King 7

King Kip looks at Queen Destiny curiously , noticing that her voice sounds alittle different than usual. Sounding alittle hurried , rushed , hearing guilt and holding something back. It's not just .. what she didn't want to talk to him about , it's .. much more deeper than that. Like , what did Touphy do to her .. while they were outside together ?

King Kip : ( says query ) '' Why do you need to go with Touph .. just to get a drink of water ? , getting water doesn't take that long. ''

Queen Destiny : ( voice returns back to normal , to cover up her hidden feeling with Touphy ) '' He just said it himself. He needs the company. ''

Tum tries to distract King Kip , to get him off track and keep from interrogating Queen Destiny and Touphy.

Tum : ( trying to put King Kip at ease ) '' Take it easy your majesty. They just got back. I'm sure they need their space to collect their thoughts and to breath alittle bit. Their talk really must've been something for the both of them. ''

King Kip looks back Queen Destiny and Touphy , before looking Tum.

King Kip : '' Oh. ... right. I almost forgot what you two we're doing out there in the first place. I'm so sorry for interrogating you .. Desi .. and Touph. It wasn't right how I was acting when you two came in here. I was wrong for that. I just .. got so worried for Desi and .. I hope that nothing worse is going on with her .. that she's not telling me about. I was on tether hooks. ''

Queen Destiny smiles alittle positively at her King of Sundaya.

Queen Destiny : '' It's okay Kip , I understand. Apology accepted. I must've had you waiting in here with Tum Tum for so long now .. I didn't realize that until now. Touph and I are done talking. We're so sorry that we let time go by so fast. It's already getting dark. ''

Touphy : '' Yup. , * he looks at the sky and outside * it's now currently evening as we speak. - * looks back at King Kip * From the heart , I am as sorry as Puffs is your kindness. I didn't mean to get you all in a fluster. And like feeling that won't get you to sleep good tonight. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Kip , you know sometimes .. you have a hard time sleeping , hoping that Sundaya is alright by the time you wake up. Touph and Tum Tum are excellent at their jobs. They've got us. ''

She looks at Touphy , trying her best not to blush red while looking deeply into her iceberg , blue eyes.

Touphy smiles at her , and looks at her with so much love that he still has for her.

Touphy : '' It always warms my heart Puffs , when you have so much trust and faith in me and Tum Tum. - ( says aplomb ) We aim to do our best. , we aim to always please and satisfy you .. your difficult ness and kind ness ' and ' we never take no for an answer. ''

Playfully , Touphy starts to flex in front of Queen Destiny. She looks at Touphy lovingly and with very , very deep , powerful and haunting attraction towards him and laughs abit softly as she hugs herself again. Starting to feel alittle cold because a very cool and smooth breeze just glided in the small den. Making her hair strands jump abit.

Tum laughs abit and he is up on his very long , furry fours. , joining in on playfully flexing with his eldest brother Touphy. Something that the furry brothers haven't done in a very long time. Touphy does it , to truthfully impress Queen Destiny with his true , iron strength , Tum does it for fun with his eldest brother.

Queen Destiny laughs even more , and Touphy smiles happily at Queen Destiny. Finally getting her to smile and laugh for just this once.

King Kip couldn't help but smile entertainingly. , happy and obviously not regretting .. Touphy and Tum to watch Sundaya for him. Along with Queen Destiny , he obviously made the right choice. With all that's been going on in Sundaya so far , it feels so good for now to smile and laugh alittle bit , to loosen up the situations that himself and Queen Destiny have to deal with. Like raising Solo more till adult hood , getting the pride to finally accept Solo more , expecting new visitors that will come back to Sundaya after fleeing from the hyena invasion.

So much is in store for them. As for the rest , both royals are going to have to wait and see.

King Kip finally joins in on the laughter with his Queen.

King Kip : * softly laughing *

Touphy and Tum quickly start to play with one another and then Touphy lets Tum tackle him and both lions lay onto the dirt ground.

Queen Destiny smiles widely as she continues to hug herself , looking down at Touphy while brushing her dark black bang away from her right , furry , dark/light brown eye. Touphy catches her be wild about , furry , praising look and then continues to look at her in the exact , same praising but with even more love for her way. He smiles at her back , with a little curve to the left side of his furry , big cheek. Quickly noticing both staring , - just when King Kip walks behind her onto his long , furry two's and hugs Queen Destiny from behind ; Tum playfully scratches Touphy to keep him from staring at Queen Destiny and to stop her from staring at Touphy.

She looks back at King Kip , who leans in to passionately snout kiss her. Just as Touphy quickly jumps and truts his way out of Tum's playfully fighting. Catching the very romantic sight between Queen Destiny and King Kip.

Touphy : '' ... ''

Onto his very long , furry fours abit far away from Tum in the small den , he catches what '' love '' .. he sees .. mostly in King Kip's neon green , closed eyes , but notices Queen Destiny not snout kissing King Kip with feeling ever since they both started talking. Since their talk , he can already see that he was right.

Queen Destiny has lost the flame in loving King Kip. It's no longer there any more.

Noticing his eldest brother's furry stare at Queen Destiny and King Kip , Tum talks to him very softly. , not realizing that Touphy was staring at the Queen and King of Sundaya for so long just now.

Tum : ( talking very softly ) '' So you told her .. that you love her , didn't you ? ''

Touphy looks at him , but still not forgetting how pissed off and angry he is at him. Since Tum looks like , he's forgotten how pissed off he is at him hiding way too many family secrets from him .. that's about ' their family ' ; Touphy sees no harm into talking to his younger brother right back.

Touphy : ( starts to talk very softly too ) '' Yea. ''

He looks back at them , and then puts his furry , big head down. Forcing himself to handle the romantic sight between Queen Destiny and King Kip that he's getting so tired of seeing , because he loves the Queen way too much.

Understanding exactly how Touphy feels and how he's acting , he playfully hits his very long , furry mane. As if saying : '' I'm talkin' to you. '' Now Tum has done this a lot to Touphy , ever since they were cubs. It's normally his gentle way of saying to Touphy : '' Look at me , when I'm talking to you. ''

Understanding the very familiar paw action , Touphy almost slowly looks up at Tum when he's talking to him. His iceberg , blue eyes show passionate love for the Queen and dealing with how their friendship is changing and also damaging Queen Destiny and King Kip's royal relationship itself at the same time.

Tum : ( sounding calmly eager ) '' Well .. what did she say ? , did she say yes ? ''

Touphy : '' Of course she did. , you know me. I didn't let her take no for an answer. ''

Tum : '' You and I .. are ' going ' to have a further talk about that when we're alone again , but .. did you kiss her ? ''

Touphy : '' Yes. , hard and passionately. ''

Tum : '' And she kissed back ? ''

Touphy : '' Yes. ''

Tum : '' You looked like you screwed her too. ''

Touphy : '' That's because I ' did. ' ''

Tum : '' When you both came back into the den , you looked like you had a wonderful time of sexual pleasure with her. ''

Touphy blushes even more red , but his voice is trying hard not to give away how he ' really feels ' about this.

Touphy : '' I did. ''

Tum looks at him joking and very playfully.

Tum : ( still saying very softly ) '' He he , ooh , hoo ! , hoo ! , hoooo ! ''

Touphy : '' This isn't the time for jokes about this Tum Tum. , this is serious. I'm going to have to talk with her ' again ' about this. She could end up being pregnant. , and what's worse is , our friendship is already changing. ''

Touphy : '' I don't know if .. what we did outside , - ''

He is interrupted by Tum , but he doesn't mind the interruption at all.

Tum : '' Had sex. ''

Touphy : * nods his big , furry head while he says this * '' right. - I don't know if us kissing on top of that , means that we're going to be together .. after this. ... ''

Tum : '' It sounds to me , that it's best kept a secret. ''

Touphy : '' But I told her .. that I can't hold in my love feelings for her anymore. I ' can't ' last another day .. keeping .. this a huge secret. It's bad enough that her King doesn't know about this. , well .. ' still ' .. doesn't know. ''

Tum : '' Well .. do you want to be together with her ? ''

Touphy pauses alittle in thought , as if the answer wasn't going to be '' yes. ''

Touphy : '' Of course I want very much to be with her. , I love her so much but , they're both in this huge love triangle where the King loves his best friend ' and ' Tawny .. at the same time. And Igie .. is with Tawny , whom also loves to Tawny too but he isn't treating her right. If anything , he's using her. - But above all , the King ends up being with the Queen in the end. ''

Tum : * gasps abit in surprise and dramatically * '' Get out. ''

Touphy : '' Oh I won't. , this is true Tum Tum. All true. Puffs told me everything. , but I ' already ' knew this long ago , in between the ten years that went by. ''

Tum : '' And you didn't tell me ? ''

Touphy : '' What are you talkin' about idiot ? , you ' do know. ' You're up to date with what's happening. ''

It gets alittle bit quiet between the brothers. Tum looks at the dilemma that his eldest brother is once again in .. and Touphy , is patiently waiting .. for Tum to say something next.


Tum : '' So , how was the sex ? ''

Touphy : ( says with some guilt ) '' Amazing. ''

Touphy : '' , the Queen sure has hell knows how to make love and please a lion. ''

Tum : '' But .. why sound so guilt about it ? , you've wanted her for a very long time. ''

Touphy : '' Because . she's ' still ' my best friend. I ' don't ' want to see her that way , but .. anytime that I'm around her I was just wanna - ''

Tum finishes Touphy's sentences. , understanding exactly how he feels.

Tum : '' Screw the hell out of her ? ''

Touphy : '' Yes. ''

Tum : '' He , he , he ... HA ! , ( sing song ) Go big bro ! , big bro ! ''

Tum : '' , my big brother went and got some from the Queen herself ! , ha ! ''

Touphy quickly covers Tum's furry snout shut with his right , big , furry paw.

Touphy : ( still talking softly , but fiercely ) '' Shut it ! , you ' still ' .. think this is funny ! ? , if you're done making jokes about how much I knocked the Queen up , if I'm going to continue telling you more , this ' better be ' your last joke. Understand ? ''

Volcano , rib tickling , furry eyes blink at Touphy while he nods his big , furry head abit slowly in understanding with what his eldest brother just warned him.

Touphy removes his big , right , furry paw from off of Tum's furry snout.

Touphy : '' Now listen carefully. I didn't expect to '' get some '' .. from the Queen. It just happened. The both of us .. got into an extremely heated moment that .. neither of us could handle. She tried to show a lot of self restrain , telling us that we shouldn't get carried away again , when it ' already ' happened , and I ' knew ' .. that we were going to get carried away again. All I expected when I went outside to talk to her , was to confess my love for her again and told her .. that she's staying with me .. and that she's going to be with me. ''

Tum interrupts him again.

Tum : '' And the big question is , does she want .. to be with you ? ''

Touphy : '' She did say yes at first , but she is ' still ' conflicting with her feelings with Kip. ''

Tum : '' What else .. were your intentions for her , exactly ? ''

Touphy : '' And then steal a snout kiss from her. Those were my ' only ' intentions. Honest brother ! , you believe me don't you ? ''

Tum : '' Of course I do. I always believe everything that you say. Most of the time , that makes me gullible , beguiling and stupid. But .. that's me when I'm with you. ''

He rolls his volcano , big eyes in some annoyance as he says this.

Touphy : '' I was wrong .. for ever viewing that about you Tum Tum. You're not a cub anymore. , even though .. you'll always be a little , male cub in my eyes but , I'm sorry if .. we went through years .. of having you ' think ' .. that I viewed you like that. ''

Tum looks at Touphy condolingly.

Tum : '' Is this your heart strings , trying to butter me up .. way .. of apologizing that you were snapping and arguing with me .. about our parents .. again ? ''

Touphy : '' ( this is his way of saying yes ) '' You could say that. ''

Tum : '' Let's NOT .. ruin the moment .. with family right now. You've got bigger complications. .. Complications that is ' way over in my head ' , since we're being honest here. ... ''

Touphy : '' As honest .. as an honest soul. - Yes , we are. And I very much appreciate the honesty. ''

Tum : '' Oh I know. , you always do. ''


Both lions looks back at Queen Destiny and King Kip. The King playfully twirls her around and then faces her. , as both cats hold each other's paws while kissing with their noses romantically.

Touphy : '' If Desi and I .. ' were together ' , would you support us ? ''

He looks back at Tum plainly. , iceberg , blue eyes begging for his opinion and honest , harsh and real view point towards all of this.

Tum : '' Well .. since you're asking for my opinion so much - sometimes , you never wanna hear it , - ''

He is interrupted by Touphy who answers him very quickly.

Touphy : '' Nonsense Tum Tum. , of course I wanna hear your opinion. ''

Tum : '' Don't try to be nice to me. I am still very pissed and angry with you about our family. ''

Touphy : '' I know , that's why I'm talking to you carefully. - But that's not true. I value your opinion. , even though I don't always say it .. as often as i should. ''

Tum grins alittle happily.

Tum : '' Well that means alot , coming from you. ''

Touphy : '' Well it better. , toughen up. Because .. I ' won't be ' admitting my feelings to you like all of the time. ''

Tum : '' Yea. , I know , I know. - And to answer your question , of course I'll support you .. if you and the Queen were together. When she gets pregnant , just don't ask me to look after the cub. * Touphy chuckles abit * You know that I don't like cubs anymore than you do. ''

Touphy : '' I would ' only like ' cubs if they were mine. , you know that. ''

Tum : '' You and me both. ''

Both lions bump one another playfully. , showing that despite how stubborn and the fact that they never show any weak and loving feelings for each other as brothers , they always express it playfully as their million of ways of saying : '' I love you brother. ''

Touphy : '' Remember our goal when we were cubs ? , we wanted to get big one day and take over Sundaya ? ''

Tum laughs remembering the goal they both shared together since cub hood.

Tum : '' Yea. , you still wanna do that goal one day ? ''

Touphy : '' Yea. , it's a thought. As big as we are , we can take Sundaya any day that we want. You know that. Sometimes .. we don't need to fight and use force to get what we want , like we always do. ''

Touphy : '' As big as we are , we could send all cats in Sundaya .. running for their money. ''

Tum : * chuckles some more softly in agreement * '' And the Queen would be ' your Queen. ' ''

Touphy : * nods his big , furry head at Tum in agreement * '' Hell , she's ' already ' my Queen. And I'm going to fight for her. ''

Tum : '' You need back up ? ''

Both lions look troublesomely at one another.

Touphy : '' Now you know .. the answer to that question already. You're ' my ' backup. ''

Tum : '' Brothers forever. ''

Touphy : '' and al throughout the royals' reigns. ''

Just when Touphy and Tum finish talking , King Kip talks to them while Queen Destiny holds him close to the left side of his furry , long body. She makes eye contact with Touphy then looks away from him with guilt in what she's doing with King Kip.

King Kip : '' It's getting late. , we better check up on Queen Destiny's Uncle. ''

Queen Destiny : '' We were supposed to , till we lost track. ''

Touphy : '' And got carried away. ... ''

She looks at Touphy again , then looks away from him. Touphy does the exact , same time that she's doing.

Tum : '' Last I checked him out - before I napped , he's still sleeping. He must be a heavy sleeper , if he didn't hear any of us talking. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Yea. , he is Tum Tum. Ya don't need sleeping pills to knock him out. ''

King Kip chuckles abit softly at her.

Touphy grins at her playfully and she blushes alittle red at him.

King Kip : '' We better go check on him right now. Comin' Touphy and Tum ? ''

Touphy : '' Yea. ''

Tum finishes Touphy's sentence.

Tum : '' Yea. , we'll be right there right now. ''

Tum quickly gets up onto his very long , furry two's and begins to trut after King Kip first. Who looks ahead while getting onto his long , furry two's and starts walking ahead. Leaving Touphy to get up onto his very long , furry fours and slowly walk his way to Queen Destiny.

Who happens to be facing him and waiting for him.

Both cats start walking furry shoulder to shoulder. , she's now onto her long , furry fours walking with Touphy and following after King Kip and Tum whom are ahead still leading the way.

Touphy : ( says very softly to her ) '' That .. was ' too close ' back there. ''

Queen Destiny : ( says very softly to him ) '' Yea. .. I know. Thanks for havin' my back , back there , my huge guy. ''

Touphy : '' I thank you as well. ''

Both cats smile a tiny bit at one another , not realizing that they're looking into one another's eyes again.

Touphy and Queen Destiny look ahead , trying to watch where they're walking. And keep following Tum and King Kip.

Touphy : '' We ' still need ' to talk some more though. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Yea. , I know though. If I can just find ' another way ' to get away from Kip. Ever since we had that talk , now he's more alert of me. Since .. he sees that .. you're taking an interest in me. ''

Touphy : '' Pfft ! , he hasn't seen that yet. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Oh yeah ? , well he told me while you and Tum Tum were talking. , about what ? , I ' need ' to know. ''

Touphy : '' I told him about us. , he knows that we had sex and everything. ''

All four cats enter out of the claustrophobic , small part of the den and now start to end the huge part of the den. Where Uncle is just up ahead in the very right corner. , all chained up and indeed asleep , just as Tum said.

The cats can hear a very nasty cough and very , very wheezy , slow breathing from Uncle.

Queen Destiny : ( says a very panic whisper ) '' YOU WHAT ? ! ''

Touphy : '' Don't worry , Tum Tum always .. has a big mouth , but he's not going tell any cat. ' Especially ' .. not Kip. ''

Queen Destiny : ( still in a panic whisper ) '' And how can you be so sure ? , did you even ' ask him ' .. not to tell any cat ? , and to just keep this secret.. between us three ? ''

Touphy : '' No. , but you got to trust me Puffs , he won't any cat. You know him. We both do. This is Tum Tum .. that we're talking about here. ''

Queen Destiny sighs abit softly then calms herself down.

Queen Destiny : '' I do trust you. , and Tum Tum. it's just that .. after .. we stopped talking , you didn't say that you were going to tell Tum. You could've said that after we had sex ! ''

Touphy : '' I didn't want to raise any suspicion for Tum Tum .. or your beloved King. I , for taking way too long already. I already felt bad enough that I worried him sick for you. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Yea .. I know. ''

Touphy and Queen Destiny stop walking , while King Kip and Tum start to walk up closer and closer to Uncle. Both cats stop at the entrance to this huge part of the den.

Touphy : '' I love you. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Touph , you can't say that after what he just did. ''

Touphy : '' Oh yes I can. , even though we said that it wasn't supposed to happen - huh ! , least we said that to each other when we ran back into the den ; you ' can-not' expect me to hold this in for you .. after what we ' just ' did ? ''

Both cats are now sitting upright very close to one another , by the wall as if King Kip and Tum will see them.

Touphy : '' in which was .. amazing ? ''

Queen Destiny looks at him , as he reaches his left , furry paw for her left , furry paw that is onto the dirt ground. She blushes alittle red at him.

Touphy : '' It was our very first at that , and .. we've been dying to do that since we were cubs. Remember that I had you waiting .. for so long back then , because .. I wanted to take things slow with you and - ''

Queen Destiny finishes Touphy's sentence.

Queen Destiny and Touphy : '' you didn't want me to think .. that you were that kind of lion that only wants one thing. ''

Touphy : '' Exactly. ''

Queen Destiny : '' You're right Touph. , you're right. I'm .. sorry. It's just that .. I don't feel too good about us doing this , going behind Kip like this. ... ''

Touphy : '' Oh please Puffs. , I bet that Kip is doing the exact , same thing as you are. I've seen him with Iredise within the ten years before. ''

She leans forward as if she didn't hear Touphy correctly.

Queen Destiny : ( still in a low whisper ) '' WHAT ? ! ''

Touphy : '' Yea. ''

Queen Destiny : ( voice returns to normal toned ) '' Tell me what you know. ''

Touphy : '' Oh I will. , but not right now. - If you ' really think ' .. that what you're doing with me is bad and wrong , your beloved King in there .. is no different. ''

Touphy turns his big , furry head behind the corner of the wall and Queen Destiny tilts her furry head to the left , watching King Kip and Tum carefully take a look at an asleep and clearly knocked out Uncle.

Both cats quickly look back at one another.

Queen Destiny : '' Kip was implying this to me all along. But I never thought that .. Kip would be hiding something from me. , going behind my back as much as I am. Now I understand. ''

Touphy looks at her in confusion.

Touphy : '' Understand what ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' I'll tell you .. once you tell me what Kip is ' really doing. ' Now I guess .. that I ' might be ' with you .. when this is all over. ''

Touphy smiles very warm and romantically at her.

Touphy : '' I'll see that you do. , I'll be coming for you whenever you're ready. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Touph ? ''

Touphy : '' Hm ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' I love you. ''

Touphy : '' I love you too Puffs. * he steals a quick snout kiss from her , she snout kisses back abit harder and lovingly * - Most importantly , let me know .. when you get pregnant. Well .. ' if ' you get pregnant. ''

Queen Destiny : '' But I'll be afraid to , because I know how much you don't like cubs. ''

Touphy : '' ' Only ' if the cubs aren't mine. You know that. - I honestly .. wouldn't mind being a father , as long as you're their mother. ''

Queen Destiny blushes even more redder as he lifts her furry head/face up more , so she can look at him. Because she was distracting herself by looking at the sky , trying to keep her furry cheeks from blushing red so much.

Touphy : '' Please , stop looking away from me .. so much Puffs. Stop .. distracting yourself .. with surroundings. You're so beautiful. , I want .. to always look into your eyes and see your furry face.

He snout kiss her again. , for a huge lion that's bigger than she is , he could snout kiss extremely gentle yet ' still ' .. adds in much needed passion in their snout kiss at the same time.

Queen Destiny is the first to pull back from their snout kiss in such a rush.

Noticing the alarmed , furry look on her face - like as if she's hiding something from him , Touphy looks at with very gentle and very sweet concern.

Touphy : '' What's wrong ? , is it me ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' No Touph. , Kinny no. - Course it's not you. It's just that .. so much .. has happened today. - What if , I'm not pregnant , would you want me to be pregnant ? ''

Touphy : '' You know , I never really had the chance to think about it. When relationships come to my mind , I want to be with a lioness that has a difficult personality .. and it's tougher and superior .. I am. Then I found you .. that fit that lioness description ' extremely well ' , without even trying , all these Sundaya years. But .. if you ' were pregnant , I'd very much be thrilled for father hood. ''

Queen Destiny : '' We .. shouldn't even be talking about this yet. We haven't even discussed whether .. we should be together or not. ''

Touphy : '' Don't feel like . .you need to be with me , in this part of your life right now Puffs. If you don't yet , I'll understand. Don't worry .. or feel bad. I ' won't ' get mad at you. I'll be very angry with you .. if you ' still ' stay in a relationship with Kip and don't remember .. the talk that we've had today. But as I said before , I'll be waiting .. when you want to get into this relationship with me. ''

Queen Destiny smiles alittle weakly , still bothered by this.

Queen Destiny : '' This is all beautiful and romantic , but .. I ' still don't ' like how long I'm keeping you waiting. You've already waited to have sex with me .. since cub hood and waited for me , when we were forced to break up .. when the hyena invasions started. But .. why am I having you go through all of this pain and abandonment .. all over again ? , i-its , ''

Touphy : '' Puffs , ''

Queen Destiny : '' it's not right for you in this relationship with me. * soft sighs * I knew .. that we should've decided to take a break when the hyena invasion started. I knew that .. even when we were going our separate ways , we should've stayed together , like I wanted to. ''

Touphy shuts her up with another very hard , loving snout kiss. She snout kisses back and then slowly closes her eyes , swept off of her paws.

Touphy stops snout kissing her gently again.

Touphy : '' I understand perfectly where you're coming from Puffs , really , I .. understand. But that was years ago, When the hyena reign comes back , we'll be ready for 'em. I promise .. and Tum could promise too , that no hyena .. will try to wipe out .. or kill ' any ' of our kind .. anymore. And they won't break up relationship , such as ours. ''

He leans forward to lick her furry , right cheek.

Queen Destiny : * blushes alittle red * '' Yea. , you're right Touph. ''

Touphy : '' Don't let us .. overwhelm you. Just let our love out balance it. Don't feel like .. we had to resolve us right now. We'll resolve us right now when the timing is right. When Sundaya is more promising and better. I promise. ''

Queen Destiny : '' I'll promise with you too. ''

Touphy smiles kindly at Queen Destiny then snout kisses her again.

Touphy : '' Let's go beautiful. ''

Queen Destiny : * blushing alittle red again * '' I'm coming. ''

Both cats quickly get up onto their long , furry fours and then start to quickly walk , catching up with King Kip and Tum who didn't notice that they were talking a second ago. , or that they've stopped walking when they lead the way to Uncle. King Kip and Tum are still busy staring at Uncle.

We see four , furry heads of King Kip , Queen Destiny , Touphy and Tum looking below them - at Uncle , and the background is the ceiling of the small den that they're in.

Queen Destiny : ( normal toned ) '' Have you guys figured out what's wrong with my Uncle ? , I'm surprised that .. when we walked in here , he didn't say anything smart. That's not like him. ''

Tum : '' Well , from Touph and I's looks , we can see that he's been breathing wheezily , coughing a lot .. and he won't even get up .. like he usually does , if he was laying down for so long. ''

King Kip : '' So he's not feeling well .. he's not himself. ''

Touphy : '' Right. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Oh my Kinny. , I can't believe .. that I'm starting to feel bad for him. Coming from a lion that ' almost ' took over my reign , tried to take royal power out of Tawn , me and Flaunti and especially almost nearly banished Kip from Sundaya, - ( says cruelty ) I hope he burns in hell. ''

Touphy : '' I found that intimidating , sexy and dark .. all at the same time. Officially turned on. ''

Tum : '' Dark much ? , even for ' you ' Puffs. ''

Queen Destiny blushes alittle red at Touphy.

Queen Destiny : '' ... ''

King Kip : '' It serves him right for what he's done to all of us in Sundaya. I ' should ' decide to banish him , so he will know how it feels .. to be banished the way I have. ''

Touphy : '' Get on that plan , your kindness. We'd be happy to contribute. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Agreed. ''

Tum : '' Then us royals , Touph and I ' won't ' .. have to put up with him anymore. ''

Queen Destiny : '' He'll get what's coming to him ' realll soon. ' ''

Touphy looks very close and carefully at his old , furry , dried up face.

Touphy : '' I see what's wrong with him. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Well , don't keep us staring at him for the rest of the evening , ain't no body got time for that. Go ahead and tell us Touph. ''

Touphy : '' I didn't want to be the one to break bad news and tell you this - even though this is ' still ' a part of your family Puffs ; but he's sick. ''

Queen Destiny : '' WHAT ? ! ''

All four lions stop looking at one another and then sit upright in the middle of the den. , still behind a sick Uncle who's long , furry , long body is still laying down. We barely see the rises and falls from his furry chest. , but what's scary most of all , is that all four cats ' don't ' hear him breathing.

All fours cats look at one another. Touphy closes his iceberg , blue eyes in thought and shakes his furry head as if saying : '' No '' , Tum looks at Touphy and the royals , Queen Destiny still looks surprised and like a thousand colors has drained from her furry face to her whole , furry body. And King Kip looks even more surprised - and panicky , than his Queen of Sundaya still is right now.

King Kip : '' Sick ? ! ''

... ? !