( Part 3 of Chapter 8 )
With Igie and Abblie ,
The lioness enter a grassy plains area and spoke after one another as the cats at first it seems surround Daunnie but , she dodges out of their attack running pass Touphy and Tum as if going back to the exit of the posidome. , but instead turns left and swirls right and into a quick u-turn.
Igie : " Now now Daun .. come to Mama. It's time to get in line and head back to the den. "
Abblie : " D-Don't be difficult now hon. We'll feed you at some point. "
Daunnie : " NO ! , no ! , hungry , hungry , hungry , hungry , hungrrry ! "
Mavlie came out walking slowly like an old female lioness. Her voice sounding sweet , wrinkled and dry.
Mavlie : " No need to fuss and bicker now. That'll just make her want to contiinuue. "
From a long distance ,
There is a den near by where skinny palm tree barks diagonally lay over one another on top of the den. , letting it's dark green and split , huge leaves sprung out in odd directions , reaching the dirt ground alittle. In a den that seems so dark as if you was to look at it from outside , appears an elderly and dry male lion with a weak and bony appearance you can see ribs through enter out of his den. Beginning to turn right and sat on his furry stomach looking at the view of light , yellow grass that sticks up tall as a bed to the light and reddish , water color mix looking like the way Sundaya does at dawn.
He had a dry , hard and lifeless mane that had white hairs as split ends being easily seen. For one thing , when he laids down ; he looks like a healthy and huge cat who battles other cats for territory or just a King in his own world minus his weak figure. , proving such a false statement. His dark blue eyes laid on a lioness behind the sides of the posidome while seeing two male cats chasing about a stumpy and short lioness not getting the memo that she's acting.
And two lioness that are obviously cut out for this action trotting and dashing swiftly. He purrs in deep interest seeing a very fit appearance mainly to tangerine orange eyes. He moans alittle then yawns as if roaring exercising his jaw muscles showing his flimsy , light stained teeth missing ones in both sections. Losing his MAIN skill that ALL cats master for survival. TEETH. Though claws , tail , tongue , ears , night vision eyesight and so on are included but not in this case.
Back to Mavlie , Abblie and Daunnie
Mavlie the lioness stood on all her furry fours then winks at Abblie who gave a look at Mavlie just to see where she is now. She winks back quickly changing direction in order to avoid Igie who was ahead of her. Swifting the opposite direction at the right time. Daunnie laughs crazily dodging Touphy and Tum evasively who seems ready to get a hold of her but ended up running into one another. Igie and Abblie sighs as if reminding themselves to never , ever , EVER rely on a male lion to catch a single cub that has gone wrong. Daunnie sat upright by them turning her furry head/face left looking at Igie who is in the middle and not Abblie who is at the left of her.
Igie spoke up then smiles deviously to Daunnie.
Igie : " You know what to do ! "
Daunnie smiles back then begins to dash once yet again pass Touphy and Tum who took their time getting back onto their furry , very long , six foot , hind legs after groaning in laziness and exhaustion. Igie trots to Touphy and Tum and stops in front of them speaking up to them as she makes her way while Abblie stuck around to her right.
Igie : " Don't let her away ! "
Touphy spoke then runs off to the left following Daunnie who is heading for Queen Destiny's tower that is half surrounded by lion dens. Big cats who sleep during the day , lioness Mom's who nurse their off spring and just cubs who explore their den surroundings.
Touphy : " Oh she won't. "
Igie and Abblie split away from Touphy and Tum as a team running behind Queen Destiny's tower meeting up with Daunnie who stood on a left direction path leading to a pool of mud and quick water currents at the elephant pond. Touphy and Tum catch up with Daunnie looking at Igie and Abblie on the right and now the misbehaved cub. Who sits upright again still not gotten rid of them onto the path.
Touphy spoke alarming himself and his partner Tum who perks his furry , big ears behind his big , furry head , tilting his head alittle to the right to see their helpless and nowhere to escape target.
Touphy : " Get her ! " * roars *
After roaring , his quick charge made him move forward to Daunnie as Tum caught up from behind meeting him to his right. Daunnie runs , stopping herself , sitting at the left , catching Touphy and Tum off guard. Having them to swift pass a upright , innocent , furry eyed and grinned : Daunnie having her fur fly alittle. Out of control , Touphy and Tum uses their claws coming from really , really long , hind legs and furry , front arms/paws to stop themselves from skiing onto the dirt ground but still continue to do so.
Then fly a very short distance face first into the kiddy pool of mud exactly looking like quick sand. Back to back , the two big lions groan having thick , moist mud heavily stuck on and into their really long manes that reach behind their rough , furry shoulders of their furry backs - and more mostly onto their furry , front paws , especially hind legs , and tails. Igie , Daunnie , Mavlie and Abblie stood up onto their furry , hind two's laughing and group hugging one another.
Igie spoke as she trots pass Touphy and Tum while Mavlie , Abblie and Daunnie follow by her sides.
Igie : " Male lions ? ... too easy ! "
Abblie : " How stupid. "
She laughs closing her furry , brown eyes and only leave her furry mouth out while walking. She comes to a stop.
Daunnie : " We should totally do this more often. "
Igie's voice fades as the three lioness leave the cat territory - lions and lioness who seem alarmed , hearing the commotion and performance while laying onto their furry sides of their furry bodies. Letting the huge , furry bulges of their stomaches stick and lay by the dirt ground. A place mostly copied by lioness. Not stopping for any reason whatsoever.
Igie : " Totally. Still , I am alittle bit worried about Desi though - "
She lowers her voice looking about to see if any cats or prey is in sight then leans her furry head/face in to speak for Daunnie , Mavlie and Abblie to hear.
Igie : " The bad areas of Sundaya are very , extremely dangerous. "
Mavlie : " Our Desi ? Noooo ... - our Queen can handle anything. "
Meanwhile ,
Queen Destiny's long , furry fours are shown up close seeing front , long , furry arms/paws plop onto the dirt ground and long , furry , hind legs fly forward in a half diagonal position landing , pushing off and landing. Her long , furry , fluffy tail remains downward swirling about by her demandingly in wonder and curiosity but forces itself ahead. Then the lioness shows herself in a normal as if a camera view walking over multiple rocks sitting about scattered around the medium and steady water currents that
gently wets the rocks and the bottom of her huge , furry , big paws. She stops seeing many wildebeest in a herd charging inside the water on the left out of a short forest walkway and then spot gazelles on the distant , long , far right of the forest walkway joining the wildebeest who dash together as if running into gazelles. - But you'd be mistaken if you was to look at it that way. What really happened is the wildebeest and gazelle herd veer away from one another still swiftly running pass each other. Going about in a never ending like path as if searching for the other end of the river letting the Queen pass.
She walks further reaching the entrance of a forest walkway called the " Forest of Optimistical hope " walking pass millions of skinny , weight less trees above having green and long lengthed , leaf hair invading each other's space by slipping through one another without permission. The royal Queen of Sundaya is like a single , light like a feather , light , girlish pink rose pedal gracefully swirling quick not daring to touch the hard bark design of the tree. Not wishing to experience what'll happen next or what won't happen next.
She gazes around in awe with a half edged , circle of a smile onto her furry lips to her snout walking further into a cliff and rocky zone but stops looking below. Seeing a deep and hazardous treach falling uncontrollably until to her death.
She " OOOOOh's " cute and softly in silence to herself quickly moving away while eyeing the edge ahead. Then turns her furry face/head slowly forward and trots the way a young cub would to a medium and failure of space , builted rock path that had a odd corner sticking out. As if catching up to it's Mom who already has a head start.
After passing a corner , she encounters a huge gap that almost ended straight to the other side of the continuing path. She turns to the left of the gap then springs forward at a high distance. Her long , sharp claws clenching tight on said gap huge , diagonal steep then climbs ahead. Baby steps at first then daring and quick steps next. Quite high from the ledge , she slides down alittle as she looks down not exactly meeting her doom. She stood in place long , furry , hind legged - back claws out and front , long , furry paws. She freezes watching a single , tiny , rock flip on it's sides bouncing pass her down the gap. Then flies skiing down meeting it's doom off the steep entering it's deep flight.
In her perspective if you wish to hear , she could mention in her furry head as if she didn't know any better she saw that the rock seemed like it was actually enjoying it's flight. Then again , the tables have turned. As if a rock herself , Queen Destiny goes sliding down the steep as she quickly hangs on rapidly reaching higher then took a daring leap right. Her furry , long body in the same position then lands still sliding down. She felt as if something unknown was pulling her down. But no creature , animal or anything was in sight to do such a thing. If so , he/she must have termits in their souls to something mean like that.
Panicking , she quickly kept leaping right each passing second she goes down deeper and deeper at changing directions. Then , she reaches the other side and falls onto her furry , long back showing off her slim , fit , white , curly , fluffy belly while panting heavily - her furry chest making rapid rises and falls , in exhaustion. That was a close call. Suddenly , another rock lands by her after sliding down another steep diagonal wall ( nearby on the left ) but had a path available for her.
Queen Destiny slowly gets onto her long , furry fours.
The steady crackle noise carries as fast as the rock flips on it's gray sides onto the dirt ground. The sudden , silent noise alarms Queen Destiny as she turns her furry head/face to look beside her at the rock. She trots abit slow of a start as if unsure but really suspicious then runs away getting a head start of the path until it reaches a gap. With her furry face/head turned to watch one more time , she widens her dark/light brown eyes alittle then runs quickly to the right hearing a huge rumble that easily introduces a rock stampede to her.