Chapter 17 : Just roar and the NEW King of Sundaya
King Kip goes to look at his lover : Queen Destiny and motions for her to join him with a little , curved smile replacing his furry lips. Queen Destiny smiles abit then trots while standing by King Kip's right side. She turns her furry head/face back to look at her Uncle to her younger brother Flaunti. Who looks at the dirt ground shyly avoiding eye contact with an impatient , rushed , furry look onto his furry face.
Her Uncle smiles and nods his furry head in agreement once. She turns straight ahead looking into space while speaking in her furry head.
Queen Destiny : ( in her furry head ) " This is for you Dad and Mama. "
She begins to let out a demanding and loud roar lifting her furry head/face up high. Keeping her dark/light brown eyes open in the strong winds that form like a tornado for all members of herself and Kip's pride to hear. She stops and turns her furry head/face to look at King Kip as he also roars angrily. Sending out a very important/serious message to all. , making them recognize him , giving furry looks up and down , and realizing the cat he used to be in Sundaya. To what other cats were like being under King Tawny's popularity spell all these years. Suppose to have been the real , very first King of Sundaya.
Other cats from below in the gap join in as applause after himself and Queen Destiny's speech was over in agreement and respect. As Uncle couldn't believe what is really happening in front of him. Getting up on all of his long , four paws and truts to look below at all cats to the cubs mewing out of place and looks at King Kip to his granddaughter. Pretty soon , the gang joins in including Jobbs , Marisoul , Onauma and her mother that causes Flaunti to constantly stare at her when she's not looking at him.
Uncle couldn't do anything about it understanding that once the members of the pride's voices are heard , it is officially that Kip is no longer a royal , main servant to Queen Destiny , but addressed as King Kip of Sundaya along with his lover who has already been reigning this enormous kingdom they already live in. And must defend it as long as he possibly can until one day he will be challenged by other cats , MAINLY lions. Like Tawny for example or any other lions.
The roars causes the animals of Sundaya that stuck around safely by King Tawny's territory come walking after passing a shortcut. Overhearing King Tawny's disappearance that has happened after the final pride battle against their own kind. , to King Kip who is now in his place by his lover unaware yet ready for Sundaya's demands.
Elephants blow from their dark grey , long trunks like paper horns on New years Eve to cheetahs chirping with their offspring to zebra herds in line facing each other stomping their hooves excitedly. Impalas together running and jumping in joy as if ambushed by other pretadors to many other animals roaming free around the grassy plains. Taking note of an enormous gap that is split like an exaggerated/infected , open cut in anyone's skin.
Then , the roars from the pride , King and Queen of Sundaya stops letting murmuring chats fill the strong winds in the area so it's almost as if they don't feel lonely. While elephants use their dark grey , long trunks to spring out water from their massive trunks joining the lifeless/water puddling gap from below.
King Kip and Queen Destiny look at one another watching Uncle : the used to be Guardian of Sundaya pause closing his eyes like meditating. As if either absent minded or got short term memory loss.
King Kip and Queen Destiny quickly turn their furry heads/faces to look at one another ready to come off hostile all because of what he has both put them through all this time. Almost ALL these years in Sundaya , you have no idea what else he ended up starting long ago in the past.
He opens them and smiles at his granddaughter mostly to her lover warmly then speaks up.
Uncle : ( almost lying ) " I was wrong about you sir Kip. Well , partially. - "
Queen Destiny presses Uncle on , obviously knowing that he's lying to Kip.
Queen Destiny : " Uncle ... "
Uncle : " Alright , completely wrong. Entirely wrong. "
King Kip : " ... ? ! "
King Kip doesn't know whether to look hostile or calm anymore in front of Uncle. He doesn't even want to smile abit at the way Queen Destiny pushed her Uncle to tell the truth towards his intentions that Uncle misread in the past. He doesn't say anything and pauses abit.
Blinking at Uncle in some shock , surprise and alittle confusion. Looking at him from up to down almost slowly.
King Kip : " ... ? "
Uncle : " Your fight for protection and love - for the pride too , did put my granddaughter in danger but you did save her. "
Queen Destiny gets narrow eyed abit almost annoyed at what Uncle is now saying to King Kip. He chooses to look and stay calm instead of hostile , yet grins in such a nasty way at Uncle in return.
Queen Destiny : " ... ! "
Uncle continues.
Uncle : " I apologize for giving you so much stress and distrust to you when it is quite clear that you are pure good. I shouldn't have acted so hostile to King Tawny who chose to leave Sundaya when you refused not to. "
King Kip almost looks like some annoyance and some anger is boiling inside of him. Whenever he almost constantly looks at Uncle then quickly puts his furry head/face down to stare at the dirt ground. Inhaling and exhaling abit to hold in his low , angry growls for Uncle as best as he can.
Something that Queen Destiny always knows before King Kip gets upset , easily making her interrupt her Uncle.
King Kip : " ... " * groans abit softly in annoyance *
Queen Destiny : " Uncle , that's enough. I'd - just as well as Kipster , would much appreciate it if you would not reminisce or summarize our furry , whirlwind of Sundaya events after just almost recently getting back. We could also use the time for now to heal and forget all that has happened to us. "
Queen Destiny : " Put it all behind us. "
Uncle : ( almost raising his voice ) " Fluff ! , * Queen Destiny blinks at him * please .. ! Let me say this , I know you probably was going to say I must've pegged King Kip wrong , yes , you're right. But this has to be said from me to sir Kip. "
Queen Destiny quickly turns her furry head/face to King Kip who gets narrow eyed at what he is hearing from Uncle. Quickly turning his furry head/face away from them still trying to hold in and avoid his low and angry growls for Uncle.
Kip : " ... ! " * still inhales and exhales abit *
Uncle : " I perfectly understand how you feel sir Kip. I know you're .. beyond upset at me for everything that I've done to you .. and put my dear fluffy through as well - I didn't mean to , it ' wasn't ' my idea yet under Fluff and m'boy Flaunt's father , royal reign - I'm so very sorry. "
Queen Destiny : " ... "
Queen Destiny frowns at Uncle then quickly turns her furry head/face to King Kip to see how he feels about this. He still keeps his furry head/face over his long , furry , left shoulder as if ignoring Uncle. Still not saying anything but still pausing in thought.
Queen Destiny tries to gently push King Kip to get him to say something. Hoping that he wouldn't take out some of his anger or annoyance on her.
Queen Destiny : " Kip ... - "
In his normal voice , King Kip responds back to Uncle letting go of all his anger and annoyance that he has for him. Though sounding angry and annoyed through his low toned , yet deep voice now.
King Kip : ( lying ) " It's alright sir. .. I * grunts abit in a struggle * forgive you. "
Queen Destiny smiles abit at King Kip that he forgives Uncle for all he has done even if he was lying in front of his furry face. King Kip quickly turns his furry head/face to his diagonal right ahead staring at something ahead. Refusing to look at Uncle's furry face and gray eyes.
Queen Destiny : " ... "
She turns her furry head/face to her Uncle who doesn't say anything now. He widens his furry , gray eyes instead rather than thanking King Kip - not knowing that he just lied to him but sensed some anger and annoyance in his voice , as he chuckles while Queen Destiny starts to say something.
Uncle takes a deep breath pausing again for a moment.
Queen Destiny : " I told you he's great for me Uncle. I bet Flaunt tried to tell you in the past too. , ' you ' .. wouldn't listen. "
King Kip quickly turns his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny and smiles abit at what she said to her Uncle. Letting some of his anger and annoyance still remain based up how he still feels for Uncle now. Not wanting to look at him - still , at all.
Uncle : " I know , I know. The : " I told you so's " fluffy. Very immature and jerk like of you. Well , the immaturity I would know. Would you sir Kip ? "
King Kip laughs abit nervously and dry as a pause to not say anything to Uncle yet. When King Kip does this , Queen Destiny knows he's not comfortable in her Uncle's presence at all and most likely will easily tell him off whether he deserves it or not. Whether ' any ' cat - within his presence , deserves it or not.
Queen Destiny frowns.
King Kip : ( still annoyed and upset , yet cold and sour ) " Yes .. I do. And I prefer of it rude .. especially if ' you ' * abit narrow eyed * deserved it. "
In some tension between King Kip and Uncle , Uncle stares at King Kip abit narrow eyed too in a stare off for more than a few seconds. It gets abit quiet between them from deep , dark , neon green eyes to gray eyes. Seeing this between these two lions - so very quickly as it is said , Queen Destiny buts in to get rid of the tension between King Kip and Uncle.
Queen Destiny : " Ain't that the truth. And I see you Unc , trying to be funny. * playfully abit narrow eyed * Hilarious. "
It works. , for now. But how much longer ?
King Kip lets out another nervous and dry laugh that is alot more of a : " Ha. " Nothing else , in front of Uncle who is still staring at him in silence.
He speaks to Queen Destiny , still sounding annoyed and upset at Uncle yet almost wants to joke around with her now. Though looking abit narrow eyed , feeling Uncle still stare at him when he's not looking at him.
King Kip : ( still sounding annoyed and upset ) " Ohh stop it Desi. * abit narrow eyed for Uncle * You know I love you. "
Queen Destiny ignores King Kip's furry , narrow eyed look just for her Uncle. That turns into a calm , loving , and kind hearted look just for her. Not at all - though usually , surprised at how upset or annoyed King Kip reacts or comes off , always coming off worried or curious.
Not this time.
Queen Destiny : ( almost ignoring what King Kip already said to her ) " Hmph. "
ALWAYS hating when lions say words like this to either butter her up and use that to their advantage just to meet their intentions. That she obviously doesn't .. either agree with or approve of. Especially if they don't mean what these lions say. Like she'll come off ' easy ' that way.
But Kip is a very different , yet special lion.
She looks elsewhere pretending she didn't hear what King Kip already said to her blushing abit red. Uncle watches losing his guard abit from King Kip then softens up his furry look. , smiling abit as King Kip repeats what he said to her again leaning his furry head/face ahead closer to Queen Destiny as if trying to hear so badly what she'll say next to him.
King Kip : ( almost softly and very sweet ) " I love you. "
Queen Destiny quickly turns her furry head/face to King Kip then smiles abit more than she rarely does. ONLY if she's happy , never coming off so cheerful ONLY in different cases.
Queen Destiny : ( almost softly ) " I love you too Kip. "
Uncle almost wants to widen his furry , gray eyes in such pent up annoyance , impatience , and anger for Queen Destiny going against royal tradition towards Sundaya. Her royal , furry life - that she struggled to take in many , many days as she grew up , was all planned out for her .. as a royal in Sundaya , part of the royal family with her parents having one hundred percent support for her in all possible ways and directions.
Not so much worrying or concerning her other three , furry siblings that are also royals that their father's close , family friend : Moonlight took with them in the past. , after the hyena invasion. Now look at what she does. Dodged some bullet but really ' some ' royal tiara as Queen of Sundaya.
Almost wanting to come off angry at her , but when remembering that he already did when with herself and King Tawny when they were discussing their nyphmcies after the " Kings ; only kings " competition. - but doesn't come off angry at Queen Destiny now.
Uncle : " Mmh. I just know that you both are going to explore more ways to love one another. You both will make it as a couple. "
King Kip almost widens his deep , dark , furry , neon green eyes at Uncle after turning his furry head/face to still stare at Queen Destiny in all love and happiness he always has for her. Staring at her Uncle again up and down abit quicker than before , almost wanting to press a rewind button in front of Uncle on a tv remote. Press .. rewind. , press .. and rewind.
Not believing what he just ' heard ' even when disapproving his love for Queen Destiny and the both of them as one - as a couple , together.
Kip : " .. ? ! "
Queen Destiny could only widen her furry , dark/light brown eyes at her Uncle also not believing what he just said to them over a second ago. She had to ask again .. - almost itching , just to be sure. Just so she knows she's not deaf or have gone crazy.
Queen Destiny : " Unc , do you ' really ' mean that ? "
Uncle : " As hard as it is to get the words from out of my furry mouth - and it was , yes , believe me when I say that I ' do ' .. really mean what I say. , and EVERYTHING. "
Once having a good , furry look at Uncle - almost coming off serious , she knew now that her Uncle was telling the truth , though still holding a hint of disagreement. Not a fool or so very gullible in this manner.
Queen Destiny : " Well I'll be Kipster's second wife ... - " * still blinks at Uncle in some surprise *
Uncle speaks but as he continues , King Kip gets abit narrow eyed all trapped up in his thoughts. Many ' still ' not believing a word that he is now telling Queen Destiny. But he knows the both of them are on the same page , because Queen Destiny isn't ' any cat's ' fool.
NEVER. , because it's nothing like her at all. Trailing off to Queen Destiny as he can't help but grin so dirty abit at Uncle and low growls abit in front of Uncle.
Uncle : " - I know it is hard to believe , but for now , it just needs to be said .. even if so very much to take in. "
Kip : ( in low murmurs to himself ) " Make that a whole .. LOT to take in you good-for-nothing , old , treacherous lion in Desi's royal family. * looks away to his diagonal left again * You ' aren't ' fooling any cat by this act right now. "
He quickly turns his furry head/face to Queen Destiny blinking at her in a reaction to hearing her voice , returning to reality. Making sure to listen and pay attention to her , just in case she may ask for his opinion. Though knowing that she wouldn't - starting a conversation with her Uncle , he can never be too attentive or sure.
Queen Destiny : " Uncle , now that you aren't the Guardian of Sundaya - as mentioned by me , what will you be doing with so much free or spare time with yourself ? "
Though not sounding like a question , but with lots of curious feeling. Also caring and loving for him in return because he is going to get older as fast as Sundaya days go by.
Uncle : " Mm-mmh. Flaunti asked me the same question. Now that you are ready to leave the royal , family den , I'll be taking care of Flaunti and starting my own vacation. "
Uncle : " , basically retire. "
Being right and too attentive that Queen Destiny wasn't going to call him , he responds back to Uncle looking at him calm and normally as he possibly can , even if not wanting to look at him or can't help but throw in a upset or annoyed , furry look at him.
King Kip : " Sir , I will take wonderful and absolute care of your eldest grand daughter when we're together. "
King Kip : " There are no worries. We'll visit as much as we can. " * forced , small , gentle smile *
Uncle almost wants to smile abit at what King Kip just said but doesn't.
Uncle : " That .. is great to hear. Sounds like a big commitment. "
Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to King Kip. Who turns his furry head/face to look at her feeling her furry stare at him.
Queen Destiny : " Kip , do you ' really ' - still , want us to get married that much ? "
King Kip : " Of course Desi. * smiles abit then blushes really red * That's if you're willing to wait , I'll do the same. Your choice. Whatever you say - it depends , I'll do. "
Uncle : " Well , if you love him that much fluffy ... "
Queen Destiny : " All over again from the past .. but yes , I really do. "
Uncle : " As well as sir Kip feeling the same way ... "
King Kip : " Of course. "
Uncle : " Then you have my permission and approval - my best wishes , royal regards and blessing to have my grand daughter's paw in marriage. "
King Kip widens his furry , dark , deep , neon green eyes in surprisement to happiness at Uncle.
King Kip : " Yes ! "
She quickly gets up onto her furry , long fours then runs to her Uncle. She sits upright in front of him talking as she uses her right , furry paw to wrap her Uncle around into a tight hug then licks him onto his right , furry cheek as a kiss on the cheek then rubs against him. Who does the same to his grand daughter in return smelling her almost in recognition.
Queen Destiny : " Oh yay ! Thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you so much Uncle ! "
King Kip laughs at Queen Destiny's spirit towards their hopes of having their own nymphcies planned ahead even if he hasn't proposed to Queen Destiny yet. Still sitting upright and remaining quiet.
King Kip : " ... "
Uncle chuckles abit softly at Queen Destiny's spirit too happy enough as is that she actually ' does ' agree with having a nymphcies with King Kip as soon as possible , even if not with King Tawny.
Queen Destiny releases her hug with her Uncle. She gets up onto her long , furry fours then quickly turns away from him trotting back to King Kip's left , furry side not sitting upright after that.
Uncle : " Ahhh you're very welcome fluffy. Just want to let you know that I love you my little fluffy. "
Queen Destiny : * cocks her furry head/face to the right in some curiosity melting all in love her Uncle has for her * " And I'll always love you too Unc. .. Even though you're not such a simple , male lion though. "
She turns her furry head/face to King Kip who rapidly nods his furry head/face to her in agreement. Knowing what she meant by what she said about her Uncle.
King Kip : " ... ! "
She quickly turns her furry head/face back to Uncle. Talking to him.
Queen Destiny : " You and Kipster .. can almost ' forgive me ' for such happiness over something little - but really big to me , but .. this is something more than just big and exciting for me. I didn't think that you'd say yes. , "
King Kip : " Yeah ... she's right. I thought you wouldn't approve of Desi and I's love. "
Uncle : " You can either call it a loving , furry gesture. Or call it even between us , or just simply .. thinking nothing of it. "
King Kip blinks at what Uncle just said to him then low growls abit at him almost under his breath.
Queen Destiny : " Not that I don't want you to say yes. "
King Kip : " Yeah. I think he already took note of that. "
Queen Destiny gets abit narrow eyed playfully at King Kip. , pretending to be angry not wanting her lover to say anything smart relating to a joke or something. King Kip smiles nervously at his lover and mouths " Sorry " in silence wanting to take it back.
Queen Destiny smiles fully at King Kip while Uncle slowly turns away from his granddaughter and King Kip then walks away in certain direction about his way. Without saying anything to King Kip or Queen Destiny or mentioning where he is going to what cat will he talk to next.
King Kip and Queen Destiny go silent as the cat lovers hear another rumble in the solid ground at the center and far edge end of the gap to the right. All animals could hear the ground fall into the gap as rubble it shows a diagonal , slippery slope of rock on one side and the other. Loud murmurs of conversations , laughter , and excitement resumes just when the rumbling stops. So that they can carry onto their wild lives.
Baby impalas with the permission of their mother from above watch their babies shout happily like :
* whoooo ! * ,
* whoopee ! * ,
and simply giggling. While sliding down long , giraffe , spotted necks together like a long , quick , twirling side of a roller coaster not the way a kid colored , twirling straw design. Young cheetahs , adolescents from the other side of the gap above grassy ground horse play with a young impala as a kill. , while the mother stands around with a small smile onto her furry face. , enjoying the hours of playtime having full , sagging , furry stomachs.
Other grown , male giraffes slide on the diagonal rock slope at the far right into the gap chewing exaggeratingly on the grass while their kids harmlessly dangle onto their tails as the fathers play along saying something like :
Adult , male giraffe : ( partially crackled , deep , soft voice ) " Where's my little girl ? "
Adult , female giraffe : ( feminine and deep voice ) " Where .. oh where is my spotted boy ? "
while giggling and loud laughs are heard basically selling out their hiding places. Monkeys in flimsy , tree branches by Queen Destiny's throne whether out of the open grassy plains or in , the same rules would apply as the gang of primates sit behind one another in rows grooming while using their rough , textured , dry/rough , furry hands to pick out pint sized ball or other shaped dust either smelling it with a dumb grin on he/she's furry face or flinging it elsewhere out of sight. Two male leaders in charge of the primate keep watch in absolute concern for the safety of other weak , furry indivisuals of their kind who can't seem to buzz away bullies or territorial ones.
One takes this said job that is repetitively done every day seriously comfortably sitting at the lowest branch of a tree as the other in the grassy plains/Queen Destiny's throne area sits like a butterfly ( in a stretching position ) atop the highest tree branch like a boss somewhat in a corner and begins to noisily eat. , Taking a huge bite into a thick , healthy looking peach in deep goodness having saliva spring out. , small raindrops fly from below , to the dirt ground , lots of feet from above , then out of sight destroying the inside of the peach creating a den.
King Kip and Queen Destiny laugh together just watching three , young , baby elephants slide on a slippery water slope like stars going down into the gap laughing enjoying their siblings presence stopping their ride short by toppling over one another clumsily. While getting up , it made the King and Queen laugh more as the cubs crossing the elephants area trot quickly away. , leaving their lazy siblings like the last laying on solid ground. Acting like they would escape from an earthquake while the air rumbles rapidly making the elephants as gigantic babies. Then the rumbling stops.
Grown antelope , male or female , sit over their hooves comfortably as if pregnant while huddling up and watching their children in hawk's eye just trotting about. , or chew it up with skinny strands of green grass to further ahead from the right .. female , adolescent antelopes exciting kneel their heads to Mom's stomach wanting to feed even though the girls have strength to stand up.
After all that action , Queen Destiny and King Kip ; mostly Kip limp leading off to Flaunti that is respectfully chatting with Onaumi with her Mom diagonally to the right. , four steps back in the conversation with a lioness in the pride. The two friends are pretty much in the middle of a conversation so it seems like they've been discussing everything whether struggles , concerns and comments from their experiences to situations like it's an agrument getting everything off of their furry chests.
Onaumi spoke in the middle of a question concerned about the odd change in Flaunti's appearance. Aware of his furry change , it's not what she saw before they met.
Onaumi : " Oh ! , are you alright Flaunti ? "
Flaunti : " Yes. Don't worry now. A nose bleed is just a nose bleed. "
Onaumi : " What have you done to yourself ? ( says slowly ) , o-or .. what you .. ' didn't ' do. "
Flaunti : " I got into this major fight with King Tawny for Sundaya. "
Onaumi : " And that baby scratch ? "
Flaunti : " Yeah. Well , it is a fight. I couldn't get any scratches or bruises of the sort. "
Flaunti had more than a circle shaped of blood gushing on his nose including his entrance along with a very noticeable , white , thick dash on top. His short , hind legs covered in dry and faded mud keeping his fur color visible. His front paws looking like he's a cat with no claws all worn out and cut up from the back. He looked sore and weak , but still standing like it never happened.
Onaumi spoke again like she's repeating it but more like to stay on the topic. , being so bothered and amused by it. The way he lets it go makes her want to take him to the nurse infirmary by herself.
Onaumi : " Are you sure you're okay ? "
Flaunti : " Eh. Scratches and bruises will come and go like so. I'll be fine. "
Next , Queen Destiny's voice is heard behind Flaunti's furry back very calm and risk taking. Looking at a stranger from her pride she doesn't recognize after clearing up royal nonsense back in " The Bad pits of Uprising. " He looks left from the corner of his baby blue eyes looking mad like you would expect or guess. Coming off immature and childish enough to give his eldest sister the silent treatment.
Queen Destiny : " Flaunt ? "
Narrow eyed abit over his ocean blue eyes , he doesn't say anything. Waiting for his big sister to say something else. Then he looks around elsewhere like any cat would wildly search for a person he/she recognize as a buddy , best friend , pal , or some other word much related to a friend. But , .. his black eyebrows narrow right back looking at the exact direction he did to begin with. Instead of ignoring his big sister that did everything for him. , having himself to rely on her when times aren't so great or what you would call splendid or fine , he turns his furry , short body including furry head to her then stands up on his short , hind legs coming off shorter than her.
Really examining his big sister's furry head and long , furry body , it automatically knocks the anger out of him forgetting what he is going to say.
He spoke.
Flaunti : " Hey .... Desi. "
He could tell that his big sister has been through alot going from dirt mud streaks - as if spots , - like she is born with it , on her bright , golden , fluffy fur to tangled fur in a bunch like the form of grass at the end of her long , fluffy tail to a stain of mud by her right cheek of split end like fur. Messy bang at the base of her furry forehead.
Still , she strangely manages to keep the same birth scent in recognition relating to Flaunti of course. He speaks again having hesitation in his voice this time.
Flaunti : " H-How have you been ? "
Queen Destiny quickly spoke while hopping out of her sitting position onto her long , hind legs going for a tight embrace of a hug to Flaunti who just widens his ocean blue eyes having his hair strands on his furry , short back move abit. Still looking like that's the way he ended up looking like after the rain has stopped.
Her voice sounding like the saddest cat of Sundaya but more of an extremely guilty one of what has been biting herself and Flaunti up during their many arguments. Hearing each other's point of views as they go back and forth with each other. , finally courageous enough to say what needs to be said - feeling this way for so long.
Queen Destiny : " I've missed you so much my young Flaunt. "
Flaunti : " Really ? "
Queen Destiny : " Most definitely. "
King Kip in his same spot , sitting upright , smiles warmly at his lover going into a memory/flashback in different colors besides faded black and white. , remembering the same tight hug she gave Flaunti on her eleventh birthday in their family den. , That seems like the last so amused and hype about the way she hugs as if wondering what is her secret.
He can hear everything in their conversation not that they're a couple respectively enough to look away from them. Giving them privacy rather than come off noisy.
This makes him speak in his furry mind so loud , but not too loud for every part of his furry , long body including organs to hear.
King Kip : ( in his furry head ) " I vow to treat Desi in the most generous , best way I can better or further. I'm madly in love with her. "
Queen Destiny releases the same moment and second that Flaunti does from their hug. , then puts both front paws to the solid ground and head rubs one another abit closing their eyes.
The related cats sit down calming themselves down like they'd be in heat. Queen Destiny begins to speak in her normal voice in absolute relief wishing to settle her feelings she has for Flaunti in pure honesty without a sprinkle of lies , accusations , or even assumptions.
Queen Destiny : " Listen Flaunt , I know I have not been there for you when I was around Sundaya. I feel bad because this action isn't , "
Queen Destiny : " something that big sister's are suppose to do. You need to understand that I'm older now and I'm going to be with Kipster for as long as I possibly can. "
Flaunti : " I understand Desi. I'm going to miss you so very much. You've been by my side for my whole life. "
Queen Destiny : " I know I have Flaunt , but that does not mean that I will not ever visit you. We're still in Sundaya. "
King Kip : " Flaunt , let's put it this way. You and I will arrange a schedule together between you and I then let Desi know. Just remember that she will always be there for you wherever you are no matter what. "
Flaunti : * sighs deeply * " Mmh. I hope you both know that this won't be easy for me to take in. "
Queen Destiny : " Neither will it be easy for us. "
King Kip spoke after Queen Destiny in agreement understanding what his lover just said. , even though he was planning to say it. Not in a smart or sarcastic tone.
King Kip : " Right. "
Flaunti : " What about Uncle ? Your're not going to take care of him ? "
Queen Destiny : " I know nothing on the day this will go on relating to our Uncle Flaunt , but don't worry about it. We'll see what happens .. if we make it on that day. "
Flaunti : " You know that I still love you sis. Right ? "
Queen Destiny : " Yes I know. And pretty soon you'll be owning your mane. I love you too. "
Flaunti : " Speaking of manes , ooh ! Desi , I'd like you to meet : Onaumi. "
Queen Destiny and Onaumi walk up together like wanting to look into a mirrior at themselves. , but instead see each other having the mirror fail to work.
Flaunti speaks again to the two lioness who pay no attention to Flaunti at all. Only looking at one another up and down then arches either right or left , furry eyebrows in thought and confusion.
Flaunti : " Desi , Onaumi , Onaumi , Desi. "
Queen Destiny speaks in a medium/low voice in discare not giving eye contact to her young brother but only Onaumi who acts the same. Instead , she doesn't speak.
She says it quick. In a low and soft murmur.
Queen Destiny : " Yeah , yeah. That's nice. "
Flaunti gets narrow eyed then sighs deeply. , letting everything slide then looks elsewhere wanting the same , but waiting for Queen Destiny to either talk to Onaumi or finish up her conversation with Onaumi so he can be able to make his move on her.
Onaumi spoke up.
Onaumi : " You look familiar. "
Queen Destiny : " I think I've seen you before. "
Onaumi : " The same. D-Desi ? "
Queen Destiny : " O-Onaum ? "
The two lioness just smile then speak up again together getting out of their seat once again. , out of the slightly , grassy ground and come together close to an embrace. Furry , right cheek against right cheek looking like they were half and half. Then have a long laugh.
Queen Destiny : " It really is you ! "
King Kip goes into his trance looking into space while slowly getting up on his long , furry , hind legs. , cautiously minding his left , furry paw not wanting to feel any pain whatsoever .. already experiencing it as it is.
Absolutely not paying attention to Onaumi and his lover's conversation.
The cats stay in their place on their furry , long , hind legs releasing their hug grip from one another and then take a step backward , and remain standing , speaking to each other.
Queen Destiny had her right , widened , furry hip shifted to the right of her long , furry body in it's usual sassy way. , while her left , long arm/paw just dangles from the left side of her long , furry body. Onaumi bends her front paws to face the back of her furry hips. , in a dominant , furry stance while one out of two of her furry , long , hind legs stand straight as the other is curled up sticking out from behind.
Queen Destiny speaks first.
Queen Destiny : " It's been a long while that we haven't hung out together here in Sundaya. "
Onaumi : " Same here. I miss those days so much. "
Onaumi : " How are things ? "
Queen Destiny : " Eh. Alittle complicated and simple here to there. Remaining strong and neutral. "
Onaumi : " I see. It's been days since I haven't seen you. Was the confrontation in Sundaya that rough for you ? "
Queen Destiny : " It's not the talking that bothers me. It's the cats that have seemed to play me as a member of my pride , not a back stabber and intruder to ALL members left over in my pride. My own kind. "
Onaumi : " Now that's over , who was against you ? "
Queen Destiny : " My guards , my Uncle mostly in cahoots duty. - you know .. it , almost ' seemed ' like Touph and Tum tum were against me too. , back at the posidome ... but I know that they'd NEVER do that to me. , "
Queen Destiny : " Ever. "
Onaumi : " Oh. I'm so sorry that happened to you. And you still managed to toughen up ? "
Queen Destiny : " Yeah. , of course. "
Onaumi : " Well , you didn't cry I'll give you that. " * small smiles *
Queen Destiny : " Very true. " * small smiles back at Onaumi *
Flaunti sighs dramatically in annoyance so loud that it is enough for Queen Destiny , King Kip , and Onaumi to hear. The two lioness grin plainly just not believing he's putting on such a performance. As King Kip looks at like he's speaking to him in silence in a question. Along with the lines of : " What are ( drags word into two pauses exaggeratingly ) youu doing ? "
He spoke.
Flaunti : " Are you both finished ? "
Queen Destiny : " Don't be that way Flaunt. What's the matter ? "
Flaunti : " You didn't tell me that you knew Onaumi. "
Queen Destiny : " Oh I'm sorry. "
She continues to speak as she looks from Onaumi to Flaunti moving her furry , long body , but it still goes back to the main position. Like another shift of her right , furry , widened hip to the right then left again.
Queen Destiny : " Have you both met ? "
Onaumi : " Yeah. Not too long ago. "
Queen Destiny : " How did you both end up coming together ? "
Flaunti : " When Uncle was teaching me tips plus a test on my own about hunting. "
Onaumi : " As for me , my Mom happened to do the same simultaneously. "
Queen Destiny spoke again sounding like she is chuckling through while exhaling deeply.
Queen Destiny : " First timer huh. "
Onaumi nods " yes " in response silently then smiles abit at Queen Destiny.
Queen Destiny : " How did it go ? , how do you feel ? "
Onaumi : " ... ? "
Onaumi's voice speaks up , ready to tell her hunting experience from scratch all the way to finish , but Flaunti speaks up interupting her. Giving out pure honesty leaving Onaumi , King Kip , her usual gang of lioness to lions and Queen Destiny quiet.
In such a passionate way. So quiet that the silence could be mistaken as a long pause.
Flaunti : " She was amazing. "
King Kip and Queen Destiny looks at one another and their furry faces light up along with small , curved smiles from either furry cheek onto their furry faces. King Kip looks at his lover and mouths out :
King Kip : " Your brother really likes your pal Onaumi. "
Queen Destiny smiles abit at King Kip again like she wants to laugh. , but just smirks and mouths back :
Queen Destiny : " I know , I know Kip. This is soo exciting ! "
King Kip chuckles while throwing his furry head/face to wildly long mane backward. He stops laughing at Queen Destiny's reaction towards the obvious between Onaumi and Flaunti. , mouthing back in return.
King Kip : " I am glad you know ! Good to hear ! "
Onaumi looks at Flaunti changing the way she did before when the cats first laid eyed on each other into a : " I really love you. Do .. - can you tell ? "
She couldn't say anything. What is there to say ?
Flaunti still keeps talking going to his opinion on her. , still letting it become awkward without hesitating.
Flaunti : " She's very quick and so much faster than me. If it wasn't for her , both of us would've failed our hunting test , disappointed our parents and starved to death. , "
Flaunti : " even if giving myself and Uncle two kills in ONE day ! "
Almost in feeling.
Still quiet.
Onaumi could not stop looking at Flaunti , same going for Flaunti. It looked like - as before , that not only wanting to snout kiss but head rub each other. While combing their fur coming from their agile/heavy bodies of pure muscle and power.
Understanding this action , Queen Destiny speaks up ending the deep silence between Flaunti and Onaumi but it didn't stop Flaunti and Onaumi from looking at one another. King Kip does the same seeing his lover's plan hopping right in without second guessing.
Onaumi becomes Flaunti's apple for an eye.
Queen Destiny : " Okay then. Close enough ! You can tell me more if there is later. "
King Kip : " Hey Flaunt ! Bud , how about you introduce yourself to Onaumi's mother ? .. So she's familiar with you and knows you're with her daughter. "
Onaumi looks at her pal Queen Destiny then at her lover King Kip. , and begins to speak up looking at Flaunti.
Onaumi : " They're right. If you don't take my word for it. "
Flaunti : " Oh no , no. Don't be ridiculous. I love your word. " * small smiles *
Onaumi : " My word isn't so great. "
Onaumi puts her furry , front paws to the dirt ground getting onto her furry , long fours then slowly starts walking while Flaunti follows. And talks disagreeing while giving her absolute eye contact. Going straight to the direction of Flaunti new friend's mother.
Flaunti : " Oh I really think don't think so ! "
Queen Destiny and King Kip blush abit red as the lovers look down on the dirt ground. , while moving closer to face one another.
Queen Destiny : " Glad that's taken care of. That does get annoying. "
Queen Destiny and King Kip laughs together.
King Kip : " We were once like that too you know. Do you remember ? "
Queen Destiny : " I remember. "
King Kip : " Are you thinking of that memory I too .. am thinking when we were young ? "
Queen Destiny : " Of course. , ( almost playfully ) what are you trying to say ? ! " * small smiles *
King Kip : ( playfully ) " I was just checking. "
Queen Destiny rolls her dark/light brown eyes playfully. Then speaks sarcastically.
Queen Destiny : " Yeah okay. "
King Kip : * chuckles softly * ( sarcastic ) " Oh that's nice of you. "
Queen Destiny holds her tongue and smiles abit at King Kip deciding to have nothing to say. , then grunts softly putting her furry , long arms over her big boned chest below her unshown , furry , double " D " breasts.
King Kip : " Awww .. I'm just playing with you Desi. "
He uses his right , furry paw to put it on Queen Destiny's right , furry hip pulling her very close to him. Almost one , milli inch from head rubbing or hugging.
Queen Destiny just looks at King Kip trying to keep a straight , furry face.
Queen Destiny : " ... "
He continues to speak.
King Kip : " But I'm not joking around when I say that I love you. "
Queen Destiny muffles " mmm's " as her way of chuckling while adding an exhaling. She smiles abit not saying anything looking up and down at him quickly and seductively. King Kip purrs.
Queen Destiny chuckles again then spoke up.
Queen Destiny : " Let's just slow any of this down now. I do , love you too. "
Queen Destiny lowers her voice sounding cute very low enough for King Kip to hear. He leans in to listen.
Queen Destiny : " Before you and I get too serious , can you do me one more favor ? "
King Kip : * chuckles softly * " Oh ny furry sweet , there is no asking. Anything for you. "
He uses his injured , left , furry paw to dangle almost behind Queen Destiny's left , furry hip then uses his right , furry paw to touch his lover's right , furry cheek to gently cupping it.
Queen Destiny : * small smiles * " .. - "
She continues to speak gaining her usual confidence in her voice.
Queen Destiny : " I want you to go to the cat infirmary so your left , furry paw can go back to normal again. "
King Kip looks at his lover in a normal/plain look then puts his right , furry paw off of her furry cheek along with his left , furry paw. And sits upright letting his paw dangle not even almost nearly close to touching the grassy , dirt ground.
He spoke straight forwardly.
King Kip : " Just when things start to heat up .. between you and I , you had to mention the cat infirmary. Like the area pass myself , Guardian of Sundaya , and your throne. Far to the diagonal right. "
Queen Destiny : " True , does that mean you're going to go ? "
King Kip : " Oh yeah .. my answer. No way. "
Queen Destiny : " Why not Kip ? It's not like the dentist. "
King Kip : " That area is always crowded and I'm not having lioness hitting on me or any crazy , obsessive fans. "
Queen Destiny : " A injured paw for a cat could be fatal. I don't want that to happen to you. Just when I finally get and almost ' find ' a King ? ! "
She leans her furry head/face backward , narrow eyed , and snarls almost loudly at King Kip. In panic , pain and anger. Then leans her furry head/face forward to him. Getting un narrow eyed with anger at her lover yet keeping her furry grin that has already went to the right of her furry , right cheek.
King Kip : " Desi , I'm fine. This will be over in the next few days. I recover quickly. I can walk on my left paw alittle bit. "
Queen Destiny : " And you think you're response is going to have me say to me : " Don't go to the cat infirmary ? " "
King Kip : " Yes. .. you shouldn't worry - least not that much , so much. Be abit convinced. "
Queen Destiny : " Kip , you may be fine in your opinion but to me is extremely eating at me. Just get that over with. "
King Kip : " Desi I - "
Queen Destiny : ( voice almost breaking , alittle bit ) " Please ? , for me. I love you so much. Just to avoid future injuries. By then , it's serious .. and I may not want to forgive myself if it got serious. , "
Queen Destiny : " I don't want us to reach that point. "
King Kip : * sighs deeply * ( voice gets more softer and low toned like for the both of them to hear ) " Okay .... alright Desi. I'll go. I'll treat my paw. "
Queen Destiny gasps happily ready to tackle him forgetting his left , furry paw is injured but , is stopped when King Kip speaks up.
King Kip : " Hold it ! , I love you more. Still , I don't like where this is going. But I'm not done with you. "
Queen Destiny : " We aren't doing that ! "
King Kip : " Hey , let me remind you that I'm going to some , stupid , cat infirmary by myself. , and it's VERY likely I'll run into lioness nurses that will either flirt on me or hit on me. , "
King Kip : " - It's a deal. "
Queen Destiny : " Ugh ! , fine. Get better soon. I'm thinking alot later on today that we'll pick out a den for us. , as our home. And we can get lots of help to carry my many , colored hair bows out of my family den again. "
King Kip gets closer to his lover then speaks up.
King Kip : " Okay. , I accept. "
Queen Destiny : " Where will we meet. ? "
King Kip : " Mm-mmh. By the second gap after crossing my territory. The one that used to be Tawny's. "
Queen Destiny : " Mmmh .. okay. Use my carriage. "
She roars closing her furry , dark/light brown eyes while tilting her furry head/face diagonally the way you would look over your shoulder whether for a cat - in this case , or a human in your case. Six male cats on either side from below , held long , bamboo sticks attached to Queen Destiny's white sheeted carriage. Who once was on inside before the final battle. While her carriage makes it's way closer and closer to herself and King Kip on furry foot , more male lions from behind in the background - not coming from the gap , trut quickly heading for them just before the carriage made a stop.
Not alot of cats like it should be , but only four male cats form a line for King Kip along with the carriage entrance lifted up close by the first male lion that starts the line before the other three.
Queen Destiny looks at King Kip then speaks up.
Queen Destiny : " If lioness nurses ' do ' hit on you or flirt with you , I trust you and that nothing will happen if you run into any cats whatsoever. You wouldn't do that to me. " * small smiles *
King Kip smiles back at Queen Destiny alittle bit too.
King Kip : " I feel the same way , same going from me to you Desi. .. Don't worry. I'll be alright. It's just you that I'm looking onto what you will be up to , now that I'm doing this for you. "
Queen Destiny : " I'm just going to socialize and roam about in Sundaya is all. I won't run away. I'll tell you the changes I've made when you return. "
King Kip : " That's fine by me. We'll discuss that together while we pick our new den. "
King Kip : " Promise me you won't run off. "
Queen Destiny : " Kip , "
King Kip : " Do this for me. Not that I don't trust you. It's just that I .. keep daydreaming that you will leave me one day. , and ' I ' won't know why. "
Queen Destiny : " Ohh. I promise. You and I will get through this together. Okay ? "
King Kip : " Alright. I have to go now. Love you. "
The King moves up to his Queen and begins to rub their furry heads against one another while closing their eyes.
King Kip purrs almost softly and listens as Queen Destiny speaks up.
Queen Destiny : " I love you too. "
King Kip becomes the first to release from their kiss and takes a full look at his Queen. , while she looks like she wants more from the kiss - actually does , but has a furry look of usual genuine ness making her dark/light brown eyes shine and smile.
He turns away then hops onto the fourth lion at the end of the line and walks straight putting one , furry , hind leg into the same spots through his walk. , while using his long , furry tail to balance himself onto four , male lions furry backs , but most likely their spines. Two group of male lions trot left making a u-turn while the cats left over trot right into a u-turn and goes about their way out of sight.
Queen Destiny stands up onto her furry , long two's then speaks up.
Queen Destiny : " Take my King to the cat infirmary to the territory that used to be King Tawn's. Now ! , an injury is on the line. "
A male lion on the left keeps his furry , passive look onto his furry face. , not angry at all , expressing himself or acting who he truly is speaks up to Queen Destiny.
Lion 18 : ( abit deep toned , murmured and low ) " Yes your boldness. "
Six , male cats turn their furry backs on each other. , same going for her walking her way ahead , then these lions run onto their short to long , hind legs while carrying King Kip in her enormous carriage.
Inside ,
King Kip sighs deeply to himself while slouching his long , furry back from his upright position. , - once proud looking as shocking as it is when it comes to Kip , looking down thinking about his lover and their plans into space. His wildly long , golden , red highlighted mane messily plops down in front of his covered , furry face. , Then laid down onto his long , furry stomach. , long , furry , hind legs following behind. He puts his furry head/face in between his furry , front paws that have a small gap between them. , and groans softly with his claws retracted out to hold on in case his carriage ride gets bumpy.
Back to Queen Destiny ,
The Queen of Sundaya walks onto her long , furry fours closer at her own pace. , as close as possible , searching around turning right while navigating pass other cats who are standing around or sitting upright. Murmuring loudly in entertaining conversations. By then , Queen Destiny is " close " as said before .. at the very far right by the gap ending up finding Mavlie , Abblie , Daunnie , Syibeen and O'don in the same ring they were before. , talking .. looking laidback and calm.
Queen Destiny walks forward then sits upright filling in a spot of the ring from the right .. in the center where she can see all her cat friends without turning her furry head/furry neck too much than neccessary.
Queen Destiny spoke up.
Queen Destiny : " Hey you guys. "
Abblie : " Hey Desi ! "
Igie : " Hi ! "
Mavlie : " Desi ! "
Queen Destiny continues to speak now turning her furry head/face then looks from O'don then Syibeen.
Queen Destiny : " And these two , cute lions ? "
Syibeen and O'don blush red then both turns their furry heads/faces to avoid eye contact from Queen Destiny.
Syibeen and O'don : " ... "
Abblie speaks up sticking up for Syibeen that seems really shy as if not standing up for himself.
Abblie : " Oh ! , Syibeen , this is my girl. My buddy , Destiny. Or correctly addressed as Queen Destiny of our pride , leader of our lioness collision and enormous land of Sundaya. "
Queen Destiny : " Hi , Syibeen. "
Syibeen : " Hello your highness. I had no idea who you were when hearing about your name. "
Queen Destiny : " That is alright Syibeen. I'm not offended in any way. "
Syibeen : " Oh that's a relief I felt guilty for a minute. "
Queen Destiny smiles abit.
Queen Destiny : " What have you heard about me ? "
Syibeen : " Nothing but good things. Nothing negative at all. You're the Queen of Sundaya , your taking over your mother's place .. and almost father's as Queen of this land , you found a King , you have a young brother , and , you were forced to marry a cat named : Tawny. "
Queen Destiny : " Well , we're frienimies and that's my parents to Uncle's royal , complicated order. Too protective. Abbs ( nickname ) told you all of what you have said or other cats in my pride ? "
Igie : " Uh oh. "
Syibeen : " Abblie and other cats. And your King named : Kip. I couldn't have believed that you went down to guide him out of the gap to our right. That's loving , strong and absolutely brave of you. "
Queen Destiny : " That's me. And thanks. He went to the cat infirmary now under my command. Not that it's a bad thing. "
Syibeen : " Of course not. It goes both ways. Never damsel in distress ever again. " * small smiles at Queen Destiny *
Queen Destiny : " I agree. " * small smiles at Syibeen *
Daunnie : " Your highness , I'd like you to meet O'don. "
O'don : " Queen Destiny , is it ? "
Queen Destiny : " The same as always. "
O'don : " Daunnie .. my lovely , new friend .. is right about your furry , physical appearance. You are very pretty. "
Queen Destiny : " Oh I know - though .. thank you for the compliment O'don. That's very sweet of you. "
O'don : " You're welcome. "
Queen Destiny : " Listen , it is getting darker minute after minute and I need back up to get food for the pride - "
Queen Destiny : " As for you Syibeen and O'don , I'll need Mavlie , Abblie , Igie and Daunnie to help me. "
Syibeen : " In fact , why not all of us go ? You can use the extra , brute strength. "
O'don : " After your chase , you're going to need a cat to drag it in exhaustion while you try to catch your breath. "
Igie : " Ooh .. they're right Desi. Even if we're hunting from afar. "
Queen Destiny : " Hmm. Alright. But , we go by my orders and plan. "
Igie , Mavlie , Abblie , Daunnie , O'don and Syibeen : " Done ! "
Queen Destiny smiles abit at all her pals and new friends in thought.
Around Sundaya ,
Some cat families are found rising up from their comfortable spots in the gap. , beginning to hop onto the log walking up , while others stretch usually into a downward dog ( yoga asana ) to hunching their furry , long to short backs , with their cubs. , Who mew attacking one another even if they're standing onto their furry fours. Trying to knock them down. , even trying to play with their Mom and Dad's furry , long tails whether sleeping or laying on either furry sides of their stomach. Looking passively into space or at other strict parents , also putting their cubs firmly in their place as a cub if necessary.
Another cat family makes it's way up the left log for the avoidance of elephants and other animals. Grandma , mother , and three .. obedient cubs understanding that it's time to go while three more , male cubs wishing to squeeze in one more battle.
The first male cub is surrounded closed in by his siblings as each one takes turns picking at him from either his left or furry side of his hind legs - like in real cat fights usually , as he mews alittle abit loudly at his siblings. Already quickly turning his furry head/face to try to see which of his siblings has repeatedly done it. The two cubs look at him then chase after him. , trotting quickly then trips over a rock and somersaults alittle into the air across the dirt ground.
Two of his siblings come to a stop checking up on him as he laidback and lazily smacks one of his siblings slowly. , almost as if he's not in the mood to play with his siblings. He mews again alarming their father who is about to climb onto the long , enormous log where his wife , aunt and three , female cubs are half way up. The father quickly turns his furry head/face , narrow eyed over his bright green , booger colored , moist from in your nose eyes while roaring in demand at his cubs he looks directly at. No question. Playtime is over.
Grown giraffes from above use their long , spotted necks to lower below into the gap. , reaching the dirt ground giving their offspring time to hang on/climb onto their necks and dangle onto their necks. , as they laugh and giggle into their undeveloped , female and male voices through adventure and excitement to Mom or Dad saying :
Female , young giraffe : ( in a feminine , almost deep voice ) " Again ! , "
Male , young giraffe : ( in a male , almost partially crackled voice ) " Again ! , "
Female , young giraffe : ( in a feminine , almost crackling voice ) " Agaaain ! ! ! "
dragging their words sometimes. Mom or Dad responds in a mature and responsible tone. , forthrightly taking all the time in the world walking about a certain way.
Mom would say :
Mom : ( in a feminine and almost deep voice .. mostly feminine ) " Some other time little one. We must hurry home. , it's getting dark. "
Dad would say :
Dad : ( in a very deep , mature , less crackled voice ) " It is a possibility that we'll return here again dear one. But now , we're off. It's getting late. "
Elephant mothers alertively look ahead of them finally above seeing the almost dark , blue sky .. a obvious sign very shown always in Sundaya that it's getting dark and the sunset has ended. The enormous mother scanning around her surroundings quickly stop hearing lively giggles and looks down to her feet level seeing her daughter sitting in a kiddy level , pond of water using her massive , dark grey , mini , shaped like a cylinder hooves. To rapidly splash herself with water as it almost plays along damaging her dry skin. , making it vivid.
She sits up , thighs apart from one another and stops giggling now
* Mmmh ! - *
ing cutely looking at her hooves. Next , she dances squirming all of her hooves out of control. , while her eyes close turning into upside down small smiles instead of her beautiful sapphire eyes just like her mother but darker. Her mother looks at her daughter and smiles seeing all of the fun she's having. , all of the glistening sparkle that was once in her eyes. She begins to yawn stretching out and is carried by her mother's huge truck like a small carriage dangling and climbing up straight out of a slope like exit for big animals.
Almost by the area and path of Optimistical hope , leopards below whether in tree branches or on the ground vulnerably - a family of leopards in two lay into yellow , long grass by a thick/fat stone to the right , relax in lasting seconds before it is time to climb to safety or sleep for the night. The mama leopard lays like she's pregnant calmly inhaling her stomach to exhaling with her eyes closed. , still being suckled by one of her cubs instead of the other children having their share already. The second female leopard independently lays by overlapping , long , tree branches as a gym workout for claws and teeth looking around passively thinking of her next lesson by Mom.
Mama leopard rises up from her spot interrupting her son and other children from suckling milk in a deep sleep. , and walks right on his furry fours to greet her daughter affectionately so neither cub isn't left out. Then , the male leopard sits and leans behind his mother's front paws and calls to her while looking up as he uses one of his paws to gently smack his Mom. , reaching for her furry , muscular head then falls to the ground without support.
With Queen Destiny , The Queen speaks in determination already running onto her long , furry fours shouting to Igie , Mavlie , Abblie , Daunnie , Syibeen and O'don. , looking ahead to see a grown , male giraffe slowly trip on a slippery area part of solid ground. , somehow and twists his right , long hoove reaching ground.
She knew it is the perfect oppertunity and could be the last once he gains his strength to get up.
* Tawny's cutscene *
From afar so far out of Sundaya , his golden , dark reddish orange , and brown , very long mane flies into the almost rushing air. , still pushing his way through his own desired path onto his long , dirty , dingy , muddy fours.
Queen Destiny : " Let's go ! "
The giraffe hunt was a success. No doubt about it. The usual gang sits upright in a ring by a lake of little water. , panting in exhaustion while the giraffe has already suffocated or next possibly drowned. As water makes it's way violently rushing to the head area. Syibeen and O'don become nice enough to both drag the kill on out of the water soaken wet. As four lioness pant heavily still from the chase in the water wet. , leading each other to the way back to Sundaya.
Much later in traveling , the females - Queen Destiny , Igie , Mavlie , Abblie and Daunnie , do the same while males slowly trut by the lioness close by closing in on them protectively.
At the cat infirmary ,
Queen Destiny's carriage comes to a stop by an open den where it's diagonal left corner - made of rocks , is taking over half of the bone , dry ground area literally in front of you. , looking out of nowhere almost the exact area around Sundaya where on that day King Tawny was King of Sundaya with his collision. , Enjoying a moment's peace in Sundaya later to be dangerously aware that the Queen of Sundaya took off ground out of Sundaya without him knowing.
It is parked to the left side of the open den as the middle is the entrance inside is not what any lion wants. King Kip - from inside , opens his deep , dark , neon green eyes interrupted for the third time. .. Not only constantly day dreaming of his lover who wishes to run off without him out of Sundaya. Without the misleading and non leadership , Tawny could come strolling back desperately and pathetically wanting to rule Sundaya again. Including to get his lover back - Kip or Queen Destiny , or even infanticide. - that's ' if ' Kip or Queen Destiny already had cubs.
Why is Tawny doing this ? , why me ? , what did I do wrong ? , would it concern you deeply if I so happened to do the same for you ? .. Unanswered questions still roam in his furry head as he slowly gets up from out of his lover : Queen Destiny's carriage. , hearing murmuring conversations straight ahead then goes blank. , losing thought in his furry head. Now enters out brushing gently through huge , white sheeted like drapes to the entrance.
He paces quickly walking onto male lions coming from ahead obviously observing the Queen's carriage. , but definitely not stopping the other cats that are scattered across the area from ending their conversations or a long glance. Close to balancing on the last male lion ending the line , he turns right simultaneously while hopping off on the solid ground. King Kip inhales letting out a suckling like exhales. , closing his dark , deep , neon green eyes while holding in his pain from his left paw. As the background of male lions to his lover's carriage ; his row of male lions trut quickly cooperatively , in two's to the left exit and right exit going about their way.
He picks his furry head up and could see a place of paradise. The opposite of a infirmary. There were two , thick , at the start of over weighted , dark grey boulders above skinny trees that have gone bald. Between are a thick , sand colored , smooth path of an ample , myraid of space where many lions , lioness , and more lions are surrounded by others in small groups , big , or not even considered as a group. Further ahead are grown , female lioness by broken/fallen trees splitting apart themselves while some are furry breast suckling in peace , supervising their cubs from a distance , cubs randomly playing with other new cubs , and Mom's standing in place on their furry fours on the quick eye search for their husbands that roam or so. , as to return from defending/warding off other cats. Whether a threat or in a different case.
King Kip keeps his usual , plain and demanding , furry look on his clear , furry face as he walks - also limping , onto his long , furry fours his way pass more cats who catch him in spotted glances. , from a distance but isn't stopping them from directly making a move to the new King of Sundaya. He keeps his eye brows narrowed deciding to get serious preparing for anything that comes his way as well as taking his kingly duties very seriously now that he is ruling Sundaya with his lover : Queen Destiny.
Then a young , teenage , male lion trots to King Kip from a distance with his furry mouth slightly open like he wants air to inhaul. King Kip looks at him - named : Oll , while watching him reach closer and closer to him. Arching his left , black eyebrow truthfully half of a black , skinny line above his furry face saying : " Who are you ? "
His voice sounding as if gay - though that's his sexuality , from a spa or working at a hair salon doing a million of woman's hair. Always talking and giving them advice. Almost talking fast rarely making any sense. The words to be maked out in effort being nowhere near the definition/slow speaker. Or a Queen/princess who has absolute class.
Oll spoke.
Oll : ( speaking alittle fast ) " Oh hiiiiiiiiiiiii. How are you ? Good ? Great ? * King Kip blinks at Oll , no response yet * I'm fine .. ! Thank you for asking ! "
King Kip : " .. ? "
Oll : " Your majesty the Queen ? Oh the Queen ! Do ' I ' know her ? .. yes I do ! , where is she ? I want to see her. Is she coming now later on ? I wish .. or hope so. Very later ? No ? Yes ? I spotted the Queen's carriage. "
Oll is a rather good looking male lion. Again , going almost way back with Queen Destiny. With his life long friend : Doo , that's his partner when helping out in the cat infirmary. Rarely seen out of the cat infirmary in Sundaya , because of always spending his time , days , weeks and especially years in the cat infirmary. With dark , navy blue eyes , thick , long , bright , light - and I mean " light " , golden to dark navy blue streaked mane. Bangs that dangle from his left side of his furry cheek to right. And dark navy blue streaks from behind his furry head and almost at the end of every hair strand coming from his mane. Almost thin , black eyebrows.
King Kip immediately recognized Oll since he always lunges his way friendly wise towards her for a almost tight yet loving , warm , side hug then a usual shoulder bump as always when seeing her lion .. either close friend , life long friend since cubhood , or so on. Around five nine or five ten , Oll has long , furry legs with a very light , brownish , thick stripped with a zig zag as a design on all furry parts of his furry , long body. Before reaching his furry , front paws and hind legs to neck and some chest hair. To his long , furry end of his tail. To the very visible , brownish , light , double circles behind each of his dark navy blue eyes.
Slightly long , white whiskers , white claws in his front , furry paws to hind legs. In very healthy weight and shape , and has almost big ears. Dark navy blue snout - well , his nose only.
King Kip : ( normal toned , abit soft and shy as usual ) " No. She's not here with me. She's around Sundaya taking care of royal business right now before it gets really dark. "
Oll looks at King Kip after listening to what he said , and doesn't seem to have a reaction to what he said. Though his dark , navy blue eyes look abit unhappy and disappointed of Queen Destiny's absense . King Kip already took notice silently while waiting for Oll to say something. , almost as if he wasn't listening at all or muted out EVERYTHING King Kip just said to him.
Oll : " What seems to be the issue with you ? , are you broken ? Yes ? No ? Where ? Hind leg ? "
He quickly examines King Kip in a flash within seconds. Awkward and strongly sniffling King Kip. Already behind him , now going for his long , furry tail and looking close at other parts of his furry , long body. , but is stopped in search when King Kip quickly sits upright after being on his long , furry fours for a few seconds - to make examination for Oll more easier , quickly blushing deeply red. Using his front , furry paws to cover his furry groin area minding his left.
He spoke keeping his serious tone in his voice wanting Oll's weird examination towards other cats - like him now , on a regular day basis to stop. Or he will choose to look for some other cat who will cure his left paw. Or at least tell him ways that he can heal his left , furry paw better.
King Kip : * deeply red , furry cheeks start to fade away * * laughs nervously * ( sounds abit panicky , alert and uncomfortable ) " That won't be necessary .. or my tail search ! Thank you very much. Search complete. "
Oll nods his furry head in agreement one time at King Kip while smiling , into a little curve abit. Also blushing abit red at King Kip because of already taking a liking in King Kip back in the past abit. , and still today. Not very long though.
Oll : " Alright then. Okay , okay. Not a problem. I respect your privacy , oh yes , privacy. "
King Kip continues to speak while looking up and down at Oll moving his furry head back leaving his furry , long body in place out of comfort.
King Kip : " I heard you the first time. Quit the nerves. I do NOT expect you to be shy when it's clear that I'm every cat in this land's King. "
Oll : " Oh do you notice ? Can you tell ? Oh ! I'm sorry. My apologies your majesty. It's just that I am so nervous and your the , the King ! Right. "
King Kip : " Listen , I twisted my left paw when I was rescuing my love : Desi .. that so happened to be in the gap. Accidentally. "
Oll : " Awwww ! , young love. Cuuute. She's a keeper isn't she. Yes ? No ? "
King Kip : " Yes. ( abit softly , suddenly ) .. H-How .. long will I be able to recover from my paw injury ? "
Oll : " Well it depends on how screwed up it is or how much pressure you put onto it. * King Kip blinks at Oll almost impatiently , waiting for an answer * If you really ' do ' want to know - and this is weeks we're talking here , I'd say .. two to three weeks. .. Hopefully if it's not fatal. "
King Kip widens his deep , dark , neon green eyes at Oll in surprise and some shock.
King Kip : ( voice raised more than abit ) " TWO .. TO THREE .. WEEKS ? ! "
Oll pauses then chuckles softly at King Kip. , because of his hilarious reaction towards news about his left paw injury. Almost blushing red when he continues to mimic him in the best impersonation as possible.
King Kip continues.
King Kip : " No , no. You could be kidding. Right ? ( impersonating Oll ) Yes ? No ? "
Oll : " Are you able to walk on your left paw ? "
King Kip : " Yes. "
Oll : " The way you would normally walk ? "
King Kip : " Almost. I'm getting there. "
Oll : " Ohh ! , ohh ! I see. Then it's not so fatal after all. .. I ' did ' say hopefully. "
King Kip still looks at Oll. , almost ' still ' not satisfied on what Oll just said to him.
King Kip : " So let me get this straight. Is .. - as in the situation , it fatal but it's not so bad ? "
Oll : " Affirmative. " * small smiles in agreement at King Kip *
King Kip : " Where will I be ? , will it hurt ? What do you do with cats who have an injured , single paws ? Are they alive now ? "
Oll : * laughs alittle , if softly * " Since you're the King , you're at a special , royal area. If you happen to know a cat , he/she is allowed to join you. .. If they can make it. " * little laughs *
King Kip twitches his furry , left , neon green eye like he'll go crazy letting his furry , right , neon green eye stay normal. And laughs weakly alittle understanding Oll's humor. , and coming with a conclusion on what might have happened with other cats who either injured or twisted their front , furry paws. Not in a good way.
King Kip spoke joining in having his exact , same emotion in his voice say it all.
King Kip : " Yeeeah. , * chuckles alittle * good one. "
Then his chuckles turn into a deep , deep sigh then begins to turn around and limp to the entrance now as his exit. Oll stops laughing and looks ahead at the King like her job is done and it's a miracle he can walk again.
Oll begins to speak calling after King Kip trutting just when he opens his furry mouth. He begins to stand by the King's right side looking directly at him. Getting serious completely paying no attention to his surroundings. Not one look.
Oll : ( almost softly yet normal toned and abit loud ) " What is it ? "
King Kip : " I .. - " * sighs deeply *
He lowers his voice at a shy tone looking down. , feeling extremely cowardly but truthfully not wanting extremes to meet between himself and her having his lover's name pop into his mind. Queen Destiny.
King Kip : " I think I should be leaving. "
Oll : " Why ever not ? You just got here. Actually , no cat knows you're here in this cat infirmary right now. Is that what this is about ? Spotting some cat known in embarrassment ? "
King Kip : " Of course not. I never been injured before. I do not know how I'll feel after this is over. "
Oll : " Listen , all that you must do right now is get plenty of rest and try your best not to walk on your left paw. Trust me Kip , it's not fatal. Some cats heal really quick after an injury and some over extended their paws whether left or right leading to ' their ' death. "
King Kip pauses in thought trying to stay calm.
Oll : " You'll be staying right here .. right in the middle to rest until our big dinner together when it's pitch black at night. When Miss Desi .. presents a call to all of us that dinner is served. "
King Kip : " This isn't optional for me. I did promise my love that I'd get my left paw back to the way I was before. I must. "
Oll : " If you're really choosing to cut out of this , I can lie to the Queen that you did. "
King Kip chuckles then picks his furry head up and looks at Oll having a small smile. Almost curved abit to the right side of his furry cheek.
He spoke.
King Kip : " I can't. I'm madly in love with Desi nowadays. I don't ever want to lie and make it a habit in the future when we're married. She's no fool. She'll automatically spot my left paw. , and the way that I walk. .. Whether I'll try not to limp or not. "
Oll almost looks at King Kip like his heart is crushed into some itty , bitty pieces that he's madly in love with his almost nearly close , royal friend : Queen Destiny and not madly ' in love ' with him. Having not reached that part to himself or if so , in denial with himself .. failing to admit it. Crushed alittle , ignoring the rest of the pain from the inside. For now at least.
Oll : " Awwww , that's so sweet. I didn't know you felt so strongly about it. I promise , you will be fine. You're the King. " * small smiles at Kip *
King Kip : * small smiles at Oll * " I am aware of that. I am responsible for my duties Sundaya or my cat subjects have to offer. However , I will deal with this since it is today. Right ? "
Oll : " Well , it wasn't like you healed all day but if you do manage to heal all aft - .. evening. , then it will truly be surprising. You may even get to leave the cat infirmary early. "
King Kip : " I see. "
He nods his furry head/face one time in understanding.
Oll speaks beginning to walk onto his long , furry fours after sitting upright for abit , in entry along with King Kip who follows after remained standing onto his long , furry fours limping. Each look at one another rarely minding the sandy , clear path ahead of them.
Oll : " I will tell you one thing .. just one , only. You really are strong for the time being. That's impressive of you. "
King Kip smiles alittle , almost smirking at Oll happily.
King Kip : " I have faith and so much hope .. now that I know that I'll be alright. "
Oll : " If I don't keep my promise , I'm so sorry. .. I can't predict what's next. I wish I could. "
Everything just fades away slowly.
The brand new King of Sundaya lays lazily the way lioness Mom's do when furry , breast suckling. , laying his furry head/face - chin first , in between his furry paws. It .. where he is was such a wonderful view that he could spot any cat that is around. , whether in a tree or not. All he could hear is the carrying on of conversations loudly out of order. He laid three inches behind a skinny branch being overlapped by other tress to the left looking jungle style almost on a bright , beige , flat , thick , enormous stone separated from other injured cats. Sitting onto stone rocks slouching their furry , long or short backs for an inspection , eating , drinking , meditating , laying under trees to get shade , cubs playing and hiding in long , skinny grass behind bony parts of a tree. , but dismantled , hard playground for teeth and claws or against each other and so forth.
King Kip could feel the excruciating pain coming from his left paw not what he experienced before hand. He groans softly turning his furry head/face that laid diagonally onto the stone to ignore his own noise being made. , so that he could exploit the pain felt all inside his left paw. He can touch the soft texture of the stone he's laying on without the expense of sand paper instead. Soooo odd .. so interesting. He can taste the desert , " I'm in danger of thirst " , three hundred degree burn in his mouth to his tongue haven't had any water all day. , After what himself and all cats in Sundaya have dealt with.
What today truly brought in the element of surprise to them. He can smell the scent of other cats from a distance letting his whiskers play that role or as scent glands. Including other cubs not belonging to him having a deep temptation to infanticide a cub like his father has. He knew he hasn't killed a cub - if done in the past , in a long while. What kind of male cat could he be if he doesn't infanticide cubs ?
Soft. ' That's ' if he can get to a cub. Moreover , he thought about the big dinner that himself and Queen Destiny's pride are going to have during a certain time of the day much later. Realizing that he'll miss the first-come-first serve good bites and could return with just scrapes. Mmmh. Is that what a King will recieve on his first day as King of Sundaya ? If he does not walk onto his left , furry paw he'll get scrapes during the big , usual dinner.
Then , his attention goes to Blankey and another male lion in the middle standing out in the clear path. , talking near by injured cats upon stones and young cubs running about pass them taking over what ever place to double or triple their fun. , before their lioness Mom's calls them for a furry head check and it's time to go. King Kip looks at the male lion that was in his battle curious than most of his presence with his pal : Blankey knowing him almost all his life to what they're going on about.
He still looks catching Blankey now looking around with almost rapid whips of his furry head/the golden , dark blue ring to light blue streaked mane follows smacking him harmlessly in his face without being much of a bother for Blankey. Others looks at him continuing to talk with a serious look on their furry faces. Like the action of dirty , cat gossip.
Blankey's baby blue to dark blue ringed , furry eyes catch King Kip's deep , dark , neon green eyes filled with mostly white rather than any other color.
He begins to walk ahead alarming his male lion friend number forty eight who looks ahead seeing exactly why. The King. He grins catching up to Blankey who already has a head start.
Luniabelle and three other lioness were just about entering this area King Kip and his lion friends are. Onto their short or long , furry fours. All moving without a sway or with a sway coming from their furry hips. Their furry heads/faces whether big or small almost constantly turning either left or right to look one another in their furry , colored eyes when they're talking to one another.
Clearly continuing on with their conversation pass the entrance of this area King Kip and his lion friends are still in now almost abit talking loudly as if to bring a disturbance to the area.
All lioness - especially Luniabelle , haven't noticed King Kip and his lion friends yet.
Blankey spoke speaking loud in ecstatic while male lion number forty eight stands in the background to the middle putting two , front paws on top of the beige , stone rock King Kip is on standing diagonally looking at the King then elsewhere. Recognizing him but doesn't exactly know him the way Blankey does.
Blankey : " Nick , nack .. King Kip is back ! "
King Kip : " Blankey , hey bud. How you been ? "
Blankey continues to speak walking further to right then makes a half u-turn finding a spot then sits upright slouching his furry , almost long back. , while his front arms/paws hold him up as support.
Blankey : " I'm alright cat. Now why in the world are you in the cat infirmary ? "
King Kip : " Haven't you heard ? , * pauses to look at Blankey searching for a reaction , when he doesn't find one , he continues * - it bothered Desi that my left paw is twisted therefore injured .. so she made me promise to go here and heal to avoid future problems. "
Blankey : " Ooh. Ha. She loves you that much man. "
King Kip : " Hang on a minute Blank ... - He looks familiar. Excuse me. "
Lion number forty eight turns his furry head/face to look at King Kip after turning his furry head left looking about if any cats he knows are around.
He speaks in the deepest voice ever out of all male lions in Sundaya. With furry eyes that'll make you trapped in midnight , white lilac and optimistic , yellow , soft fur , sharp jaws and teeth that'll make a hyena proud , abit long , hind legs , front , abit long arms/front paws. Abit long tail , pink nose , two sets of long , white whiskers on each furry cheek like yarn , midnight , white lilac beginnings of a yellow , soft , streaked , short mane and a heavy set stomach.
He spoke.
Lion 48 : " I can say the same to you your majesty. I took part in your battle against King Tawny. "
King Kip : " Oh please , my name is Kip. I remember. "
Lion 48 : " Midlien to you. Blankey already knows me. "
King Kip : " I can see that. I've known Blankey almost my whole life. What about Flaunt ? "
Midlien : " Yep. He definitely rings a bell. "
King Kip : * chuckles * " I see you know cats. "
Midlien : " I'm all around , here and there. - "
King Kip and Midlien : " Left and right. "
King Kip and Midlien : * chuckles *
Midlien : " You know , you and I should roll together more often. I'll meet your friends or family .. and you meet my friends or family. Next thing you know , we're a collision in Sundaya. , and more. "
King Kip : " I'm down with that. "
Blankey looks at King Kip , almost unsure whether he just heard Kip being okay with hanging out with not only him but Midlien and another lion as well. Almost curious and concerned on King Kip's decision.
His furry face reaction shows it that King Kip notices , but his voice isn't spilling out curiosity or concern.
Blankey : " Are you really Kip ? "
King Kip : " I don't see why not. It's about high time I met more new cats around Sundaya. No matter what collision they're from or who would they consider as their leader coming from the original , royal , initial collision. Desi , myself , Ant , maybe Moon , .. - we don't know of the Guardian of Sundaya yet now that Desi's Uncle isn't anymore. "
King Kip : " I'll still be me. "
Midlien : " I respect that. None of us lions will change. What about you Blankey ? "
Blankey speaks sarcastically with confidence to King Kip and Midlien obviously yes. Satisfying them both causing all three , male cats to carry on their conversation even further.
Blankey : " Like I would be out of the game. "
Luniabelle and her three , other lioness friends reach the middle part of their walk in their conversation. As they change from walking to their long or short , furry fours but to furry two's instead. The first lioness already turned her furry head/face to the left catching King Kip , Blankey , and Midlien blushing abit red towards his furry appearance in response. Then nudges the second lioness near by her getting her furry head/face to look at King Kip , Blankey and Midlien. Looking at one another with shared furry face expressions about King Kip , the second lioness nudges Luniabelle - who is in the middle of the ring , with her right , furry elbow.
Getting Luniabelle's attention. Understanding a nudge coming from the second lioness after talking with the third lioness cuffed furry arm to arm to her right , Luniabelle widens her light lavender , bright , furry eyes at King Kip blushing red through her furry cheeks badly. Shifting almost quickly to the left of their sandy , clear path in front of them , to get a better look at King Kip , Blankey and Midlien. Keeping cuffed , furry arm to arm with one another because of Luniabelle.
Other three lioness eyes from first lioness to third : furry , light green , brown and gray. Size of furry heads/faces from first lioness to third : small , not so small and medium sized. The first lioness got almost short , white whiskers , the second lioness got long , white whiskers and third got very , very short white whiskers. Color noses from first lioness to third : green , black and pink. All lioness have no bangs coming from their furry foreheads or at the top of their furry heads. Each lioness from first lioness to third lioness has an almost long tail , long or short tail and a short tail. Each lioness from first lioness to third lioness have no furry manes. Height of first lioness to third lioness is almost short , abit tall and very tall. Each lioness from first lioness to third have small ears , big ears and little ears. From first lioness to third : small , black eyebrows , thin , black eyebrows and small , black , almost thin eyebrows.
Luniabelle speaks up to King Kip alerting Blankey and Midlien with quickly turned furry heads/faces her way. , abit loudly. Midlien staring in some interest at all of the other lioness except Luniabelle , Blankey staring blankly at the other lioness .. his heart obviously set on Mavlie. , but very , very interested at King Kip's reaction towards Luniabelle and his furry face in some shock and his world recrumpling down from off a cliff.
Almost in some horror. Luniabelle stops walking along with three of her other lioness friends who are still cuffing furry arm to arm with herself and each other. Almost never letting go away from one another.
Luniabelle : ( in her usual , slightly deep and feminine voice , but very flirtatious this time ) " Heeey Kippy. " * flirtatious , seductive , furry smirk *
Half lidded , furry , lavender eyes looking at King Kip from up to down at him. Beyond interested by the way his furry , long body is for a she/he male lion. Ignoring the medium scar from his right , furry , neon green eye because of King Tawny.
Luniabelle is a female lioness that is crazy for Kip , has always liked him and is very , very obsessive over him. , not satisfied that Kip chose Queen Destiny over her hencefore not liking Queen Destiny at all. As told , she has light , bright , lavender eyes with almost thin eyebrows , pink nose and light , shady , fady , yellow to tanned streaked fur. Abit tall with an almost long , furry tail , very short , still , pink whiskers. Rather thin built yet abit slim , furry figure and almost little , cute ears.
Like Tawny , Luniabelle was exhiled from the Indenius pride ' and ' from Sundaya in the past years ago. Chained up by royal decree and sent off to a dangerous , merciless , cold and cruel place going by the name of : '' Paws Reprecussions. '' Exactly where Tawny and Queen Destiny went back in the past long ago. And it was all because of trying to tear Queen Destiny and Kip apart out of pure hate and jealously and she couldn't stand the face that Kip liked Destiny so much , but would sling off and run away from her whenever she always made the first move on him. Resulting her to take seductive revenge on Queen Destiny.
Why she is in Sundaya if she has already been exhiled in Sundaya ? You will know much later on in the royal , kingly series.
King Kip freezes on the inside of his long , furry body because of Luniabelle. Furry head/face already thrown back in reaction of staring at her furry , annoying face yet pretty and clear. Under her flirtatious signs , causes King Kip's furry , long body to act up some more. Besides freezing on the inside , King Kip avoids eye contact away from Luniabelle. , almost slowly turning his furry head/face to his right - always coming off shy , stares at the dirt ground for a second then looks at Luniabelle again.
Widens his deep , dark , neon green eyes at Luniabelle then relaxes them abit though still have shock coming from both of them. He knew she is back - still on serious and hot pursuit , for him to bother him to the fullest. , and will try her best to follow after him no matter if he keeps either walking away or ignoring. Be all in a mess of trouble , gossip and drama getting Queen Destiny and himself involved through it all in the past.
Something that Queen Destiny can't stands and wouldn't want to go through with other lioness. Gossip , trouble and drama. One of the MAIN reasons Queen Destiny prefers to hang with lions instead.
Blankey remains silent stifling a little laugh after seeing King Kip's furry face reaction to behavior. Midlien blinks out of his trance of staring at the other lioness who don't hold their furry gaze with Midlien. ONLY when one of the lioness catch him looking at them. He turns his furry head/face almost quickly to Blankey who already did the same looking directly at him. , His baby blue to dark blue ringed eyes look from King Kip to Luniabelle.
Both sharing the same thoughts into their furry heads , Midlien starts to chuckle softly abit .. also noticing King Kip's reaction towards Luniabelle and furry face reaction. A pause stretches out as King Kip is still in thought about Luniabelle. Who waits for King Kip to respond as well as her three lioness friends near by her. Within that pause , Blankey tries but struggles to stop either laughing at King Kip or chuckling. Though failing to let out a funny snicker from the inside of his furry mouth. , pass his teeth.
For two more seconds in the pause , King Kip ignores Blankey and Midlien's instigating and almost annoying laugher that has already succeeded in making him nervous around Luniabelle and her lioness friends. He starts to talk , but struggles to keep his sudden stutters under control.
King Kip : " Huh .. ! - O-Oh , * blushes really , really red as Blankey and Midlien let out more little chuckles , little laughs and snickers * ( almost whisper like to himself , but Blankey , Midlien , Luniabelle along with her lioness friends can still hear him ) Luniabelle ... ? , heey. "
Lunaibelle's lioness friends laugh abit at King Kip's reaction towards Luniabelle and the really , really red blush that quickly starts to leave King Kip's furry cheeks. The third lioness bites her furry lip rather in a seductive way with half lidded , blinking , eye lashes at Midlien. , who tries to stop laughing abit and succeeds just for a second or two. Then quickly turns his furry head/ leaned face close to the third lioness who keeps her furry gaze at him.
Giggles abit softly at the attention she's getting from Midlien. Blankey keeps on laughing up to a point where he lets himself fall onto his left , almost furry side of his body. Almost long , furry , hind legs already brought up close to his furry stomach. And his almost long , furry arms overlapped and alined with one another.
The third lioness - out of Luniabelle's three lioness friends , spoke up first after Luniabelle has. To Midlien while the other two lioness exchange nice , interesting and flirtatious greetings with Midlien and mainly King Kip. Ignoring a cracking up Blankey who still laughs , but starts to calm down abit. Breathing in and out nice and easy.
3rd lioness : ( in a sightly deep , feminine voice ) " Hey Mid. " * small smiles at Midlien * ( Mid , nickname for Midlien ) * light giggle *
Midlien easily answers back , though slightly blushing red through his furry cheeks. After having a happy , a gapped smile showing his teeth.
Midlien : ( pronunciation : Lay ) " Laa ... nice seeing you too. "
2nd lioness : ( almost deep , feminine voice ) " Sir royal Kippy ... " * happy giggles *
3rd lioness : ( rather deep , but feminine voice ) " Hiiiii. " * small smiles , then winks at King Kip *
King Kip almost pauses in thought because of what to say to Luniabelle's lioness friends. She murmurs these usually annoying " Mmmm's " in flirtaous and seductive interest. , Telling King Kip that she's VERY interested in what he has to say to her. He ignores it , knowing it'll make him more nervous than he was when he first saw Luniabelle.
Almost blushing really red , he figures out just what he has to say to Luniabelle's lioness after he finishes his thought.
King Kip : * looks at Luniabelle's lioness friends to away from them , almost turning his furry head/face to the dirt ground then back * " Oh .. - hi ladies. " * nervous , little chuckles *
Blankey rolls over ahead one time , gets onto his almost long , furry fours , walks up near by King Kip , then sits upright again. All into alittle bit of coughing fit after laughing. , still clearing his throat. Inhauling and exhaling.
Blankey : " ... "
Luniabelle doesn't say anything. , but smiles abit at King Kip while winking at him one more time before starting to walk off ahead onto the sandy , clear path with her lioness friends. Still cuffing furry arm to arm against one another.
Luniabelle : " ... "
She blows furry , snout air kisses to King Kip at the last minute just when her lioness friends lead the way speed walking as all of their furry , long or short tails swings about in any direction wanted. Almost making their way pass this area. King Kip doesn't pay attention to Luniabelle looking ahead of him rather upset by her furry re apperance. Low growling at her in much annoyance. Reappearance to go after him endlessly some more until ' he ' gives her something.
Blankey's furry head/face is already turned to King Kip already mimicking Luniabelle making kissing noises. , while he quickly turns away from Blankey. Midlien laughing softly in the background.
Just when Luniabelle and her lioness friends are close to reaching the exit of their in ; and into another part of the cat infirmary , Blankey playfully stops making kissing noises to King Kip's relief. , and Midlien stops laughing softly at King Kip's way of rejecting Luniabelle's air snout kisses.
The male lions cheer happily getting louder while King Kip speaks up along with Midlien who begins to roar. , while Blankey is laughing back to King Kip who roars wanting all cats in the cat infirmary or Sundaya to hear himself and them.
King Kip : " He's in ! , you know Blank wouldn't say no ! "
Midlien : " ... " * roars in agreement *
Blankey : * laughs *
King Kip : * roars *
Other cats from ahead around the cat infirmary look at King Kip , Midlien and Blankey from either a distance or close by in interest. Taking notice spending their time socializing in groups or watching their cubs. Along with other cats leaving this area of the cat infirmary on their way.
King Kip becomes the first to stop talking taking notice of what his gang and himself is doing. Realizing that he's still in the cat infirmary. Although it's not like the cats left for so long.
King Kip : * sighs in relief * " Alright man , chill out. That's done with. Midlien and I will start as friends then develop a strong bond in the near future. "
Blankey : * small chuckles * " I'm good , I'm good. Just fine. "
Midlien : " Agreed ... Kip. "
Blankey and King Kip remain in their spot sitting upright as well as Midlien to the left of King Kip diagonally where he can see King Kip. Then shakes his midnight mane. Female , elite of lioness come out of a variety of directions except from the sky or out of the dirt ground onto the sandy , clear path a good three inches away from the three , male cats at the spot Blankey and Midlien were just before Blankey spotted King Kip.
Midlien looks ahead pushing his furry head/face close paying attention to lioness individuals either standing onto their two , furry , hind legs - minus their furry arms/paws , or on all furry fours unaware that lions are watching them.
He spoke to King Kip and Blankey who listens to the right minus King Kip in the middle. Looking onto it , it still counts.
Midlien : " Check out the swaying , furry hips of that lioness in the group. "
Blankey : " Mmm. I see her. But I'm crushing on Mavlie. "
Midlien : " And the furry butt. Mmh. "
King Kip looks at Midlien when he's not looking at him in disgust seeing his awful taste in lioness. He couldn't judge the fact of being a new friend of Midlien. Not even personal as that. He had nothing to say about Midlien's response so he acts it out instead. Still carrying the emotion he truly feels.
King Kip : * scoffs *
Midlien : " The King got the lioness or not so much. "
Blankey : " Ooh. "
King Kip : " The Queen's hips and furry butt is better. "
Blankey : ( in agreement ) " Mmh ! "
Midlien : " Alright , alright. I'll give you that. First off , let's just forget about what lioness is on our mind right now and just focus on that group of cats no more than eight inches from us. "
Midlien : " Suppose the Queen and Mavlie never met you both. In choices to these , which lioness would you take ? "
King Kip : " If the body is all , the rest will follow. "
King Kip and Blankey begin to laugh enjoying his joke. , all in their humor. Midlien chuckles then hears a female lioness's roar that ends short. Now , it's dark and in real , human life it would be at the hour of seven at night.
Midlien stands up looking ahead at other cats in the cat infirmary who lower their voices. Gasping and standing up onto their long or short , furry fours. Other cats look into space trying to pick up the direction of the roar.
Midlien murmurs to King Kip and Blankey who stop laughing like it was on que. In action or for a play.
Midlien : " I hope you both are finished being funny .. I heard a female roar just as every cat in this infirmary did. "
King Kip quickly stands up and groans alittle in little annoyance feeling his left , furry paw awaken from it's sleep. Rarely in pain , hurt from his paw injury. He looks ahead being patient along with the other cats who did in silence. The cubs who look up at their mother's reading her furry body language sitting by their front paws , trying to suckle , and just plainly looking up in silence expecting he/she's Mom to ignore and lead the way.
Next , another female roar.
King Kip knew his lover was calling out to all members of her pride as well as initial collision , for a big , usual dinner like Oll told him. To show up in the area of herself and now King Kip's tower. By the dashing of other lioness and male lions like a stampede heading for the exit of the cat infirmary. , carrying cubs in either gender cleaning out the cat infirmary to the o'ld , male lion using his walker to catch up at his own pace. , being left behind along with the last of the lions on stones walking on either their left , injured paw or left to right hind leg.
Not a call the area the three , male lions are in at the cat infirmary. Blankey turns his furry head/face left looking at Midlien and King Kip who are looking at him.
Blankey : " I'm going to get some eats hoping to run into Mavlie. You coming Kip and Midlien ? "
Midlien : " I'm cool with that. I did eat , but I'll go look for a lioness .. or two. Kip , tell me so. "
King Kip : " Not the answer you're looking for Mid. I can't. I twisted my left paw when the gap split on my way to rescue Desi. "