Part 2 and 3 of chapter 10
Another complete silence. Queen Destiny pants heavily so hard that the slow rises and falls of her big boned chest starts to dramatically pop from out of her furry , long body. She slowly turns her furry , long body so that she exposes her furry , long back on all of her furry fours at one time. She widens her dark/light brown eyes eyeing a huge stone , odd shaped cliff attached to others on the far left and a smooth and roomy path just for her.
The sunset was gone and the sky is pitch , sparkling black along with the oversized moon shining down on the path she's about to walk on. Being shiny white and a light/darkish blue ray blending in the background while white is the spotlight. She smiles alittle very familiar and used to the night shift of Sundaya let alone her kingdom. She slowly walks away from the edge leaving a gap between them while beginning to look up in awe. Crossing a rock made , double hoop , in a half perfect circle , leaving the center to be like tiny and medium , skinny ovals.
After entering , she freezes in place and looks ahead at the continuing path she's keeping in mind for tommrow. Now , she turns her furry face/head and furry , long body left entering a medium and sort of spacious like a corner , area where a stone cover like an umbrella , is. Attached to the huge , odd shaped cliffs behind her. Adorably , she turns and curls into place finding a really good spot while her long , furry tail joins along like her play mate. In such little seconds , she finally laids down onto her right , furry side curled up with one , long , right , furry leg tucked in below her furry stomach and sticks out. To her furry , long , left , hind leg lazily stuck out from stretching near by her furry , long tail. Her furry , front arms/paws slightly pushed up behind her big boned , furry chest above her furry face/head.
She thinks about Sundaya going from out of control animals who found out her disappearance , to family past agruments and now to Tawny who is now and ' still ' - even if she grows difficult as usual and stubborn to believe it , her new King entirely ruling Sundaya with her. She starts to sit upright some more tall and all straightening her furry , long back then looks below at her furry , front arms/paws and long , hind legs to the dirt ground together. She could hear in her furry head her Uncle's voice saying the bracelet that is already placed onto her right , furry arm/paw reciting the engraved words that aline in a circled row covering the entire bracelet.
Uncle : " Be smart and remain strong. "
She sighs hopelessly to herself as she throws her furry , long self onto the dirt ground laying her furry head but chin first , onto the dirt ground. With her furry paws/long arms in between and her long , furry , hind leg remained stretched out away from her furry , long body. , but near by her long tail to her right , furry , hind leg tucked in but exposes her big toe from under her stomach. Still on her right side.
She quickly lifts her furry head/face and takes a long look at the moon while slowly tilting her furry face/head to her right as if making out the form of the imperfect moon. Suddenly , she gasps then widens her dark/light brown eyes while her furry snout to her mouth came out slightly open. - her world turning around in full , rapid , twisting ' n spinning circles. , as a close up of her is performing going into the black pupils of her eyes rather than the dark/light , mixed brown.
* Queen Destiny's young flashback memory starts *
The moon shows itself normally having a shiny , white light and a darkish blue ray as a background carrying millions of stars from behind. The sound of two , joined laughs is heard as the view of the moon slowly side scrolls to the diagonal left and down below. Dark green , damp ' n breezy , grassy ground with a grown , male lion still laughing and a young , female cub trotting gracefully under her father in the middle of a game. It seems like a night of training just learning how to stalk your prey of choice and stick with it , yet uninvitingly come and execute a well thought out , fatal ambush.
If it ' was ' training , you'd hear her Guardian unsatisfied at a routine she has done repeatedly and talks to her over and over with strict discipline. But of course , hard work isn't suppose to be fun. - Out of nowhere , is a crackled yet deep , female voice that sounds immature but is very lively and bold in excitement. , demanding to her father playfully while still trotting about through the breezy and damp air with the sudden growing gusts of wind that pick up their pace. , frequently making her fur onto her furry , small body jump through the air and behind her. Her nickname - even if her name is Queen Destiny in reality , is Dalie.
Dalie : " Try to catch me Dad ! "
Her Dad responds back while making a quick u-turn away from the empty , pursuited path that leads to young Dalie then sends out strutting quickly in a different direction elsewhere leaving a young Dalie trotting alone. This is when young Dalie comes in with a alarmed yet surprised remark to her father with her furry face/head already turned to him stopping in her tracks. His voice deep , yet slightly cracked whenever he says certain sentences or words that easily reveals how he really feels about a topic.
Dad : " Only if you catch me afterwards ! "
Dalie : " Okay - ... hey ! "
Dad : * laughs *
Dalie and her father is in a certain greenish , grassy area where there are rocks scattered about but not too much to inflict pain to any cat's paw but are in such odd shapes. It's very spacious and dark but the moonlight and their excellent eyesight made the two cats get their way. Father and daughter begin to playfight with one another while spinning , twirling , dodging and twisting through their trots excited to be in each other's furry presence and expected to see one another at every turn. Then all fun flushes down the drain when Dalie mews in sadness by a medium , zig zagged formed rock with a smooth , half cut top. Her father quickly runs on all very long , furry fours to her aid and sits upright near by to her furry right behind the smooth , half cutted , topped rock.
Putting his furry , big head/face to her level but failing to see her furry face.
He spoke soft and gently but always in his strong tone of voice.
Dad : " Dalie ? ... - Des , what's the trouble sweetheart ? "
Dalie as her nickname when young , - including fluffy , turns her furry , small head/face to her left where her Dad's furry head/face was but still does not show her small , furry face that will end her fake performance.
She spoke her voice sounding hurt at the start of her sentence then goes back to normal and determined to the very end.
Dalie : " D .. Daddy ? It's just that ... - You are so dead ! "
She playfully tackles her Dad aiming at the sweet spot of his furry , very long chest as he quickly stumbles down to his left , furry , very long side onto the grassy ground laughing. , while she remains on her furry , left side all curled up then runs to her Dad hopping rapidly up and down. While her Dad quickly sits upright looking down at her trapped into a very warm smile. She quickly trots back leaving the right direction heading to the middle where her father is putting his furry , right cheek to her furry , left cheek jumping up and down again happily. He remains still and upright.
He shares another , big laugh by himself.
He spoke up proud and encouragingly to young Dalie.
Dad : " That's my Dal ! "
He curves a half smile at Dalie.
Dale smiles back at her Dad in great pride.
Her Dad is a grown male lion with dark golden fur , huge , well built , furry , upper body , perfect , fully , puffy mane with bright yellow/white mixed streaks. And yellow/light gray , mixed eyes , pink , big nose , two , thick sets of white , small whiskers onto both of his furry cheeks. Ever so long , furry , front paws/fluffy arms to ever so long , hind legs. His height ' looks ' like he's around six foot two - more than Kip , Doumphy , Touphy , Tum and Tawny's height put together , but is really six foot four.
Dalie excitedly spoke up to her father.
Dalie : " Did you see me Dad ! ? , did you see me Dad ! ? "
Dalie is a very beautiful female cub with an oversized , huge , hair bow at the diagonal right corner of her furry head but in her shiny , black mane. Light , fluffy , light golden/white streaked , faded fur , fluffy , short but slightly long , furry tail. Slightly chubby at her stomach but very slim , furry figure. Tiny , black , curvy , hot eyelashes , dark/light brown eyes , small , furry ears. Short but long , shiny , black mane with one bang covering her dark/light brown right eye and ends at the back of her furry head. Silver claws in such small , graceful , furry arms/paws to furry , hind legs. Big snout/golden nose and short , light white whiskers.
Dad : * chuckles almost loudly * " Yes I did. Mmm .. - my strong puffy you are. "
Dalie puts her tiny , front paws on one of those odd shaped rocks with a half cut top in front of her while her short , furry , hind legs stay close to her furry hips and furry body onto the grassy , dark green ground. Her fluffy paws face right to her Dad at furry head level looking like the rock is supporting her to stand at a diagonal direction.
She spoke.
Dalie : " I love to frolic about with you Dad besides handling Sundaya during the day and the issues that arise and what not everyday. - "
Her Dad's light yellow/gray , mixed , furry eyes look directly at Dalie after listening while a half curve , skinny , black line comes onto his furry mouth. For now , he doesn't say anything looking at her as if silently wanting her to continue talking.
Dad : " ... "
Dalie : " I hope we could plan more days together exactly like this one now. "
She sighs happily to herself in much enjoyment.
Her Dad easily frowns into a serious , furry grin then spoke up to Dalie while he curls his very long body into a close , curled , small circle to face Dalie who is to his right while his furry face/head turns to Dalie all the way. He knew he ' had ' to tell her what happens to lions who ' look ' young and strong for such a temporarily - as if , streak of luck , state after their reign to rule in an enormous kingdom doesn't carry out forever like she expects. Not to mention how smart Dalie is to know the answer to her obvious , rhetorical question but - by the innocent , furry look onto her face , she seemed stupid and completely unaware. It's now or never to return again without a last goodbye or a word ful request.
All in all , he still strongly feels that he should tell his oldest , furry daughter rather than the other furry , three of her siblings fearing - if Kinny forbid , to have passed away the next morning without telling any cat. After it happened.
Dad : " I couldn't agree with you less my little fluff , but there's a time when a King must retire and meet his moment. "
Dalie plainly looks at her father tilting her furry , small head to her right in confusion while arching her skinny , black , right eyebrow above her right , dark/light , brown eye. While her left , skinny , black eyebrow and dark/light brown , mixed eye remains normal. But in deep lack of understanding. Judging from her Dad's suddenly cold and hard , furry body language - like when reacting to see a hyena , her entirely small , but furry body goes frozen and shivers after a winter gust of frozen ' n icy wind comes flying inside her at ALL parts of her body. This causes her to stand on all small , furry fours and allow a dark black , exclamation point pop up above her furry head with a * Din-kk ! * sound. , while widening her furry , dark/light brown eyes to lifting both of her black eyebrows abit then they go down. To her furry mouth going into a very still , straight , black line.
Leaving his daughter who still sat upright by the half cut , topped rock to the very right of his view , her Dad commands to her as he walks straight ahead to the very left allowing a heavy yet silent , * Domp ! * sound escape from every second his furry arms/paws to furry , long , hind legs touch the very green , dark , grassy ground even if the sound can't be heard. Except the crunching sound of grass.
His voice suddenly cold and hard.
Dad : " Come with me. "
Dalie stares taken aback at the un outlined , tall , big , almost colored in a shady black figure of her father hesitantly but still obeys. Though crept slowly but hardly allowing her stomach to touch the grassy ground as if she was in trouble. Something she always does through her furry body language when trouble ' does ' come. Even adventure to curiosity. She joins her father coming by his right , furry sideline leaving a small gap between them to gather up a moment together. To spot the noisy , oversized moon that seemed to follow them and not leave them alone in silence without a word.
She lifts her furry head/face up higher , higher and higher to finally see her father's subdued , furry expression onto his furry face.
He spoke.
Dad : " After my existence , I have a big job for you in which I won't be speaking to you until I feel it's time that you are ready and up for the life changing experience. If not , then your Uncle will do so himself. "
Dalie scrunches up her furry face into a usual nasty , furry grin at the sight and name of her Uncle. , aware of his cruel and treacherous nature that herself and her younger brother Flaunti have endured during their furry cub days. Without saying a word but holding back a hiss into her furry head.
Dalie : " Is it that you are leaving ? "
Her father pauses surprised but then not so surprised aware of how quick Dalie ' usually ' catches on as if she wasn't aware that old male lions who can't any longer hold on to their royal reign will pass away unintentionally because of old age. As if this is what happened to Dalie's father and his royal reign in Sundaya itself as the very first King of Sundaya , this is NOT the reason. , since that's a story to be shared not at this moment. Not now at least. And to think that Dalie would come off stupid - as mean as it sounds , for not being aware of reality that will happen to us all cats eventually given the time.
He lets out a deep , exhausted like sigh while putting his proud , furry head/face down while taking another moment to himself. His moment ends very quickly when he lifts his furry head/face up.
He continues on softly.
Dad : " I cannot lie my fluff. Mmmh .. - y-yes. "
Dalie looks into her father's lemony yellow/light gray , mixed eyes still not quite taking his answer as well as she hoped to into her furry head. If to the heart any way. Instead , experiencing the strength to be strong and hurt. Two emotions twice rather of once. Dalie sniffles softly to herself in hurt without mewing then drops her furry head/face back down. Her Dad quickly recovers to explaining his feelings more even if it was harsh and taken the wrong way. Especially to say this in front of a very young , female cub at her age.
If Dalie's Mama ; the very first Queen of Sundaya were with Dalie and her father she would've shoved him to the sidelines with great muscle and angrily , but softly scold him for letting his long , red tongue slip up like the way it did to Dalie. Softly enough so Dalie couldn't eavesdrop or make out what either of them were trying to say to each other about her.
He begins to use his huge , right , furry paw to gently lift Dalie's furry chin up so that way he can catch the two most important things in her he likes seeing. Her heart and her dark/light brown , mixed , furry eyes.
Dad : " Hold on a minute now .. Shh .. Shhh ... Now , now .. Dal. Listen , I love your mother with all of my heart as well as our family combined. "
Dad : " , but for the time being , I'm not going to go anywhere right now. I am here to stay for as long as I possibly can. "
He puts his huge , right , furry paw down giving out from lifting Dalie's chin and drops it onto the cool , grassy ground. , but Dalie's furry face remains held high and still looks at her Dad's soft , furry face reaction without saying anything or making a sound. So eager to listen to what else her father has to say to her now.
Dad : " Only Kinny will choose my moment to go. Never to return again. "
Dalie smiles at her father then giggles alittle feeling so much better making her Dad in return smile with a added soft chuckle to a deep , carried sigh at the end.
Dalie questions curiously.
Dalie : " Including Mama ? "
Her father had no problem answering her easily.
Dad : " Including Mom. "
Dalie frowns at her father then looks at the sparkle in the blueish ray now separating from the white. Her Dad lowers his furry head/face down to her furry level then licks her forehead before she could have enough time to turn her furry head/face to look at her Dad. Easily evening out her single , puffy , long bangs that ends at the base of her chin to the back of her furry head from the back of her head , that covers her furry , dark/light brown eye.
She raises her voice happily in demand to her father while laughing and using her left , furry arm/paw to roughly rub her furry face and forehead at least attempting to get off the saliva from her father's tongue. , suddenly on all her furry , small fours then walks abit away from her father leaving a slightly big , but not too big gap in between them.
Dalie : " Stop it Dad ! I'm clean already. I had two baths in one day ! ( sarcastic ) Great. , ( stops being sarcastic ) One from Mama and now you. "
Dad : " Good. Then I know for sure your mother is doing a good job with you while I'm out tending to Sundaya's daily demands during the day. "
Dalie : " Flaunt .. hates , bath time. "
Dad : " Do not remind me. " * chuckles softly *
Dad : " He's always made things difficult for your mother and I whenever we've decided to get you guys cleaned up. He is quite the kicker. , always ' was ' , always ' will ' be. "
Dalie smiles at her father then laughs alittle at her father's response.
She speaks.
Dalie : " I'm going to miss you so much Daddy. , especially Mama. ( in low murmurs but can still be heard from her father ) Then there's Uncle , but sure. , why not. "
Dad : * smiles back at Dalie * " I will miss you too. You've always had such a strong heart. There's no other word that could be second best from strong. "
Dalie spoke but snaps playfully yet eagerly to her father.
Dalie : " I know , I know , don't change the subject .. tell me Daddy ! "
Dad : " Alright , alright puffs. I knew , such .. little stalling would end so fast. "
Dad : " Now listen carefully. I for one see you as my wittle , first beside Cassy , almost comparing to Miss Sassy - lady to be an audacious huntress. I can see right through you sometimes. "
Dalie : " But I'm still in training. I haven't reached this level you're referring to yet. , whatever level it is , but way far from it. "
Dad : * smiles at Dalie * " Right you are , and true as it'll be Des , but I just want to let you know that I believe in you the same going for your mother. After I lift my paw , you do so next letting only our palms touch. "
Dalie could only nod in agreement but rather slowly at this point.
Her father lifts his furry , right paw up into the air showing off a tiny bubbled , lettered style , cat structured figure that is shown colored in dark , smudgy and fady black roaring aloud with it's furry mouth open. It's furry head/face thrown back and three , medium , small lines a small gap above the cat leaving large gaps in between exaggerating how loud the roar is. Sitting upright , slightly in confidence and furry , short tail stuck out from behind it's furry body to the very left of it's furry side and behind it's furry , left , hind leg. Whiskers so long they dangle helplessly into the air stretching to the very left and right coming from both of it's furry cheeks.
The roaring cat even has a crown placed atop it's furry head colored in black with dark red jewels a lined from left to right shining but not gleaming. All in the lettered styled , tiny bubbled circle. Dalie easily caught on cutely with her furry , left paw pressed palm to palm against her father's left , furry paw without seeing his birth mark. Her father chuckles softly while letting out a short exhale simultaneously then smiles at his first rather than his second , obedient daughter.
Dad : " The birth mark on your paw , mine and our family's , is evidence that we're the same. Always have a look at it to get your memory going. , even in times when things don't seem promising. "
Dalie : " Okay Daddy. Let go ? "
Dad : " No , no .. hold it. I still strongly believe in you being such an excellent fighter too. Your mother , I , Moon or your Uncle couldn't have had a better daughter - besides Cassy and Miss Sassy , even though she is part of Moonlight's side of the family , any better than we do now. "
Dalie : * laughs abit *
Dad : " Now this roar you've been constantly bugging me about .. not that I'm annoyed by it. I'd love to hear what you've got so far. "
Dalie : " Now ? "
Dad : " No. Whenever you decide to do so. At your age now , it will not be strong or strong enough so I wouldn't recommend you straining your voice now. Try to roar during your teenage years if you feel ready. "
Dalie : " When did you learn your roar ? "
Dad : " Same moment you'll be planning to. " * smiles at Dalie *
Dalie : " What about Flaunt ? Or the rest of our family. , like Cassy , Sass and Dal. "
Dad : " Flaunti isn't ready to roar just yet. , though a late bloomer and could use more time to hone .. his survival skills and learn how to , truly , ' be ' a lion much like I have. , but as faithful as usual , he always tries to roar even if every ' cat ' knows that he can't roar. "
Dad : " Sounding like a dead cat sometimes. "
Dalie and her father exchange still , furry looks then laughs together.
Dad : " And Dale seems perfect. Easily carrying out my expectations and plans on how to ' be ' a lion. This know at all I half way understand .. then don't understand. "
Dalie blinks at her Dad not saying anything.
Dalie : " ... "
Dad : " And - ever since the hyena invasion on Sundaya earlier on when just you and Flaunti were cubs - and my closest , family pal back in Sundaya taking Cassy , Miss Sassy and Dale , I cannot say if they are , even , alive to this very day or if , they have made it to their first birthday. Even if Cassy would have potential as a huntress or your very last brother Dale for now , to be such a good lion. "
Dalie : ( softly ) " I miss them so much Dad. , do you and Mama miss the rest of our family or often think of them day ' n night these Sundaya days ? , praying they're still alive or doing alright for themselves out of Sundaya ? , wherever they are. "
Dad : " Of course your mother and I do. , well , your mother doing ' more ' thinking than I since I constantly remind myself thankfully and to Kinny of the remaining blessings I have left over. , successfully , before your mother and I split up. You , and Flaunti. I don't know if you guys are aware of this , but you'll always be ' my ' world and mean endless feelings to me even if at times as a family we struggle ' n tumble. "
Dad : " Not a sign of favoritism or , in ' any ' case , - especially you my little , furry puff. You're so very precious and delicate to me , it's hard for me to keep away from you or think of you when bad things happen here in Sundaya. Your mother would always be concerned on how I react when it came to you , and always give me that curious yet seductive look onto her furry face. "
Dalie smiles at her father.
Dad : " But don't ever , - and I mean EVER , think twice of all the love and nurture I could possibly give you likewise to your other four siblings , minus your cousin Ant that passed away all because of Red's son : Tawny. , will you ? "
Dalie : " No Daddy. I love you. "
Dad : " I love you , more than you'll .. ever know. "
Dalie : " When did Mama learn to roar , or what age did she end up roaring ? "
Dad : " Her age was around fifteen. , but- "
Dad smiles at his oldest , eldest daughter having the same warm hearted , furry one ever since the day the teenage cats - as in the King and Queen of Sundaya , first came together.
Dad : " Genuine and gentle. Just .. like you. "
Dad gives Dalie that determined and familiar hugs , furry look that she could easily identify always avoiding and not all into such mushy and gushy affections and reactions. Dalie - quite freaked out with a right , furry , black eyebrow raised in confusion and left , furry , black eyebrow. , dark/light brown eye still ; she quickly goes to the right into a fast trot right before her father could tackle her into a enjoyable bear hug laying onto his sagging , huge stomach with long , tucked in , hind legs to front , furry arms/paws streched out in front of him.
Twirling about in tiny circles like a spinning top from the very right of the grassy area and to the left then stops remaining upright. With Dalie's furry , front arms/paws over his wrapped and folded muscular , huge arms/paws that could crush a lion's throat on the spot. Forgetting about her small , furry , hind legs that dangle from behind her father's hard , furry chest. Though Dalie doesn't seem to mind since she is easily warmed up from her father's furry , very long body heat.
She purrs softly in enjoyment just after her father lifts her up high for himself to see behind the moon and blueish , starry background into his paws. , then wraps and slightly squeezes her close to his furry chest not to a point where he would end up breaking Dalie in half. Her father's furry face expression that once was a " You're about to laugh , but just not yet " look into a sweet and warm , furry look. And Dalie caught in agapped , furry smiles to laughs while purring. That ' is ' , before this happened.
Dalie snaps playfully to her father as if angry at her father while he now licks her rapidly all over her furry head/face , mane and lastly cheeks by her snout.
Dalie : ( says playfully ) " No , no ! Not a good time Daddy ! , not a good time ! "
Her father keeps on laughing even if his light yellow/gray eyes are closed a couple of times while his furry mouth remains a gapped alittle. He opens them speaking to his daughter Dalie as cub and father bring their left ( Dalie's ) to right ( Dad's ) furry cheeks together to share another , loud purr together. , then touch furry snouts with happy and carefree , furry curved smiles.
Dad : " That's my girl ! My strong hearted , bold kitty. "
* Queen Destiny's young memory flashback ends *
The sound of her Dad's ; the first King of Sundaya , soft laughs echoes into her furry head right this minute as everything goes bright white one moment then fadely vanishes. , erasing the screen once in one try. Queen Destiny reappears still sitting upright with her lazy , front arms/paws slightly supporting her but keeping her furry , long back straight. , to her long , hind legs stuck close to her furry , widened hips and her two sides. Her furry , long tail curls into a perfect " U " shape starting from behind her furry butt to end of her furry , left , hind leg leaving a big gap in between. She looks deeply relaxed with her furry head/face slightly down lost in space but in thought.
Even if her dark/light , furry eyes come off heavy , very tired and droppy in it's state , she slowly yet quickly turns over her furry , right paw over to see her palm catching sight of the exact same birth mark that her Dad had on his left , furry paw with the same cat roaring to it's dark red , shiny jewels and furry head/face thrown back into a mighty roar. Closely , her dark/light brown eyes form a light , shiny , thin layer of a wet curtain over her furry eyes but hasn't gathered up time to form a tear yet.
After three , good seconds , she could see her rumbling , rapid , wet view grow heavier into her furry , dark/light brown eyes while letting soft sniffles join as if comfort her. She turns away to the diagonal left in space doing her best not to drop a single tear - like her emotions , crumbled up inside her all of her past even if it does as I speak - , gracefully race down her furry , many , hair , split up strands - if you were to look up close , that cover her furry face up. Yet she fails to see the tear as it leaves a very dark , noticeable wet spot onto her fur then fades away quickly as if sensitive or even shy.
She begins to move back into her corner on all her long , furry fours under her stone , huge , rectangle umbrella from above , turns to search for her sweet spot - curling her furry , long tail close to herself , then laids down on her right , furry side even if her furry , long body is not touching the dark grey wall from behind her. , but is directly laying under the umbrella. She stretches her furry , long arms/paws out in front of her where her furry head/face would go in between such a small , rectangular gap. , and keeps her furry , long , right , hind leg tucked but brought close under her stomach stuck out from below her stomach as her left , furry , long , hind leg stretches away from her furry , long body.
Lifting her furry head/face up high , she takes one , last look at the moon that is up close to her in front of a stony walkway from left to right. , and a cliff that comes in front of the sky then speaks aloud to herself in a final farewell even if she has already said one last goodbye to her father. , even if Uncle - as much as she couldn't stand him , witnessed it including Kip , Daunnie , Mavlie , Abblie , Lanna , Igie , Flaunti , Tawny , Antivell and most of the cats from her pride. Yes , a goodbye to her mother too. That time , just Kip , Flaunti and Irediseatiess ( nickname : Iredise ) with Tawny curiously - yet in much jealousy as always , lurking from behind.
As much as it pains her that her father is long gone including her Mama , she knew that her only two parents will always be in her heart along with Flaunti and the other two remaining of long lost , furry siblings.
Queen Destiny : " I .. I love you Daddy .. so much .. For you and myself , I'll stay strong as much as the strength or energy I have left. , ( softly ) I promise you. , I'll keep Flaunt safe and all my other siblings. , least Flaunt for now. "
Out of it , she falls asleep with her furry head/face inside her furry arms/paws with her furry head tilted to the left. , but abit close to her left , furry arm leaving a tiny gap in between and letting her snout/nose touch rather than her furry mouth that doesn't touch anything at all.
In " The Bad Pits of Uprising " ,
Everything automatically goes into fast forward mode going straight further into Uprising as if the path that Queen Destiny is planning to go to the next day in the morning then right to avoid an out of place rock. , through a curve then another far left going straight through a skinny path onto ledges higher , higher , higher , higher and so much higher. , now turning left sliding down and below , hitting solid ground. In this area is basically a spacious oval. On the right , an open smooth path of stone and two rocks by the entrance. The stone wall .. tall and strangely slanted and steep. Including stone ledges medium grouped neatly wrapped inside.
On the middle , was a skinny , smooth , huge piece of a rock above solid ground oddly out of place and a medium , very exposed , open den at the far right. In the middle , - I am excited and proud to mention that there , is a golden and red streaked , wildly long , big mane coming down from his furry head/face to the very back of a certain male lion's furry head/face that ends at the start of his furry neck and throat. He's sitting upright but lazily slouching his very long back unconfidently. He keeps his furry head down as he lets out a hopeless sigh to himself. He focuses his attention towards his very long , furry tail after it slowly sways forward as if coming to him while saying : " Hello. " , or better yet like a servant to Kip ready to do any of his orders.
He uses his furry , left paw to gently turn over the end of his long , furry tail spotting a tangerine , circled , dotted , tiny , black dot that is known to be a birth mark that his Dad also has. All of a sudden , he loses interest in his birth mark at the very end of his long , furry tail with a slight jerk of his furry , long body to long , hind legs , tail and lastly furry , front arms/paws making a soft * thump ! * sound. While his long , furry tail sways quickly to the right of his furry , long body slithering close to his long , hind leg and in front of his furry paws. , as if saying : " I see how it is. "
He stares elsewhere in place. He could hear his own worried , squeaky and crackled voice speaking in a full sentence then a pause comes out of nowhere.
* Kip's young memory flashback starts *
Young Kip : " I should've stayed in our family den. What if no cubs will talk to me ? What if a female cub doesn't approach me ? She'll probably think I'm weird. "
Young Kip's Mom answers having a sassy , smooth , wise and confident tone towards her oldest son while the two slowly stroll in a certain area of Sundaya BEFORE Queen Destiny's tower existed.
In a feminine and deep voice.
Mom : " Now , now .. Kip don't you worry. You'll make friends. Plus , I'm positive you'll be hitting it off well as the teen cats call it with a female cub. "
Young Kip raises his voice aloud to his Mom in embarrassment while feeling his furry cheeks heat up into a deep red , dark , faded blush. His furry head/face already turned her way.
Young Kip : " Mom ! "
Mom : " Alright .. alright Kipster. I'll behave and be mature about this for you. "
She smiles at Kip as he slowly turns his furry head/face hesitant and reluctantly away from her then looks ahead at the path ahead of them with more of a quick trot in his step. , then he slows down.
Young Kip's Mom is a female , grown lioness. She has light , royal purple , furry eyes , light pink nose on her snout , gold , puffy fur onto her furry body. , Very active furry figure , furry , long , hind legs. Baby blue , thick , double set whiskers shooting from her dotted , furry cheeks in all directions. , but not at all too long , furry , hind legs. A medium , furry tail , big , furry ears and furry , long , front arms/big paws.
There ' was ' silence between mother and cub. , that is , until young Kip spoke up.
Young Kip : " By the way Mom , please .. don't embarrass me. "
Mom : ( in a playful tone ) " I , do .. not ! "
Young Kip : " Yes .. you do. ( voice squeaks alittle in feeling ) That's how all the other female cubs ran off away from me. "
Mom : " What. ? ! I can't say my oldest son didn't have the most cutest , furry butt when he obviou-sly does ? ! "
Young Kip groans softly in annoyance abit as he quickly turns his furry head/face away from his mother's narrowing his furry eyebrows over his furry , dark , neon green eyes. , while glancing at the left corners of his furry eyes as if at his mother.
He mutters to himself but not aware that his mother overheard with a slight widen movement through her furry , royal purple eyes as a reaction.
Young Kip : " This is why I like going with Dad to these .. big , furry events happening in my life. "
He winces slightly lowering his furry head/face into his furry neck as if a turtle about to hide into his shell as he slowly turns to meet up with a demanding and offended glare at him. , while he stops to smack his furry , left palm of his paw onto his furry face , trots up to meet his mother's pace at her right side , then rolls his dark , furry , deep , neon green eyes turning his furry head away to hear his mother speak up.
Mom : " Oh so you two can cause a whole mess .. of mayhem that your father would be responsible for ? "
Young Kip : " That was one time ! A one time thing Mom ! Now look at me , I'm fine ! "
He smiles at his Mom showing his teeth as if a forced , wide smile.
Young Kip is a male cub with alittle white , alot of golden and pieces of bright yellow fur , black claws in such short , hind legs and furry , front arms/paws. Pitch beige and dark spotted nose , furry , small ears , short , furry tail , short makings of a golden/red streaked mane at every hair strand. Big , fluffy , furry mane that ends at the very mid center of his nose and ending half behind his furry head. Small , white , fadey whiskers.
Mom : " That's what worries me sweetheart. "
Young Kip : " Ugh ... "
He easily gives up having no energy to talk anymore to his mother.
By the time Young Kip and his mom's conversation ended , both cats come face to face with the very first King and Queen of Sundaya themselves. The King of Sundaya sits proudly upright puffing out his furry , very long chest that is leaving gaps because of his furry , two , arms/paws that are pushed close to his chest. His long , furry tail curls from the start of his furry , big butt then turns to his left side of his furry , very long body and straight out. , laid out onto the dirt ground.
Since it ' was ' and ' still is ' a rather windy day , his puffy and fluffy , bright yellow/white streaked mane that reaches into a slightly big line at every hair strand , the strands push swiftly backward behind his furry , big shoulders and furry neck. , while strands that rest over and down his furry shoulders push forcefully into one another as if others were holding onto each other for dear life in a horrid storm.
His wife the Queen of Sundaya stands close to her husband to a point when they brush ( her ) left , furry , front arm against her husband's right , furry , front arm. Her furry , long tail curls from the back of her furry butt to the right side of her furry body and down to lay onto the dirt ground. On all long , furry fours , leaving a small gap between her furry arms/paws and long , hind legs. Her furry face is more relaxed unlike her husband who is more serious into a still frown and slightly narrow eyed of only his right over his light yellow/gray eye instead of his left eyebrow and light yellow/gray eye in curiosity. Like saying : " What would bring these two here ? "
Young Kip's Mom boldly spoke up to the King and Queen of Sundaya while young Kip turns his furry head/face and furry body to the diagonal left. , sitting upright but not so confident with his furry , lifted head/face turning quickly about to look at the other cats surrounding the area in the background. , then from his mother who is now talking then back to either the King or Queen of Sundaya with half way dropped , furry eyelids with half cut , dark , neon green eyes , relaxed eyebrows and the constant need to groom himself licking his furry , left paw then rubs his furry head against it.
Young Kip says nothing or makes a sound.
Young Kip : " ... "
Mom : " Good morning your majesties ! "
King of Sundaya : " And a very good morning to you too ma'am. ! "
Queen of Sundaya : " Indeed ! " * smiles at young Kip's Mom *
King of Sundaya : " What can I do for you today ma'am ? "
Mom : " I'd like to enroll my , oldest son in cub training .. is it ? "
Young Kip backtalks into a mutter for himself not aware that his mother must've overheard half of his smart remark discaringly.
Young Kip : " I'd like to ' enroll ' , back into my family den instead. "
Young Kip's Mom uses her furry tail to roughly smack against the left side of his furry , small cheek and furry ear as he throws his furry head/face to the right in pain stifling in faint , soft , punk sniffles and mews in hurt.
The King and Queen of Sundaya look plainly at Young Kip's mom with deep concern into their furry , colored eyes even if they just ignored the incident between Young Kip and his mother. Wondering at the same time what could be wrong between the two. Young Kip's mom chuckles nervously to herself alone ending it with a deep , nervous exhale. , and a very deep , red blush in embarrassment. Even if she was obviously aware that she is exposed laid out in front of them onto the dirt ground caught red handed.
She spoke covering up her embarrassment and the sudden , nervous , racing of her heart inside.
Mom : " When can my son start ? "
Young Kip hisses - if he could but more of a growl , under his breath at his Mom while putting his furry head/face down in order to pull himself together. , then quickly lifts his furry head/face up to grin so nasty to the King and Queen of Sundaya as if encouraging them to say to his Mom : " No - actually , we're sorry that you can't get into the current cub training class because it's full and the last cub today with it's family has beaten the two of you to it. , and has taken the very last spot in the class. , so you'll have to wait a while until we hold another class. " or " No ! , don't do this ! Just say no ! , please ! " Though the second statement best fits the meaning of Young Kip's nasty , furry grin.
The King of Sundaya replies even if the Queen of Sundaya cuts in aware of what's going on in the conversation. Nervously , suddenly not so sure about Young Kip's Mom eagered response.
King of Sundaya : " Well - "
Queen of Sundaya : " Mmmm-ph ? "
King of Sundaya : " right now , I'm not - "
Queen of Sundaya : ( mutters to her husband ) " Well quit the stalling Fein ( name ) ( pronouncation : F • E • N ) , answer her ! "
She nuzzles encouragingly her furry , big head against the King of Sundaya's furry , big head but mostly the middle part of his mane. , while hissing faint and softly in impatience at him.
The King of Sundaya gives a cold , annoyed , furry glare to his wife without saying a word to her but gives her a low growl as a response. He averts his light yellow/gray , furry eyes to Young Kip's mom who blankly stares them slowly up and down for a second. , to Young Kip tilting his furry head/face in confusion forgetting - for now , to continue grooming himself. , with his furry , left , licked paw and his furry head rubbed against it. , back to his mother who just witnessed everything between the King and Queen of Sundaya unfold in front of her. But , the furry royals showed no signs of embarrassment.
King of Sundaya : " busy .. - so .. - "
Before the King of Sundaya could finish his sentence , a lively , bold , deep but slightly crackled and overly adventurous voice interrupts the King eliminating every cat's thoughts in their furry heads. , as Young Kip's mom and the Queen of Sundaya trot into a quick circle shifting away from the incoming female voice to meet in a short lined row to the King of Sundaya's left side. , leaving a plainly , still Young Kip by himself not aware of a dashing ' n crashing female cub heading right for him.
Young Destiny : " Mama ! Daddy ! Hey Mama ! Dad ! Guess what I did .. tooodaaaay ! "
Her view jumps rapidly up and down the place as she gets closer , closer , even more closer to a Young Kip who was still licking his furry , left paw and rubbing his lowered , furry head against it. , then lifts his furry head/face up quickly to see a female cub coming in too hot for him while widening his dark black eyebrows to furry , big , dark , neon green eyes. , with a still , unable to react , furry face expression right before everything goes black and the sound of a very loud , car crash is heard.
Mixed sounds of a car crash like shattered glass , screeching of tires , glass pieces from windows flying onto the black/yellow road , while the two cubs are mashed up in separate halves of a big , fat ball. , slamming on each other with the loudness of every other car crash sounds while slamming into the dirt ground. , and into a thick , pointy topped , dark , grey rock up ahead. With the sound of bowling pins all together then faintingly remaining bowling pins that slowly tumble and others that have already fallen onto one another.
Like gumballs that have fell out of a candy machine , the cubs split quickly but thrown harshly onto the dirt ground. - , in mid air , part way from one another. Young Kip laid over his furry stomach to the left side of the rock behind himself and Young Destiny who is at the right side of the rock leaving a medium and small gap from the cubs to the rock.
Her furry , front arms/paws pointed straight but in opposite directions of one another and furry , hind legs tucked beside her furry hips and sides. Her furry chin placed onto the dirt ground and her furry tail curled to the right side of her furry body and laid onto the dirt ground. Her furry , puffy bangs scattered so messy and indecent. Dark/light brown eyes closed at the moment.
Young Kip laid onto his left , furry side with his furry , tilted head/face laying onto his own cheek to the dirt ground. , but onto his furry stomach with his furry , hind legs tucked at his furry sides and placed onto the dirt ground. His right , furry arm/right paw stretched out in front of him as his furry arm/left paw is curled up close to him. His furry tail swaying left and right quickly into the dirt ground.
The Queen of Sundaya breaks the silence.
Queen of Sundaya : " Oh , would you look at that ... ! Looks like Desi has a new friend. "
Young Kip's Mom : " Ohhh , I knew he'd meet some new cub ! He's extremely shy you know. At first , he was so eager to get back home. "
Queen of Sundaya : " You really .. say ? "
Young Kip's Mom : " Yup ! "
King of Sundaya : " Right on time though ! "
The adult cats laugh together as the King of Sundaya gives his wife an angry , furry look to finish off the heat between them. , when she pushed him at the matter of not keeping Young Kip's Mom waiting about entering her son in a cub training class. , even if he is still laughing. His wife gives him a " Stop playing games " furry look while weakly keeps on laughing to even out the tension between them. , and just laugh with Young Kip's mother. The sound of the adult cats laughing revives Young Kip and Young Destiny as they stir their furry heads/faces with slow turns left and right - Young Kip doing it first then Young Destiny , and groans softly. They don't realize they were doing the exact same actions as they slowly get up onto all furry , small fours until they look at one another without saying a word.
Young Destiny spoke up with shame , worry and mostly concern into her deep voice.
Young Destiny : " Oh my sincere apologies ! I really didn't mean to run into you like that. Wrong path is all. "
Young Kip leans his furry head/face close to Young Destiny in deep interest as his furry mouth slowly grows into a curve of a smile that ends at the right side of his furry cheek. He allows the background to change into a very romantic , island sunset with a white , big hammock tied to two , huge palm trees with long , dark green , three leaves on top. Two dolphins hop into the purple , shimmering , glittering , sparkling water from opposite directions in such calm , and hardly still , small , " V " shaped waves.
A oversized , bright white sun rumbling to make what heat still arise into the atmosphere even if on an island. The background colored very bright , light orange with wavy red dawn streaks as a love couple of seagulls come flying to one another then twirl in mid air in greeting. Spinning into one another so fast as they hold onto one another they raise high into the air with the male holding her into the air in such a dancing fashion. Ending what a dancy to fancy greeting they just had.
Angetic , hyponitizing music still plays into Young Kip's furry head as his furry pupils turn into girlish , pink , pumping hearts with the sound of every heartbeat pumping while a sudden crash of wind delicately pushes at her black , shiny bangs of her mane. , while she shakes her furry head/face slowly in slow motion. The sunset background behind Young Destiny returns to normal after curvy , black eyelashes remain in the air after she has blinked in slow motion the same time that she shakes her small mane about into the windy air. And when she still looks at Young Kip without saying anything.
Young Kip finally speaks to Young Destiny. Although NOT with much convincing or confidence but nervously in slight but frequent pauses to her.
Young Kip : " I-I , you , we. Me , - "
Young Destiny smiles alittle at Young Kip and his furry behavior to the way he is presenting his furry self to her. She flirtatiously trots around in a counter clockwise circle while staring at Young Kip in deep interest to his heart's content then gets a soft , deliberate smack against his furry face. , the very end of Young Destiny's furry , fluffy and puffy tail. The truth is for him , he'd rather be hit by Young Destiny's tail very often rather than his mother's long one.
She sits upright with great confidence in her furry self to the left of Young Kip's furry side and leans her furry head/face very close to him.
She spoke.
Young Destiny : " So that's a yes then ? You , ' are ' alright ? "
Young Kip : " Uh .. uh .. I .. y-yes ! Yes. I am fine. It's okay. "
Young Destiny : " How come I didn't see you in the first cub training .. er meeting ? ( low , soft murmurs but able to be heard for Young Kip ) Whatever it's called. "
Young Kip chuckles softly at Young Destiny seeing a great sense of humor in her then smiles alittle at her even if she is frowning back at him.
Young Kip : " I-I told it - .. thought ! , it was boring and I wouldn't make any new friends. I'm extremely shy. "
He pauses then sighs deeply as he puts his furry head/face down staring at the dirt ground but his furry , deep , dark , neon green eyes are closed. After a short moment , he murmurs softly to Young Destiny afraid and deeply hurt that he'll NEVER see a young female cub as magnificently beautiful and drop dead gorgeous as Young Destiny ever again in Sundaya. She ' may ' be the most beautiful and rare flowers in all of Sundaya. , and when an opportunity comes knocking at his door , he should open it , let her in and snatch her up before another lion who may be walking by his door will.
Instead of arching her right , black eyebrow up at Young Kip over her right , furry , dark/light brown eye , Young Destiny calmly keeps this concerned , furry look onto her furry face from the second time Young Kip spoke up to her. She smiles at a nervous and deep , blushing red Kip then answers.
Young Destiny : " No. I don't think you seem to have understood my current intention now. , not that I was expecting of it to be easy now. , but the point is I couldn't help but notice you from the moment I stared at you. "
Young Destiny : " Maybe I just took ' more ' , of a fancy to those furry , dark , neon green eyes of yours. But mostly like , I've just taken a liking in you. , there's something about you that I , just .. don't know about you yet. "
Young Kip : ( playfully ) " Ahhh ... ( normal ) me ? Never mind me - Oh ' I'm ' not so important than you claim I am. , but you ! - "
Young Destiny tilts her furry head/face to the right in curiosity with her furry head brought back in feeling. , wondering what Young Kip meant when it now came down to her. After he uses his right , furry paw to shove it off in emphasize of how important he isn't , Young Destiny smirks in deep cockiness with sudden half lidded , furry , dark/light brown eyes. , and allows her very small , black eyelashes bat with every blink she does in hot sexiness.
She responds growing serious as usual - since Young Kip has picked that trait up through her personality , yet too eager and too interested in what Young Kip is about to say.
Young Destiny : " Me ? , Mmmm ... - "
She trails off in order to encourage Young Kip to follow through with whatever he is trying to say to her.
Young Kip : " You're so very b..eautiful and p-pretty. "
As vain as Young Destiny is , she says it casually and ' more ' well aware of it than he is.
Young Destiny : " Really , you say ? "
Young Kip : * blushes red all over again * " Y-yeah ... "
Young Destiny : " Did you really ' think ' , that I'd come off as those female cubs that you end up running into on a ' regular ' .. day basis ? "
Young Kip : " As much as I didn't want to believe it here in Sundaya , yes. "
Young Destiny : " Well I'm not going anywhere. "
Young Kip's furry ears perk up in wild excitement and deep inside him as he couldn't believe what he was hearing from Young Destiny to the words that she really was saying. It's like it ' had ' to have been Young Kip's imagination or it's all in his furry head.
Young Kip : ( thrilled ) " You're , not ? ! "
Young Destiny moves her furry head/face backward alittle away from Young Kip's furry head/face even if he is to her left , furry side and leaned very close. , and in all his furry fours. Her dark/light brown eyes widened to her dark black eyelashes almost up to meet her furry forehead. Saying nothing , but still sitting upright facing Young Kip.
Her furry , small body and all. ' Still ' not caring , but ignoring the loud chit chat coming from her parents to Young Kip's mom. , which lasted ever since the two cubs started talking and other cats who start walking in furry , long or short two's to four's - , as high a number in history as it'll get. Passing and through in the area either in the background or in front.
She couldn't help but smile at Young Kip's sudden , contagious , energetic and lively vibes even if it's just one that is already shown in his furry , small body language. As little and unexpected as he doesn't know , so far , it's something that the two cubs have in common.
Young Destiny : " Of course not ! , why would I do something like that anyway ? I really like you. "
Young Kip : " You do ? "
Young Destiny slowly gets up onto all of her furry fours.
Young Destiny : " I don't know if you listen too clearly or not but - Yes ! "
Young Kip - not knowing how to react with a quick rush of hormones in his furry system , he raises his voice to her as he wildly runs around Young Destiny in circles as Young Destiny laughs in the middle of the circle. At Young Kip's behavior. Her small , furry head/face constantly turning to look at him and follow his every movement.
Young Kip : " I-I , really like you too ! "
He skis to a stop with all claws out onto the dirt ground then hyperventilating pants to himself to the left side of her but leaving a small gap between them. His furry , small body rushing like wild ocean waves during a rain storm on sea and on deck in a beat down ship. He uses his furry paws to rapidly fan himself while taking in what is now happening to him.
He speaks in breaths excitingly as Young Destiny keeps laughs but manages to say something.
Young Kip : " Like .. oh my gosh ! , oh my gosh ! , This .. royal , furry beauty , feels the exact same way as I do ! , she likes me too ! , she likes me - "
Young Destiny : " Hey , "
She slowly walks closer to Kip then keeps that cocky and sly smirk onto her furry face with half lidded , furry , dark/light brown eyes.
She continues.
Young Destiny : " You ' still ' don't believe me huh ? "
Young Kip easily interrupts her going into his normal , deep but crackled voice.
Young Kip : " not now. "
Young Destiny playfully rolls her dark/light brown eyes half way then laughs some more at Young Kip's furry behavior. Still murmuring low and excitedly to himself even if not aware Young Destiny is hearing everything Young Kip is saying about her.
She sits upright facing in front of a quickly pacing Young Kip who moves repeatedly left and right leaving a small gap between them. Her furry tail high up into the air behind her.
Young Kip : " What a strange turning point of events here today ! , and to ' think ' that I would shyly hide my days away of living in my family's den while my Mom is out. I-I can't believe this and I did say something about royal but it's royalty now. - wait ... "
He turns his furry head/face to look at Young Destiny who silently nods her furry head/face in agreement then winks at him as her usual signature greeting. He stutters as he quickly trots to Young Destiny who turns her furry head/face to the right away from him even if still looking at him at the corners of her eyes.
She shakes her small mane as if a way to push back her mane as it quickly swishes about behind her furry head. Keeping a curved , half smile that crosses the right side of her furry cheek. , close by her whiskers.
Young Kip : " You .. royal .. r-royalty ? ! , a royal. "
She speaks as if saying a statement.
Young Destiny : " Why , you sound like you were expecting a different , female cub now. "
Young Kip : " What ? , No .. no ... of course not. It's a dream come true to finally meet a royal , furry member of the royal family here in Sundaya. "
Young Destiny : " Today's your lucky day. I happen to be one of them. , besides the other seven. , and , more I haven't seen as a cub for as long as I can remember. "
Young Kip : " I'm Kip , your * he rolls his tongue three times in emphasize of the letter " r " * royal .. highness. "
He gives her a kind hearted , furry smile.
Young Destiny : " Oh please , if it's not too much to ask of , call me Destiny friend. "
She smiles at Young Kip warmly then winks at him. That furry , overly confident , fierce , furry face expression he easily grows addicted to.
He clears his throat then speaks up.
Young Kip : " It is more of a pleasure to meet you Miss , Destiny. "
He bows down to Young Destiny in front of her as he keeps his furry chin to the dirt ground keeping his deep , dark , neon green , furry eyes on her. The same bow ALL cats in Sundaya from servants to family whenever any royal member of the family walks by. , as a sign of respect , devotion to themselves and order. Small , furry , hind legs tucked close to his furry sides and hips while his furry paws are already brought up close to his left , furry cheek to his right.
Young Destiny smiles at Young Kip greatly as she spoke walking away.
Young Destiny : " Why thank you Kip. , now come stick with me as another new friend of mine and I promise you ; you ' won't ' regret it. "
Young Kip happily speaks to Young Destiny as he slowly gets up onto all his furry , small fours. , stopping hesitantly while sitting upright to stare at her in shock to letting his heart inside him race uncontrollably.
Young Kip : " Sure ! "
He slowly walks up to join her but before he could , he didn't realize she quickly turns around to nuzzle her furry , right cheek and head against his left , furry cheek. , then affectionately licks his right , furry cheek. Young Destiny laughs at Young Kip's furry face reaction that quickly turns red. , as he moves back skiing alittle onto his furry butt with hurried and moving furry , front arms/paws to hind legs in motion even if the act just makes him lean uncomfortably backward alittle.
He allows his furry , small body to lean forward onto the dirt ground then smiles happily and agapped at Young Destiny who sits upright. , but puts all of her weight to the left side of Young Kip's furry body. , She announces to Young Kip as she nuzzles her furry head against Young Kip's furry , left cheek and head again purring and more rubbing. Young Kip nuzzles his furry , left cheek and head against her right , furry cheek growing more confident and dominant the second time.
Young Destiny : " To new , close friend ! "
Young Kip chuckles softly at Young Destiny's constant , soft purring that he likes too much then responds back to her as the two cubs start to slowly fade away into curvy , slow , thick ripples in a thick pond.
Just when Young Kip and Young Destiny look happily at one another from the corners of their furry , dark/light brown and deep , dark , neon green eyes.
Young Kip : ( meaningfully ) " New , close friends Desi. "
* Kip's young memory flashback fades away *
The sound of his cub self laughs fade away and echoes faintly as a half curved to his right , furry cheek , skinny , black smile stays on the fired prisoner's furry lips. , as he returns to messed up reality still - after these Sundaya years being with Queen Destiny - the younger cub version of her , she pulls off such a bold move. He didn't regret his decision of being close , life long , chums in all of Sundaya to Queen Destiny. Neither falling in and out of love for her when the two cats started to grow serious for and towards one another. To how jealous , serious , cruel , power hungry , determined , strong willed and persistent Tawny is to yearn for Queen Destiny.
Even ' if ' in " The Bad Pits of Uprising " to the last thing he would want to do is to go crazy within Uprising - he couldn't help but sigh happily to himself as he laids onto his left , long , furry side of his furry , rather thin looking stomach while both of his long , hind legs are tucked by either sides of his furry stomach , side and hips. And his furry , long arms/paws that stretch out and apart by furry shoulders and his furry , whiskered cheeks. Closed , furry , dark , deep , neon green eyes , he rolls onto his long , furry back with his furry , long arms/paws brought up close to his slim chest and long , furry , hind legs brought up close to his furry , long body , spread apart from each other.
He ignores the hard , loud , * clanking ! * and another * clanking ! * - though the words don't fit the sentence but ' do ' describe the sound , of chains that is placed from at his furry neck , furry , long arms/paws , to furry , hind legs that have already created noise together. , as he falls asleep showing off the golden fluff of his furry stomach while his long , furry tail moves to the left and resting onto the stone he is resting onto to the dirt ground. , pointing in a imaginary direction to his secret lover Queen Destiny.