaunti : * folds his furry , long arms over his furry chest turning his furry head away from Queen Destiny * " You ' MUST ' be CRAZY .. ' if ' you're thinking I'm doing ' THAT ' again ... "
Kip : * still purring loudly * * stares blankly from Queen Destiny's furry mane then Flaunti - * * shrugs his furry shoulders * " ... "
Queen Destiny : " Flaunt ! "
Flaunti : ( getting low and normal toned ) " Not knowing - or aware - of how heavy he really is for a slim looking lion that - "
Queen Destiny : ( raises her voice ) " FLAUNT ! "
Flaunti : * widens his furry , dark blue eyes at Queen Destiny a little *
Kip : " Hi Desi ! " * laughs softly *
Showing off his furry , upper body strength .. Kip grips the middle parts of her furry , long arms/paws , - after turning over to the right side of her furry , long body , spins her into two , full circles and falls onto her straddling Queen Destiny onto all furry , long fours staring directly at her.
In her furry head , she has NEVER seen Kip act this way towards her before failing to think of any past experiences that could relate to the NEW experience she's in now. To be honesty , this confrontation seems to have a lot to do with the King competition makes her satisfied of running into Kip at this state. Compared to other lions , stupid fights to Tawn's rock fight back at the king regulations/competition meeting in the afternoon. She could hear Kip's soft , almost faint breathing. Deeply attracted to how he has taken claim to her in such a sexual way. - though done by humans in a nirvana position , but wild life style. He ' must've ' invented it. Her furry , long body still together over Kip's hovered , furry , long body with their furry heads/faces really close to each other. His furry , long , hind legs spreaded out into a wide gap away from her long , hind legs that are stuck together from below him. His long , furry arms/paws spreaded wide away from Queen Destiny's furry head and upper , big boned , furry body.
Queen Destiny almost wanted to lose it in front of Kip wanting to snout kiss him bad , passionate and roughly. Not even caring that Flaunti is right in front of them. She couldn't stop herself from staring at Kip's kind , seductive , furry face to furry mouth agapped into a very flirtaous snarl at her. What about her seeing deep lust into his furry , deep , dark , shiny , neon green eyes ? ! Well she'll be ! , she'll ... be.
When Queen Destiny is about to grip Kip's furry shoulder bones to push him off of her , Kip speaks to her sounding even more seductive , sexy , flirtatious and horny than ever to her.
Making her stop starting to grip his furry shoulder bones for now.
Kip : ( softly ) " Hey Desi. I'm going to let you in on a secret of mine. - " * looks both ways from left to right *
He doesn't look at Flaunti.
He could feel Flaunti raises his left eyebrow at him to Queen Destiny.
Queen Destiny blinks at Kip waiting for him to continue. Wanting him to continue letting his dark , deep , neon green , furry eyes do the talking for him.
Kip : " One day , I'm going to marry you. " * giggles softly *
Kip keeps on laughing , but Queen Destiny doesn't say anything.
Queen Destiny : " ... " * scoffs softly almost in annoyance *
Trying her best to ignore her deep red blush onto her furry cheeks. Following through to push Kip off of her. Making him spin quickly onto the dirt ground onto his furry , slim waist , upper body and furry stomach. But his furry , long arms/paws were already ready to push himself from off of the dirt ground. He stops his giggling already getting onto his furry , long , hind legs without a lazy stagger to his right side.
Flaunti keeps an amusing , furry smirk onto his furry face at Queen Destiny watching her slowly get up onto her furry , long , hind legs. , without dusting herself off. Neither does Kip bother to dust himself off. Kip turns his furry head down to stare at Queen Destiny's furry , long tail. He quickly doves for her furry , long tail moving quickly with his furry , long back slouched. - Having enjoyed watching what was seen in front of him between Kip and Queen Destiny.
Just when Queen Destiny turns her furry head to look at Flaunti , he speaks. Before she can make a rude remark to him. Teasing her.
Flaunti : " Yeah Desi - are ' you ' .. going to marry Kip ? You're going to say yes like he'd strongly want you to ? So you two can find a den that's really dark and he'll make you snarl aloud in pleasure for all cats in Sundaya to hear ? " * laughs softly *
Kip stops chasing for Queen Destiny's furry , long tail unslouching his furry , long back to look at Flaunti laughing. To witness Queen Destiny curve a quick , furry smile at Flaunti mumbling in pretended agreement. Noticing the deep dark blush that covers every part of her furry cheeks.
Queen Destiny : " They do say love can be in the air or to get your head out of the clouds. I say we need to get a hair strand that is out of place out of here before Unc gets back. , and that's Kipster. Let's speed this up already ! "
Kip : " Yep. Flaunti , I guess this means between Desi and I that we're dating. " * sighs happily *
Kip staggers to his left closer to Queen Destiny grabbing her left , furry , front paw before she could forcefully walk her way to herself and Flaunti's den coming out of their family den. Ignoring Kip like she has all this time. Pass Flaunti - ,
Queen Destiny : * scoffs softly at Flaunti and Kip in a small bit of annoyance * * sighs deeply * " ... "
who is still laughing at his own joke at the thought of it.
Flaunti : * laughs *
Kip starts to hum a love tune when he waltzed with her just as the three cats are coming out their family , royal den. Flaunti being the last to quickly trut his way onto his long , furry fours to Kip and Queen Destiny. After standing where he was still laughing at what he said.
Queen Destiny : " Flaunt , you try at teasing me again , I'll make sure the next day Kipster will chase ' you ' in his unawared and confused state. Then we'll see whom .. is laughing. Understood ? "
She laughs at how fast Flaunti's furry face reaction changes. One without emotion or reaction but dull. After turning his furry head to Flaunti. Flaunti turns his furry head to Queen Destiny.
Flaunti : " Oh I ' definitely ' understand. - I'm good. "
Kip stops humming and starts to purr as he laid his furry head/ onto Queen Destiny's left , furry shoulder bone while walking slowly with her , but swiftly. Flaunti joins Queen Destiny and Kip's pace of walking meeting them from Queen Destiny's right. Not speaking but blinking his dark blue , furry eyes ahead.
Kip : " But I like running Desi. "
Flaunti responds speedy fast before Kip or Queen Destiny could speak , think , make a sound , or snarl as a yawn.
Flaunti : " No ! ( calmly as if to get on Kip's good side ) Kip , ( normal toned ) please don't encourage Desi. "
Queen Destiny smirks at what Flaunti said to Kip.
Queen Destiny : " Aw Flaunt ... "
Kip : " Running , running , running ! "
Flaunti : * groans in annoyance softly at Kip * * trailing off * " ... "
Queen Destiny : " Oh don't be acting like a cub Flaunt. " * laughs *
At Queen Destiny and Flaunti's claustrophobic den ,
After making their way in from the middle of the short forked hallway , Queen Destiny is almost quickly making her way over to the inside of their den with Kip. Who is still purring at her with his furry chin already onto her furry , left shoulder. Flaunti often - within the moment - turns his furry head to Queen Destiny silently letting his furry , dark blue eyes question if she'll need help or not. Turn his furry head away and back again. But Queen Destiny wouldn't say anything. Only shake her furry head/face lightly in disagreement. Still onto all of his furry , long fours.
Queen Destiny speaks to Kip softly in her normal tone of voice while slowly guiding Kip to herself to lay down. He easily throws his weight over her from the left side of his furry , long body.
Queen Destiny : " Okay Kipster , what I want you to do is to lay down for a short while until Unc comes home tonight. - "
Kip does the opposite of laying down. ,
Kip : ( still sounding as if slurred toned ) " I told you my hot Desi , I don't wanna lay down. If ' I'm ' laying down ' you're ' laying down with me. "
after throwing his weight all over her. She partially catches Kip into her furry , long arms halfway. While about to prepare herself to lay on her left side of her furry , long body. Left , long arm bending straight above the dirt ground. Right , long arm crossing the middle part of Kip's furry , slim stomach. Almost looking like she's pulling Kip closer to her.
Flaunti who has already stopped walking is by the exit of himself and Queen Destiny's den onto his furry , short two's. Furry , short arms folded over his furry chest. But is rather relaxed about it. Right , furry , hind leg stuck high up balanced on the tip below the dirt ground. Left , furry , hind leg normal. He weakly curves a small , furry smile at the continuing conversation between Queen Destiny and Kip. Adding a really soft , faint chuckle sound after his smile. His short , furry tail stuck into a relaxed curled out away from him. To the left side of his furry , short body near by his furry hip.
Flaunti's curved smile drops into a still frown. With a very troubled furry face expression. Still heated deep inside of the conversation between himself and Queen Destiny. He doesn't say anything to Kip or Queen Destiny. Doesn't make a sound. Not yet or now.
Flaunti : " ... "
Queen Destiny : " I don't think you seem to get it Kipster. - "
Flaunti : * clears throat at Queen Destiny *
Queen Destiny slowly turns sitting up onto the dirt ground. Then upright getting onto her long , furry , hind legs. To see Flaunti looking at her troublesomely. After almost lifting her furry head to stare into his furry , dark blue eyes. Before Kip could turn his furry , long body to his right side to Queen Destiny. Easily getting into a upright position partially and dig his claws coming from his furry , front paws onto Queen Destiny's furry , long , hind legs still purring at her. Trying to get her attention.
Flaunti : ( softly ) " I'm going to go ... - * uses his furry , left thumb to point in the direction to their family den behind him * take a breather to think. - , you know , clear my head. - "
Queen Destiny : " Okay Flaunt. "
Flaunti : " And I ' still ' need to see you. Right now. "
Queen Destiny : " ? " * stares at Flaunti in confused thought *
Right now , Kip is already onto his furry , long fours rubbing himself convincingly onto Queen Destiny's furry , long , hind legs. Partially raising his furry , long back up to reach Queen Destiny's furry , slim stomach. Rubbing it. Pacing quickly into a very short path from left to right. Twice now , Queen Destiny ignores Kip.
Queen Destiny : " Flaunt , you want to tell me what's your issue here. , or do I have to force it out of you ? "
Flaunti ignores Queen Destiny knowing that's such a dumb question. Knowing full well what's bothering him. As if they weren't arguing as soon as Kip interrupted them both by surprise.
Flaunti : " If I said now , I mean now Desi. "
Queen Destiny : " And what about Kipster ? "
Flaunti : ( almost upset ) " You shouldn't worry. You've got it under control don't you ? You seem to know what you're doing. "
Flaunti quickly turns away from Queen Destiny and Kip. Quickly running onto his short , furry fours out of himself and Queen Destiny's den. Trots smoothly in small style of his own. And runs out again pass the corner to the right. Seeing his short , furry tail still stuck out almost straight , but not curled anymore into the air.
Kip starts to slowly get up onto his long , furry , hind legs staring into Queen Destiny's furry face. His long , furry arms/paws , furry paws placed onto her furry , widened hips as he gently places his long , furry , hind legs onto the dirt ground. To pulling her close to him. She easily walks closer to Kip. Tilting his furry face closer to her's , wrapping his right , furry arm/paw at the middle of her furry , slim stomach. Using his left , furry , raised arm/paw to slowly brush away one of Queen Destiny's furry , shiny , dark black bangs from her mane away from her furry , left cheek.
Kip : " I thought he'd never leave. Now that we're alone. - You ' will ' be laying with me right Desi ? "
Queen Destiny could feel her deep red , furry cheeks heat up fast because of Kip. Hungering for Kip to do this to her as long as they've been together. Least ' almost ' again from the past. Keeping her composure and mood , she gently gets out of Kip's grip from his right , furry arm to slowly taking his left , furry paw off of her cheek. Feeling relief when her deep red blush heat leaves her furry cheeks.
Queen Destiny : " Kipster you know I want to but I can't. - "
She quickly turns away from Kip starting to go into all her furry , long fours for a run to Flaunti , but she could feel a cat use his furry , left paw to grab for Queen Destiny's right , furry paw. Pulling her back closer to him again.
Kip : " Yes you can. "
Queen Destiny moves back away from Kip.
Queen Destiny : " No Kip. I - "
Kip : " Yes ! , it's not hard. "
Queen Destiny looks at him almost confusedly taken back at what Kip said.
Queen Destiny : " ... "
Kip moves forward closer to Queen Destiny letting go of her furry , right paw.
Queen Destiny : " Yes it is Kipster. Unc may be here any second and I have to talk to Flaunt again - "
Kip walks up closer to Queen Destiny. He puts both of his furry paws onto Queen Destiny's furry cheeks. Titlting his furry head/face to his right as he does. He leans his furry head closer to her staring deep into Queen Destiny's furry , dark and light brown eyes.
Kip : ( soft and calmly ) " Desi. "
Queen Destiny : " Hm ! "
Feeling Kip's furry stare , she freezes into Kip's touch faintly panting to herself. Staring deep into Kip's neon green , shiny , dark eyes. Finding herself leaning her furry head/face closer to him too.
Kip : " Please , please .. don't leave me Desi. * brings his furry forehead close to her furry forehead letting it touch * I need you. I really love you. - Have I ever told you , that I need you and love you ? Alot ? "