Chapter 5 : Girl talk with Igoea ( or Igie for short ) all afternoon and sunset
In Flaunti and Queen Destiny's claustrophobic den ,
Queen Destiny opens her beautiful , gorgeous dark/light brown eyes while lifting her furry head/face in alert. Able to see the sun's rays. Letting herself know that the sun is rising up. She smiles alittle as she slowly stands up onto her furry , long fours to watch the rest of the sun rise to it's appropriate spot. - if possible , into the light blue shaded sky where it belongs. After getting into a upright position. By her movement , it makes Kip quickly bring his furry head/face down onto the dirt ground in his sleep. While staring at Kip , she blushes red at the thought of him once putting his left , furry , long arm/paw over her left , furry waist crossing over her stomach so comfortably. So softly but pulling her close to him. She slowly moves back away from Kip onto her long , furry fours. , still watching an asleep Kip that still laid out onto the dirt ground comfortably with his furry , long back to her view.
He turns in his sleep letting his furry , long body face her sighing deeply before letting out a soft exhaul. Keeping his furry , deep , dark , neon green eyes closed. With faint , soft , furry , long fours , she quickly turns away from Kip. With a sympathetic , regretful , furry look onto her furry face. With a uneasy , furry frown. Kip told her he didn't want her to leave him. He made that clear to her. And this is what she does. Least what it seems. - Running almost too quickly onto her furry , long fours heading her way almost out of herself and Flaunti's claustrophobic den. Kip almost stirs into his sleep leaning his furry head/face backward. Stretching until his claws come out of his furry , long , hind legs and paws. His claws go back into his furry , front paws and hind legs. He ends up opening his dark , deep , neon green eyes getting a very quick look at the fluffy , white , puffy tip of Queen Destiny's furry , long tail before it could go behind a wall and corner. He lifts his furry head/face , still sleepy , furry eyed. Vision shutting off weakly. Struggling to open his dark , deep , neon green eyes.
Inside the royal , family den ,
She continues to strut leisurely her way wanting to see if her brother Flaunti and Uncle are awake right now. When catching sight of the empty and unlived den as if no animal has ever lived in it in years - seeing her birthday gifts neatly stacked behind the walls , she knew they must've left earlier than she would.
She spoke to herself as she uninvitedly enters further inside her family home. Examining her surroundings catching everything while turning left , right , side to side , diagonal , above , below and finally ahead.
Queen Destiny : ( low toned and softly ) " Some struggles I had last night , but it's not over. No ... not yet. "
She stands tall onto her long , furry two's using her left , furry , front paw to take off her bright , yellow , lemon mane bow and the other onto her fluffy , long tail. Replacing it with a dark , ocean blue mane bow. - the color you see at night when fishes hide from other sea , deadly predators to begin their slumber , by the left , diagonal side of her furry head and long , furry tail. Before she could walk out of her home , she hears a short avalanche of her small sized birthday gifts knock onto one another. Failing to stand as if a house deck of cards onto the stone/rock mixtured , dirt ground. She quickly turns into a small , almost " C " circle of her furry , long body to see what was all the ruckus about. Close to being narrow eyed , she stares frustratingly at Tawny's royal purple , boxed gift. Her frienimies's gift seems ineffaceable constantly zinging her. Reappearing again and again. Simply reminding her of something she can't figure out. Dropping it realizing she has bigger problems , she picks it up into her left , furry paw. Bringing it almost closely to her furry face. She throws Tawny's gift at the other pile of gifts letting it join the unopened boxes.
On top of that what really good but not - what she would be striving for on a normal day basis , sleep she got last night with Kip. Having to almost constantly wake up because of Kip. Tired , yet annoyed and cranky into her sleep. His many tears that fell. How close he held her in their embrace like his life depended on it. The constant , dirty nightmare - the same , about Tawny. - Her need to keep comforting him. She could almost feel bad for Kip deep inside.
At the sight of this , - with her furry , long back turned to him , Kip did stood by the right but also left side of the royal , family den. By the spot where the stone , dark grey path has already cutted it's way to Queen Destiny and Flaunti's den. He widens his deep , dark , neon green eyes almost in surprise. But softly. Struck in curious thought of Queen Destiny. After leaning his furry head/face backward. And rapidly shaking his furry head/face at this scene. Like it can't be possible way.
Onto all furry , long fours , Kip walks up to Queen Destiny.
Kip : ( very softly ) " Desi , you .. alright ? ; - "
Queen Destiny : " ... "
Kip continues. Trying at it again. Still in a very soft , careful , caring tone.
Kip : " Please tell me you are. * pauses hearing no sound from Queen Destiny * ... I'd like to hear that. "
He gets onto his long , furry two's. Walking around in a half , sided circle from the left side of Queen Destiny's furry , long side. He faces her. She has already turned her furry head/overwhelmed , irritiable , furry face expression away from Kip. Not ready to be gently confronted by him. Beyond not ready to stare into his deep , dark , neon green eyes. That's too much for her.
Queen Destiny : * shakes her furry head/face * " ... " * sighs deeply *
Okay , some effort there but still nothing.
Kip : " ! " * ! : widens his deep , dark , neon green eyes alittle after they relax at Queen Destiny in thought *
He exhauls deeply.
Kip : ( softless and abit raised to normal toned voice ) " Come on Desi , talk to me. I'm here. Just like you were for me last night. - "
He listens with his furry , big ears moving closer to Queen Destiny as she clears her throat almost softly.
Kip : " Please. ; don't make me beg. "
Queen Destiny folds her furry , long arms/paws over her big boned , furry chest. She pratically rolls her dark/light brown eyes not at Kip but ' for ' Kip. She does look at Kip with a hard , heartless , furry stare with a little turn of her furry head/face to him in his direction. Scoffing almost softly at him.
Queen Destiny : ( low , normal toned ) " You want an answer. ? ! Okay , fine. Here's my answer : I'm not alright so don't go ' bout asking if I'm suppose to be. All this time being here with you and Daun , I haven't been alright deep inside. "
Kip : " Well , at .. least I got an answer. " * weak , furry , curved smile from the left side of his furry cheek at Queen Destiny * * makes a almost stifled , chuckling sound with his smile *
He widens his deep , dark , - and this time completely , neon green eyes at Queen Destiny who quickly turns her furry head/face to Kip narrowed eyed and grinning uncomfortably. , who snaps at him.
Queen Destiny : " What. Oh wait .. don't tell me. ( raises her voice ) You expect of me to give of you a speech of what's wrong with me like it's suppose to be easy that way. ? ! You don't think that it isn't hard for me. ? ! "
Kip : " I ' think ' I'd want to hear what's up with you is all. You know I'm always wanting to help you. So please let me. I won't stop until you do. "
Queen Destiny : " Really now Kipster. ? Well you're going to ' have ' to stop this time. ! "
She storms her way pass Kip , but he quickly turns around to grab Queen Destiny's left , furry wrist with his left , furry paw. Slowly pulling her closer to him. Queen Destiny relaxes her dark black eyebrows. She grins at Kip almost curiously. Staring at her into her dark/light brown eyes.
Kip : " Please listen Desi. You know exactly how I feel when you act this way towards me. I didn't have an idea you had any feelings deep inside. - ( low toned ) Well , relevant with what's bothering you now anyway. "
He lets go of Queen Destiny's furry , left wrist. Queen Destiny stays put.
Queen Destiny : ( curiously calm ) " Go on. "
Kip : " I know we're starting on rough , merciless pillars right now - and through our relationship , but the last ( meaningfully ) thing I want .. is you mad at me. And I hate it when you're mad. - "
Queen Destiny blinks at Kip. Using just her dark/light brown eyes to look at him up and down. Slowly , plainly.
Queen Destiny : " ... "
Kip : " or cry , "
Kip : " or purr ... "
Queen Destiny : * pauses * " ... "
She stares at Kip thinking about the exact words he's saying now. The ' real ' message to it all between them.
Kip : " I just want to see you happy. I love it ! , when you're happy. - And when you smile with that oh so tiny curve I wish I could see again. - "
He takes another step closer to her. Putting his left , furry paw onto her left , furry cheek.
Kip : " ' I ' want to be your lion that makes you happy. No other cat. - As selfish as it seems ... "
Queen Destiny : " Keep .. going. "
Kip : " I was too busy trying to find a way to explain my true feelings for you I ended up lying to you about it. I-I just made it all about me last night. - And I just could'nt tell you how I really feel about you. Besides being shy. "
Queen Destiny : " Stop right there. "
Kip takes his left , furry paw off of Queen Destiny's left , furry paw.
Queen Destiny : " What of Daun and Lunia. ? Even though I hate to bring up that obssessive , dirty , living cat of a lioness that hurted you in ' more ' ways than one. Personally , I feel Daun would be so much better than Luniabelle. "
Kip : * almost chuckles softly * " Me too. - What does Daunnie and Luniabelle have anything to do with us ? ( curious yet so cutely ) Desi , what do you mean. ? "
Queen Destiny : " Do you happen to have any feelings for Daun or Lunia. ? "
Kip : * blushes deeply red at Queen Destiny * " I-I'm not sure if I can say this to you with much confidence Desi but I will tell you , the only lioness that I've got strong feelings for .. is you. , "
Queen Destiny widens her dark/light brown eyes at Kip in thought.
Queen Destiny : " ... "
Kip : " It's always ' has ' been you. , always ' will ' be you. "
Queen Destiny : " Ooooooh ... " * inhales through her teeth with a widened , furry , iffy smile at Kip * * obviously sounding like she hates to interrupt their conversation *
Queen Destiny moves back away from Kip. Kip stays but stares at Queen Destiny curiously.
Queen Destiny : * almost sputters * I'm-s-orry ( normal , low toned ) Kipster to interrupt on our conversation but we've got to talk about this together on our way there. "
Kip : " Oh ! Right ! You most definitely ' are ' right. I .. lost track of time. Good idea Desi. "
As Queen Destiny gets onto her furry , long fours in front of Kip , Kip speed walks to her onto his long , furry two's. Coming near by her left , furry side. Then gets onto his long , furry fours.
Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to Kip.
Queen Destiny : " It's more than just a good idea Kipster. It's better. " * fiercely , determined , half way narrowed , furry look at Kip *
She keeps her furry , small curved smile that crosses the right side of her furry , right cheek. And dark black , left eyebrow lifted up over her dark/light brown eye.
Kip almost blushes red at Queen Destiny's furry face. And at what he thought he knew what she meant by what she said.
Kip : " Great ! Ready to hit it like you almost always say ? "
Queen Destiny : " Hit it .. and don't stop. Let's move ! "
She dashes first out of her royal , family den. Kip turns his furry head/face to stare almost curious and furiously suspicious at the royal purple box that Queen Destiny already threw. Thinking she could've hid it from him. Since she is ' more ' than aware of how he feels for Tawny. He runs after Queen Destiny allowing the one male lion's name he couldn't stand and is in even more of a ongoing relationship that said lion would'nt care to let him out of. Narrowed eyed abit at the name of : Tawny.
By herself and Uncle's throne ,
Queen Destiny and Kip continue walking - after running , half way closer and closer to herself and Uncle's throne area where Daunnie could be. Talking like Queen Destiny mentioned. Queen Destiny has already got the conversation going nice ' n easy. Make herself and Kip at ease and very comfortable. Still on slow , furry , long fours together.
Queen Destiny's furry head/face is already turned to Kip.
Queen Destiny : " When were you really planning to tell me how you ' really ' felt about me Kipster. ? "
She turns her furry head/face away from Kip watching ahead where she is going.
Kip turns his furry head/face to Queen Destiny.
Kip : " Well .. y-you know when I was trying to ask you about that date or wanting to go somewhere with you. When I was crying hard because of Tawny in your den with Flaunti ? "
He quickly turns his furry head/face away from Queen Destiny blushing deeply red. His blush slowly leaves his furry cheeks when she talks. He looks at Queen Destiny from the left side of his furry eye sockets.
Queen Destiny : " Yes. When I told you to hold your thought because of Flaunt and Tawn. * deeply and low * Ugggh ... ( normal , low toned ) I feel really bad for not listening to what you were struggling to say to me. - "
Queen Destiny : " I wish Tawn and Flaunt didn't do that. On ' your ' account and ' mine. ' ''
She smiles at Kip gently letting the small curve cross the left side of her furry cheek before turning her furry head/face away from Kip.
Kip : * blushes red alittle at Queen Destiny but alittle * " Me too Desi. That's something we can both say without thinking. "
He turns his furry head/face away from Queen Destiny.
Queen Destiny : " Of course Kip. Without thinking. "
The two closest , furry , life long friends reach the entrance inside herself and Uncle's throne. Kip and Queen Destiny turn forward for no reason. Sitting down upright close by one another. Waiting for Daunnie to come by like usual.
Kip and Queen Destiny's furry heads/faces are already turned to each other.
Kip : ( almost softly ) " Desi ? "
Queen Destiny : " What's up Kip. ? "
Kip : " Will you - I mean , are you willing to go on that date with me ? I mean , * speaking almost too quickly * it doesn't have to be a date if it'll make you feel comfortable. - "
Queen Destiny : ( calmly ) " Kip ... "
Kip : " Or it could be if you want. ' I ' would and would not want that because I don't want us to return back to our direction in the past when we ' were ' together as one , but it wasn't really lion friend or lioness friend as a couple. It was more for you , "
Queen Destiny half rolls her furry , dark/light brown eyes looking above her for a very short second. She chuckles softly at Kip's behavior.
Queen Destiny : ( sounding amused ) " Kip. ! "
Kip : " and I didn't mind doing things your way because I'll always be by your side and will do whatever you want as long as I'm with you ! , "
Queen Destiny : " Kipster ! "
Kip gets quiet.
Kip : " Yes Desi ? "
Queen Destiny : " You know exactly what I'm talking about Kipster so don't act stupid now. "
Kip : " Right. You were saying ? "
Queen Destiny : " If it isn't so busy here , in Sundaya then I'd love to go. It'll be like old , furry times in our past. I couldn't ask of anything more than that. Especially with you. "
Kip : * pauses * " ... " * blinks and widens his dark , deep , neon green eyes at Queen Destiny * * blushes really red at Queen Destiny *
He smiles warmly at Queen Destiny into a agapped , little curve showing his teeth. Crossing the right side of his furry , right cheek.
Queen Destiny : * almost chuckles softly at Kip * " ... " * blushes really red at Kip *
Queen Destiny smiles happily at Kip into a agapped , little curve showing her teeth. Crossing the right side of her furry cheek.
By how close they are to one another , Kip chuckles softly at Queen Destiny while butterflies are zooming through his long , furry stomach. Hitting his insides wildly like a shiny , light gray pinball in a pinball machine. Also chuckling to get rid of the silence ringing between them.
Kip : " By .. the way Desi , do you know where Daunnie is ? She usually is here before the both of us. "
His red blush coming from his furry cheeks leave. The butterflies in his stomach freeze. And carry on gliding slowly with fluttering , soft , patted sounds in his furry , long stomach.
Queen Destiny : " Oh no need to be concerned Kipster. She's on her way. "
The red heat from her furry cheeks leaves. She smiles at Kip almost wisely and a step ahead of him way. She gets onto her furry , long fours. Walking slowly away from Kip so that he is near by the left side of her throne. And the gap between them is almost thick. Stopping almost near by the right side of her throne.
Kip remains in his upright position almost keeping his furry , long back pushed backward in confidence for some personal reason of his. Even if acting alot like a lioness all of the time.
With her left , furry , clawed paw brought up close to her furry face , - staring at her claws , she starts a countdown that Kip could hear.
He turns his furry head/face to her almost in confusion. Arching his dark black eyebrow over his right , dark , deep , neon green eye.
Queen Destiny ignores Kip's furry stare.
Queen Destiny : " In five , four , three , two ... "
Kip and Queen Destiny could hear Daunnie's crackled , alittle deep and usually soft voice. Running on short , furry fours to the diagonal right direction of Queen Destiny's royal , family den.
Kip's furry mouth curves agapped in joy and cheerfulness.
Kip : " Right on time Daun. ! - Wow. "
Daunnie : " Thanks Kip. ! " * takes in air almost deeply *
Kip : " No need to mention it. "
Queen Destiny : " Daun. ! It's always so good to see you. "
Daunnie : " Hi Desi. ! " * pausing taking in some more air *
She stops in the middle of Kip and Queen Destiny. Within that almost big gap between them.
Kip : ( almost excited ) " What is today's new agenda Desi ? "
Queen Destiny : " Hmph. ! "
She smiles again at Kip letting the small curve cross the right side of her furry cheek. Almost always.
She pauses speaking lightsomly to Kip.
Walking her way closer to her throne , she hops onto it. Turning to face Kip and Daunnie with her furry head. Sitting upright. She turns her furry head/face to Kip.
Queen Destiny : " Today is the day where I'm going to get my blood pumping. Somethin ' fun. ! I am sooo e - "
Daunnie speaks after catching her breath. To Queen Destiny , but interrupts her.
Kip frowns at seeing this.
Queen Destiny almost widens her dark/light brown eyes at Daunnie , in rudeness. Though knowing how rude she always is , still. It's a thought in her furry head anyway.
Daunnie : " Good morning your highness. ! "
After turning their furry heads/faces , Kip and Queen Destiny look at Daunnie at different directions. Kip on Daunnie's left , furry side and Queen Destiny onto Daunnie's right , furry side obviously has been madden by her.
Daunnie glares from her left to right uncomfortably not seeing what she has done. Turning her furry head/face to Queen Destiny and Kip as she does. With her dark black eyebrows arched up as if in worry.
Daunnie : " Did I do something wrong ? "
Queen Destiny purposely clears her throat in signal.
Queen Destiny : " Ahem ... "
Daunnie got the memo. About to open her furry mouth.
Kip pops in encouraging Daunnie about her mistake softly.
Kip : " Mm-hmm. ! "
Daunnie : " Oh ! My apologies for interrupting your highness. Where are my manners this morning. ? .... please continue. "
Daunnie : " And thank you Kip. For letting me know. "
Kip : " You're welcome Daunnie. ! "
Queen Destiny sits crosslegged back posture straight with her robust and massive furry , long , crossed arms inside her lap.
She spoke giving Daunnie and Kip a largehearted , furry smile after kiboshing her sentence.
Queen Destiny : " If there won't be any more interruptions , then yes. I will continue. Now , both of you won't be doing orders for me this morning. "
Kip and Daunnie freeze but are still mesmerized by what their Queen said to the both of them. They speak after one another.
Kip : " What now ? "
Daunnie : " No more orders ? "
The Queen and Flaunti's of her Mom and Dad's kingdom looks at her best , royal servants/best friends with a " You heard me " furry look. Kip and Daunnie stop playing dumb.
Kip : " That's crazy your highness. ! "
Daunnie : " Every cat is suppose to obey your orders and ... basically do what is told from you to do. "
Kip : " Would you like some steak ? "
Daunnie : " Your golden comb to groom your fur ? "
Kip : " Some water ? "
Daunnie : " A manicure or pedicure ? "
Queen Destiny : " No , no , you guys. - On second thought , the pedicure and manicure I could use. Tell me later. Like ... you know .. later on in the day. - Mmmh ... later , later. "
Daunnie : " You mean during the afternoon ? "
Queen Destiny : ( almost sadly ) " Ooooh ... ( normal , low tone of voice ) I'll be with Igi all afternoon and sunset. I promised. - Plus , a massage. "
Daunnie : " Alright then. I'll remind you some other time. "
Kip spoke in anxiety to Queen Destiny. He gets up onto his furry , long fours. He walks closer to Queen Destiny's throne. He leaps onto Queen Destiny's left arm stand to her throne. His furry head/face leaned close to hers. In action to this , Queen Destiny quickly moves backward away from Kip. With her furry , long body scooting her way to her right arm rest attached to her royal throne. Her furry , long back over her right arm rest to her throne.
After turning her furry head/furry face to Kip. With widened dark/light brown eyes alittle at Kip. Blinking , freezing. Her furry , long , hind legs overlapped and almost stretched out in front of her to the middle part of her furry , long body. In big , acute triangles with the pointy end pointed away from her furry , long body.
Kip : " Your highness ... are you feeling alright ? Do you need bed rest ? I'll handle this ! "
He hops off of Queen Destiny's right arm stand to her throne.
He starts to run onto his furry , long fours hurriedly in direction when his bestest , royal friend spoke in that meticulous tone he loves hearing. Making him to stop in place. Turning his furry head/face over his left , furry shoulder at Queen Destiny.
Kip slowly walks back up to Queen Destiny while she speaks to him.
Queen Destiny : " No Kip that won't be necessary. I'm fine. I don't need bed rest. That's not what I meant you guys. "
Kip sits upright in the same confident posture as before. Near by the left side of Queen Destiny's throne. He is already facing her.
She could feel Kip's furry , confused stare. Arching his left , dark black eyebrow over his left , deep , dark , neon green eye at her.
Daunnie : " What are you suggesting then ? "
Queen Destiny : " Today we're going to have fun this morning. "
She walks down her fairly long and short lengthed ladder attached to her throne onto her long , furry two's. Until her furry , hind legs touch the dirt ground. Five , good meters away from her throne with Uncle's throne near by , she gets onto her long , furry fours. Slowly walking in Tawny's path of his territory.
Kip : " Really ? ! Awesome ! It's about time we three let loose. Talk about drama here in Sundaya.
He turns his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny excitedly. He hops out of his seat onto his furry , long fours. He quickly jogs onto his furry , long fours in order to catch up to Queen Destiny.
Daunnie : " Are you sure no morning routine your majesty ? We know it by heart ! "
Daunnie turns her furry head/face to Queen Destiny. The same time she gets out of her seat almost slowly. Onto her short , furry fours. She runs her way to Queen Destiny's right side. Slowing herself down to almost mock Queen Destiny's furry pace.
The three make their way down out of herself and Uncle's royal throne area.
The felion best friend's voice begins to sound as if they're screaming but have an echo to it. As the life long trio walk onto long and short , furry fours. Further inside the path ahead. Through Tawny's territory.
Queen Destiny : " Of course you'd know it like a machine full of info Daun ... you and Kipster have been my buddies for sooo long. I don't know what I'd do without you guys. "
Daunnie : " Aw ... * sniffles alittle * extremely touching your majesty. You know how to really pull a cat's heart strings. "
Kip : " Glad to satisfy you from all these years your highness. "
He smiles at her alittle while looking her way.
Queen Destiny : " I am so glad I met you both. Ahhh ... memories. "
Daunnie : " We're going to see Tawny ? ( almost teasing ) * squeaky and happily * Ooooooh ! "
Kip : * clears throat angry and purposely at Daunnie *
Daunnie : " Sorry ! "
Queen Destiny : " I just told you that Daun. Now stop it. You're making Kipster get all furious and annoyed. - Like I am right now. " * blushes red *
At Tawny's territory ,
The furry trio comes further inside Tawny's territory within Sundaya running quickly into Tawny. Who has already turned his furry head/face to Queen Destiny mostly. Along with Daunnie and Kip. Onto his furry , long two's.
Joined within a large group of his lion friends that are now within a infinity sided conversation with each other. Leaving a overly thick gap from Tawny and his lion friends and Queen Destiny with Kip and Daunnie.
Tawny and Queen Destiny come running to one another onto long , furry fours. Both softly panting to one another but together if compared. In order to catch up , Daunnie and Kip trot quickly while shifting in opposite directions even if by Queen Destiny's furry sides.
Tawny and Queen Destiny both get onto their furry , long two's when facing close to one another. Tawny roughly shoulder bumps Queen Destiny who returns the same feeling back with equal power and true , royal dominance.
Queen Destiny laughs as Tawny playfully runs around her almost five times from onto his long , furry fours. Stops right in front of her , facing her , back onto his long , furry two's. - This is what Tawny almost always does with Queen Destiny ever since the two were cubs .. whenever he sees her again for a long time and his way to always greet her.
Daunnie and Kip have already stopped both standing in the background near by Queen Destiny's furry sides. Still onto their furry , long or short fours. Alittle narrowed eyed , Kip quickly turns his furry head/face away from the scene he is seeing between Queen Destiny and Tawny. Over his furry , right shoulder. Almost jealousy and more ferociously , low growls in annoyance under his breath. Scoffing softly.
Daunnie quickly turns her furry head/face to Kip curiously. And in wonder.
Tawny : " You came dawl. ! Good morning. ! "
Sounding almost happy.
Queen Destiny : " Hey Tawn. - Of course I came. Wouldn't miss it for the world. "
The two , royal frienimies remain standing , relaxed in one another's furry presence. Tawny smiles at Queen Destiny more happily at her. But his furry face expression and very light , hazel eyes get alarmed when Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to lion two. And not him.
- Who is now trying to talk her.
Lion 2 : " Good-oning ... Blah ! "
Queen Destiny raises her dark black , left eyebrow over her left , furry , dark/light brown eye at lion two. Questioning and curiously.
Tawny turns his furry head/face to lion two almost furry , narrow eyed. Growling at him almost softly because of his stupid behavior. And getting Queen Destiny to lose her attention to him.
His dark pink , reddish tongue falls out like a never ending string. Hitting the dirt ground. Seeming undignified.
Tawny and Queen Destiny ignore lion one. Moving onto lion two. Turning their furry heads/faces over to him. Used to his furry presence. Almost always. Seeming friendly , Queen Destiny smiles alittle at lion one.
Tawny relaxes his furry face expression. Not seeing lion one differently. It's his number one , closest friend ever since cub hood. He grins and frowns at the same time. Furry mouth agapped. Folding his furry , long arms over his iron hard , furry chest. Remaining by Queen Destiny's left side. Almost acting like a protective body guard to Queen Destiny.
Lion 1 : ( Blankey ) " Morning gorgeous. Not me gorgeous. You .. you know. " * laughs nervously to himself *
Queen Destiny : " More than nice seeing you too Blank. * winks at Blankey with her left , furry , dark/light brown eye * Good morning you all. - Even though I hate mornings. "
Lion one ( Blankey ) and Queen Destiny walk up to one another and shoulder bump each other. The two cats chuckles softly at each other's behavior. Abit amused about it but not always , right in front of Tawny. As if it's a problem for Tawny.
( Blankey ) Lion one and Queen Destiny slowly walk back to the spots they're standing in. This has Tawny walk up to Queen Destiny closer already turning his furry head/face to her. Blankey's cheerful , furry face/furry head is looking at Queen Destiny. , all in the conversation.
Tawny : " I can say that you look amazing today. As always. "
Kip sucks his teeth in disgust. After , he spoke to himself.
Kip : " Get over it. "
Daunnie groans uncomfortably at the way Kip is reacting and acting to Tawny. From everything or almost everything he's doing.
Queen Destiny : " I-know Tawn. , It's truly sweet of you. - * blushes alittle failing to hide it * You know my beauty come naturally anyway. "
Tawny : " Your eyes , lambent wonderfully like stars. " * smiles alittle at Queen Destiny *
Queen Destiny : " Alittle too mushy gushy now. "
Tawny : " Right. "
Queen Destiny : * smiles alittle at Tawny * " I was wondering if you lions want to play a game. - My favorite. "
Tawny : ( almost sounding excited ) ( almost raising his voice ) " Are you speaking of " Attack , jog and run ! ? " ''
Queen Destiny steps closer to Tawny if possible. Already facing him.
Queen Destiny : ( sounding excited ) " Yes ! ( happily ) that game never gets old ! "
Tawny steps closer to Queen Destiny. Is it possible ?
Tawny : ( happily ) " It sure doesn't ! "
She faces away from Tawny. Staring up into space after lifting her furry head up. Like she's going into a flashback or memory.
Queen Destiny : * sighs miraculously * ( normal , low toned ) " I remembered the day I made that game up. "
Tawny could hear how happy and satisfied she sounded through her voice. Turning away from Queen Destiny. Staring up into space after lifting his furry head up. Like he's going into the same flashback or memory as Queen Destiny is.
Tawny : * sighs love like * " I remember the day you introduced us to that game. "
The cats face one another as their furry , very light , hazel to dark/light brown eyes meet. Speaking after one another. Both smiling abit.
Queen Destiny : " The name had a ring to it. "
Tawny : " You looked unbelievably hot that day. "
Tawny and Queen Destiny freeze snapping out of their trance. They speak to each other at the same time. , both returning to reality.
Tawny and Queen Destiny : " Huh ? ! "
The overly royal frienimies quickly move away from one another. Blushing deeply red. Leaving a small gap between them. Apart from them. Without giving furry eye contact. Or turning their furry heads/faces to one another.
Tawny : ( awkwardly uncomfortable ) ( almost low toned and shy ) " So the game you ... you know .. had in mind ? "
Queen Destiny : ( still low , normal toned ) " Right .. where was I ? About the - ... you know and - .. Whom now ? "
Kip gets up onto his long , furry fours. He trots to Daunnie coming at her right , furry side. Daunnie turns her furry head/face to him overhearing his furry footsteps against the dirt ground. He sits upright. Turning his furry head/face to Daunnie.
Kip : ( low toned ) " I do not like him at all. Having the nerve to lure my Queen. ( determined ) I'm so going to teach him a lesson at the King competition. "
He turns his furry head/face to look at Tawny. Still narrow eyed alittle. Hating what he is seeing. Keeping a cruel , dark , small curved smile that crosses the right side of his furry cheek.
Daunnie : ( taken aback and surprised ) You're Queen ? ! * in low whispers to Kip * You assured me that you entered .. and didn't tell Desi. ? ! "
Kip turns his furry head/face to Daunnie. He frowns and relaxes his furry face.
Kip : * sighs sadly to himself * " And I feel horrible for not telling her. Okay ? You know that. ( almost in feeling ) I can't. ! ( in low , normal toned whispers to Daunnie ) Yes , ' my ' Queen - , but I'm not suppose to tell Desi. I wanted to. So badly. "
Kip and Daunnie's furry heads/faces turn to Queen Destiny. The sound of her voice knocking them out of their conversation. In almost brown , furry to deep , dark , neon green widened eyes. In sudden awared alarm.
Queen Destiny : " Daunnie ! You're the referee. "
Kip quickly looks around his surroundings. Having the tinest of a feeling that he might be called on.
Kip : " ! "
- She pauses lowering her voice thinking to herself. STILL , her voice is heard. Already turning his furry head/face to Queen Destiny , Tawny leans his furry head/face closer to listen to Queen Destiny. Her strategy , ideas and thoughts.
Queen Destiny : " How many of us is here. ? Mmm ... - ( She continues to speak in a low voice then stops ) Two ... four .. plus one on both sides. - ( normal voice ) all together ten. "
Tawny leans his furry head/face backward away from Queen Destiny. With a dirty , agapped grin and still , furry look , - for no reason at all. Tawny turns his furry head/face to watch Daunnie do what she is told.
Daunnie : " Yes ma'am ! "
She excitingly gets in position.
Tawny : " What about rules and regulations dawl ? "
Queen Destiny : " Only for beginners who compete in this game. Cubs only remember. ? - * narrowed eyes abit challengingly at Tawny * Now let's have some fun ! "
Ten large cats face one another competitively. Each furry individual stood onto their long or short , furry fours. Leaving an overly thick gap in between the two rows of cats. From left to right.
Daunnie spoke aloud for all to hear.
Daunnie : '' Position .. stealth ...
While this carries on , Tawny turns his furry head/face. Looking to his right behind three male lions. He seeks Kip at the end of their row with Queen Destiny in front from the row to the left. With more jealousy than usual.
Narrowed eyed alittle and holding in his growl to himself.
Tawny spoke up shouting to every cat near by.
Tawny : " Wait ! "
* The sound of a broken record screeches because of the needle failing to play the disc *
As if there was music.
Tawny : " Before we all start , let's all play a quick game of " Duck , duck , goose. " "
Queen Destiny starts to speak to Tawny wanting her royal frienemy to stop his usual sick twisted games and begin the game already. Turning her furry head/face to Tawny.
Queen Destiny : ( abit annoyed ) " Tawn ... "
He interrupts Queen Destiny. Turning his furry head/face to her.
Tawny : " Really dawl I insist. ! It'll be in lightning haste. "
Queen Destiny : " What have I got to lose. ? - "
Completely bored , over her furry , long stomach , she laids onto the dirt ground furry , long arms/furry , front paws over one another. Not attempting to occupy herself.
She finishes her sentence.
Queen Destiny : " Make it quick. "
She spoke to herself in defeat letting the nonsense that is about to go down start. In front of her furry face. No longer in her control.
Queen Destiny : " I am soo confused ... "
With her furry head/face down , she looks plainly onto the dirt ground. Her fluffy , puffy , long tail lazily remains comfortable in it's spot. Having no rush. Swaying left and right.
Tawny : " Sweet ... - "
The prideful , confident and dominant lion spoke as he taps other cats or his cronies onto their furry , huge manes. With his furry , front , left paw almost softly pass their furry heads. Onto his long , furry two's. When reaching closer to closer to Kip , he deliberately pronounces the word " duck " the third/final time purposely for Kip to hear.
Tawny : " .. "
Before Tawny could start the game , his friends stick up for Queen Destiny uneccassarily. After she has already let Tawny start his game.
Kip comes in last.
Lion 1 : ( Blankey ) " Uh .. Tawny ? "
Lion 2 : " This isn't the game we came here to play. "
Lion 3 : " We .. - "
Tawny's lion friends widen their furry , colored eyes alittle at the tone of Tawny's tone of voice.
Tawny : ( almost raising his voice ) " Shut it ! - I better not hear anything else from you guys. Trust me , I know exactly what I'm doing. "
He turns his furry head/face to wink at each of his friends once.
Tawny's lion friends turn their furry heads/faces to each other with almost confused , furry expressions. As if hyponitized , Tawny's lion friends quickly turn their furry heads/faces forward into space. They start to snarl , growl , miaow and roar almost loudly in laughter. Throwing their furry heads back. Closing their furry , colored eyes in the moment. Lion one ( Blankey ) weakly laughs along with himself and Tawny's lion friends. Almost wanting to let it die out. Even if other lions are still laughing.
Daunnie frowns at the sight of this.
Kip grins rudely at Tawny's lion friends. Narrowed eyed but not alittle. While turning his furry head/face to them. Who ignores his rude , furry stare.
Queen Destiny : " ... "
Queen Destiny leans her furry head/face backward with force and confusion. She renarrows her dark black eyebrows over her dark/light brown eyes at Tawny. Raising her left , dark black eyebrow over her left , dark/light brown eye.
Daunnie blanks stares at Tawny. Wondering what is he planning to do. Knowing enough it'll involve Kip. It almost always does. - Almost in confusion.
Daunnie : " .. "
Kip speaks making Tawny's lion friends stop laughing. Who always has the power to get his friends to laugh or almost doing anything persuasively. Just like Touphy.
Tawny's lion friends turn their furry heads/faces to Kip. Staring at him almost in annoyance. Lion one ( Blankey ) stares at Kip almost uncomfortably. Like he can't seem to figure out what he wants in this. Or making up his mind. I'd go with both.
Kip : ( almost aloud ) " I don't want to do this Tawny. Can't we just get on with Desi's game like all the other cats would want. Like Desi too ? "
Tawny turns his furry head/face to Kip. Giving him a cold , furry stare. Almost sounding like he's mocking or mimicking Kip's kind , warm tone of voice.
Tawny : ( in annoyance ) " Well if you want to play so badly , you really don't have a choice Kippy. ! "
Kip stomps his furry , long arm/left paw full of attitude and annoyance at Tawny onto the dirt ground. With a small , furry pouted grin. Narrowed eyed abit and groaning softly into a scoff. Turning his furry head/face away from Tawny.
The cats except Tawny get quiet.
Tawny : " Duck ... "
Passing by a random lion.
Tawny : " Duck ... "
Passing by another random lion.
Tawny : " D ... UUUUCCCK ... "
Kip could sense Tawny's presence coming closer to him as he wickedly turns his furry head/face to him. Leaning his furry head/face closer to Kip , behind his furry , right ear. Above his right , furry shoulder. Kip looks at Tawny from the left sides of his furry , deep , dark , neon green eye sockets. Sitting upright with his furry , long back almost relaxed and slouched.
Tawny spoke as he slightly taps Kip's furry head quickly. With a taunting , troublesome and firm tone.
Tawny : " Goose. "
He dashes off with great endurance. Showing his furry , long back ahead. Onto his long , furry fours.
With a narrow eyed , aggravated , furry look .. Kip follows.
Queen Destiny quickly brings her attention to Tawny's game. All of a sudden .. interested in the game. It would appear that way though. - She curiously manages to catch Kip's furry , narrowed and aggravated look. Knowing that Tawny is pushing Kip's buttons or pulling his tail. By the way Kip is responding , he doesn't like it not one bit.
Other lions chant in encouragement and enthusiasm to Tawny and Kip.
Lion 1 : ( Blankey ) " Go Kip ! "
Others : ( chanting ) " Go ! , go ! , go ! , go ! , go ! - "
Daunnie : ( low toned to herself ) " Poor Kip ... and your highness. "
Queen Destiny : ( to herself , low toned ) " This is not worth my time. "
Kip discovers himself losing speed hearing his heart beat slow and steady. His vision goes into pure bluriness seeing furry , golden , light shaded yellow , cat structures. And Tawny's broad , muscular , buff , long , furry figure ahead passing by his spot. He felt as if time froze. The next thing he knew , he ended up entering Tawny's spot early. Almost skitting to a stop barely with his long , furry fours in failure and little acceptance. Tawny enters Kip's spot skitting to a stop roughly kicking up little dirt into the air. Tawny's lion friends cheer almost aloud in triumph. Lion one ( Blankey ) sucks his teeth because of Kip losing. Queen Destiny groans softly in annoyance at Kip losing. Daunnie shakes her furry head/face in small disappointment at Kip losing. The childish , kid/toddler game - and if under all ages and up , has terminated.
Queen Destiny : " Is it over. ? * sighs in relief * That really was quick. Taw ... - "
She turns her furry head/face to Tawny. Leans her furry head/face quickly backward at the sight of Tawny. Widening her furry , dark/light brown eyes at Tawny. She stares at Tawny ahead.
Queen Destiny : " ny. ? "
Tawny smirks at her seductively. Furry mouth agapped alittle. Chuckling softly at her furry face reaction. Turning her furry head/face to him. Widens her furry , dark/light brown alittle in alert at Tawny. Leaning her furry head/face backward quickly at the sight of him.
She frowns. Renarrowing her dark black eyebrows over her furry , dark/light brown eyes at Tawny.
Tawny : " Dawl ... my love. I hope this isn't an incibordination but ... I'm going to drag the dirt ground with you .. hm. " * very light , chuckle abit *
Kip spoke in defense at Tawny. Renarrowing his dark black eyebrows over his deep , dark , neon green eyes at Tawny. Snarling almost softly. Sticking up for Queen Destiny.
Kip : " You're lucky that I didn't ask for a rematch Tawny. Because that'll be over ' my ' furry , dead body. "
Tawny's lion friends turn their furry heads/faces from left to right at Kip and Tawny. Used to their ongoing , cold conversations of many.
Tawny's lion friends : " Ooooohhhh ... " * gasps softly together *
Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to Kip. She smiles at Kip fiercly. Always happy he has her back. Loving his feriousness and fierceness.
Queen Destiny : * widens dark/light brown eyes alittle at Kip * " ... "
Kip ignores Queen Destiny , Tawny's lion friends and Daunnie's furry stares still focused on Tawny. Staring into his very light , hazel eyes feriously. Grinning agapped all rotten. Wanting to growl at him.
Daunnie keeps her furry head/face on Kip.
Daunnie : " Whoa Kip ... whoa. "
Tawny snarls aloud at Kip leaning his furry head/face forward to him. Widening his furry grin to show his sharp teeth at Kip. Almost chuckling coldly to Kip. Not at all intimidated by Kip's fierce response.
Tawny : ( almost softly ) " Hmmm-mmph. ! "
Daunnie : ( shouting ) " Position ... ''
With the snap of Queen Destiny's furry , left , raised , long arm/paw , the ten cats quickly trot out of their overly large ring. From " Duck , duck goose. " Returning to two , long , large rows from the left to right. An overly long gap in between them again. All ten big cats sit as if stalking their prey. Furry looks of ambition and boldness at one another. Tight , furry lips below their furry snouts mean and aggressive. Making no sound or perform any movements.
Daunnie : " Stealth ... "
The lions and only lioness besides Daunnie freeze in place.
Daunnie : " Pounce ! "
Not thinking twice , five lions on the right side energetic and spontaneously pounce onto their opponent now being stuck with he/she for the rest of the game. Or at least try to even if missing. Queen Destiny trots quickly slipping through other lion fights while Tawny chases after her onto quick , long , furry fours. Furry , long tail everywhere.
Queen Destiny laughs at Tawny speaking to him.
Queen Destiny : ( raising her voice ) " Can't keep up Tawn. ? "
Tawny doesn't say anything to Queen Destiny. He could only laugh. Admitting his loss of speed to catch up to Queen Destiny , alittle.
Tawny : * laughs *
Other lions aggressive miaowing and roars are heard throughout the area as their battles are intense , wild and furious in rage. Somehow , Tawny lost track of his opponent : Queen Destiny due to grappling one another from other lions. And many balls of dust of any size flung into mid air all over the place. Not bothering to clear up on it's own. Flowing gracefully at it's pace having no purpose or reason why.
Kip spoke to Tawny's lion friends under much cat language and playful brawling as he was about to be lammed into some male lion after being surrounded by others near by a tree who join along. He could feel his furry butt being pressed onto a tree bark. Turning his furry head/face to the gathering of lions that start their act of double teaming. Tawny's lion friends laugh in their roars and snarls. After Kip's constant miaowing , snarling and growling defensively at them.
Kip : " Let's just forget about my bravory ! Bad idea ! "
Queen Destiny comes stomping her way onto her furry , long fours heading over the tree area where Kip is trapped in.
Queen Destiny : " I'm on my way Kip ! " * roars *
Other lions besides Tawny's lion friends challenge her agility and powerful strike but fail. Being outmanuvered and outwitted by Queen Destiny. Missing her as their target.
Others went against her as she jogs about soon having them to tackle each other. Queen Destiny spoke as she assists Kip who laid almost weakly onto the dirt ground. Onto his left , furry , long side of his body. Lifting his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny.
She smiles at Kip. Gratful of going out of his way into too much lion trouble just for her.
Queen Destiny : " I appreciate what you did for me Kip. , "
She guides him to stand onto his own , furry , long fours. Lifting his furry butt when onto her furry , long two's. She watches Kip get onto his long , furry fours just as she gets onto her long , furry fours herself. From just putting her furry , long arms/paws onto the dirt ground.
Queen Destiny : " You're manful. "
Kip : * blushes red at Queen Destiny * " Y-You're - you know ... welcome. "
Daunnie counts down aloud while the cats game still goes on.
Daunnie : " Ten , nine , eight , seven , six , five , four , three , two ... two and a half .... - "
She pauses almost purposely.
Daunnie : " Two and three quarters ... one. "
Daunnie : " Time ! "
Queen Destiny and Tawny's subjects stop play fighting. Quickly trotting into a straight line in front of Daunnie. Without the snap of Queen Destiny or Tawny's furry paw. In order is , lion one ( Blankey ) , two , three , Tawny , Queen Destiny , Kip and the line goes on from there.
Daunnie answers.
Daunnie : " Well ... sorry to put a damper on things even though you all had the most furioso and insane match yet - compared to the past , .. but , I'm going to have to say that it's a tie. "
Kip : " ... "
Queen Destiny : " ... "
Tawny : " ... "
Lion 1 : ( Blankey ) " ... "
Lion 2 : " ... "
Lion 3 : " ... "
Other lions but not Tawny's friends : " ... "
With a turn of their furry heads/faces , two lions find the truth funnily. Others groan softly in disagreement and disapproval still finding this impossible. So hard to grip.
Queen Destiny : ( almost aloud ) " A tie. ? ! ( normal , raised tone of voice ) You cannot be grave. There ' must ' be a winner Daun ! "
Kip nods his furry head/face almost rapidly from looking at Queen Destiny. Her furry head/face that was turned to him in agreement. Away from her furry head/face to Daunnie. He takes one step closer to Daunnie. With opened long , furry arms/paws.
Kip : " If any cat thinks they deserve to win , it should be our majesty ! "
Lion 1 : ( Blankey ) ( questioningly at Kip ) " Mmm ? " * raised , left , black eyebrow over his baby blue to dark blue ringed , furry eye at Kip *
Lion one ( Blankey ) already turning his furry head/face to Kip. Kip ignores lion one's furry stare.
Tawny spoke sounding grevious.
Tawny : " This .. well ... is an outrage. It isn't possible for this match to be a tie. You sure you didn't make a right mess of it ? "
Daunnie : " I apologize for disappointing you all. - No doubt about it. That it isn't a tie. - But Queen Destiny has to go against Tawny though. "
Other lions but not Tawny's friends : " Oooooooohhh ... "
Tawny's lion friends : " Oooooooohhh ... "
Not instigating this moment.
Kip : " Ooooh ! I can't wait to see this ! - "
He pauses then continues hotly to Tawny. Turning his furry head/face to Tawny. He faces Tawny even if the other cats are still in the row. After Queen Destiny turns her furry , long back to see Kip push his luck at Tawny. After standing a small gap apart from Daunnie near by. Left , furry paw onto her left , widened hip. Shifting her weight onto her left , long , furry , hind leg.
Always frowning with a unfriendly , calm look onto her furry face.
Other lions and Tawny's lion friends quickly move out of Tawny's way slightly spreading themselves apart behind Tawny and Kip. Leaving much space and a almost thick gap between them.
Kip : " I hope our Queen beats you Tawny. You've been a naughty lion ... you need a beat down. "
He smirks almost troublesomely at Tawny. Just speaking to spite and annoy him.
It definitely works.
Tawny quickly storms his way to Kip. He leans his furry , long body in front of Kip making him bend his furry , long back backward almost into a backbend. Still onto his long , furry two's in little fright and feeling alittle insecure. He shows a " just joking " furry , curved smile crossing the right side of his furry cheek. And alittle frightened grin into one.
He spoke as Kip bends down further and further until his furry shoulders hit the dirt ground. Kip uses his left , long arm/paw to keep balance to avoid falling in front of Tawny.
Narrowed eyed more this time in anger than before at Kip. Frowning greatly.
Tawny : ( in low , soft murmurs to Kip ) " Really now ? Well you won't be saying that when we go head to head at the King competition hm ? "
Kip was so ready to say so much to Tawny right now. There was too much words into his furry head. And shown all over his furry face. But it's crazy this is all he comes up with to say to Tawny. Where was his fierce , ferociousness and power from back at Queen Destiny's den when they talked ?
Kip : ( low , soft murmurs ) " Y-You caught that didn't you ? J-Just teasing. "
By the sound of Queen Destiny's voice , Tawny and Kip's furry heads/faces quickly turn to Queen Destiny. Kip sighs in relief. Tawny pauses in movement and speech. Almost widening his very light , hazel eyes at Queen Destiny.
Tawny's lion friends and other cats do nothing besides standing and watching.
Queen Destiny : " Tawny quit interrogating Kip. Let's play again ! "
Daunnie runs onto all short , furry fours back to her spot. Other lions and Tawny's lion friends slowly walk their way onto their furry , long or short fours away from Tawny and Kip as if giving them space. Queen Destiny was already in position on the battlefield. Onto just her furry , long two's. Waiting for the other random lions , Tawny , Kip , Daunnie and Tawny's lion friends to reach the battlefield.
Tawny turns his furry head/face over to Kip.
Tawny : ( still in low , soft murmurs ) " You're going to wish you haven't urked my nerves like you did now Kippy hon. If you're asking for love , just say so. "
Kip : ( in sour , bitter feeling ) " I'd rather have my eyeballs .. clawed out Tawny ! - ( low , soft , almost normal , murmured tone ) Saved by Desi like always. " * curves a small , furry , challenging smile at Tawny sounding like he's softly chuckling in a mocking way * * crossing the right side of his furry cheek *
Tawny : " Next time , you'll be saved by me. " * mocking , cold , agapped , furry smirk at Kip *
He wraps his long , furry arms/paws around Kip's furry , slim waist into a romantic hold but not bringing Kip up close to his furry , long body. He snarls seductively at Kip already leaning his furry head/face to Kip's deeply red blushed , furry face. Chuckling softly at Kip's furry face reaction.
Tawny : " Call this a helpful gesture Kippy hon. And nothing else. "
He quickly swings Kip out of their furry , romantic hold. He quickly ends up finding his furry , long , hind legs walking away from Tawny almost at a quick and slow pace. With his furry head/still deeply blushing red face already turned to Tawny over his right , furry shoulder.
Kip : * still blushing deeply red * ( low , soft murmurs ) " Um , o-okay. Thanks , Tawny. "
Tawny : ( low , soft murmurs ) ( not at all meaningful ) ( in a fake tone ) " Oh , always around to lend a paw. - * smirks at Kip dominantly with a hint of possessiveness * Kippy hon. "
Kip moves back away from Tawny facing his furry , long body to him.
Kip : * chuckles softly but it goes weak * " ... "
Kip quickly turns away from Tawny. He starts to run away from Tawny joining Daunnie from her left , furry side. Onto his long , furry fours. Tawny quickly runs onto his long , furry fours joining Queen Destiny at the battlefield facing the right side of her.
Queen Destiny and Tawny face one another in opposite directions in a stalking position. Got no fear in them. Looking at one another as a target confidently.
In a almost circled row , Daunnie , Kip , lion two , one , ( Blankey ) three and other lions that stretch out the line further stood onto their furry , short or long two's watching Queen Destiny and Tawny. Leaving a too large gap from them to Queen Destiny and Tawny from afar. Kip turns his furry head/face to Queen Destiny and Tawny again having to already seen the furry looks in focus from Queen Destiny to Tawny's faces. With a plain , relaxed look onto his furry face.
Tawny's lion friends , lions and Daunnie's furry faces look seriously curious.
Kip spoke shouting.
Kip : " Position ! "
Queen Destiny and Tawny quickly perform a pouncing position with their furry , big or normal sized ears perked up but back. Furry , long backs and furry , long stomach almost touching the dirt ground.
Daunnie spoke next shouting.
Daunnie : " Stealth ! "
The frienimies remain in place.
Kip and Daunnie : " Pounce ! "
Queen Destiny forcefully pounces for Tawny , but he dodges in really good , perfect timing. He swings at her with his right , furry , front paw , but she dodges as she flirtly jogs pass , around and keeps very good distance away from Tawny. , with more skill and fervently. Tawny comes for her , but instead she runs and performs a quick u-turn heading for the tree.
Queen Destiny spoke as she gives Tawny a small , curved smile crossing the left side of her furry cheek. Dodging Tawny's left , furry , front paw that comes at her on both sides , but fails almost miserably.
Queen Destiny : " Aw .. come on Tawn. I ' know ' you can do better than that ! "
Tawny : " ... "
He spoke to Queen Destiny as he jogs to her spot while she turns running to the opposite direction. The tree bark ( not the path Tawny's going ) straight at Tawny's previous spot.
Tawny : " I never knew the Queen of Sundaya was a coward. "
Kip hisses angrily at Tawny wanting to make Tawny eat his words and never spit them out. Not standing to let his Queen being called out like that so disrespectfully. He would rather be called out like that than Queen Destiny herself. Of course .. ignoring it though.
He walks his way to Tawny over the battlefield. He could feel Tawny's lion friends and other random lions furry stare almost in interest at him. After turning their furry heads/faces to Kip.
Daunnie quickly turns her furry head/furry face to Kip. Furry , brown eyes in alarm at the sight of him already walking. Quickly trying to hold him back but he roughly shoves her. She staggers backward abit while moving backward away from Kip.
Daunnie pulls at the end of Kip's furry , long tail easily stopping Kip right before he could get to Tawny. He snarls staring at her angrily in pain because of his tail being pulled. Looking over his left , furry shoulder at her questioningly. As if he wouldn't know why.
She speaks to Kip who starts speed walking again except in place getting no where at his rate.
Daunnie : " Let it go Kip ! Keep it together ! "
Kip spoke ' STILL ' speed walking in place.
Kip : ( almost angrily at Daunnie ) " I've been trying to ever since I got here ! "
Lion 1 : ( Blankey ) " Save your energy kid. We all wish to get Tawny as much as you .. , but that'd be disqualification. We're just playing the game fair. ! "
After turning his furry head/face to lion one. ( Blankey ) Looking at him up and down with his dark , deep , neon green eyes. To his furry head/face up and down in thought.
Looking at him like saying : " How would you know ? "
Kip stops speed walking. Daunnie lets go of Kip's furry , long tail staggering back alittle. Walking backward to a stop. Kip sighs deeply to himself. He could see that he's right and there's no use in his actions. No matter how tempting it is. Kip puts his furry head/face down in little , frustrated annoyance.
Lion 2 : " She's allowed to do that ? "
The next thing Tawny knows is that the Queen vanishes within a blink of an eye ! His lion friends and other random lions were aghast seeing merely the dirt ground all recently began on. Tawny spoke. Furry heads/faces already turned ahead to look at Tawny. But where is Queen Destiny ? Kip and Daunnie easily join in on the staring.
Tawny : " Dawl ... sexy dawl ... don't make it seem like you're going to forfeit. Let's not be like Kip now. "
Kip : * roars angrily at Tawny alittle *
The female figure in fluffy , puffy , long and furry appearance who is still in the tree widens her glowing dark/light mixtured brown eyes alittle in the tree. - Pass the green , hanging leaves up close over branches. , eyeing Tawny below suspiciously who roams about in confusion and frustration. Onto furry , long , fours slow and almost cautiously.
Abit narrow eyed the same time her dark/light brown eyes widened alittle. Smirking enjoyably. Furry mouth agapped abit.
Time freezes as Queen Destiny vertically spins out of the tree in a surprising entrance like a small tornado. Green leaves magically surround her making a perfect scenery soon to head for Tawny.
Daunnie steps onto a magical , dark red button onto the dirt ground that was never around. - Never existing. , unfreezing time. With her right , short , furry , hind leg. With his furry head/face down , Kip stares confusedly at the magical , dark red button onto the dirt ground. He turns his furry head/face to Daunnie seeing the furry look onto her furry face. After turning her furry head/furry face to Kip. She shrugs her short , furry shoulders as an answer.
Time returns making Queen Destiny stick her landing onto all of her furry , long fours tackling Tawny. The countdown that'll end Queen Destiny's game begins.
Daunnie : " 10. "
Kip : " 9. "
Daunnie : " 8. "
Tawny rolls out of Queen Destiny's pounce/attack grasp going paw to paw with her. She dodges moving back rolling as Tawny keeps on going for her.
Lion 1 : " 7. "
Lion 2 : " 6. "
Queen Destiny hastly gets onto her furry , long , hind legs and swings her left , furry , front paw at Tawny. He jogs left and right. Jumps dodging Queen Destiny's drop kick move. He lands behind her. Either onto his furry , long fours or long , furry two's like a human.
The rest of the cats that lost Queen Destiny's famous " Attack , jog and run " game spoke chanting except for Queen Destiny and Tawny. Who are still onto the battlefield together.
Lions : " 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 ... "
Queen Destiny quickly turns around.
Daunnie : " 2 and a 1/2 ... "
Queen Destiny and Tawny walk onto the un outlined edges of a circle waiting for one another to attack before the other could. Onto their furry , long , almost crouched fours. Almost heavy and softly panting.
Kip : ( normal , low toned ) " Come on your majesty ... ( raises his voice ) we got him now ! "
Every cat turns their furry heads/faces to look at Kip plain and weirdly because of his uneccessary outburst. Coming out of nowhere.
Even Queen Destiny and Tawny turn their furry heads/faces to stare at Kip in silence.
After turning his furry head/furry face , Kip looks left and right near by. He speaks softly almost shyly.
Kip : " R-Right. "
He chuckles softly to himself then stops quickly.
Lion 1 : ( Blankey ) " 1 ? "
He questions whether another cat was going to say the number or not. Or if he lost count.
Lion 2 : " Time ! "
After turning their furry heads/faces , Tawny and Queen Destiny smile alittle at one another as the two remain close by another. Quickly walking up to Daunnie.
Daunnie : " I thought that match would never end ! It always did come down to you guys. "
Tawny looks Queen Destiny's way as she smiles at Daunnie being meticulous. Listening carefully and with respect.
Daunnie : " Finally we have a winner. "
Tawny : ( almost excited ) " Who ? ! "
Queen Destiny : " Which .. is .. ? "
Daunnie : " The winner is .... Queen Destiny ! "
Meritorious , Queen Destiny twirls very high into the air like a dradle.
Queen Destiny : " Oh my goodness ... I won ! "
Tawny lifts his furry head/furry face up to Queen Destiny. He looks at her performance abit impressed and formidably feeling love too. He spoke to himself. Low toned with a happy , red blushy , furry look onto his furry face. Happy , furry curve of a smile placed onto the middle of his furry face.
Tawny : ( in unexplainable , happy awe ) " Wow ... "
How her furry , long tail sways with her. The deep , white lighted shine seen into her dark/light brown eyes. How she smiles so gentle and delicately. How she moves her furry , long body. So tempting and more than just attractively to really tempt him and Kip as well. .. Or any other cats.
Kip : " She won ! She really won ! "
He blushes red at the sight of Queen Destiny still into the air. Furry head/face already lifted. Staring at Queen Destiny with a deep , almost passionate , furry look onto his furry face , blushing really red.
How her furry , long tail swings moving the same way she's moving. How the wind suddenly pushes her furry , long , dark black bangs and mane away from her furry face.
Other lions part of the game cheer as every cat comes running to Queen Destiny onto short or long , furry fours. All lions quickly pull themselves backward onto their furry , short and long two's surrounding Queen Destiny in a fairly spacious ring. She lands onto her furry , long , hind legs quickly. From her elegant , graceful leap in joy. Standing up straight proudly as always with a satisfied , furry grin onto her furry face.
Within celebration of a very good game , - without sound through dialogue , Daunnie comments to Queen Destiny on how well she played in her game. Tawny and lion one ( Blankey ) laugh as they shoulder bump one another both mentioning how long it's been since they played Queen Destiny's game and couldn't help mentioning each other's skills. How good they played or how better they got. Tawny's lion friends crowd him laughing and reminiscing the great , happy moments in Queen Destiny's game. How funny it was and some competitive trash talk. And asking Queen Destiny all together when will be the next game.
Daunnie talks to Kip about how impressed she was about what Kip said before the game. And how good he played except the part when he was trapped from those lions of Tawny's. Queen Destiny and Kip talk about being thankful to have helped one another. And - to Kip , that she is such an advanced pro at her own game like Tawny is. In the heat of the moment , Kip ends up hugging Tawny suprisingly alarming him with widened , furry , very light , hazel eyes that express nothing inside. Hard to compute within the moment. Kip leaves a very confused Tawny behind in the crowd of his lion friends that hug him or congratulate him for staying in the game longer than they could. Or thought and doubted that he wouldn't be able to stay in the game. And the other , random lions joining in. Even if most of Tawny's lion friends besides Tawny doesn't like Kip.
With sound returning. , and dialogue , - the celebration dying out , comes something or cats unexpectedly. Surprisingly , cubs come running onto their short , furry fours out of the shrub pushing roughly whoever was or is in their way.
This gets every cat's attention. All turning their furry heads/faces down and to the cubs below them at dirt ground level. Overhearing their excited pants , snarls , growling , hissing and mews aloud. With almost widened , colored eyes. Of dark/light brown , very light , hazel , dark , deep , neon green , baby bluish with a dark blue ring , brown and more.
They start to group hug Queen Destiny from almost all furry angles of her furry , long body. With short , furry arms/paws already stretched out onto Queen Destiny's furry , long body as far as they can reach. Queen Destiny leans her furry , long body wrapping her long , furry arms/paws around all of the cubs. Behind their furry heads and furry shoulders into an upright position.
The cubs start to mew and purr loudly nuzzling their furry heads at Queen Destiny. Sharpening their claws into Queen Destiny's soft fur.
The cubs released from the hug giving Queen Destiny personal space. Making her get back onto her furry , long two's. The cubs speak from male to female in a group. A mix of almost loud , raised , crackled , deep and feminine voices into the air.
Boys : " Your majesty , your majesty , your majesty ! "
Girls : " You're sooo strong ! "
Queen Destiny smiles alittle at the cubs. She spoke as the cubs listen to her speak.
Queen Destiny : " Thanks little guys. ! I didn't .. know you fellas and ladies were here. "
Cub 1 : ( male , deep and alittle crackled voice ) " We sneaked in during the first round due to alot of mayhem ! ( calmly excited ) You know , with all the flying clouds and all ... "
Queen Destiny quickly turns her furry head/face to Kip , Daunnie , Tawny and the other cats that was part of her game.
Queen Destiny : " Alright , whom of you lions blabbed. ? Or didn't know they had a spy watching them. "
All cats get quiet.
Lion one ( Blankey ) turns his furry head/face to Tawny. Tawny almost widens his very light , hazel eyes at lion one. He turns his furry head/face back to Queen Destiny.
Tawny : ( almost slowly spoken and fast ) " What do you cats think you're looking at me for. ? I know you guys aren't looking at me. This is a game I'm assuming. - "
Still quiet , except Queen Destiny responds.
Queen Destiny : " Did any of us cats .. ' say ' it was you Tawn. ? "
Tawny : " Bet every cat has my name in their furry heads. "
Queen Destiny : " NEVER interested Tawn. "
Tawny : " Don't lie to yourself dawl. ' Every ' cat in Sundaya knows the truth about us. ' I ' know it , and ' you ' know it. So why can't the both of us shut up and get back together again. ? "
Queen Destiny shakes her furry head/face rapidly but in a slow to quick pace.
Queen Destiny : ( sounding like she's about to laugh ) " As if ! - ; you serious. ? ! "
Tawny : " Does it ' look ' like I'd allow to have these furry , hot shots to mind my buisness. Or am I going to hear the next , stupid question of you telling me again if I'm serious or not. ? "
The cubs nervously look at one another. After turning their furry heads/faces. Uneasy and iffy about Tawny and his mean , cruel , sick twisted and heartless , furry presence/aura.
Cub 1 : " ... "
Cub 2 : " ... "
Cub 3 : " ... "
Kip : " I don't .. like the sound of that. "
He doesn't turn his furry head/face to Tawny yet Tawny turns his furry head/face to Kip. Kip turns his furry head/face to Tawny.
Tawny : " Was any cat even speaking to you. ! ? "
It barely sounded like a question , but with lots of feeling.
Daunnie turns her furry head/face to Tawny defending Kip.
Daunnie : ( almost raising her voice ) " Tawny ! He has a right to talk just as much as ' you ' do. "
Queen Destiny : " If it includes talking out of turn. "
She softly cackles to herself even if all cats near by could hear her laugh.
She folds her furry , long arms/paws over her furry , big boned chest.
Lion 2 : " This is too good. - And to think I was not planning to go out today. "
He chuckles softly to himself. Turning his furry head/face to lion three and lion one. ( Blankey )
Tawny : " You ' still ' have time dawl. I'm waiting for you. "
Other , random lions break out laughing.
Queen Destiny : ( raising her voice ) " STOP ! ! "
The other , random lions get quiet. So do all the other cats.
Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to cub two who still looks like he is about to say something. But couldn't because of herself and her friends.
Queen Destiny : " Do tell me little one , do any of these cat friends of mine look familiar to you. ? Or did you follow one of them. "
All furry heads/faces except cub two and three look at cub one who responds.
Cub 1 : " Actually we guessed you big cats would be here. Thanks to my brother. "
Cub 3 : " That's me ! "
Cub 2 : " And me. ! "
Cub 1 : " But don't you worry your royal highness ... "
Cub 3 : " We think , "
Cub two excitedly finishes cub three : his brother's sentence.
Cub 2 : ( male , deep and crackled voice ) ( almost raising his voice ) " It was spectacular ! "
Queen Destiny : " It's unacceptable to meddle in a teenage game. It takes years of training for what we do. - "
Queen Destiny : " However , I'll cut some slack. Thank Kinny you guys didn't get hurt. " * sighs softly in relief *
Cub 3 : " Queen Desi .. ? You make all of us lioness in Sundaya so look good - "
Cub 3 : Plus , we think you're the best role model. I want to grow up being just like you. "
Queen Destiny : * small , furry smile * " I'd be honored to be your role model. That really means alot. Yet I must remind of you that being Queen to an enormous kingdom isn't easy. What I do know is you'll be a excellent Queen yourself one day when you grow up. "
Queen Destiny : " with your ' own ' character instead of mine. "
Cub three spoke to Queen Destiny as she walks lifting her furry , short tail up in confidence. Her performance seems much like mimicking or mocking but not quite to Queen Destiny. It is alot more like having the best impersonation for Queen Destiny.
Almost trotting about onto her furry , short fours like Queen Destiny. Using many space she has in front of her. She tries to get up onto her short , furry two's to strut like Queen Destiny does , but quickly stumbles forward. With quick reflexes , she lands onto her furry , short , front arms/paws. Then runs in circles onto her furry , short fours from back to front.
Tawny stifles a very soft chuckle at the female cub's behavior acting out Queen Destiny. Almost opening his agapped , furry mouth. Turning his furry head/face to Queen Destiny who still is looking at the female cub from below. Tawny's lion friends start to softly laugh with Tawny. Other random lions whistle and create little chanted , soft racket to join the laughter.
Tawny's voice sounds sour and almost cold. Like he would be seriously mad at Queen Destiny for some reason.
Tawny : " I say she's doing ' more ' of a good job acting you out dawl. - Looks familiar to me. What do you think my dawl. ? "
He curves a furry , small grin at Queen Destiny while softly chuckling at her so dirty and nasty. Crossing the left , furry side of his furry cheek.
Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to Tawny. Almost angrily balling up her furry , front paws by her furry , widened hips. But at annoyance because of Tawny. Narrowed eyed alittle and frowning.
Queen Destiny : ( practially raising her voice ) " I don't think any cat even asked of you Tawn. "
Tawny blinks at Queen Destiny keeping his very light , hazel eyes widened abit. He keeps his furry , tempting grin that gets on Queen Destiny's nerves not saying anything. Holding his challenging , heated , furry stare at Queen Destiny for more than three seconds.
Tawny : " ... "
Almost pratically ignoring her. - But it wasn't neccessary for Tawny and Queen Destiny to speak. Their furry looks say alot since they also communicate like that.
Cub 3 : " I'm Queen of Sundaya and don't you forget it. I want a manicure ! "
Kip stifles a soft chuckle without opening his furry mouth. At the impersonation the female cub acting out Queen Destiny.
Kip : " ... "
Daunnie turns her furry head/face to Kip almost curiously. Not finding the cub's impersonation of Queen Destiny funny. Far from it.
Kip ignores Daunnie's furry stare.
Cub three roars thinking it'll be strong and mature but it is the sound of a innocent , lonely and chirping little bird.
Queen Destiny chuckles softly at the female cub's impersonation of her.
Queen Destiny : " I love your enthusiasm and it takes courage to do that. You're on the right track though. "
It gets alittle quiet.
Cub 3 : * small smile at Queen Destiny hardly curving from the right side of her furry cheek *
Cub 1 : " You're hot. "
Cub 2 : * wolf whistle *
The male sub cubs laughs.
Tawny narrows his dark black eyebrows over his very light , hazel eyes not liking what cub one said about his Queen. ' His ' dawl.
Queen Destiny spoke to herself hiding her embarrassment. Low toned and normal. To buy herself time to hide her furry , red blush onto her furry cheeks.
Queen Destiny : " Boys will be boys. "
Cub 5 : ( female , slightly crackled voice ) " I love you your majesty with all due respect. "
She slowly walks onto her small , furry fours to Queen Destiny and head rubs her furry , long , hind legs. Purring at Queen Destiny almost loudly in affection. Which is her way of a hug. Lifting her furry , front arms/paws onto Queen Destiny's furry , long , slim stomach.
Queen Destiny leans her furry , long body forward. She wraps her long , furry arms/paws around the female cub behind her furry , small head and furry shoulders. Getting into a upright position again. Placed her furry , front paws onto the furry sides of the female cub's shoulders. She softly purrs back to the female cub closing her furry , dark/light brown eyes.
Others cats spoke except Tawny , Daunnie , Kip and the Queen herself : " Awwwww. "
Queen Destiny almost pulls her furry head/face back to stare into the female cub's furry face and furry , colored eyes. Bringing their furry foreheads close to one another. She smiles alittle at the female cub leaving a tiny curve at the end from the right side of her furry cheek.
Queen Destiny : ( almost softly ) " I love you too little one. "
Kip sighs sadly at the furry , mushy gushy scene in front of him. This is haunting him - badly. This is getting out of hand and out of his control - badly. Feeling like a coward to not step up and tell Queen Destiny how he feels about her. But still having faith to see that it's only a cub other than a male lion individual. That would be competition in his deep , dark , furry , neon green eyes. Onto her furry , short two's , Daunnie walks behind Kip after staring concernedly at the scene Kip and every cat is seeing. But knows enough this scene is hurting him ' more ' than any cat near by.
She speaks comfortingly to Kip as she puts her furry , front , left paw onto his furry , long back. Kip turns his furry , long body to Daunnie facing her. She side hugs him while he quickly throws himself into her hug. He puts his furry forehead onto Daunnie's left , furry shoulder tightening their side hug. Unleashing his claws into her fur. Furry , front paws that are already placed above Daunnie's furry sides above her hips.
Daunnie : ( softly ) " You'll find the right moment to tell Desi Kip. There still is time. "
Kip turns his furry head/face to Daunnie. He smiles almost happily to Daunnie.
Kip : ( softly ) " I really hope you're right. Time is running out. "
The two best friends release from their side hug.
Tawny's lion friend walks up to Tawny by the right , long side of his furry body. He puts his left , long but not too long , furry arm over Tawny's right , furry , broad shoulder putting his furry weight all over him.
Lion 1 : ( Blankey ) " That is truly ... and suuuuch a shame. ! I mean look at her ! Some cat ( with feeling ) ' twice ' you and Kip's size advantage .. beats you to it. ! "
Tawny turns his furry head/face to lion one. ( Blankey ) With a cold , furry , annoyed look. No need to be concerned. This is normal for Tawny. Always. He looks at lion one already losing his patience. And a ugly , curved , unagapped , furry grin. He looks at lion one to his furry , right shoulder. This gets lion one off of him from leaning onto Tawny's furry , right shoulder.
Lion 1 : ( Blankey ) " Sorry ... "
Tawny : ( almost coldly ) " Blankey ... would you like me to elaborate the genders of male and female to you ? "
Lion 1 : " No , no ... I got it. "
Tawny : " She had easy timing. - Because she's young. At that phase , the hairballs pretty much say anything they want out to her .. or any other adult cats boldly having no second thoughts or skittishness. Therefore , making it cute. "
Lion 1 : " Ohhhhh ... wait. What ? "
Tawny : " Get away from me. "
Lion 1 : " No , no ... m-man ... can I just - "
Tawny : " Five , four , three ... "
Lion 1 : " Fine. ( to himself but is able to be heard ) Why does this always happen to me when I'm with Tawny. ? "
On long but not too long , furry , hind two's , lion one ( Blankey ) slowly walks away from Tawny. Reaching close by the rest of the cats.
Blankey is a male lion with very light blue , sky , shiny , furry eyes. With dark blue rings over both of them. Five foot eleven. Blankey is almost always nicknamed Blank for short. Marigold and baby blueish streaked mane. , healthy looking , lemon yellow nose. Four , slightly long , white whiskers on both sides of his furry cheeks. Fit shape and not , rather muscular through his upper body , long to short lengthed , furry figure. Furry , long arms/paws. Almost big , furry head. , short and long - alittle , lengthed , furry tail. Fair sized ears and fairly long but not too long , hind legs. Black claws. Non eyelashes. And very light golden , baby blue to dark blue streaked fur.
He's one of those male lions that is way too fun loving than other lions. And is Tawny's furry friend for life in Sundaya. He's been endlessly close to Tawny ever since cub hood always following his lead. And by his furry side nonstop.
Queen Destiny : " Sorry little , furry guys. I have to go. I'm busy this afternoon. "
Cub 1 : ( male , crackled to deep voice ) * whines abit and disappointed * " Awww ... do you have to ? "
Queen Destiny : " I'm afraid so. I won't tell your parents you were here. Now run along. ! "
Boys : " Yay ! "
The male sub cubs get a head start and begins to run away from their sisters onto their small , furry fours out of the area where many cats play Queen Destiny's famous yet dangerous , fast paced , energetic games.
Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to the female cubs.
Queen Destiny : " Good luck little ladies. Those boys are a wildly bunch , easy to befool. "
She winks at all of the female cubs.
Girls : ( happy and excited ) " Bye your majesty ! "
The female cubs run onto their furry , small fours as a group catching up with their brothers.
Tawny walks up to Queen Destiny almost quickly. Facing her.
Tawny : ( normal , low toned ) " Dawl .... I have to admit , you certainly ' still ' got those skills. It still feels impossible that you beat me. "
Queen Destiny : ( low and normal toned ) " You're an amazing opponent I can say to you as well. I had a ball. Soooo much fun. ( almost sounding happy ) You haven't changed abit Tawn. ! "
Tawny moves closer to Queen Destiny.
Tawny : " I can say the same to you. I practiced just for you with my lions. , whenever I get the chance. "
Queen Destiny : ( not at all suprised ) " Really. ? How sweet can you really get for me Tawn. ? "
Tawny : " As much as possible. But not as much as you are. " * small smile that almost curves to the right side of his furry cheek *
Queen Destiny : * small curve of a smile crossing the right side of her furry cheek back at Tawny *
Tawny : " I-I'll see you at the King competition tomorrow in the evening. , well the start of it. "
Queen Destiny : ( almost shocked and surprised ) " Evening. ? ! Tomorrow. ? ! " * widens dark/light brown eyes at Tawny *
Tawny chuckles at Queen Destiny's furry face reaction softly. After closing his furry , very light , hazel eyes and putting his furry head down.
Tawny : " You're so cute when you're shocked by this news. * blinks abit at Queen Destiny in surprise * - I thought .. you've heard of this already. "
Queen Destiny : " Thanks alot to my Uncle , not yet. He felt the stupid need to allow of me to figure it out for myself as a Queen and all. Thanks to you , ' now ' I know what day period it'll take place. "
Tawny : " It's going to be a long one. Every lion except cubs and lioness from your pride will not be there. King competition rules. You wouldn't want to miss this event. "
Queen Destiny : " Oh I won't. You'll see me there. " * confident , furry grin *
Tawny : " Until then dawl. " * small curve of a smile at Queen Destiny crossing the left side of his furry , left cheek *
He snaps his left , furry , long arm/paw in signal. Running onto his furry , long fours further ahead with his lion friends and other random lions who follow along. Onto their furry , long or short fours. Near by Tawny's furry sides and next to each other. Like all cats within Queen Destiny's pride ; in style , organization and skill. Queen Destiny runs onto all of her furry , long fours out of Tawny's territory pass Daunnie and Kip. With their furry heads/faces turned to her. Out of Tawny's territory , she arrives at herself and her Uncle's throne area again.
From the direction of Queen Destiny's home , Igoea/Igie her best friend spoke sprinting along with her crazied , happy , furry tail from a distance. Soon to approach her bestest friend.
Igoea spoke.
Igoea : " Desi ! "
Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face around and smiles at Igie. Standing up tall onto her furry , long two's as done. Waiting for Igie to approach her not quite in her reach.
She spoke in question in a low voice as if not believing it's her. To herself.
Queen Destiny : " Igi. ? ... "
Seeing the excited , furry grin onto her best friend's face , she looked wild and out of control. Not civilized or acting her age but her hind leg size instead.
She spoke in a low voice now sure. Then into her normal voice.
Queen Destiny : ( low toned ) " It ' is ' Igi. ( normal toned ) Easy Igi ... stand down. It's great to see you too ! J-ust ... - "
To her , ( Queen Destiny ) it is too late to stop her fun loving and sassy buddy that has been her palsy walsy for so long.
Igie : " Desi , desi , desi , desi , desi ! "
Queen Destiny sighs hopeless and lazily to herself. Slouching her furry , long back down.
By this second , Igie tackles Queen Destiny who was a seperate , short distance away from her. - Not because she dislikes Igie but the place her impact chooses her to land. Queen Destiny rubs her furry forehead where it's the place it hurts most as if it'll stop the pain.
Igie spoke in soft concern. The first to get up onto her own , furry , long two's.
Igie : ( softly ) " Are you alright Destiny ? Too rough ? "
Queen Destiny takes her time getting back onto her furry , long two's. In front of Igie and facing Igie. Queen Destiny answers Igie's question while dusting herself off and readjusting her hair bow from her forehead. Even if a tomlion. Eh , she happens to have a thing for hairbows.
Queen Destiny : " No Igi. Not rough. - Perfect entry by the way. ! "
Igie : " Glad to see that you're alright. - And thank you. - You remember our BFF handshake ? "
Queen Destiny : " Yeah I do ! "
The two lioness buddies perform their BFF handshake they always do when they see each other. Almost always. Allow me to describe the procedure the way it exactly went :
Front flip , back flip , new numbers hand game entry , roll about like a pinball , slide to the left , slide to the right and hug : swing out style.
Igie and Queen Destiny : * mirths *
The two lioness move back still facing each other.
Igie : " You still got it girl ! It's been a while ! Finally we can hang out together ! "
Queen Destiny : " Well you got somethin ' going on too Igi. ! It ' has ' been a while with my royal duties and the plans of the King competition/regulations. "
Igie is a five foot nine lioness unlike Queen Destiny. With very faded white , gold mixed , very light gray streaked fur. Long , furry tail. A tall , swell/slim , furry figure. , yet thin builted and perky. Shiny , sparkling , very light gray eyes. , very long , furry arms/paws. Pink , odd shaped snout , small , furry ears , white , four setted whiskers , abit long , dark black eyelashes. Black , fairly thin eyebrows , very long , furry , hind legs. Non mane and a white nose.
Alot of cats in Sundaya think that Queen Destiny and Igie are twin sisters but this is NOT true.
Igie : " How's your life going ? I'm pretty sure you got alot going on .. and to deal with. "
In a very crackled and abit deep voice.
Queen Destiny : " Well you're right about that .. I really do - "
Queen Destiny gets onto her long , furry fours. She walks up to the middle part of her throne almost to her ladder. She hops onto her throne. Turning her furry , long body to Igie who already took a seat onto her Uncle's throne without permission.
Igie must've already got onto her very long , furry fours. Walking up alittle closer to Uncle's throne. , and hops onto it. Turning her furry , long body into a half circled " C " - like Queen Destiny except in the opposite direction , sitting upright. She lazily drops almost comfortably onto Uncle's throne. With her furry head against the back of Uncle's throne where his furry , old back is placed. And furry butt should be. Very long , furry arms/paws to very long , hind legs already stuck out in any direction. Almost letting her long , furry , hind legs dangle crossing his very short ladder that doesn't even touch the dirt ground , but in mid air. Partially cut up.
Igie groans soft and almost lazily to herself. Turning her furry head and looking at Queen Destiny from the left side of her furry eye sockets. After hearing Queen Destiny start to talk.
Queen Destiny already sat crosslegged with her long , furry tail stuck out into the air from the diagonal left of her close by her left , furry shoulder. Long , furry spine already twisted to long , furry body facing Igie.
Queen Destiny : " Right now , there's family complications and lions. - It's complicated. "
She turns her furry head/face away from Igie. Looking down at herself in her lap , letting it hang. When she hears Igie's excited voice , Queen Destiny quickly turns her furry head/face to Igie.
Igie quickly sits up twisting her furry , long spine to furry body to Queen Destiny. Half way sitting cross legged but her right , furry , hind leg is up in the air.
She puts both of her furry , long arms/paws onto the left arm stand of Uncle's throne letting them cross and overlap each other. Right arm below and left arm crossing over her right.
Igie : " Oooh ! Lions ! We're at the right topic. ! - "
Queen Destiny shakes her furry head/face in little annoyance at Igie at her mentioning lions almost all .. the time playfully. She chuckles softly blushing alittle red. Turning her furry , lower head/face as she scratches her dark black , long mane.
Igie : " How's the King search going ? "
After a scratch , she slowly turns her furry head/face lifting it to Igie.
Queen Destiny : " I can't even choose. ! Ugh ! * whines alittle * This is alot harder than I thought. ( normal , low toned voice ) I ran into a bunch of cute lions today. Besides our usual gang. - "
Queen Destiny : " But you know me Igi. I don't waste , valueable time with lions. Not that I'm attracted to lions , interested or go in that direction. Just avoiding the trouble and drama with lioness that come with the lions. "
Igie turns her furry head/face to Queen Destiny.
Igie : " Girl .. - (mimicks her ) Stop the whines and the sniffles. ( normal voice ) You sound desperate. ( low murmured tone ) Well .. the second thing you said was desperate. ( normal toned again ) It's like you want one of those random lions you ran into today. You need a King by tomorrow. "
She gives Queen Destiny a sympathetic , furry look. Her shiny , sparkling , furry , gray eyes in helpful thought and hesitation. Widening her dark black eyebrows over her dark/abit light gray eyes. With a " This does NOT look good " furry frown. Crossing the left side of her furry cheek.
Queen Destiny has already given her a almost frustrated , annoyed look. Alittle narrow eyed and frowning.
Queen Destiny : " I know ... I didn't have enough days to figure this out. Probably I did in the past but didn't use them wisely. - Everything's happening so fast. I just want it all to slow down. - "
Queen Destiny : " That would be nice. "
Igie : " Of course time flies in Sundaya. It's already afternoon. "
Queen Destiny : " I didn't mean it like that. Just what's coming my way you know. ? - "
Igie : " ' I ' meant it like that. - Yeah .. I do. "
Queen Destiny : " Stay with me Igi ... I'm struggling. I need your help. - "
She squirms with no control as if a baby who is refusing to put on a diaper by it's mother while speaking in it's high chair. Closing her furry , dark/light brown eyes tightly. Turning her furry head/face in a almost quick to slow pace from left to right. Long , furry , hind legs un cross legged and hitting the edge of her throne with her furry , long , hind legs thrown up and down quickly into the air.
Her furry , long back almost onto her seat. Furry head against the part of the throne where her furry , long back is laid. And close by where her furry , big butt should be. But both of her long , furry arms/paws placed onto her arm stand attached to her throne.
Queen Destiny : " Help me figure this out ! "
Igie : " Okay I'll stay. Forget about my Grandpa's ninty ninth birthday today. - Possibly ! ( lowers her voice alittle ) You know , if he's ' still ' alive. "
Queen Destiny softly chuckles at the last thing Igie just said. After closing her dark/light brown eyes. And putting her furry head/face down letting it hang. Igie laughs too.
Igie : " Seriously ! "
Queen Destiny's laugh dies out alittle.
Queen Destiny : " I know .. I know Igi ... "
A pause between Queen Destiny and Igie.
Queen Destiny : " Kinny bless he/she though. "
Igie smiles alittle at Queen Destiny almost weakly.
Keep in mind that Kinny is God in Sundaya. A overgrown , male lion above them in Sunsetta known as heaven.
Igie : " First off , of a lion .. who do you like ? "
Queen Destiny sits back up into her seat sitting crosslegged again. With her long , furry tail stuck to the diagonal left of her. Close by her left , furry shoulder.
Queen Destiny almost nervously turns her furry head/face to Igie. Queen Destiny blushes red at Igie. Having a shamed , furry , agapped grin onto her mouth. Almost stressfully , she puts her furry head/face down into her lap then lifts it up. Turning back to Igie. She turns her furry head/face to her left , clawed paw staring at it.
She lowers her voice almost sounding mendacious. But plain and mistakenly normal.
Queen Destiny : * blushes red * " N..o lion. ... "
Igie's very dark/abit light , furry eyes almost widen at Queen Destiny in satisfaction. Knowing she's more than right.
Igie : " I ' know ' that furry grin onto your face ! - Ha ! You ' do ' like a lion ! - Tell me ! "
Queen Destiny laughs almost softly at Igie's accusation. After putting her furry head/face down. Closing her dark/light brown eyes.
Queen Destiny : ( soft , sarcastic murmurs to Igie ) " Okay Igi , to put your accusation to a happy termed celebration of your own , I ' do ' like a lion. "
She softly laughs to herself some more.
Queen Destiny : " Sorry Igi. I haven't had the foggiest , wild accusation of what you're speaking of. ''
Igie rolls her dark/abit light gray eyes at Queen Destiny. Weakly and softly scoffing to herself at Queen Destiny's behavior.
Igie : " Come on .. I want to help you. What's his name ? He's cute ? Ugly ? In between ? "
Queen Destiny : " It's two male lions. "
Igie : " Ohh girl ! Yes ... ! I taught you well. Got the lions after you ... * fake tears * My girl is growing up ! "
Queen Destiny pratically rolls her dark/light brown eyes playfully at Igie.
Her voice gets serious so fast.
Queen Destiny : " Can you keep a secret. ? "
Igie : " Of course I can ! I'm your bestie ! Hello ? What am I to you ? A stranger ? "
Queen Destiny : " I know you can Igi it's .. just that , this isn't easy for me to say. And I hate every second of admitting this to you. Even myself. The lies I tell myself. "
Igie : " Do we know these lions ? "
Queen Destiny : " Of course we do. We see them every day. And I always tell you their names. "
Igie : " Alright .. ( almost excited ) well don't keep me guessing ! or quiet ! Tell me already Desi ! "
Queen Destiny : " Here goes nothing ... the first lion I like - well .. have strong feelings for again , is ... - "
She avoids furry eye contact away from Igie looking at her left arm stand to her throne. She delicately runs her left , furry , front paw onto it as she spoke.
Queen Destiny : " I-I like Tawn. I really like him alot as much as he feels the same for me. ( almost in frustrated feeling ) Okay ? ! There ! I said it. "
gie : " Seriously ? ! You ' really ' mean Tawny in that direction ? - "
She points to the direction of Tawny's territory Queen Destiny just came out of minutes before. With her right , furry paw. Queen Destiny has already turned her furry head/face to the direction Igie is pointing toward.
Igie : " Almost ' all ' lioness are after him ! Some are extremely desperate and vulnerable for Tawny ! He's very popular in Sundaya ! "
Queen Destiny : " So am ' I ' to Tawn and Kip's collision. ! But that's NOT the point. I'm not kidding around Igi. ! - "
Queen Destiny : " I'm serious. I ' know ' his reputation. And we have been together before. - Even if it wasn't in a dating , couple like way. It was ' my ' way just as well as Kipster's since it was new for me. "
Queen Destiny : " I can already hear him rubbing it into my furry face of me liking him. Just like today. And he's right. I ' do. ' Just like he does for me. But not obsessively. The constant fact that glides above the path between us is that we'll always end up being frienimies. And nothing else. - "
She sighs deeply to Igie.
Queen Destiny : " That was the past. "
Igie : " So ? ! And this is the present. ! Let him be your King ! You're telling me you're going to choose some other lion over Tawny ? ' He ' should be your King ! "
She folds her furry , long arms/paws over her big boned chest.
Queen Destiny : " Why does almost every cat keep telling me that. ? ! So what if we're so much alike ! That's NOT telling me at all ' why ' he should be my King of Sundaya. - "
Queen Destiny : " I don't even want Tawn to win. Even though almost ' every ' lion in his collision and other cats important to him ' want ' and ' expect ' of Tawn to win the King competition. So he can finally snatch me up after all these years. Ever since cub hood. - "
Queen Destiny : " I'm more than well aware of Tawn's fighting style. He's fully of trickery and more than the word difficult to deal with. He's advanced almost like a pro - like me , when it comes to fighting in the posidome , the fighting arena by Uprising and during hunting. - "
Igie : ( almost sadly ) " U-oooooh ... you're definitely right Desi. "
Queen Destiny : " I've got this obvious , gutty feeling in me that Tawn ' will ' win that competition. And it may involve a lion you and I know so very well. As his opponent. Just my imagination though. I hope. "
Igie : " Desi for as long as I've known ' you ' and ' Kip ' , that lion has it way too bad for you. At least truthful , safe , careful and believable compared to Tawny. - "
Igie : " You seem to be telling ' me ' that Kip wouldn't want to take up this opportunity just because of ' you ' ? Think about it ! "
Igie arches her dark black eyebrow over her very dark/abit light gray eye at Queen Destiny almost curiously.
Queen Destiny : " I ' am ' thinking Igi. And yes , it ' is ' possible that Kipster would enter the King competition just for me. But it's risky and suicide. He could run into Tawn. Not ' just ' that though. Tawn could easily get him to fight against him. That's the last thing I want for Kipster. "
Igie sucks her teeth to herself.
Igie : " Ugh ... - "
Igie : " Oooh ... Always a catch. You do realize that you'll be the only lioness there. The rest of us can't. Competition rules. I'm so sorry Desi ... you know I'd be there if I was invited. ''
Queen Destiny : " I know you would Igi. You're too much of a one in a million friend to do so anyway. "
Igie smiles warmly at Queen Destiny.
Igie : " Awww. ! - Who's the second lion you have strong feelings for ? "
Queen Destiny : * gulps hard to herself * " I don't know how this connection worked .... - it's unexplainable. - But , It's definitely Kipster. Now I'm ' definitely ' proud - if enough , to tell you that. "
Igie : " I'm not surprised by this. I do see how that happened. "
Queen Destiny : " I'm glad you do. Glad .. really glad , that you're catching on. "
Igie : " Well it doesn't seem complicating at all. - To me. "
Queen Destiny : " I just don't see how liking Tawn is so possible for me. I used to. - and again , in the past. - I strongly believe he's making me like him. ' That's ' what it is. Just for my love he wants. As much as I'm trying to put the pieces together , I'm ' still ' finding it hard to believe here. "
Igie frowns at what Queen Destiny just said to her.
Igie : " You can't be picky choosy Desi. No lion is perfect in Sundaya. If Tawny ' does ' become your King of Sundaya , give him a chance. Lions change. "
Queen Destiny frowns back at Igie. At what she said too.
Queen Destiny : " This is really imbroglio. I don't know what to do or what direction to turn to. My furry , royal life is soo going to end tommorow morning. "