King 10

( second half of chapter seven )

From then on , Queen Destiny felt alittle bit more confident and relaxed. She was absolutely sure that she got everything under control now that her lioness friends from her pride and collision recent and greatly invigorated her. She felt like the luckiest tomlion lioness ever to have good friends that inspirit her and put a big , furry grin onto her furry face. Still leading the way to the posidome. Though some lions did not need of Queen Destiny's assistance to get to the posidome because they already knew where it is , she figured since herself and the many lions that are going the same way why not go together. Besides leading them like Daunnie said. She almost had a feeling her Uncle must've told Daunnie.

In the posidome ,

Queen Destiny is the last lioness to enter the posidome seeing that the line of tough and audacious male individuals is gone , they must've excitedly taken their seats. Queen Destiny's pride of male lions between the Guardian of Sundaya , Kip and Tawny's collision begin to cheer jubilantly in lion language. , as she walks reaching the center of the posidome taking all the time in the world as possible. Smiling alittle warmly at her audience while still making her way to her throne. Turning her furry head/face constantly to meet other male lion's furry faces to furry reactions that are near by Uncle's throne onto slow , graceful , furry , long fours. All except for Kip who shyly and almost crepts behind other male lions glad his fur can be able to allow him to camaflouge so well. So Tawny or mainly Queen Destiny can't see him. Having - from the mid right side , to be the last lion to take his seat.

Queen Destiny and her Uncle's body lion guards Touphy and Tum : with way too tall , terrifying , dangerous , wanted , merciless , bold and furry appearances is always known to get alot of cats to back off. Given being with them in Queen Destiny's pride as long as possible - , aware of their intentions and rather impressive capabilities. However , as something or a cub as small as a mouse or gerbel says something different to them , brings a whole NEW breath of fresh air.

Touphy ends any further talk in the conversation he does not plan to be in to a male cub in front of himself and Tum. A few feet away from himself and Tum by the exit of the posidome. Pass the aluminum foil colored , thick tube wide enough for a herd of elephants to pass through. Almost.

Cub two impatiently presses on his predicament with his other siblings who have already sat upright a small gap from one another more than in one row. Much more than jovial and eagered to go in the posidome. Rather jeeringly though. Obviously urking Touphy and Tum's nerves to the fullest. Cub # two keeps his furry neck backward giving direct eye contact to Tum. , but mainly Touphy who speaks to them about not entering the posidome. But after Touphy and Tum shift closer to the middle parted exit of the posidome. Making the cubs unable to enter. Onto their furry , very long two's.

Cub # two almost jumps alarmingly giving Touphy and Tum a hard and serious furry stare though his crackled and deep , undeveloped voice does not match with how serious his furry face reaction is. Which brings us back to cub # two keeping eye contact with Touphy and Tum. The other cubs behind cub # two turn their furry heads/faces to look at one another almost uncomfortable and nervously. , not hoping to hear a straight up , direct , yet cold answer from complete strangers but VERY familar guards the cubs almost always see in Sundaya.

Even during almost every night shift with lion thirty two , more than a couple of lions from Tawny's collision , abit of Uncle's collision and Nip that check if any cat , family or any small matter is attended to before every cat within Queen Destiny's pride sleeps for the night. ANY night.

Touphy : ( abit annoyed ) " No. "

In his usual overly deep toned , smooth and heavy voice.

Touphy is a male lion that is another of many bestest , deepest and closest of friends with Queen Destiny. Since the mistakes in their life and connections seem to come together without crashing. But mostly the leader in charge of Tum. And bestest , furry , lion bud for life to Tum. And the eldest between himself and Tum. He's got these frosty , cold , piercing , iceberg styled , light blue shaded eyes. , overly tall , powerful , furry figure. Height : seven foot. , very light yellow , iceberg styled , light blue streaked fur. Very long , hind legs , very long , furry arms/paws. Almost like Tum , he is the buffest , toughest and strongest lion compared to them both. Very , short whiskers. , short from behind his shoulders though thicker hair strands that touch behind the middle part of his back - white and almost dark blue mane. Very long tail. , fair shaped , big , but furry ears. , and a light blue skyed snout.

Cub 2 : ( abit unpatient ) " Why not man ? You can't do a cub a solid ? We'll be just like them any ways ! Why not get a head start now ? "

Cub three giggles at the thought of what her brother ( cub two ) just said by herself.

Tum : " Need I remind you young one .. that is a long way from here. "

In a overly deep , fairly heavy , balanced - between , raised voice.

Touphy : " Only teenage lions have permission to enter. The battles here are violent and rough. No young cubs allowed. "

Tum backs Touphy up lambasted about it.

Tum : " You cubs are far from this level of fighting and ' will ' be severely injured. I'm sure not going to look for a lioness nurse. "

Tum leans forward to all of the cub's furry faces letting a cold , agapped , alittle toothy grin show. And a dirty glow in his light shaded red , bloody , horrid eyes.

Tum : ( harshly and low toned but Touphy could hear ) " But Touph and I would bet serious meat that the ONLY thing you all will be mewing for is a lioness who will aid you from your serious wounds. "

All of the cubs rapidly vibrate their furry , small bodies in front of Touphy and Tum. Almost wanting to hide behind one another , run back or wait until they see Queen Destiny walk out of the posidome for an excuse or something. ANYTHING that'll get them to talk to her again.

Tum leans his furry head/face backward away from the cubs. And turns his furry head/face to a soft chuckling Touphy who playfully nudges Tum at his furry , very long chest with his left , furry elbow. Already understanding their usual cold and screwed up jokes part of their humor. Tum joins in the laughter with his eldest brother making the cubs shake even more. , hold in their whimpers and mew inside their furry small systems. If repeatedly or one at a time.

Cub 1 : " ... "

Cub 2 : " ... "

Cub 3 : " ... "

One thing for all of the cubs was sure about. They all gulp hard in their furry throats together. Not aware that they have heard one another's gulps.

Tum also is a seven foot , grown male lion like his older brother Touphy as the youngest between them. With his brother Touphy , the two lions are in Uncle's collision but mostly Queen Destiny's collision. More than well aware of her strategy to keep Uncle from getting power during ' her ' royal reign within Sundaya. Weeks before her eleven birthday , last time Tawny slept for the night with Queen Destiny in herself and Flaunti's claustrophic den - because he was knocked out the last time herself and Tawny went out with his lion friends for a wild midnight out. , with Kip who tagged along for a reason , but she would not remember if Kip came with her that day or not. Mabye Kip most likely would remember this particular/specific day.

As if this would have anything to do with Tum.

Like for Touphy , he is his bestest , loyal and supportive , furry lion bud for life even as a brother. , They act like best friends. Like Touphy , he is another of many really , really and I mean REALLY .. close friends of Queen Destiny. Often acting as back up of Touphy during serious and really fun times. AND for Queen Destiny most times. He has these light red shaded , bloody , horrid eyes and mainly red streaked to light fade - ish gold , long mane that's always in a very long ponytail behind his very long back. With the use of Queen Destiny's hair bows but turned backward. Light gold and too puffy fur. , thin builted yet muscular , buffy and abit strong , very active , furry figure. That is almost mistaken to have a body of a cheetah's. , - because of having such a fragile and thin looking figure. , known for what cheetah's have. Very long , furry , hind legs. , dark blue whiskers for each two sets. , very long , furry arms/paws. , medium sized , furry tail and non colored claws.

Cub # two continues to nag Touphy and Tum sounding so out of hand his mother would've been put him in check. If his mother was with him and the rest of the cubs.

Cub 2 : " Yeah ? Well what level are ' you ' on ? The level of cowards ? "

Cub 3 : " He said no .. so let's just g - * gasps happily * * turning her furry head/face spotting Queen Destiny * The Queen is here ! I know .. I mean , I recognize that green hair bow. ! "

In the distance within the posidome. Cub three catches the green hair bow that is almost very up close sticking out from behind the right side of her furry head/face. , but looks like her hair bow is coming from the left side of her furry face. , but behind her furry head/face.

Cub 2 : ( sarcastic ) " Aw nah I'm just pulling your peach. Who do you think ? "

Still talking to Touphy and Tum.

Queen Destiny reaches her throne already turned her furry head/face to speak to the other lions who are near by herself and Uncle's throne barely sitting upright. As troublesome and jocund cubs she already knows , giving herself and Uncle's lion body guards a hard time.

Narrowed eyed , Touphy turns his furry head/face to Tum who easily turns on the cubs into a savaged and uncontrollably monster. More than one ' monster. ' This would be the main reason why cats would back off their challenge against Touphy and Tum. Like under some hyponotic power , Tum gets narrow eyed. Touphy gets narrow eyed too. Both grown male lions quickly turn their furry heads/faces back to stare at the cubs. Especially cub # two. Growling and snarling.

Lost all patience , control and easily forgetting whether the cubs are a cub or not.

Tum softly laughs coldly to Touphy as Touphy cracks his furry neck from both sides. Hard crackling of his bones inside his furry neck terrifies the cubs's furry ears. Turning their furry heads/faces to give one another as if last , nervous , furry looks even if cub # two is holding his ground. Even if he is pushing more of his luck and life - if anything , against Touphy and Tum. Both who are beyond his power , weight , size advantage , experience as a lion and age. Getting Touphy and Tum to turn on them now.

Touphy : " Hm .. you dare challenge me ? "

Tum : ( low toned ) " He he .. ! "

Touphy's younger brother : Tum speaks to cub # two as he starts to roughly crack both of his furry , front paws in front of the cubs very competitively. Already overhearing Touphy's almost stifled , soft laughing in the background. And his growing growls and snarls with his.

Tum : " Looks like you .. little hairballs need to know their rightful places. ! "

Touphy : " Since your mother did not give you more of a spankin ' today than needed , if you ' do ' see her again , tell her it's her lucky day. "

Touphy and Tum slowly advance to the cubs still onto their furry , very long two's. Rapidly shaking their manes about. Swinging their furry , long tails to opposite sides of their very long bodies and unleashing one of their claws from a random paw. Of their choice and their own paw. Purposely flashing it rather threateningly - , Touphy bringing it up almost close to his furry face. And Tum letting it flash out like the sound of knifes or ninja sharp objects from the right side of his furry , very long body.

The cubs start to slowly move back away from Touphy and Tum who laugh some more together almost loudly. Cub one ends up coming by cub two's left side almost angrily speaking to him in a low voice. But it's filled with hestitative fear. While the other cubs spread out from one another in almost any direction. A small gap away from one another though.

Cub 1 : ( in almost voice breaking , low fear ) " Now look what you've done. What you ' always ' do. And .. ' who ' do you suppose will get us out of this mess - because of you , now ? "

Cub 2 : " Well .. ' they ' refuse to let us in ! , and we ' have ' to get in that posidome. ! "

Touphy and Tum split up. Tum starts with a trot to his left onto his very long , furry fours and hops skiing to his side before cub # one and two could keep moving. Though they still shift almost slowly away from Tum leaning their furry , small bodies in front and behind one another. , still moving. Touphy does the same after starting a quick trot onto his very long , furry fours stopping cub three and the other cubs in their tracks. Making them lean their furry , small bodies in front and behind one another.

Moving up until cub three and two's furry , small backs are pressed against each other. And cub one trips over cub two quickly scrambling to his small , furry fours in front of cub three invading her personal space. The other cubs in front and to the right of cub three. , and another cub stays close in front of them invading their personal space.

Touphy and Tum's growls and snarls resume some more as they almost slowly circle around the cubs. , taking the lesson for the cubs to be acted out exactly the way Touphy and Tum themselves thought of it. So it ' looks ' like they'll challenge cub # two and his siblings. That's what makes it so funny to them.

Cub 3 : ( abit scared and terrified ) " Uh .. brother ? Now we're all in it because of you. ! "

Other cub near by cub 3 : ( almost deep and crackled voice ) " Again apparently. "

Narrow eyed , cub # two almost raises his voice to Touphy and Tum. Trying to act brave for his siblings since they won't.

Cub 2 : " Bring it on ! "

Only to make it worse .. that is.

Other cub : ( annoyed because of cub two ) " No ! "

Cub 3 : " Don't .. encourage them ! "

Tum : " Consider it brought. "

Touphy : " He he .. ! "

Before Touphy and Tum could continue , the two lions quickly turn their furry , big heads to Queen Destiny overhearing her voice once she starts.

Queen Destiny : ( acts stupid like to urk Tawny's nerves but sounding very uninterested ) " Why .. what's all this now Touph and Tum tum. Hmm. ? "

After leaning on the right side of the exit of the posidome's tunnel , she slowly walks her way a few steps closer to Touphy , Tum and the cubs who have already turn their furry heads/faces to stare at Queen Destiny's heartless and cold , furry face expression because of her Uncle.

The low sound of little whistling is over heard from the male cubs as they pant almost heavily at her. , with their tongues sticking out from their left , furry cheeks in interest. Blushing red , furry cheeks.

Queen Destiny ignores the whistling from the male cubs. Getting narrow eyed abit. Crossing her frown further to the right side of her furry cheek.

Cub three sighs in relief at the sight of Queen Destiny. And every cub relaxes their furry bodies.

Touphy : " ! "

Tum : " ! "

It gets quiet as Queen Destiny shakes her furry head/face almost slowly at Touphy , Tum and the cubs disappointed and unacceptedly.

Queen Destiny : " I hope you two ' are not ' trying to make them lose sufficiation premanently .. are you. ? "

It gets alittle quiet again. And cub # one breaks the silence.

Cub 1 : ( almost shyly ) " Yes. "

Cub # two , three and all of the other cubs look at cub two almost annoyingly from the left side of their eye sockets.

Cub 2 : " ... "

Cub 3 : " ... "

Other cubs : " .. ? "

Touphy : " We apologize for Tum and I's hesitation. We don't know exactly how to answer that. "

Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to Tum who nods his furry head/face in agreement to her. Without making a sound.

Queen Destiny : * almost smirking amusingly * " I thought you might not .. Touph and Tum tum. " * smiles almost enjoyably at Touphy and Tum *

Touphy and Tum slowly get onto their furry , very long two's. Touphy almost widens his icebery styled , light shaded blue eyes with his furry head/face over his left shoulder. Walking slowly with Tum who is already walking away onto his very long , furry fours from Touphy and the cubs without looking back. Facing his very long body to what empty spaced view of nothing onto the dirt ground. Back to the spots they were when guarding the exit of the posidome.

Touphy easily coming off alarmed and curious that the male cubs react so loving and suddenly obedient to Queen Destiny. After lifting his dark black eyebrow over his left , iceberg styled , light blue shaded eye.

Boys : " Your majesty ! , your majesty ! , your majesty ! "

The young males surround her in almost all directions. , pushing and shoving each other roughly out of their way but in joy. After running on almost clumsy , small , furry fours.

Girls : " Queen Destiny ! , Queen Destiny ! "

The young females join in but rudely cutting in front of their young male cub brothers. Squeezing their way through between the male cubs. Purposely shoving and nudging their way at them. Causing an annoying ruckus of cub language for all of them. That passes rather noisely to one another in front of Queen Destiny.

Standing small steps in front of them , Queen Destiny almost leans forward putting her furry , front paws onto the middle parts of her furry , long , hind legs where her knee caps - if she was a human , would be.

Looking down at them sweetly with just a smile but keeps her cold and heartless , furry look onto her furry face because of Uncle without adding her frown.

Queen Destiny : " Hey again little ones. ! You all showed up after a game my friends and I were competing in. ( almost questioningly ) Now here ... "

She arches her dark black eyebrow over her left , dark/light brown eye. Could not hardly wait to hear what the cubs have to say this time.

After turning his furry head/face to keep out for invadors or intruders that may go in the posidome - joining Tum , Touphy looks at Queen Destiny.

Touphy : " You know these deliquents your majesty ? "

Tum : * almost scoffing * " Hmph. , now that does ' more ' than surprise Touph and I. "

Queen Destiny : " Yes you guys. Actually that day myself and my gang against Tawn's cats played my game " Attack , jog and run. " * turns her furry head/face to the cubs * Please tell me you all did not follow me here. "

Putting her furry head/face down almost like losing her patience.

Cub 1 : ( normal toned ) " Okay. We did not follow you. Actually one of those angry looking lions that you know , we followed instead. "

Cub two roughly nudges cub one.

Cub 1 : " Ow ! "

Abit narrow eyed alittle at cub two who turns his furry head/face away from cub two. After turning his furry head/face to cub two.

She leans backward away from the cubs. Queen Destiny puts her left paw onto her left , widened hip while swinging it further to the left , long side of her body. Without shifting her weight to her left , long , furry , hind leg.

Queen Destiny : ( acts stupid but easily pulls the act off smoothly , obviously aware of it ) " Really .. you say. "

She arches her dark black , right eyebrow at the cubs almost curiously. With a almost knowing " Tell me what happened " furry look. Finding the usual routine of how troublesome the cubs are. The act coming off really old.

Cub 2 : " Something like t - ... ( abit guilty ) Oh .. it was ' her ' suggestion ! "

Cub two points any random paw of his to his sister : cub three. While Queen Destiny , cub one , two , Touphy , Tum and other cub's furry heads/faces quickly turn to cub three.

Cub 3 : ( almost angrily ) " Hey ! "

Other cubs remain upright in the background from behind cub two , cub one and three silent. Turning their furry heads/faces about to look at any cat or cub who will talk next.

Queen Destiny almost stifles a soft chuckle at how ironic the cub's situation is. But to think if she did think what cub two thought cub three did , than he and the other cubs would point angry , raised arms/paws her way.

Queen Destiny : " May I question the whereabouts of your parents. ? , perhaps a guardian. ? "

Cub two pauses. He slowly takes a step forward while turning his furry head/face to give a unsure , uneasy , furry look to his siblings. With their furry heads/faces turned , his siblings give him still furry looks with pleading , hesitant , furry , colored eyes.

Cub two frowns at Queen Destiny in sadness. He starts talking beginning to lament over himself and his siblings main issue.

Cub 2 : ( soft and low toned ) " Our mom went hunting for food , - for us as a family. , but sadly she still has not returned yet. "

Touphy and Tum look at one another after turning their furry heads/faces to look at the cubs in thought of the cub's situation.

Touphy and Tum : " ... "

Queen Destiny's furry face reaction of heartless and coldness softens in front of the cubs. Serious and almost deeply concerned. For now.

Queen Destiny : " What about your Dad. ? "

Cub three shakes her furry head/face in front of Queen Destiny , Touphy and Tum in disluck. Queen Destiny almost knew the shaking of her head meant no good.

Cub 3 : " We haven't heard the latest news about him including our mom. "

Queen Destiny almost blinks at the cubs in surprise.

Queen Destiny : " Still. ? how long has this went on. ? "

Cub 2 : " Not long. Just this morning. "

Queen Destiny : " Oh I know how that is. Getting a kill is not so easy let me tell you. * sighs in relief * But hunting does not take as long as your Mama's making of it. Depending on ' what's ' on the menu and where she's hunting at. ; If anything , your Dad should've been taken matter into his own paws if your Mama and his wife is ' still ' gone. "

She pauses in thought.

Queen Destiny : " What about after our games with my friends. ? The visit. ? "

Cub 1 : " We got bored that day. We don't get to go anywhere. "

Cub 2 : " All we do is get trapped in a den waiting for Mom and Dad to go out. Least after thirty minutes of play time. "

Queen Destiny : " You poor things. You ' do ' need these fighting skills to survive. "

Cub three almost instantly lights up in alittle joy and happiness.

Cub 3 : " Your majesty , can ' we ' participate in this battle ? I understand if you have alot of duties to deal with as a Queen and all. "

Cub 3 : " , but this can come in handy for us. "

Queen Destiny pauses again.

Queen Destiny folds her furry , long arms/paws over her big boned chest swinging her right , widened hip in a assertive way. Taking her left , furry , front paw off of her left , widened hip.

Tum easily speaks out before any cat or cub could.

Tum : " Please do NOT even think about it Fluffs. It's against the king rules. , and .. against your Uncle. "

Touphy : " We'll always give you support and all : gift wrapped. Return to send .. , but Tum and I don't want that hot shotted , old , crusty lion that is way passed his dated tombstone to die. , Angrily ranting about how we allowed this to happen to us. "

Touphy : " That just makes Tum and ' I ' , look bad as guards of yourself and the Guardian of Sundaya's collision. ; And today .. I did not feel like getting out of bed in Tum and I's den so today is not such a good day for me. "

Touphy : " , to deal with ' this ' right now. "

Queen Destiny practically rolls her dark/light brown eyes used to Touphy's cold remarks. But well interested in it and can not even chuckle or smirk in a moment like this about it. , but she always would.

Alittle narrow eyed , Tum adds from Touphy.

Tum : " If you do , you owe us big time. "

Queen Destiny scoffs almost softly at Tum and Touphy turning her furry head/face away from the lions. And to the cubs who plainly look at her in thought with nothing to say.

She patiently lets out a deep exhaul almost calmly. Turning her furry head/face to Touphy.

Queen Destiny : " Touph , I know I've heard ' something ' from you but I have not had a straight answer like Tum tum has. What have you got to say to me Touph. ? "

He pauses.

Touphy freezes forming a dream cloud after imagining each individualized cub hissing in anger one by one. Snarling and growling in refusal after being kicked out of the posidome flying their way out.

He snaps out of his dream cloud before Queen Destiny could see anymore of the cubs show. If at all. Touphy answers coming off annoyed through his furry face expression. Alittle narrow eyed about it.

Touphy : " Do whatever makes you content. "

Tum nudges Touphy almost roughly from the upper mid part of his furry , huge chest. With his left , furry elbow. Quickly turning his furry head/face to Tum , he gives him a more narrow eyed questioning stare at Tum.

Tum ignores Touphy's furry stare. Speaking to him while turning his furry head/face away from him.

Tum : " Aw Touph .. you idiot. Do not make it a mystery. At least let her ' in ' some of it. "

Touphy : ( sarcastic ) " Oh. ! , ( normal toned but almost angrily ) and what ' you ' said automatically just rolled out her red carpeted , royal path for her ? "

Tum : " Don't start something .. you can't even back up Touph. You know that. "

Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to the cubs who start to stifle a soft chuckle , others laugh softly and the laughter gets loud. At Touphy and Tum's behavior. She turns her furry head/face to Touphy and Tum used to their endless ties and nonstop spats to a million kinds. Always ending into a very violent , challenging and playful scrap for stupid and pointless reasons. Or little agruments that test one another's limits .. like these.

She widens her dark/light brown eyes when Touphy resumes with Tum. Like getting in a den that Tum was in first and Tum does not want any lion such as Touphy to be with him in the den.

The two lions face one another almost closely. More narrow eyed , almost in one another's furry faces and leaning their furry heads/faces close. Both growling now.

Touphy : " Just .. what's really coming out of your mouth little Tum. ? "

Tum : " Oh I don't know. , when you say things like that you can't even ' explain ' your reasoning to me. It's like saying something without thinking. "

Tum smirks at Touphy with his furry mouth agapped used to their need to let out their male aggression and enjoying their troublesome spats ever since cub hood.

Touphy : " And .. ' you're ' planning to make me ' think ' ? "

Cub 1 : " Alright another fight ! Well .. if it was a game. "

Cub 2 : " Ding ! , ding ! , ding ! "

Queen Destiny quickly walks between Touphy and Tum making them quickly move backward a big step away from her. She turns her furry head/face on Touphy and Tum alittle narrow eyed. Ready to see either of them start again.

Queen Destiny : " Forget I mentioned that to you Touph. , I need to speak with you both. "

Cub 1 and 2 : ( almost sadly ) " Awwwww ... "

Queen Destiny : " Sorry little ones. "

Touphy and Tum still look at Queen Destiny. Furry heads/faces already turned to her.

Tum : " Now or later ? "

Queen Destiny : " Now. , excuse us little girls and guys. "

Cub 3 : " Of course your majesty. "

Cub 2 : " I can come too right. ? "

After Tum almost quickly walks away pass the cubs onto his very long , furry fours - Touphy onto his very long , furry fours coming next , Queen Destiny is the last one to slowly pass by cub two softly petting his furry head with her right paw keeping it until she drops it. Catching up to Touphy and Tum.

Queen Destiny : ( almost gently ) " Afraid not little one. "

Cub 2 : ( alittle sadly ) " Awwwww ... "

Cub three almost purrs at cub one.

Between Touphy , Tum and Queen Destiny ,

Tum : " ... Well , I'm getting the feeling she's going to allow it Touph. And she'll owe ' us ' big time. "

He stops turning almost into a circle slowly pushing his very long arms/paws off of the dirt ground. Facing Queen Destiny.

Touphy : " Now , now little Tum. Give her a chance to say what she has to - "

Queen Destiny interrupts Touphy. Who starts to get onto his very long arms/paws off of the dirt ground. , facing Queen Destiny. Shaking his mane.

Queen Destiny : " I strongly feel it's best these cubs participate in this kingly manner. "

Touphy almost widens his iceberg styled , light blue shaded eyes at Queen Destiny. Pausing.

Touphy : " say. "

He blinks almost plainly at Queen Destiny. With no reaction or feeling in his iceberg styled , light blue shaded eyes.

Tum turns his furry head/face to Touphy.

Tum : " Told you. "

Touphy low growls at Tum almost in annoyance.

Tum smirks to himself meant for Touphy in enjoyment. Letting out a soft sound.

Tum : " Hmph. "

Queen Destiny stops walking. Putting her left paw onto her left , widened hip. While her hip swings as done.

Queen Destiny : " And you both are right. I ' do ' owe you. Touph wants no lip from my Uncle .. neither to I. ! It's almost like I'm starting to feel the regret of accepting this Kingly competition early without even letting everything else that needs to happen , play out. "

Queen Destiny : " Just for my own selfish needs. "

She folds her furry , long arms/paws over her big boned chest. Turning her furry head/face away from Touphy and Tum to think for a minute. Closing her dark/light brown eyes.

Touphy and Tum's hard , unforgiving and cruel furry face expressions soften in front of Queen Destiny. For now.


Touphy : " So .. why did you ' really ' .. say yes to the King competition , if it's taking more of unnecessary stress and frustration to you than you need. ? "

Tum : " Touph could not be any right than he is now. Personally , ' I ' expected you would say no to this. From what we've known , you're under LOTS of pressure from your own royal family ever since you were .. what. Eight , nine months old ? "

Touphy nods his furry head/face at his brother Tum.

Touphy : " That's right little Tum. You know you're Uncle is probably doing this to you so you may decide to leave Sundaya , turn your back on your pride and then ' he'll ' take control of everything in Sundaya. , We'll try to be more careful .. around him. "

Tum : " Consider it a promise Fluffs if you like. "

Queen Destiny : " I only said '' yes '' to shut him and my royal family up. After it all plans out , I'll still be ruling Sundaya alone like old times. ( low murmurs ) Least after my ninth birthday. "

Touphy : " I hope that lion with neon green eyes of his is ready to fight. Because from what myself and Tum overhear within Tawny's collision , he's not messing around. "

Tum trails off carrying on Touphy's sentence.

Tum : " We mean , ... "

Touphy : " If ' any ' cat thought him infanticiding more than ONE cub , your little cousin Ant ant , messing with your brother Dale's heart , eyes set on Flaunti and Iredise , your neon green eyed , old , past lover , your Uncle's need to expand his collision ... "

Tum : " You know how worse the list gets here in Sundaya the further Touph goes Fluffs. "

Queen Destiny nods her furry head/face almost slow and quickly to Tum. Still pacing shortly ever since Touphy started talking about the King competition. Now she has already stopped to face Touphy alittle narrow eyed and curiously at Tum. Mostly at Touphy.

Touphy : " Good puff ' n Fluff. * almost smiling at Queen Destiny * Then you know what I'm really trying to say to you. "

Tum speaks almost saying the same thing Touphy would say next. SAME timing.

Tum : " You ' know ' the game that these lions and cats are playing at with you. "


Touphy : " You look stressed out. "

Queen Destiny shakes her furry head/face to Touphy and Tum scoffing almost softly.

Queen Destiny : ( alittle frustrated ) " Yeah. I get the point you both are trying to say to me. I know you both have said " no " towards the cubs but in your own special ways. Even if Tum tum here said it more forward than you did Touph. "

Touphy and Tum say nothing. Blinking at Queen Destiny almost in thought.

Queen Destiny : " , But what of the cubs. ? what are they suppose to do. ? What. ( raising her voice ) , ' we're ' - most likely seen these cubs alot more than any other cat here in my pride , are suppose to set these cubs free into the tough world. , so they can run into a hyena , wild dog or even another lion. ? , and that'll be the end of it for them. "

Touphy and Tum were about to shrug their shoulders at her saying nothing but Touphy says something.

Touphy : " They could find their way back. Or to a safer place near by home so when their mother and father returns , she can be able to find her cubs. "

Tum : " Honestly Fluffs , I get that you have a very big heart and this is almost your responsibility when ruling our pride , but Touph and I would not want you to be emotionally attached to cubs that are not yours. Rather than hope and pray to Kinny that Kip will win the King competition. "

Touphy : " Instead of Tawny. "

Queen Destiny pauses in thought. Although ready to give a comeback to Touphy and Tum , she had a feeling that Kip would do something as crazy as entering the King competition. Just like she thought last night. Touphy just said he hopes Kip is ready to fight. Tum just said that Kip should win the King competition since she is more comfortable and at ease with his rather feminine , furry appearance. In which telling her that Kip would ' more than ' likely be in the posidome. If he got into a wild scrap with Tawny , what would make her think that this would not be the perfect oppertunity to get Tawny back in his throne all chained up for a rematch. , on ' her ' account. ?

Queen Destiny : ( still raising her voice in frustration ) " It's not even that Touph and Tum. ! I do not want to see one of them laying on the dirt ground have been bitten by a random , male lion in either my pride or an invador. , seeing their mother magically appearing to lick her dead cub to redemn her loss. ! With what blessings she may have left , gathered ' bout like at a funeral. ! "

Queen Destiny : ( almost lowering her voice slowly ) " Where would her husband or the cubs father's head be if not being there for his own family. I almost ' want ' to imagine. "

Tum : " Even though it's NOT .. your buisness Fluffs ? "

Queen Destiny : * narrow eyed * " So. , what ! "

Touphy : " Now hold on you two. ! , "

Being able to prevent anything happening between his younger brother and Queen Destiny. If anything at all.

Touphy : " Let's lay out the truth in front of us before a stupid and regretful impass that was about to happen comes along. * turns his furry head/face to Tum and Queen Destiny * We're both right at this agrument , but at a different and expressive path instead. We're not together. But those furry headaches are. "

Queen Destiny : " ... "

Tum : " ... "

Queen Destiny : ( calm and alittle soft ) " What's the bottom line Touph ? "

Touphy almost looks at Queen Destiny like she has interrupted him.

Tum blinks out of nowhere.

Touphy : " Oh ! You mean the obvious bottom line. A lion's way is to infanticide it. Leave it when done. To us , it's competition. Nothing in ' our ' territory. To a lioness , take it under it's wing. Put it in constant dens without carrying it's scent with them. Keep it from other threats like Tum and I mostly. Besides predators. "

Tum : " Seriously brother , get on with it. "

Touphy turns his furry head/face to give Tum an annoyed and hard stare.

Touphy : " The bottom line is Fluff is entirely right. No matter how the both of us try to walk around this situation. , or look at it. ... "

Queen Destiny almost blinks at Touphy and Tum in thought.

Queen Destiny : " Honestly Touph , I did not mean of this to be a big thing. "

Touphy : " And big does it sound ! , we'll need to compromise. "

Tum : " If that'll include you and I's tails being ' in ' for it now. "

Almost narrow eyed in thought at Touphy. After turning his furry head/face to Touphy. He frowns more that crosses further his right , furry cheek. He shakes his furry head.

Touphy walks his way abit slowly to Queen Destiny's left turning his very long back on him.

Touphy : " You just keep it up and your tail will be * points to himself while turning over to face Tum * ' mine. ' You hear. "

Tum almost chuckles softly at Touphy.

Tum : " Not if I get your tail first. "

Touphy scoffs softly at Tum. He could feel Queen Destiny's cold and heartless , furry stare returning. Looking at both of them.

Touphy : " We're adding the usual wager : brother style ? "

He gives Tum a cold , agapped smirk that shows a small part of his teeth.

Tum : " Claw and all brother. "

Touphy chuckles softly in enjoyment.

Queen Destiny : " You're right Touph. ' I've ' got almost the perfect solution. "

She slowly turns away from Touphy and Tum walking onto her long , furry fours back to the cubs. Touphy must have quickly trotted into abit of a jogged run once coming close by Queen Destiny's left side.

Touphy : " A solution that ' would not ' .. have Tum try to kill me almost playfully ? "

Queen Destiny : " Course Touph. , "

Tum is the last to quickly trot up to Queen Destiny on her right side all on his very long , furry fours. When reaching her , he slows down abit. Not turning his furry head/face to her. But listening.

Queen Destiny : " And Tum tum. It must have been too hot for you lions to be in the kitchen. But don't you worry , ' I'll ' be taking more heat necessary. "

Queen Destiny scoffs into what sounds like a soft and clever chuckle. Smirking abit.

Queen Destiny : " Hmph ! "

Touphy : " No tom lion can do it better than you puffs. "

Touphy winks at Queen Destiny then smiles almost interested.

Touphy : * very softly and smirking to himself * " Hmmm. ! "

Tum : " Now .. ' do not ' act like we would not know that .. say brother. "

Touphy : " Correction : ' we ' do not act like we forgot it. "

Queen Destiny almost smiles clever and deviously at Touphy and Tum. When turning her furry head/face to Touphy and lastly Tum.

With the cubs ,

Queen Destiny : " So sorry for how long our talk must have been little ones. "

She keeps on walking back to the right cornered tunnel of the exit to the posidome. Leaning on it with her left , furry shoulder. To stare at the view of lions from the very diagonal right. Already more of a full house of lions in their seats. Still hearing the fainting sounds of lion language in great cheer almost so loudly. - , it would'nt even be considered faint anymore.

Tum : " It was .. rather exciting. "

After walking back to his spot to guard the exit of the posidome with Touphy , he turns his very long back to face the cubs and dirt ground. Near by Touphy's left. Hopping alittle almost rapidly up and down , stretching his furry neck in nice and smooth circles not minding to hear more cracks and scrunching his very long , arms/paws backward in a circular motion to give his shoulders a good massage. Shaking his mane last.

Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to Tum's turned furry head/face to see him smirk almost coldly. Like Touphy , their unforgiving , cruel and cold furry face reactions returning. Touphy that is already on Tum's right , shifts his weight almost fairly on firm , very still , very long , furry two's. Swinging his very long tail to his right out into the air. Letting the small end part of it curl out.

Touphy : ( very soft to himself ) " Hmm. "

Cub 1 : " So what's going to happen your highness ? "

Queen Destiny turns her furry head/lowered face to cub one , two and three with the rest of their siblings. , come running quickly to her onto their small furry fours. Furry tails of any size whipping about in rapid blurs from the background to front.

The other cubs rapidly nod their furry heads/faces excitedly to Queen Destiny while speaking too. Some cocking their furry heads/faces left or right curious and almost nervously at her.

Cub 2 : " Yeah ! , yeah ! yeah ! , yeah ! "

Hopping up and down.

Cub 3 : " Let's not get our hopes up like we've gone desperate. If this does not work , it's back to square one. "

The other cub turns his furry head/face to cub three who is staring back at him.

Other cub : " But we can't ! That's the ' same ' plan we've been following for as long as either of us can remember. , It's getting old. "

Another cub mews to the other cub comfortingly.

Cub 1 : " That does NOT make me feel better. "

Queen Destiny stops leaning on the right cornered tunnel exit to the posidome. Slowly facing the cubs.

Queen Destiny : " Oh .. now no little flaws are going to get in you little one's way like a hair strand flying in front of your furry faces. If you are not allowed in the posidome as cubs , - and it's teenage lions only , so act like them. You kiddies - instead of getting a really good seat to catch amusement in this royal , kingly competition , you'll ' be ' in this royal , kingly competition. "

Queen Destiny : " Think you hot shots would be able to handle this offer ? "

Touphy turns his furry head/face to look at Tum. Tum looks back at him almost curious and thoughtfully about Queen Destiny's decision.

Cub 3 : * gasps happily in excitement to Queen Destiny *

Cub two almost widens his furry , colored eyes at Queen Destiny.

Cub 2 : " Really your highness ? ! Awesome ! "

Other cub : " Our very first King competition for teenage lions only ... Wow ... "

Cub 1 : " Let's think for a second my brothers and sisters ! This is another one of " Kings ; only kings " special and royal event back at the posidome ! Almost like EVERY famous game ever made from the Queen herself. , besides any ' other ' , areas in Sundaya. "

Other cub : " Our Dad ' did ' say he was going to take us one day. But this is ' more ' than a perfect opportunity ! "

Other cubs mews in thought to one another. Almost all of one another.


Queen Destiny smiles at the cubs. She slowly walks pass the cubs while talking. And stops by Touphy's right side. Facing them to her diagonal right.

Queen Destiny : " ' Just ' for today though. Nothing else. "

She shifts her weight onto her left , long , hind leg. Putting her long arms/paws behind her long , furry face. Keeping her furry , long back straight.

Cub 3 : " You'd do that for us your highness ? "

Queen Destiny : " I do not see why not. "

Tum turns his furry head/face to Queen Destiny. When he talks , she quickly turns her furry head/face to Tum.

Tum : " Fluffs , ' we ' may see ' why ' but you ' really ' want what consequences , drama and troubles that comes with it ? "

Touphy : " Is there a part where ' we ' come in ? "

Queen Destiny ignores Touphy and Tum. Walking away from Touphy and out of the walkway from the exit of the tunnel almost to the left. First turning her long , furry back on Touphy , Tum and the cubs. She looks at them with her furry , lowered head/face to the cubs. While Touphy and Tum stare at her waiting for an answer.

Queen Destiny : " Why don't you all meet us at the end of the tunnel. , we'll catch up with you guys in a few minutes or seconds. "

Cub 1 : " Ooh ! great idea your highness. We can handle this offer. "

He runs off first after a quick turn onto his small , furry fours through the tunnel.

Cub 2 : " Hey I call dibs battling first ! "

He runs off to the eldest in the group of cubs turning. And running after him onto his small , furry fours.

Other cub : ( almost crackled , alittle deep voice ) " Thank you your highness ! We're so grateful for your kindness ! "

Another cub : ( crackled and feminine voice ) ( excited ) " Your kindness ! , your kindness ! "

Hopping up and down again and again.

Queen Destiny softly chuckles at the cubs behavior.

Queen Destiny : " More than happy to oblige. Be sure to tell your brothers you'll be fighting. Attacking school is in session."

She winks at the cubs.

The female cub gasps alittle happily to Queen Destiny.

Other cub : " Big brother , big brother ! "

He cries happily already running on small , furry fours inside the tunnel. The female cub turns her furry head/face to Touphy and Tum. She smiles gently at them.

Another cub : " Bu-bye huge lions ! Thanks for the lesson. , and do not mind my older brother's insolence or incompetence. He's suppose to ' been ' got a beating from our Mom. "

Queen Destiny widens her dark/light brown eyes at the female cub. Looking like she can not believe what she's hearing.

Queen Destiny : " ! "

She turns her furry head/face to Touphy and Tum's furry heads/faces already stuck out to stare at the female cub flabbergastedly. Blinking slowly twice in front of her.

Touphy and Tum : " ? "

The female cub turns her furry head/face to see if her other brother that was with her has left. The answer was much more obvious seeing herself alone.

Another cub : " Hey .. wait up ! "

She runs too.

And the rest of the cubs , but not while Touphy and Tum lean their furry heads/faces forward to coldly growl almost frustratingly to them.

Touphy : " You're in luck that our Queen likes you problem starters. ... "

Tum : " So we can not discipline you all. , But we'll meet again. "

Queen Destiny : " Oh stop you guys ! "

She calm and lazily pleads to Touphy and Tum. Practically rolling her dark/light brown eyes.

As the rest of the cubs pass , a male cub smartly remarks to Touphy and Tum. Getting Queen Destiny's attention.

Other cub : ( deep and slightly crackled voice ) " Oh yeah ? Well I hope the Queen comes to reality ( in feeling ) and fires you both ! "

Queen Destiny laughs at the furry face reactions from Touphy and Tum. Touphy looking like he lost all of his patience and Tum reaching a boiling point. From urked nerves and stress.

Touphy : " You know something Fluffs ? If you've seen more of my dream cloud of getting rid of the cubs , then I'm sure you understood that ( in angry and frustrated feeling ) * even hard crackling from his furry , front paws * I've tried ! Let's have at it lil ' Tum ! "

Tum : ( in calm satisfaction ) " With cold enjoyment and pleasure brother ! "

The two bolt quickly on very long , furry fours side to side snarling and low growling along the way. Quick , turned , small , furry heads/faces of the cubs stare almost in terror and alarm at Touphy and Tum from pass the tunnel waiting from them. Mewing attentively to Queen Destiny.

Only to be stopped by Queen Destiny who quickly walks in Touphy and Tum's way. A rather tiny gap from reaching Touphy and Tum's huge , very long chests.

Queen Destiny : " Seriously you two. Stop ! ... "

Touphy and Tum pause. Turning their furry heads/faces to one another.

Queen Destiny : " I'm throwing myself out into Uncle's ring. Instead of you both being held responsible since you both are guarding the posidome for invadors whether lioness or cubs - any case , this'll be ' my ' doing. "

Queen Destiny : " And I simply refuse to hear any helpful , sacrificing and kind gestures either of you both are planning to offer to me too. "

She puts her backward furry , front paws onto her widened , furry hips in front of Touphy and Tum.

Tum simply shrugs his shoulders at Touphy once. After turning their furry heads/faces to look at Queen Destiny to one another.

Touphy : " Then you ' will not ' find the need to refuse Fluffs. Because you are not getting any sacrificing , helpful and kind gestures at all from us. "

Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to Tum.

Tum : ( calmly polite ) " No ma'am. "

Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face back to Touphy. Almost smiling at him and to Tum.

Queen Destiny : " Good then. "

She turns away from Touphy and Tum slowly walking her way almost to the tunnel. Touphy and Tum remain standing onto their very long , furry two's staring at Queen Destiny.

She turns her furry head/face over her left shoulder to Touphy and Tum.

Queen Destiny : " You lions just goin' to stand there staring at me .. or are you coming along. ; From what I heard from Tawn , no LION would want to miss this. It'll cross ' bout pass myself , Tawn's , Kip's and Uncle's collision. "

Touphy and Tum turn their furry heads/faces to one another again. Aware they have to keep guarding the exit of the posidome. Uncle's order. Queen Destiny was already aware continuing.

Queen Destiny : " Just because you both are guarding , does not mean you can't guard the posidome from the inside. Put it this way : Kinny forbid something happening if an invador ' did ' successfully get into the posidome , would they have to get in from the exit , entrance , from the right side of the posidome , left and the bridge ' above ' the posidome ? "

She smirks at Touphy and Tum cleverly satified about her own reasoning.

Touphy and Tum did not need to think or hesitate.

Touphy and Tum : " Yes. "

They almost run on their very long , furry fours to Queen Destiny who turns her furry head/face away from them. About to walk into the tunnel.

Queen Destiny : " That answers that question. You both know weeks before this Kingly competition was even planned , it's been covered from every angle. Almost if I happen to be wrong. - , to have missed one. "

Tum : ( almost in thought ) ( low toned ) Well we will be ... "

Queen Destiny stifles alittle chuckle to Tum after turning her furry head/face to Touphy.

Touphy smiles at Queen Destiny alittle.

Touphy : " I know this would be out of random - if it's a good time ... "

Queen Destiny : " And that is Touph ? "

Tum raises his right , dark black eyebrow over his light shaded red , bloody , horrid eye at Touphy.

Touphy pauses alittle.

Touphy : " It's ' more ' than a pleasure seeing you pass the King competition , your birthday , the pride , your Uncle and family itself. "

Queen Destiny : ( almost happily ) " Aww Touph ... ! "

Not sounding like she has more feeling in her sentence. But is very well expressed for her.

She turns her furry head/face to Tum who smiles at her kindly.

Tum : " It has been said and done. "

Queen Destiny laughs soft but happily to be reuniting with her most closest lion pals Touphy and Tum. , after much rough weeks before her birthday and King competition in Sundaya. , while Touphy roughly shoulder bumps her. And she turns her furry , long body to furry head/face to Tum shoulder bumping him next. , to her.

Queen Destiny : " I'm sure the pleasure is coming from you guys. "

Touphy laughs at Queen Destiny as Tum almost rapidly nods his furry head/face to Queen Destiny. Agreeing with her. Since Touphy laughing makes it obviously true.

The three cats move another step backward away from one another after the step to give each other personal space. In a almost small ring.

Touphy stops laughing. And Tum stops nodding his furry head/face to Queen Destiny. Touphy turns his furry head/face to Queen Destiny.

Touphy : ( kind , very warm and gently ) " Is there ' any ' time my lovely puffs is going to come see me and Tum Tum again ? "

Queen Destiny smiles warmly at Touphy then turns her furry head/face to Tum.

Tum : " Please puffs. , it's always so thrilling to see you talk with us. Touph and I could not be anymore delighted ! ... "

Tum and Queen Destiny turn their furry heads/faces to Touphy over hearing a sound. A good one instead of bad almost all of the time.

Touphy : " Mmph. Anymore delighted yes. "

Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face back to Tum. Who continues to talk to her. Convincingly.

Tum : " Stay awhile. You can even sleep with us if you get really tired like old , past times. "

She turns her furry head/face back to Touphy again.

He smiles happily at what Tum said triggering a memory.

Touphy : " In front of the den like we used to and mainly do. "

Queen Destiny : " I'd love that so much Touph and Tum. Talk until it gets so late. "

She turns her furry head/face to Tum again.

Tum : " You hum or sing to us your angetic and sweet tunes. Or cub hood lullabies. Not to mind Touph's need to let something go that sends Fluffs and I running. After eating. "

Queen Destiny starts to turn her furry , long back to Touphy and Tum. Slowly walking inside the posidome. Throwing her furry head/face back to laugh.

Touphy and Tum trot quickly onto their very long , furry fours to catch up to Queen Destiny. Still talking. But when by Queen Destiny the two lions get onto their very long , furry two's.

Touphy : " Hey ! Let's not forget your sleep kicking when you twist and turn in your sleep ! And who do you think you'll ALWAYS end up hitting ? "

Queen Destiny laughs. Turning her furry head/face to see Touphy nod his furry head/face with her in good rememberance. And almost quickly avert his iceberg styled , light shade blue eyes to a narrow eyed , challenged and furry stare at Tum. Furry head/face already turned to Tum. Leaning his furry head/face almost pass Queen Destiny. But almost reaching in front of her left cheek.

Her voice sounds faint like Touphy and Tum's as the two lions and herself slowly walk further into the middle part of the tunnel from the exit rather than entrance.

Queen Destiny : ( sounding like she's in the middle of laughing ) " Oh I remember that Touph ! "

Touphy : " He ! , he ! Do you remember Tum ? You cold mule you. Or even looking like a cartoonish goat with a dim witted look on his face. That has huge horns on a mountain ledge all alone. Heading butting humans off the mountain. Looking cold , angry , miserable and so mad at the world. "

Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to Tum who is already turning his furry head/face to Touphy. Seeing his furry face reaction. She bursts out wheezing abit but laughing at Tum. Narrow eyed but challengingly with his furry head/face almost leaning in front of Queen Destiny. But almost in front of Queen Destiny's right , furry cheek.

Tum : ( almost sarcastic ) " Ohh ! , ( normal toned ) I hope the next time when Fluff comes you won't rain snowflakes that jingle and jangle to Fluff and I when you shake your mane. I've heard it does not snow in spring. Or it's around the holiday season. "

Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face forward away from Tum to laugh throwing her furry head/face back again. Reaching almost closer to the cubs ahead. She could hear Touphy and Tum's angry and challenging growls or snarls as they both lean their furry heads/faces closer to each other. Without talking a step close and in front of one another. She stops walking. Touphy and Tum stop walking too.

Queen Destiny : " Please Touph and Tum * alittle soft chuckle * these are really good laughs that make me feel better. I appreciate you guys for doing that. I'll definitely stay the next time I run into you lions again. Hopefully if I have free time on my paws. "

Touphy and Tum turn their furry heads/faces to look at Queen Destiny. No reaction yet.

Touphy : " Well that's more exciting than anything myself and Tum tum have done for as long as we can remember ! "

Alittle , teeny bit in feeling.

Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to Tum.

Tum : " And remember we do not ! I can hardly wait until that day comes. I'm positive we've got a boat load of nonsense here in Sundaya to talk about together. "

Queen Destiny nods her furry head/face into a " yes " agreeing with Tum completely.

Queen Destiny : " More like an abandoned and sinken ship if you ask me. "

Touphy : " Please , right after you Fluffs. "

Tum : " Right this way puffs. "

Queen Destiny : " Thanks Touph and Tum. "

Touphy and Tum almost quickly shift away and out of Queen Destiny's way revealing cub three who comes running onto her small , furry fours to her.

Queen Destiny almost speed walks her way to cub three while Touphy and Tum speak together to her.

Touphy and Tum : ( low toned and convinced ) " You're welcome Fluffs. "

Queen Destiny stops almost speed walking. Turning her furry head/face to overhear Touphy and Tum growl and snarl at one another almost challengingly. Taking a step forward close and in front of one another. All in one another's furry faces. After , the two lions roughly push one another.

Queen Destiny laughs at Touphy and Tum's full ties of battling one another. , for many unknown reasons that only the two lions themselves would understand. And no other cat - even her , possible. All cubs and cats in the tunnel could hear the lions cat language get even more loud after being already loud in such wildly frenzy and shout -ish cheers.

She turns her furry head/face to cub three who puts her raised arms/paws onto the middle of Queen Destiny's slim waist speaking to her excitedly.

Cub three : " Come , come your highness ! Check out the view of lions who are here to fight. ( rather uncomfortably and alittle confused ) For you ... "

Cub three gets off of Queen Destiny. She walks with the cubs that form a straight lined row from the right side within the tunnel to the left. Where she is.

Queen Destiny : " Oh I've seen enough. It's nothing magical anyway. These lions besides the ones ' I ' know are not even ' close ' to being a King. To rule Sundaya with me permanently. "

Touphy and Tum who have already gotten onto their very long , furry fours , turn their furry heads/faces to look curious and deeply concerned at one another for Queen Destiny. Her quick change in mood and how rejective she sounds. Difficult is like her middle name. Almost widening their iceberg styled , light shaded eyes and light shaded red , bloody , horrid eyes.

Cub two turns his furry head/face to Queen Destiny while walking.

Cub 2 : " You know what your highness , as right as you are and said , you ' still ' rock to me as a Queen alone and no lion is going to try to get at your already beaten odds as a Queen. "

Cub 1 : ( too excited and happy ) " I think so too ! , I think so too ! "

Queen Destiny : " Why thank you there little and sweet one. But I'd like to use this Kingly nonsense to my advantage. Already hating ' my ' purpose but I'm almost dying to see. , "

The other cubs turn their furry heads/faces to Queen Destiny. Stop walking. Herself , Touphy and Tum stop walking too. She continues talking to cub two and his siblings.

Queen Destiny : " what ' good ' will come out of it. "

She gracefully gestures her furry , left , long arm/paw in front of the cubs to the view of lions ahead. With a small , gentle curve of a tiny smile that does not cross the right side of her right , furry cheek.

All of the cubs turn their furry heads/faces ahead. Overly excited , big smiles crosses almost every cub's furry mouth. Running together inside the posidome. The view slowly from left to right almost scrolling quickly showing off the many lions that are in Kip's , Tawny's , Uncle's and abit of Queen Destiny's collision. Either close by one another on furry fours , on furry two's furry heads/lowered faces looking down from very high seats. , sitting apart from one another upright between any gap of any size , standing up in the way for other lions onto their furry two's behind them and on and on.

So many unique , distinct and different furry faces of lions with wildly long , short , fairly long and short colored , soft or rough , glossy or otherwise , manes taking up a very good percentage of their furry heads. Pass their shoulders and back. Or even further.

Queen Destiny - if the only one , could hear a hyponotic and hyponitizing tune that Tawny would play over and over in his furry head whenever seeing a very beautiful sight of her. Into the background. Along with the continuing cheer of male lions. Queen Destiny and the other cubs - after cub one , two and three are already making their way through the posidome but far from Uncle and Queen Destiny's throne , about to catch with cub one , two and three but Queen Destiny is stopped by Touphy while Touphy and Tum split further apart away from one another.

Still standing onto their very long , furry two's. Tum standing behind the right cornered tunnel of the exit to the posidome. And Touphy gently pulling Queen Destiny aside with his right , furry , front paw into Queen Destiny's left , furry , front paw. To the left cornered tunnel of the exit to the posidome.

Once turning his very long back to face Queen Destiny , Touphy turns his furry head/lowered face to Queen Destiny. Queen Destiny's furry head/face already turned to Touphy , looks at him questioning and abit confusedly. Arching her dark black eyebrow over her left dark/light brown eye at him. Without protesting before Touphy has already pulled her aside.

Touphy : ( normal toned ) " I just wanted to tell you that I wished Kip the best of luck to this competition he has to win if he wants badly to get to you. Would you mind letting him know that after this King competition ? , when you see him ? "

Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face away from Touphy almost slowly searching through the crowd of lions to the further right of the posidome. Still convincing to herself that Kip ' could ' or ' may ' be here.

With Kip and Irediseatiess ,

Kip dives behind Irediseatiess quickly scrambling his way to a near by lion ( lion infinity ) that happens to be Midlien. His furry butt is almost squeezed and touching the taken seat in between Irediseatiess and Midlien. Irediseatiess from the left and Midlien ( lion infinity ) to his right. Not trying to fit in. Lion infinity turns his furry head/face almost questioning and curiously to Kip. Who has already turned his furry head/face to lion infinity. With a plain look onto his furry face.

Kip : ( soft and almost low murmurs ) " Sorry. , just trying to hide from Desi. She does not know I'm here. I do not know what's worse .. me not telling her I entered the King competition , or seeing how shocked she'll be when she sees me. "

He almost slowly turns his furry head/face away from lion infinity to his lap. Closing his dark , deep , neon green eyes with his furry head/face almost hanging down. He could still feel lion infinity's furry face expression turn from question and curiosity to softening in little sympathetic thought for him.

Lion infinity almost turns his furry head/face away from Kip. , thinking about what he could say to Iresdiseatiess's lion friend for life ever since cub hood. Still sitting upright almost keeping his furry , long back straight. Unlike Irediseatiess who slouches his furry , long back forward alittle. But constantly pushes backward straighting his back in his upright position. Listening to what Kip is saying.

His very light , violet eyes turn to the left of his furry , eye sockets meant for Kip. Almost wanting to turn his furry head/face to him. But when Irediseatiess would , he'd lean to the right near by lion infinity causing Queen Destiny from below. , by Touphy , to see Kip. Least catching his widly long , golden and red streaked mane. And that's when their world would crackle and wildy shatter like a broken wall made out of glass.

Irediseatiess : " ... "

By lion infinity's silence makes Kip continue to speak to himself and Irediseatiess in such worried , extremely nervous , almost frightened , hurried and almost sad murmurs. He shakes his huge , furry head/face slowly to himself. Almost scoffing.

Kip : " , It's like I should've never done this or went a-long .. with this. What Desi and I have is so strong , I don't want to ignore how ' I ' or ' she ' feels anymore. Because I've already ' felt ' that if I got ahead of myself and come out nice rather than strong , that would definitely hurt our friendship. And .. wild breaking bond we have. "

Irediseatiess pauses again.

Irediseatiess : " ... "

Still turning his furry head/face almost quickly when looking around the posidome. As normal paced as it is , Irediseatiess turns his furry head/face to spot Queen Destiny who is near by Touphy's left scanning almost slowly the left and further side of the posidome. Touphy turning his furry head/face about.

He almost widens his light , violet eyes in thought seeing that Queen Destiny may be scanning this posidome to see Kip.

Irediseatiess : " ! "

After slow thinking , lion infinity comes up with an answer for Kip. Leaning almost close to Irediseatiess's right so that Queen Destiny can not see Kip. Irediseatiess pays no attention. Turning his furry head/face to his diagonal right to the center of the posidome where a rock made ledge with seats. , where Tawny , Blankey and his lion friends have already filled up every seat. In a very royal , v.i.p section. Looking down and about in search of the many male lions down below.

Besides other rock ledge , high seats that are scattered about the posidome.

Lion infinty smiles to himself.

Lion infinity : ( in a really deep , abit crackled and smooth voice ) " Least you're putting yourself out there. I could name many good lions I know that wouldn't even look at a lioness they've got strong feelings for. , even when they pass by. Now ... "

He pauses clearing his throat. Kip almost slowly turns his furry head/face to lion infinity feeling alittle warmth and comfort coming to him. Which would explain his hesitant affect lion infinity has brought through his body language. When he turns his furry head/face over to him the way he did. Without wanting to arch his dark black eyebrow at him in curiosity over his left , dark , deep , neon green eye. Expecting Irediseatiess to say something as simliar as lion infinity is still saying to him.

Kip : " .. "

Lion infinity : " Iredise here has already told me much about you. And that includes what loving relationship of intensity and deep love drive that you both equally had when you both got involved. I heard ALOT and I've listened to ALOT. From the past. But I truly like the change of one very feminine lion like you beating those milestones that lions I know ' have ' passed and have ' not ' passed. "

Kip blushes really red at lion infinity. And slowly turns his furry head/face to Irediseatiess. Who is still busy. He almost slowly turns his furry head/face to lion infinity while speaking.

Almost nervous and slightly uncomfortable. Almost lowering his voice.

Kip : " Alot .. have you now ? "

He smiles alittle soft and nervously at lion infinity.

Lion infinity : " Oh I hope that's not a problem now. We were just talking while you were asleep and I was curious about you two since I've noticed the way you two acted around one another. I was going to wake you up so we can talk about this together but Iredise already knew how tired you were that night. And told me not to wake you up. "

Kip could feel the red blush coming from his furry cheeks again. Remembering that night in memory Irediseatiess nuzzle his furry forehead into his when he was still asleep. And then licks him lightly onto his left , furry cheek. He never forgot the last words Irediseatiess said to him before going off to talk with Midlien ( lion infinity ) overhearing his low murmurs that are not so important right now.

He almost drowns out the sound of lions who are in great and wild cheer.

Kip : ( Irediseatiess's low and soft voice in his furry head ) " Good , sweet night my forever more , furry love. I love you more than you love me. "

He could picture Irediseatiess's gentle and heart warming , furry smile that Kip loved back then - used to , back in his past. And ' still ' does now. Until he could hear his name being called.

? : " Kip ... "

Kip : ( in his furry head ) " Yes Iredise ? "

Almost in a little plead of pleasure.

In reality ,

Lion infinity : " Kip ! "

The sound of lions in wild and great cheer returns in the background.

Kip almost rapidly shakes his furry head/face in front of lion infinity. He stops while turning his furry head/face to him. Staring into space and thought.

Lion infinity arches his dark black eyebrow over his furry , colored , left eye.

Lion infinity : " Are you alright there ? "

Kip suddenly leans backward mostly touching Irediseatiess's long , furry back. Putting his furry head down. Squeezing his dark , deep , neon green eyes shut alittle.

Kip : ( still in soft and low murmurs ) " Yeah. * straightens his long , furry back * I'mm fine. Thanks for your concern. "

Lion infinity : " You're most welcome. Take it easy against that furry beauty you want so much. She is not going anywhere unless you ' want her ' to. Or if ' she ' wants to. If it makes you feel more better , I'll help shield you to prevent any suspicions from the Queen. "

Kip quickly turns his furry head/face to lion infinity. He leans his furry head/face to him. Still wanting to sit upright but can not because of what little space he has.

Kip : ( very grateful and alittle happy toned ) " Thank you. , so much. I do not know if you know how much this means to me. - Iredise knows. ! , but I could explain it to you if you need further convincing. "

He nods his furry head/face one time at lion infinity. Then smiles at him alittle almost thankfully.

Lion infinity looks at Kip almost slowly up and down in thought.

Lion infinity : " No need. It's understood. "

Lion infinity turns his furry head/face away from Kip looking ahead. Scooting alittle bit closer and leaning closer to Irediseatiess. Keeping in mind of personal space and leaving a partially or slightly gap in between them.

Kip sighs in relief re straightening his long , furry back to Irediseatiess. To himself. But easily scoots alittle bit to his right connecting himself almost closely to Irediseatiess back to back.

Irediseatiess turns his furry head/face to his diagonal left that would show he would look at Kip but not at a time like he is in with Kip and lion infinity now.

Irediseatiess : ( in a deep and slightly crackled voice ) " Desi was looking this way rather hard. Really hard. I mean she ' was ' looking about the posidome to play off what she is struggling to see here. But I'm getting the feeling that she knows something is up here. "

Irediseatiess turns his furry head/face to pay more attention to Queen Destiny below who is down below still by Touphy. Already turning her furry head/face to Tum who is already standing in front of her. Talking to her onto his very long , furry two's.

He turns to the right corner of his furry eyes mulitasking. Listening to lion infinity , watching Queen Destiny and waiting almost patiently for Kip to say something. But turns away from lion infinity.

Lion infinity : " I would not blame her many curious suspicions. Kip's seat is still empty. She had to catch at least his tail , mane or even his furry figure. "

Irediseatiess ignores his deeply red blush onto his furry cheeks at the mention of Kip's furry , long figure from lion infinity. Hating the negative , alittle bit of the positive and perverted thoughts of Kip.

Imagining his furry , long tail. His golden and red streaked mane especially that line of curly hair strands in the middle of his furry face. Pass those enchanting and lovely dark , deep , neon green eyes. His furry , long , slim yet muscular and rather buff figure from shoulders to the start of his furry , long , hind legs.

He shakes his furry head/face snapping out of his thoughts for Kip.

Kip groans alittle stressfully. The worry , sadness , soft , extremely nervous , frightened and need to hurry easily gone.

Kip : ( low and normal toned but not soft ) " I'm a dead lion. Desi has NO idea I'm here. ( in non patience ) If I have not said it already ! , ( low and normal toned but not soft again ) But .. * gulps hard struggling with a few of his words * T , .. awny's here * sighs alittle softly * and I'm in the same pit as him. "

He sighs abit calmly to himself. Kip stops turning his furry head/face with lion infinity to listen to Irediseatiess. Talking to another lion near by Kip's almost big gapped seat .. furry head/face already turned to the lion.

Irediseatiess : " Hey .. ! Excuse me. "

The lion struggles for a small second from staring at the cubs who are now in the middle of their own game of " Attack , jog and run " out onto the battle field. No cat claiming them whatsoever. If yet.

The lion then decides to turn his furry head/face to him.

Lion 211 : ( raised , a small bit deep and crackled voice ) " Yes ? , * pausing * ... Iredise ! What up there. "

Irediseatiess : * smiles alittle friendly to him * " Nothing much. .. Just happened to know if you and your cats - if you know them to your left , could scoot over to me. But not too much. "

Lion two hundred eleven blinks at Irediseatiess plainly.

Lion 211 : " Sure. Wouldn't mind at all. But doesn't your friend with golden and red streaked mane to neon green eyes sit there ? He couldn't have disappeared out of thin air or something. "

Irediseatiess pauses in front of lion two hundred eleven suddenly not able to finish his sentence. Managing to get out a word. Rather awkwardly.

Irediseatiess : " Y..eah... , "

Irediseatiess : " Must be famous for doing that. "

He grins nervously.

Abit narrowed eyed , Kip nudges Irediseatiess's left side of his long , furry back with his elbow almost angrily.

Kip : ( very softly ) " Hmph. "

Irediseatiess shoots almost forward by the little nudge from Kip in front of lion two hundred eleven who starts to continue talking to him. Almost struggling to ignore what he is seeing from Irediseatiess. To question if he's okay.

Lion 211 : " Or if he left somewhere for a drink , bathroom break , or to see a cat , he should've been returned back by now. "

Irediseatiess : " Oh. * almost pausing * .. No. It's not that it's ... "

He almost quickly leans his furry head/face to lion two hundred eleven's left , furry ear. Going on in hushed and sounding gibberish whispers.

Kip grumbles a few muffled sounds to himself as he leans to his left side to keep himself shielded from Irediseatiess. Lion infinity turns his furry head/face away from Irediseatiess and his male lion friend focusing onto Queen Destiny. Seeing Tum in the middle of walking away from Queen Destiny and Touphy. Getting back to his right cornered spot guarding the exit of the posidome.

Lion two hundred eleven and Irediseatiess almost slowly lean their furry heads/faces backward away from one another. He nods his furry head in careful understanding at Irediseatiess. Both lions not taking their furry , colored eyes off of one another. Or turning their furry heads/faces away from each other.

Kip leans his furry , long back to the way it was behind Irediseatiess. Lion two hundred eleven leans his furry head/face backward to see Kip turn his furry head/face to him almost quickly. Waving at him so cute but shyly. Irediseatiess keeps his light , violet eyes on lion two hundred eleven.

Lion 211 : ( in soft , but able to hear murmurs ) " I have seen now. "

Irediseatiess : * light and soft chuckle * Hoooo for now you have. Can you do this one thing for him and me ? "

Lion two hundred eleven stares at Irediseatiess in thought.

Lion 211 : " Sure. , of course. "

He starts to scoot alittle closer to Irediseatiess but still gives him personal space. The lion and others to lion two hundred eleven turns to see no lion in sight. But ends up scooting closer to the available gaps of space between one another. Giving each other their personal space.

Irediseatiess : " I'm sure if Kip was out in the open , he would thank you. "

Kip keeps quiet. Listening carefully to Irediseatiess and lion two hundred eleven's conversation. Blushing red through his furry cheeks at the thought of Irediseatiess.

Lion 211 : " Well if he's listening , he's very welcome. I don't blame him for what he has to do when it comes to a lioness that every lion in Sundaya would want. "

Lion two hundred eleven and Irediseatiess turn their furry heads/faces to look at Queen Destiny for a really good second in thought.

A rather tall lioness , but no ordinary one. A tom lion with a furry head/face full of dark black hair to make a mane. Big boned , muscular , feminine looking , athletic and fairly hour glass figure. Always swinging her widened , furry hips so swift , persuasive and very smoothly. A spicy and hot stare in her dark/light brown eyes. A voice ' more ' harder than a rock , but a boulder. Or explosion.

That almost very long , furry tail that sweeps ever so beautiful and lightly whenever lifted into the air.

Lion two hundred eleven and Irediseatiess pause together alittle. And look back at one another.

Lion 211 : " Bet he's using EVERY trick in the book to play it casual and come out naturally. , but in his aura whenever he's around the Queen. "

Irediseatiess : " That's true. I'm always taking notice. "

Lion 211 : " He's that lion you've been telling me about. Weeks before the King competition. He's crushing really hard on her. "

Irediseatiess : " Ahh .. well , when you've ALWAYS liked a lioness ever since cub hood .. you can not help but see them differently. Growing up with them your whole , furry life so far. And you keep seeing their furry face. The view gets beautiful. You'd want to see it EVERY day. "

Lion 211 : " That was kind of deep. But you're right. "

Irediseatiess : " Because I've been through it. I used to crush on Desi too. But it's even better with the same lion we're talking about now. "

He blushes red using his left , raised arm/paw almost close to his furry face to fan himself from the heat.

Lion two hundred eleven widens his furry , colored eyes at Irediseatiess. Smiling alittle comfortingly. Irediseatiess puts his left , raised arm/paw down.

Lion 211 : " Oh. You've told me about your love story with the opposite gender. Not .. a lioness this time. , but I'm not judging. "

Irediseatiess : " I still have my love for him. Even if his love is so set on Desi's right now. I would like much to wait it out. He may come around again. "

In a pause between Irediseatiess and two hundred eleven , Kip blushes so red he turns his furry head/face to his left shyly. Feeling Irediseatiess's long , furry tail that has already shaped an oval wrap gently around his. Into a nice twist.

Kip finally speaks in his normal and low voice to Irediseatiess feeling his red blush almost quickly fade away from his furry cheeks. Still keeping his furry , long tail wrapped around Irediseatiess long , furry tail.

Kip : " What's Desi doing now ? Is she looking over here ? "

Lion two hundred eleven almost squints his furry , colored eyes while leaning his furry head/face forward. Almost like he's struggling to see.

Lion 211 : " Not .. really much here Kip. "

Kip rolls his dark , deep , neon green eyes at lion two hundred eleven not expecting he would talk to him. But wanted to hear Irediseatiess. He was alittle satisfied that lion two hundred eleven is helping. And making himself known to him even if he does not know Kip.

Lion infinity : " It's more than that actually. She looks like she's just about ready to go to her throne with her treacherous and can not be trusted Uncle. , "

Lion infinity : " With a group of cubs ' I ' bet .. that are tempted to infanticide than what ' I ' feel like doing. Or any male lion would immediately recognize these cubs and know what father - male lion , it belongs to. "

Kip : " Kinny knows I'd be wanting to practically fly into a run out of here so badly. , but I meant what I said to Tawny relating to the King competition. "

Lion two hundred eleven does not bother to turn his furry head/face to Kip.

Lion 211 : " Kip. , so sorry for the discouragement , but you are toast. "

Lion infinity snickers in his throat at what lion two hundred eleven said. For Kip , himself and Irediseatiess to hear.

Kip : " Oh ! ( alittle sarcastic ) it's alright. So very funny. ( normal and low toned ) I'm sure my heart is laughing right now. "

Irediseatiess : " Kip's right. If I know a very feminine lion that fights so vicious like Tawny , Desi , Daun , abit of Nip .. it's Kip. I'd swear it if I have to. He's NOT to be underestimated. "

Lion two hundred eleven and infinity quickly turn their furry heads/faces to Irediseatiess. Kip widens his dark , deep , neon green eyes at lion two hundred eleven and infinity in thought of their behavior.

The two lions got so quiet. All ignoring the loud shouting , lion language bawling out into the air. Belonging to so many male lions.

Lion 211 and infinity : " ... "

Irediseatiess continues talking.

Irediseatiess : " I've seen him in Desi's famous cat games that would be seen here in the posidome , and he's like a whole NEW lion out there. Thing is , to get what he regrets having - aggression or a strategy within him , it's triggered differently. "

Lion infinity slowly turns his furry head/face away from Irediseatiess avoiding eye contact.

Lion infinity : ( softly to himself ) " Huh. "

Lion two hundred eleven smiles at Irediseatiess in abit excited interest.

Lion 211 : " Now ' that's ' a battle I'd want to see. "

Irediseatiess : " Only if Kip's ' still ' willing to follow through his word. "

Kip : " I will. But I do not know ' how ' I'm going to pull this off. I'm shy , nervous , alittle stressed out , in fear of the possibilities of a crisis in here and impatient. * almost narrowed eyed * * pausing * ... Aren't you going to tell me what you think Desi is going to do or will do right now ? "

Kip : " I was hoping I'd hear something new about her. "

Irediseatiess : " She's wrapping up her conversation with Touphy. "

Lion two hundred eleven quickly leans his furry head/face ahead.

Lion 211 : " Alright ! Let's get this show on the road ! "

He shakes his mane alittle.

After turning his furry head/face to his friend lion two hundred eleven , he laughs almost softly at his behavior. And almost slow and quickly turns his furry head/face to lion infinity. To see and laugh at his behavior.

Lion infinity : " Boy I can not ' wait ' to see the many lion battles where lions get serverly beaten , they would ' need ' to be taken to the cat infirmary. ! "

Irediseatiess : * laughs * " Huu well Mid , it's totally worth the wait. "

The hyponotic and hyponotizing tune stays in the background. Have not changed.

Kip : " Oh my good Kinny , I'm screwed ! , screwed ! , so screwed ! With Tawny and everything. This was all .. such a big mistake. I just want to hide in either my ' own ' .. furry arms , Iredise or Desi's. Maybe I can find those lions that have the posidome secured from invadors , knowing many near by exits .. can be nice enough to escort me out. "

He hurriedly turns his furry head/face to the more than one exits of the posidome. Seeing the mean looking male lions that either stands onto their furry fours , furry two's or upright. Turning their furry heads/faces about like Touphy and Tum are from below.

Kip stops looking feeling Irediseatiess squeeze his furry , long tail supportively and in comfort. He blushes red at the act turning his furry head/face over his left shoulder to look at Irediseatiess. Who has already turned his furry head/face meant for Kip over his right shoulder.

Irediseatiess : " Do not sweat it. Whatever happens today , I'll still not change the way I feel about you. Does not matter to me. You'll do very well in this brawl against Tawny. I believe in you. "

Kip smiles gently at Irediseatiess pausing alittle. And blushing red.

Kip : ( normal , low and soft ) " Thanks Iredise. , really. "

Irediseatiess : ( soft toned and meaningful ) " You'll always be welcome in my eyes Kip. "

Lion two hundred eleven turns his furry head/face away from Irediseatiess. Making a sound almost loud enough for Irediseatiess to hear. That's aware of such a romantic , mushy and gushy moment. Making him turn his furry head/face to him. Looking at him.

Lion 211 : " Mmmmph ... "

Lion infinity almost scoffs.

Irediseatiess quickly turns his furry head/face to lion infinity. Looking at him.

Lion two hundred eleven and infinity laugh at Irediseatiess together.

Irediseatiess rolls his light , violet eyes in little annoyance at lion infinity and two hundred eleven. Scoffing at both of the lions softly. Already turning his furry head/face ahead blushing really red.

Kip sucks his teeth and blushes really red too.

Irediseatiess and Kip do not say anything to one another right now. But in really good timing as planned , he could feel Kip squeeze his long , furry tail returning the support , comfort and warmth he got from him.

He smiles to himself still looking ahead. Kip smiles to himself alittle too. Waiting his problem out until then.

Back to Queen Destiny ,


After much searching around the posidome , Touphy speaks to Queen Destiny again knocking her out from her search of Kip. Because it's getting so harder and harder to believe to herself that Kip would have to be here. Everything makes sense to her. It's in ' her ' order , fits ' her ' logic and reasoning.

Touphy : " Puffs I've got to ask .. but * almost leans his furry head/face to her * ( softly ) are you really .. alright ? "

Queen Destiny quickly turns her furry head/face to Touphy. After blinking and shaking her furry head/face.

Queen Destiny : " I was , but .. I just CAN'T shake off this feeling that Kipster's here. I mean , I can not convince myself anymore than possible that I saw his mane , tail and entirely ' him ' right where Iredise , Mid and Iredise's friend is. "

She tilts her furry head/face over her left shoulder to scratch her mane. Starting a new sentence.

Queen Destiny : ( in soft and low murmurs but Touphy can hear her ) " I tell you , myyy if I come off wrong I'd be - "

Touphy interrupts Queen Destiny almost smiling at her behavior. But he does let out a very soft chuckle. That is rarely shown to other cats within her pride besides her younger brother Tum. Making Touphy chuckle so softly is very , VERY .. hard to do.

Touphy : " Fluffs , I've seen Kip * pausing * ... * Queen Destiny leans her furry head/face in alert to Touphy * but I do not know if he went in the posidome. But that must've been when he was with so many lions that wanted to compete in the King competition. "

Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to stare at her slightly diagonal right into space. Gathering up her thoughts about what Touphy just said.

Queen Destiny : ( in her furry head ) " If Kipster was there with so many lions in order to compete to the " Kings ; only kings " competition , then he ' has ' to be in the posidome. In which I have been so sure about. Because if not , he'd be an intruder within the posidome. "

Queen Destiny : " Well .. a true dinga-ding ! Wait but , - as much as I ' want ' to believe that , - he hesitated when I asked him - no. He couldn't have. "

She shifts her weight onto her left , long , hind leg with her slightly spreaded apart furry , hind legs. And puts her long , furry , twisted arms/paws behind her long , furry back. Letting her left , hind leg point straight out in front of her and right , hind leg point out in front of her to her diagonal right.

Her long , furry tail smacks itself into the air further from behind her right , widened , furry hip. She turns her furry head/face back to Touphy. Sounding fairly alright and alittle calm.

Queen Destiny : " So he has not. That about wraps it up to the great mystery of Kip. ( abit lazy ) Uh .. I got to get this royal , kingly nonsense out to sea and pass the rocks. I do not think any of us cats are willing to stay here forever. , "

She looks ahead at the lions that are both by her left and right sides of her throne. To the cubs with a little , stiff turn of her furry head. Almost weakly smiling at them all playfighting. Touphy turns his furry head/face to the cubs with much thoughts running through his furry head/face.

With a serious look onto his furry face. A not so nice ' glow ' in his iceberg styled , light blue shaded eyes. Staring at the cubs.

Who are almost by that red outlined , painted , overly thick circle where lions , cubs and cats would be in to her famous games , battle of lion dominance , straight up challenge , territory , power and of many kingly , royal competitions like the one she is in now. Today.

Queen Destiny : " I promise you , if I ' do ' manage to get free time , I'm definitely making my way to you and your younger brother Tum tum's den for old time sake. To clear out my air bubble. I could ' really ' use the company and talk. "

Touphy looks at her. With a little slow turn of his furry head/face to her.

Touphy : " You sound like you've just made your mind. More than Tum convincing you. ( almost polite and presentably ) Please , we should talk it over to schedule a day and time period of the day we'll hang together. It'd be managed and fair for all of us. "

He smiles at her warmly. Pushing away dark black hair strands away from her dark/light brown eyes. With his left , big paw. Then puts it down letting it hang from his left side.

Queen Destiny : " You definitely got me going there Touph. And I won't forget Tum tum too. "

She starts to walk her way pass Touphy with her long , furry back shown to him. Once a good few hind legs away from him , Touphy opens his mouth to her.

Touphy : " I'll tell Tum when I get the chance. "

She turns her furry head/face over her left shoulder to Touphy. She smirks abit in satisfaction to him.

Queen Destiny : " Excellent. Tell me his reaction after you do. Bet it'll be a knockout. "

She starts to walk almost quickly getting onto her long , furry fours.

Touphy calls out to Queen Destiny.

Touphy : " Will be done Fluffs. It always ' is ' funny ! "

All of the male lions from herself , Guardian of Sundaya , Kip and Tawny's collision cheer even more louder in jollity to Queen Destiny. As the further she almost reaches her throne and to the cubs , she almost slowly gets onto her long , furry , hind two's. Beginning to face all of the male lions. Within such noise , she turns her furry head/face to almost loudly growl at the cubs. Stopping them from playfighting instantly. Half standing on their small , furry fours. Others half sitting upright. Furry , small heads/faces already turned to her.

Queen Destiny firmly points to the left side of her throne. With her furry , long , raised arm/paw. Making all of the cubs trot , skip , hop , jog and almost quickly walk in a very straight line pass her. With excitement , energy or sugar into their furry steps.

After he turns his furry head/face over Irediseatiess's left shoulder - almost , Kip smiles happily at such a gentle and sweet gesture Queen Destiny has done with the cubs. Blushing red still behind Irediseatiess. And sitting sideways to his right.

A random male lion in the audience crazily spoke as he judders his lion friend almost quickly. Then stops still holding him. With a big , furry grin onto his furry face still watching Queen Destiny from wherever he and his lion friend is , from below. A friend of Tawny's he has confronted during the King regulations/king competition.

Loud , excited and abit crazy.

Lion 1 : " I am sooo happy ! That's my wife ! " * wolf whistles to Queen Destiny *

In announcement , Queen Destiny starts talking. Raising her voice alittle. Loud enough to be heard.

Queen Destiny : " I'm going to need every lion's attention in this posidome here today. All eyes and ears is all I ask of. For now. "

She continues to walk around the posidome almost reaching the area of the red ring. After making a slow turn to her right. Giving eye contact to every lion in front of her. Long , furry , twisted arms/paws behind her long , furry back.

Long , furry tail swishing peacefully into the air. Whatever breeze is there. Frowning after lastly smirking. Growling alittle to herself. Dark/light brown eyes that say : " drop dead. "

Another random lion spoke sounding simple minded and completely dumb into a country accent.

Lion 8 : " Okay purty thang ! "

This almost settles the male lions down.

He begins to pull out his eyes grunting and struggling no matter how bad it hurts in determination.

Yes , another cat speaks. But no one said aloud. His grumpy , monotoned voice doesn't seem like some lion you can chat nicely to. Easily bringing your attention to his small mane of any colored - if guessed correctly , red and yellowish eyes , and light tangerine fur. With a bony appearance. He looked like he hasn't made a kill in weeks though it being only a lioness role. Or a lion's ' if ' needing help and wanting something to eat.

Also country accented and alittle heavy. Sounding miserable and annoyed.

Lion 28 : " Hey ! Y'll listen up ! Have de-kind curtesy or decency .. to let ter lady speak ! "

He roars angrily showing his teeth after his furry head/face almost slowly goes up.

All male lions in the posidome get quiet.

Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to lion twenty eight. Nodding her furry head/face at him.

Lion 28 : " Go on speakin ' honey babe. .. and y'll better not interrupt ! "

Queen Destiny : * smiles alittle at lion twenty eight almost happily * " Much appreciated there. I understand of the difference between male lions and cubs. My serious apologies if this happens to be the day when male cubs will not be recognizable against male lions. "

She makes a turn coming by the right side of the area almost coming by the center where the red ring is.

Queen Destiny : * frowning * " Don't worry. Now isn't the time for such sappy moments or sappy emotions. This is only of a face to face , heart to heart , for all. Yes , we've met numerous times before. , and that includes the king regulations/meeting much to Tawn's taste. "

She walks straight back near by the red ring facing all of the male lions.

Alittle narrow eyed , - from his very high seat , Tawny stares at Queen Destiny from above in thought. Frowning too and lifting his dark black eyebrow over his very light , hazel eye.

Queen Destiny : " Though the word '' King '' means nothing to me - and it certainly won't make any difference towards how long I've ruled Sundaya , I wish you all the best of luck. It'll be truly a pity being with a lion that I ' don't ' know at all or love. "

Kip is still listening and watching Queen Destiny. Furry head/face already turned to her , he smiles alittle at what she said. Knowing exactly what she meant.

It gets alittle quiet from all of the male lions. And at a moment from such hard and cold words from Queen Destiny , this happens to be all the male lions took in. Having already passed around much low murmuring about the male cub's existence. Before Queen Destiny even started talking. Rather cruel , competitive and muderous about it. Not friendly.

Lions : " Awwwww ... "

A little pause. Letting this second sink in.

Lion 28 : " A'nt that generous. You'd make a magnan-ous babe ! "

He lets out a crazied and over the top pitching laugh.

More cheers coming from the male lions. Like anything Queen Destiny does the male lions would ' still ' cheer. Even Tawny after struggling to keep his composure from the male lion's laugh. ONLY to be laughing at a joke one of his lion friends was telling him ' about ' this lion.

Queen Destiny : * blushes red alittle * " Alright , alright now. You lions want to settle down before we start ? Say so. , is there any lion whom wishes to start this Kingly competition off. , "

She walks up closer coming inside of the red ring. Stopping to put her left , furry paw onto her left , widened hip. Lifting her furry head/face higher to see the male lions that are onto the rock made , high ledged seats.

Queen Destiny : " volunteers ? "

From sitting upright to the middle of the posidome , a male lion quickly gets up onto his short and fairly long , furry , hind legs.

Almost happily.

Lion 3 : " I will ! "

The male lions cheer alot more quickly turning their furry heads/faces to him. As he almost quickly turns his furry head/face to look at many other lions with a very giddy smile. Showing some teeth. Speaking over the cheers.

Lion 3 : " Yeah I'm ready ! First server ! "

He makes an alert and surprised sound about to be carried by Queen Destiny's pride of his own species.

Lion 3 : " Oh my kinny I'm afraid. * being lifted * Ohhh ! Now that's what I call royal , "

When the male lions throw lucky contestant # one , he stretches out his word. So as his short and fairly long , furry arms/hind legs. Squirming rapidly into the air out of panic. Reaching up close to the red outlined and painted circle.

Lion 3 : " treeeatmeeent ! OUH ! "

He lands onto the dirt ground skiing furry head down/face first into the red outlined and painted circle. Carrying a trail of dirt with him. He stops letting his furry , hind legs drop onto the dirt ground that was once over his furry head.

A large amount of lions almost gasp in pain or wince about it. Turning their furry heads/faces away. Or shutting their furry , colored eyes. Shuttering or groaning.

Queen Destiny turns away from lion three and almost quickly walks away heading for her throne. Where the cubs are somewhat huddled upright together to the left side of her throne. Together.

Close enough , Queen Destiny hops onto her throne turning in her seat sitting tall upright. She turns her furry head/face to cub two making a comment that other cubs could hear. But the other cubs are still watching ahead. Cub two doesn't turn his furry head/face to Queen Destiny though.

She turns her furry head/face away from lion three. Furry head/face sinking below from between her broad , furry shoulders. Squeezing her dark/light brown eyes shut. Even if peaking. Still bringing her furry head/face to see more.

Queen Destiny : " Oooh ... I know that's ' got ' .. to hurt. Might miss teeth .. or he might be lucky not to. "

Cub two almost gasps softly to himself.

Lion three spoke after quickly getting up onto his short and fairly long , hind legs.

Lion 3 : " I'm good ! "

Lions : * Applause *

Most roaring leaning forward. Miaowing with their furry heads/faces thrown back. Leaning their furry heads/faces in deep and impatient interest. Swinging long or short tails almost quickly. Lion three or other lions knowingly , would smack themselves onto their furry heads/faces with either left or their right paw. Letting it drag down stressfully or in embarrassment. Shaking their furry heads/faces.

Cub two turns his furry head/face over to Queen Destiny. He talks as she listens looking down at him keeping eye contact.

Cub 2 : " You were right your higness He did end up being lucky ! "

Cub 3 : " Some fall he had I'll admit. "

Queen Destiny , cub two and # three share a laugh together.

The Guardian of Sundaya who is already in his throne sitting upright , spoke to lion three. He could feel that all male lions and a lioness have already turned their furry heads/faces to him. Now giving him a silent stare.

His voice serious like Queen Destiny's voice makes most lions within the posidome go still.

Uncle : " Pick your opponent. "

Lion three answers Uncle as he turns his furry head/face to him. His furry , right paw points to Lion # twenty eight.

Lion 3 : " Him. "

Lion twenty eight leans forward in front of lion three.

Lion 28 : " W'll bring it on ! "

The lions in the enormous crowd applauses. Like the way it's repeatedly going on. Except when a cat talks over much cheering and noise. Like Queen Destiny would for instance.

Lion # twenty eight cautiously separates himself out of the pride of male lions and comes head to head to his opponent. After much shifting behind male lions onto his furry , hind legs , lion twenty eight quickly runs his way down a row of steps that are next to seats so many lions are already in.