Ex King Kip slowly takes his time walking forward to Irediseatiess closing that big gap between them. The furry , big gap between their enclosing , outstretched arms/paws that were once stretched away from each other , but are now coming closely together again. Ex King Kip stupidly grins in a furry , dote on , romantic way right in front of Irediseatiess now. , very , very wise to ... - if he accepts Irediseatiess sexual invitation again , will this disputation come up between them again ? Once he goes into Irediseatiess own , lion den with him again , will it be because he's going to be Irediseatiess first love all over again ? , or Irediseatiess last love all over again ? Will it be because he's finally made up his furry mind that .. he knows what he wants , and that is his best , life long friend Irediseatiess ?
'' Is this ' really ' going to happen ' again ' right now. , between me and my best friend ? '' ex King Kip softly conferrs right inside of his own kingly , furry head. Weighing up ' EVERYTHING ' .. that him .. and Irediseatiess have ' just now ' .. got through disputing and getting down their final sentences and final words .. on their subject. Even getting through this dispute of their's was hard ! Does he ' REALLY ' .. want to work ' even harder ' with or for Irediseatiess , the ' next time ' that he messes up in their secret relationship again ? His mistake , ' if ' .. he messes up .. in his secret relationship with Irediseatiess again ... -
Does he ' REALLY ' .. want to do this again ? , and ' again ' and ' again ' .. with Irediseatiess ? Once he's in that den , he knows what time is it between himself and Irediseatiess. Whatever they do go inside of Irediseatiess own , lion den together , ' don't ' define best friends , it ' defines ' lovers. It .. ' defines ' being a couple in a growing and forming relationship. Does ex King Kip want to throw away ' EVERYTHING ' and ' ANYTHING ' .. that ' once ' meant something to him - but now after ten years , he's had enough of it by far - but right now , it just means that Irediseatiess is trying to make him feel all better again ? All loved again , all cared for again , all honored again , all respected again ? Fixing and delivering his sexual , fleshily frustrations that Queen Destiny has been ignorning ? All of the female , lioness attention that he's been hungry for and .. fighting attention for from his Queen Destiny ' all along ! ' .. throughout their royal , ten year relationship , is he .. going to let Irediseatiess devote all of ' his ' , male , lion love and attention , instead of Queen Destiny ?
This ' is ' what he really wants , isn't it.
... -
'' ... - Oh Kinny , big I is tempting me ! Oh , I can't do this anymore with Desi. I CAN'T .. TAKE IT .. ANYMORE ! I need Iredise and I need him now. Like I've NEVER , EVER needed him before ... - Why ' am I ' fighting this ? , why .. ' am I ' fighting against Irediseatiess seduction ? I want this .. I know I do. I've made it through ten , royal years with Desi enough , but ... - maybe it ' isn't ' enough anymore ... - This ' really is ' ' bout to happen to me , isn't it. ''
Ex King Kip frantically continues to softly say and conferr to himself inside of his royal , kingly head. In his royal , mind ; in his royal chain of thinking , ex King Kip takes a ' WHOLE century's ' time , slowly and softly answering Irediseatiess decidedly. , turning himself into Irediseatiess. Turning himself into Irediseatiess , turning himself into his seduction , his enticement , his love calls of him , him trying to bait him and his dirty , naughty HOT ways .. of drawing him closer to Irediseatiess. Irediseatiess dirty , naughty , HOT ways .. of coming onto him.
Accepting Irediseatiess fleshily and persuading invitation of coming over to his own , lion den with him. Irediseatiess disupting words with him earlier had thinkin' that ' once ' .. he goes right back into his best , life long , friend Irediseatiess own , lion den , it means that he .. ' now belongs ' to Irediseatiess. It means that Irediseatiess .. will romantically put him on lock-down and he , he just can't leave Irediseatiess , go off to his Queen Destiny again and then come back to him later.
No , no. ' That's ' what Irediseatiess had been trying to tell him , Sundaya ' years ' and weeks ago ... - NOT .. that ex King Kip didn't listen that is ... - To Irediseatiess , leaving him and coming back , just ' doesn't ' work like that. It's either he's stayin' .. or going. Pick one.But ' why ' .. is it so hard for ex King Kip though ?
Ex King Kip : ( says softly , decidedly still ) '' Oh-okay big I , * smiling more stupidly doting on at Irediseatiess some more * then why .. are we still talkin' then. Let's go. ''
Irediseatiess smirks desirous at ex King Kip then straight off pulls the ex King of Sundaya into a very needy , seductive , a little sensual and slow , snout kiss. Ex King Kip needily and aching for Irediseatiess male lion attention , more sensually and slowly takes so much time into snout kissing Irediseatiess back. , that in return , this makes Irediseatiess pull his long , furry , active , lion body closer to his long , furry , on the run body. Ex King Kip places his right , furry paw onto Irediseatiess softly , paint white mixed with very light , violet streaks , left cheek as his adventurously bold , romantic way of deepening their furry , snout kiss. As if Irediseatiess sexual , desiring act for wanting King Kip silently meant that he LOVES the way that ex King Kip is snout kissing him right now.
Slowly .. and decidely , ex King Kip and Irediseatiess very slowly pull away from their snout kiss. In their own world , in their own , shared moment of snout kissing each other so sensually and so wishing like this ; it's as if their silence said : '' Wowww ... that was ' really ' .. an a-mazing , snout kiss ... '' Coming out of their own world and their own , shared moment of snout kissing each other ; deep , dark , forest green to furry , very light , violet eyes blink closely to life , just right in front of one another. , as if meeting for the very first time ever. Ex King Kip could feel his big , red heart pump excitedly in sexual frustration and sexual impatience. In their shared , romance silence , Irediseatiess restarts walking again more surely this time once he got ex King Kip's final word to come to his own , lion den with him. , still holding his right , furry , soft paw secure and trustingly into his left , furry paw. Doing it his ab-solute , en-ticing pleasure .. to lead the way for ex King Kip , as if he didn't know the way back to his own , lion den.
'' Yep , this ' is ' really happening. God , oh Kinny ! Why am I allowing this ? ''
Ex King Kip softly conferrs to himself deeply inside of his furry , royal , kingly head , but not frantically , out of thin or soft air : ex King Kip now says his words softly to himself more decidely and decisively apart from the first time that he said this to himself. To be sure .. that this is true , to be sure , in his furry , royal mind ; that this isn't just one of his erotic , sexual dreams that he has with Irediseatiess. To be sure .. that it's not a dream , that it's not a fantasy , that it's not a daydream ... - That it's not a real-word , Sundaya , romantic scenario that he so desperately wants to happen to him so bad , being with Irediseatiess. Sure , sure , sure ... that as he's thinking this - and .. ' living ' this with Irediseatiess right this very moment - he ' just now ' made his choice. He ' just now ' chose his path. He .. ' just now ' chose .. what cat .. that he wants to love and to be with in his royal , ending fast , no longer King of Sundaya , royal lifestyle. And it all felt so ... so ... so .. EASY. Really , so ... easy to decide sooner and ' easier ' than he thought. Maybe it's all because he's with Irediseatiess now and .. Irediseatiess completes him , ex King Kip knows that he can ALWAYS think straight whenever he's with Irediseatiess. , or even near Irediseatiess even tempered and unrelaxed , furry presence.
Their shared , romance silence continues to drag on , and even himself or Irediseatiess don't say a single , passing word to one another now ...
'' Yeah , oh yea , Kinny ' this is ' happening .. and the craziest part is , I'm NOT doing ' ANYTHING ' .. to stop it ... - ''
... ? !