Chapter 2 : Discussions and decisions in the afternoon
By the ' same ' area that Abblie was at with Solo more ,
Queen Destiny and King Kip are both trotting their way over to this area as fast they can. , onto their furry , long fours without stopping .. but only to catch their breath if so - being at her royal tower area .. gives the King ' and ' Queen of Sundaya one .. long and fast run.
Queen Destiny and King Kip : * pants abit softly , but is heard *
In much panting between the two , royal , furry lovers .. they are sprinting or breaking out into a run .. until either cat burns out .. and has to catch he or she's breath. .. They're in just a quick trot and lots of jogging together .. and ' still ' keeping pace along the way. , without either cat falling back , behind or slowing down.
Both cats in thought of ' one ' , important thing ' before ' their royal meeting - regarding the male cub , starts. .. : Solo more.
By an odd coincidence ,
Abblie and Solo more happen to be walking their way back to the direction where King Kip and Queen Destiny are. , taking their time and walking rather slowly at their own pace in such dead and .. as if awkward silence.
Abblie and Solo more : '' ... ''
Both cats not saying anything .. after having a few hours to themselves , with other cats and Queen Destiny's core of lioness. , talking a lot , laughing , playing and have both witnessed how amazing and successful it was to see King Kip and Queen Destiny at work as furry royals. .. Taking down a huge , male , African buffalo .. along with her core of lioness , two .. huge male lions as wings and muscle , other lions and lioness to start the chase .. as reinforcements , help to bring down their prey and as starting wings when the hunt starts.
For Solo more - in his furry head .. and in his language of mews , he could've witnessed anything more cool , awe-some ! , amazing and spectacular. .. He just ' had ' to cheer his Mama ( Queen Destiny ) and Papa ( King Kip ) off from a safe distance with Abblie and other lioness. , and even turns his furry , small head up to look at Abblie and mention what a chase and tackle it was. .. And to question if that really ' is ' what a lion has to do when in a pride.
Not going to lie to Solo more , Abblie gave him a straight up and honest '' yes. '' .. But ' only ' after he starts eating meat as a new member of Queen Destiny's pride. .. so hunting school can start for him .. with other cubs his age. , and watch how the adults hunt and mostly .. when he's good and ready to make his very first kill.
As Queen Destiny and King Kip get near and near to the area where Abblie and Solo more are .. in the middle of their walk , the furry .. royal lovers can see Abblie almost slow but quickly walk ahead to herself and King Kip. , onto her short , furry fours in the middle of turning her furry head/face to the right of her .. being on the lookout for any predators that are a threat and danger to Solo more. .. While little , furry Solo more .. to her right from ground level , is trotting along with her , but mostly bouncing in his walk rather silently. , not constantly mewing to her as he would if he was with Queen Destiny or King Kip.
He was in the middle of turning his furry head/face to his left .. to look about his empty and blank surroundings of the wide and open plain area himself and Abblie are still walking in together. The moment he turns his furry head/face to look ahead .. seeing Queen Destiny and King Kip return from their big hunt .. that lasted for a second , Solo more starts to excitedly mew abit loudly to them. , as he quickly runs while bouncing his way to Queen Destiny and King Kip.
.. Getting Abblie to turn her furry head/face almost quickly to watch Solo more get near and nearer to Queen Destiny and King Kip. , and smile abit warmly to the right side of her furry cheek .. at the sight of seeing Solo more rub his short , furry , small body against Queen Destiny's front , furry , long arms/paws. , and then puts his furry , dirty paws first onto Queen Destiny's furry , front paws and begins to rub his furry head/face against Queen Destiny's furry face and furry forehead. Overhearing Queen Destiny talk gentle and sweetly right back to greet Solo more and question how he is doing and if he enjoyed his time being with Abblie and many other lioness. , in a soft and low , normal tone of voice.
King Kip is still smiling abit after watching Solo more greet Queen Destiny first and listen to her talk to Solo more. , as he starts to sit upright while his furry head/face already looking down at Solo more and his royal , furry lover : Queen Destiny. Waiting until she's done talking to Solo more .. so Solo more can start to greet him on his own.
Abblie remains standing onto her short , furry fours where she is .. still watching Solo more mew back to Queen Destiny in his language. , after he has taken his dirty , furry , front paws from off of her long , furry arms and moves backward a few steps to give his * air quotes * '' Mama '' some space. Now listening to her talk about her day with her King and how their big hunt went. , and after he has heard Kip's name .. ' that's ' when he almost quickly turns his furry head/face to look up at King Kip .. who is still smiling warm and kindly at him.
Meeting furry , eye contact with his furry , light caramel eyes from his deep , dark , neon green eyes.
From a short distance , Abblie begins to start walking over to Queen Destiny and King Kip. , just as Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to look at Abblie and smile abit happy and friendly at her. .. Not saying anything to her yet .. because she is expecting to hear Solo more start to talk to King Kip after he has greeted him.
To King Kip's surprise , Solo more ' does ' start to greet him. , as the King watches him start to run 'n bounce his way over to him. And begins to run around him in a full circle as King Kip's furry head constantly turns and his furry face follows along with Solo more with his deep , dark , furry , neon green eyes widening abit in thought.
Queen Destiny laughs abit at Solo more's greeting to King Kip and the furry look onto his furry face that was priceless .. and side splittin'. .. While she still stands by her left , furry side still watching them .. and her furry smile widens abit.
While over hearing King Kip's low , soft , normal and kind voice talk back to Solo more who mews right back in response to him , .. Solo more stops running around King Kip once already in front of him for the second time .. in front of his long , furry , front arms/paws again. , and puts his small , furry , dirty paws onto King Kip's long , furry arms. Leaning his furry head/face closer to King Kip .. until he almost accidentally - not knowing what Solo more wanted at first , leans his furry head/face to touch Solo more's furry snout and nose.
Together .. Abblie and Queen Destiny say ,
Queen Destiny and Abblie : '' Awwwww ... ''
as both lioness almost quickly turn their furry heads/faces to look at each other in happy thought of this heart warming moment right now.
Playfully , King Kip slowly turns his furry head/face to look at Abblie and Queen Destiny with a half lidded , deadly bored , furry look onto his furry face. As little , furry Solo more takes his furry , dirty , small paws from off of King Kip's furry , long arms and walks ahead a few steps away from the furry adults. , and then turns in a full circle and sits upright.
He couldn't help but make a comment to Abblie and Queen Destiny .. because of ' probably ' .. trying to ruin the moment.
King Kip : ( playful toned ) ( , but still soft , low and normal toned ) '' .. Really ? ''
Queen Destiny and Abblie laugh abit together at what King Kip said. , he smiles abit at the two lioness as he almost quickly turns his furry head/face to look down at Solo more who blankly looks back at him .. then at Queen Destiny and Abblie. , just to check on him for a quick second.
Solo more's furry , blank look at the two lioness to King Kip .. is a look of wonder about what were Queen Destiny and Abblie laughing about. , or what was it .. that was funny when King Kip ( his Papa ) said.
Solo more : '' ... ! ''
After a laugh with Abblie , Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to look back at Abblie.
Her voice getting serious .. but still normal and low toned.
Queen Destiny : '' Girl .. please tell me you have heard ' round Sundaya .. what has recently happened a few minutes ago. * Abblie leans her furry head/face backward in confusion about what she said * .. At least .. what any lioness that were with you mentioned. ... ''
Abblie arches her furry , left , black eyebrow in confusion at Queen Destiny this time.
Abblie : ( not with much feeling ) '' What ? , ( back to being normal toned and low for some reason ) what has been heard .. and went on recently ? ''
Barely with feeling in her sentence.
King Kip : ( sounding abit serious and as if unhappy ) * still looking at Abblie in thought * '' Desi. .. babe .. she really ' doesn't ' have any idea what we're talking about. .. ''
Abblie's furry look onto her furry face .. obviously looks like she has NOT heard anything around Sundaya. .. OR hasn't been told what happened a few minutes ago .. by other lioness with her in Sundaya.
Abblie : '' No Desi .. and Kip. , I don't ... ''
Queen Destiny : '' Where were you when most cats from ' my ' pride .. went to go see new comers from Tawn's collision. .. whom have returned from the hyena invasion years ago ? ''
Abblie : '' Uhhhh ... does it matter ? ''
Before Queen Destiny could say anything , King Kip speaks up to Abblie very fast. .. without letting a pause stretch between the three of them.
King Kip : * almost quickly turns his furry head/face to Queen Destiny * '' I don't think it matters where she was at the time Desi. .. ''
Abblie turns her furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny. , wanting to talk to her first before talking to King Kip.
Abblie : '' Wait. .. ' who ' has returned to Sundaya .. as one of Tawny's lions from his collision .. ever since the hyena invasion ? ''
Realizing what Abblie has said to her , Queen Destiny trails off low toned and soft to herself. , as if she's going to freak out .. or get stressed out.
Queen Destiny : '' Oh my ... - '' * almost slowly turns her furry head/face to her right to look ahead into space .. and in thought *
Abblie quickly turns her furry head/face to look back at King Kip. , who is now quick to start explaining to her what has went on recently in Sundaya .. and what did she miss. , since NO lioness that were with her .. when cub sitting Solo more ' didn't ' tell her.
.. Or maybe those lioness didn't know what happened themselves.
King Kip : '' Listen .. Tawny's back from fleeing ' out ' of Sundaya .. and five of his lions .. has ' just ' returned to Sundaya .. by today , after being in all of the other territories ' out ' of Sundaya. .. Ever since the day of the hyena invasion. .. ''
Abblie : ( says the word : '' What '' as if she didn't hear what King Kip just said to her ) '' What ? ! ''
Widening her furry , brown eyes abit in surprise and processing everything that King Kip has told her so far.
King Kip : '' ' That ' explains why you must've .. seen a-lot , of cats running straight to the ' right ' side of Sundaya. .. pass Desi's royal throne .. and to the other entrance to Tawny's territory. .. They've all come to greet all of the furry , new comers after so many years .. ' after ' the day of the hyena invasion. ''
Abblie : '' Oh my kinny ... - ''
To pass the time , Queen Destiny looks down at Solo more and then smiles abit at him. .. For no reason , this makes him happily mew at her into a laugh - haven't really laughed when with herself and King Kip much , and then gets onto his small , furry fours and runs while bouncing his way to her playfully. .. Then jumps up and down from left to right abit constantly. , as Queen Destiny widens her furry , small smile abit at him .. while waiting and still listening to King Kip explain everything that has happened in Sundaya to Abblie.
Queen Destiny : '' ... ''
King Kip : '' Right now .. Desi and I have come here to get Solo more - and of course fill you in on what has happened , and fast. .. She's already established a big meeting with the rest of her pride ' in-volving ' Solo more .. and we need to be there before it starts any minute. .. ''
Like King Kip has , Abblie ignores Solo more's happy mews at Queen Destiny as his way of laughing while still talking with King Kip. , while Queen Destiny entertains Solo more.
Abblie : '' But .. the both of you ' do ' have everything under control here .. in Sundaya right ? ''
Not with much feeling.
The second Queen Destiny hears what Abblie has said , she almost quickly turns her furry head/face to look back at Abblie. , and answer her the best way she can - for now , just when King Kip probably won't know how to answer Abblie's question.
.. He smiles abit at Queen Destiny .. thankful she has hopped right back into their conversation again.
Queen Destiny : '' For now Abbs .. yes .. Kipster and I ' do ' .. have everything in Sundaya under control. .. the purpose of this big , royal meeting for Solo more mostly .. will settle down my pride and get every cat's concerns , feelings , curiosities and attitude towards the cub in check. , ''
Queen Destiny : '' And we can finally get down to the bottom of this cub matter .. and whatever is decided , we all have to suck it up , dish it out and keep going. .. ''
King Kip : '' I totally agree with Desi here. .. ''
Abblie : '' But .. what ' if ' the decision towards the cub .. is a bad one ? ''
Queen Destiny : '' It really depends on how bad the decision about the cub ' is. ' .. But right now , we've got no time for '' what if's '' right now. Kipster is right. We need to reach that meeting as soon as possible .. and do NOT be late for it. .. ''
King Kip looks at Queen Destiny for a few seconds .. then nods his furry head/face at her a few times with her in agreement. , for a moment , it felt as if .. he didn't like his royal lover's answer to Abblie's question.
So he decides to not say anything to Queen Destiny - that he agrees with her on their next move with Solo more , or Abblie. .. Or even Solo more. .. if ' only ' he could talk at his age .. and understand what he'd say to him.
King Kip : '' ... ''
Abblie too , goes quiet like King Kip has. , in a quiet and unsettling moment as she watches her home girl : Queen Destiny trail off. .. talking to Solo more while he runs off his furry mouth to her .. in his usual , soft , loud or annoying mews in protest. .. Of course .. NOT agreeing and going along with his Mama : Queen Destiny wants him to do.
And what she ' wants ' him to do .. is to come with her , her King and Abblie to their big , royal meeting .. with ' him ' as the main topic and discussion.
Abblie : '' ... ? ''
King Kip - also , watches his royal , furry lover struggle to get Solo more into her jaws as he has already tried to quickly walk and trot 'n bounce his way away from her. , but after three tries - almost nearly losing her patience with him , she almost quickly grabs him into her furry , yet sharp jaws. And looks at King Kip .. motioning her furry head/face ahead to him .. for the three of them to press forward now. , and fast .. and don't stop until they all get there.
King Kip : '' ... ''
In his pause , he almost quickly turns his furry head/face to look at Abblie who is in the middle of almost quickly turning her furry head/face from Queen Destiny and Solo more to him right now.
King Kip : '' Come on Abblie. .. we go. ''
Abblie smiles abit in great excitement .. and a very lively shine in her furry , brown eyes. , as she enthusiastically nods her furry head/face at King Kip a few times in silent agreement. Before she says something to him right back .. in front of Queen Destiny and Solo more.
Abblie : '' Alright ! .. so let's go ! '' * small , little smiles *
She almost turns her furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny who nods her furry head/face abit at Abblie in agreement. , even as Solo more is still in her sharp , furry jaws .. he shakes along with the motion and movement of her furry head. With his light , furry caramel eyes closed almost nearly shut. , and his furry snout/mouth is in the middle of mewing .. but almost nearly closed.
Queen Destiny : '' ... ''
And his small , furry body is in a little , furry ball. .. with his furry , small , short paws/arms close and near by his furry chest. , and his short , furry , hind legs dangling and slightly spread out in the air away from him. And his long , furry tail still whipping about alittle .. as if in excitement into the air from behind his furry , small body.
Solo more : '' ... ''
At the area of Queen Destiny's royal tower ,
As many cats in Queen Destiny's pride .. are already here ' and ' have already come early for the royal , big meeting. , coming off rather surprised , alarmed , hostile and shocked that the reason why .. such an important meeting like this - that Queen Destiny has already established , is because of a male cub. .. As it has been hear say by many cats .. because of Dantie tent successfully trotting and moving around to tell as many other cats within her pride as possible.
.. While the King and Queen of Sundaya have already went to get Solo more. , where Abblie was cub sitting him and a group of other lioness mothers. , some lioness not mothers. - A whole ' lot ' of cats are scattered and spread out in front of Queen Destiny's royal tower while the rest of the cats from her pride .. are in a very , thick and huge group and into a furry crowd. , most standing onto their furry , long or short two's. And much others onto their furry , long or short fours talking to each other. , mostly loud and raising their voices.
Cubs that come with their mothers along the way .. are onto their small , dirty and furry , long or short fours. , either in a small group close by their mother's furry , front arms/paws , spread out but as long as they're close by their family or playing with each other. , ignoring their surroundings , all this chin talk in the area and even their parents .. who are talking to each other. , and talking with other parents .. waiting until the big , important , royal meeting has started.
Many lioness within Queen Destiny's core .. are three rows before the very top of their tower. .. high up and almost close by one another. , as they've already sat upright - or onto either furry sides of their stomachs , or are standing onto their long or short , furry fours. , some looking below them at the endless looking amount and view of cats from high up here. , while talking to each other in low and soft voices rather than loud and raised from below.
In a row , Antevill ( new , Guardian of Sundaya ) .. sitting upright onto a ledge before dirt ground level .. that is part of Queen Destiny's tower .. but is close by a little boulder. , Ioan is onto his long , furry two's abit far apart and away from Antevill .. - leaving abit of a big gap from each other , quickly turning his furry head/face to look at the view ahead of him .. and at his surroundings. , as if looking for a cat in the very , very large crowd. , and Blankey is a rather small gap away from Ioan .. standing onto his long , furry two's in deep thought and silence. , waiting for the King and Queen of Sundaya to arrive already .. like the rest of the lions are. , with his furry , long arms folded over his chest
NOT as furry , body language to show that he doesn't want to be talked to .. but is holding himself abit .. almost as if it's cold outside in Sundaya. , looking like he has a lot on his furry mind. ' Still ' thinking about himself and Ioan making eye contact .. when with Tawny before , chewin' the cud on what it means and wondering if Tawny will show up at this big , important meeting or not. .. Already knowing him .. like the back of his furry , right paw , - just like Ocedensis , there's no ' way ' he's comin' .. the true fact of a male cub being included into the pride - as Queen Destiny and King Kip's decision , ' with-out ' consulting her pride. , and who is obviously an intruder to ' all ' cats in Queen Destiny's pride. .. ' AND ' it doesn't even concern him.
.. But probably ' would ' come .. just to bother Queen Destiny , get her attention , get her to notice him .. for the millionth time , pursue , charm , amuse , maybe seduce and try to get ahold of her .. as he's been trying to .. ever since cub hood.
His furry , long tail is still .. but into a long , furry curl from behind his long , furry body. , and almost touching the dirt ground. Even - as stupid as it is , wondering if he should look Ioan's way or not.
NOT even having an clue .. that Ioan is ' also ' thinking the ' exact ' , same thing as he is right now.
.. * almost into a pause *
For some reason .. the background has a soft , hypnotizing and seductive melody of Queen Destiny. , ' almost ' as if .. Tawny is letting the melody play in his furry head over and over again. , and as if he's here .. ' also ' waiting for the King and Queen's arrival .. who both ' aren't ' here yet. .. but ' may ' be running alittle late.
As this melody plays .. not able to be a match for such loud and raised talking from the cats in Queen Destiny's pride .. in the area ; Queen Destiny with Solo more ' still ' into her furry , sharp jaws , King Kip and Abblie are still running their way to the area where her royal tower is. , still onto their short or long , furry fours .. approaching the green , bushy area of the entrance to Queen Destiny's tower. , ignoring the soft , rustling sound of bushes as all three keep running through the entrance .. and on their way as quick as they can. .. obviously in a hurry and may ' already ' be late for this meeting.
Solo more surprisingly quiet .. through out their entire , furry , quick and in a hurry run. , without his usual nagging , attention asking and constant mewing for mostly Queen Destiny and sometimes King Kip.
As they run closer and closer to the very , very large crowd of cats that are in front of her royal tower .. with Solo more , Queen Destiny .. King Kip , Abblie and Solo more can hear the loud and still raised voices of ' any ' lion or lioness that are talking to each other , cubs mewing and the many sounds of cat language gets louder and louder. , as they all make a stop abit far behind the crowd of cats .. but mostly in front of her royal tower as their background.
In a ring , Abblie .. abit of a small gap away from King Kip and Queen Destiny stop to either catch their breath or take a breather. , as we all hear King Kip pant abit softly to himself .. to catch his breath while sitting upright , Abblie - to the left side of the ring , remain standing onto her short , furry fours .. but is still trying to catch her breath and Queen Destiny closes the ring. , while in the middle of lowering her furry head/face to ground level and almost slowly starts to put Solo more down onto the dirt ground. Once reaching the dirt ground sideways , Solo more comes out of his furry , small ball .. after being carried by her ..
and starts to almost slowly sit upright onto his small , furry fours then turns his furry head/face almost quickly - as if in a shy panic , to start looking at his surroundings. .. but ' mostly ' at other cats that he ' does not ' even recognize. Unable to mew to any of the three , young , furry , adult cats in the ring .. or make a sound.
After all three cats have caught their breath , they all start to talk creating their own kind of conversation in low and rather raised tone of voices. , needing to be heard from one another. .. There's absolutely ' no ' need to be talking softly now .. over the many raised and loud voices of other cats , constant mewing from cubs and cat language.
First .. Abblie almost quickly turns her furry head/face to look behind her and at her surroundings at the very , very large cats that are in Queen Destiny's pride. , then back at Queen Destiny and King Kip.
Abblie : * lastly .. looks ahead at her as if in space * ( and talking low , but able to be heard by Queen Destiny , King Kip and Solo more as if to herself ) '' My ... - '' * continues to pant abit softly and low to herself *
The sound of Abblie's soft and low pants can still be heard within the ring.
King Kip stops panting abit softly .. then takes another moment to himself to clear his throat abit. , and then almost quickly turns his furry head/face to look ahead at Queen Destiny.
King Kip : '' Phew ! .. think we made it on time to this big , important meeting of ours Desi ? ''
Onto her furry , long two's .. Queen Destiny almost quickly turns her furry head/face to look at King Kip. , after taking a quick , furry look at Abblie and then at Solo more .. just to see what he's doing while they're talking. , but ' does ' understand ' every word ' they're saying to each other.
Queen Destiny : '' It's hard to say Kip. .. * starts to almost quickly turn her furry head/face about to look at her surroundings , from behind Abblie and King Kip * it almost ' looks ' .. as if we've come here late already. .. and no cat ' still ' doesn't even notice. ''
She continues to almost quickly look around her .. with King Kip joining her. , almost quickly turning his furry head/face from behind him and takes in his surroundings as well. Abblie does the same too .. taking in this silence with Queen Destiny and King Kip , to almost quickly turn her furry head/face to study the furry faces of other cats. , and see if she can spot Syibeen , O'don , Lanna , Igie , Daunnie , other lioness in Queen Destiny's core , Onaumi and other cats she knows. .. And cats Queen Destiny and King Kip know.
Solo more is ' still ' looking lost , abit scared but ' mostly ' in panic. .. have NEVER seen so many cats within a pride before. .. All big , huge , muscular , tall , older and all grown up .. compared to him , he'd be the size of a pea or a peanut. .. Almost feeling like hyperventilating into a panic attack .. as if also trying to catch his breath like he ran with them.
Between Ioan , Blankey and Antevill ,
All three , male lions remain quiet .. ' still ' searching and waiting for the Queen and King of Sundaya until Ioan's raised voice breaks the ice and silence between the three. , getting their attention and all three , furry heads/faces quickly turn to look to their right .. at the royal lioness ruling this enormous land. , and their new King ruling with her .. for the first time , has also came along.
Ioan : '' Look .. there's the Queen ! ''
All three , furry heads/faces are still looking at Queen Destiny from afar - but rather close , to her royal tower. Seeing her almost constantly turn her furry head/face about her surroundings .. but mostly ahead. , in search of the other royals that ' aren't ' in the crowd of cats. , but may ' probably ' be in search of other cats besides the furry royals that are still sitting upright or standing onto their long or short , furry two's.
Blankey's furry , right paw quickly points to King Kip .. easily spotting his golden and wildly long , red streaked and highlighted mane that has always been passed his furry shoulders. , as he almost quickly turns his furry head/face to look at Antevill and Ioan who aren't looking at him. , but are still looking at the King and Queen of Sundaya in silence.
Blankey : '' And look .. * almost quickly turns his furry head/face to look back at Ioan and Antevill who are still looking at them in deep thought * there's Kip ! ''
They've all seen Abblie in the mix .. but as they've ' now ' seen Queen Destiny look down onto the dirt ground in front of her .. all three , male lions had a feeling that something ' wasn't ' right. .. or ' normal ' when it came to Queen Destiny and King Kip.
Sir Antevill : ( ' still ' in deep thought .. mostly on what Queen Destiny ' was ' looking down at .. if NOT at the dirt ground ) ( , and it ' wouldn't ' be because she is shy because she's not .. and King Kip is like that ) * serious , already leaned his furry head/face abit close to have a better look up close , furry , facial expression * ( abit soft and low toned to himself ) '' M-mmm ... '' * two seconds later .. he almost slowly arches his furry , right eyebrow over his right , furry , colored eye in confusion *
So .. what ' was ' Queen Destiny looking down at ?
Back to Queen Destiny ,
Before any of the young , adult , furry cats could speak again to each other .. and before Abblie could spot Igie .. who was going to call her .. and spot her attention first , Antevill almost quickly - without hesitation , throws his furry head/face to roar as loud as he can .. within the area. , alarming ' every ' cat in Queen Destiny's pride .. about her almost late arrival .. and that she's here in this area .. right now. .. with King Kip and Abblie. .. Also with a * air quotes * '' new '' , unexpected and probably NOT wanted intruder.
Queen Destiny quickly turns her furry head/face to look back at King Kip. , who is in the middle of still looking around his surroundings .. but mostly at other cats. , then another two seconds that have ' now ' passed .. he almost quickly turns his furry head/face to look back at Queen Destiny to show that he's listening to her.
Queen Destiny : ( almost quickly said , as if in panic ) '' .. I take that back. ''
He frowns abit at her .. as if sadly. , feeling the same way she is feeling. Then pauses as he quickly turns his furry head/face to look ahead.
King Kip : '' ... ''
, joining Abblie again and ' still ' Solo more from below dirt ground level.
Abblie : '' ... ''
Solo more : '' ... ? ''
For a second it gets quiet .. and that second easily turns into a pause. , and all cats and cubs almost quickly turn their furry heads/faces to look at Queen Destiny , Abblie and King Kip .. who ' still ' don't say anything. , and are ' still ' looking back at all of them.
NO cat has seen Solo more yet .. thanks to King Kip and Abblie being abit close and near by one another - but not invading each other's space , it's enough to hide Solo more for now.
And now .. immediate , happy cheering comes from almost every cat - except the royals , and all cubs - who mew happily to their family , to praise Queen Destiny first .. as a way to thank her for ruling so long.
, to thank her for keeping this new generation off to a strong start , for the big , recent hunt so they can all eat together , for everything else she has said to all of them in her speech ten years ago , for making it far as Queen .. with her in her pride ' for ' ten years .. and NO cat has been kicked out of the pride for good and - to save the best for last , to praise and welcome King Kip .. as their NEW , King of Sundaya and give him a very heart warming and special thanks .. for being a pretty good and devoted King of Sundaya for ' all ' cats in Queen Destiny's pride. , support ' any ' cat .. and help ' any ' cat no matter who it is .. as best as he can.
Cats and cubs : * happy cheering and almost constant clapping in happiness and some joy *
Blankey , Ioan and Antevill ' still ' watch Queen Destiny , King Kip , Abblie and Solo more. , mostly seeing Queen Destiny smile abit and quickly turn her furry head/face to look at other cats. , while getting onto her long , furry fours and in the middle of lowering her furry head/face to grab and carry Solo more into her furry jaws again. , who resumes into a small , hairball position. .. With his furry , caramel eyes closed and furry mouth open .. about to mew in protest to Queen Destiny.
Then spots King Kip walking ahead onto his long , furry fours without Abblie .. who quickly trots away to join the very , very large crowd of cats. , but is now being accompanied and met up with Syibeen , Igie , Mavlie , Lanna , other lioness and O'don. King Kip's furry head/face in the middle of turning to his left and ahead .. to smile abit kind and mostly friendly at other cats that are ' still ' praising him , some lioness flirtatiously calling him out and would giggle and mouths out in much silent : '' Thank you's '' to as many cats as he can see and respond to. , while still almost slowly walking his way to the very first ledge to Queen Destiny's tower where Antevill , Blankey and Ioan are , as other cats spread , scatter and almost quickly move out of his way.
As their ring tears apart .. and space returns around the area again , this has Queen Destiny quickly trotting her way to catch up to King Kip from behind him .. while still carrying Solo more into her furry jaws.
At the sight of this , has so many cats in Queen Destiny's pride .. to stop cheering .. ' because ' of the male cub , and also ' continue ' cheering .. ' because ' of Queen Destiny and mostly King Kip's almost late , royal arrival. Other cats - like lions , start to growl abit in a mean , low toned chorus .. not recognizing the cub , the lioness that are three rows above Queen Destiny's royal tower - those that were laying down and relaxing , quickly sit upright then stand onto their long or short , furry fours .. in alarm at the male cub and ' almost ' the rest of the cats begin to get uncomfortably quiet some more .. and give hostile , firm and mean looks at the male cub. , and look at each other in ' spiteful ' thought about the male cub.
Antevill has a furry , satisfied look onto his furry face .. right from the start and has already ' knew ' that something was wrong and not ' normal ' has happened to Queen Destiny and King Kip. .. A cub .. ! , a ' male ' cub. .. Almost having that furry look onto his furry face .. after Tawny has already done a tricky and spiteful act .. towards some cats in Queen Destiny's pride and ' isn't ' planning to say anything. , ' or ' tell any cat. Blankey blinks abit twice .. from being in a short trance from staring at the male cub too long .. that is ' still ' being carried into Queen Destiny jaws ; then shakes his furry head/face abit to almost nearly knock out of his trance .. but mostly out of surprise because of knowing Queen Destiny .. that she ' doesn't ' plan on or wants to .. have any cubs when she gets older. .. but yet , here's a couple of months old , male cub .. carried in her furry jaws .. but ' doesn't ' look like Queen Destiny ' or ' King Kip at all.
He almost slowly turns his furry head/face ahead .. pretending that he didn't not see the male cub. , and decides to stare into space instead .. trying to get the image of Queen Destiny carrying the male cub here onto her royal tower , out of his furry mind.
Ioan - who is still standing a small gap away from Blankey , remains standing onto his long , furry two's and is ' still ' looking at the male cub .. smiles abit at how cute the little , furry hairball looks. , even if knowing that this male cub ' isn't ' Queen Destiny and King Kip's just by looking at it. .. as every cat in this area that is ' still ' looking at this male cub already has. At least ' looking ' friendly rather than hostile .. like most cats look from in the very , very large crowd in front of them and having positive thoughts about the male cub.
.. Like : '' Maybe he got lost .. and needed a place to live. '' .. Something like that.
His furry , long arms/paws still stand and remain still by both of his furry sides.
After much silence and ' much ' looking at this male cub , the very , very large crowd of cats begin to turn their furry heads/faces - either almost quickly or slowly , to have open and side conversations with each other ' about ' the male cub for no reason at all. , as if they hadn't noticed or paid attention to King Kip and Queen Destiny's arrival.
The cubs mew either to their mother or father .. while playing or have already stop playing .. to take a breath , catch their breath and even talk to each other about the NEW , male cub that they're ' still ' seeing onto Queen Destiny's royal tower. , probably thinking that he may be an easy target , a hot shot , obviously the * abit quotes again * '' new cub '' , probably part of the NEW generation of cubs this year or an intruder that ' may ' be singled out from many cubs. .. and will NOT participate in cubs games - or one of Queen Destiny's dangerous and fast paced games , ONLY because they don't know or recognize this male cub.
.. It's nothing personal .. and it may ' also ' be a personal , mean reason at the same time. ..
King Kip continues walking until he reaches the ledge all cats are on .. from walking ahead so much. , and is almost close by that boulder that is also near by Antevill .. now onto his long , furry two's and in the middle of turning his furry head/face about to look for Abblie in the very , very large crowd of cats .. wanting to know the reason why she ' didn't ' follow along with him. , besides the reason because she isn't a royal.
King Kip : '' ... ''
Queen Destiny has already lowered her furry head/face to drop Solo more onto the dirt ground .. almost near by Blankey. , but when sideways again .. and the moment he touches the dirt ground and becomes free , he almost quickly sits upright then onto his small , furry fours and then slings away close by the wall from behind him and then turns his furry head/face to look ahead into space .. out of nervous panic - as if having stage fright , can't even look at cats in the eye right now. , despite the very , very large amount. .. and ' more ' that are ' out ' of Sundaya too.
Queen Destiny almost slowly gets onto her long , furry two's just as she continues walking. , looking as if she is about to walk into Blankey who is near by and out of her walk way.
She turns her furry head/face to him as he turns his furry head/face to her as well. .. just knowing that she'll want to talk to him .. besides the reason that he could feel her furry stare at him. , almost thought that she'd walk pass him ' after ' greeting him .. and would confront Antevill instead.
Queen Destiny : ( soft and low toned ) '' Hey Blank. '' * small , little smile happily *
Blankey : '' Oh '' hey '' Desi. .. it's been ten years has it. ... ''
Not really sounding like a question.
Queen Destiny softly chuckles at Blankey as both cats start to shoulder bump one another. , and then hug each other as their usual , furry greeting when seeing each other.
After a second of their furry hug .. Blankey and Queen Destiny release as he moves back a step to where he was standing away from Queen Destiny. , and she moves two steps away from Blankey giving him his personal space.
Queen Destiny : '' Oh it ' has ' Blank .. yes it has ... ''
She smiles abit at Blankey abit happily again .. making him smile abit happily at her for the first time since the two cats started talking to each other.
Still holding himself abit .. but also folding his furry , long arms over his furry chest , Blankey's furry smile drops into a still frown for a reason Queen Destiny ' does not ' know.
Blankey : '' So what's up ? ''
Queen Destiny : ( normal toned and abit serious ) '' .. Has a lion named Dan - as one of my new , royal servants , have come to the right entrance of Tawny's territory , came to talk to you all about this meeting .. that I've established , by any chance ? ''
Blankey : '' Uh .. ( almost in feeling ) yes ! .. he did. He said that it's urgent and it's the Queen's order .. right then and there. ... ''
She takes an almost eager , furry step closer to Blankey .. because of the next question she's about to ask him.
Queen Destiny : '' What did Tawny say about this ? ''
Blankey easily notices Queen Destiny's furry body language and recent action as he cool and calmly looks up and down at her abit in thought of why did she move a step closer to him. , and after the moment she has .. he easily caught onto the reason. Tawny ' is ' the reason. .. but why ? .. what does she care about him ?
He pushes these questions out of his furry mind .. and ' still ' answers Queen Destiny's question as best as he can.
Blankey : '' In his usually cold , mean and heartless way .. he said that he'll * air quotes using his furry , front paws in front of Queen Destiny * think * holds himself as if he's cold again * long and hard about either .. showing up to this meeting or not. .. ''
Queen Destiny blinks at Blankey as he talks. , listening closely to him in thought.
Blankey : '' By the way that he said these words .. sounded like he seriously ' didn't ' care , sounded arrogant and obviously had nothing to do with him .. or his time. ''
Queen Destiny : '' Ugh. .. * sighs abit * sounds ' exactly ' like Tawn. .. '' * rolls her furry , dark/light brown eyes abit in annoyance in thought of Tawny * * , in front of Blankey *
Blankey : '' Why do you ask ? .. why do you want to know ? ''
Queen Destiny : '' Because ... - ''
She stops talking as she pauses in front of Blankey. , now turning her furry head/face to look at him. Blankey arches his right , furry , black eyebrow over his baby blue and dark blue ringed eye at her in confusion and in deep , deep curiosity.
The same time he smirks abit at her in entertained and almost satisfied wonder .. because it proves his questions and curiosities in his furry head right. .. that Queen Destiny is interested in Tawny - probably always has , passed the obvious truth that every cat in her pride knows .. that Queen Destiny and Tawny have been frienemies for years.
Blankey : * leans his furry head/face abit closer to Queen Destiny * * , keeping his furry , entertained and satisfied look onto his furry face * '' ... ''
Understanding the furry look that Blankey has given her .. she smiles abit playfully at him while she blushes abit red in thought of Tawny for a moment. .. have been caught red handed fair and square by Blankey.
Queen Destiny : * still blushing abit red in thought of Tawny * ( normal toned and playfully said ) '' Shut .. up Blank. ! * playfully slaps him onto his left , furry arm with her right , furry paw abit hard * * Blankey laughs abit softly .. happy to have caught her in admitting that she is interested in Tawny like that * .. I was only curious .. since Tawn is always around - and makes his special entrance , and ends up coming late to these kinds of important , big meetings of mine. .. ''
Queen Destiny : '' I thought he'd be here by now. ... ''
Blankey : '' Well Desi .. he isn't. .. And I don't know if he is. .. When I left to go to this meeting , Tawn made it ' very clear ' .. that he does NOT want to go to this meeting .. because of a little , male cub. .. ''
Queen Destiny : * widens her dark/light brown eyes abit in some surprise and in thought of Solo more * '' Oh. ! .. so almost ' every ' cat hear say about the male cub .. that I've found with me today already. ? ''
Blankey : '' Well yeah Desi. .. First , one of the lioness in your big hunt .. spotted the new , male cub with Abblie when she was walking by. .. and then a whole number of other cats started spotting the cub .. all pointing at him with our furry paws in surprise. .. - You know that word goes around Sundaya fast ... ''
Queen Destiny : '' Yeah .. I know Blank. .. I ' almost ' foolishly thought .. that I could've hid Solo more .. rather than even introduce him to my pride after Kipster nearly blew his lid about Solo more to me. .. ''
Blankey : '' Who's Solo more ? ''
Queen Destiny : '' I've already decided to name the cub by this. .. I'm not even sure if he has a name .. because he can't talk yet. , so I won't know until he is able to talk for the very first time. .. ''
Blankey : '' Hold on .. wait. , let's back this up. * Queen Destiny blinks at him abit as she nods her furry head/face twice in understanding * ( sounding very entertained ) So Kip almost nearly flipped out on you .. because of Solo more ? ''
Queen Destiny : '' Yes. .. we argued about it for ' more ' than ten minutes. , and then stopped for I don't know how long. .. Kipster thought that Solo more will be a threat to many cats in my pride .. ' and ' an intruder. .. Just like I bet a-lot of cats in this very , very large crowd thinks. .. ''
Blankey : '' Well I don't think that. .. he's still young. , he'll ' be ' competition when he grows up .. or at least gets older. .. Like in his teen years. ... ''
Queen Destiny : '' Yeah. ... '' * turns her furry head/face to look at King Kip with Antevill *
Blankey : '' Hey Desi , * Queen Destiny almost quickly turns her furry head/face to look at him * admit to me .. that you were looking forward to seeing Tawn in this meeting today .. and that maybe you ' still ' have strong , love feelings for him. .. ''
Queen Destiny : '' Nah Blank. , I'll admit that I ' was ' looking forward to seeing Tawn to this meeting today. .. but there's no way in ' hell ' .. am I admitting that I ' still ' have strong , love feelings for Tawn. .. I'm with Kipster now ... ''
Blankey : '' Desi .. I always notice how you both treat , talk and act towards one another. .. I especially pay attention to your furry , body language .. : you both ' do ' still have strong , love feelings for each other. .. ' very ' strong. ''
Queen Destiny : * pauses * * , looks at Blankey then blushes abit red in thought of Tawny * '' ... ''
Blankey : '' .. And Tawn has nothing but ' good ' intentions .. when it comes to love with you. .. Almost abit like Kip when it comes to love too. ... ''
Queen Destiny pauses in front of Blankey and then blinks at him in thought about what he said. , looking almost as if she's either stupid enough to believe what Blankey said about Tawny .. or stupid enough to fall for what Blankey said about Tawny.
.. But whenever Blankey says something about Tawny .. he's always right. .. He's the ONLY lion - out of many lions in Tawny's collision , that knows Tawny inside and out .. and from every angle possible. And she trusts him. ...
Blankey looks back at her waiting for Queen Destiny to answer him.
Queen Destiny : '' ... ''
Queen Destiny : '' I'm sure that's true about Tawn .. since I once ' was ' with him in the past but ... - ''
Before Queen Destiny could say anything , she ends up hearing Daunnie's raised voice calling for her. , and then two seconds later Dantie tent's normal and low toned voice is heard as he talks to her. Explaining his tardiness.
Daunnie : ( normal and raised tone of voice ) '' Oh Miss highness ! , miss highness ! ''
Queen Destiny and Blankey seem to be the only two cats within her royal tower .. to have noticed Daunnie running onto her short , furry fours closer and closer to the both of them. , after having passed through the right side , open entrance of her tower as the rest of the cats in the very , very large crowd do not seem to take any notice at all. .. Or even care about Daunnie's furry presence.
When Daunnie steps onto the ledge attached to Queen Destiny's tower .. where the royals are , she trots her way to Queen Destiny and Blankey .. now not saying anything. , because she has stopped trotting to them while she gets onto her short , furry two's as she takes a moment to catch her breath in front of Queen Destiny and Blankey.
Blankey : ( softly , but Queen Destiny and Daunnie have heard ) ( , sounding nervous ) '' Um ... ? ''
Queen Destiny : ( softly , but Blankey and Daunnie have heard ) ( , sounding nervous ) '' Mmm ? ''
After hinting that ' now ' .. would be a good time for Daunnie to say something to them .. and tell Queen Destiny why was she calling her for mostly , Queen Destiny and Blankey almost quickly turn their furry heads/faces to look at one another blankly .. yet in confused thought on what Daunnie is doing in front of them. Wondering why isn't she saying anything to them yet.
When Daunnie starts to catch her breath easily now .. she lifts her furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny and Blankey. , mostly meeting Queen Destiny's dark/light brown , furry eyes.
Daunnie : ( for some reason , strangely low toned and almost soft ) * pants abit .. as if to herself * '' I mean .. Desi , - ''
She pauses again before she turns her furry head/face to acknowledge Blankey's furry presence next. By interrupting herself in front of Queen Destiny .. before continuing her sentence.
Daunnie : '' Oh .. hey Blankey. ''
Her voice ' still does ' sound nice and almost sweet .. like King Kip's voice.
Blankey nods his furry head/face at her in a friendly greeting .. then smiles at her gentle and so very friendly.
Blankey : '' Hey Daun. .. ''
Daunnie turns her furry head/face to Queen Destiny .. who still has been watching her. , waiting rather patient and seriously for her to tell her what she needs to tell her .. if she called her for some reason ...
Daunnie : '' I keep forgetting that I don't work for you .. and that I'm not your servant anymore. .. * pants abit * - Right. ''
Queen Destiny nods her furry head/face once at Daunnie in understanding. , pretty much used to Daunnie making this mistake now. .. Even if only .. almost constantly for ten years now.
Queen Destiny : * small smiles abit happily at Daunnie * '' It's alright Daun .. it's no bother. ... Now what ' is it ' that you must tell me. ... ''
Almost sounding rude just alittle bit at the end of her sentence. , but mostly serious and very focused at this matter.
Daunnie : '' I'm sorry to be late as a royal .. I'm ' still ' trying to get the hang of this. .. and , oh ! .. there's a-lot going on .. by the right side of Tawny's entrance to his territory. ... I don't think that any lions that were celebrating those lions that have returned to Sundaya since the hyena invasion .. have left the area with Tawny. .. ''
Queen Destiny almost quickly turns her furry head/face to look directly at Blankey.
Queen Destiny : '' Blank did you know about this ? .. every lion that was celebrating with Tawn - in which was probably ten minutes ago , is ' still ' there ? ''
Blankey : * takes a quick , furry look from Daunnie .. then back to Queen Destiny in surprised thought about what Daunnie said * '' No Desi. .. no I didn't. .. Once Dan told me about the meeting .. I talked abit with Tawn .. and me and I ( Ioan ) went to this meeting early together. .. since I know that you don't like tardiness. ... ''
Queen Destiny : ( musing , she speaks abit more low and soft toned as if to herself ) '' Then .. if Tawn and his collision are still there .. then they all must be - ... ''
Dantie tent : ( almost raised his voice abit more louder over the very, very large crowd of cats ) * pants abit * '' Oh Miss highness .. thank Kinny that you are here .. and not any where else in Sundaya. .. ''
By the sound of Dantie tent's voice .. has Blankey and Daunnie immediately turn their furry heads/faces and colored eyes away from Queen Destiny and to Dantie tent - one of Queen Destiny's royal , new servants , who is now running his way up onto the ledge attached to her royal tower all royals are on .. onto his long , furry fours.
Of course .. the crowd of cats and royals : King Kip , Ioan and Antevill do not notice his furry presence and return .. just as well as Daunnie's furry presence and return.
When he reaches close enough to the trio of Queen Destiny , Blankey and Daunnie still standing onto her short , furry two's by Queen Destiny's left side , Dantien tent gets onto his long , furry two's - for some reason .. I don't know , and looks at Queen Destiny. .. The first cat he chooses to speak to rather than Daunnie , Blankey , Ioan .. or King Kip and Antevill.
Queen Destiny : '' Well I ' was ' taking a quick run some where with Kipster before we got here. .. with Solo more and Abbs. , ' all ' three of us thinking .. that we were late for our own , big , important meeting .. involving this male cub ... Why would Kipster and I ' not ' be here ? ''
Dantientent : * pants alittle in front of the furry trio * * , then looks up at Queen Destiny mostly .. to Blankey and Daunnie again * '' Never mind that question Miss majesty. .. * looks at her in thought of her question * - Though you ' do ' have a point. ... * he tilts his furry head/face to his left .. having alittle bit of space pass Daunnie and Blankey to see King Kip talking to Antevill in the background * your majesty. ... ''
Ignoring Antevill's trail of thought to him in their current conversation , King Kip quickly turns his furry head/face to look at the lion that he thought called him. .. Well who else would it be ? .. that's right. Dantietent. This gets his attention.
King Kip : '' ... ''
After Antevill stops talking and has finished his thought - though it was already ignored by King Kip , he quickly turns his furry head/face to Dantietent. , where the trio : Queen Destiny , Blankey and Daunnie are .. almost nearly close to the exit of the ledge attached to Queen Destiny's royal tower.
Sir Antevill : '' ... ''
Even Ioan - after staring around into the very , very large crowd of cats for a long while .. and staring into space about Blankey and stuck in his thoughts , almost quickly turns his furry head/face to Dantietent .. to listen and see what's going on right now.
Ioan : '' ... ''
Dantietent : ( still raising his voice .. loud enough for Queen Destiny , King Kip , Blankey , Ioan , Daunnie and Antevill to hear ) '' We've got a major problem .. ' and ' a change of plans. ... ''
Queen Destiny spoke up .. almost interrupting Dantietent.
Queen Destiny : '' Did you establish this meeting .. and tell as many cats as you know here .. as possible ? ''
Dantientent : '' - Oh yes Miss highness .. that was the easy , piece of cake part. .. ''
Dantietent : '' But the problem is .. I think Tawny will be coming to this meeting .. as an uninvited visitor. .. Well .. he assumed that you didn't include him in this meeting. ... ''
Queen Destiny : '' Yeah .. Kipster and I did. .. ' all ' cats in my pride are free to come to this meeting .. especially if they want to. .. * looks at King Kip * ( raises her voice abit ) Right Kip ? ''
King Kip : ( raises his voice right back to Queen Destiny ) '' That's right Desi. .. ''
Blankey , Ioan , Dantietent , Antevill and Daunnie's furry heads/faces almost quickly turn right back to look Queen Destiny and then Dantietent last .. since he's still talking to all of them.
Dantientent : '' And the change of plans .. is that , most cats coming from Tawn's collision ' does not ' want to go .. just because of a male cub. .. But they might .. who knows ? ''
All cats get into a pause and get quiet in thought of everything that Dantientent has said and warned to them so far. ..
All thoughts get interrupted and lost when Dantientent spoke up. , neither cats knew that he wasn't finished talking yet. .. Probably wanting them sink in what he has told all of them so far .. ' then ' announce more .. ' still ' in awkward silence and uncomfortable tension about Tawny.
Dantietent : '' - Oh and Tawny is bringing a group of lions with him. .. ( said as if low toned to himself and he's not sure ) I think .. a large group of lions too ... maybe one of the new comers. ... ''
Queen Destiny looks at King Kip who looks down at the dirt ground in uncomfortable thought about Tawny. , but can't hear what he is saying to himself.
King Kip : ( still in uncomfortable thought because of Tawny ) '' Mmm ... ''
Antevill turns his furry head/face to talk to Ioan rather hostile and heated in his voice. , who turns his furry head/face to listen to him in thought as he looks at him when Antevill talks .. and when Antevill stops talking , he takes a quick , furry look to look at all of the other cats in the trio. , and then repeats the same pattern.
Sir Antevill : * trailing off to Ioan rather hostile and heated ) ( very unhappily ) '' ... ''
Ioan : '' ... ? ''
Queen Destiny almost quickly turns her furry head/face to talk to Daunnie. , trailing off with her .. that Blankey has blocked their voices out. And the conversation between Antevill and Ioan.
Blankey : ( in his furry head ) '' Ugh ... - Tawny .. - it's ALWAYS as soon as I leave somewhere around Sundaya .. you go and start something. .. It's like you don't want things to be peaceful and as they are right now. - What are you up to ? ''
He gets out of his thoughts just when he hears Queen Destiny's voice. , and the question that is for him. Not realizing that she must've quickly turned her furry head/face to look at him .. after having a short talk with Daunnie.
Queen Destiny : ( low and normal toned again ) '' I don't know ' why ' would Tawn want to bring new comers here at this big , important meeting Daun. .. I bet he was lying or bluffing when he said that. .. And no , I don't know the reason to this thought of mine .. but I ' do ' know Tawn. * almost quickly looks at Blankey * What do you think Blank ? ''
Blankey pauses in front of Queen Destiny and Daunnie. , looking at Daunnie first who is looking intently back at him .. waiting for him to say how he feels to the both of them. , then he turns his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny again.
Blankey : ( normal toned , but almost sounding unsure ) ( , but has NO idea what he's hearing about Tawny from Dantietent right now ) '' Well .. Tawn ' did ' not tell or mention to me any of this. .. So ... I think - ''
He doesn't get the chance to talk when one of Tawny's lions in his large group that is with him ' and ' in his collision .. roars as loud enough within Queen Destiny's royal tower .. it's enough to have the very , very large crowd of cats in front of Queen Destiny's royal tower go quiet. , as they all quickly whip their furry heads/faces ahead to where the sound of the familiar roar was coming from.
Royals : Queen Destiny , King Kip , Ioan , Daunnie and Antevill all quickly turn their furry heads/faces ahead to the exit of the ledge they're on .. to Queen Destiny's royal tower. , because that's where the sound of the familiar roar came from. .. And they know .. that now is the time that Tawny has arrived to this big , important , royal meeting very , very late. Dantietent and Blankey's furry , colored to baby blue and dark blue ringed eyes have never left the direction the familiar roar has come from.
... ?
All cats in Queen Destiny's royal tower area get quiet .. and no cat has said or spoken anything .. in their cat language. Even the cubs and Solo more himself. All cats can do is breath .. and some try to hold their breath and not make a sound .. as if Tawny will penalize or be on their case about it. All cats can almost blink .. while all are stuck in their thoughts and don't know what to do right now.
The lioness from Queen Destiny's core that are three ledges from the top .. all happen to be onto their furry , long or short fours already close by the edge .. and waiting to be ready for anything .. or hear anything just like the many cats that are down below. .. Every cat and cub ' doesn't ' move - or probably can't .. freezing in place , or even turn their furry heads/faces to look at one another .. in thought of what's about to happen. , as if they all can't move their furry heads/faces.
In sync , the cats that were once crowding up the right side of Queen Destiny's tower .. and the exit to the ledge all royals are on , quickly move of Tawny's way who isn't shown walking onto his long , furry fours abit slowly - because he can , quite yet. For now .. we can quickly see a path created and then Tawny comes walking slowly .. his way to the entrance of the ledge all royals are on.
All cats .. furry , colored eyes watch Tawny and some can't even move their furry heads or faces .. for personal reasons that I do not know. All cats can hear the soft and approaching scrapping sound of Tawny's long , furry fours from front , furry paws .. to long , hind legs. , expect the silent swishing of his long , furry tail. Unbothered by many , furry stares , Tawny doesn't pay any mind to all of the cats and cubs .. that are still staring and watching him slowly walk his way onto the ledge all royals are already standing on .. and daringly turns his furry head/face from left to right .. in a rather slow to fast motion and turn. , making furry contact with any cat that he can. , and don't care how intimidating , intense and maybe deadly that it looks.
In deep concern for the cub .. Solo more , Dantietent still .. almost quickly walks onto his long , furry two's pass the royals that are onto the ledge .. and Blankey. , and reaches pass Solo more's left , furry side .. but also by Blankey's left , furry side before Tawny can meet furry face to face with him.
Just as Tawny does meet up with Dantietent's furry face to face .. now standing onto his long , furry two's , he's in the middle of turning his furry head/face to look Dantietent almost closely .. yet still very intimidating , intense .. and to add , threateningly. , after still looking at many , many cats in Queen Destiny's pride .. that are in her royal tower and area for the meeting.
Dantietent lets out a soft , yet nervous and uncomfortable chuckle .. on the inside to himself. , as he takes a step back away from Tawny as if he was in Tawny's way. Although still looking at Tawny right back .. now he breaks furry , eye contact .. because it's too much for him , but almost quickly turning his furry head/face away from Tawny and ahead as if into space and like a soldier or guard would .. if guarding a place outside.
Still looking at Dantietent .. for another three seconds , Tawny '' hmph's '' rather softly to himself .. as if having gotten the better of Dantietent - one of Queen Destiny's new , royal servants , then turns his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny and ONLY at Queen Destiny before any other royal.
Obviously having business and ' much ' tension , heat and meat to cut 'n share - rather than fight with her. Tawny talks to Queen Destiny .. as he starts to walk up more slowly his way to Queen Destiny until he is all up in her furry face .. and leaning his furry head/face abit down to look and study her .. since he's abit taller than her.
Tawny : ( normal toned of voice raised loud enough for all cats to hear ) ( , obviously sounding uninterested , unentertained , cold and cruel with his choice of words .. not liking at all what's happening here in Sundaya ) '' So ... you dawl .. 'n Kippy * King Kip tenses abit at the sound of his old nick name that Tawny gave him .. ever since the past and when they were together * * breaking into a little smile .. but tries to come off uncomfortable and shy about it .. since he'd be smiling ' about ' Tawny .. not unhappily * , invite all the cats in ' you ' both's pride .. and ' didn't ' even bother to include .. or consult with me about it ? ''
Tawny : * now up into Queen Destiny's furry face * * , looking at her .. and still speaking loud enough for all cats to hear and not breaking eye contact with her at all * '' Why .. I ' feel ' offended .. and ( still faking his tone of voice ) hurt by this. ... ''
He smirks abit mysterious .. yet deeply interested at Queen Destiny. , into her furry , abit narrow eyes , tense and ready to say something sassy .. furry , facial expression. , obviously looking like she either can't stand Tawny .. or can't stand him.
Queen Destiny starts to pant abit softly .. as if hesitant and nervous in front of Tawny. , as he doesn't move , doesn't stop looking at her and is still studying EVERYTHING her long , furry body is doing in front of him. .. Leaving out no details. Panting enough for all cats in this royal area to see the almost quick rises and falls of her furry chest.
The truth is .. right now , Queen Destiny has NEVER felt hesitant , uneasy , yet turned on .. and clearly interested by intense , furry attention from Tawny and as if coy and subtle in all her furry life.
Her voice doesn't show hesitation , uneasy , yet turned on .. and clearly interested by intense , furry attention by Tawny. , but obviously the inside of her furry body and ' mainly ' body language is saying this to Tawny .. in which is saying different from the words that are coming out of her mouth.
Queen Destiny : ( normal toned .. and voice now raised loud enough for all cats and cubs to hear again ) '' Well Dan ' should've ' told you that you ' weren't ' invited to this big , important , royal meeting. .. because what would ' you ' care about a male cub for anyway ? ''
Queen Destiny : '' Blank happened to tell me the ' same ' , exact point. .. It's just something that you would say .. ' and ' is like you Tawn. .. ''
Dantientent : ( sounding rather apologetic ) '' Sorry Miss highness. .. ''
All cats in the very , very large crowd .. furry eyes are now on Dantietent. , just as Queen Destiny and Tawny both turn their furry heads/faces to look at Dantietent.
By the furry looks onto Queen Destiny and Tawny's furry face , - Tawny : a fierce looking , a gapped grin that almost opens his furry mouth and abit narrow eyed , furry face expression. , and Queen Destiny's furry , front , backwards paws onto her widened , furry hips and her abit narrow eyed and furry frowning , facial expression ; makes Dantietent not say anything anymore .. then he puts his furry head/face down as if shyly and should've said what he said to both of them. , and in front of all cats and cubs.
Tawny starts to chuckle abit softly at what Queen Destiny just said .. and in front of the cats , cubs and herself. Then quickly low growls at her .. as he picks his furry head/face to still look fiercely at her.
Tawny : '' Don't be that way dawl. .. ( raises his voice more ) I just thought .. that I could help take the cub off of your paws. .. ''
He snaps his right , furry paw and all cats quickly turn their furry heads/faces to look at Tawny's large group of lions that are still in the path created .. that Tawny went through. , in a small , gapped line in between each lion .. and the royals to Queen Destiny can especially see Ocedensis and his reinforcements , Nip , Slyimore and other furry , familiar faces. , obviously having competitive and murderous , furry looks. .. And other lions from behind these lions start to growl after one another .. as if in order about the male cub.
Queen Destiny : '' No ! * Tawny quickly turns his furry head/face to look back at her * .. he stays with me and Kipster. .. ''
Tawny : ( says as if entertained .. and he enjoys arguing with her ) '' Dawl , ( back to normal toned .. and voice raised the same way as it is before ) give ' me ' the male cub. .. * leans his furry head/face closer to her again * From what many cats in your pride know .. ' you ' don't want cubs. .. ''
He tilts his furry head/face abit from left to right .. a couple of times in front of her face. , outwitting her with another , true comeback.
Seeing enough of this - and thought that his Queen should confront Tawny freely and for now .. because she knows how to handle and deal with him .. until it gets out of hand ; King Kip quickly runs onto his long , furry fours over to Queen Destiny's left , furry side. , just as Daunnie moves out of his way to her left. .. and ' still ' stands by King Kip's left side. , and leans his furry head/face close at Tawny to low growl at him unfriendly and uninvitingly. Onto his long , furry two's.
King Kip : '' ... ''
Not seeming to be bothered by King Kip's usual , mean , low growls .. Tawny turns his furry head/face to look up and down at him in thought. , and then smirks the same way he smirked abit at Queen Destiny .. when he was all up in her furry face and started talking to her.
Queen Destiny and King Kip could hear a soft : '' Hmph ! '' coming from Tawny .. and then a soft chuckle that he does right now. , in front of them for the rest of the cats to hear and in front of the cats and cubs.
Tawny : '' Hey .. fierce Kippy. , looking as adorable and handsome enough. .. almost nearly as pretty enough to be a lioness. ''
Using his charm as a weapon - almost known for his charm , he leans his furry head/face to look at King Kip then up and down abit interested and almost seductively .. knowing enough that if he continues to hold this furry look - and he will , it'll make King Kip lose his guard and tense up abit in front of him .. like he just watched Queen Destiny's furry , body language tense up .. and was ' close ' to losing her guard in front of him.
Sometimes .. he can use his charm on Queen Destiny , but he ' knows ' that she can easily play up some charm too .. to tease him abit. , and ' then ' lure him in her seductiveness all on her own to him. But one point ' he knows ' when it comes to Queen Destiny .. is she responds to boldness. Bold acts .. NOT shyness.
Tawny ' almost ' sees King Kip give him a reaction through his furry , body language ' and ' towards his charm.
King Kip : '' Tawn ... * can't help but blush abit red at Tawny's compliment .. but mostly charm * - thank you. , but ( obviously sounding uncomfortable , nervous and doesn't really know how to respond to Tawny's charm ) you know that I'm NOT a lioness. ''
Queen Destiny quickly turns her furry head/face to look at Tawny after looking at King Kip. , after rolling her dark/light brown eyes at the thought of Tawny trying to play up his charm on her King right now .. in front of her.
Queen Destiny : '' And a lioness you aren't Kip ! - leave this meeting concerning the male cub Tawn. , you're not ' wanted ' and ' welcome ' here. .. ''
Tawny : '' Aw dawl .. ' pu-lease ' stop trying to hurt my feelings. .. It's only going to back fire at you .. and Kippy. ... '' * looks at King Kip *
King Kip turns his furry head/face to his left away from Tawny as if shyly.
King Kip : '' ... ''
Queen Destiny low growls to herself in some annoyance at Tawny. , regretting to ask Dantietent to never ask Tawny about meetings like these .. ever again.
Tawny : '' I hear say .. you two are gettin' married. ... ''
King Kip : ( almost sounding like he's mimicking Tawny ) '' That's right Tawn ! '' * shakes his furry head/face abit from left to right in front of Tawny .. to obviously state his point in some annoyance *
Ignoring King Kip , Tawny turns his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny. , always interested in what she has to say. , loving how difficult and hard as rock she is. ..
Queen Destiny : '' ' Happily ' .. married. .. ''
Tawny : '' .. Well isn't that sweet .. mixed with sugary with raspberries on top ! , .. ( after faking his tone of voice .. he speaks in his normal yet still raised tone of voice ) - Let's ' hope ' the both of you reach the happy part. ... ''
Lions in Tawny's collision that are in a long line .. in the path that Tawny already walked through .. start to laugh or softly chuckle out of spite , mean , usual coldness from Tawny and trickery.
The very , very large crowd of cats all remain silent and don't laugh or softly chuckle at what Tawny said. , still listening to the conversation between Tawny and Queen Destiny. .. Even the cubs.
King Kip : '' Tawn .. * by the sound of his voice .. has Tawny turn his furry head/face to look at him , not at all affected by his voice on the outside * ( , but feeling blown away romantically on the inside ) ( pleading , obviously trying to sound very careful not to get Tawny to sound more fiercer , annoyed or agitated .. as if gentle ) please don't interfere in our very large wedding. ... ''
Tawny blinks at King Kip the same .. gentle , cute and adorable way that he always does when talking to cats.
Tawny : ( faking a gentle and pleading as if softly .. kind of voice ) '' Awwwww ... - ''
Lions from his very , very large crowd join along in fake '' Awww's '' , clearly not going to give King Kip what he simply asked for .. and requested with his Queen : Destiny.
Tawny : '' - and please ' don't ' ignore and cast aside a very .. important and still ' royal ' member of dawl's pride .. just after cat nonsense and furry bull that has happened ten years ago. ... ''
This makes the very , very large crowd of cats turn their furry heads/faces to murmur abit softly in side conversations about Tawny's point. .. He's right .. and has a point. .. He is ' still ' a royal member in Queen Destiny's pride even ' if ' he isn't wanted or shouldn't be on Sundaya grounds after ten years ago. .. His collision needs him .. and many , many cats in Queen Destiny's pride ' still ' reply and depend on Tawny after being a good King so far .. ten years ago when Queen Destiny left Sundaya .. on her way to Uprising to bring Kip back to where he belongs.
In Sundaya with her. .. and all of the other members in her pride. Many , many cats ' needs ' Tawny's integrity , leadership , demand , strictness .. though in a very cold and merciless way .. like his father : Red .. persistence , determination , perseverance and strength. ..
No wonder most cats felt that something was left and missing in Sundaya .. when Tawny left to : '' Juviselle Dawn '' for personal reasons of his own. , probably because Tawny must've carried this '' missing part '' with him.
Antevill shakes his furry head/face left and right abit at what he's hearing in Queen Destiny and Tawny's conversation. He's had enough of all this fake persuasion from Tawny and all of this procrastination he's doing in front of Queen Destiny , all of the other royals , the rest of the cats , the cubs ' and ' Solo more.
Sir Antevill : '' ... ''
Not saying anything , he throws his furry head/face back .. to roar as loud as he can again , in order to shut every cat in Queen Destiny's royal and popular tower area up.
.. And every cat ' in ' this area does get quiet. , the very , very large crowd of cats quickly turn their furry heads/faces to look ahead at the Guardian of Sundaya that did roar for silence .. and then at all of the other royals. Queen Destiny and Tawny turn their furry heads/faces to look back at one another. , King Kip does the same two seconds after both furry royals have.
Daunnie , Blankey , Dantie tent and Ioan turn their furry heads/faces to look at Tawny and Queen Destiny. , ready to listen to the rest of their conversation.
Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to smile abit thankfully at Antevill. , understanding Queen Destiny's little , thankful smile .. he smirks abit gratefully at her .. like saying : '' You're welcome '' to her.
Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face back to look at Tawny .. who still hasn't taken his very light , hazel eyes off of her. Probably was looking up and down abit at her quickly when she was looking at Antevill.
Queen Destiny : ( normal toned again .. but still raised ) ( , but gathering more of her usual pluckiness ) ( not sounding very nice .. but very mean ) '' You want to be a part of this .. ' so ' badly .. huh Tawn. * knowing that it doesn't really sound like a question , Tawny nods his furry head/face only plain and firmly at her in satisfied agreement * well ' fine. ' .. You're in this cub mess .. just as many cats in my pride here are. .. ''
Tawny remains silent .. still studying her as he cocks his furry head/face to her. , to his left at her in curiosity .. rather than mistaken or mis looked .. to be confusion.
Tawny : '' ... ''
Queen Destiny : '' What with .. all of the cat nonsense and ' bull ' .. that ' will ' come along with it. .. Just so you know. ... '' * smirks abit enough to hit a nerve or get a reaction from Tawny *
Instead of a reaction , she gets a witty , yet hot comeback from Tawny. , and hit a nerve too.
Tawny : '' Dawl .. you ' know ' .. there isn't anything in ' your ' pride .. and mine .. that'll be ' bull ' and ' nonsense. ' .. It's like being apart of this * air quotes with his front , furry paws * '' cub mess '' * puts his furry , front paws down by his hips or sides * .. was a ' very ' open and inviting opportunity that was made for me. .. and my collision. ... ''
By the sound of Tawny's voice , she ' knows ' that he doesn't mean what he says so truthfully and in deep earnest .. as it is suppose to sound. , and being a young , male lion that is true to his word. It ' means ' that Tawny already has a catty and very trickery act in plan .. and is almost waiting for ' any ' cat to fall into his plan. .. ' with ' his collision.
Blankey stares in blank wonder at what Tawny has said to Queen Destiny. , as he looks abit quickly up and down at him once in deep thought. .. ' That ' thought of ' still ' not knowing what Tawny is up to now. .. And he - of all lions in Tawny's collision , ' should ' know. .. as his life long friend ever since cub hood.
Blankey : '' ... ''
He ' knows ' that it could be a trap .. and a trickery and careful warning at the same time. ..
Queen Destiny : '' Then it is settled that we talk this out .. and use the rest of our pride's opinion to pass through this cub , personal matter ? ''
Tawny : '' Of course. .. for now ... ''
Both furry royals turn their furry heads/faces to look at the very , very large crowd of cats that start to cheer as happily as before. .. while King Kip turns his furry head/face to join all the looking and staring at the very , very large crowd of cats cheering and cat language .. that expresses each cat's feelings towards this personal , cub situation. This only lasts for a moment.
Still in this moment for a few , more seconds , Antevill nods his furry head/face a few times in agreement and understandingly .. at all of what Queen Destiny said so far .. talking and still debating against Tawny. Ioan turns his furry head/face to look at the Guardian of Sundaya .. and then smirks abit seeing how cool he is about all of this between Queen Destiny and Tawny so far .. then looks ahead at the very , very large crowd of cats yet in space .. to frown abit sad and seriously in thought. , ' knowing ' what Tawny meant when he said to Queen Destiny about this opportunity being made for him and his collision.
But should he decide to try to talk to Blankey about it .. even if Blankey ' doesn't ' want to talk to him .. ' or ' wants anything to do with him ? .. Would their talk .. making them open to their friendship - and ' more ' than friendship , make them talk again and forget whatever the reason it was that teared them apart ?
Cats : * cheering almost slowly tries to die down * '' ... ''
In all such cheering , Tawny takes this chance to almost quickly grab for Queen Destiny's left , furry paw and pulls her close to his furry , long body. .. So she'll be pressed up against his long , furry body and her furry , front paws lay above his furry , iron hard chest.
She turns her furry head/face to look close and deeply into Tawny's furry face and very light , hazel eyes with her furry head/face already leaned close to Tawny's furry head/already leaned forward to her .. furry face.
Her furry , front paws trying to push Tawny away from her .. because she's strongly committed to King Kip. , but now that Tawny has already wrapped above Queen Destiny's furry , widened , womanly and sexy hips .. he has this stubborn , possessive and hard grip to this furry hold of his towards her. Her furry , long tail into a long curl from behind her long , furry body .. for a reason that she does not know.
Tawny : ( speaking in a very low and soft , yet deep and seductive tone of voice ) '' Are you ' really ' committed to Kippy dawl ? ''
Queen Destiny blinks at Tawny .. like he has asked her a dumb and stupid question. Still looking at him blankly. , of course she is !
But hearing and paying close attention to the way Tawny has said this .. his choice of words and the way he has already told her this , makes her think twice .. and more deeply. , even if she is confident and already knows her answer. .. But she knows better to be careful .. that the way Tawny speaks to her .. ' especially ' in this way and manner. .. This is almost ' how ' he gets to cats like Queen Destiny .. or King Kip.
He never really needs his intense , up close , furry , very light , hazel eyes .. to add more effect and convincing to what he wants.
Queen Destiny : ( also in a low , soft , deep and normal tone of voice ) '' As committed as I ever ' was ' .. before you showed up in Sundaya again ten years ago. ... ''
This hits a nerve in Tawny. , and bothers him strongly that pretty soon - one of these days , she'll be given and engaged to King Kip if he ' doesn't ' do something about this .. or ' thinks ' of a way to prevent this from happening. .. And interfering - he remembers King Kip asking him oh so sweet , pleading and gently , is ' out ' of the question. .. And the twist will ' also ' prevent King Kip from being given and snatched up by ' another ' cat. .. same going for Queen Destiny.
- But Queen Destiny won't know that what she said .. about happily going to be engaged to King Kip has hit him in his heart , nerve and strongly bothers him. .. But he might as well let ' Blank ' know. .. just to tell a cat and get it off of his chest. ...
Probably by the way Queen Destiny is still looking at him right now .. waiting for him to say something else , she probably ' already knows. '
Tawny chuckles abit softly at what Queen Destiny said. , easily pretending to not let this bother him strongly .. when he already knows that deep inside .. it's killing EVERY part of him.
Tawny : * his soft chuckle stops shortly * ( as always , sounding mysterious .. enough to leave persuasion and convincing in his voice ) ( in a cold and fake , warm , open and inviting kind of way ) '' If that's ' really ' the way that you feel. ... ''
Queen Destiny : ( almost quickly answers Tawny .. and mimics his tone of voice ) '' Yet ironically it is. ... Hmm. ... '' * she smirks abit challengingly right back at Tawny *
Tawny : ( sounding in fake interest ) '' Ahhh ... - ''
He almost quickly leans his furry head/face pass Queen Destiny's right , furry shoulder and to her right , furry ear.
In a whisper and in cat language .. he talks to her as if telling her a secret and he doesn't want anyone within furry earshot to hear him.
Queen Destiny widens her furry , dark/light brown eyes in surprise at what she is hearing from Tawny right now. , then blushes abit red .. almost as if she was in the hot seat , caught red headed and successfully caught by Tawny.
Queen Destiny and Tawny : '' ... ''
As Tawny continues to go on talking to her in her right , furry ear , she gets stuck in her thoughts for a few seconds. , and also within one , very short moment that is passing and happening right now. .. Tawny's words pop up and play into her furry head again. ..
Tawny : ( still in a fake tone of voice , that sounds as if he cares , is offended or hurt because of Queen Destiny ) '' Why dawl .. I'm hurt and abit offended .. how you just told me such a bold , furry face lie. .. You ' must ' .. rather be given and snatched up by Kippy .. then ' me ' ... knowing that I'll get you .. and get to ' you ' some how. .. So marriage .. is the ' only ' , reliable option that you've got. ... ''
Tawny : '' And .. ' don't ' think that I don't remember how you've acted when I arrived late to the very important , big meeting concerning your old 'n dry , powerless Uncle. I ' already ' know this .. royal game that you're playing with me. .. We done this before for years. .. aren't you getting too old and tired of this ? ''
Some of Tawny's words echo in her furry head too. , repeating : '' of this ? '' , '' of this ? ''
Queen Destiny pauses as she looks blank and thoughtlessly back at Tawny who is ' still ' looking back at her right now. , but his furry head/face is ' still ' leaned close to her.
For once in her royal , furry life .. she is silent and ' doesn't ' have a comeback. .. in which is NOT like her as a lioness with a overly sassy character. She's stumbled .. at such words that Tawny has told her. .. Tawny smirks abit at her in a mean and satisfied way .. ready to see her crack or to see how ' his ' words will get to her. , wondering so very much what's going on in her furry mind.
.. It's NOT that she'd be intimidated by Tawny's word and what he said .. but this is like the get go between them ' all ' over again. .. NOT : trying and chasing after her to get ' her ' to be ' his ' , NOT : being jealous of Kip and get him out of the picture between the two .. as a competition in his eyes , NOT : getting ' more ' percentage of Sundaya .. than it ' used ' to be when he first came to Sundaya as a young , preteen lion after all has went quiet yet normal in Sundaya. , and - even , NOT : about being King of Sundaya anymore.
... Between them is a ' new ' story line .. that it is ' still ' too early for her not to know. , yet ' early enough ' to think about. .. Tawny doesn't ' care ' about the large wedding between herself and King Kip. .. or how good Sundaya is going and the new cub and cat generation/society that has drastically changed : ten years ago. .. All that he - strangely , cares about .. and bringing ' much ' attention to .. for a reason she does NOT know .. but ' wants ' to know : is her. , and also why.
Why ?
.. Why .. her. ? .. if he ' still ' loves King Kip ?
Queen Destiny : * starts to blush abit ' more ' red in front of Tawny lost in thought * * , ' still ' looking at her .. waiting for a reaction or to hit a nerve * '' ... ''