King 8

Touphy quickly walks up to Princess Destiny onto his long , furry two's. He quick , swift and romantically pulls Princess Destiny close to his furry chest and quickly leans his furry snout in , to shut her up romantically with a passionate , sweet , soft and very , very long snot kiss. Princess Destiny surrenders to Touphy's romantic , very , very charming and seductive snout kiss. Snout kissing while right now , both cats pull each other more close together until he picks her up until her long , furry two's aren't onto the dirt ground anymore and then put her down gently when they gently and slowly , release from their furry , snout kiss.

Widen eyes in entertainment and amusement , Con smiles encouragingly at Touphy now seeing ' why ' .. he needed a moment with Princess Destiny. He mouths the words : '' Wow '' while young Tum Tum is sitting upright and leaning onto Con's left , furr long arm/paw while sitting in the middle of both of Con's furry paws. He mews sweetly for big Touphy seeing the romantic moment between a lion and a lioness.

Holding Touphy close into his big , very , very strong , powerful , furry arms , Princess Destiny looks deep into Touphy's iceberg , chilly , dark blue eyes. Lost , in love completely , in frozen , blizzard to the bone , very charming and yet seducing eyes.

Princess Destiny : * softly laughs * Well that '' something '' .. that you just gave me , was amazing. ''

Touphy : * blushing alittle red * I couldn't wait any longer. , to finally .. give you a snout kiss , that will take your breath away. ''

Princess Destiny : '' Well big guy , it did .. and I very much enjoyed it. ''

Touphy : '' So did I , so did I. ''

Princess Destiny : '' I never knew that you were waiting so long to snout kiss me. ''

Touphy : '' Marry me. ''

Princess Destiny : '' Marry you ? , big guy , I ... - ''

Touphy : '' I love you , so much. I always have beautiful , everywhere I went with you. Can't you see that ? ''

Princess Destiny : '' I ... see that now. * herself and Touphy chuckles abit softly * ( says slowly , the romance , passion and heat is making it hard for her to speak right now ) I .. love you too. ''

Touphy : ( sounding a tiny bit surprised ) '' Really ? , you've always loved me ? ''

Princess Destiny : '' Secretly , but .. we never got around to discuss our true , love feeling for each other because we were just best friends and .. I wasn't sure to ask whether you noticed .. that there's something special between us. I didn't ask because if I did , then .. I was afraid that you would not feel the same way. ''

Touphy : '' Of course I feel the same way. Beautiful , you talk ' way too much. ' And your difficulty .. is completely circling around my demand. Now marry me. ''

Princess Destiny smiling widely at Touphy. Her breath complete and romantically taken away. Completely wooed , completely seduced , completely driven in love for Touphy since cubhood , since birth , since their friendship.

She nods her furry head to Touphy '' yes '' but rather slowly.

Princess Destiny : '' Yes ... ''

Touphy : '' Yes ? ''

Princess Destiny : '' Yes ! ''

Touphy quickly pulls Princess Destiny into a very sexy 'n sweet , meaningful kiss. Princess Destiny accepts the snout kiss. Their kiss lasts for only three seconds and gently , both cats release from their kiss. Princess Destiny and Touphy face Con and young Tum Tum. He pulls Princess Destiny close to the left , very long and furry side of his body. Princess Destiny holds Touphy close nicely as well.

Touphy : '' Now we can go. Come on beautiful. ''

Princess Destiny : '' I'm right behind you Touphy. ''

Without further ado , Touphy and Princess Destiny slowly walk onto their furry , long two's while Con decides to lead the way with a very cheerful , playful and energetic young Tum Tum quickly running wherever Con is running.

From afar and when the hyenas start to quickly run chaotically out of Queen Lad La's tower - and so many other hyenas work together to check cat dens that cats with weak constitutions and feeling the need to hide are in ; Moonlight and Reign stop fighting. Both lions spread apart in front of one another , in safe distances , studying each other's moves and trying to keep an eye on one another.

Currently , Moonlight turns his furry head to look ahead at Touphy , Princess Destiny , Con and young Tum Tum. He saw Touphy propose to Princess Destiny and couldn't be any happier. Seeing that his second , god , twin sibling could be getting married by the time that he arrives back in Sundaya. Once .. he takes care of Reign himself and tries his very hardest to end Reign's royal , hyena reign. He smiles gratefully so relieved and more than satisfied that his second , god , twin sibling Princess Destiny is now safe and sound. Out of sight and out of mind , with a lion like Touphy that he can trust with his life. He assumes in thought right now that Touphy , Princess Destiny , Con and young Tum Tum will be heading off to their '' Twin Realm '' .. as he suggested to Touphy. But he knows now that he could be wrong.

In this distraction and in deadly tension between Moonlight and himself , Reign turn his furry head to look where Moonlight is looking. Enraged , angry and unhappy that Princess Destiny managed to escape away from him especially and his royal , many clan of hyenas. He turns his furry head angrily at Moonlight just as he turns his furry head to look challenging and brutally at him.

His furry , black , thick eyebrows narrowed in angry success and a dirty smirk that is laughing at him and mocking him at the exact , same time.

Hate being got and gotten the rise out of , Reign quickly tackles Moonlight again. Both still talking while roughly throwing themselves on top of one another. Reign ignores the dark red , fresh blood from his three layered , very deep scratch that Princess Destiny is very much responsible for creating ; ooze , drip and race down his furry cheek eventually going to get dried up.

Reign : ( in a very low , enraged , pissed off and almost deep voice ) '' I'm surprised Moon. Anytime we return back to our many fearless duos , you get smarter every time I see you again. If you don't hand Sundaya's princess over soon , next invasion that I start , my hyenas ' will kill ' your whole pride and your precious , royal family. Then take over your ' whole ' kingdom. ''

He says so threatening and very , very dark.

Moonlight : ( says aggressively ) '' Oh Reign , all bark and no bite. I'd rather die and let you do away with me if I ' ever ' .. let you get my second , god , twin sibling. She's staying right here in Sundaya. She .. is what's rightfully mine. ''

Reign : '' Twin , god sibling you say ? I heard that she is Shine's twin , god sibling. ''

Moonlight : '' No she's not ! , she's staying here .. and that's final ! ''

Reign : '' No she's not ! , she .. is a small part of ' my hyena clan. ' She's best friends with one of my many sons ! ''

Moonlight : '' Well this '' friendship '' .. between your son and her , is over. Because I ' forbid ' .. that she ever .. stays best friends .. with one of your sons .. ever again. - It was all the past ! , they're not best friends any more ! And you're the main reason why. Don't you know .. that hyenas and cats .. can NEVER .. be together ? ''

Reign : * says convincingly , but with a hint of cruel trickery in his voice ) '' What happened to us Moon ? , ' we ' .. were the best of friends. And we .. didn't give a damn .. about what your pride and my clan said. Just like in ' our past. ' Remember ? ''

Moonlight takes this shot to quickly flip Reign over , quickly jabbing , swerving and veering while still in an encroached position. Fighting until he loses stamina , fighting to the death. As Reign accepts and does this dance of fighting to the death with Moonlight , this is the time when Queen Destiny's very long flashback comes to an end.

The flashback , slowly , slowly .. starts to fade away , returning back to us readers seeing Queen Destiny , Touphy , Tum and King Kip right back into her royal , small den. All cats still sitting upright into the center of the den in a large circle. All cats have seen Queen Destiny's flashback long enough.

Queen Destiny's long flashback on the day of the hyena invasion ends *

Queen Destiny closes her dark/light brown eyes again as if she was tired.

In all of this .. insanely quiet and convincing silence , finally , Tum Tum speaks first.

Tum : ( says low toned ) '' So .. Indenius won , but also lost terribly. ''

Queen Destiny : ( says softly ) '' Yes. ''

Tum : '' And brother , you've known long enough all .. about our family .. ever since I was a preteen cub. ''

Touphy looks regretfully at Tum Tum. He sighs while shaking his furry , big head in hurt.

Touphy : ( normal toned ) '' Oh brother , Tum Tum , I could've told you all about our family when you were a teenager. But I didn't. I couldn't. Your teenage years .. were the ' only years ' that I knew .. that I could relax from fighting and protecting my life for you , for now , and finally .. start to live my own life and pursue my happiness. ''

Tum : '' Does Con know anything .. about our family ? ''

Touphy : '' Well , we're going to have to ask Con when he returns to Sundaya. But to answer your question , I think Con knows a couple of things .. about our family. I know more though because I'm the eldest and I've seen it all unfold with my own very eyes. You can trust the information that I'm telling you. ''

Tum : ( says softly as if to himself ) '' Mmm. ''

King Kip is silent. Now he doesn't know exactly .. what he wants to say .. so that's one thing , but it's another thing that he doesn't even know ' how ' to say what he wants .. and finally get the words .. from being out of his head.

What he just heard .. was Queen Destiny was cheating on him .. during that day of the hyena invasion that began. ' If ' .. he was even with the princess of Sundaya again , ' if ' he remembers whether he confesses his true love for her .. or not. But he doesn't. He doesn't remember .. if his Queen was even with him .. during the time period of the hyena invasion.

Within this second , he's having a hard time wrapping his furry head around his Queen .. falling in love and asking her .. to marry her. He can't believe .. that she even said '' yes '' to Touphy. It's just .. way beyond his furry head at this point. He can name so much of a load .. that he is facing .. and putting on his furry shoulders .. now he is starting to learn his Queen's past , what lions that she was with , who did she love - or fall in love with , who proposed to her and wanted to marry her - before he did , who wanted to be her King of Sundaya before he did and .. just who .. is she ?

He feels like that he doesn't even know her anymore. He's not sure right now .. that he even knows her anymore.

So , he confesses this .. right in front of Queen Destiny's furry face , with Touphy and Tum as her eye witnesses. Being as honest and straight up .. as possible. He can't take being King of Sundaya anymore , and it's only been ten more years .. as King of Sundaya and even .. before .. it took him .. to be cat imprisoned at '' The Bad Pits of Uprising '' to finally know .. that .. maybe .. he's NOT the right King of Sundaya .. for her.

King Kip : '' I don't think .. that I wanna be King of Sundaya .. anymore. ''

Queen Destiny does a double take. Touphy and Tum slow and dramatically take their time to look at one another in serious and horrible shock then watch King Kip's miserable , heartbroken and torn furry look onto his furry face. Widen iceberg , dark blue and volcano red eyes widening so wide , without even blinking at this moment.

Queen Destiny looks like her heart has been broken. She looks like .. all color to her furry , physical appearance .. has been drained from top to bottom , like slowly draining out from an hour glass.

All these ten years when Kip .. had his very first royal coronation , all those times .. that he had his very own crown and being crowned King .. of Sundaya .. for all cats to see. All those of those many , many love sacrifices that she made .. giving Kip is own royal throne , giving Kip is very own collision and slowly starting to expand it , giving her love and spending all of her time on Kip , when he is doing this to her .. right now. Not wanting to be her King of Sundaya anymore , but this is much deeper. So much deeper than that. Kip doesn't want to love and be in this relationship with her anymore , and she doesn't know .. the deeper reason why.

Queen Destiny : ( voice broken in serious shock and hurt ) '' What ? , w-why ? ''

Touphy looks at Kip , his anger building up very fast .. and his furry , big facial expression already forming into anger.

Touphy : '' Are you serious right now ? ''

King Kip : '' Do I ' really ' .. need a reason to give you love ? I just realized this .. at the ' wrong moment ' .. and at the ' wrong time. ( says firm and alittle angrily ) ' I'm ' dead serious. ' I ' don't ' .. want to be .. King .. of Sundaya anymore. I don't think .. that I'm the right King for you love. ''

Touphy growls at King Kip low and angrily.

Tum Tum's furry , right arm/paw prevents Touphy from approaching King Kip hostily right now .. at this present time.

But King Kip .. isn't telling Queen Destiny the truth. That's not the ' real ' , much deeper reason. King Kip is holding out on her , he's beating around the bush , hell .. once he heard that Reign is after his Queen , he's running like he never , ever ran before and heading for the hills. He's walking out her , as a King , with mature dignity , but knows that .. he's going to regret doing this one day. Right now , he doesn't care.

It's not because he is scared , but he says in the most simplest way possible .. that he can't handle being King of Sundaya. Nor does he have what it takes .. to be King .. of Sundaya. He didn't fight at the : '' kings : only kings '' competition. He won by default ' and ' .. being Queen Destiny fell in love with him and loved him very , very much at the time. He didn't even lay a paw on Tawny. Tawny should be the King of Sundaya. , or Touphy. Maybe Tawny.

Queen Destiny and Touphy aren't idiots. They both are getting a very smart feeling .. and can tell .. that King Kip is NOT telling her .. the whole , FULL truth. Tum just can't believe that King Kip .. really feels this way. Just when himself and Touphy are beginning to trust and warm up to him .. as their King of Sundaya. In fact , the ' whole Indenius pride , now has full respect for King Kip .. and they all love him , cherish , value , respect and admire him.

After not being caring about ten years ago , King Kip ' finally ' got what he wanted. To be cared about , to have full respect for .. and to be listened to. Not being ignored or shut down , like he has .. ten years ago .. when he was Queen Destiny's royal servant.

Queen Destiny widens her dark/light brown eyes at King Kip's very stupid , rhetorical question. She looks at King Kip very pissed and angrily , just Touphy still is.

Queen Destiny : '' Yes Kip ! , damn right you need a reason why you feel this way ! And I wanna know about it. ''

King Kip snarls in front of her furry face even more angrily.

King Kip : ( raises his voice , very upset ) '' Well I don't ' need ' .. to always answer to you Desi ! , and right now I need to go. I'm choosing .. to end this conversation. I've heard ' more ' than enough today and believe me , I can't take much royalty and Sundaya history .. about you .. anymore. I thought I could handle being King of Sundaya. i thought that I could handle everything .. in Sundaya .. that you .. and Moonlight's pride are throwing at me. But maybe .. Tawny or Touphy .. should be ' your King ' .. of Sundaya. Maybe that's what is best right here in Sundaya and all of our lives right now. But I guess my old love , that I .. was wrong ! ''

King Kip : '' I'm abdicating my royal throne. And I don't if Touphy - or Tawny has it , let Touphy have it ! It looks like to me that you want him more than you want me. ''

King Kip gets up onto his very , long furry fours and quickly storms pass Queen Destiny , Touphy and Tum Tum. Completely done for the rest of the day and for the rest of the evening. Leaving Queen Destiny silent and with a frustrated , pissed off , angry look onto her furry face , Touphy , looking like he wants to twist King Kip's furry neck and Tum Tum calmly looking at what he is saying , but hardly caring.

This second , evening .. is finally turning .. into night time.

It gets alittle quiet in Queen Destiny's royal family den. , with just Touphy , Queen Destiny and Tum Tum .. all over again.

Again , Tum Tum finally talks , breaking the heated silence that already just happened , that King Kip created when he left for the day and for the night.

Tum Tum : '' I guess .. that I better turn in for the night. * says as he slowly gets up onto his very , very long two's and starts to stretch * Now that .. is out .. and in the open , think of this .. as a very good , completely good thing Puff Puff. This means .. that you and Touphy .. ' can definitely ' be together .. and stay in love .. like you both were back then. ''

Touphy : '' I strongly believe Tum Tum .. that you .. are most definitely right. ''

He looks at Queen Destiny and smiles fallen in love completely .. at her.

Queen Destiny speaks , sounding like she is slowly trying to take everything that King Kip just said to her in , not really sounding very happy at all. She's not just about to lose her lover , she's about to lose her best friend too.

Queen Destiny : '' Yea ... I guess .. big guy and I ' finally ' got what we wanted ... ''

She smiles alittle weakly , though not at all convinced herself.

Touphy looks at her alittle unhappily. , understanding exactly how she feels right now.

Tum : '' Why the long , furry face Fluff ? , maybe you and Kip just .. wasn't meant to be. Did '' Lover's Return '' ever .. tell you .. that you and Kip .. were meant .. to be together ? ''

Queen Destiny stands onto her long , furry two's and then holds her left , furry elbow with her left , furry paw as if nervous or shyly.

Queen Destiny : '' Well the first time that .. Kip and I escaped .. to '' Lover's Return '' - and don't ask me .. what I mean by escape , it was a very long time back in our past , the cave walls magically showed all of our love memories .. that we ever shared together .. al throughout the years of our friendship and relationship. At first , the cave's message ' did say ' .. that Kip and I .. are ' possibly ' .. meant to be together , but it also said .. that it just needs more time. ''

Tum looks at the last sentence that Queen Destiny said in confusion.

Tum : '' What the hell does that even mean ? ''

Touphy : '' It means that if their love is going to work , there needs to be a-lot of patience. It needs alot of time for their love to work on love's ' own terms ' , NOT .. during Kip .. and Fluff's terms. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Exactly right Touphy. I don't .. even know what to do with Kip anymore. ''

A nightly , cool breeze whirls into the air by Queen Destiny. Shivering alittle bit , she holds herself feeling alittle cold and chilly.

Touphy : '' Remember what we talked about love ? , take what happened .. between you and Kip out of nowhere , as time .. to let him go. ''

Queen Destiny stares at Touphy and nods her furry head at him as if in slow understanding , but agrees with him. She doesn't answer , but she could only sigh softly in thought .. of what she is about to do to King Kip right now. And he doesn't even know it.

Tum : '' That means .. that there won't be any marriage .. between you and green eyes Puffs. ''

Touphy says this in agreement , but thinking of the word : '' marriage '' comes into his furry , big head as he looks longingly at her just when she is still looking at Tum right now.

Touphy : ( voice sounding like he's in some sort of love trance for Queen Destiny ) '' Yea ... ''

He smiles longingly at her , thinking that if he gets her right , then one day they both .. can have a wedding together.

Queen Destiny : '' Yea .. - oop ! God , Kinny you're right Tum Tum. There really won't be no wedding between me and Kip. I only said that in front of Tawn's face just to keep him from getting to me. ''

Queen Destiny : '' How .. could I have forgotten about Kip and I's wedding big guys ? , too much in Sundaya is ' still happening. ' ' Still ' playing out for all of us cats to see. This also means a break up .. between Kip and I as well. When ? , when Kip and I finally talk about this. ''

Touphy : '' Well .. you better end things with him. He wasn't right for you anyway my love. , ''

He walks up to her and pulls her closer to him with romantic love and passion.

Queen Destiny blushes alittle red , looking at Touphy and slowly , her furry , long body reacts to Touphy's seductive , furry touch and she holds him closer to her as well.

Touphy : '' I told you that you need to be with you. You'll be mine now. ''

Tum looks at Touphy and Queen Destiny then speaks immature like and also teasing , playing and joking with Touphy.

Tum : ( says sing song alittle low , soft and deep ) '' Go brother ! , go brother ! , you gettin' the Queen .. go brother ! ''

Touphy snarls into Tum's furry , big face to stop teasing and embarrassing him in front of Queen Destiny.

Touphy : ( raises his voice alittle bit ) ( says alittle demandingly ) '' Shut up Tum Tum ! ''

Queen Destiny lets out the most sweetest , beautiful laugh .. that Touphy has ever heard. Laughing at Tum Tum always trying to playfully tease and mess with Touphy in front of her.

This makes Touphy's big heart touch and sing on the inside and he looks at her sweetly on the outside. In love with her laugh and loving hearing her laugh.

Tum : '' Well ! , I'm going to leave you two lover cats alone. I know that you both want to be left alone .. and I know what '' alone '' .. really means. * his furry eyebrows move up three more times suggestively , Touphy rolls his iceberg , dark blue eyes at Tum Tum's immaturity and Queen Destiny looks at Touphy and smiles at him and then looks back Tum Tum in chatty interest * I know when I need to scat and give my eldest brother his privacy. , and I damn sure .. don't wanna be no third wheel too. You guys have a good night and chat outside. I don't wanna hear your conversation. ''

Tum : '' Night brother ! , and Miss attitude. It's been a very long day. ''

Touphy and Queen Destiny smile meaningfully at Tum.

Touphy : ( normal toned ) '' Good night Tum Tum. ''

He reaches for Tum's volcano and light golden streaked , extremely long mane to ruffle it up abit .. like he always did ever since they were cubs. Out of unconditional love for his younger brother.

Queen Destiny makes a happy , loving , warm sound at the rare show of affection between Touphy and Tum.

Queen Destiny : '' Plesant , sweet dreams Tum Tum. ''

In the middle of talking to Touphy , he swats his huge , furry , right paw away. , trying to stop Touphy from ruffling and messing up his volcano streaked mane that he worked so hard to take care of.

Tum : ( raises his voice at Touphy ) Hey ! , ( lowers his voice ) I'm not a cub anymore brother. I always hated it .. when you did that. ''

Touphy retreats his furry , huge paw away from Tum Tum's mane.

Touphy : ( says gently , rarely gentle at the time ) '' I know , I know brother. I just love doin' it to you because I miss giving you that kind of affection when you were a cub. You know that no matter how big you get , you'll always be my little , younger , cub brother Tum Tum .. that it's my life long responsibility. ''

Touphy : '' I hate to it .. but you're right. You ' are ' a grown lion and you're as big of a house as I am .. to be able to to what you wanna do , go wherever you please .. and make you own decisions. But I miss your cubs days .. so much. ''

Tum : '' You never told me that before. Ever , actually. Yeah ? ''

Touphy : '' Yeah. ''

Touphy smiles gently at Tum.

Queen Destiny : '' Awwwwww ! ''

Quickly looking at Queen Destiny , he quickly changes his tune and Tum does the same.

Touphy : ( says playfully ) '' Toughen up ! , don't get sugary sweet on me now. ''

Tum : ( says playfully ) '' Last I recalled , you initiated the sweet talk. ''

Touphy : '' Don't get smart. ''

Queen Destiny : '' And the secretly twin brothers are back to normal ... ''

She laughs alittle in amusement.

Tum turns his very long , furry back on Touphy and Queen Destiny and starts walking onto his very long , furry fours back to the spot that he took a nap when Queen Destiny and King Kip showed up by surprise.

Touphy : '' Oh , and there's one more thing that I needed to tell you. Puffs and I will be having our cub hood den that we ' still ' sleep together in , all to ourselves .. for the night. It's occupied .. so I don't want you walking so late at night - or late by sunset that you always do , to walk in on us. You can stop by when we're awake. Got it brother ? ''

Listening , Tum lays on his very long , furry , left side of his furry , very long , tall body. Now looking and facing Queen Destiny and Touphy from a far , ten feet apart distance.

Tum : '' Yea. I got it. You have a good night too Puffs. ''

Queen Destiny : '' We will Tum Tum. ''

With that , Touphy and Queen Destiny walk onto their furry , long two's out of the large part of her royal den. But while hearing Tum say one last thing to the both of them.

Tum : ( raises his voice alittle , just to be heard by Queen Destiny and Touphy ) ( teasing and joking again ) '' I bet '' occupied '' .. is code for '' screwing the hell out of the Queen. '' Right big brother ? ''

Tum laughs abit loudly. Touphy's furry , big cheeks get extremely red and so does Queen Destiny's furry cheeks get red as Touphy ignores his youngest brother's playing and teasing around. He says his sentence very quickly to avoid embarrassment in front of Queen Destiny as he quickly holds both of her paws romantically , while having his very long , back turned from the nightly view and walking outside of the den without seeing what's in front of him.

Touphy : '' L-Let's just hurry up and get out of here , huh beautiful ? ''

Queen Destiny nods her furry head up and down twice at Touphy , while both of their furry cheeks slowly start to lose their reddish color now that they're both outside of the large part of her royal , old , family den.

Queen Destiny : '' Agreed big guy. ''

Outside of her royal , old , family den ,

Queen Destiny and Touphy are now close by the very ledge to the outside of the large room of her royal den that Tum is laying in and that looks pitch black and with lots of shade from the inside. Touphy guides Queen Destiny in the walkway , allowing both of them to stand in front of each other and face one another.

Touphy playful and lovingly pulls Queen Destiny closer to his big , furry face as she laughs alittle bit in enjoyment.

Both cats pick the perfect time to be outside tonight , when the huge , up close , big , white moon is facing close and in front of them. Also where the many , many , sparkling and shining stars .. that each take their turns in the dark blue - rather than dark , pitch black , starry sky to twinkle as if communicating with one another.

Both cats start to speak to each other very softly so Tum from inside the large room of Queen Destiny's royal , family den , are not able to hear them or even get curious and end up eavesdropping in on their conversation.

Touphy speaks up first , wanting to talk first.

Touphy : '' Puffs , I love you .. so much. You don't deserve what King Kip just did to you back there. When I heard .. that he was going to abdicate his royal throne .. and back out .. of being King of Sundaya , I was so , so angry and pissed off .. that he .. didn't turn out to be a loyal King of Sundaya .. that was willing to ride or die with you .. for the rest of your life. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Yea , I know big guy , and .. I thought .. that it .. was going to be forever with Kip. I .. ' really , really did. ' I don't even know what to say to what just happened .. between me and King Kip back there , or .. how to say it either. I don't think I even know Kip anymore .. as much as I thought I did. ''

Touphy : '' I tried to tell you .. that he was an old flame. I did , I ' really , really did. ' I didn't wanna be the lion to tell you this , my love , because I want you to be happy .. and also in love. But I want your love with me .. to last forever. ''

Queen Destiny : '' I know that too Touphy. ''

She smiles kindly at Touphy.

Touphy : '' You know .. no matter how many times .. that I happen to be right , or .. you happen to be right , I'll never say : '' I told you so. '' Right love ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' Yes Touphy , I know that too. ''

Touphy : '' Least you know now before you walk down the aisle with him. ''

Queen Destiny : '' And at least I didn't have any cubs with him. ''

Touphy and Queen Destiny both chuckle abit softly.

Queen Destiny almost slowly turns her furry head to look up at the moon. She doesn't realize that Touphy is ' still ' looking at her , just as she is now looking at the moon light's view in awe. Reminding her always , of her god father/Guardian : Moonlight himself.

She looks back at Touphy , smiles laugh and questions him out of curiosity.

Queen Destiny : ( says playfully ) '' What is it Touph ? ''

Touphy smiles back at her knowing that he's caught and exposed for looking at her.

Touphy : '' It's just that .. I was thinking about a very serious , deep question .. that I wanted to ask you right now. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Shoot. I'm listening. ''

Touphy : '' I wanna ask you this and .. don't take this the wrong way , because I can't stress this enough and .. I have no intention right now , to offend you ... ''

Queen Destiny : '' Just .. what is Touph ? , spit it out. Say it. ''

Touphy looks at her hesitantly , before asking her this question.

Touphy : '' What happened .. to the lioness that wanted to marry me .. back on that day .. when the hyena invasion , the battle was over and .. Sundaya won at first , but Sundaya also lost ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' Touphy , the lioness that wanted to marry you .. is ' still here. ' I ' still ' .. love you so much. ''

Touphy : '' No she's not. ''

He shakes his very big , furry head at her in disagreement.

In surprised and shock , Queen Destiny looked hurt when Touphy gently shakes his furry , big head in her furry face in disagreement.

Queen Destiny : '' What ? , what do you mean ? ''

Touphy : '' You say that now , but anytime I see you with Tawny , your eyes .. say otherwise. You didn't exactly answer my question love , but .. before you even give me answer. There's something that you should know .. on the day of the hyena invasion. Moonlight told me something before he left to fight off Reign. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Know what ? , what did Moon say ? ''

Touphy : '' Moon told me NOT .. to let Tawn get to you. He said that Tawn's love for you does prove to be trustworthy and true , but he doesn't think that Tawny is good enough for you. He told me to take you away from Sundaya. He didn't want to expose you .. to see all of the hatred , angry , rage and fury from the hyena invasion. He didn't want you to see the way that he fought , because he knew that it would it open up your eyes more and shock you. In which .. it put you completely in shock for more than three minutes. He didn't want you to see why certain lions in his collision can't be together , just - it's impossible .. for cats to get along. He also suggested .. that I propose to you and if I did , then I would have his blessing. ''

Queen Destiny : ( says alittle surprised ) '' He really thinks that Tawn isn't good enough for me ? ''

Touphy : '' Puffs , I strongly think so too. I keep telling you that Tawn .. is bad egg. A bad lion. He's not what your wants and needs are asking for. ''

Queen Destiny : '' So , you knew about this .. long before the hyena invasion ended that day , and .. when we went to .. you and Tum Tum's realm , you didn't tell me ? Touphy , you promised me that you would tell me. ''

Touphy : '' I know that I promised Puffs , I know. - Please understand that the ' only reason ' why .. I didn't want to tell you , was because it was supposed .. to be a romantic surprise .. for you and I. I didn't want to tell you .. if I knew that it was going to overwhelm you .. or .. make you not say yes to my proposal. ''

Queen Destiny looks down at Touphy's huge , furry , powerful chest in much thought about what she heard from Touphy.

Queen Destiny : '' Oh. , * she looks right back at Touphy * why do you think that I'm not the lioness that wanted to marry you back then ? ''

Touphy sighs as if he regrets telling her this. He honestly regrets even feeling this way.

Queen Destiny : '' that's ridiculous Touph. That was in the past , I still do now in the present. I've always thought about you romantically since after my royal , rite of passage. That's very , very long from now. ''

Touphy : '' Because if you ' did ' , wanted to marry me .. then you would've fell in love with Kip , made him your King .. and also have eyes for Tawny on top of that. Puffs , you are meant to have a lion like me .. that I promise you .. you ' won't ' wanna have eyes for any other lion ' but me. ' I need devotion and commitment with you .. and I'm afraid .. that if we do this , and .. get into this relationship , you're going to have eyes for Tawny as well. ''

Touphy : '' Maybe even have feelings for Kip all the way. ''

Queen Destiny pauses in more comfortable thought.

Touphy : '' And If you ' did ' , I would be your King of Sundaya right now , you would always have eyes for me .. and ' only me. ' And we would be getting married right now .. in this part of our life together. ''

Queen Destiny : '' But I ' do ' want to marry you big guy , I really , really do so badly and you're seducing me right now .. and it's working. I hope i get pregnant so we can have a family together. A big family .. if you want. ''

She laughs happily with Touphy and Touphy joins in on the laughter with her. Smiling abit sweetly at her.

Queen Destiny : '' But we're ' still ' in the middle .. of a life long hyena invasion/war. Reign wants me , Tawn doesn't know , none of the cats in Moonlight's pride knows - and for very good reason , and .. I can never get into a relationship .. or settle down because .. there's always something after one situation in Sundaya is finally resolved and .. made peace with. ''

Touphy : '' Oh beautiful ... ''

He trails off trying to get her to stop talking and just listen to him. BUt Queen Destiny keep talking telling Touphy exactly what's on her mind. Since she can always tell Touphy anything and everything.

Queen Destiny : '' And now that I didn't realize that .. I was holding this inside of myself .. and holding all of this back , - now that I hear it and I'm telling you this , I feel and sound stressed out. Like .. something is wrong with me when it comes to love and relationships. Me being Queen .. and having to get a King .. of Sundaya - according to have to rule and have a King by blood , is always .. seeming to be my number one priority. It's never being able to live my own life because being a royal .. is too complicated. ''

Queen Destiny : '' I don't get a lot of freedom , time to be me or do what I like and what I please , be with any lion that I love and be able to have to time to commit to him. Because Sundaya seems to be my second priority. ( says gently , but not a questioning tone of voice ) If I have a life , just what is it .. Touphy ? ''

Touphy : '' Well , you can't spend your entire life .. right here in Sundaya , being ' just ' a royal , ' just ' ruling Sundaya , ' just ' keeping Sundaya in peace , ' just ' waiting .. until more cats from Moonlight's pride to arrive. ' Just ' being up on your royal throne every .. since .. day ,, and caring for Sundaya .. and not spending any time .. for yourself. I've watched you a lot .. here .. in Sundaya. Admiringly from afar , wondering .. why aren't you .. allowing yourself .. to have any time for yourself ? To be away from your royal throne .. just this once ? '' Not attending to any royal duties as Queen ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' Yea .. that .. ' really does ' sound like me .. within the ten years of Sundaya ' after ' Kip became the King of Sundaya. That's .. really the path .. that you see and noticed me going Touph ? ''

Touphy : '' Yes Puffs , and I'm really , really worried about you. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Why ? ''

Touphy : '' Because you deserve time for yourself. You deserve to be with a lion and spend all of your time with. You deserve to be loved , be in a relationship , get out there and have fun and smile .. with the love of your life. I .. wanna be the love of your life .. and I wanna stay that way. ''

Queen Destiny : '' So let me get this straight here : this is about ' more ' .. than wanting very badly to marry me , isn't it Touph ? ''

Touphy : '' Yes. ''

Queen Destiny : '' I know that this is a very stupid question to ask you right now , but what exactly .. is this about then ? ''

Touphy : '' Be my girlfriend. And I'll be your lion. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Really big guy ? ''

Touphy : '' Yea ... I've been trying to plan a good time to ask you .. and I know that .. is such an ' extremely ' .. long time. I'm at the point where I should've been asked you out to be mine. But .. anytime I try to get you , you're always mentioning the hyena invasion .. getting in the way of us. Come on Puffs , I know you. You never .. let anything get in your way. So .. don't let a hyena invasion .. get in - this time , ' our way. ' I be pinned down by my own brother and T - when he returns to Sundaya , if I'm going to let a hyena invasion and .. Sundaya's many , endless troubles .. prevent ' us ' .. from being together. From falling in love. ''

Touphy : '' Don't try to put me and ' us ' .. on hold .. because of this. It's going to crush my heart and hurt me so much .. on the inside. You know I'm vulnerable on the inside. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Oh God , Touphy , you're right , you're right , God .. you're right. What am I saying to you right now ? It's either I wanna be with you .. or not. And I can't waste anymore time here in Sundaya .. the way that I ' already am ' .. as a royal. ''

Touphy : '' That's right. You understand perfectly what I'm saying to you ... ''

Queen Destiny : '' Who .. am I kidding ? big guy , this sounds like a yes to your Queen. ' And ' being married to you. I love you so much. ''

She shuts Touphy up with a romantic , snout kiss.

Queen Destiny : '' Why am I doing this to myself with you ? , when you explain it to me like this , why .. am I resisting you ? , resisting your seduction , your passion , your love , your .. charm. ''

Touphy quickly pulls her into another forced , hard , but romantic snout kiss.

Touphy : '' It's okay , it's okay beautiful. That's why I'm here for you. That's why I'm here to help you. Luckily steer you .. in the right direction that you need to be. I'm trying to get you to see .. that ' I ' .. could be the solution .. to all of Sundaya's many troubles , ' and ' to this hyena invasion. I .. ' could be ' .. your new King of Sundaya. ''

Queen Destiny : * gaps happily in much thought * Oh Kinny. Why didn't I think of this before ? , Touph .. that's an ex-cellent idea. Huge lions like you , Tum Tum , hell even Sombi .. are threats .. to Reign. Besides Moon being Reign's ' main threat. ' What the hell is wrong with me ? , am I stupid Touphy ? , am I really stupid ? ''

Only when around Queen Destiny , Touphy chuckles warmly at her. And it's the most sweetest and pretty sound .. that Queen Destiny rarely hears , but really , really loves.

Touphy : * says as he shakes his big , furry head in disagreement * No beautiful , no. And I re-fuse right now .. to let you .. beat yourself up right now. Another reality check .. has just hit you ' again ' .. huge thanks to me. And don't you ever thank me. I'm doing this for you .. because I'm going to keep loving you .. all my furry life. No matter what happens to us. Whether we're together one minute .. and then best friends again the next. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Big guy , you're wooing me. * blushing extremely red and then tries to look away from Touphy * Whatever we're about to do right now , we can't let Tum Tum hear. ''

Touphy romantically uses his huge , right , furry paw to gently turn Queen Destiny's furry chin to look at him and just get lost into chilly , cool and cold , dark blue , iceberg eyes.

Touphy : '' I don't care .. if your Uncle hears. Now I can call you mine. ''

Queen Destiny : '' And what do I call you ? ''

Touphy : '' Your King. ''

Queen Destiny laughs softly at Touphy as he smiles at her gently. And together , both cats pull each other into another passionate , loving , furry snout kiss. Snout kisses when Queen Destiny is always lifted off of her furry , long , hind two's all because Touphy is really tall. Not like over six feet though.

For as many times as Queen Destiny and Touphy snout kiss , she gently lands into the dirt ground on her furry , long two's all over again.

Touphy : '' I promise with my life .. that I will help you through this. Through ' our secret relationship. ' For us. We're going to make us work no matter what happens in Sundaya. I don't want you to feel like you have to ever .. put your life on hold , just because of Sundaya's many , royal issues and .. cats that return to Sundaya from Moonlight's pride. ''

Queen Destiny : * nods her furry head in agreement * '' Yea , you're right. ''

Touphy : '' But we must agree , that we're going to get married but for now , it's going to be a secret. Agreed ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' Agreed. ''

Touphy : '' Don't tell any cat about us .. ' until ' you break up with King Kip. Agreed ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' Agreed. ''

Touphy : '' And promise me .. that you will not tell King Kip , about any of the secret and private conversations that we've had so far between us. I don't need him knowing any of our business. Promise .. and agreed ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' I promise Touph , and I agree. ''

Touphy : '' Good. ''

Both cats look at the moon and all around them. As dark as it is , nature and the rock ledges around them are nothing but silhouettes. The night is so young , yet so deadly quiet. And for what reason , I .. do not know.

Touphy turns his furry , big head to look at Queen Destiny.

Touphy : '' It's late love , and you .. need a lot of rest as my Queen. * caresses her beautifully , fluffy soft , left , furry cheek while moving her dark black mane from away from her furry face , playing with it * What happened with you Uncle , with Kip ' and ' .. what's happening to us .. is really taking a load on you. I don't want you to be anymore stressed out , than you already are. ''

Touphy : '' Come to bed with me. ''

His left , furry paw lets her go from holding her long , furry , beautiful back but still holding her furry , right paw out in front of him. As if they're pulling apart from each other in a slow dance.

Queen Destiny : '' You mean at you and Tum Tum's old , family den ? Well that is a good idea and .. I haven't spend the night there with the two of you since our past as best friends. All of the cat , sleep over's that we used to have ... Well , I certainly won't be sleeping in the same den as my Uncle , and not inside of Kip and I's den so .. sure. ''

Touphy : '' Think Kip with notice that you're gone with me for the night ? ''

Queen Destiny smiles at Touphy seductively.

Queen Destiny : '' I don't care what the hell he thinks. ''

Touphy smiles sexually right back at her.

Touphy : '' Now ' that's ' .. my Queen that I know .. that wanted to marry me. Whatever happened to her , she needs to come back to me. , ''

He pulls her close again and Queen Destiny spins until she crashes softly into Touphy's furry chest. Placing her small , furry paws compared to Touphy's furry , huge paws onto his furry chest.

Touphy : '' starting tonight. ''

Queen Destiny : ( says sexually and even more softly ) '' i think .. that she ' already ' has. ''

Touphy : ( says romantic , but very , very hot and lustfully for her ) '' And don't you worry .. or think about a thing love , you're going to lay back into my den and let me handle ' everything ' for you. ''

Queen Destiny smiles in sexual excitement. She blushes extremely red all over again in front of Touphy. Touphy blushes even more redder that she is , but he is still very , very much turned on sexually by her right now.

Queen Destiny : '' Okay big guy. Let's go. ''

Touphy : '' Okay. ''

Both cats snout kiss one another lovingly again and onto their furry , long fours right now , start taking their time walking and hopping off of the many , many stone ledges while getting into a conversation. With Touphy leading the way - even though they're both walking shoulder to shoulder and pace to pace , to himself and Tum Tum's old , family den and Queen Destiny following.
