King 9

The whole pride turns their furry heads to look at Queen Destiny. Even King Kip tilts his furry head to look at his old , flamed lover of ten years , trying to see her passed the many , furry heads that are still looking at Queen Destiny right now.

Queen Destiny's furry heart beats wildly in such pressure and in uncomfortable anxiety. , because of being put in the hot seat thanks to Daunnie right now. Her dark and light brown eyes widen awkwardly.

Passed her furry reactions that are affecting how she feels and her mood right now , Queen Destiny gulps alittle bit as if her throat was dry and then tries to speak calmly. Though nervously and probably would be stuttering if she didn't allow herself to gather her thoughts right now.

Queen Destiny : ( says even softly ) '' R-ight Daun. But ... ? ''

King Kip rolls his deep , dark , furry , neon green eyes at her , used to there always being a '' but '' anytime a moment like this happens.

King Kip : ( speaking demanding , starting to get alittle impatient ) '' Buut what Desi ? , do you want me as King of Sundaya .. or not ? ''

After looking at King Kip , the whole pride quickly turns their furry heads to look right back at Queen Destiny. Waiting for her answer. Every cat right now looks like they're on the edge of their seat.

Queen Destiny looks like she is about to break down and cry in frustration at what's happening right now.

Queen Destiny : ( for once in her life , says un surely ) '' I ... I don't know. ''

She looks at King Kip hurtfully already feeling like her heart is slowly breaking in half. , more of the fact that .. she loves King Kip so much , but their relationship isn't the same and it's losing such love , passion and adventure .. as it did ten years ago. When both cats were chasing after each other .. and both cats felt that rush. Both cats knew that .. if they kept chasing each other for this long , eventually they'll crash into each other's furry arms , snout kiss and just fall in love.

And that's happened to Queen Destiny and King Kip , ten years ago.

The whole pride's furry heads quickly turn to look at King Kip's furry , facial reaction. The cats can see .. that King KIp looked like his furry heart has already dropped like a vase falling from furniture and it has fell completely to pieces. So slowly and dramatically , as if frozen in time.

Daunnie frowns miserably at King KIp.

King Kip : '' That's what I thought. ''

Touphy shakes his big , furry head in very angry and enraged thought at King Kip leaving her and her royal reign in this way right now. Especially at such a .. seemingly hard time like this , right here .. in Sundaya.

Just as King Kip turns his furry head and furry , long back on Queen Destiny , the royals and the pride , Queen Destiny tries to call out his name softly. , trying to find the words that she wants so badly to say , but stuck and .. feeling like something - or someone , is in her furry , long body is possessing her .. or keeping her from talking right now.

Queen Destiny : '' K-ip ... ''

But King Kip does not hear his name being called and continues walking about his own way. We know what .. he's going to do next from here.

The whole pride sighs and there is a reassuring sound of growls , groans and roars of communication .. just to make other very few members of the pride feel better after trying to convince King Kip to come back and be a wonderful King of Sundaya that he still is with Queen Destiny for ten years. Don't just leave her and her royal reign behind and badly wound the pride this way. , to a point where , all cats in Sundaya are going to remember him for doing this. Igie and Mav lie runs up to comfort and hug Tawny onto their long and furry fours. Feeling most of the pride looking at her and feeling angry , heart broken and upset tears that are starting to form from her dark and light brown eyes , she puts her furry head down and sighs soft but very , very stressfully to herself.

Wondering what will she do now ? Is this the end of her and King Kip ? Is there relationship over ? What happens to Sundaya , her pride and the kingdom ? Who will rule with her now ? Will there be another : '' Kings ; only Kings '' competition where lion competitors that think they got what it takes to be a King of Sundaya and are going to have to prove to her by battling it out to the death with other lions at the posidome again ?

What now ?

As if Kinny has answered her prays , for such a short second .. that her furry head was down in very stressed out thought , she hears Tawny's voice. As deep as it is , he's sounding very sympathetic for her , filled with so much empathy and hidden love for her. That he's always had for her ever since cub hood.

Tawny : '' Are you alright , beautiful ? ''

She almost slowly looks up and then ahead of her as if she knew that Tawny was coming in that direction. , seeing Tawny slowly pass and separate himself .. from being in the circle where his lion friends and collision where surrounding himself in. And slowly starts to walk up to her. Leaning his furry head where her furry head was down , so that he can try to see her beautiful , furry face. Hopefully wanting to take the chance to wipe any tears that could be forming .. from her dark and light brown eyes.

From behind Tawny , such mean and sick twisted lions from Tawny's collision look at Queen Destiny and Tawny from the corners of their furry eyes. Obviously talking in what kind of way about them that Tawny or Queen Destiny doesn't know about. Other lions .. are ' really ' talking badly about Tawny and Queen Destiny with narrow eyed , as if revengeful , furry looks onto their furry faces. Probably mad at Queen Destiny for playing so hard to get on him .. that their leader Tawny , is having the hardest and most difficult time getting her to be his lioness.

Both Queen Destiny and Tawny don't see this , since this is happening in the background from behind Tawny's long , furry body.

For the most rarest times .. that Queen Destiny and Tawny are together , this time right now , Tawny smiles even more lovably at her. He reaches up right now to quickly brush away her very long , dark black bangs from the right side of her furry , beautiful face so he can see her beautiful shade of light and dark brown combination of her eye color. He can feel his very red blush forming at both of his furry cheeks trying his best to ignore it and make it go away somehow , if he said something hateful and mean , to cover up his true , loving intentions for her.

Seeing Tawny's smile .. and knowing ' exactly ' .. why he's smiling at her , she blushes alittle red at him while she gently catches his left , furry paw that is still stroking her dark black bangs romantically right now ; and then gently brings it down to hang by the left side of his body. Not knowing .. that Tawny planned to do this loving , gesturing act to her .. so that Touphy and Igie could catch them .. holding paws romantically for just this once.

And for another personal reason to him , so that way he can know what it feels like .. to hold her beautiful , yet feminine paw all over again , like he last did in their past oh so long ago.

Keeping eye contact with Tawny's seductive , yet inviting stare at her , shining bright and confidently through his very light , hazel eyes ; Queen Destiny returns his furry stare at her with friendly vibes. Trying .. not to make it so easy .. to Tawny to detect .. that she is looking at him the ' exact , same way ' right now .. as he .. is looking at her.

Queen Destiny : ( trying to speak calmly , but her heart is beating so wildly in her chest , she's practically screaming for Tawny's name .. rather than Touphy's name ) '' I .. hope that I will be. ''

She says as she moves to the left away from him. , sure enough that Touphy is probably watching her and Tawny right now very closely. She turns her furry head quickly to look at Touphy who is now standing with Tum Tum. , He remains standing onto his very long , two's looking dominant and demandingly at Queen Destiny. Seeing his furry , protective , loving stare at her , she tries to act like .. she remembers her place as his lioness now that they are secretly in a relationship together.

Putting two and two together , Tawny could easily see .. the cat .. - more like lion , that she is looking carefully at , knowing better , right now. As planned , he got Touphy's attention. In which brings him to make his next , seductive mood. First , Tawny quickly turns his furry head to look at Touphy abit narrowed eyed. Daring smiling at him getting a sense enough .. that he .. could be after his Queen.

So , he takes a step closer to Queen Destiny trapping her. , even though to her left , there is plenty of space for her to escape him. What he means by '' trap '' is simply move closer to her , so that she has no choice but to pay attention to him , acknowledge him and not move anywhere until ' he ' decides to walk away from her. In which he won't do that , knowing Tawny.

Tawny : '' I'll get down to the nitty gritty with you dawl. You and I .. keep running to each other this way. I return back to Sundaya from Juviselle Dawn .. and as I knew you would , you look surprised as Kippity Kip was , when I showed up late to our royal , serious important meeting. When I have told you , that me coming for you in Sundaya , ' shouldn't ' come .. as a surprise to you. ''

Tawny : '' I've known all along .. how you felt about me. And .. probably .. how you're with Big T over there , hangin' .. with Tum Tum .. is it ? * Queen Destiny looks like she is about to blurt out the truth and that he's right all along to her , but she continues to stare daring , yet still seductively at Tawny * * her furry heart drops , knowing that Tawny is right and he is onto her * Before the King competition , I ' knew ' .. that the last time I told you .. that I was going to impress you big time at the competition , to fighting you playfully when we were playing : '' Attack , jog and Run '' ; admit it beautiful. ( barely in a questioning tone of voice ) You like me so much don't you ? ''

She looks like Tawny is trying to drive her crazy. That's because right now , he is. But she's trying her hardest to hold so much restrain to not throw herself at him and snout kiss him so hard. , until he romantically carries her to his den where they can get some well earned privacy.

Queen Destiny : ( thinking aloud into her furry head ) '' Remember that you love Touphy ! , remember that you love big guy ! ''

Queen Destiny : ( speaking like Tawny is sweeping her off of her feet ) ( , because he is ) '' Tawn .. now you know .. that I can't answer that question. ''

Tawny : '' And why not beautiful ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' Well , hmph. How ' bout a hint for .. Touphy .. is watching from this distance and ( lying ) as much I don't want you .. to be with me , you need to focus on being with Igie. ''

Tawny : '' And yet here I am , always with you ... ''

Queen Destiny : '' - You damned lier Tawn. When you came here to Sundaya comin' from Juviselle Dawn , you said that you were comin' for Kipster ' and me. ' Now that you're here ten years later , you are still the same lion that comes and goes whenever he pleases , and then expects me to come runnin' to his arms , whenever he keep trying to get to me. You .. will always want me. And you .. will never change. ''

From Touphy's view ,

Tum : ( speaks softly this time ) '' Just what .. do you think .. that they are talking about brother ? Puffs looks like she's goin' at it with little light ( Tawny's old nickname ) all over again. Think she knows her place as your lioness ? She looks like she does. ''

Touphy is in the middle of staring narrow eyed and angrily at Tawny talking very close to Queen Destiny right now. Trying his hardest .. not to going into a fitting rage and for his iceberg , chilly blue eyes to flash in anger and a nerve snaps into him , and he'll march over to the two cats and feeling like snapping Tawny's furry neck in half.

He doesn't answer Tum Tum or even look his way.

Touphy : ( says angrily and softly ) '' Mmm ... ''

Tum : '' Do you even trust her , brother ? There is trust in your secret , loving and screwin' relationship with her right ? ''

He grins at Touphy teasingly while he threw in the word '' screw '' - as in love making or simply having sex , into his sentence. Knowing that he's playfully messing with his older brother as usual.

Touphy doesn't look at Tum Tum , but his very long , furry tail slaps him hard to shut him up .. for being smart and fresh. , or teasing and pushing his luck like he always does.

Touphy : '' Now I'm going to let that fresh , disrespectful and out of hand remark slide for a second , brother , until you know your place as us brothers. I'm in no mood to put you in your place right now , because I .. am ' too curious ' .. to see .. what they are talking about. - Of course I trust Puffs. Even when we were best friends , I trusted her with my life. Just like I trust you with my life. ''

Tum : '' But right now , you're seeing a different light of her. She's not your best friend anymore. And if you're going to be in this secret , loving relationship with her , you have to stop seeing her .. as your best friend. - If you're so curious , then why not go over there and mark your territory with her .. like you always do ? Stomp over there and muscle your way like your normal , big T approach. ''

Touphy sighs patiently.

Touphy : '' That was the old me that I been left behind since our past brother. You know that I'm learning NOT to rush impulsively into situations like that head on. , ' without ' even thinking of at least .. three possibilities .. in my mind. And then consider those three possibilities , knowing that each one .. will ' definitely happen ' in my head. You know that I'm a changed lion right now .. and .. as much as you miss the old me , Moon's right. I need to patiently approach these kinds of situations or else with my approach , a lion ' will ' get hurt. And I can promise you that. ''

Tum : '' But she's your lioness. He just touched her dark black bangs. That's basically saying : '' Back the hell off of my lioness '' to me. ''

Touphy : '' It didn't look like nothing. So I let it happen. ''

Tum Tum looks at his older brother like he's a halfwit.

Tum : '' Don't be a donkey this time brother. I know you better than that. At least walk up there calmly and make your presence known. You don't gotta go raise your deep voice and look threateningly at Tawny while in front of your Queen. At least let the Queen know that she needs to know who she's in a relationship right now. Right now , she looks as though she's allowing Tawny to reel her in. ''

Touphy : '' That's it. , and .. I hate to say it , but you're right brother. * he looks at Tum Tum * I'm am walking over there .. even though I know that I shouldn't do this , because I want the Queen to feel like she can talk to other lions ' without me ' getting so jealous all of the time. ''

Tum : '' But you ' are ' the jealous type of lover brother. And not even watching Tawny .. make a move on her right now , is going to change that. ''

Touphy : '' Stay here. I'll be back. ''

Tum : '' That's my bro. ''

Touphy : '' Oh , ''

and so quickly , Touphy is face to face with Tum Tum.

Touphy : '' I'll be sure to get you back for joshing me like that again. Count on it. ''

Tum smirks playfully at Touphy.

Tum : '' Counting on it brother. Counting ... ''

Touphy : '' You better. ''

Between Tawny and Queen Destiny ,

Tawny : ( says low toned ) '' Don't you know dawl , that I'm probably just using Igi , just to make you jealous ? ''

Queen Destiny hisses at him angrily. Luckily for Tawny finding a way to make her angry and make her blood boil , this makes her lose the feeling of calling Tawny name deep inside of her gut , or wanting to snout kiss him so badly. But still , that's exactly what her eyes and Tawny's hazel eyes keep on saying to each other over and over again .. whenever they have this sassy and fierce duos together.

Queen Destiny : ( says low toned ) '' I can't stand you ! ''

Tawny ignores this. Not at all affected by this. He knows that Queen Destiny never means these mean , smart and sassy remarks that he always tells her. For years , he is now a full pro at seeing right through her. No wonder why it's so easy for him to hit her nerves , make her angry and outraged.

Tawny : '' Oh please sexy. I remember the last time you said that and then we ended trapped in that den that was supposed to be ' our home ' together .. when I was King of Sundaya ten years ago , and we were so pushed up close together and you looked like you were ' beggin' me ' .. to snout kiss you. The next time that happens , don't be surprised when I snout kiss you. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Don't be surprised when I scratch you and then hiss in your face. ''

Tawny : '' You're so sexy when you do that. * he smirks at her sexually and mischievously , it keeps making her heart beat secretly for him * Everything you do .. is so hot and sexy. You .. are just perfect for me and so perfect .. to me. ( says in a fake tone of voice , already knowing that this was going to happen ) No wedding with Kippy ? ''

Queen Destiny : ( lying ) '' Even if there ' was ' a wedding Tawn , I'd be happy .. to be Kip's lioness. ''

Tawny : '' When will you admit .. that you like me so much .. you're already so in love with me. I always make you dream of me .. every night .. every day. I already know that you're using Touphy - and the fact that you're in this secret relationship with him , just to make me jealous. ''

Queen Destiny : '' What of it Tawn ? , that lion .. will NEVER be you .. can we be real on this cruel fact right now ? , is it working ? Oh wait , it mostly ' definitely is. ' Otherwise , you would've come here to talk to me. Trying to play my sympathies , asking me if I was * air quotes with her furry paws in the air * '' okay ? ''

She chuckles softly knowing Tawny's game that he's playing with her right now. , and she's playin' this game right back.

Tawny : '' No. Admittingly , that was all me. A small part of me ' did come ' .. to see if you're okay. Besides , trying to get you to admit to me .. that you love me so much and that you like me so much , so you can finally marry me and we can all move on with our furry lives in Sundaya. ''

Tawny : '' Don't ask such a rhetorical question my furry , hot beauty. You know I'm so damn jealous for you. You know that I got it bad for you. And you are just enjoying .. the fact .. that you're making me jealous. Like I'm not .. going to play these outwitting games with you. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Well right now , my heart and love .. belongs to Touphy. I almost thought .. that it could belong to you. ''

Tawny : '' Please baby. You can deny me all you want to , and tell me how much times .. that you love Big T .. who is walking to us right now , but let me tell you this : * he pulls her closer to his long , furry body * I screwed this furry body before. I've done sexually , naughty , hot , sexy , romantic acts to this body .. that no lion - not even Touphy , can give you ever .. in ' your life. ' You love me so , so much .. that are willing .. to go far as to use your own best friend Kippity Kip , to make him King of Sundaya .. because you can't handle .. facing me .. as the very first .. King of Sundaya. No matter how much you don't like it , Moon light said that you're gonna make me your King of Sundaya. Believe it. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Let me go. ''

She tries to pull away from Tawny but he pulls her back to him sexually , very passionate and romantically. Her long , curvy and furry body brushed up against Tawny's long , furry body. His paws already dominantly placing themselves onto her widened , womanly , big , sexy hips.

Tawny : '' I'm not done speaking with you. If you want me to let you go , then you better listen. .. Unless , you want me to catnap you again. Like old , furry times ? ''

He smirks at her cold and seductively again.

Obeying and left with not much of a choice , Queen Destiny allows Tawny to hold her knowing that with such good timing , Touphy will see that she's struggling to break free and when he does , he will come and break them up. And then angrily confront Tawny like always.

Queen Destiny : ( says in fake interest ) '' I'm lis-tening. - Not that I have much of a choice on my part. ''

Tawny : '' You know better dawl. ''

She rolls her dark and light brown eyes at Tawny in annoyance and with some irritation.

Tawny : ( says seductively , managing to trap her again ) '' I know what you like .. and what you don't like. Keep fighting me all that you want because .. you be in his den .. letting him screw the daylights out of you .. and giving him a family of cubs , but your body .. is always going to have ' my name ' .. written all over it. ''

Queen Destiny : '' That ' used ' .. to be the case. Don't you just hate it .. that now Touphy's name .. is written ' all over ' my body ? ''

She smiles meanly just as he is smiling at her , but also seductively , trying to trap her and force her into extremely tempting seduction. In which she is ' so close ' .. to falling for. As if Tawny took offense to what she said , that was all it took when he easily lets her go and she breaks free. Automatically running into Touphy's very long and huge body that she allows herself to crash into right now. She romantically pulls Touphy's very long and tall body close to her furry , long body while looking devious and like a true , sexy seductress .. that she is known for being called , as the old her in Sundaya in her past.

Still playing like a true seductress for so many years.

Catching her sudden romantic and seductive hug , Touphy looks down and smiles at her romantically . , as she always has to throw her furry head back to look up at him right now.

Tawny gives Queen Destiny and Touphy a very , very jealous , hateful and a furry look filled with attitude. But through his behavior right now , he's trying to keep calm , cool and collected on the inside , but super pissed and chessed off on the outside , that's Touphy's really movin' in on his Queen.

As usual , he talks smooth , cool and like nothing affects him , just to hide his true , vulnerable and truthful feelings. Feelings that Queen Destiny is right. Right about him being jealous that Touphy is with right now , right about everything .. that she just told him a second ago.

Firstly , he looks up at Touphy in ferocious hate.

Tawny : '' Speak of the huge , furry devil. ''

Acknowledging Tawny , Touphy looks up and meets furry , eye contact with Tawny. Then monstrously and with usual muscle and so much gigantic power , slowly takes his time to walk up to Tawny. Meeting him very close furry face to face. Looking down on him like how he looks at alot of cats - except Queen Destiny , with such weak in significance or acting like any cat that's less bigger than him , is beneath him.

Touphy : ( speaking with cruelty and power ) '' The ' only ' devil that I'm looking at , is one of Red's lions. Though Fuss .. will always be a devil to be reckoned with , for now , you .. will have to do nicely. ( questioning in resentment and with a hint of hatred ) Which reminds me , whatever happened .. to dear Fuss and dear Spark ? , lost their way ? ''

He softly laughs in front of Tawny's furry , fierce and angry face at this point. Touphy already pushing him to a fighting limit. Casted gently to the right side by Touphy in the sidelines all alone , Queen Destiny watches Touphy's act of .. '' marking her as his territory '' scene unfold so nasty , ugly and has the word '' death '' written all over it. Some cats .. just aren't meant to be seen or meet up .. face to face. She realizes this last minute as of right now as she frowns unhappily while she hears Touphy and Tawny's ugly encounter right now.

Touphy , Tawny and Queen Destiny can all hear Tum Tum's mocking , soft and mean laugh as he joins Touphy happily. Couldn't wait any longer or even bother to stay where Touphy advised him to stay. Probably seeing his older brother's ugly counter with Tawny from afar , and was willing to take a closer look , just in case Touphy needed him.

Now , slowly walking his way slowly onto his very long and very tall , furry fours. Emerging from behind Touphy's very tall and very long figure and meeting him from his left. Surrounded Tawny front of him.

Tawny : '' Hmm. I can't say that I know Big T. I'm not out of Sundaya grounds , doin' my best to conquer so many other Sundaya territories .. that belong to Dawl , so I could win her over by force through her kingdom and territory .. so that way she'll have no choice , but to marry me. * his evil smirk widens , had enough of Touphy's huge appearance trying to intimidate him * So don't be surprised when you find her laying in my den , claimed by me from sex. ''

Tawny : '' I'm sure she liked my performance in my den when once upon a Sundaya time , that furry , hot beauty over there .. that you're screwing .. is ' mine. ' ''

Feeling her furry heart beat , Queen Destiny tries to take such short and soft breaths at this point right now. Seeing just how extremely heat and dangerous , the tension that Tawny and Touphy are creating right now. It's worse enough that the whole pride has stopped talking and having side conversations with each other - still waiting for the new members of cats to come , completely and it's soo embarrassing to her .. that Touphy and Tawny aren't ' only ' .. making her seem like a prize , but nothing but a call lioness or a furry , sexy toy.

Abblie : ( says softly ) '' You okay my home girl ? ''

Queen Destiny turns her furry head right over her shoulder to see Abblie slowly approaching to her onto her short , furry fours. , not with Syibeen this time. Abblie looks at her softly with a lot of concern , a lot of worry and with alot of understanding on what she's going through right now. , between lions Tawny and Touphy.

Abblie weakly smiles at her. Solo more come running with her onto his small , furry fours. He starts to turn his small , furry head while sitting upright behind a standing Abblie and a standing Queen Destiny , and starts to pounce for Abblie's furry , short tail. But when she moves it to the left side , Solo more misses.

Queen Destiny smiles as if relived and alittle soft and friendly back at Abblie.

Queen Destiny : '' I will be. Thanks for asking Abbs. , ''

Abblie stands close by the right side of Queen Destiny sassily with her right , furry paw onto her furry , right hip. Hip stuck out into a very sassy and a very difficult , furry stance.

Queen Destiny turns her furry head to still watch and look at Touphy and Tawny who look like they are about to fight with Tum Tum , as Touphy's extra backup. This is ' really ' .. about to get ugly.

Queen Destiny : ( says softly and with alot of worry ) '' I just don't know what to do with Kip right now. Or this with Touphy and Tawny. If I don't do something soon , he's going to hurt Tawn. ''

Abblie speaks to her with sly 'n cool sass and with confidence as usual.

Abblie : '' I doubt it , my girl. Tawny always has back up. His collision is right behind him. If they ' did fight ' , it would be a tie between them. Come on girl , let's be real. ''

Queen Destiny looks at Abblie like she can't believe she said : '' Let's be real. ''

Queen Destiny : ( still speaking with innocent worry ) ( , as if she's the victim and cause of Touphy and Tawny confronting each other right now ) '' But we ' are ' being real Abbs. Tawn doesn't know how to give up. ''

Abblie : '' True. , and since you know big Touphy so well , so does Touphy. ''

She looks at the situation between Tawny and Touphy with Queen Destiny ' still ' by the sidelines , as if she added a sassy neck roll and a roll of her brown , furry eyes. Like the situation was too good for her , or way too good to waste her time.

Queen Destiny : '' ... ''

Tawny continues to speak extremely boldly , not caring .. if Touphy's next move , will be breaking his furry neck right in front of him.

Tawny : '' You must be the dumbest , huge lion .. that I have ' ever ' .. met .. in my entire life. She's playing lions like you and Kippity Kip ! She's an old seductress pro , she's been that way for as long as I knew her .. and for as long as I can remember since our past. I know that sexy , hot lioness over there .. better than ' any ' cat in this here pride. So believe me when I tell you this : ''

He leans forward ready to rattle Touphy's cage , make Touphy see red and drive him mad.

Tawny : * whispers aloud so that the whole pride can hear him * '' She .. loves .. me. ''

This easily works without a moment's hesitation. Touphy's furry , big face turns into a steaming , stormin' , enraged , growling alot fit. Still growling all up in Tawny's furry face. Tawny laughs in sick twisted and wildly cold humor as he keeps his evil and sick twisted , widen furry smirk that turns into a toothy , sharp , ugly smile. Daringly staring all up into Touphy's furry , big face sure enough .. that Touphy isn't going to make a move. His lions from his collision all start to laugh sick twisted and coldly. All starting to slowly walk behind Tawny and met Tawny to the left and right furry sides of his furry , long body.

Touphy's huge claws unleashes and softly * clink ! * from his huge , fluffy paws that are standing by his furry sides. From Touphy's left side , Tum Tum starts to growl very , very loudly and in very strong dislike and hate .. for so many lions that belong in Tawny's collision. Knowing what all lions are about just as much as Touphy does.

Before Tawny could say anything , not realizing that he's poking a dangerous bear , Queen Destiny quickly runs onto her long , furry fours and then stands up onto her long , furry two's. , coming between Touphy and Tawny to avoid any further building tension , any action or any bloody violence.

Queen Destiny turns her furry head left and right constantly. , trying to talk and reason with Touphy and Tawny right now. Though talking sense into both lions right now , isn't not going to do any good. But it's worth a shot.

Queen Destiny : ( still speaking innocently and calmly ) '' Please big guy and Tawn , I don't want you both fighting over me. This could get seriously ugly. ( says with alittle feeling ) A lion could get hurt ! ''

Touphy : ( says very strongly , his deep voice booming powerfully for the whole pride to hear ) '' Well that's too bad beautiful ! , Tawny needs to stand down and ' quit ' .. while he still can. Or else , he's going to regret .. making this choice ! ''

Tawny : '' I .. do not .. think so. I didn't come back plotting to create trouble , get Sundaya and dawl back , just to have huge lions like ' you ' and Tum Tum over there , to ruin my plans. Now keep away from her ! She's mine. ''

Sad to say , it's a horrible part for Queen Destiny to be standing in between Touphy and Tawny. Because now , Tawny takes the chance to aggressively grab Queen Destiny's right , furry paw closer to him. Making the move to snout kiss her right , furry face like a true gentleman and then smiles seductively in front of her furry face.

Queen Destiny : '' Oh ! ''

She says , being taken off guard by Tawny quickly grabbing her closer to him.

She tries her hardest to not blush at Tawny , meeting his shiny , yet loving and dirty , romantic thoughts for her , light hazel eyes. Then adds a sexy wink at her now.

Seeing this , Touphy takes a surprised and enraged double take , and then quickly grabs for Queen Destiny's left , furry paw before Queen Destiny can say : " Oh ! '' , taken aback once more than now Touphy is in her possession , right where she belongs.

She is pushed up against Touphy's huge , furry , long and tall body. , his huge , clawed paws protective and dominantly placed onto her womanly , sexy hips. Being this sick twisted , letting Tawny and his lion collision watch , Touphy starts to give Queen Destiny a very steamy , sexual , wanting , seductive and a very hot act of attention and display. He quickly starts to snout kiss and bite very , very hard at the right , furry side of Queen Destiny's furry neck as if to remark her as '' his '' all over again , just the way that she loves it. Queen Destiny can't help but let out a soft , yet heard loving moan in soft , sexual pleasure at Touphy. , even if the whole pride is watching her.

His furry , huge , left paw reaches up from the fluffy , golden , white and yellow fur of Queen Destiny's furry chest to squeeze and naughtily grab Queen Destiny's left , hidden , furry , erect breast. Then very quickly , his same huge , left , furry paw guides Queen Destiny's furry face to his and when he does , he quickly snout kisses Queen Destiny very hard , seductively and sexually. Queen Destiny snout kisses back feeling like she's been lifted off of her furry feet.

They are a lot of hoots , wolf whistles and sexy comments coming from other lions that are from Tawny's collision and other cats coming from the whole pride. Other cats encourage Touphy and Queen Destiny's very romantic and sex act in public cat display. Tawny growls in anger. The rest of the cats in the Indenius pride continue to widen their colored , furry eyes so much shock , but even more entertained.

Looking at his older brother making out : cat style , with Queen Destiny , he smiles as if noisy yet even more delighted and amused at what he is seeing right now , compared to other cats in the whole Indenius pride , compared to other lions in the Indenius pride and even compared to the lions in Tawny's collision. For what feels like a century , Touphy finally pulls back away from that amazing , mind blowing snout kiss that he shared with Queen Destiny and then looks hatefully at Tawny.

Having an : '' I win , and you lose '' furry look onto his furry face.

Touphy : '' Just now , I checked her whole furry body. Mmm ? From the looks of it , it doesn't say your name at all. From what I've read , it's say : '' Touphy '' Hell , she even called my name softly. ''

Tawny : ( now speaking in passion and ticked off ) '' You should've been exhiled from Sundaya for being a killer ' more ' than I have ! ''

Touphy : '' Then why am I ' still ' .. a known , very popular and a very famous protector of Sundaya ? Hm ? , ri-ddle me that ! , ha ha ! ''

Tum Tum roars in cruel , bellowing laughter with him.

Tawny : '' When I'm King of Sundaya , you are the ' first lion ' .. that I'm exhiling ! ' You ' .. and Tum Tum ! ''

Touphy : '' Oh ? ( he says pulling Tawny's charm ) , well until then , * leans his big , furry head in front of Tawny * for the time being , ' I'll ' .. be my Queen's furry , tem-por-rary .. King .. of Sundaya. Does it suck .. that you'll never be King ? ''

Tum Tum laughs even more harder.

Queen Destiny looks up at Touphy who is still staring at Tawny without fear or any second , hesitating thoughts.

Queen Destiny : '' Big guy , I know you can hear me. I know that you're winded up with Tawn - and it probably has a lot to do with me , being the reason why. But please , stop trying to inflame Tawn. This isn't going to end well. ''

She tries to push his huge , powerful , very tall and extremely toned and strong chest away from Tawny. But this doesn't work. Only struggling and her long , furry , hind legs are dragging into the dirt ground away from him.

As if responding to what she just said , Touphy quickly turns his big , furry head to look into her dark and light brown eyes. He smiles as her , as if saying : '' Okay my beautiful Queen , I'll try to play nice with Tawny. FOR NOW. '' Then he looks seriously at Abblie and speaks to her , catching her off guard with widen , furry brown eyes. Looking at like him with a look that says : '' Are you talkin' to me ? ''

Touphy : '' You ! , hold on to her for a moment. I don't want her to be a part of this. ''

He says so calm and smoothly with much reason , but for protective reasons for her. , since him and Tawny and already using her and forcing her .. into their ugly encounter. He gently scoots her over to Abblie as she almost slowly walks into Abblie who pulls Queen Destiny gently to the side. With Solo more welcoming her , with a very tight , but loving , wrapped hug onto her right , furry , hind leg.

Queen Destiny looks at Solo more below and smiles warmly at him. Happy that even if Kip isn't a oart of their big , huge family picture anymore , at least it's just her , Abblie , her collision of lioness and him against Sundaya. Solo more mews to her loving then purrs very low.

Then all cats in the Indenius pride could hear , are two , whispering aloud , evil , two faced , twins in furry disguise and a master of trickery more than Tawny ever could , furry voices. Talking gently into the still , Sundaya air. Talking in a way of being stuck sleeping in a nightmare , being evilly crooned , forced to sleep , in an evil lullaby.

Or having a better description , cats speaking like a trickery serpent . , or a trickery , whispering snake.

? : '' Oh ! , please don't stop now. We were enjoying how fast you cats turn on each other. ''

? : * laughs soft , but sick twistedly insane *

Cats in the Indenius pride quickly move out of the way to the sidelines to reveal the brand new , but are definitely not welcome , cats that were oh so very long ago exhiled by the real royals of Sundaya years ago. But all Queen Destiny , Touphy and Tawny know , are that these cats left Sundaya one day one a family , very important mission - one of the cats .. said that they did not want to go , because they he loved to be here with Sundaya and in the company of all of the well known cats that he has known in Sundaya for years , ever since he was a growing cub. The other cat - the leader it looks like , ordered the cat that did not want to leave Sundaya , to go but promised .. that they ' will be back ' .. just as soon as they finish their mission and purpose .. on why .. they are leaving Sundaya in the first place.

That was many .. years ago. Going back from the years that Queen Destiny , was just .. Princess .. of Sundaya. And Tawny , is an old Prince .. of Sundaya.

Touphy lets Queen Destiny go. All cats in the Indenius pride's furry heads turn to look at these old , returning members of Sundaya that have finally came from home for years , since there last departure. Evil , twins lions : both lions almost slowly stalking closer to the very open and formed , wide open path that the cats in the Indenius pride has already created for them.

Cats in the Indenius pride's blood boils on the inside , other cats furry , physical appearances nerves on the inside , start to slowly kick in and then , everything just looks like the Indenius pride is just growling and hissing hatefully at the evil twin lions with their very large group of cats , as their very own collision as back up. Knowing full well that when they returned to Sundaya , the Indenius pride will recognize them , remember them , know them .. and know them well and be hostile , unfriendly and unwelcoming towards them. Everything just looks ' exactly ' like a frozen ambush .. is about to press play .. as if on a television screen.

Together , Queen Destiny and Tawny take their time slowly walking onto their long , furry two's sure as hell knowin' how to walk the walk and talk the talk .. as the saying implies. Queen Destiny seductively , walking ahead to meet up with the evil , twin lions aggressively but with sassy and difficult purpose , but not for a friendly hello. Tawny , known for flaunting his ego and pride to the fullest as he pleases. , Wearing his pride and ego everywhere he goes and swears , that Sundaya belongs to him and Queen Destiny , is definitely his Queen no matter how many times she refuses.

Both silently thinking together , that they .. are going to get rid of this evil twin lions with their collision , then they .. are forced .. to work together. And forced .. to create a charade of being King and Queen of Sundaya , so that way , any trickery threats like the evil , two faced lions , won't think that Sundaya has gone weak and vulnerable .. ever since a lot of cats have fled from Sundaya from the hyena invasion. , or have simply been chained up at : '' Paws Repercussions '' located ' out ' of Sundaya territory.

When they are very close enough to the evil , twin lions that are standing in front of them , both Tawny and Queen Destiny stop walking and remain standing in place.

And working together , is just what Tawny and Queen Destiny are doing right now. Speaking exactly like they are in sync. Like two royal minds finally coming together after so , so many years in Sundaya. Being true legacies and royal legends , that still live on to this very day in Sundaya , planning to fight of Sundaya and their territory , if any means necessary.

? : '' Oh don't be surprised to see us. Matter fact , keep on talking. We were just enjoying the show ! '' * laughs more deranged and wildly , but very loudly *

Tawny lifts his left , furry paw into the air and immediately , all cats in the Indenius pride stop growling very , very loud. The male lions stop their powerful , deep and booming growls and the strong , independent and furry powerhouse lioness stop hisses out of tune and in warning not to get too close or else.

It gets dangerously quiet in this area behind the white fence beyond hyena territory and still Tawny , Queen Destiny and the Indenius pride can hear the evil twins whispering aloud voices taht sound very , very sick twisted and will make you want to cover your ears. , or if you keep hearing , you'll just go crazy and be locked in an insane asylum room.

When all cats have surrounded this area , in one huge circle completely , Touphy and Tum Tum take this chance to sit upright , covering the background as the only possible exit , as true protectors of Sundaya. Just in case the evil twin lions get any trickery ideas , try to get on Sundaya grounds and just any case anything bad were to happen.

Queen Destiny hisses at the second , evil twin's annoying laugh that is already starting to get on her nerves.

1st , evil , male lion : ( whispering with trickery and with whispering persuasion ) '' Tawny ! , still NOT .. the real King of Sundaya I see ? Ohhh , that's a shame. And here I thought that Red , taught you better than that. ''

2nd , evil , male lion : ( also whispering with trickery and with whispering persuasion ) '' And here we're talking about the beautiful Queen ... ''

Other cats that are part of the evil , twin lions collision start to finish the second , evil twin lion's sentences in whispering , but badly hypnotizing and in a whispery , singing trance. Almost trying to rhyme in tune. Trying to drive Tawny and Queen Destiny crazy.

1st , evil , male lion : '' Used to be current Princess ... ''

2nd , evil lion and other lions : '' So fluffy , sexy , delectable and delicious ... ''

Then the evil triplet lions start to circle around Tawny and Queen Destiny. , thinking the same idea instinctively , Tawny and Queen Destiny go back to furry , long back with each other , as if allowing themselves to be trapped by the evil twin lions.

1st , evil lion : '' You both .. have ' really ' .. disa-ppointed .. us , ''

2nd , evil lion and other lions : ( in mean whispering singling ) '' You really have. , really , really have. ''

The 1st , evil triplet lion - the leader , continues to speak to both Tawny and Queen Destiny. Who are forced in a trapping position to listen to these famously , number one , wanted , two faced cats .. in all of Sundaya. Never .. to be trusted.

1st , evil lion : '' we used to have so much respect for you two. Hell , my second , evil twin brother looked up to you. Especially you Tawn. We trusted you , we thought that .. we were all one , big , happy , troublesome pack. A family. ''

2nd lion and other lions : ( in whipering singing ) '' A pack that sticks together , stays together forever. ''

1st , evil lion : '' You've .. always told us that beautiful. You both were true royals. Doin' whatever it takes , to get what you both wanted. We shared one , big huge collision together ! We worked together , traveled together , ate together , played .. together ! Indenius was so strong ! ''

The leader's deep golden , shiny eyes widen as if sick twisted thought when he said that the Indenius pride was so strong. Still smiling that small , toothy , two faced , wide smile .. that's so much worse .. than the chesire cat , from Alice and Wonderland.

2nd , evil lion : ( whispery singing ) '' So strong ''

Other lions : ( whispery singing ) '' So really strong ''

1st , evil lion : '' Oh no cat pride couldn't defeat us ' or ' take away our Kingdom. They knew better than that. Indenius and you royals .. were all in your prime ! Hehe , hehe , hehe ! We are all becoming ' extremely ' .. close to one another. Feelings were shared privately , love and relationship developed , cubs were given birth .. and a family was in order. ''

The second , evil triplet lion joins in the conversation. Continuing what the first , evil triplet lion was going to say right now.

2nd , evil lion : '' You two .. once were married. Oh you showed so many of us cats here .. in Indenius , just what love really is , what love really was .. and how could love really .. conquer every-thing. * evil snicker as if he made a joke * You two were together for a ' very ' , impressive long time. Do you remember ? , or would you like us to continue to reminisce for you ? ''

Narrow eyed in pure hatred and hostility , more than Queen Destiny is , Tawny brashly answers back.

Tawny : '' If I'm being honest here , no. ''

Also narrow eyed at the evil , twin lions that look mockingly at both them and like they are a complete , royal joke ; they pretend to look at them with fake and surprised , constant , furry face reactions. Obviously not at all caring what they have to say and obviously showing them .. that they are not really engaged or would even wanna hear what the royals have to say right now.

They keep constantly exchanged , making a joke out of and poking fun at furry , facial expressions at one another , as if they are really affected by what the royals just said and towards their hostile and blood thirsty behavior.

Queen Destiny answers the evil , twin lions after Tawny last. Obviously sounding like she couldn't care less what these evil , male , twin lions are going to do to her at this point.

Queen Destiny : '' No matter which answer we give you , it's not like you're gonna stop anyway ... ''

The first , evil , male lion snaps at her , noticing that both royals are taking absolutely no effect .. in being driven crazy by him and his second , younger , evil , male lion , twin brother.

1st , evil lion : '' Damn right I will ! , * golden eyes ablazing at the royals , losing his patience * so listen up. ( speaks into a whispering tone again ) Because ' we're ' all going to be here for a while. ''

Other , evil , triplet male lions and twin lions , close friends of Scales and Trails laugh in as if joshing agreement.

2nd , evil lion : '' You both .. were so in love. We knew what you both lions were about. Then you both changed. Our Princess here , turned into a goody goody lioness. ( whispers more loud and insanely ) Always listening to Moonlight or .. Uncle .. or Mommy .. and Da-ddy ! Now what happened , between the both of you ? Are you still together now ? ''

Both Tawny and Queen Destiny go into a very quick flashback together. We see Prince Tawny and Princess Destiny during the reign of King Fein .. of Sundaya and Queen Lad La La , Uncle , being a treacherous and evil Uncle and Moonlight , being worth , a true royal in the making , a true , most trusted protector of Sundaya.

We see Prince Tawny and Princess Destiny romantically holding each other close as the whole pride , all of his furry cat members in their young and happy prime , walking by and in groups onto their long or short , furry fours. With cubs quickly running about after their mothers , father's and other furry members of their family. We see Prince Tawny and Princess Destiny snout kissing each other atop the royal tower of Queen Lad La La , Prince Tawny and Queen Destiny sitting upright by the royal ledge on the tower . , leaning close to one another and talking privately. Probably about their relationship and .. what goals and what achievements do they wish to achieve , when one day , both royals finally .. become the very first , young King and Queen of Sundaya.

Both royals could imagine Prince Tawny and Princess Destiny standing in front of one another. , and then he sits upright and proposes marriage to her. In which , looking down at him with widen , dark and light brown , shining eyes in the evening night ; she says yes like her breath has already been taken away from Tawny. And she throws her long , furry body to quickly hug him as she accepts her warm , furry hug. And they end their evening moment with a very passionate and romantic snout kiss.

Both royals can also imagine more romantic , marriage scenes between them , while the pride is following them , normally gathered in a very huge and a very large group. Traveling to other parts within Sundaya grounds depending on the King , Queen of Sundaya and the royals orders.

Queen Destiny and Tawny's flashback quickly flash out and back into reality. Back to their surroundings of being back to back near each other , the evil , triplet twin lions still circling around them into a stalking , hunting fashion and other cats of the triplet friends collision are from behind the evil , triplet lions not near the white fence anymore.

Finally , I introduce the third , evil triplet lion that is part of trio. Also circling around Queen Destiny and Tawny as I speak. All triplet and twin lion friends of Scales and Trails.

3rd , evil , triplet lion : ( in mean whispers ) '' You both had such a happy .. marriage together. Sexy beauty here was ex-pecting ! , you both were about to have a furry family of your own together. Until word got out to the pride and .. all of Sundaya that Tawn .. just couldn't give it to her no more like he used to. Can't even .. get her impregnated with cubs. Hmph. You both dis-gusss me ! ''

Other cats from the triplet , evil twin lions collision starts to circle around the three , evil twin triplets. Now creating multiple rings around Tawny and Queen Destiny. It's the end of the line for the both of them. No where to run , no where to hide. , and no where .. for the pride to flee to safety.

Other cats and lions : '' So trait-terousss ... ''

Lions : ( in whispering singing ) '' Can't be trusted. ''

The second evil , triplet lion starts to laugh even more insanely , wild and crazy even more. Other cats start to join in. The Indenius pride continues to watch Tawny and Queen Destiny battle it out with out witty words as best as they can ' without ' .. back up. Forcing to play the un welcome cats arrival , mind games that all cats in the pride cannot stand. So many cats furry faces with shock , furry mouths alittle wide open in utter , shaking fear and .. unable to move , for some reason in shock and can't free themselves.

It's the in shocking , frozen and still affect coming from the evil , lion triplets.

Tired to just standing down and watching - because of Tawny's royal order , Touphy gets up onto his very long and very tall fours and starts to rudely move passed cats. , trying to reach Queen Destiny. Turning his big , furry head at Touphy , giving a widen eyed , in reasonable fear , furry look ; Tum Tum quickly runs in Touphy's way , blocking his view with very long and also very tall body in a vertical direction.

Touphy looks at him , a look that says : '' Stand down brother , and let me through. '' Disobeying his older brother for just a few times in his life , Tum Tum shakes his big , furry head and looks at him with a very concerned , a very protective and a very worried shine through his volcano red , furry eyes.

Understanding Tum Tum's furry , facial expression . Touphy nods his big , furry head. His narrow eyed , angry , facial expression and need to protective Queen Destiny complete gone and completely out of his furry , big mind for me. Looking back at Tum Tum , a look that says : '' Do you really fear .. that you're going to lose me , as your older brother ? ''

Answering Touphy's question in silence , Tum Tum nods his big , furry head soft , alittle slow and gently.

Trying his best to reassure Tum Tum , Touphy forces Tum Tum into a very loving , over protective and passionate head rub. Trying to get Tum Tum's fearful , bad thoughts about losing him out of his furry , big head right now.

Queen Destiny : ( says in a fierce way , to rub salt against the wound on the triplets ) * alittle narrow eyed dauntlessly * '' If you're looking for your close friends Scales and Trails , I'm afraid to say that they aren't in Sundaya right now. ''

Tawny joins her tone of voice catching on to what she's trying to do to the triplets right now.

Tawny : * chuckles very stony hearted and ruthlessly * ( into what sounds like a very soft : '' Hmph '' ) '' Big guy and Tum Tum over there chained your sick twisted , two faced and triplet timin' leaders of your pack so many years ago in the past. , trapped in '' Paws Repercussions. ''

Queen Destiny : ( says unpityingly ) '' Oh , it's too bad that we couldn't see them today ... ''

The first , evil triplet leader lion golden eyes flash again in uncontrollable , bad and ill fit temper.

1st , evil lion : '' Liiier ! ''

2nd , evil lion : * imitates buzzer * '' Oh , I'm sorry .. ' wrong answer ! ' , now give us the key so we can free all of our sickk twisted , deranged and screwed up in the headd catsss .. back at : '' Pawsss .. Repercussionsss ... ''

3rd , evil lion : '' A cat reunion .. needs to be in orderrr ... ''

Other cats from the evil , triplet lions collision start to growl aloud at Queen Destiny and Tawny. The triplets looking exactly like Tawny and Queen Destiny have not only succeeeded in pissing them off , but have also succeeded in urking their last and final nerves.

Other lion : ( whisper chanting ) '' Reunion ! , reunion ! ''

Other cats snarl in unsparing agreement.

Tawny : '' Trust me , seeing you cats again from reperussions , cat insane asylum .. is ' more than enough ' of a cat reunion as it is. ''

1st , evll lion : ( says sarcastically at Tawny , not at all affected by his brutally cold opinion ) '' Aw-oh , my feelings little light. ''

As if sensing how all of this is going to end , Tawny gently grabs for Queen Destiny's left , furry paw again from behind his long , furry back. Shockingly , Queen Destiny allows Tawny to grab her left , furry paw and in response , she squeezes his right , furry paw letting her know that she's here for him.

Touphy : ( raises his voice in anger ) '' How ' bout no ? ''

The pride of cats all say : '' Oh ! '' in even more scared stiff. All cats in this area quickly turn their furry heads to look at Touphy. Even Tum Tum from the right side of Touphy , slowly turns his furry , big head to look at him. A look that says : '' What did you just do ? ! '' A furry look in chill to the blood.

The evil , triplet lions stare at Touphy and then turn their furry heads to look at one another. Giving each other sick twisted grins in cold pleasure and enjoyment to be turning their unwelcoming visit and return to Sundaya , into a cold , bullying fit. All lions share a '' Heheheheheh '' whispering , but very , very loud chuckle together , that definitely sends cold chills and goosebumps down all cats of the pride's furry spines. And making every single cat's fur stand on end.

A deranged , demonic chuckle that sounds as if all three , triplet male lions are possessed by some sort of evil cat force .. or a spirit that's trying to take over all of their furry bodies.

Queen Destiny felt her heart drop completely. Tawny's right , furry paw squeezes Queen Destiny's left , furry paw even more tighter. , all he's thinking of in his furry mind right now , is NOT .. to let her go. Since Touphy , is unable to reach her at this point. Deep inside , both royals are scared , but having too much ego and too much pride , they refuse to admit it.

The first , evil lion slowly starts to walk up to Touphy ignoring all furry eyes on him and furry heads slowly following his every movement. The two , evil triplet lions remain standing onto their long , furry fours surrounding Queen Destiny and Tawny still. , while the cat collision keeps their multiple ring that are also surrounding Queen Destiny and Tawny into multiple layered , big circles.

In fear and .. forgetting that they despise one another for so many territorial reasons , but truly love each other for sure ; both Tawny and Queen Destiny turn their long , furry bodies ahead. He quickly pulls her close to the right , furry side of his long body. And as if under a spell , Queen Destiny side hugs and pulls Tawny closer to her , in such a romantic gesture.

The first , evil lion meets furry face to furry face with Touphy. As his way to intimidate all cats in Sundaya , Touphy gets up onto his very long , furry two's as if proving just how very tall and huge he is. With an evil , crazy as a loon smirk , Touphy looks down on the first , evil male lion who doesn't at all look very much intimidated with Touphy's very tall , furry , body building , physical appearance. He remains standing onto his long , furry fours having to throw his furry head back to make evil , hating , furry eye contact with Touphy, not before glancing at a huge , lion head , but in a skull , killer fashion , very shiny and silver shaped key .. hanging around his furry , big neck.

The last lion .. that touched that key .. and got all up into Touphy's furry , big face .. died the next day .. in his sleep.

Sitting very tall and proud upright , like all cats , Tum Tum leans his furry , big head closer to the first , evil male lion to growl very , very low and upsettingly at him. His huge , furry snout turning into a wide , toothy , dangerous snarl ready to fight for his older brother Touphy if this male lion tries anything. , or does something rash.

As if not caring at all of Tum Tum's furry , pissed off presence , the first , evil male lion almost slowly turns his furry head to look into narrow eyed , warning , furry , volcano red eyes. Both lions feeling Touphy icy , furry eyes on them.

The first , evil male lion wisely side steps away from Tum Tum , now realizing just how close he was to Tum Tum. For him to probably be tackled or pounced by him or something.

The first , evil male lion then turns his furry head almost slowly to look right back up into Touphy's ragin' bull , steam coming out of his nostrils made , furry , facial expression. Angry that his triplet friends intentions probably involving hurting or harming his Queen. , and probably planning to take over Sundaya's territory areas and kingdom that himself and Tum Tum work so , so hard every day to guard and protect with their lives.

1st , evil lion : ( speaking softly , but the Indenius pride and royals can still hear him ) ( says in a fake and inquisitive tone of voice ) '' Oh ? , you mean ' that key ' .. that is hanging around your neck ? ''

Touphy leans his furry , big head closer to the first , evil male lion not caring if he's slouching his long , huge , furry and very long back.

Touphy : ( speaking normal toned , putting this lion in a pillory ) '' My , My ! , you catch on fast. ''

1st , evil lion tries his best to not be at all bothered by Touphy's : '' I don't care '' calm , cool and keepin' it together , as if in peace or neutral behavior.

1st , evil lion : ( says in a warning , low tone of voice ) '' Don't insult my intelligence. ''

Touphy snickers low and scornfully in front of his furry face.

Touphy : '' Intelligence ? , ' what ' .. intelligence ? ''

Tum Tum laughs in front of the first , evil male lion's face. Feeling insulted and catching on to the face that Touphy just called him dumb , he snickers again. Letting the whole pride hear that same , demonic and very , very loud chuckle that's probably going to give the whole pride nightmares for weeks.

1st , evil male lion : '' I wish you hadn't said that .. Touphy. ''

Touphy widens his furry , iceberg , blue eyes hearing that Scales and trails triplet friends are actually so much more intelligent and wise thinking than he thought.

The first , evil male lion starts to laugh demonically and deranged again when nothing isn't even funny. In such very still frozen , weighty and life and death tension that these triplets are still creating in their presence. The other two , evil triplet lions start to join their leader and lastly , all of the cats in the collision.

All we can hear , is the sound of the first , evil male lion snap his left , furry paw and everything is happening so fast.

Remembering what that '' snap '' means , Touphy quickly narrows his iceberg , blue eyes at the first , evil lion. Knowing those silent '' snaps '' , means a cat is about to catnapped.

Touphy : '' What are you doing ? ''

Tum Tum looks at the first , evil male lion as if in questioning anger.

The first , evil lion doesn't respond and just keeps on laughing.

Seeing that Tawny isn't looking , the second , evil triplet lion quickly grabs for Queen Destiny's right , furry paw onto all furry , long fours and then quickly drags her to him as if with powerful strength. Taking Catching Tawny to only turn his furry head to look at Queen Destiny being cat napped in horror. before he can even register what is happening right now. Furry paws of the royals up close are slowly seen to struggle to let go of each other completely.

Queen Destiny : ( speaking aloud ) '' Tawn ! ''

She says as the second , evil twin roughly handles her over to other cats within the triplet lions collision to a cat napped , female hostage.

Tawny quickly tries to give chase to her

Tawny : ( says aloud to Queen Destiny ) '' Dawl ! ''

, but his only entrance is now blocked by more male lions from the triplets collision. , and from behind him , a male lion from the same triplet collision pounces in midair towards him.

Other lions from the triplets collision start to join their leaders evil , berserk laugh aloud over the sound of cat language. Of hissing , growling , very loud roaring and snarling. They then start to growl and snarl very , very loudly at all of the Indenius cats of the pride. , forcing them to growl and snarl back , the only thing that they can do is slowly move back because they are officially trapped by the evil , triplet lions collision.

Tawny is forced to tackle and brawl with the male lion that pounced onto him. Both rolling , scratching , biting , kicking and roaring at each other. , as other lions from Tawny's collision try their hardest to run to help Tawny and give him backup , trapped from the left side of this area. Thanks to the multiple layered , forming ring that originally surrounded Tawny and Queen Destiny , it easily split with three , important , major purposes that I will break down for you.

1 : Isolate other members of the Indenius pride , so that they can't back up or help the royals

2 : Separate Tawny , and even Touphy , away from Queen Destiny

3 : Catnap Queen Destiny and hold her hostage. DO NOT .. let her go until they get what they want

and finally 4 : Create a raid - not all so much as an arrival to Sundaya or visit , towards the Indenius pride within Sundaya grounds. And don't stop , until the Indenius pride is forced to stand down.

Under all of the cat come to blows , all of the ugliness and all of the rancourness ,

Touphy's big , furry head quickly turns to look at this whole area turning just completely ugly. So nasty , so wild , so usurp and so .. fiery cat , wild behavior. His iceberg , furry , blue eyes turning quickly left , right and all about struggling abit to search for Queen Destiny. Within a second in such quick timing , he spots Queen Destiny struggling to get the many lions off of her. , that were tightening their furry grip onto her furry , long paws. Keeping them behind her back and so many furry paws keeping her from getting free.

When she does manage to get free for even once , Queen Destiny quickly turns her long , furry back to pounce at the many lions that all had their furry , dirty paws closing up and trying to keep her paws behind her furry back together so that she can't escape. But the male lions from behind along with the second , evil male lion all running up to try and trap again. , being victorious when all male lions have trapped and closed her paws over their paws together all at once , to keep her from making a run and a pounce for it all over again.

Touphy quickly turns his big , furry head to look over at the very first , evil , male lion - the leader of the triplet and double twins , friends of : Scales and Trails ; who is still laughing twistedly as if something is mentally and emotionally wrong with him.

In road rage , Touphy quickly pounces at the very first , evil , male lion feeling triumphant when he has pinned him with mighty , herculean strength and supremacy.

Very huge , furry , nightmarish and power hungry paws pinned the very first , evil male lion's furry throat to the dirt ground so eye blinkingly. He leans his huge , furry face that is already contorted into a hair raising and unearthly , widely and toothy frown. Iceberg , blue eyes flashing in the darkest dark , Antarctica blue that any cat has ever seen. Narrow eyed in displeasure and resentment.

Touphy : ( raises his deep voice aloud in air rage , but not by air travel ) '' What .. did .. you .. do to my .. Queen ? ! , where are you taking her ? ! ''

Looking as if an exclamation point has now popped up from above his big , furry head , Tum Tum rises up onto his very long and very tall , furry fours and starts to slowly walk to Touphy and the evil , male lion. Looking down at the evil , male lion in waspishness.

The first , evil , male lion narrows his snappish , glinting , dark golden eyes at Touphy. Gawping at Touphy in mischief and ill humor.

1st , evil , male lion : '' Awoh , big guy , you both sound like you're in love with the Queen ! Do you know lots of male lions ALWAYSSS .. make that mistake .. falling in love with her ? - Oh ? I haven't done anything to her yet. Well .. not yet. I'm merely just borrowing her. ''

Touphy : '' Who .. sent .. you .. here ? ! ( voice roaring ) , ANSWER ME ! ''

The first , evil , male lion continues to gawp at Touphy , making Touphy and Tum Tum beyond livid as they are right now. He doesn't at all seemed fazed with how Touphy is speaking and acting towards him.

1st , evil , male lion : '' Isn't it obvious ? ! ( raises his voice aloud ) ( says in fake happiness , in pleasure of being a mischief maker as much as Tawny is ) , why , Scales and Trails send us of course ! They're getting tired of being imprisoned in that god forsaken , cat cage .. that you huge lions put my best-est , close-st friends ; so god freakin' long ago , back at : '' Paws Repercussions. ''

Touphy : '' How did you all escape ? The cat cages are voice activated. Under either myself , Tum Tum .. or the Queen's voice. ''

1st , evil , male lion : '' Let's just say .. that those cats of us .. that you paw cuffed .. has such talented gifts .. of imitating .. your voices. When you live in Sundaya for so long , within .. the company .. of all you catsss , you pick up on a couple of things. ''

Touphy : '' Why did Scales and Trails sent you here ? , why pretend and have us stupidly thinking .. that we are well expected , an ugly visit .. or an ugly return to Sundaya .. if it was just a cover up to start a very unexpected and very well executed raid ? I'm getting ' real sick ' of you lions. There's a ' reason ' .. why .. you all .. are meant to be paw cuffed .. back at : '' Paws Repercussions. ''

1st , evil , male lion : '' And if I'm speaking out of turn here , what might that reason be ? ''

Touphy : '' I'll be answering the questions here ! , I got the floor. Now talk or I'm snappin' furry necks in the next two seconds. ''

1st , evil , male lion : '' Scales and Trails ' must ' speak to the Queen personally ' and ' privately. They didn't say why or even give us a reason behind it. Why , all they ever told us .. was that it's urgent , infiltrate Sundaya , come up with a ' stupid reason ' .. why .. we're showing up here , catnap her , create a raid until the pride is trapped and give her a deadly message. So don't mind us doin' our jobs here , that's what we were ordered to do. ''

Tum Tum : ( says thunderous ) '' Keep talkin' ! ''

The very first , evil , male lion ignores Tum Tum and pays more attention to Touphy.

1st , evil , male lion : '' We'll be taking her to the posidome. You and Tawny better come along. Oh , and be sure to bring your twin brother in red eyes. You're going to bring him anyway ... ''

Touphy : '' What .. deadly message ? ''

1st , evil , male lion : '' Oh I can't tell you that. Let us see the Queen .. do what we say and don't bring any other back up when you meet with us in the posidome. ALONE. ''

Touphy : '' If Tawn and I go .. and meet you all there , will you let her go. ''

1st , evil , male lion : '' You and Tawny .. would be stupid-ier than you look , if you honestly think that we'll let her go. ''

Touphy : '' And you must think Tawn and I are ' stupid ' .. if you really think .. that we'll let you .. and you're screwed up in the head lions .. see our Queen. ( says very softly in disgust ) Ohhh .. you must be ill. ''

1st , evil , male lion : '' Then I am ' NEVER ' .. going to let her go. , we'll force her out of Sundaya and you , Indenius and Tawny , will NEVER .. be able to see her again. ( whispers toxically ) That's a promissse. '' * chuckles alittle short and softly in pleasing , evil pleasure *

Touphy growls at the very first , evil lion so very close up into his furry face. , if not already. The evil , male lion growls all up in Touphy's furry , big face too. , both furry faces touch as if having the evil pleasure of touching.

Queen Destiny : ( shouts aloud in fear ) '' Tawn ! , Touphy ! , please free me ! ''

Touphy quickly looks up like a male lion ' truly ' .. aroused , deligted and enchanted with Queen Destiny. , searching for the source of her beautiful , in fear , aloud voice that all cats in this area can hear. He quickly spots Queen Destiny in the midst of so many male lion holding her fluffy , furry paws together as she continues to quickly wiggle , swing about , in a difficult and useless attempt to free herself from the many lions , furry paw grips.

Pinning the male lion that was still fighting him for more than ten minutes - and Tawny finally wins control over the lion , Tawny quickly turns his furry head to his beautiful , dearest , very first flame , in fear and aloud voice. Still seeing her behind the many male lions that are still growling and snarling aloud at him , his collision and all cats of the pride. Having already forced the whole pride .. to move back away from the growling and snarling lions. , forced to watch their Queen Destiny be catnapped.

He could stare forever at such a very beautiful , fluffy and perfect face. , staring through shivering fear and dark and light brown eyes sparkling with formed tears that are as if .. about to fall from her furry eyes. Still pinning this male lion as he stares back defenselessly at her.

Touphy could view the same thing as Tawny. , then quickly starts to battle with the evil , very first , male lion into a fitting storm of dust flying and covering up the whole view of their fight. Tum Tum hops into the fighting , dirt storm cloud ready to take out so much aggression on this evil , male lion that ruined the peace that Sundaya was sharing today.

Walking in the middle of this area , pass the many male lions that were snarling and growling at the whole pride to get back and stand down , the pride refuses , ready to pounce , get into trouble or into into a really ugly cat just for the Queen. To fight for her , just as much as she spend years of ruling Sundaya , fighting , deciding what's best for the pride and always looking after the pride. Now , it's the members of the Indenuis pride's time to return the debt to Queen Destiny.

The seond , evil , male lion roars aloud to shut all cats within this area up. , once it's echoingly quiet , he starts to slowly closer to the very first , male lion , Touphy and Tum Tum. Who quickly stop their fighting in disturbance. , Touphy v.s Tum Tum still growling at the very first , male lion. , all three , male lions separated a fair distance away from each other. Ready for round two onto crouched , long , furry fours. , studying each other .. waiting for a lion to make a move again.

As if they can feel the second , evil , male lion is looking at them , Touphy , Tum and the very first , evil male lion all quickly turn their furry heads to look at him still approaching them while walking more closer to the three.

The whole Indenius pride . Tawny and Queen Destiny are forced to listen. , all ill at ease and feeling very , very out of place. Furry hearts throbbing and beating out of rhythm , tune and plainly trepidation.

When he is close enough to the two lions and his leader , he finally spoke up.

2nd , evil , male lion : ( speaking in a rich and a full toned voice ) ( , not whispering this time ) '' Did you tell the lions why we're here ? ''

The first , evil , male lion smirks nastily at his second , close , evil lion. Probably best friends with him , from the looks of it , I can assume.

1st , evil , male lion : '' Yes. Except the royals. ''

Queen Destiny : * narrow eyed as if welcoming a challenge to the two , evil , male lions * ( demanding ) '' Know about what ? , ( says unpromisingly ) speak your mind. State your business here and why have you come to raid ' my kingdom. ' ''

The first and second , evil , male lions both turn their furry bodies and faces away from Touphy and Tum at the same time , to look Queen Destiny minatory.

1st , evil , male lion : '' Scales and Trails sent us beautiful. ( speaking vindictively , out of spite ) They told you it was important. Scales , said that he wanted to spread a deadly .. message to you and Tawny. ''

Tawny : ( says hate filled ) '' What message ? , give it to us straight already. ''

2nd , evil , male lion : '' You .. want it straight ? , ''

The very fist and second , evil , male lions make a laugh out of what Tawny just said. Other cats coming from their collision snigger at Tawny even more louder than the two , evil , male lions are laughing.

Being one of the lions that were forcing the whole pride to move back , he widely smiles in wrongful wickedness to Tawny , Touphy and then at the first and second , evil , male lions.

2nd , evil , male lion : '' Does it ' look like ' .. we're going to give it to you straight ? ''

3rd , evil , male lion : '' Ohhh sorry beautiful and Tawn. That's ' NOT even ' .. an option .. that we'll even think .. about considering. ''

Tawny : '' You let my beautiful dawl go. NOW ! ''

Peed off , Tawny quickly runs pass other male lions - even the lions that are blocking the pride's way to get to the Queen , and tries to fight his way through as best as he can. Almost reaching a good length and a good distance , Queen Destiny tries to reach after Tawny's left , furry paw forgetting completely their so many differences between them and just how often they always get into it with one another. Trying to work out each other just for Sundaya and just for the Indenius pride , mostly , for themselves. But this , wasn't on Queen Destiny's mind right now. Even though it's NOT Touphy , she'll be ' at least ' happy .. that she's either in the mean presence of Tawny or Touphy's forbodding presence.

1st , evil , male lion : '' Ah , ah , ah ! , ''

His left , furry paw snaps again.

Other lions coming from the three , evil , male lions collision run behind Tawny and quickly trap him. Wrapping so many of their furry paws around Tawny's furry , front paws so that he can not escape or get to Queen Destiny. He was on his furry , long fours running for Queen Destiny and now ends up standing onto his long , furry two's.

1st , evil , male lion : '' make one more step little light and she ' will ' be out of Sundaya in a blink. ''

Touphy turns his big , furry head to look at Tawny.

Touphy : '' No cat make any sudden movements. We're still poking a very deranged , dangerous and a sick bear. Let's ' try ' .. to hear them out for a sec. ''

Tawny : ( says sarcastically ) '' Hmm , well that's a wise idea ... ''

He says sarcastically while rolling his furry , very light , hazel eyes.

Queen Destiny : '' You three have NEVER been welcome here. Leave ! , immediately ! Or when I'm free , as this pride's Queen .. of Sundaya .. I won't hesitate to exhile you from Sundaya - and Sundaya grounds , at once ! ''

She hisses at the very first , evil , male lion. The leaders of Scales and Trail's triplet friends.

The first , evil , male lion smirks wide and dirtily at Queen Destiny , truly taking pleasure and a kick out of her fiery , demanding and forceful personality.

The other two , evil , male lions smirk even wider into an as if ravenous , furry smile while looking at each other with cruel spirits at heart. They snicker into more diabolical : '' Hehehehehehe ! '' that now , makes the royals and all of the Indenius pride try their hardest to outstare all of the evil , male lions and their large collision.

Outstares , only make all three of the evil , male lions smile widely at each other even more. The male lions in the collision grin so foul with evil deeds and intentions already in mind for the royals. , and especially , for Queen Destiny personally.

1st , evil , male lion : '' I'm afraid we can't do that , beautiful. Scales and Trails gave us .. some demands that both lions .. would like .. to pass on .. to you , little light and all of the other royals. ''

2nd , evil , male lion : '' Nope ! , nope ! , nope ! , does that sound like pity , beggin' and pleadin' ? ''

Other lions : ( back into their whispering , enticing by devilish tune ) '' So much fear ... ''

Other cats in the evil lions collision : '' Fear , fear , fear ... ''

The second , evil , male lion hoots so very , very loudly in sick , vile himor. Furry eyes alittle widen as if popping out of his furry head. , and narrow eyed as if determined or persistent.

Tawny : ( in very fake sarcasm ) '' Oh ? , demands for us ? ( says almost with feeling ) Oh you should have ! .. You really , really should have ... ''

3rd , evil , male lion : ( says in a very loud whipery tone of voice again ) '' Oh but we did ! , DON'T get smart ! ''

Tawny rolls his very light , hazel eyes. , ignoring the three , evil , male lions comment. As if his furry face was saying : '' Yeah , whatever. ''

Queen Destiny : * still narrow eyed in tetchiness * '' Oh ? , and what those demands may be ? Why .. didn't you say so in the first place ? ! , Tawn , myself and the royals .. will be sure to make you all leave ' without ' .. any evil demands in mind ! , ''

Tawny turns his furry head to look at Queen Destiny. , turned out attractively by how sick twisted and stubborn she looks and sounds. , even at a very serious and deadly time right now , when it's NOT .. time to be stubborn. But instead , to just reason with these evil , male lions , give them what they ask for and they'll be about their evil way. But when Queen Destiny looks exactly like she refuses .. to back down and let these three evil , male lions try to overrule her , it makes him remember alittle bit .. of just how bad and sexy she was .. back then in their past. , when they were together , married and so happy.

He smirks at her into a half , furry smile to the right side of his furry cheek , wishing alot .. that Queen Destiny .. could be as bad and sexy as she was back in their past. She was ' almost ' very easy , for him to get to.

Queen Destiny's sexy , dark black eyebrows narrow now even more , as if they can out narrow themselves , over her furry , dark and light brown eyes. Still holding a very peppery , furry look at all of the three , evil , male lions.

Queen Destiny : '' We wouldn't you want three trying to turn my whole kingdom upside down , would we. As big guy said , there's a ' reason ' .. why male lions and cats like you .. ' aren't ' .. supposed to return to Sundaya. Mmm. How idiotic .. big guy and I .. must have been .. to even think .. in our right minds , that there would be a friendly , positive , welcoming and nice cat reunion today ! , ''

The very first , evil , male lion out narrows his golden , furry eyes at her. , not at all liking the growingly negative and twisted vibe and aura , that she is now creating. Other male lions in the evil , male lions collision look at her , with allitle widen eyes abit , as if thinking that maybe , they pushed her to the limit. Pushed to '' too far '' to the limit at that. And right now , they regret doing that.

She continues to speak up raising her voice for all cats in this area to hear.

Queen Destiny : '' Expecting to meet cats that ' just might ' .. be very old members of the pride. The cats that have originally been the ' main reason ' and the ' main purpose ' .. to put this pride together. , and make the pride have so much pride , ego and proudness in it's name. You all must ' really think ' .. we're witless cats .. in this Indenius pride. Do you. You really think .. that Indenius .. has lost it's touch ? ! , hell , we're in our prime ! Every , single , last , one of us ! , and we know it ! Moon and my royal parents didn't make me Queen of Sundaya for nothin' now ! There's a ' reason ' .. why .. I am Queen of Sundaya , the alpha lioness , in this pride .. and if you don't know why , you .. are as brainless as you look. And even empty headed .. than Tawny , big guy and I thought ! ''

It gets alittle quiet in this area. , as quiet as a graveyard where spirits roam for life and rest in peace from below ground and as quiet as a cemetery , when you have finally said your last good bye to your loved one before you get ready to leave and move on with your life.

The three , evil male lions and the lion collision look at her as if they are seriously and most deeply , speculating her words. Taking a second , the three , evil , male lions together , turn their furry heads to look at one another as if thinking about what is their next move , now that they have a feeling that the Queen of Sundaya already knows what they want and all of their evil demands already.

Queen Destiny : '' So go ahead , catnap me. Hold me hostage .. only daftly not realizing .. that the whole Indenius pride .. ' will ' come back for me .. and then jump you right on the spot ! * she softly giggles as if she's truly screwed up in the head , as much as the evil , male lions are * If you think .. that's .. going to be the best solution .. to you three's problems , if you think .. that coming here .. with the intention of raiding my pride , just to isolate me .. away me them ? , was a good idea ; then come do it then. I'd be ' happy ' .. to leave with you all .. to : '' Paws Repercussions '' .. and knock Scales and Trails down .. into an upright position and keep their furry snouts shut .. once .. and for all ! ''

All three , evil male lions all turn their furry heads to look back at her after sharing a look with one another. Especially the very first , evil male lion that looks at her very , very carefully. As if saying : '' You're bluffing '' or '' Are you ' really sure ' .. that you wanna do that ? '' domineeringly..

Queen Destiny : '' You can even chain me up if you like. Go on. I'm sure one of you evil male lions have a set of chains on you , to chain my paws up. Go ahead and do it already ! , ( shouts aloud iniquitously ) I'm waiting ! ''

Feeling '' out evilled '' by Queen Destiny , the second , evil , male lion turns his furry head to look at the leader and then has a very short , thoughtful , side conversation with him. Hearing his voice , the male lions from their collision look at him and even the third , evil , male lion looks at him all in reflection.

2nd , evil , male lion : ( speaking in a low , but heard voice ) '' Boss , are you ' sure ' that we should go along with this ? This wasn't part of the plan ! By now , we were supposed to bring the pride down on their knees ! Literally ! And look at her beautiful self ! , she's five steps ahead of us ! , just by the way that she's talking , it's as if she's already in our minds ! , ''

2nd , evil , male lion : '' If we would've known that the Queen was going to '' out evil '' us - or so much as tyrannize us , then we would've come to this dead end ! ''

3rd , evil , male lion : '' Mmm. Mame is right. The Queen obviously knew our presence .. and what we were about , ' before ' .. we arrived here. She knows our weakness , have rolled with us , for so many Sundaya years in the past. Who are we kidding , carrying this trapped raid on any further ? ''

1st , evil , male lion : '' Hold .. on a minute now. Just let me think real quick first. ''

He turns his furry head away from the other two , evil male lions. This must be his way of thinking to himself. , both , evil , male lions push their leader to think more quicker. Realizing , that the whole pride's furry , colored eyes are on him and they are holding the whole pride up.

3rd , evil , male lion : '' Think ? , we assumed that you already knew what was the next step for us. This is completely unprofessional. ''

2nd , evil , male lion : ( still sounding unsure ) '' Are you ' sure ' you want us to go along with this ? ''

Straining the leash , hearing the other two , evil lions voices , the leader growls moody because they're both getting on his nerves and making it very hard for him to think of something real quick. , as he said.

Not able to think at all , the leader quickly turns his furry head to the other two , evil , male lions and roars aloud. , beyond snapping and lashing at the both of them.

1st , evil , male lion : ( says aloud , the whole pride can hear him ) '' Of course we're still doing this ! ''

At this time of uncertainly between the three , evil , male lions , Tawny and Queen Destiny start to have their very own , very long , side conversation right now.

Tawny turns his furry head to look at Queen Destiny.

Tawny : ( speaking low toned ) '' Excellent work Dawl. Out witting and overruling the cats , so that they end up attacking each other. , like right now. I love the way you work. You work fast. ''

He looks at her , seductively impressed.

Queen Destiny smirks in high praise right back at Tawny.

Queen Destiny : ( speaking low toned and soft ) '' As we've learned about them back in our past before , they're much stronger ' and ' have a higher risk and chance of winning as a unit. Target one of them - just one , in a way to outshine them , and they automatically .. do all of the work for you. They'll make it ' so easy ' .. to confuse the others till it comes to an arguing fit where they attack each other. ''

She looks at him , as if with a seductive , but very pleased , furry glimmer in her dark and light brown eyes.

Queen Destiny : '' You and I .. have rolled them , for a very long time. ''

Tawny : '' That we have , that we have. - Look at us , here in ' another ' difficult .. situation. Our pride's and ego's falling in love with one another , all over again and .. refusing .. to back down. We're so perfect for one another dawl. When will it take for you to see that ? There's also something .. that I've been wanting from you , for so long now , I have forgotten completely .. to tell you .. every time I see those drawing and pull , wanting eyes of yours. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Can I guess here ? - even though I'm going to regret asking you this ; me ? ''

Tawny : '' No. , * he shakes his furry head for once , in disagreement with her * I want that very , very bad , troublemaking and sexy lioness back then .. that I happily married and fell in love with. That's ' mainly ' what I want from you. Out of wanting cubs and a family with you , re marrying you again , being your King .. to rule Sundaya with .. and spend the rest of my life as a lion with. You need to tell me , my dearest flame , what happened to her ? ''

Affecting by Tawny's '' come here '' , innocently enticing , begging charm as always - but she constantly fights it .. each time Tawny does this to her , she looks at him .. with much longing love for him .. that she's always had for him .. ever since cubhood. All of these Sundaya years with him , she still refuses and keeps fighting it.

Her furry glimmer changes into an : '' I love you so much Tawny '' , but she , will NEVER say this to him. She hesitates , in startlement and stupefaction.

Queen Destiny : '' Tawn , a great half of her .. is still here , right in front of you. ''

Tawny : ( says softly ) '' No she's not , ''

He shakes his furry head in disagreement at her again.

Queen Destiny : '' You and big guy .. told me .. the ' exact ' , same thing. Why do you both feel that way ? I'm not understanding. ''

Tawny : '' The truth , is that you don't ' want ' .. to understand beautiful. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Go on ... ''

Tawny : '' Ohh .. isn't it obvious beautiful ? There's a pattern here for a reason. - If you were the sexy , bad lioness .. that you ' say ' you are , then we'd be remarried happily by now. Kippity Kip .. ' wouldn't ' be your King anymore. Oh look no further sexy - and if I wasn't trapped as I am right now , I'd pull you close to me and caress your beautiful , right cheek like I always do. - If it's any way , to touch that beautifully , womanly , curvy body .. that was once mine , that once had my name written all over it , that belongs to me .. and you know that. You don't need .. to look for a King any further. How do you think .. we keep meeting up and running into each other like this ? How beautiful ? , you .. explain that to me. ''

Queen Destiny : '' I honestly can't Tawn. But when you put it that way , I guess I'm not .. the lioness that I was before. And you know why Tawn , you know what happened to me .. and how much I've been through with you mostly .. and the pride - how cruel and cold , my past has gotten , as much as your past is. I told you , I can-not .. go down that path no more. ''

Queen Destiny : '' It's complicated. ''

Tawny : '' And so .. we keep .. telling each other that. If only , we can see that .. each time .. we see .. that it's complicated , it's actually playing out differently .. each time. Our choices and the things that we say , are much , much different .. as the Sundaya years go by. ''

Queen Destiny : '' You've always felt the same way. That was a very long time ago Tawn. You understand ... ''

Tawny : '' Oh loving you all of my life , yes , I do understand dawl. If I remember correctly , that was the time .. when we weren't even frenemies. That was ' way before ' we needed to divorce , - because we ' both were ' into it too deep in love with one another , and we feared that .. as dangerous .. the Indenius pride .. and you were , we knew that our love would be crushed and used .. against the enemy's advantage. We'd be split apart. Against Reign , against my father and all of the other royal , powerful threats in Sundaya , that want you so badly. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Don't mention the '' love part '' between us. ''

Tawny : '' Oh , too-late sexy. You loved me so , so much. And now I know it for sure. All these years that you've been difficult on me , trying to catch me off guard , trying .. so hard .. to get me .. to think .. that you don't feel the same way for me. But don't you know .. how much an intelligent , male lion I am ? Now that I know how much you love me , that's all the motivation and drive .. that I need , to make it my mission , to have you again , have Sundaya and remarry you. ''

Queen Destiny : '' But as you said before , we were in love ' way too deep ' for each other. We can't do that anymore. ''

Tawny : '' You wasn't saying that when you said '' yes '' to marrying me. You wasn't saying that when we had our first time , you wasn't saying that when we had our very first date , you wasn't saying that .. when you agreed to be my lioness in this relationship with me. , and we started to run away out of Sundaya - because of personal , mixed reasons .. between you and me , and you came back pregnant. We had triplets and double twins , whom also fled .. from out of Sundaya and we ' still ' don't know .. any trace of them. You wasn't saying that .. when you made love to me .. on that day .. when I had my very first den , after I passed my rite of passage and became Prince of Sundaya , the same time .. that you found out .. that you were Queen of Sundaya at the age of nine. You never said all of this , when you were mine. ''

Tawny : '' So to tell you like it is , yes you can. Oh yes you can beautiful. You can , go down that path again. But you gotta stop thinking .. that you're walking down that path all by yourself. Don't you know .. that I'm walking down that path with you ? I understand perfectly , that you're a different lioness now , with different view points right now , because the many Sundaya years that have shifted , changed us and the distance between us , it's all making you not realize one thing. ''

Queen Destiny : '' And that is ? ''

He doesn't get to answering her question right away. , always known to tease her and answers her ' ONLY ' .. on his terms.

Tawny : '' Ohh .. after ten years and more , of being exhiled out of Sundaya , running out of Sundaya grounds just to dominantly prove my love for you , by taking the one thing .. that puts a smile on your face , your kingdom - just to get me closer to you , now .. you set me aback .. by telling the pride .. that you NEVER .. wanted to exhile me from Sundaya in the first place ? You have alot of explaining to do to me dawl. It's exactly why we need to talk. ''

Queen Destiny : '' I know that we need to talk Tawn. If I can just get out of big guy's sights somehow. ... He already knows your intentions. ''

Tawny : '' And you know my true , love intentions for you .. by heart. This '' one thing '' is , you need to stop being with these amateur lions .. right here in Sundaya. You need to be with me. I never hate to tell you this , but if we're going to win this hyena invasion , we need to work together .. and you need to re connect with the sexy and bad lioness .. - the old you , that I once fell madly in love with. That I once married for the very first time in my life , and I ' finally ' .. got to call you .. as my own. And this time , no cat .. was in our way. No cat at all. It was just you and me , as it always should be. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Why are you telling me all of this little light ? , please .. stop making me think of you in this way. It's mainly why I've left that path in my past. ''

Tawny : '' Stop making you feel this way dawl ? Oh , I can't do that. Because you already feel this .. romantic , heated way for me. You've always loved me .. and this time , I can't stop that. You know that I'm not going to stop this .. royal , continuing battle with you .. this feud , until I have you as mine again. ''

Tawny : '' I love you dawl , and I don't care .. that you're with Touphy. ''

Deep down , Queen Destiny's heart beats in a romantic way again.

Touphy looks at Tawny in displeasure. , getting even more upset at Queen Destiny talking with him. His iceberg , blue eyes still narrow eyed as before.

Before Queen Destiny could answer , the first , evil male lion interrupts the both of them. , not giving her a chance to respond right back to Tawny's intensely hot , super strong , love feelings for her.

1st , evil , male lion : '' Are you two quite finished ? ''

Tawny and Queen Destiny quickly turn their furry heads to look at the very first , evil , male lion.

Queen Destiny : '' We could say the same to you. , ''

Tawny finishes her sentence.

Tawny : '' but we won't because it's pretty obvious. ''

Touphy : '' The Queen said to leave. She's not going to say reiterate herself again. We won't give you anything that you're asking for. The pride does not accept you. ''

All cats within this area are now looking straight at Touphy. The very first , male , evil lion does a fake double take. He could care less how the pride feels about them !

1st , evil , male lion : '' Oh ? , ( speaking sarcastically ) well we're all very sorry to hear this from you. And I'm sure .. that you're speaking from every cat here ... - ''

Queen Destiny interrupts him.

Queen Destiny : '' Oh he is. He's in the ballpark. ''

The first , evil , male lion looks at her.

1st , evil , male lion : ( still speaking sarcastically ) '' Oh , he did .. did he ? ''

The other two , evil male lions finish each other's sentences.

2nd , evil , male lion : '' Again , we can't do that. ''

3rd , evil , male lion : '' NOT until we get what we want. ''

Tawny : '' I hate to ask this , but why not ? ''

1st , evil , male lion : '' Simply because , she .. * he motions his furry head in her direction * knows why. * he turns his furry head to look at her with evil all knowingly * Don't you beautiful. ''

She frowns at the first , evil male lion in such an ugly , rude way.

As this happens , the Indenius pride , the royals and all of the other cats in this area all quickly turn their furry heads to all look at Queen Destiny.

Queen Destiny : '' ... ''

... ? !