Priologue : Return of the royals ( continuation of the royals )
King Kip still tries to look at Tawny but would still quickly turn his furry head/face away at any second .. Tawny may look at him. Daunnie looks at Tawny as if saying : '' You know - even if you don't really talk to me , it would be nice to say '' hi '' to me anyway. ... '' But she keeps her furry frown she has for Tawny when all royals were talking - before Tawny arrived , there. Then looks away from Tawny to look at Antevill and Ioan. Antevill - still looking hostile and rude , looks at Tawny almost angrily abit then at Ioan near by , who he also sees him looking at Tawny. , but his furry facial expression reads curiousity , as if befriending Tawny , and remembering how serious and meaningful his furry matter is to him. , after he implored him about Blankey. Already feeling Antevill look at him , he looks at Antevil and they both hold their furry looks for one another. , almost struggling to form a thought about Tawny to each other.
King Kip : '' ... ''
Daunnie : '' ? ... ''
Sir Antevill : '' ... ''
Sir Antevill and Ioan : '' ... ? ''
Uncle still meditates .. not even bothering to make furry , eye contact with any of the royals.
After five minutes ,
Tawny turns his furry head/face to King Kip - after much looking at other royals - ready to talk to him after many minutes that went by of not. .. already noticing that King Kip has been looking at him when Kip thought that he wasn't looking at him.
King Kip almost looks at Tawny with many emotional sides. , let me name a few : let's see : .. in consternation - alittle bit - curiousity , confusion , surprise , love ? .. maybe .. and alittle bit of desire. He had a very bad feeling very soon .. that Tawny will want to talk to him , confess what love feelings he has for him , or would ' want ' to get into a random conversation with him - as if all water is under the bridge , even if they truly - surprisingly - are life long friends .. also since cub hood. , but don't talk as much as they did - almost - back in cub hood.
Tawny : ( idolizing or adulating ) '' My fluffy , neon green eyed Kippy. ; after ten years .. I hate to say or admit it. .. * Kip blushes abit red at Tawny , then red some more * it's been so long since I've last seen you .. and * turns to Queen Destiny as he continues to talk * ill mannered dawl over here. .. But I don't mind. , * Queen Destiny boldly stares back at Tawny , blushes alittle red , narrow eyed * I .. ' still ' admire that about you .. don't get me misconceived there - * turns back to King Kip * I'm almost glad I ran my way over here. .. ( still speaking so poisonous in betrayal and mostly mischievous ) cat reunions come off ' soo ' amusing to me. '' * pissed off , mean , furry smirk *
He leans his furry head/face to Queen Destiny.
Tawny : '' You never know ' what ' you'll hear or whom of a ' cat ' will tell whom off to. ... " * light , soft chuckle to himself *
Queen Destiny - the first to talk before King Kip , snaps back at Tawny. , having handled Tawny enough after how many minutes of him being in here with the royals. , yes , still misses Tawny and have already been happy to see him .. but all such happiness now. .. is irritating her and Tawny's ' really ' trying to test one of the royals patience. , not knowing she is now targeted.
.. And to think it would be King Kip , ready to defend him if necessary. Or Daunnie as obvious backup. But her ? Fii-gures. ...
Queen Destiny : * re straightens her long , furry face in reaction to Tawny * * then quickly leans her furry head/face close to Tawny , as if in front of his furry face if he can * ( upset and beyond annoyed ) ( almost raising his voice ) '' .. Do you really ' think ' that flattery is going to keep us all - or you and I , from discussing the matter at paw here Tawn. ? ! ''
Tawny : * blinks at Queen Destiny as if innocently * '' No. , of course not .. dawl. Just thought that I am always suppose to .. literally , pay you a compliment .. daily , and ' then ' we can discuss the matter at paw. ''
He shrugs his furry shoulders once in a way to get any royal frustrated , upset , incense and very annoyed with him. .. Then keeps his pissed off , mean , furry smirk that is mostly a way to surprise a cat or get a cat tight.
Like right about now.
Sir Antevill : ( sounding serious and about to lose his patience ) ( almost raising his voice ) '' We all ' do not ' have any time for your furry , annoying , mischief , mind games Tawn. .. ( voice is raised abit ) The sooner we all can get this over with .. the better * narrow eyed * for us all to not see the furry , troublesome likes of you. ''
Tawny quickly turns his furry head/face to Antevill. He shows no reaction or hurt towards what Antevill said.
Tawny : '' If you don't like me Ant - as if it isn't obvious - then don't be afraid to say it to my furry face. ''
Antevill snarls loudly at him then puts his furry head/face down to shake his furry head/face stressfully. Tawny's pissed off , mean , furry smirk opens abit while still staring at Antevill who doesn't say anything. , then - once done trying to get the rise out of him , quickly turns his furry head/face to all of the other royals.
Queen Destiny : '' What's your position and opinion towards this big , important , royal meeting Tawn .. before Antevill loses his cool and .. normal , furry demeanor on you. ? , or ( still almost raising her voice ) any other royal besides him in this den .. now. ! ? ''
Tawny chuckles abit softly in front of Queen Destiny's still narrow eyed , annoyed and upset look onto her furry face. , then keeps his furry smirk abit open to her .. to try and push at her like he is right now , some more.
Tawny : '' Isn't it simple .. or obvious to you dawl. ? , I thought you'd be smart enough to know and remember my ' position ' and ' opinion ' in this meeting. , otherwise I wouldn't have said what I said back at the posidome. ''
King Kip widens his furry , deep , dark , neon green eyes in reaction to what Tawny said. .. Then frowns so nasty at him with his furry head/face pulled back with such force , the dark black line crosses over his right , furry cheek.
King Kip : * narrow eyed * '' Well that depends on what your're referring to Tawn. .. since you've said more than alot .. compared to ' any ' of us royals and Desi. ; * turns his furry head/face to his right in question * so what else stupid or cock ' n bull .. you would like to say to us now. ? ''
Tawny's furry smirk widens even more at the furry , close , careful and still look at King Kip. .. All of what's he doing now to these others royals .. is obviously going as planned from inside his furry head. .. And he has this little feeling .. that Ioan may know some of it. .. knowing Tawny is like that as he said before.
Tawny : '' .. I thought you didn't like me Kippy. , why * uses his left , furry paw to point to himself * ' I'm ' confused. .. Now for some .. strange reason * King Kip low growls at Tawny , giving him that : '' You know the reason. ... '' furry look , still abit narrow eyed * .. I'm feeling as if you got something against me .. or hate me now. '' * furry , fake , sad pout at King Kip to get on his nerves *
Daunnie shakes her furry head/face abit at Tawny and at his usually annoying and nerve wrecking , furry behavior. , then quickly turns her furry head/face to Queen Destiny. .. Who turns her furry head/face to look back at Daunnie.
Daunnie : ( sounding as if she is about to snap , though abit angrily ) '' .. Now you see why Desi .. we royals ALL disagree towards Tawny being here. ! , we told you NOT to have him here. ! ''
Queen Destiny : ( abit angrily too ) '' Now don't ' you ' dare .. be coming at me with that now. ! , so what if I reconsidered my decision and it already has been decided over ten years ago. , ( normal toned ) Ioan * motions and swings her furry head/face abit to his direction * ( calm and normal toned again ) here .. thought it was a good thing for Tawn to be here. , ''
Queen Destiny : '' and Ant seriously ' does ' want to get this over with. ''
With half lidded , dead panned , furry look .. and non amusement into her furry , dark/light brown eyes , she almost slowly turns her furry head/face to Ioan. , who is quick and obviously ready to say something.
The only royal - so far - coming off calm , normal toned and himself throughout the entire time that Tawny has been here.
Ioan : ( calm and normal toned , reasonable ) '' Now , now you guys. .. I know you all have already tried to give Tawn a chance , but I told you .. Tawn isn't so bad. ''
Tawny looks at Ioan almost warmly and with much appreciation.
Tawny : '' .. Thanks I. ''
He smiles abit nicely at Ioan then after a second , winks at him.
Ioan smirks abit nice and cotton candy sweetly .. at Tawny then winks at him right back.
Ioan : '' You're welcome Tawn. ''
Queen Destiny and Antevill quickly looks at Ioan with annoyed and almost mistakened to be angry , furry looks. , because it seems and sounds like Ioan is siding with Tawny .. then sides with the rest of the royals. .. Make up your mind. ! , which side are you on. ? !
In some shock to all , Daunnie speaks first before Antevill could.
Daunnie : '' And by '' not that bad '' Ioan .. you mean having Tawny wreck havoc in Sundaya as King .. just because he won the '' kings ; only kings '' competition. , try to control Sundaya AFTER Desi became wanted , befriend Uncle .. just to get royal power out of him then shove him off the royal ledge because he's no longer of use to you , try to control Desi's collision - like Abbs and I , whenever the pride needs to be feed , and try to get Kipster on your side and * King Kip looks at Daunnie , obviously uncomfortable or like what she said when bringing in Tawny along with him * play with his heart .. just so you can abuse it again. , ''
She quickly looks at Ioan who widens his furry , colored eyes at her in offense on what she said about Tawny. Antevill smiles abit at Daunnie's response then nods his furry head/face abit in agreement with her.
Daunnie : ( almost raising her voice , abit quick spoken ) '' Is that what you mean about Tawny .. '' not being that bad '' because .. possibly from seeing all the good in him even if all this is bad , ' we ' all royals have ' everry ' right to act the way we are now towards Tawny .. because it's not like we're suppose to change our opinion towards him anyway. ! , ''
Sir Antevill : * still nods his furry head/face abit to Daunnie * '' Mm-hmm ... ''
Queen Destiny spoke finishing Daunnie's sentence .. also strongly agreeing with Daunnie's opinion.
Queen Destiny : '' .. as if we're not suppose to feel that towards you. , Daun's absolutely right Tawn. ''
Daunnie : ( as if sounding happy , but still upset ) '' Yes. ! , that's right Desi. ! .. ''
A short pause between all royals. , this gets Uncle's attention because of what Daunnie said .. with open , unhappy , light , furry , gray eyes. He looks about to all royals talking .. obviously listening to what they have to say.
Uncle : '' ... ? ''
Tawny grins at Daunnie still in such a nasty way .. besides smirking or frowning - mostly smirking - then smiles abit at her in such an amusing way as if he loved what he heard about him. , ten years ago or not.
Another soft , little chuckle that carries around the whole royal ring. , making all royals and lion twenty eight stare at him. .. Almost as if this is his concern somehow , having stopped happily whistling right then and there.
Before any royal could talk next , lion twenty eight finally talks after not saying anything besides after Tawny showed up late to this .. important , royal , big meeting.
Lion 28 : '' Now ' that's ' dis ' respec'ful ! , when we all cats gunna ' ee a cat being chased right ' out - a Sundaya. ? ''
Lion 28 : '' All this ' aiting. ... * starts to roar abit impatiently *
Throwing his furry head/face back into the air still roaring.
Tawny ignores lion twenty eight again.
Tawny : '' Well don't come off snappy - and this goes for you too dawl , * turns his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny , she raises her left , furry , black eyebrow in confusion alittle bit * just because that was I's opinion on me. , * looks back at Daunnie * it doesn't make me a bad cat. , rather than acting like a cub such as yourself .. fighting for attention. ''
When lion twenty eight stops roaring , Daunnie hisses very loudly in front of Tawny's furry face.
Daunnie : '' ... ? ''
Tawny : '' After ten years .. your're ' still ' hot dawl's royal servant. ? ''
King Kip : ( annoyed ) '' .. If you don't .. please ! , stop picking on Daunnie. ! ''
Sir Antevill : ( sounding frustrated ) '' If we keep at this , we may not be able to discuss such important , royal , big matters in Sundaya at all. ! ''
Queen Destiny : '' Actually Ant .. we've discussed a few royal , important matters - cat drama and trouble that have already happened ten years ago , but not the important stuff though. ... '' * still narrow eyed at Tawny *
Tawny looks at Queen Destiny. , almost shocked at what herelf and Antevill wanted.
Tawny : '' Oh. ? ! , well excuse me if I was wasting you all '' royals '' * air quotes with his furry paws then looks at Daunnie , she snarls coldly at him * * puts both of his furry , front paws down onto the dirt ground * time. ; ( acts very stupid to get on any royals nerves ) I didn't know you all wanted to get to the ' point ' or right down to royal business. '' * as he lifts his left , furry , clawed paw to look at it for a few seconds .. then at other royals , vainly *
Tawny pauses alittle as all royals look at him .. plainly in thought.
Tawny : '' yet none of you royals told me about the royal celebration .. that I ' know ' I missed hours or minutes ago. .. Yet .. you all - except I , still feel to have every right to have - what appears to be , hatred for me. .. ''
He still looks at his left , furry , clawed paw hearing a soft : * clang ! * sound as his claws retract into his paw then almost slowly puts his paw onto the dirt ground.
Still talking to all of the royals. , Ioan looks at him in serious and curious thought .. seeing what Tawny is trying to do after Kinny knows how many hours has it been. ...
Tawny : '' I've just stepped paw in Sundaya more than ten minutes ago. , ( almost lying ) doing NO such , bad thing or having ' anything ' troublesome in mind .. as always. , mmh ? .. and I get such ' cold ' treatment. ? ''
He leans his furry head/face close as if in front of all royals furry faces and expressions. , then smirks the same pissed off and mean , furry way as before.
Ioan blinks at Tawny , having found out what Tawny is trying to do to all royals , then starts to bite his snout/nose abit nervously. , as if he was suppose to keep something from Tawny on the hush hush. At this thought , no. But was he suppose to tell them what Tawny had in mind for them as royals BEFORE he arrived. , and when all royals were talking. ? Yes.
Ioan : '' ... ''
King Kip frowns at Tawny .. then snaps at him like Queen Destiny did before.
King Kip : '' That's a lie Tawny .. and you know ' it. ! ' .. You obviously do got something planned out for all of us royals .. other wise you would've came here. ... ''
Tawny : ( getting annoyed and .. calmly irritated ) '' Just so you ' know ' Kippy .. - to put all of your curiousities and inquires about at ease .. and in control , ' I ' attended and came here .. because dawl invitied me here .. whether the rest of you royals ' want ' me here or not. ! , if it's any cat that deserves the hostility that ' I'm ' gettin ' .. it should be big , o'd , furry guy over there .. * motions and swings his furry head/face over to Uncle's direction * I hear say .. ' isn't ' Guardian of Sundaya anymore ? , * looks at Uncle , who is quickly narrow eyed , frowning cruel like at Tawny * I'm not surprised. ''
Uncle holds his tongue.
Uncle : '' ... '' * low growls at Tawny *
Sir Antevill shakes his furry head/face abit at what Tawny said .. then chuckle abit softly as if Tawny said a joke. This makes Tawny turn his furry head/face to look at Antevill.
Sir Antevill : '' In fact .. the ' both ' of you lions deserve such hostility to all of us. ! , I once heard that Desi here in Sundaya betrayed our land and kind all ' because ' of rescuing Kip .. back at Uprising. , But the ' only ' two cats ' I ' see that has betrayed Sundaya and ' our ' kind is the ' both ' of you lions. ! , ''
Sir Antevill : * quickly turns his furry head/face to looks at Uncle * '' And you. ! , for such a wise , old , two or a-million .. timing , wicked and shifty , grown , male lion .. you haven't said ' ANYTHING ! ' wise at all .. to any of us cats. , ''
Uncle ignores and half ignores Antevill. , and puts his furry head/face down to avoid furry , colored eye contact from him. He's right. He clears his throat abit .. as if not wanting to be a bother. , or to ' any ' of the royals.
Sir Antevill : '' What. , so you're just going to sit upright here with us and not say anything. ? ! , * Uncle picks his furry head/face up to look at Antevill then frowns at him , not even nodding his furry head/face for a '' yes '' or shaking his furry head/face for a '' no '' * ( cold and merciful ) You should be lucky and grateful that Desi back at the posidome didn't say for ' anything ' worse than what you got now. ... '' * narrow eyed *
A pause. , and ..
Uncle : * clears throat again * ( very softly ) '' Mmh ... ''
As if ignoring Antevill again.
Lion twenty eight stares at Uncle then Antevill , Tawny and Queen Destiny in little thought. .. though aware from what he seen in the posidome ten years ago : all of these royals still have a lot of unfinished , royal business to cover. He too .. clears his throat abit then talks having all furry royals except Uncle , look at him. , furry looks surprised as if he is finally talking again.
Lion 28 : '' Aw .. does that mean we get to see ' em be run ' ut Sun land soon ' nough ? ''
Other royals like Daunnie , Antevill , Tawny , King Kip and Ioan look away from lion twenty eight. King Kip sighs abit to himself softly. , still annoyed alittle .. by lion twenty eight. Only Queen Destiny's attention and furry face is still looking at lion twenty eight right now.
Queen Destiny smiles abit at lion twenty eight nicely but not in a full , little , curved smile.
Queen Destiny : '' Not yet .. alright. ? ''
She softly laughs at lion twenty eight's eager like and enthusiastic attitude towards usual , royal punishments like banished a cat , exiled or chase a cat out of Sundaya. , that are always permanent , very serious and never to be taken as a joke.
Daunnie : ( abit impatient ) '' Can't we talk about something else now. ? ''
Queen Destiny nods her furry head/face abit at Daunnie in agreement. , as she looks at her with an annoyed , furry look then smiles abit .. emotionally exhausted from hearing all this for hours.
Queen Destiny : ( normal toned , cool , with her usual nasty attitude ) '' If Tawn keeps up with all this empty talk and horse sense .. all of our tongues will grow tired , we'll run out of things to say and I'll have no choice .. but to postpone this royal , important , big meeting .. all over again. ''
She yawns abit while lifting her right , furry paw up to cover her furry mouth.
It gets alittle quiet in the den after Queen Destiny said this. It's funny .. she didn't roar or lift either of her furry paws to silence or shut the rest of the royals up. NOT that she recalled.
Tawny looks at Queen Destiny then smiles at her amusingly. .. Alittle , furry smile she knows way too often or well , really means he's grinning at her in a lot of manipulative mischief. Like he'll woo , seduce or hoodwink her .. just so he can get what he wants. Kind of like Touphy and Tum's strategy.
Tawny : ( softly but heard ) '' Hmph. ; glad to know that you are still the same dawl .. * says it as if vengeful and so maliciously * after TEN years. ... mmh .. * still smirking * You all royals ' really ' want to talk ? , .. ''
Sir Antevill : '' If this is ' another ' of his mind games. .. * looks at Queen Destiny who looks back at him * I'm officially ' going ' to walk right out of this den. .. I'm sorry Desi .. but I just can't. ! .. ... ''
Queen Destiny : '' It's okay Ant. , I wouldn't blame you either. , ' I'm ' about to too. ... ''
He pauses. , Queen Destiny frowns at the look of Antevill's furry face expression that is still the same as before. .. Not liking that Antevill may not be with her on this one. ...
Ioan : * blinks at Tawny , in confusion again * with the turning of his furry head/face to his right * '' .. I don't understand. ... ''
Daunnie : '' I don't think I want to. ... ''
Queen Destiny softly laughs again at what Daunnie said.
Queen Destiny : '' Funny. ! ... ''
Ioan turns his furry head/face abit at Daunnie then smiles abit at her joke. , trying not to laugh or chuckle. Just keeps his furry and still grin. .. But such little , soft titters could be heard into either his furry head or in the little den.
Tawny : ( almost raises his voice in anger ) '' Like when you ' didn't ' make me as King of Sundaya again dawl and ' now ' Kippy is ? , Last I remembered , I ' won ' the king competition .. ' I ' played your Uncle's baby , challenging lion games fair .. I followed ' all ' of the rules. ! , held in my feelings for other lions except Kippy , and thought smart days ' before ' the competition .. and I ' still ' .. don't get to rule Sundaya along with you. ? ! ''
Queen Destiny ' does ' want to answer Tawny's question , but she doesn't know whether she is suppose to answer his question or not. She knows he's already naming a few '' royal '' , screwed up grievances towards their past furry , hair stranded troubles and situations that have already happened ten years ago. .. - Along with the rest of the royals , she doesn't say anything and lets Tawny finish.
I mean .. Tawny is just getting started.
Tawny : '' How - all of a sudden - the decision of Kippy's punishment - thanks to your Uncle back in the posidome , affects me like I would even care abit .. as much as I cared before about Kippy at all. ! ''
King Kip snarls at Tawny angrily. , neon green eyes flashing from kindness to hate .. for what Tawny already ' did ' and said to him.
King Kip : * narrow eyed * '' So that all ' was ' true. ! , and to think you actually cared about me Tawn. .. Or .. that would be a sign of warm kindess from you .. to me. ... ! ''
Tawny : ( snaps back at King Kip ) * narrow eyed * '' It ' was ' .. and it ' wasn't ' Kippy. ! , I didn't know back then .. after ten years , what makes you think I'll know or remember now. ? ! ''
King Kip growls aloud in front of Tawny's furry face as if saying : '' SHUT UP. ! , .. I don't want to hear your lies anymore. ... ''
Queen Destiny backs King Kip up .. something that King Kip deeply appreciates deep inside , but not right now. It's hard to see that. ...
Queen Destiny : '' Well you ' did ' stop in the middle of your sentence and didn't even have the guts .. since this is Kipster we're talking about here - not in a bad way * she turns his furry head/face to look at King Kip who nods his furry head/face abit at her as if saying : '' None taken. .... '' * * , then back at Tawny * , to admit why did you do or decide that for Kip. ? , ''
Tawny : ( normal toned so quickly ) '' Dawl ... ''
Queen Destiny : '' I ' almost ' thought you wanted that from Kipster Tawn. .. Just to limit competition between you and him. - besides any other cat - , but now that I see you .. all clear and focused , it almost looks or seems .. that you are lying to me now .. and Kip. ! .. ' We ' didn't ask for ' em .. not that ' I ' remember. ! '' * gets narrow eyed *
She leans her furry head/face closer to Tawny still looking at him.
Tawny : ( snaps all over again ) '' Once again dawl .. this isn't even your concern. ! , this is Kippy and I's. ! ( sounding as if pissed off , raising his voice and very frustrated ) .. yes , I ' did ' hesitate and thought twice on my decision for Kippy .. but that was ten years ago in that posidome. ! .. TEN YEARS. ! .. , ''
All royals go quiet after Tawny says this. , he may not sound pissed off or very frustrated .. but his furry face expression definitely looks like. .. Therefore ' is. ' Why ? , because all royals are coming at him in different , odd directions .. not only over something that happened ten years ago at the posidome .. here in Sundaya. , but ' if ' he told Uncle that .. then Kip would've went to Uprising with Touphy and Tum and got chained up. ' That's ' why.
It's like '' what guilt '' is killing him right now. ..
Tawny : '' There's a difference now. ! , I may not have apologized to Kippy about this .. and he deserves it and I also ' should ' , but what I said back at the posidome slipped out alright. ? ! * Queen Destiny and King Kip blink at him , almost widen eyed * * , Daunnie and Ioan too ! , Antevill , Uncle and lion twenty eight just stare at him * Not that I can change my opinion or not or take back what I said .. but - if you all want to hear me say '' sorry '' - '' I am soo .. very sorry '' , in front of Kippy's furry face I WILL. ! ''
Tawny : * sighs abit to take a breath * '' , Is that what you all want. ? ! ''
Tawny : '' Kippy. ? ! ''
King Kip and Queen Destiny : '' ... ? ! '' * still blinks at Tawny in so much thought , a lot of thoughts *
Daunnie turns her furry head/face away abit. , as if wishing to have not joined along to push at Tawny right now .. because - well now , he ' is ' off the edge. Been pushed at. , and it's all thanks to herself and the rest of the royals.
Daunnie : '' ... ''
Antevill smirks alittle .. so mean like , at Tawny just alittle bit. Abit satisfied to see Tawny crack , confess and show weakness too. Tawny isn't known for showing ' any ' kind of weakness .. just like Queen Destiny too. Like the both of them are cats made OUT of stone. Though he wouldn't mind seeing Queen Destiny give or show weakness to him , as for Tawny - as messed up as it sounds , he'd give any other day to see this right now.
As payback for frustrating AND getting on his nerves.
Sir Antevill : '' ... ! ''
Ioan looks at Tawny in some shock. , truthfully - as if he hasn't told Tawny about this , he admires Tawny in almost a-million ways .. same going for Blankey and .. most lions in Tawny's collision. .. But he didn't think Tawny's end game right now towards the royals ; they cut him or tire him out on talking so quickly. A-lone. , wow. .. It's almost disappointing and he doesn't want to believe - or tell any of the others lions in his collision about this , to him.
Ioan : '' ... ! ! ''
Lion twenty eight grins alittle at Tawny .. then holds in a snicker for a reason.
Lion 28 : '' ... ? ''
Uncle still stares at Tawny .. then frowns. Actually not seeing Tawny so badly as other royals see him right now , remembering - ten years ago - that he talked with Tawny. , on that day when Flaunti arrived at the same den .. then they ' both ' got into an argument on that ' same ' day that night.
Uncle : '' ... .. ? ''
.. After a pause ,
King Kip : ( still annoyed and upset at Tawny ) ( strangely normal toned ) '' Even ' if ' you did apologize to me Tawn .. * raises his voice while leaning his furry head/face to Tawny * I would've have accepted it. ! ! , ''
Though not done saying what he has to say. , Tawny on the other '' paw '' , says what he can. .. Almost trying desperately to get King Kip to see it ' his ' way. .. try to understand and put himself in ' his ' long , furry fours or two's for now. ...
Tawny : * light , furry hazel eyes widen abit at King Kip in hurt , but fights and refuses to show it replacing hurt with some anger , irritation and more frustration * '' It's not like I deserve your apology anyway. ! ''
King Kip : ( raises his voice at Tawny ) '' LET .. ME .. FINISH. ! , * Tawny blinks at King Kip .. as a way for him to continue then re straightens his long , furry back and freezes in front of him * do you .. have ' ANY ' idea what ' I ' had to endure after Desi thankfully rescued me OUT of Uprising. ? ! .. Oh I'll NEVER ! .. forget what you done - and Desi's Uncle * looks at Uncle then growls aloud at him , staring at him quickly abit from up to down , Uncle puts his furry head/face down regretfully avoiding eye contact from him * * , then looks back at Tawny * , has put me through. ! .. , ''
Queen Destiny and Daunnie pause then quickly turn their furry heads/faces to look at one another .. sharing the same thought about King Kip.
Daunnie tries to talk abit more comfortingly at King Kip this time .. already seeing that Tawny's furry presence is too much for him right now. .. And Ioan still thought this all could be a ' good thing ' for all royals. , and this ' could've ' ended faster , well or better if Tawny didn't act the way he is acting now. , just like what Antevill wanted.
Daunnie : ( softly ) '' Kip , ''
Queen Destiny widens her dark/light brown eyes abit at King Kip then frowns alittle at him. .. Knowing that if she tries to comfort or say something to him - like what Daunnie is about to do right now - then he may snap at her by an accident. , in spite of Tawny. So she gives him his space abit .. and moment to fix his pride , ego or manhood as a lion. .. Not always wanting Queen Destiny to fight most of his battles or arguments for him.
Queen Destiny : '' ... ''
King Kip : '' No Daun ! , * looks at her , who frowns alittle sadly back at him * * , then looks away from Daunnie and back to Tawny * '' ' I'm not your enemy Tawn. , ' I'M ' one of your life long , bestest lion friends since cub hood and always have been .. whether your're too stubborn to admit it or not. ! , I deserved to be treated the same way you treat ' Desi ' or ' Blankey ' , Fuse , Spark , Mid , big O , Zip ' n tip , - even I ! .. * Tawny blinks at him in complete surprise , didn't think he would admit this to him and go this far .. ! * I deserve ' that ' much from you. ! , same going for our relationship .. but I didn't want to make it see like you shouldn't live when I told Desi and Flaunt that I need you alive .. in order to understand all that you have done for me in our relationship. ! ''
Ioan gets more widen eyed .. as if before. Not aware that King Kip ' could ' know that Tawny still loves him when they both talked about it in this den hours ago. .. Has he overheard their conversation ? .. How ? .. could he ?
Tawny : '' ... ? ''
King Kip : '' Now .. ' that's ' one thing I wish ' I ' could take back or should've said to you. .. and you ' can't ' change that .. ( raises his voice again ) no matter ' how much ' YOU WANT TO. ! .. It's been said and done .. you meant it .. right. ? ! ''
Tawny : ( abit softly ) '' No. .. I didn't. .. now that I see it ... ''
King Kip : '' Right. ? ! ''
.. Tawny still blinks at King Kip back .. trying to think of something to say to him. , and fast.
Tawny : '' No. ! ''
King Kip snarls at Tawny in disagreement.
King Kip : '' YES. ! ''
Tawny : ( raises his voice ) '' Fine. ! , I'm going to say that I'm so , so very sorry .. for doing that to you .. and treating you like I always do. ... ''
King Kip : '' ' If ' you don't .. STOP , lying to me Tawn ... ! - '' * narrow eyed in fury *
Tawny : '' What am I ' suppose ' to say to you anymore. ? ! .. we were complicated back then and we've always been like that for years. ! , yes we never got along .. but , I'd NEVER say that I don't or didn't like you. .. ( soft again .. once seeing King Kip looks calm and thoughtful ) * , he does as he is now abit narrow eyed .. hesitates and stares blankly at Tawny like he's about to cry * because I do. , and I ' can ' admit that. ... ''
.. Another pause between Tawny and King Kip. , and the rest of the royals too. Tawny and King Kip have a furry, silent stare off now seeing through one another's complicated and difficult hair strands. .. Tawny didn't have to bully King Kip and came off cruel or cold. , and King Kip - well .. he doesn't deserve to even waste his time hearing all of Tawny's lies .. so he can find another soft spot of King Kip's , then crushes it .. in front of his furry face.
Queen Destiny still turns her furry head/face abit quickly at Tawny and King Kip. , wondering if this is the end between them. After ten years .. they've been abit - and so very much , like this ever since cub hood. Tawny coming off cold and cruel and King Kip so kind and sugary sweet .. he wouldn't hurt a fly or firefly at night. Tawny : jealous of King Kip ONLY because he has his chance with Queen Destiny and King Kip : has always loved her ever since. , at least .. it ' was ' like that. Over a lioness as outspoken , intrepid and with a lot of attitude as Queen Destiny. .. Has it ' always ' been like that. .. , waiting to see if either lion will say something next. , or get Queen Destiny first ? Probably , but now that it's seen between them .. from furry eye to eye. ? .. they wouldn't know anymore. ..
Is the conversation between them over ? , is this the end between them ? , are they ' still ' going to act this way for another ten years in Sundaya. ,
in a land where no cat or animal gets old but - yes - can die. ? , and no matter what age you are - stopping at whatever age Kinny decides - you'll start all over the number line again at the age of one. ? .. As if a cub all over again. !
Queen Destiny smiles abit to herself then softly chuckles having all of the other royals look and stare at her. Straightening her long , furry back again then shakes her furry head/face abit in thought of all royals. , but MOSTLY .. Tawny and King Kip.
Queen Destiny : '' It seems we all royals have reached an impasse. ... ''
Queen Destiny : '' , haven't we. ? ''
Tawny - obviously - takes furry reaction to this ' more ' than any of the other royals in this den. , as if ever to the gorgeous and rude Queen Destiny. , second Queen of Sundaya AFTER her mother .. and ' taking ' her mother's place now. .. And also a large half - King of Sundaya. .. Besides King Kip now taking that place too.
Tawny clears his throat abit for all royals to hear in this den right now. .. and then redeems himself and furry composure/presence after letting himself go abit. , a furry act Antevill probably won't forget now that he has seen it.
Tawny : ( normal toned ; but very deep and low ) '' What you saying now dawl. ? ''
It sounds nothing like a question. , but it ' still ' is a question.
Uncle finally talks .. after so much hours and minutes listening to all of the furry royals talk.
Uncle : ( in his dry and now weak , low voice ) '' Please don't ask .. what dear fluffy is trying to say. ... ''
He sighs abit tiresome and weakly as he almost slowly puts his furry head/face down not letting any of the royals see his furry facial expression.
Tawny : ( sounding as if snapping at Uncle ) * narrow eyed as he quickly turns his furry head/face to Uncle * * , feeling Tawny's furry , narrow eyed stare , he coughs abit softly as if an answer * " ' Don't ' tell me what I should ' ask ' or not. ! , you aren't in ' any ' position .. to be saying that to me. ! "
Queen Destiny : ( raises his voice ) '' Don't tell him that now Tawn. ! , * dirty and mysterious smirk at Tawny * ( normal toned again , but voice is still abit raised ) he's a smart ' n wise lion for advising you that .. from me. * turns to look at Uncle who doesn't look at her * .. He hasn't changed abit. .. well , alittle ... ''
Sir Antevill : ( normal toned and alittle calm ) '' At least he's saying something. ... ''
Daunnie frowns at Uncle.
Daunnie : '' I don't think he should be even talking. , * narrow eyed at Uncle * if you ask me. ! '' * she leans her furry head/face closer to Uncle *
Lion twenty eight randomly spoke up. , not even following through with the conversation.
Lion 28 : '' .. I still wanna ' ee a cat get ban'shed from Sun land though. ... ' is taking TOO long. ! ''
He roars almost abit loudly at Uncle. , then finishes his sentence.
Lion 28 : '' When y'll leaving from Sun land ? , ( harsh ) go on .. get ! '' * nasty , furry frown at Uncle * * , also abit narrow eyed *
Ioan : ( speaking so innocently ) '' .. I ' thought ' he is ' suppose ' to get a say in this ' first. ' ... ''
Uncle quickly throws his furry head/face up to look at all royals. , who are now caught by surprise. ... All jump .. and move their furry heads/faces together at the nasty , furry , narrow eyed sight of Uncle - One thing all royals would wish - if they could - is that they hadn't seen Uncle look like this now.
Uncle : '' Oh you're furry sir .. you are right. ! .. I once thought it was wise enough to not say anything .. * quickly looks at Antevill * excuse if you ' didn't ' like that. ! * Antevill pauses then grins at him so nasty , with a furry look that wants to scratch his entire face off with the power of Touphy and Tum combined - that's a lot of power ! * But ' I'm ' not the only cat around here that should be banished or exiled from Sundaya. ! ' Any ' cat that participated .. and was with me ten years ago when ' I ' as Guardian of Sundaya was just doing my job for Sundaya and fluff's pride. ! , - ''
He doesn't finish his sentence.
Narrow eyed , he stares back at all of the other furry royals who look back at him. , all pausing. Tawny and Ioan almost quickly turn their furry heads/faces to look at one another in thought of Uncle. , Queen Destiny gets narrowed eyed and Daunnie turns her furry head/face to look at Antevill who looks back at her .. in confusion.
King Kip finally loses what patience he has. , have been hit by Uncle literally - that last nerve he had in him - coming off angry and more upset than before this time.
King Kip : * quickly gets narrow eyed * ( raises his voice aloud to Uncle ) '' Oh no. ! , ' no ' cat is going down along with you .. and Kinny ' will ' forbid it. ! ! .. You aren't in ' ANY ' position or have ' ANY ' say .. on who will be banished and exiled from Sundaya or not. ! ! .. The ONLY thing all of ' us ' royals know and ' can ' agree on is that ' YOU'LL ' be that CAT .. who will be banished OR exiled. ! ''
Enough to quickly sit upright from his seat onto the dirt ground near by Queen Destiny , Daunnie and other royals in the royal ring right now. .. Onto his long , furry fours. , Seeing this , Queen Destiny quickly gets onto her long , furry two's and runs her way in front of King Kip who starts storming angrily for Uncle. , who is now abit widen eyed. .. And Queen Destiny does her best to try to hold King Kip back.
King Kip : '' You want to know ' something ' * air quotes using his front , furry paws * '' Uncle. ? ! '' * points at lion twenty eight with his left , furry paw then puts it down looking back at Uncle * .. this lion that keeps on mentioning or hinting to Desi , myself and the rest of the royals of banishment and exiling ' a cat ' .. in Sundaya ? .. ( after raising his voice , he lowers it down abit ) well he's right. .. ( raises his voice again ) A cat ' will ' be banished and exiled from Sundaya from now until the end of Sundaya. .. , and if it has to end up being ' YOU ' , oh I ' will ' be able to sleep at night .. knowing that it's already done .. AND that it's ' YOU. ! ' ''
Uncle snarls aloud at King Kip back. , staying upright wherever he is.
Uncle : '' ... ''
While King Kip tries to move away from Queen Destiny pass almost ' all ' possible directions , Queen Destiny does the opposite to end King Kip's many efforts at coming to Uncle. , then quickly turns her furry head/face over to lion twenty eight. , who is still upright .. watching this with widened , furry , colored eyes abit while already leaning back in reaction too.
Queen Destiny : * abit narrow eyed at lion twenty eight * '' .. ' Now ' you know why I told you not yet. ! , * ignoring King Kip's angry snarls and growls in the background , but close by her * ' this ' is WHY. ! ''
She looks away from lion twenty eight as she quickly turns to King Kip and still does her best to prevent him from getting ' any ' closer to Uncle. And starting to speak to him soft , low and calmly. .. in which ' does ' help calm him down , but is reluctant to listen because he strongly feels Uncle ' really ' deserves this.
Although lion twenty eight is not looking at her right now , he smiles abit into a grin .. showing some of his white teeth. , then blushes red in embarrassment at what he didn't mean to start right now.
Lion 28 : '' Yer ma'jesty .. I'm sorr ' .. I .. didn't ' ean for this te happen. ... ''
He turns his furry head/face to look at an angry , furry Daunnie staring right back at him. .. obviously annoyed with what he just did a second ago. Making him put his furry ears down that are pressed flat against the furry sides of his head to express his guilt and regret.
Daunnie : '' ... ! ''
Antevill widens his furry , colored eyes abit at what lion twenty eight has just recently caused towards King Kip against her Uncle. Like Ioan , almost debating or not whether he should get up onto his long , furry fours and help Queen Destiny. Ioan doesn't know what to say or make out of .. seeing King Kip so angry before. .. This all - about King Kip - is so new to him. As in : he's NEVER seen King Kip look or come off so angry before.
Both lions still hesitate while looking upright. , but don't help Queen Destiny either hold King Kip back or hop into the middle of the conversation and shift the direction of their royal conversation .. at a different angle. Antevill and Ioan stay quiet while still watching. , now thinking twice if either cats ' should ' intervene or stay by the sidelines. .. like right now.
Sir Antevill : '' ... ? ? ''
Ioan : '' ... ? ! ''
Tawny ' is ' one as a cat of trouble and mischief , to watch such a royal , flare up between King Kip , Queen Destiny and Uncle unfold right in front of his furry face. , smiling abit in amusement as if he caused the whole thing .. and not lion twenty eight. Smirking abit quietly in his usual , soft chuckles and a : * hmmph ... * , he couldn't help but stare at King Kip .. as if in return for when King Kip was staring at him hours ago. It brought back some memories in their furry , ill-usage relationship back in the past. , he liked and found it cute when seeing King Kip mad , pissed off or upset. .. And even those other times when he - yes he , had to hold him back in situations like this .. that got out of paw. Or of control.
Allowing himself to almost wander his furry , light hazel eyes more than ' any ' word that means lustful in a dictionary. Pass ' any ' word hidden in twenty six letters of the alphabets. Onto his furry , very slim , six pack though with some fat since he may be slacking from exercise or eating too much - that he once touched. , long , furry , but strong arms/and abit big , but small looking paws. , oddly shaped , furry head that goes into a upside '' U '' shape. , and big ears that are pointy at the end. Long , furry , hind legs that are also strong but don't walk as the way a male lion would. .. more like a lioness except his hind legs aren't stuck too close together , but .. indeed ' do ' swing his hips the ' exact ' same way as lioness would walk. So feminine and graceful .. there would be competition .. but obviously coercing with Queen Destiny .. when it comes to walking. Long , furry tail that would always shape like a hoop no matter how he moves his tail. .. it will always curl nearly to the end.
Long , white whiskers that shoot out from either of his soft , furry cheeks to face with every little small dot that is barely visible from behind every , individual whisker. Normal sized , furry snout during all of those times his furry snout met his every time they snout kissed. , furry , black nose to be licked on a few times by him. , but not always. So very wildly long , furry mane in different colors unlike from other lions in Queen Destiny's Indenius pride .. and burning bright , red streaked/highlighted and golden mane that lays into almost nearly .. half way , cut bangs across his furry , clear , kind , furry face. And the rest either - sometimes lay in front of his shoulders , would all lay behind his long , furry back until it reaches a fuzzy stop pass the middle of his furry shoulders. And finally .. as his personal , favorite feature from King Kip .. are those deep - very deep , sometimes seen to him , dark , shiny , very bright , neon green eyes that are like neon green jewels you would or would not find in a mine. That are so very rare , so queer .. that are always - and often , seen with kindness. To always lend a paw even if others won't return the favor. , believes in second chances , a sweet and once poor , unpopular gem that always carries his .. furry - literally , aura of friendliness and kindness wherever he goes. ..
and would also smile abit no matter what bad and nasty thing happens to him .. - moreover , would pad about with sweet , jolly skips and little , multitudinous , furry steps. .. often getting a nice or cute view of his furry , firm shaped butt. Un outlined into a furry , finishing view covered in soft fur in colored dark - as if tanned , golden , some yellow but darker , and lots of fluffy , milk whiteness. , his claws once fly through - if King Kip let him , without carrying any furry knots along the way. .. Possibly from his constant grooming and have a few splashes into the pond or ' any ' body of water .. making all of the difference. .. -
But as these past , furry , loving moments of himself and King Kip easily fade into nothing - what he once saw in a different light , he hated .. second guessing and thinking alittle bit too long on the matter of King Kip right now .. since it'll make him go crazy all over again , as if he has stopped - with Queen Destiny , as soon and quick as he got back here in Sundaya. .. But he isn't left with much of a choice when both of his life long , furry friends since cub hood - meaning : Queen Destiny and King Kip , who are ' now ' royals - mainly King Kip , are siding against him in this royal , big , important meeting -
concerning Uncle , that isn't continuing on so well.
Tawny : '' ... .. ! ''
After much of King Kip's snarls and growls , the den starts to slowly get quiet. .. Why ? .. well because of Ioan and Antevill working together. , Ioan goes into a continuing conversation with Uncle now - in a low and soft , murmuring kind of voice , as I speak while Antevill snarls abit to himself with his furry head/face down abit , ready to fuse out on all royals because of all the pointless and empty commotion between King Kip and Uncle. , and then throws his furry head/face back - without warning , to roar almost as loud as he can into the den all royals are in. .. until up to right now , all cats are ' almost ' quiet.
Sounds like a sneeze , cough , clearing of throat or low growls are heard for a few minutes then comes to an end .. with Ioan's voice still talking to Uncle and Queen Destiny still talking to King Kip who now hugs Queen Destiny for a short moment. .. who accepts the hug and listens to King Kip go on - normal toned , more level headed and back to his kind self , about thanking her from keeping him sane against Uncle and Tawny. , sticking up for him more than five minutes ago and other random .. yet meaningful things from his heart. , and Queen Destiny responds in her normal , deep and feminine voice but this time .. soft , kind and sweetly back to him .. both disregarding Tawny's .. seemingly , jealous looking .. and fiery , thoughtful glare at them.
At this moment - or point , Ioan and Antevill carefully look - from the corners of their furry , colored eyes , from King Kip back to Uncle to see if ' either ' of them as furry royals will talk or another royal. , as Queen Destiny guides King Kip back to his seat in the royal ring. , first .. leading the way onto her furry , long fours into a slow walk looking over her right , furry shoulder to see King Kip following along with her .. but also not keeping up with her. , Separating from her to curl back into his seat then sits upright again with Queen Destiny who .. also sits upright with him into her seat right now too.
- Both lions sigh abit - whether deep or soft , but to themselves , happy and relieved that all between King Kip and Uncle is now squashed. .. Daunnie sighs abit to herself , but is heard from the other royals as she puts her furry head/face down abit. , in relief .. that it's and the den is .. once again , silent like it was at the start and after a few odd and awkward moments. Antevill softly chuckles at her .. understanding the meaning of her sigh as she lifts her furry head/face oh so quickly at the sound of Antevill's soft chuckle. , then smiles at him then softly chuckles with him. .. only to laugh it all off so stupidly.
Queen Destiny clears her throat abit .. almost getting all royals attention , except lion twenty eight who stares into space. , while humming to himself a tune oh so softly to himself. , staring a minute then shakes his furry head/face abit to let the tune carry him. , then stares and shakes his furry head/face and keeps up with the same pattern.
Feeling all furry , colored eyes on her , she's in the middle of picking her furry head/face up abit then opens her dark/light brown eyes to look at all royals , but as if directly at Tawny.
Her voice the same .. but a slight difference. It's cold and doesn't want to spend more time with each royals nonsense .. within one another's past hair strands .. circumstances , issuances , problems , reasons , trials and TRIBULATIONS - not obviously having any energy to hear any backtalk .. or fighting into an argument.
Most cats like Tawny , King Kip , Daunnie , Antevill and Uncle can tell. , Ioan couldn't be anymore surprised than he is now. ...
Queen Destiny : '' Pass this impasse , it's ' obvious ' what we royals ALLL want. , isn't it. ? * turns her furry head/face to look alittle at all royals , furry face reactions , to lion twenty eight who looks back at her .. startled in some surprise , then continues to stare at her * * , stopping all of his humming * it may not be the same .. but we ' must ' agree .. shouldn't we. ? .. but Kipster .. is right. .. We all ' can ' and ' do ' agree on something. , ''
Other royals ' still ' remain quiet,
Queen Destiny continues .. getting no answer yet.
Queen Destiny : '' Don't we. ? ''
She almost quickly gets narrow eyed then smirks suggestively at Tawny. , hoping he'll understand what she is trying to say.
Tawny looks at her. , smiles abit then also shares the ' same ' , furry suggestive smirk she already had. , while nodding his furry head/face abit at her.
Tawny : '' I understand. ''
This .. is all he can say to her. , in a strangely calm yet normal for him to speak this way at times. , towards other cats. .. But this time is different. It isn't with his lions as if he'll hypnotize them .. or Queen Destiny herself. Or even around other cats in the Indenius pride that make them all go quiet , be uncomfortable , lose their train of thought , go still and especially get other cats alarmed.
It ' now ' is .. simply shifting or all is about to fall into place .. before any of these royals can react and know .. what's going on.
Daunnie : '' ... ''
Sir Antevill : '' ... ''
Ioan : '' ... ? ''
Lion 28 : * oddly looks about him at other royals .. as if being stared at * '' ... '' * whistles a very short , little tune *
Uncle shakes his furry head/face as a way of saying : '' No '' to Queen Destiny. , as if having a nightmare .. or is downright terrified on Queen Destiny's final decision.
He tries to interrupt her train of thought by saying something. - Anything ! - quick ! , this is a really bad sign when Queen Destiny goes quiet after all went out of control , or when finally deciding something.
This is it. ...
, and she ' clearly ' didn't want any of this. Just a mature conversation .. is that really ' too much ' to ask for. ?
Uncle : ( alittle soft and normal toned ) '' Mmm .. fluffy. , I - .. I don't mean to impose .. on anything right now .. but , I'm - ''
By the quick lifting of her left , furry paw , Uncle quickly closes his furry snout together while almost slowly looking away from his once cheerful and understanding - though very difficult , mean , rude and unfriendly like Dale , eldest granddaughter that has been living together with King Kip .. for years now - into their excellent ' n fine , royal relationship. , and Flaunti - you would either think or guess , to be living with Uncle in their royal , family den , but has also been living with Onaumi - not with her mother , after been dating with Onaumi during these years now. , and now he is by himself. , still living in their old , royal , family den. Alone.
- Back to my point here , she isn't the same '' Fluffy-mc-puffy '' , '' puffy '' or also nicknamed '' Fluff '' she was ten years ago. ; and .. it truly also terrifies .. AND ' frightens ' him deep inside.
There is a short pause as Queen Destiny's furry , dark/light brown eyes are closed as if she doesn't want to see Uncle's furry face right now. .. This is ' almost ' true , but is truly .. disgusted with him in more than a million ways. , and recounting those ' same ' ways too.
Queen Destiny : * puts her furry , left paw down onto the dirt ground * * opens her dark/light brown eyes again * '' .. That .. ' will be ' .. ALLL , I'll be hearing .. from you Unc. , * turns almost slowly , her furry head/face to Uncle .. who looks at her , still terrified and frightened , furry , old , long body still .. all shook up * you wasted much time and your ' say ' in this .. clearly .. isn't ' EN-OUGH ' .. either ' for ' us royals .. or ' to ' us royals .. at all and anymore. ... ''
King Kip doesn't say anything. .. because he doesn't know how to react towards the love of his furry life's change in mood swings and behavior. So much affected by it .. that he doesn't know whether he ' should ' say something to her .. for ' all ' of the furry royals to hear or not. All he can do for now is to keep his furry snout shut. , turns his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny , then widens his furry , dark , deep , neon green eyes abit at her in thought of what she just said .. a few minutes before. .. Looking as if : uncomfortable and in deep wonder on why did she say something like this to all royals. , then has Tawny on her side so quickly.
King Kip : '' ... ? ''
Could his future wife and Tawny be hiding something from - not only himself , but other royals too ? .. And lion twenty eight ?
Tawny's voice remains normal. , but serious and more alert than before. , and as usual.
Tawny : '' What .. is your final de-cision .. and thoughts .. dawl. ? ''
Light , furry , hazel eyes looking and blinking at her. , trying to find a reaction onto her furry face. .. Or maybe .. could guess her furry reaction that's ' about ' to show onto her furry face after her final decision and thoughts.
Queen Destiny smiles abit at Tawny .. for no reason at all.
Queen Destiny : '' It's as Kipster has said. , * almost slowly turns her furry head/face to King Kip , * my King has spoken. .. * King Kip looks at her as if in shock , but only in surprise seeing that she ' too ' strongly feels Uncle ' does ' deserve this * * , and hearing this .. makes Tawny look abit angry and upset * * small smiles at King Kip who smiles abit .. right back at her , then both turn their furry heads/faces away from each other then looks at the other royals , and lion twenty eight * after this important , big , royal meeting is over .. a cat ' will ' be banished. ; ''
The still air in the den and silence , makes it seem as if there is a cruel and almost dramatic pause.
ALL royals - except Queen Destiny who is still looking at Tawny , but is talking to other royals , turn , slowly or quickly turn their furry heads/faces to look at one another for a little second. , as if in the eye. .. As if questioning : '' Will ' you ' be banished ? '' '' , or you ... '' , '' You ? ''
Tawny softly chuckles to himself abit .. already knowing ' who ' is the cat .. that will be banished from Sundaya. , permanently. Never to visit or return. Or even for a greeting. As in : Stay off Indenius territory , back off .. or you'll be asking for trouble , cat drama , mercy or a fight. .. And to keep away from other outskirts of Sundaya .. as well as in , that usually ' are ' a reliable and less serious option ' if ' any royal mentions it for this cat's fate .. that ' will ' be banished today.
This evening. , that still slowly carries on .. as if sunset will arise soon.
In such another short pause - before Queen Destiny was about to finish her sentence and get other royals as well as him out of suspense , lion twenty eight starts to laugh high pitched abit .. ' also ' knowing what cat ' will ' be banished from Sundaya .. just as Tawny does.
Lion 28 : '' ... ''
Looks like he's finally going to get what he wants. , as if he waited patiently for it. ...
NOT something that Tawny normally does when involving lion twenty eight .. as a member of the Indenius pride , he smiles abit happy and almost giddy back at lion twenty eight - though hating his high pitched , over the top and unnecessary laugh .. that now has him snarling abit in annoyance , already caught on to knowing that this male lion ' isn't ' stupid as he looks. .. He's smart enough to ' know ' what cat will be banished for good .. here in Sundaya.
Tawny : '' ... ''
This cat that is in this den at this particular/specific moment.
Antevill looks like he wants to burst into joy or snicker wildly. , happy enough that even ' if ' this important , royal , big meeting ' did not ' go well .. at least a lion/cat today will get ' exactly ' .. what should've ' been ' came to him/her .. ten years ago.
Sir Antevill : '' ... '' * furry , small grin at Uncle *
Not that he imagined this important , big , royal meeting to happen differently. ...
Ioan almost doesn't know what to say .. or should it be rephrased as '' what he ' should ' or is ' suppose ' to say. '' Yes , Uncle ' did ' get his say but it was wasted .. it seems , but with so much royal power all stacked against it , his ' say ' doesn't need to be heard .. and that it shouldn't continued to be said anymore. .. But in a way , he felt some sympathy and pity for Miss .. majesty's Uncle that once ' was ' Guardian of Sundaya , but now himself and mainly ' Antevill ' are taking his place now.
In a way , - perhaps though .. this isn't official , that he ' could ' be banished. , because he understands that this is the end of Uncle's royal reign and it stops right here in this royal ring , but where will he go ? Sure , he's a grown , male lion before a royal .. that ' can ' fight and ' fend ' for himself. , but he still is Miss .. majesty's royal family. At least put him in other areas OUT of Sundaya but make sure he doesn't step paw or hind leg inside of Sundaya too.
Iaon : '' ... ''
Right ? , or does he ' truly ' know the whoooole story .. or start to Uncle's royal , furry hair strands like Queen Destiny , Flaunti and the rest of the royal family do .. by heart. ?
Queen Destiny quickly turns her furry head/face to Uncle with an abit narrow eyed , furry look and her usual , nasty , furry frown. .. Who looks up at her in a slow and face pace. , then frowns so plain and almost sadly in way .. that it's to have other royals - like Ioan and Flaunt - to feel guilty or have sympathy for him - if he returns back to hear all of this in time about Queen Destiny's final decision and thoughts. , and try to sincerely , sad and desperately beg herself and Flaunti's Uncle to be ' banished ' , but please stay out of the outskirts of Sundaya at the same time.
It ' almost ' works. , depending on Ioan's decision , royal thoughts and opinion.
Queen Destiny : '' and it shall be Flaunt and I's Uncle. ! ''
Furry , dark/light brown eyes burning in uncontrollable rage for now. , right now. At this minute.
Other royals like Tawny , Antevill and Daunnie quickly throw their furry heads/faces up to roar abit about Uncle's fate as a member of the Indenius pride. , loud enough to alarm and fully give the message to other members in the Indenius pride. .. Who are outside of Sundaya no matter how far. Don't worry .. as impressive as it sounds , all royals and cats in this Indenius pride .. roars aren't strong enough as I am making them sound to you. It's exactly like : .. once the royals roar out the solution .. or ' reso-lution ' , other cats in the Indenius pride will get the message. , pass it on like a game of : '' Telephone '' - almost , and the next time royals and the Indenius pride meet up for a meeting or group meeting .. all cats will know the royal's business.
All of this going as tradition the same way the old royals did many years ago. , during the first King and Queen's royal reign.
King Kip stays silent .. waiting for his chance as tradition , for a cat like Ioan to roar. , and for his love Queen Destiny or Tawny to say anything more to her Uncle.
King Kip : '' ... ''
Ioan stays silent still feeling guilty , having sympathy , now compassion .. and pity for Uncle. Most of it showing all over his furry face expression. He ' doesn't ' want to roar out only because he does not know ' that ' this is what royals always do since - just like Flaunti even though he still ' is ' a royal , this is his first time being a royal .. and part of the royals. But to go along with everything for now - until he gets the chance to say something , he roars alittle almost as if to not be heard then stops and turns his furry head/face abit to look at the other royals then repeats the same pattern over and over again.
Ioan : * abit worried and concerned , furry look * '' ... ''
Uncle tries to roar out his voice to other cats and members of the Indenius pride .. hoping that he'll have a chance to be out of the furry , hot seat he is in now. Not throwing his furry head/face like Tawny , Daunnie and Antevill are doing right now until any royal roars or lifts he/she's paw to quiet all royals in the den.
Uncle : '' ... ''
But .. it obviously doesn't work because Queen Destiny shakes her furry head/face abit at Uncle in a way that says : '' You just .. ' don't ' learn .. do you. ? '' Then lifts her furry , left paw up into air making other royals put their furry heads/faces down to stop roaring and go quiet. Antevill still grins .. ready for Uncle's banishment to be official. , Daunnie smiles abit at Queen Destiny abit satisfied after hours and minutes of talking .. at least she can come to this hard decision. , and get it over with. Lion twenty eight still happily roars while shaking his furry head/face from left to right abit in more enjoyment than the word itself. Uncle sighs almost .. abit , weakly to himself then puts his furry head/face down to not want to show his furry head/face to the other royals. , or give the royals the satisfaction.
What satisfaction ? , whatever satisfaction he means .. he doesn't want other royals to have it.
Lastly , King Kip smiles abit into alittle smirk at Uncle. , almost cold and cruel about it. .. because Uncle really ' is ' going to not be here in Sundaya for the rest of the day. , or OUT of Sundaya. .. depending on his royal Desi's opinion.
Queen Destiny : '' .. Does any other royal want to say something .. before Kipster does. ? ''
Queen Destiny : '' And yes sir twenty eight .. you are free to state your opinion. ''
Lion 28 : '' .. A'right. ! ''
King Kip : * nods his furry head/face abit to other royals * ( low , soft and murmured ) ( , but other royals ' can ' hear him ) '' That's right. , ''
Here is Ioan's chance .. that he has been waiting for. , Say something ! , what he wants .. ! , anything. !
Ioan : '' ... ''
But he doesn't .. unable to say anything after all that he has now heard so far. Can he say something ? , is now the right time for him ?
Daunnie start first.
Daunnie : ( normal toned , yet abit harsh or mean ) '' .. Just get it over with Desi. , it'll all be over in the end. ''
Antevill comes in next. , abit eagered this time. ...
Sir Antevill : '' This ' must ' be done. ... '' * nods furry head/face abit at Queen Destiny *
Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to look at Tawny who is still alert. .. and paying attention.
Queen Destiny : '' Tawn. ? ''
He looked like he was staring abit into space .. and none of us has ' any ' idea what he is staring at. .. Tawny turns his furry head/face a teeny weeny bit to look at Queen Destiny. Light , hazel eyes burning with other emotions like anger and upset. , but for now .. there's irritation and aggravation for all of this .. that has happened to him when he arrived in Sundaya and other royals.
Tawny : '' It's been a long - very long , time since big , furry guy .. got what's coming to him dawl. .. What are we waiting for. ? ''
She smiles abit as if saying to Tawny : '' Thanks for your opinion '' then turns her furry head/face to lion twenty eight who comes to a conclusion as fast as beating a world record.
Lion 28 : '' Yeah. ! , that w'ht ' I ' said. ; ' gain. ! ''
With abit widen , colored eyes to state the obvious. .. looking like he's about to go insane if no other royal knows this. ...
Without other royals seeing this coming , King Kip spoke up .. - only because other royals are expecting Queen Destiny to. , that would be why. ...
King Kip : ( in a strangely calm and very serious voice , like he's about to drop a bomb on any cat .. even though it ' needs ' to be said ) * turns his furry head/face to Queen Destiny * '' Babe. .. ? '' * gestures his left , furry paw to Uncle .. allowing her to say whatever she has to say , before he wraps everything up *
Queen Destiny nods her furry head/face abit at King Kip while already smiling abit at him. , then takes this chance.
Queen Destiny : '' Ant and Daun are right. , especially you Kipster. This ' needs ' to be done .. and after ten years , of all those many New year's we've spend , cherished and shared as a pride .. the only ' new ' resolution that we need to .. eliminate from Sundaya history and our pride itself , is the Guardian in which ' used ' to rule with us royals. ... ''
King Kip smiles abit at her .. showing off his red blush onto his furry face. , acting bold right now because he feels he has to be in this deadly serious , important , royal situation. .. now that he is King. Well .. as far as his reign is going. .. Even if he really is pretending to act bold.
King Kip : '' That .. is an excellent point my love. , * abit narrow eyed while looking at Uncle * .. too many years us royals have let ' you sir ' .. off the hook , treated you with respect and kindness - heck , ( raises his voice in anger ) made you like and as a royal .. like all of us ! * already leaned forward to still look at Uncle , who slowly lifts his furry head/face to look at him * ; and now .. as a royal family member you've cold heartedly treated .. your ' own ' royal kind like dirt and last year's ' ld , leftover carcass .. ( still raises his voice ) , tried to fight power out of ' my ' Desi ( still upset ) and been a horridly u-gly and hazardous and shifty - like Antevill said , Guardian to look after my Desi and Flaunt. - mainly Flaunt , ''
King Kip : '' AND .. tried to switch up tradition on your eldest granddaughter * turns his furry head/face while speaking as Queen Destiny nods her furry head/face to King Kip in deep agreement , yet looking at Tawny and Uncle * knowing that if she thought of her serious , royal matters from a different angle .. or view , she'll ' try ' to do things ' your ' way .. just to shut your old , wick-ed ! .. mouth up. , * then turns his furry head/face back to Uncle , ignoring Tawny who is still looking at him * and if your idea doesn't work for her .. ' she'll ' keep doing what she was doing .. while seeing how far she'll go. ... ''
Daunnie looks at King Kip .. while cocking her furry head/face abit to her right. , looking at him with care and widen , furry , brown eyes abit at his sudden change in behavior. Yes .. she knows Kip can come off and ' defin-intely ' be bold sometimes. .. but she never thought that ' right now ' .. would be those times .. for him to act and BE bold.
Rather concerned and almost worried for him.
Daunnie : '' ... ? ? ''
Ioan frowns abit at hearing King Kip say all of this , oh so sadly , but knowing as cruel and harsh as it is , Uncle truly ' does ' deserve this. , maybe - or not - he pegged , judged or spoke too soon to himself hoping to have mercy on .. Miss majesty's Uncle.
Ioan : '' ... ? ''
But what is all of that family , mean talk .. that he's now hearing ? .. Is all of that true ? ; - looking at Uncle almost differently now in thought ; up and down abit , could all of this be true ?
King Kip continues as if he was muted out by Ioan .. deep in his thoughts just recently.
King Kip : '' Now all of this is really starting to make sense. , right ? ''
He asks no royals or lion twenty eight in particular , but Antevill responds .. then lion twenty eight.
Sir Antevill : '' Right. ''
.. Two seconds after .. that have went by ,
Lion 28 : '' You ' ight. , you ' ight ... ''
After another pause , other royals like Tawny softly chuckle at lion twenty eight to himself. Daunnie laughs softly abit , Antevill turns his furry head/face to grin playfully at him abit. , Ioan smiles alittle at lion twenty eight , breaking him from out of his many thoughts. Queen Destiny softly snickers abit to herself .. sounding like it came from inside her furry head , but all royals can hear it. And King Kip breaks into a small , furry , curve smile for lion twenty eight , but doesn't turn his furry head/face to look at him. Only from the furry corners of his deep , dark , neon green eyes. All royals - for now , can't seem to take lion twenty eight so seriously .. because of his strong , country accent. .. Where- ' ever ' - he came from. ...
King Kip : '' Most of us royals know ' exactly ' Desi's royal , furry , hair strands .. so far after not just ten years .. but all of these years. ... So you ' know ' what's either going on .. or happening. ''
Daunnie turns her furry head/face to look at Ioan in some wonder.
Daunnie : ( normal toned and abit soft ) '' .. What about you Ioan. ? ''
It still gets quiet as other royals turn their furry heads/faces to all look at Ioan who blinks right back at them. Haven't even coming up .. with saying anything.
King Kip looks at him in thought .. along with Queen Destiny , both sharing that same thought .. because they both forgot to ask Ioan about his opinion. Antevill tilts his furry head/face abit as if moving a hair strand away from his furry face to see better ; with the quick motion of his furry head/face. .. Also open minded and alert on Ioan's opinion as well. With a nice , curved , furry smile .. Daunnie still looks at Ioan waiting for an answer.
Tawny looks at Ioan as if hoping .. that he'll be on his side or have the same opinion as him. Lion twenty eight stares back at Ioan .. almost impatiently and .. looking rather annoyed that he isn't saying anything to any of the royals right now.
Ioan smiles abit nervously back at all of the other royals and lion twenty eight. , ' still ' not coming up with anything .. as if using it as a distraction to give him time , in order to say something.
Then something ' does ' come up .. out of nowhere.
Ioan : '' Well .. I thought I had something to say .. I don't know like .. * Queen Destiny cocks her furry head/face abit to her right to look at him in curiosity * * , then herself and King Kip look at one another .. then back at Ioan * y-your - I mean .. ' he's ' still a royal member of your family. , and banishing him is like you would banish your other royal siblings too. ; ''
There's an awkward pause between all royals and lion twenty eight. , then Ioan continues.
Ioan : '' maybe yourself .. even ' if ' your're our Queen of Sundaya .. ' still ' ruling and continuing your royal reign. ''
All royals come off abit tense and almost cringe deep inside .. at what Ioan said. None of these royals - except Queen Destiny and King Kip , never thought of it this way .. or ' seen ' it like this. .. Initially , letting their personal feelings get in the way .. and make it hard for them to think clearly. Since - indeed , so much bad things that this shifty , sneaky and manipulative old Guardian of Sundaya has done for ALL .. of these years in Sundaya.
Imagine the struggle how the first King and Queen of Sundaya .. had to tolerate and deal with Uncle's royal , schemin ' , hair strands BEFORE Queen Destiny became Queen of Sundaya and a royal , BEFORE Kip - her royal servant and life long friend ever since cub hood , become King of Sundaya and a royal , BEFORE Tawny is - by royal tradition , suppose to be ' King ' of Sundaya and became a royal , BEFORE Antevill surprisingly became the NEW Guardian of Sundaya and a royal .. taking him off guard , BEFORE Daunnie - also a royal servant and another life long friend ever since cub hood of Queen Destiny and King Kip's , moved pass being a royal servant and then became a royal , and BEFORE - Ioan didn't know that he was royalty .. because of his father , became a royal and also partnering up with Antevill as a helper and guide - : Guardian of Sundaya.
Uncle looks at Ioan .. with some hope , gratitude and some happiness seen in his furry , gray eyes. .. onto his furry face. Grateful that Ioan - at least , wants to have mercy on him , save his furry , big , old tush , .. and almost wants to use him , just to prevent himself from being banished from Sundaya.
While all this goes on in Queen Destiny and Flaunti's claustrophobic den ,
Flaunti pads his way to a complete , trotted stop at the left side of himself and Queen Destiny's claustrophobic den - the royals that are in this den right now. - , after returning to see Onaumi and finished helping her abit early. Not from the left side of the small , yet open walkway but by the corner BEHIND their den ever since they were cubs.
Already the ' last ' thing that Ioan has just said a minute ago , made him frown - since he already had a happy smirk abit .. just because he's happy today , lean his furry head/face closer as if this is his way to eavesdrop in on the royals conversation and keep his now serious and almost like a thousand mile , furry stare. .. Though he ' is ' a royal .. AND future Prince of Sundaya , you would think that he deserves to join all of the other royals in on their royal , big , important meeting . .. yes he does , even since he walked with all of the royals .. and lion twenty eight here in this den in front of him , just to accompany Uncle. .. AND onto the royal high ledge where royals belong too.
But he missed a lot of this royal , big , important meeting .. only because he was out and was suppose to return earlier than after the meeting has started. , so since he was invited abit because of Uncle , Daunnie , King Kip and possibly Ioan - don't know about Tawny , he's not really eavesdropping. , but hold on just a second. ...
Queen Destiny - days before this royal meeting , ' did ' tell him that he could not attend because he may soften up because of Uncle - even after ten years he ' finally ' knows Uncle's true colors , and would hold herself and other royals back .. obviously arguing against Uncle's true fate of being .. permanently banished from Sundaya. , then - to try to meet up to Flaunti's simple , soft and kind requests , herself and King Kip have no choice but to have mercy on Uncle. , knowing that Ioan will polite and firmly side with him too. .. Both aware that this is a very suitable and merciless punishment .. that Uncle ' definitely ' deserves.
So at the same time , Flaunti eavesdrops in on their royal conversation .. as a stubborn way of wanting to come anyway , after Queen Destiny rudely told him not too. , and ' after ' he had his say and put up a pretty good argument with her .. days ago.
Flaunti : '' ... ''
He stays onto his short , furry fours and remains quiet. , and still continues to listen to the royals conversation .. most definitely having a lot to do with their Uncle.
Back inside Queen Destiny and Flaunti's claustrophobic/royal , family den ,
Queen Destiny and King Kip - just these two royals , quickly whip their furry heads/faces to look at one another. , in all of this .. slow and steady silence.
Queen Destiny : ( still normal toned , but in a low , considerate voice ) ( said in murmurs as if other royals and lion twenty eight can hear him , but they all can ) '' .. At least we're not dealing with Flaunt. .. this ' could've ' escalated pretty sorrowful and heartless ' more ' than what I here is simply asking from us. ... ''
She carefully - and cutely , frowns abit sad and upsetting at King Kip. , still looking at him.
King Kip return the ' same ' , furry , sad and upsetting frown back to his Desi. .. understanding that even ' if ' Flaunti isn't here , part of this big , royal , important meeting ; both of them are ' still ' going to have to soften up .. AND have mercy on Uncle. .. now ' because of ' Ioan.
King Kip : ( still normal toned , but also in a low , considerate voice ) ( , murmuring as if only to Queen Destiny .. but all royals can hear him ) ( still sounding brave ) '' You are right Desi .. that's right. , .. * looks up at Uncle who looks at him , feeling cold sweat around his furry neck and mane at his decision .. that is ' still ' being said now * so none of us royals - or our visitor here * turns his furry head/face over to look at lion twenty eight , who looks back at him * , have much of a choice here. , ''
King Kip : '' If at all ... ''
Uncle : '' .. Thank you all , and * looks at Ioan * especially ' you ' * bows down right in front of Ioan until his furry chin touches the dirt ground * * , Ioan smiles abit .. then uses his left , furry paw to lift it up as a way to say : '' Rise '' without the word coming out of his mouth * * nodding his furry head/face a few times to say : '' You're welcome '' * * lifts his furry head/face up .. back into an upright position * for having mercy on me .. - finding it in your heart to forgive me .. even though it's hard to right now. , and showing me compassion , understanding and kindness. ... ''
He turns his furry head/face to look at King Kip only. , obviously saying this for all royals .. but mainly him.
Uncle : '' Not that .. our most kind and gentle King hasn't. ... ''
He smiles abit weakly at King Kip who looks exactly like he's about to pounce all over him. , while having many cats in the pride either torture him. .. or jump him. Biting all around both sides of his furry neck , his long , furry back that will be life threatening since .. if so , it'll be hard for him to walk. , one of his long , hind legs , lower back until he is all beaten , bloody till his wounds leak into his fur and drip everywhere - and then have Touphy and Tum finish him off in one of Queen Destiny's famous , deadly , royal games called : '' Limitless Seconds '' until he's a DEAD CAT. Passed limping .. it's to a point where he is unable to walk .. AT ALL.
While bowing abit in front of King Kip. , losing his stubborn feeling he had BEFORE this .. big , royal , important meeting has started. .. King Kip pauses , freezes abit in front of Uncle , then seriously frowns in front of Uncle. Oh .. he ' knows ' his decision .. what he has to do. , but doesn't want to. .. Doesn't feel Uncle deserves that much of Ioan's punishment .. and most definitely Flaunti's. .. He may not be in this den - though ' still ' eavesdropping - but if he were here , he'd be on Ioan's side and be requesting the ' same ' thing to him too.
In thought , Tawny couldn't help but turn his furry head/face to look Ioan when he isn't looking at him right now .. to frown abit to him. He thought he would agree with him. .. Why is he allowing himself to feel so soft ? , that isn't suppose to be shown in ' his ' collision - used to be his father's ( Red ) as Queen Destiny's father : first king of Sundaya , close and bestest friend back then. , or ' his ' territory. ..
Tawny : '' ... ''
As mean as Tawny always is at times , ' any ' lion that comes off soft in his collision will be harnessed , picked on or bullied ' until ' not showing him weaknesses , but to constantly remind him why is this member of his collision still with him AND .. with other lions ? , never long until both lions go claw to claw. , once that member is seen as cold hearted and mean as he is. Almost like initiation in a gang. , ' almost. '
Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to look back at King Kip .. who looks right back at her.
Queen Destiny : ( normal toned , but low and with some sadness ) '' .. I wish we hadn't come to this Kipster. .. With this .. so called : '' choice. '' , it's already throwing other royals opinions - and this lion here's opinion * looks at lion twenty eight who now looks at her * * , then she looks back at King Kip * off. ''
Daunnie : '' That's right Desi. , ''
Sir Antevill : '' I'm sure none of us - except I , wanted to show sympathy , mercy , pity , kindness or ' compassion. ' ''
Ioan : ( normal toned , though low and almost defensive ) '' And even ' if ' one of us did , we all need to see and know that once this meeting is over .. he's just a lion/cat just like any of us that has done things ten years ago .. that he isn't proud of and has made so much mistakes .. just as much as other cats in .. Miss majesty's , pride has done. ... ''
In a little pause , Ioan looks at Tawny then at all of the other royals and lion twenty eight. , and after .. back at the royals again.
Ioan : * raise his voice abit , while using his furry head/face to motion towards Tawny's direction * ( , to convince other royals and create a perfect example that makes his point ) '' .. Take - l..ike .. Tawn for example. ! ''
He argues. , making Tawny quickly lean his furry head/face to look narrow eyed and most definitely irked by Ioan's sugary sweet and kind opinion like what King Kip would say in a serious , royal situation like this.
Tawny : '' ... '' * narrow eyed , * * low growls at Ioan * * , with a look that says : '' What makes your brain and mind say all of this. ? ! '' *
Ioan doesn't even know that Tawny is looking at him , but ' hears ' Tawny's low growls. .. catching on to the fact of knowing that Tawny ' didn't ' like what he said just a minute before. Before he turns his furry head/face to look at Tawny , Tawny quickly looks away from him but remains narrow eyed , frowning at Queen Destiny and King Kip .. on their last minute , late , decision making. -
After Tawny has done this , it makes Ioan looking so befuddled at him. Arching his left , black , furry eyebrow.
Tawny thought this decision was already official , be said and now ' done. ! '
Tawny : ( with some feeling ) '' We ' can-not ' afford to have any of these weak , soft , second or third after thoughts on big , furry guy's punishment. ! ( gets calm again , but still with feeling ) .. It's already been ' said ' n done. ' ! .. dawl and my Kippy hon , you both can't just go back on your word .. ! .. on everything that has been said when it comes to ' you both ' , other royals like myself , - * motions his furry head/face to lion twenty eight * even ' this ' lion that just wants to see a cat just banished ! .. as much as most of us royals here do. ! '' * still frowning *
Lion twenty eight looks at Tawny as if he has said or done something wrong. , then he turns his furry head/face to look at other royals. Hesitating abit. ...
Lion 28 : '' .. Wait .. I'm con'used. , we ' on't get te see .. a cat getting ' banished te day. ? ''
Daunnie turns her furry head/face to lion twenty eight. , as if to shut him up.
Daunnie : '' N..oo , we ' are ' still going to banish a cat in the end. ... * herself and lion twenty eight turn their furry heads/faces to look at Tawny , Queen Destiny and King Kip's heated , furry stares , the tones in their voices , the cat language and the atmosphere that now has been changed to unfriendly and violent , to fiery and fierce - if other royals can handle it * * lion twenty eight looks back at Daunnie * just having .. ' more ' disagreements. .. that's all. ''
Lion 28 : '' A'right. , a'right ... ''
After two seconds when Queen Destiny , Tawny and King Kip all have a snarl ' n growl off .. Ioan trails off to try to talk and reason with the other royals. , while Antevill stays back to watch for abit then hops in .. trailing off too. Their voices already blocked out and still trailing off.
Daunnie also watches with widen , furry , brown eyes abit .. not knowing what to say right now.
Daunnie : '' ... ? ''
Lion 28 : ( abit happily and eagered in feeling ) '' When's the ' ext royal me'ting. ? ! ''
He quickly turns his furry head/face to look at Daunnie who leans her furry head/face back away from lion twenty eight. .. because of him being way too close to her furry face and furry , personal space. But it isn't so serious and didn't take too long , but quicker than ever .. when at an almost slow and quick pace , moves his furry head/face back away from Daunnie then starts to laugh so high pitched , but harder this time than before and that other time. , when Tawny arrived into this den.
Daunnie turns her furry head/face to look at lion twenty eight then breaks into a little , furry smile at him. Then laughs alittle softly because of his laugh. , then laughs harder when he is unable to stop - it seems , and keeps on going.
Flaunti tries to suppress his laughter as he uses his left , furry paw to cover his furry snout/mouth .. at what he is seeing.
Flaunti : '' ... ! ''
After their snarling ' n growl off , Queen Destiny , King Kip and Tawny stop. .. Ioan and Antevill stop too .. rather awkwardly then look at one another in confusion. , sharing the same thought about Queen Destiny , Tawny and King Kip.
Queen Destiny : ( raises her voice at Tawny ) '' What do you expect Kipster and I to do . ? ! , the last thing we want to have .. is Unc stay on Sundaya , dirt grounds ' n territory. ... ''
Ioan : '' Or you can have Touphy and Tum chain him up .. and he can stay in this den we're in now. ... ''
For now , other royals like Queen Destiny , Tawny and King Kip ignore Ioan but King Kip and Antevill obviously heard him.
Antevill almost slowly turns his furry head/face to looks at Ioan. , cocking his furry head/face abit still looking at him.
Sir Antevill : ( in a thoughtful and matter of fact way ) '' You know I .. that's NOT .. such a bad idea. ... ''
Ioan still looks at Antevill then nods his furry head/face abit at him as his way of saying : * '' No. .. it isn't ... '' almost happily and optimistic about it *
Ioan : * blinks at Antevill * '' ... '' * small smiles at him abit *
Antevill - with his furry , colored eyes burning with love for his closest friend , smiles abit back at Ioan. , happy to agree with him. .. His eyes also sparkling for some reason. .. But what ?
Both turn their furry heads/faces to look at an argument already in full force .. and swing , between Queen Destiny , King Kip and Tawny now.
Tawny : ( raises his voice ) '' .. Does it ' look ' like .. a lion like ' me ' , would know the solution to this. ? ! .. I don't know .. ! .. like - anything ' but ' have big guy here again. , possibly for another ten years again ! .. I hope not. ! ''
King Kip - after looking at Tawny , turns his furry head/face abit to look at his royal lover : Desi. , unhappy that another argument is ' still ' going on all over again. Also frowning sadly , and was about to talk until Tawny said something just recently.
King Kip : '' ... ? ! ''
Still looking exactly like he shouldn't say something.
Queen Destiny : * leans her furry head/face to Tawny * '' .. So if myself and Flaunt's Unc ' does ' go free , don't you think he would go to the far , far outskirts of Sundaya and try to take over myself and ' your's ' , parts of Sundaya .. including territory. ? ! ''
Tawny : '' He doesn't belong here anymore and you know it. ! , * snarl like * STOP .. acting like you don't. ! ! ''
Both royal cats are interrupted with a fru-strated , distressed and emotionally upset , familiar roar that is near by them inside of the royal ring. .. This has Daunnie and lion twenty eight quiet from laughing .. and turn their furry heads/faces to look at King Kip. So do Queen Destiny and Tawny.
Antevill and Ioan are already quiet .. still watching this. ,
so is Flaunti who is now sitting upright outside of this den. , and almost slowly .. removes his furry , front paws from off of his furry ears to not hear King Kip's roar. Back onto the dirt ground.
King Kip puts his furry head/face down for all royals and lion twenty eight .. to now see how frustrated and annoyed he's now getting.
King Kip : * abit narrow eyed * * turns his leaned , furry head/face to Queen Destiny * '' STOP .. * then quickly looks at Tawny * IT. ... ( after raising his voice again , it gets normal and abit calm ) now .. we're all going to go along with Ioan's idea. , * motions his furry head/face to Ioan * I like his idea and it is .. obviously suitable for Uncle's punishment .. under Flaunt and ' your ' requests .. and standards. .. ; But .. ' for now ' .. until further notice ... ''
He turns his furry head/face almost slowly to look at all royals in their furry eyes. , and lion twenty eight's as well.
King Kip : '' .. Does every cat in here agree. ? ''
Other royals blink .. and then stare at one another. , not very sure that any of them should answer King Kip right now. , who's patience been left from up the roof of this den and outside. , pass where Flaunti is , all up ' in ' the atmosphere. .. Only because he may snap or overpower one of them by his words alone.
Before King Kip could low growl at all of the other royals - and lion twenty eight , his point in demand and overbearingly .. Queen Destiny answers her lover first.
Queen Destiny : '' I agree. ... ''
Daunnie answers quickly. , NEVER liking it when King Kip is like this. ,
Daunnie : '' Me too. ... ''
and Tawny as well. Sighing alittle to calm himself down. , and shaking his overly long , golden , brown shaded and reddish orange mane abit .. to get some of his hair strands from off of his furry shoulders.
Tawny : ( normal toned and a lot more calm ) ( , but not obviously .. holding much feelings back , but for now. Right ? ) '' Yes. ... ''
Flaunti : ( low , to himself and murmuring ) '' Yes .. I too , agree. ''
Lion 28 : '' Yeah .. ' our royal high'ness. ... ''
.. Antevill and Ioan join along.
Sir Antevill : ( still normal toned and calm ) '' .. Seems abit fair. ... ''
Ioan : '' Yep. , I also agree with Ant .. and other royals too. .. It's a true ' relief ' .. you have granted myself .. and Flaunti's requests for Uncle. ''
King Kip pauses then shakes his furry head/face abit in thought of what Ioan just said. .. In the middle of chuckling abit softly at the thought of Uncle. Queen Destiny frowns when seeing this. , Uncle stares at King Kip then also frowns alittle too. .. Daunnie sadly frowns too , then sighs abit alittle to herself in thought of King Kip.
Tawny stares at King Kip .. blinking at him. Antevill , Ioan and lion twenty eight continue to stare at him.
King Kip : ( in a upset - very upset , argumentative tone of voice ) * looks at Ioan * '' Well .. - even though he doesn't deserve it. .. just so ' you ' and ' Flaunt ' see that. ... ''
Ioan pauses while looking at King Kip. , then chooses to close his small , agapped , furry snout/mouth .. about to answer King Kip , but then finds it wise and smart not to say anything back to him.
Ioan : '' ... ? ''
He's right.
Antevill stares back at King Kip .. as well as other royals and lion twenty eight , who puts his furry head/face down .. closing his deep , dark , neon green eyes and also stuck in his thoughts.
He - also - chose not to say anything too.
Sir Antevill : '' ... ! ''
Flaunti blinks almost stupidly at King Kip's behavior that causes the EN-TIRE den to go quiet. , including all royals and lion twenty eight.
Flaunti : '' ... ''
He even gets quiet , not even wanting to test King Kip's patience too. !
After some silence ,
Lion 28 : '' .. And how ' ar .. that's goin' be. ? ''
King Kip quickly lifts his furry head/face .. then turns his furry head/face over to lion twenty eight. Queen Destiny looks at lion twenty eight .. abit narrow eyed , her furry look saying : '' You just ' hadd ' to ask huh. ... '' Daunnie face palms with her left , furry paw at lion twenty eight's dumb question. , Tawny smirks abit .. also loving him when he is this way. , almost happy .. ignoring lion twenty eight's dumb question. Holding a feeling that King Kip didn't mean to snap at him , Ioan - who lets it go before , stares at King Kip .. almost feeling offended and upset. But then lets go these feelings/emotions .. still not knowing how to react.
For last , Antevill .. stares at King Kip then abit and hesitant , turns his furry head/face away from him. .. becoming uncomfortable with this different , NEW side of King Kip. Yes , it's been seen a few times before in the past .. but doesn't know how to come about it.
King Kip : ( still snapping ) '' .. I don't know. .. that's ' if ' Uncle makes it and lives that far. ... '' * still narrow eyed *
He almost looks away from lion twenty eight then looks down at himself again like before.
Uncle : '' ... ''
Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to lion twenty eight. , looking at him almost in annoyance because of asking such a stupid , but good question. He couldn't help his curiosity like all cats can. .. Curse his curiosity.
Queen Destiny : * alittle narrow eyed * ( low , but soft and normal toned ) '' That's enough now. , my King has said ' n ' answered .. all that he could. .. * rubs against King Kip once comfortably , who almost lifts his furry head/face to look at his Desi .. then doesn't * now ' I'm ' going to wrap all of this up. ... ''
Daunnie : '' Well .. all of this could've ended better ... ''
Antevill almost answers after Daunnie.
Sir Antevill : ( as if upset ) '' Too bad it ' didn't. ' ... '' * frowns at her , now abit upset *
Ioan turns his furry head/face to Tawny .. who is alittle busy looking at Queen Destiny and King Kip. .. watching them trail off so soft and murmured to one another. , as King Kip almost slowly lifts his furry head/face and turns it to look at her. Furry face changing from frustrated , annoyed and upset to calm , normal and kind so very quickly.
Ioan : ( low and soft ) '' Tawny ... ''
At the sound of hearing Ioan's soft and low voice , his furry , hazel eyes as well as turning of his furry , head/face looks back at Ioan. , then lifts his furry head/face into a shake alittle .. as another way for Ioan to speak to him. , and let him know that he's listening. .. But he can hear Tawny say ,
Tawny : '' Hmm ? ''
Ioan : * alittle narrow eyed in question * '' What was that about. ? ''
Tawny : * alittle narrow eyed , then looks at Ioan in confusion * '' What was .. what about. ? ''
Both lions pause letting other royals voices except lion twenty eight's trail off and be blocked by the both of them.
Uncle looks at other royals .. just to make sure if others are busy and not watching him , then almost slowly turns his furry head/face to look at the back corner of the royal den for one lion in particular. , where his boy Flaunti should be since he told him .. he'll be back to see - er .. '' eavesdrop '' , in on the royals conversation/meeting.
Uncle : '' ... ! ''
Over joyed , he sees Flaunti leaning against a wall looking rather bored and clearly unentertained with all of what he has seen now. .. As if someone or something told him to look to his right , Flaunti turns his furry head/face to look at Uncle who smiles abit at him. , then lifts his furry , left paw to make and create a : '' Shhh. ! '' motion with no volume coming his furry mouth. , reminding Uncle that he isn't suppose to be here because Queen Destiny told him that he isn't invited to their royal , big , important meeting .. that is now happening today. , right now.
Flaunti : * small smiles back at Uncle * '' ... '' * as he slowly puts his furry , front , left paw down onto the dirt ground *
Uncle nods his furry head/face abit right back at Flaunti .. then slowly and almost hesitantly turns his furry head/face back to the royal ring. , of other royals still talking - for now , alittle bit , and lion twenty eight in the middle of snarling into a yawn. Covering his furry snout/mouth with his right , furry paw then puts it down onto the dirt ground.
Still going on ,
Ioan : '' Why didn't you like my decision based on Uncle for. ? .. now the last thing I want to come off to you in ' your ' collision is soft. ... ''
Tawny : '' Nah .. don't worry ' bout it. .. I'll let you off the - ''
Not only ' himself ' and Ioan were interrupted , but other royals too .. and Flaunti to lion twenty eight too. , by Queen Destiny and King Kip.
The den now quiet. , as Tawny stares at Queen Destiny and King Kip the same time the den has already went quiet. All cats in this den - and out - as in .. Flaunti , can hear them both.
Queen Destiny : ( still soft and low murmured ) '' .. You sure you alright Kippy. ? ''
King Kip : '' Yes .. my dearest Desi , I am because of you. '' * small smiles at Queen Destiny *
Queen Destiny : * licks King Kip onto his left , furry cheek then rubs against him again * * quickly turns her furry head/face to whisper into King Kip's right , furry ear * '' Love you. ... ''
Then she leans her furry head/face abit slowly to look at King Kip. , who looks at her then smiles at her some more.
King Kip : ( in soft whispers ) '' .. I really , really love you more Desi. ... ''
Queen Destiny moans abit happily at King Kip as if softly laughing .. then smiles back abit at him. ...
Both furry royals almost quickly lean their furry heads/faces to snout kiss one another soft and happily. , with some passion and lots of love. And sweet moans coming from Queen Destiny to King Kip .. and groans from King Kip to Queen Destiny.