The same princess , royal tiara that she remembers celebrating a hugge , royal , cat and animal celebration all for her very first , royal coronation that lasted for more than a week. Royal celebrations are ALWAYS done big here in Sundaya , she remembers ... Princess Destiny remembered Moonlight taking her everywhere he went with her during her big , royal , cat celebration in royal honor of her getting her very first , royal , princess tiara and her mother Queen Lad La , King Fein and Uncle had been so , so proud of her. How unbelievably happy her four other , royal , cat siblings had been supporting and stickin' around with her al throughout her whole , cat , royal celebration. How Moonlight would always proudly brag and flaunt about her when all of the cats , cat families , relatives , cousins , twins and triplet cat twins all around who gather in this very huge , cat , royal celebration would talk with her and Moonlight ; Princess Destiny would meet one of the most powerful , strongest , royally masterful , royals of Sundaya who she and the rest of her royal , cat family has only seen one time before and she never knew why because of many , royally complicated , protecting , personal reasons coming from Moonlight and it was never her place to object against it. Princess Destiny remembers those same most powerful , strongest , royally masterful at being a cat royals of Sundaya always showing up uninvitedly and very , very late during her royal , cat celebration. , remembering Trick , Slick , Red and other grown , furry royals that Moonlight and the rest of the royals wouldn't take it too comfortably. Trick would come talkin' his way as he peacocks through Princess Destiny's royal , cat celebration uninvited searching attentively for the very young royals , mainly Princess Destiny and her royal , young , cat family. Slick follows along , peacocking his way through the royal , cat celebration that already went dangerously quiet and .. not so roarin' , snarling and growlingly festive in happy conversation as it did before. All cats in Moonlight's Indenius pride still stare their way at these royally powerful royals of Sundaya , knowing to keep their furry snouts shut and not test or challenge against them. As per usual , Trick shifty introduces himself to Princess Destiny and all of her royal , cat family just as the rest of her cat , royal siblings gather protectively around her , very uneasy and very fit to be tied about Trick's furry , royal presence. Slick standing by the right side of Trick. Trick mentions her passing her very first , royal rite of passage and that she's the first , royal born to pass her very first , royal rite of passage. , arrogantly congratulated her on being the very first Princess of Sundaya in her royal family. Trick tried to get really fresh and shamelessly bold with her , when he told her now she's all grown up he would very much like to tame , deal with and control a royal , difficult lioness. Moonlight comes roarin' his way right in front of Princess Destiny and the rest of her royal , cat family right before Dale could. Trick fakely acknowledges Moonlight , though obviously showing that he doesn't really care for Moonlight's furry , guardian , fighting presence. His threats and serious , royal talks with him and the rest of the royals and he doesn't really take much interest in Moonlight , staring intently at Princess Destiny the whole way through. Princess Destiny's royal , cat family vouches and defends Princess Destiny in the best way that they could , but Trick not at all seems to be intimated with Princess Destiny's royal , cat families royal threats. Princess Destiny couldn't help but look right back at Trick. Ohh , at Trick's royal tricking , furry , colored eyes that she's never , ever seen before since she was just a little cub. Princess Destiny remembers King Fein , Queen Lad La La , Uncle , King Red and all of the other royals of Sundaya confront and familiarize themselves with their royal coalition as one. , to familiarizing themselves with each other given the fact that all royals grew up together here in Sundaya ever since they all were just cubs. Princess Destiny remembers Uncle and then Moonlight lastly telling her to try her best to not let grown royals in Sundaya's furry presence upset her and her big , special day as being the first born , royal princess of Sundaya in her royal family and being the very first cat in her royal family to pass her very first rite of passage too. Right after King Fein , Queen Lad La La and King Red greeted Slick and Trick , leading them to walk with them somewhere safe to speak on toughly royal matters that cannot seem to be agreed on together privately. , so as not to spoil Princess Destiny's big , royal day as princess of Sundaya , after her royal coronation and allowing her royally , cat festivities in her big , cat celebration in Sundaya to continue. Princess Destiny ended up being so very stressed out and feelin' very , very uneasy about the grown royals talking privately , as they always did when they didn't want young royals like her , Prince Tawny and the rest of her royal , very young cat family to hear them talk tough , royal matters within a good hearing radius. She remembered faking her way through spending time celebrating with Prince Tawny royalty style : cat dancin' privately with her , spending time talking with her coalition of lioness with Cassy and Miss Sassy , spending some time talking with her mother : Miss Queen Lad La La before her big cat celebration and her very first royal , cat coronation started. , giving her royal pearls of wisdom about being a princess of Sundaya that she ' used to be ' and also giving her royal pearls of wisdom about becoming a Queen of Sundaya , when and only when , she passed her royal , queenly crown to her one day in Sundaya.
Princess Destiny remembered spending time with her father King Fein , Moonlight and Uncle ; privately speaking with each and every one of them about her royal , princess duties , royal responsibilities , inviting her to join their grown , royal coalition now that she's a royal and the very first royal to pass her royal rite of passage and got to experience her very first princess coronation as Princess of Sundaya for the very first time. That was one of the most busiest , royally best , princess days in princess Destiny's royal , princess life ever .. to have lived and experienced , getting the most royal attention , most praises , roars , snarls , warming growls all around all day from her royal , cat family and from the grown royals coalition compared to the royal days that she's already lived through before. Princess Destiny remembered straying away from her very own , cat , royal celebration in honor of her being a very first , royal born in her royal , cat family here , in Sundaya ready to experience her very own royal upbringings , trials , tribulations , cat ups and cat downs. She remembered straying away from her royal , cat family without even her royal family suspecting a thing or even suspecting that her furry , royal presence was missing. She remembered eavesdropping on the grown , royals coalition conversation at King Fein's royal peak when she already knew as a royal that she wasn't supposed to. When she knew that if she got caught , she would royally be punished for it. How she overheard Moonlight kept on defending and protecting her , trying so hard to keep her and her royal , cat family at bay from Trick and Slick , and she ' still ' didn't know why. How she overheard Moonlight talk so .. '' sassy '' to Trick and Slick , telling both lions off , never knew that Moonlight had such a '' sassy '' side in him ; coming from such a clearheaded and very '' always thinking things through '' kind of male lion. How she overheard Trick and Slick wanting to earn possession of meeting the rest of her very young , royal cat siblings , specially the royal pleasure of meeting her for '' royally personal '' reasons and intentions , as Trick says it. How she remembered listening grippingly and so deeply into grown royals coalition very long , royal conversation , she couldn't help but recite Trick's words in her furry , royal head in reverberating silence. '' You can't protect her forever you know , Moonlight. Pretty soon , she - and the rest of her royal family - are going to be old enough as royal cats to make their own decisions and do , what-ever pleases them as cats. '' As what Trick said to her on the day of her big , royal , cat celebration , as what Trick said to the rest of her royal , cat siblings right in front of her as well ; and she knew what Trick meant by this. How she remembered Dale creeping up on her to ask her if she were alright as first , royal born in their royal , cat family. How he offered to keep her company right now royalty style. , with a very famous , cat dance passed down from royal generation and royal legacy to another , that turned out to be a very , very romantic dance with Princess Destiny. Princess Destiny remembered romantically slow dancing with Dale not too far off from her very big , royal , cat celebration. , both very young royals royal dancing recited , rehearsed and performed for years since they were cubs , both royals royal dancing on perfect flow , moving flowingly , sensually and romantically in their royal , cat dance after the other. Sure of their royal dance that felt oh so right , oh so real , oh so something that stirs romantically inside both of the royals ; and it did.
Princess Destiny remembered Dale engaging with her in sensually innocent conversation that initiated ' more ' of his mysteriously secret and hidden , romantic , interesting intentions for her and for the both of them. , now that they're together , now that they're alone. Although the young royals are always supposed to talk as ' just ' related , royal siblings and nothing sensual and romantic like how they both ' usually ' talk to one another when no cat is around ; both very young royals keep pace with creating sensually innocent , stimulated conversation with one another the same time that their royal dance goes beat after beat , stalk after stalk , trot after trot in circles. , a couple of romantic spins and then back to a romantically intimate , slow dance on just both of their furry , long two's. Princess Destiny doesn't remember herself and Dale's whole conversation , but she ' ONLY ' remembers the last part privately between them. When it was cat snooze time for the royal , cat family and all royals and royal cats in her royal family had been wishing and abiding her a pleasant , cat , goodnight's rest ; she remembers lazily walking inside the other claustrophobic den where herself and young Flaunti used to always sleep in ever since they all were just cubs. This same night , the grown royals , Miss Sassy , young Antedius , young Flaunti and Cassy had been sleeping in the larger left side of the royal , family's den , Princess Destiny expects to find herself all alone in a claustrophobic , small den to the right side of the family den all by yourself. But she's nowhere near right. She's wrong. Dead wrong. She remembers hearing Dale's voice indifferently delighted to sleep with her in this very small den together with her tonight. Princess Destiny gladly agrees to rest up with Dale for the night , when all of the royals were quick asleep , the moon shining down through the stony , rocky cracks above the stone ceiling inside of the claustrophobic den that both cats are in tonight ; the shiny stars never shined so bright and so dazzingly bright tonight as Princess Destiny and Dale took a lot of time in gazing high up thrillingly at the stars. She remembers herself all furry , wide smiles and yummy sweet giggles while she would playfully twirl towards the middle of the claustrophobic den that both very young , royals cats will be sleeping in for the night. Dale was serious , firm faced , but would always smirk or smile lovingly at Princess Destiny whenever she wasn't looking. She remembers always making Dale smile. She forget the last few things that both of them said to one another when Princess Destiny felt Dale looking at her , almost slowly turning her furry , royal head to look back at him. Dale was standing to the right side of her pulling her close to him into just one , more , slow , cat dance. Princess Destiny dreamily slow dances with Dale into slow , slow sways left and right , left and right , each time both cats spin in nicely slow circles without any music , but with a very nice , made up beat and made up rhythm both cats came up with together. She remembers Dale holding her furry , womanly hips tight and scratching his claws through Princess Destiny's golden , yellow and white fur growling lovably over Princess Destiny's right , furry , shoulder bone. Princess Destiny blushes really , really red feeling Dale's furry , fresh , front paws scratching into what feels like '' combing '' her fur to her. The softly combing sensation made her purr soft and sweetly to Dale as she always does when she's around Dale. She remembers her furry , front paws clawing onto both of Dale's furry shoulders through his furry , golden fur which he didn't mind explaining his lovable growls to her. She remembers feeling a deeply romantic connection , a clicking connection between herself and Dale. She remembers , that she's clicked with Prince Tawny but in a completely different way before , but '' this '' clicking with Dale , the way that the both of them clicked ? Oh , it was '' indifferently '' mysteriously , explaining Dale's personality perfectly and ' is ' a very good way to put it. Princess Destiny had craved for Dale's indifferent way of being romantic when it came to just him and just her , together : alone , going passed royal voilations and rules , including cat , royal incest. But both royals didn't care , but royals were sexually and seductively attracted to each other's royal , animal magnetism ; and both royals couldn't help it. Both royals couldn't just stop seeing each other or ! , o-or separate from different , cat families all because these romantic , cat feelings ' aren't ' supposed to be natural in a family. Both royals ' knew ' that you can't feel so romantically for your older - or younger - sibling. That's just out of line , that's just below the belt , that's verboten and very inappropriate.
All Princess Destiny could remember is Dale telling her that ' he ' .. wants her , to be his Princess of Sundaya one day ; that he doesn't want no other lioness in Sundaya that's in her royal , lioness coalition. He wants her , ' alll ' .. of her. She felt so , so truthful around Dale ; anytime that she was in Dale's furry presence or even gazed into Dale's golden , unexpressive and very , very , very insensitive , furry eyes , she had always felt like she could tell Dale anything. And so she did do just that. She told Dale that Prince Tawny made her a loving promise , had made it his life long commitment , that he would one day in Sundaya make ' her ' .. his princess and then '' Queen '' of Sundaya. Said for her to believe her and take all of his words for it. And she did ; she took Prince Tawny's words seriously ; but right now , Prince Tawny ' wasn't ' on Princess Destiny's mind tonight. Her royal , princess mind is on Dale. Dale's furry touch , Dale's furry , long , vital , sparky , lion body against her's , Dale's golden eyes gazing seductively at her chocolate mixed with light and dark , brown eyes and Dale's seductively indifferent way of speaking to her. , even though he knows that the both of them are just related royals , just family royals , but he doesn't care. He shamelessly doesn't care. Dale cares about how he feels for her and Princess Destiny feels the same way as he does. Vice versa , caring for him and only his feelings too. If any of her royal , cat family finds out about them both , she won't care. She'll just go ahead and risk it , just like Dale is doing.
Princess Destiny remembers that Dale didn't appear to sound at all '' surprised '' , that Prince Tawny was going to make sure Princess Destiny was marked all around ' by him ' , before he went off on his royal , troublesome way to mess with and wreck , rioting and troublesome havoc around Sundaya. She answers Dale very , very carefully , aware of when Dale goes strangely quiet , he's always keeping his cards very , ' very close ' to his chest , more than the expression implies. Dale approaches hearing this from Princess Destiny sounding like he's not at all aware or informed that Prince Tawny had ' already ' ; made his mark after going for her and making her his royal territory. So .. Dale decides to fight royal , territorial tactic with Prince Tawny's against his own , and that's the last thing that he says , before seductively trapping Princess Destiny with him for the night. '' Is Prince Tawny here with you now .. ? Or is it just '' us. '' Does he hold you tight .. the way that I do ? Does he look into your eyes , the way I do ? , '' Princess Destiny remembers Dale's low-toned , fresh-mouthed tone of voice speaking to her seductively into her right , furry ear as his furry , front paws place themselves gently onto her furry , front paws in a very slow and romantic action. , and then places Princess Destiny's furry , front paws right behind his lower , furry , long back gripping both of her furry , front wrists in a crisscross applesauce imitation. Princess Destiny remembers her breath getting hot , a little sensual and very soft , one way that she feels more wooed , more persuaded than seduced by Dale. '' does he speak to you , the way that I do ? Or do you love him ' more ' .. than you love me. , '' Princess Destiny can't forget the way that Dale looked at her : half lidded , furry , shining brightly like diamonds , golden eyes gazing temptingly at her. A furry , sexually , naughty grin crossing the right , furry side of his furry cheek. Princess Destiny remembered her heart skipping two beats than usual. , enticingly listening to Dale go on as he does. How Dale almost slowly lifts his furry , lion head backward to gaze invitingly at Princess Destiny's furry , facial expression. Her furry snout opened a gapped a little , her furry , dark/light brown slowly half lidded in seduced emotion , feeling her furry , long , lioness body heat up. Dale's never heated her furry , long , lioness body like the way that Prince Tawny does before. It's so .. seducingly exciting to her ... !
Princess Destiny remembers Dale's furry forehead pressed up against her furry , princess head. His furry , left , front paw acts on his own , caressing her left , furry , fluffy cheek as his right , furry , front paw is still gripping both of her furry wrists on Dale's furry , long back. '' If you love Tawny so much as you say , if Tawny's your first , royal love and a good , royal , married by birth lioness such as yourself is commited to him ; then why do we keep secretly meeting up this way ? Why do I keep holding you so tenderly yet protectively just the way that you like being held ? , why do you keep coming over to me , when you always say .. as difficult of a lioness that you are , it should always be the other way around ? You LOVE it , when I like to make you feel it control , the way that makes you come to ' me ' .. all on your own. Why am I making love to you when I'm not even nearly at a cat appropriate age , to be having sexual relations and exchanging romantically intimate activities with you ? Why am I making you mine and havin' you call my name ' so fast ' when we make love , that you'll ' NEVER , EVER ' .. forget my name ? Why Mama Puffs ? , tell me why just so I'll know. '' At not .. one of Princess Destiny's best moments when she always has an answer for everything , her furry snout is left open a gap a bit and she's trying to answer Dale's question , but no words come out. Nothing comes out , and she doesn't know why. Princess Destiny remembers Dale shutting her up romantically with a very soft , snout kiss that felt so sweet and so soft at first , then it gradually got to be hard and naughty. , when he takes it upon himself to roughly bite and '' re-mark '' Princess Destiny has '' his '' all over again. Princess Destiny remembers that once she felt Dale's furry snout on her , she knew that she couldn't say no. She knew that she couldn't resist. Dale romantically lifted her up where her long , furry , hind legs wrapped in seduced action in respsonse to Dale's snout kiss and their furry , cat scene ends just like that.
Princess Destiny remembers how her and Dale where at the top of her royal , claustrophobic tower where there was a very little , open , circular den area where King Fein and Queen Lad La La raised all five of the royal cats ever since they were cubs. When their furry eyes weren't open yet , when they all were just senselessly walking around in cub like , scurrying steps , when they all were cub , breast feeding by Queen Lad La La , when Miss Sassy wasn't even born yet. Their royal , cat ,introduction to cat , love making between herself and Dale went like this : Princess Destiny sat upright in the middle of the area , Dale walks closer and closer right in front of her , Dale traps her into a very seductive , snout kiss as she falls onto her long , furry back against the cold , stone ground while Dale sexually climbs on top of her spreading her long , furry , hind legs apart while lowering down to snout kiss Princess Destiny more. Dale's in control , Princess Destiny is like Dale's little , secret , cat slave under his every sexual , seductive command. Dale's furry , front paws sexually place themselves from roughly cupping onto Princess Destiny's hugely , furry , lioness breasts , down to her furry , widened hips and keeps both of his furry , front paws placed onto Princess Destiny's furry , widened hips while he's sensually licking Princess Destiny's furry , lioness sex and Princess Destiny's moaning seductively loud it's a shock that her royal family didn't wake up and overheard her. Princess Destiny remembers Dale licking and snout kissing her furry , lioness sex more wild , more roughly in order to bring her closer to having her very first orgasm with him since both cats had usually came out to exchange and participate in sexually , cat affairs and cat relations whenever the urge , the seduction and the temptation hits the both of them till they both burst and can't take it anymore. Princess Destiny remembers Dale taking her sexually - ' all ' of her - for the very first time that night. How phenomenally , sensually amazing it felt , how hot her furry , flushed cheeks were , how her whole , long , furry , lioness body was shaking in sexual feeling , no longer having any control of her furry , lioness body anymore. How her seductively hot outcries and moans in sexual pleasure , calling for Dale's name each time Dale had asked her to say his name in her right , furry ear while he was biting hard all over her right side of her furry , right shoulder and all over her furry collarbone. , she could swear that both cats are ' that loud ' that a hyena could hear them nearby. Thank Kinny that Dale didn't get her pregnant with cubs the next morning. She remembers , she remembers.
Her very first , royal , Princess of Sundaya tiara that gave her a wild , train ride of her very own cat , princess , royal , life events of finding her ' own meaning ' of friendship , her ' own meaning ' of love , her ' own meaning ' of sex , her ' own meaning ' of royal marriage, her ' own meaning ' about cat relationships , her ' own meaning ' of cat dating , her ' own meaning ' of being a male lion's lioness girlfriend for the very first time , her ' own meaning ' of being a royal , her ' own meaning ' of having her very first time , her ' own meaning ' of falling in love with other lions that were just life long , best , lion friends with her since cubhood , but when she's in a den after sleeping with them , now that's a different story. Each train stop more exciting , more saddening , more overwhelming , more endlessly long or endlessly short than the last. But ... she's not through with her train ride yet. Oh no , she's not through. Is this where she gets off ? Is this where she's had a wonderful , train ride ?
That very same , royal , princess of Sundaya tiara brought an endless , royally , cat memory of all events for her , as Princess of Sundaya and as first born to be a royal and pass her very first , royal coronation as the very first lioness in her royal , cat family. Before Cassy and before Miss Sassy.
Wishful dashes for Princess Destiny's royal , princess tiara first. Already covering more very long , lengthy strides when he impatiently trots and hops out of the muddy , rainy , deeper pits of the ground that's trying to slow him down. , due to how muddy and heavy the rainy , muddy ground is at this much later , much longer time in Sundaya.
Princess Destiny jets for her very first , princess , royal tiara second. Taking a much more smarter , royal approach as Moonlight had taught her. Remembering his royal , guardian pearls of wisdom to always use nature's elements - sometimes ! - to your advantage. Always approach any royal situation with a clearheaded and ' ONLY ' be fearless and rash if it's necessary , if it's needed for that particular kind of cat situation. Skiing left too fast and skiing right too fast her way for her very first , princess , royal tiara with royal expertise and royal intuition , as if she knew exactly where the deeper , muddiest pits on the dirt ground was. This allows her to cover much more strides than Wishful is , halfway there with each passing ski she makes , each hop that she makes and each time she patiently waits for herself to ski to a full stop before she slips and rolls over. Not a very cute , royal picture.
Giving Princess Destiny a very quick , furry glimpse at her strategy of getting much closer to her princess , royal tiara before he could , Wishful grins impatiently at Princess Destiny. His furry grinning , impatience written all over his furry , attractive , lion face. His furry , red scorching eyes a bit narrow eyed in jealously of how much she has Moonlight's royal sides of her deep within her. Winging it all day out of pure impatience and rushed inexperience , Wishful noisily charges through the overflowed , muddy , rainy ground ignoring how it's slowing him down , but he's ' also ' managing to charge his way through the muddy , rainy ground ; even though he hears a very soft , faint , mushy , gushy substance : * Plop ! * -ing sound each time he charges and hops right into the muddy , rainy ground that's not furry , ankle deep anymore , but is kind of like a muddy , rainy swamp.
Golden softly laughs to himself just because of how many times that Wishful almost slipped , almost skied into the rainy , muddy ground and at himself and Princess Destiny's cat fight when he ' did ' slip , fall and land into the rainy , muddy ground. Very watchful that both cats want Princess Destiny's very first , royal , princess tiara. If Wishful gets Princess Destiny's very first , royal , princess tiara before Princess Destiny does , he could run off with her tiara and give her a very personal reason to run right back after him and come back to ' him ' this time. Exactly the kind of thing that he wants , and the ' last thing ' .. that Princess Destiny wants to happen.
Before Wishful and Princess Destiny could get any closer to Princess Destiny's very first , royal tiara , that happened to be ten feet to the diagonal right side of Golden ; Golden picks up Princess Destiny's very first , princess , royal tiara with his left , furry , front paw and places the Princess of Sundaya's princess tiara onto his furry , lion head before Princess Destiny could get possession of her royal , princess tiara in just three , easy seconds from now. Princess Destiny skids to a stop in a diagonal right in front of Golden's left side of his furry , upright , lion body sitting upright in royal style. Princess Destiny quickly takes her time speaking to Golden , knowing that he's not going to be so easy to ask for her very first , royal , princess tiara back. Wishful's now five , furry , chargin' feet away from her and Golden.
Princess Destiny : * sighs softly , almost tiringly * ( normal-toned ) '' Thank Kinny that you have my princess tiara Gold. I don't know what I'd do without it. Thank you ! Can I .. have it now ... ? ''
Golden smirks temptingly at Princess Destiny , loving it just as much as Wishful and Prince Tawny does when Princess Destiny comes to him first rather than lions come to her.
Golden : '' Beg for it beautiful. ''
Princess Destiny gives Golden a furry : '' Tell you off '' , impudent huff , facial expression.
Princess Destiny : * says as she leans her furry , royal head a little closer to Golden * * Golden grins mysteriously at her , his glassy , golden look to be smiling sexually at Princess Destiny * I will do * her furry , royal head is already leaned closer to Golden * no .. such .. thing ... ! I'm not giving you the satisfaction. ''
Golden : '' Ain't that ALWAYS .. what it's about between us , isn't it beautiful ... ''
Golden grins more wider , but still mysteriously at Princess Destiny.
Wishful arrives three , very quick seconds later , skidding on the rainy , muddy ground to a stop in a diagonal right direction just before he could appear to be colliding , sliding or slipping right for Golden. He skids upright in arrogantly sure style as he leans his furry , lion head forward to Golden. Golden leans his furry , lion head closer to touching Wishful's furry forehead while Princess Destiny slowly trots around Golden in a half circle and in a very slowly , sensual stride making a half , U-turn around Golden. , sitting upright very close to him to the right , furry side of Golden's furry , lion body. Princess Destiny tilts her furry , royal head to her right to try to get a better , furry see at Wishful and Golden's furry face-to-face , revengeful , cat altercation.
Wishful low growls very life threatening and murderously.
Golden low growls very deep pitched in equal chorus with Wishful , growling resentful and with a million , good reasons than he's ' ever felt ' resent for Wishful and the rest of their other , six , cat siblings before in his entire , lion life.
Princess Destiny grins a little at Wishful and Golden. A still , tiny little , very short , dark black line had already crossed her furry snout. She cat gallops her way over to Wishful and Golden approaching more closely into Wishful and Golden's personal space. Mainly Golden's personal space , standing closely by the right side of Golden.
Wishful : ( speaking low-toned , fraudulent ) '' Give me Fluff's royal tiara Golden ... ''
Golden : ( speaking deep-toned , filled with resent ) '' Now we ' both know ' .. the answer to that question , don't we. ''
Wishful : '' I * speaking as he shakes his furry , lion head left and right : '' No '' once * don't want to have to go against you , Golden. You're my only , second older brother in our very large , cat family that we've got. ''
Golden : '' That didn't stop from turning ' EVERY ' , SINGLE ' , ONE ! ' .. of our cat siblings - our ' VERY OWN ' family ! - to turn evilly and revengeful against me ! No ... ! That didn't stop you at all ... ! ''
Wishful : '' Don't make this any harder .. than it has to be Golden. You ' HAD ' .. a choice ! We could've worked together as two in our very large , cat family .. ! So what am ' I ' supposed to do now ? ! You wanted this , you wanted this path , you wanted this choice ? , well you ' got it ! ' ''
Golden : ( says more low-toned , up the wall ) '' Stand down Wishful ... That's your problem with you , you NEVER .. know when to back down or quit. You've ALWAYS miscalculated your pounces , rather than think about where you're going to land , how you're going to land and how far apart are you from pouncing. ''
Golden : '' You never said that when you pounced on my yellow. ''
Princess Destiny : '' Golden please .. ! Stop trying to fuse Wishful. I ' already ' did enough of a job doin' that already. ''
Golden slowly turns his furry , lion head to look pitifully at Princess Destiny. He smiles at her evilly , never feeling so alive , having fueled on nothing but resentment , hate , bitterness and anger throughout his whole life as a male lion.
Only turning his furry , lion head slightly a teeny bit , Wishful looks at Princess Destiny into sexually enticing amusement , as he grins at Princess Destiny sneakily. Princess Destiny slightly turns her furry , royal head only a tiny bit to look Wishful's furry , underhanded , facial expression. The furry grin on Wishful's furry face , that she knows is only trying to use sensualness and seductive , tricky charm , wit and his personality to knock her sideways. Princess Destiny averts her furry , dark/light brown eyes away from Wishful and back over to Golden who slowly turns his furry , lion head in a half circle back into Wishful's furry face. Back into Wishful's deceit , red , sprinkling , furry eyes that look glossy and sheeny a bit in the rainy , muddy ground.
Wishful : '' Listen to Fluff's Golden , she knows me ever since cubhood. She's always known me better than you did. This is between me and her , not you. We don't want to hurt you or any cat that comes between us. ''
Golden : '' If .. listening to my lil' yellow means , giving you her royal tiara back ; then you must've lost your mind. ''
Wishful : '' Oh ? ,, no Gold , see , I haven't. That had ' already happened ' after I .. ' and ' the rest of our very large , cat family turned on you. .. And it's all be-cause of me .. ! * quietly laughing deceitfully * But you've decided to be a hero and fight with Fluff's. Who am ' I ' .. to come between what ' was ' known as '' love '' , between the two of you , in which is now just .. '' lust '' , '' getting even '' and having sex. ''
Golden : '' Who are ' YOU ' .. to come between the both of us , you ' JUST SAID ' Wish .. ? ! You ' already have ' .. and I ' bet that ' Prince Tawn put you up to it. ''
Wishful : '' Hmm ... ! , ' now ' we're getting somewhere ! Fluff was NEVER yours .. or ' ours ! ' to begin with. That's not what Prince Tawny told me ... ''
Golden : '' You've always talked to Prince Tawn ' more ' than you've spoken with me. You've always told him everything , more than telling anything and everything that you were ' supposed ' .. to be telling me , because I'm your middle , older brother ! I'm your ' ONLY ' family ! ''
Wishful : '' Not until after cubhood. NOT until you stole Fluff away from me .. ''
Golden : '' Wait. Huh-ho wait a minute. This isn't about Fluff isn't it. This is about our family , this is about all of the deceitful , cat back talkin' , cat biting on the butt , deceptive lies , tricks , going behind you and my cat family's back isn't it. This is about al of the cat mistakes , the cats that I hung out with and the things that I've done , haven't I. ''
Wishful : '' Part of it , that and the rest of our cat family hasn't spoken to in years since we were cubs. ''
Golden : '' You've turned our own .. ' WHOLE ' family .. against me. ''
Wishful : '' Still haven't picked the pieces yet ? , or do I have to pick ' em all up for you. ''
Princess Destiny : '' Wishful , if you were any smart , you would stand down. ''
Golden : '' I've been tryin' the rest of my ' WHOLE ' , cat life ! .. trying to figure out .. what made you and our very large , cat family turn against me. I-I talked to other , old , past cats that you and I , along with our very large , cat family used to speak with , I-I've asked so many questions .. ! , as to what's making you feel so resentful , so hate filled , so bitter , so teed off and so ticked off at me. I've tried talking to you , but you would always walk away from me .. or if it's not that it's either the silent treatment , or it's .. avoiding me and trying your best not to run into me. ''
WIshful : '' Awww , ' still ' don't get the big , cat picture. Aww , don't worry. ' Keep .. trying. ' ''
Golden : '' ' Why is it .. when I spoke with our old , past cats that we once hung out with during our cat , preteen years , I ask why .. is Wishful's behavior so typical , so strange , cold and rejecting that it's not like you to be acting that way , unless you're really angry at me for something that I did. - And I know Wish , I really , really do ' just as much ! ' .. as my lil' yellow does. ' Why ' .. are those cats acting like they don't know what I'm talking about .. ? , ' Why ' .. are they actin' dumb .. ? ''
Wishful : '' Hmmph. If you were any dumber , no cat would be able to tell. ''
Golden : ( raises his voice bitterly , kicking against Wishful ) '' ' What ' .. did you tell those cats ? ''
Wishful : '' Nothing that they didn't know already ... ''
Golden : '' TELL ME ! ''
Wishful stares very closely at Golden. He laughs dryly and a little more deceitfully as he realizes that in this area with Golden and Princess Destiny , the ' ONLY ' sounds that they all can hear is Wishful's voice and the pattering , give someone a pip , very loud rain. There's a heart stopping pause coming from Wishful in the smell of rain , mud and moistness into the air.
Golden gets narrow-eyed up the wall even more. Wishful gives Golden a cocky : '' I know everything '' , furry tilt of his lion head over to the right side above his right , furry shoulder bone. Wishful gives Golden a knowledgeable , furry grin that tells Golden before he says or ' does ' anything smart , he's always going to know ' more ' ahead of Golden , than Golden ever will. Golden better be careful. Watch out now.
Wishful : ( says quietly , rebelling against Golden ) '' ' Why ' Golden. ''
Golden : ( says in raising and shouting tone of voice ) '' I ' ASKED YOU ' .. a question ! ''
Wishful : '' And you're ' GETTING ' .. your answer Gold-en ... Now before I give you answer , tell me why. ''
Golden glares carefully and contumaciously at Wishful the same time that he backs his furry , lion head back in careful thought of Wishful battling with him through smarts. But unfairly , knowing ' more ' .. than he knows about what's Wishful's position in this making a cat see red , growling and roaring , cat altercation.
Golden : ( says quietly ) * pauses thoughtfully * '' Why do you want me to tell you so badly ... ''
Wishful : '' The same reason why you wanna know what I told all of those other , old , past cats that you , I and our royal cat family know so much about. I mean .. ' if ' .. I told those old , past cats that ' we know ' very well enough ... ( lying ) It's not like I did anyway ... ''
Golden : '' You poor , ego loving , you wanting it to be : '' Me , me , me ... '' , attention loving and attention seeking , crafty lion ... How .. in the ' HELLL ' .. am I related to you ... ''
Wishful : '' Heh ... I've been askin' myself that since the day you were born. Our parents should've had you. Didn't they know that you were never going to get along or fit in with any of us in our family and that no cat wanted to talk to you , speak with you .. or even ' try ' .. to get along with you. ( mimicking their mother's voice ) : '' Now what seems to be so wrong with Gold , Wish 'n stars. He's you're only , middle , older brother in this cat family. You're going to need one another one day. Why do you keep slamming the door in front of his face long before he comes knockin' ? How ' bout you try to surprise him by letting him in unexpectedly . hmm ? '' Pfft ! , yeahh .. ' right ! ' I ONLY played along till our parents weren't lookin' , I teamed up the rest of our cat family ' jussst .. ! ' .. to get rid of you. ''
Golden : '' Yea Wish 'n stars ? ( nickname for Wishful ) How's that workin' out for you. ''
Wishful : '' When you're gone and not related to me anymore , I'll be sure to let you know. ''
Princess Destiny : '' Wish ! , ''
Wishful quickly turns his furry , lion head over to Princess Destiny.
Princess Destiny : '' pleasse ! If you both value my opinion and my words as much as you both say to me .. time and time again that you do ; you would just go. , ''
Wishful swings the yellow tip of his very long , furry tail that's already soaked into the rainy , muddy ground. Flicking up specks of mud as he silently pretends to look sympathizing and empathizing back at Princess Destiny. His furry , deceitful grin on his furry snout still here. Wishful stays sat upright in his place in front of Golden. Yeah , she can see that Wishful's not goin' anywhere.
Princess Destiny : ( her voice gets very quiet , a little soft ) '' Gold's right. This ' partially does ' have a lot to do with your very large cat family with Golden. But this is about me , and you. It's ALWAYS been about me and you , and you know that by now. Go ahead , take my royal tiara. I'm going to keep comin' face to face with you over and over and over again anyway , till our differences such as our views and our opinions ' finally ' reconcile all on their own together. Go ahead .. ! I promise you that I won't stop you this time ... ''
Wishful looks at Princess Destiny bad-ass. Sorry ? , is this all a bluff ?
Princess Destiny : '' I'm just going to run back for my tiara - and you - over and over and over again. But the next time that you're plannin' to cat jump Golden again , jump me instead. ''
Golden : ( says in very alarming , careful attention ) '' Fluff .. ! , please .. ! ''
Princess Destiny averts her furry , dark/light brown eyes from Golden first and then back to Wishful , as if she were ignoring Golden for a second here.
Wishful : ( says low-toned , in what sounds like he's amused ) '' Oh yea beautiful .. ? ''
Princess Destiny : * says as she nods her furry , royal head once * ( says more quietly ) '' Yes Wish. ''
Golden looks back back at Wishful , acting fast ; faster than his reflexes and faster than he moves.
Golden : '' Wishful , don't get cute and cocky with her. I don't want you to trick her. She's only doing this because she feels sorry for me. Because she pities me. She doesn't know what she's saying ' or ' what she's doing right now , she's only doin' this for me ' without ' being aware of the cat consequences and the tricks that come along with it. ''
Wishful looks admiringly knowledgeable back at Golden , at least being respectful enough to listen to his words too carefully. With a furry : '' his mind is made up '' look on his furry face , Wishful grins for a personal reason of his own , then looks back at Princess Destiny with a slight , little turn of his furry head.
Wishful : '' Hang on to the thought for just a second Golden , I'm talkin' to my beautiful , lil' , yellow Mama right now. Ohh I just LOVE .. hearin' her voice. How she's ' SOOO ' into you. * Wishful looks sexually at Princess Destiny up and down as he speaks * * Princess Destiny's heart beats even faster by the way that Wishful is looking sexually at her * Huh , she got to you too didn't she Gold ... ''
Golden : ( says a little hesitantly ) * flushing a little red romantically * '' You could .. say that .. Wish ... ''
Wishful : '' Speak ' up ' for Wish my lil' yellow Mama. I only wanna hear your voice and nothing else ... Well , besides you're seductive moans and groans , heh. ''
Princess Destiny : '' I don't want you to hurt Golden anymore. You want me , not Golden. ''
Golden : ( says in a very soft , loving tone of voice ) '' Fluff , now you ' know ' .. that I don't need you or any cat's free sympathy and empathy my love. So pleassse , what-ever it is you're thinking about doing for me right now , you need to STOP. For me , just .. for me. I need to fight my own cat demons by myself. ''
Wishful : ( says in annoyed agitation ) '' Gold-en , I said Fluff's voice .. not yours , Fluff's ! ''
Princess Destiny looks back at Wishful after looking at Golden. Seeming to be listening to Golden with her furry , dark/light brown eyes , not with both of her furry ears.
Wishful slightly turns his furry , lion head to look back at Princess Destiny.
Wishful : '' I am so .. ' sorry ' with Golden's interruption my love , he can't seem to wait his turn till he's ready to speak. Now let's backtrack a bit , what you're telling ' me ' .. is that you .. would take his furry place ? Take ' all ' of his mistakes , take ' all ' of his consequences , ' reap ' .. what he sowed as a lion , ' still be ' in love with him , and .. in the end .. you .. would be okay with that .. ? ''
Princess Destiny : ( lying ) '' Yes. ''
Ex King Kip : '' W-W-Wait. Desi said yes ? Why did she say '' yes '' to Wishful. ''
Golden : '' If you could see right through my little yellow's actions , you would see clear as ' day ' .. that she had been lying to Wish 'n stars this ' WHOLE ' time. She said it because she loved me , she did it .. not because she pitied me , sympathized with me and empathized with me as I thought and ' assumed ' she did. She told me that she ' ONLY ' did it , because she cared about me , because she couldn't get over how much she really loved me and because .. she was falling in love with growing fond of me. ''
Ex King Kip : ( says softly ) '' D- Did you let her go along with sacrificing herself , putting herself on the line ; just for you ? I hope not. ''
Golden : '' What , no green eyes , no. That was the first thing I did before things were said between Wishful and yellow , furry minds were made up , threats that backed up actions that were said to do .. and words were said and expressed , meant more than these words were said. ''
Ex King Kip : '' How could you let this go so far. ''
Golden looks at ex King Kip as if he were saying : '' Like ' I'm ' the bad cat here ... Your highness please ... ''
Golden : '' You ' must understand ' your royal highness , all of us cats said how we felt and our actions spoke louder than our words , as it should. Ohh , threats were given , tempers arise , attitudes were expressed , fierce and brutal , cat talk was given ... - we ' ALLL ' seemed to be ' so excited ' , so thrilled ' to see each other top what we brought down in front of one another to compare and judge at the end of the day. Kind of like seeing who could make a kill faster than any other cat. But that's nowhere near to the point. - We cats all thought that we had resolved the situation , we thought that .. the situation was said , was done .. and that was it. But the situation didn't stop there , when we all thought it did. The situation didn't stop , when we thought that it already had , oh no. It seemed that we allowed it to escalate just to amuse ourselves , as if we were bored , because it was the ' ONLY ' thrilling or exciting , cat course of action that we all had been looking forward to in our lives as cats. ''
Ex King Kip : '' What did you do to stop her. ''
Golden : '' The only thing that I could do. I was running out of time , the hyena invasion was at it's heartless peak : '' search , bite , riot , make a racket , gain through numbers '' , I was running out of options. Kinny , I couldn't even ' think straight ' anytime that I was around that furry , yellow beauty. .. ' Myyy ' .. furry , yellow beauty. ''
Ex King Kip : '' Ohhh , so you say ... ''
Golden gives ex King Kip a furry : '' Try me '' look. Ex King Kip grins daredevil like back at Golden.
Golden manages to ignore ex King Kip's very smart and cute reply. Not in a good way.
Golden : '' That day .. I fell in love with yellow ' even more. ' Same goin' for her and Prince Tawny , me and her , oh we ' didn't ' want to fall in love with each other , but we did. That day .. to me , she became a furry , attractive vision that I wanted to understand and keep viewing over .. and over .. and over .. again. She became the true , real definition of a lioness. ' More ' than any of the other lioness in her lioness coalition. ''
Wishful : '' You ' do realize ' .. that you won't get the opportunity to fight back right. ''
Princess Destiny : '' Yes Wish .. I do ... ''
Wishful : '' Ooh , sexy , doughty and filled with spunky aren't you. ''
Princess Destiny : '' Hehe ... ''
She flashes a heated up , little , furry smile sensually by Wishful's way of speaking to her when one minute he's fighting with her and the next minute , he's '' warming her up '' just for him. Princess Destiny blushing a little bit more redder on her furry , fluffy cheeks than before
Golden : '' My yellow Fluff , please , that won't be necessary. I don't want to be a furry burden to you. ''
Princess Destiny looks debating back at Golden and then back at Wishful.
Wishful : '' And a burden she .. won't ! * he looks up and down at her tastefully * Why would you want to take Golden's place anyway. .. And heh , don't tell me it's because you love him. That's what you told me , and you ended up sleeping with me in a very dark , cat den ... ''
Princess Destiny : '' I know Wish , I- I know .. Since .. you ' already ' .. know that love reason .. ' com-pletely ' flew out of my furry snout .. and through my white teeth , * Wishful : '' Mmm's softly with Princess Destiny tastefully while looking up and down tastefully at her some more , leaning his furry , lion head closer to her * I've fallin' in love with being very , very fond of Golden. I .. really , really care about him. A-And I don't want anything bad to happen to him. ''
Wishful : '' Even ' if ' .. you didn't do anything wrong ? Well , partially. ''
Princess Destiny : '' Yes Wish ... ''
Golden : '' Fluffs ... no ... ! , do you hear yourself right now. ''
After looking intently at Golden , Princess Destiny keeps silent as if under Wishful's command or control. She turns her furry , royal head a little bit to look back at Wishful.
Wishful stares at Princess Destiny ever so carefully. Princess Destiny stares at Wishful back with some fire in her dark/light brown eyes. Such second thoughts about backing out on Golden can't make her turn back now.
Wishful : '' Help me understand this beautiful. Why go through all of this royal , cat trouble .. taken on Gold's cat consequences and cat punishments .. that aren't even meant for you to endure , ' ALLL ' because it sounds like you love Golden a lot ' more ' than me .. ? ' ALLL ' because , you're just trying to make me jealous isn't it. ''
Princess Destiny : '' I don't need to try if you're already jealous Wish. ''
Golden : '' Hehe ... ''
Wishful : '' O-ooh ? And we're back to the snippy , fresh comments again. Okay my little , yellow Mama , okay. Alright then. Done. ''
Princess Destiny leans her furry , royal head closer to Wishful in confusion.
Princess Destiny : '' Done ? ''
Wishful : '' Exactly what you say when you finish a task. - Yes , done Mama ... ! Looks like ' I got ' another love sacrifice from you and Golden to deal with right here .. ! I'll back off Mama. For you , for your love , for you heart , for your affections and for all of your charms. When being a royal isn't so hectic and doesn't stress your beautiful self out , come see me again. You know where to find me. Oh and , no cat companions following along with you as backup. Don't bring Touphy , Tum Tum and Tim Tim neither. ( voice lowers softly , almost lovingly ) You come alone for me , understand Mama ? ''
Wishful finishes saying as he takes slow , romantic time caressing Princess Destiny's right , furry cheek with his left , furry , front , muddy and dry paw right in front of Golden's furry face. Princess Destiny's furry , royal head is tilted to her right side above her right , furry shoulder bone as Wishful does this. Princess Destiny looks hypnotizingly at Wishful , lost into his furry , red , baking hot , gravel at Golden , sprinkling eyes that she still has powerful , love feelings for. Red , baking hot , sprinkling eyes that made rough , amazing love to her many times before , red , baking hot , sprinkling eyes that tempted her , pleased her , pleasured her , wooed her , '' warmed her up '' , tricked her , fought with her , rebelled against her , fell in love with her dark/light brown eyes , fell in love with her and now concludes having all eight of his furry , newborn cubs with her. Princess Destiny notices when she's fully trapped in Wishful's furry , red eyes that .. he has that same : '' warming up '' , tempting , trancing affect as Golden has , when she's with him.
And .. why is that ? She doesn't know.
Golden rolls his glassy , furry , golden eyes at Wishful irate.
Princess Destiny hesitantly answers Wishful , all '' warmed up '' by his words and his ways of speaking to her in times like these. With a slight , furry , uncertain nod of her royal head she tries to say :
Princess Destiny : '' Yes Wish .. you got it ... ''
Wishful smiles troublesomely at Princess Destiny , showing off his true , real colors as Golden's eldest , older brother in their very large , cat family. Wishful gently tickles Princess Destiny's furry chin with a single , white claw that already had been sheathed from out of his left , furry , front , muddy , dry paw when he had placed his furry paw under Princess Destiny's furry chin. Wishful could hear more of Golden's voice still fighting so , so hard against all of this.
Golden : '' You do realize in the end Wish , you're not going to end up having Fluff right. I saw her first , I wanted her first , I needed her first. You only came under Prince Tawny's royal orders ... What was in it for you Wish .. ? Let's talk about that since you always say that you tell me everything and anything. Do you just want all of the sex and all of the intimacy with my little yellow in return , and then go back and tell Prince Tawny's lion coalition all of the naughty , sexual , cat actions that you did to her ? ''
Wishful : '' Hehe. ''
Princess Destiny hates herself for purring very , very softly and very , very low to Wishful. To which both Wishful and Golden can still hear. Wishful giving Princess Destiny a romantic , fond of , furry , facial expression at Princess Destiny just as she playfully pushes Wishful's left , furry , front paw away with her right , furry , front paw. The two lions could only hear Princess Destiny's soft , wooing , normal tone of voice loving up the real and true , romantic attention that she's getting from Wishful right in front of Golden's furry face.
Princess Destiny : ( says playfully , wooed ) '' Wishful , stoppp it ... '' * wooing , soft giggles *
Not best pleased with what he was hearing from Golden , Wishful takes his sweet , sweet time sheathing that one claw that was out to tickle up Princess Destiny's furry chin that came from right out of his left , furry , front paw. Wishful puts his furry , front , left paw down on the rainy , muddy ground as he turns his furry , lion head to look in a furry frenzy back at Golden's very irate , furry , facial expression. , as irate as his glassy , golden eyes are at Wishful.
Golden growls very deep pitched at Wishful distraught. , as if silently telling Wishful to stop tickling Princess Destiny's furry chin right now in front of him.
Wishful : ( speaking low-toned again , besides oneself ) '' Golden pleasse , ' when ' .. will you understand .. that it's not all about the sex , the intimacy or the mating. , ''
Golden : '' STOP .. LYING ... ''
Wishful : '' WHO'S .. LYING Gold ? Not me ... ''
Golden : '' Ohhhh , heh heh. And I suppose that you love yellow too ? ''
Wishful : '' Well if you call your '' yellow '' , screamin' for my name after we made love , then yes. Or did your cat , love making with her quickly ended .. just before it ' be-gan ' ... ''
Princess Destiny : '' Stop it you guys ! , please .. ! ''
She quickly hops right in the middle of Wishful and Golden, Observantly , both Wishful and Golden are up onto their long , furry , muddy fours walking away from each other , turns a half circled , U-turn in opposite directions back to sitting upright again. Princess Destiny skis into the rainy , muddy ground just as slowly skids to a stop right in the middle between Wishful and Golden upright.
Wishful sits upright tall.
Golden mimics Wishful , sitting upright more taller.
Both lions performing dominance , not backing down away from Princess Destiny and never letting up right in front of her.
Princess Destiny turns her furry , royal head from Wishful to Golden , Wishful to Golden. She's not sure which lion is going to finish their cat altercation.
Wishful : '' You know beautiful , * Princess Destiny looks back at Wishful after looking at Golden , who had forced her into a sweet , hot , snout kiss right in front of Wishful's furry , still in a frenzy , facial expression * * Princess Destiny hesitantly moves back as Golden smirks sensually at her , the same time both cats part away from their furry , snout kiss and lean their furry heads back to normal * * Princess Destiny blinks at Wishful * * his red , unbearably hot , sprinkling eyes still glaring besides oneself at Golden , even though he's talking to Princess Destiny * Gold and I always told each other ever since we were cubs that we would NEVER .. fight over a beautiful lioness. We told each other that we would be best , lion friends forever , despite being related siblings. ''
Golden : '' That was before you had our ' WHOLE ' , CAT family cat jump me ! And for what Wish 'n stars ? FOR .. WHAT ? ! ''
Wishful : '' Don't play dumb Gold , ohh STOP .. playin' DUMB right in front of Fluffs ! Tell her the truth ! I don't mean ' just ' the truth , I mean the ' WHOLE ' truth ! , and nothing but the truth. You still haven't told her yet ? ''
Golden : '' She's not ready to know the truth Wish , and you ' know that ! ' Now leave , you aren't welcome here with me anymore. ''
Princess Destiny : '' Wishful , I thought that you were going to leave as you said you were. ''
Wishful : '' I'm here for you , you know that. ''
Princess Destiny : '' Well , after how wild things are getting between us three , I think it's best if you go. Golden can't even think straight. Golden's verklempt after how long you both have been going at it. You need to go attend to your younger and older cat siblings with this hyena invasion still going on .. ''
Wishful : '' Not without you. ''
Princess Destiny : '' Wishful .. you know I can't do that. You're asking for the impossible , please .. ! ''
Wishful : '' Well , slamming the door in my face , treating me like dirt , wanting me and then not wanting me , is asking for the impossible right now Fluff ? You can't get me to stop seeing you. ''
Princess Destiny blushes a little red at Wishful. Wishful grins at Princess Destiny hopefully.
Wishful : '' I'm sorry beautiful .. do you ' still ' want me .. to leave ? ''
Princess Destiny : ( lying and debating at the same time ) ' .. Y- Yes. ''
Golden : '' And so do I. ''
Wishful glares up straight to Golden.
Wishful : '' Yea Gold , I can see that as clear as day. * he rolls his red , hot , furry , sprinkling eyes irritatingly at Golden as he turns his furry , lion head to look meaningfully seductive at Princess Destiny , deeply concerned for her the most * ( tone lowers meaningfully ) Are you ' sure ' you want me to leave beautiful .. ? Is your mind ' really ' made up , or are you just sayin' that because you can't stand to face me. ''
Princess Destiny : * pauses , ignoring Wishful's truthful words * '' Wishful please go , for me. ''
Wishful : '' For you .. ? ''
Princess Destiny : '' Yes .. for me. ''
Wishful stares at Princess Destiny trying to see if his truthful words have got to her. Mmm , nope. Nothing. Just a little loving gaze in her furry , dark/light brown eyes and a little weak smile at him. Yep , Wishful knows that she's faking her usual : '' made out of stone '' cat scene - her favorite scene - where she acts like words don't affect her , that such true and honest words don't get to her ego and pride , when those words really do. And to show it , she won't admit it until lions like Wishful , Golden and Prince Tawny seduce , tease , beg and woo it right out of her.
Wishful : '' That may be , that you want me to go Fluff , but the way that you're lookin' at me right now ; is making me want to stay here with you even more. ''
Princess Destiny softly looks at Wishful in mysterious romance.
Golden : '' ' I still ' want you to leave Wish , and that ain't changin' ''
Wishful : ( raising his voice a loud , still seeing red ) '' You know somethin' Gold .. ? I'm already besides myself enough at you , as it already is. But if you keep pushing and rebelling like a hero .. in order to impress Fluff , when you're nothin' but a BRO-KEN , TROU-BLED , STRUG-GLING , NEGA-TIVE , CRU-EL , EVIL , DECEP-TIVE , LYIN' , NO-GOOD , TRUST BREAKING .. lion ; that's never really fell in love before , that's never had his very first snout kiss , that never really knew how sex really feels like .. ' or ' even knew about the cat , lion facts of life , until I sat down and told you. When we were cubs , ' I ' .. took care of you. I took you under my arm , under my wing. ' I ' made you first rate , ' I ' made you my very first priority , ' I ' gave you nothing but the BEST .. - spoiled you rotten ! , gave you nothin' more , nothin' less - and you KNOW IT ! Understand ? ! , ''
Golden rolls his glassy , furry , golden eyes defiantly.
Wishful : '' I took you EVERYWHERE ! .. reasoned , consoled and condoled with you .. during hard , cat days , DEALT ! .. with that rottenly negative : '' I want all cats to feel sorry for me '' ATTITUDE .. and PERSONALITY .. of yours ! ' I .. LOVED you ! ' .. and I mean ' REALLY , REALLY LOVED ' you ! I gave you the special treatment , that special , cat , older , lion brother to second , oldest , lion brother time with you. ' I ' .. SACRIFICED ! .. all of my free time with you , when I ' COULD'VE BEEN ' spending that much needed , me time .. ALL .. BY .. MY .. SELLFFF ! But you ' BIT ' the paw that feed you , loved you , respected you and had ALWAYS .. been there for you .. ever since we were cubs ! You bit my paw .. ' AND ' scratched me ! After EVERYTHING .. that I did for you ? ! T-That I ' gladly ' did .. straight out of the goodness of my heart , as your eldest brother. , tryin' to be the best , darn , eldest brother that you and all the rest of our cat family EVER HAD ! Our cat parents LOVED you Golden , we ALLL did ! But along the way , you .. YOU got spoiled , you got ARROGANT , you got HAUGHTY , you shoved me aside and acted like I didn't even ex-ist ! , ''
Golden ... ''
Wishful : '' You acted like you got this far , ' WITHOUT ' me. Heh , let me say that again because .. maybe .. you didn't hear me. ' WITH-OUT ' .. ME ! ' And then you send a ' WHOLE gang ' of cats from - Kinny knows ' WHO'S , royal cat coalition ' - to cat jump ' me ' .. ' and ' the rest of our cat family ? ! What happened to snout kisses , happy rubs and yummy hugs , even when times are rough huh ? ''
Golden : ' I ' was in a jam Wish 'n stars ! My furry life was on the line ! .. And so was Fluff's ! You of ' ALL ' cats , should understand the position , the between a rock and a ' VERY ' hard place that I was in ! ''
Wishful : ( gets low-toned ) '' So you chose putting ' US ' .. in the ring when those cats cat jumped us that day ? ' Jusst ' to save you and Fluffs. ''
Golden : '' i came back for you , thinkin' that I made such good time ! I got myself out of that jam , Fluffs was safe again .. - Wish 'n stars , you know that I'm NEVER .. the kind of lion that expresses sentimental , soft and loving feelings and emotions to you , but you ' KNOW ' that I love you ' SO MUCH ' too .. ' and ' our cat family ! You all ' already ' know that ! I-I shouldn't have to tell you again and again and again. You know that I'm not that kind of lion. I-I was troubled , I-I HATED feelin' alone a-and ... - I was ' SICK ' .. and ' TIRED ' .. o-of you and our cat family ignoring me , giving me the silent treatment , not speakin' to me and you ... ! not even giving me a passing , furry glance ! , like you normally do. You changed Wish 'n stars , what happened to the younger , cubhood version of you .. w-when you weren't so cold , distant and detached ? ! ''
Wishful : ( still low-toned , driven ' round the twist ) '' Hmm , you're one to talk Gold. That's a ' LOT ' of resentful talk comin' from the ' same ' , male lion that changed from being a sweet , but very naive , loving , little male cub back when we were cubs , now to hangin' out with cubs that I've never seen you hang out before , speakin' with Prince Tawny and Dale's princely , lion coalitions of some of the baddest , fire , deceitful loving male lions that NO CAT in Sundaya wants to talk to - or should even ' mess with ! ' - unless you're about that male lion , tough lifestyle. And .. each time and time again , I try ' SOO HARD ' .. to get you to STOP .. hangin' out with those lions ! You don't know what they're really about , once your furry back is turned. ' I DO ! ' .. I'm like that ! ''
Golden : '' Oh ' PLEASSE ' Wish 'n stars ! You NEVER knew ' what ' kind of male lion I was like , till I grew up ! ''
Wishful : '' I suppose that's partially true , but you weren't like that when you were a little cub ! ''
Princess Destiny : '' W-W-Wait ! , ''
Wishful and Golden both turn their furry , lion heads to look at Princess Destiny.
Princess Destiny : ( says normal toned ) '' Wishful , you said that Golden hasn't told me something yet. What has Golden not told me. Told me what. ''
Wishful : '' Yea Gold , ''
Wishful chips in subversively with Princess Destiny.
Wishful : '' what have you not told her yet. She wants to know. ''
Golden : '' And I said .. that she's not ready to know this yet. I'll tell her on my own time , when I'm good and ready. ''
Wishful : '' Ohh ? * nods his furry , lion head as if in approval * , so this is your side. This is your position : going against me ' while ' taking my lil' yellow , with you. So ' these ' are your furry , true colors that I'm seein' here. You've ALWAYS said that you'll tell me whatever it is , that I wanted to know from you , when you're good and ready. Sounds just like you. ''
Golden : '' Oh it is isn't it. ''
Princess Destiny : '' Golden , why aren't I not ready to hear this. What do you mean. Golden , talk to me. ''
Wishful : '' I took ' YOU ' .. to those spiteful and deceitfully lovin' lions that were in ' ourrr ' old , past , lion , combined coalitions. ' I ' .. introduced you to every cat that was there in Prince Tawny and Prince Dale's princely , lion coalitions , ' I ' .. taught you .. EVERYTHING and ANYTHING .. that I know. If it weren't for me , YOU ' wouldn't have ' MET ' my lil' , yellow beauty. Huh. Prince Tawny and I , knew Desi much ' LONGER ' .. that you have , and you need to ' STOP ' acting like .. you knew Desi ' better ' .. than me , Prince Tawn and Dale did. Huh. Do you ' rea-lize ' that you aren't NOTHING .. without me ? Do you ' rea-lize ' that if it weren't for ' ME ' influencing you and surrounding yourself around lions like Dale , Prince Tawny , big O , Slyi , Fuse , Burn and Nip ; you wouldn't ' BE ' .. the lion that you are right now. ' III ' .. made you Gold ! .. I .. MADE .. YOU ! , ''
Golden : '' ... ''
Wishful : '' ' III .. RAISED .. YOU ! ' ''
Golden : '' ... ''
Wishful : '' Let's get this all ' CLEAR ' .. here ... I did , not you all by yourself. ' I did. ' ''
Golden : '' You did ... ''
Wishful : '' No , I wanna hear you say it , all together with me now ... ! , ''
Wishful and Golden : ( between Wishful's fake enthusiastic tone of voice and Golden's attitude , deep tone of voice ) '' You .. did ... ''
Wishful : '' Yea , that's right. So ' STOP ' .. ' ACTING ' like you raised and took care of ' YOURSELF. ' .. Because you didn't. ' I did. ' ''
Golden : '' ... ''
Wishful : ( voice still raised a loud , his feathers all ruffled up ) '' I raised you .. and ' ALLL ' of the other six , cat siblings in our very large , cat family when our Mom ' LEFT US ' .. for another lion. ' member that ? Or were you ' SOOO BUSY ' .. prancin' and struttin' around naughty and arrogantly , like you made it to cat adulthood without me. Oh yea , ' that's ' what you were doing best while I was taking : head on , EVERY cat responsibility .. that our very large , cat family threw at us. .. And when ' I ' .. found out first through searchin' and discovering - with Desi , back in our past - that our mother .. ' STILL ' wasn't treated right in her second relationship with .. some lion that .. ' wasn't ' even ' GOOD ENOUGH ' for her .. I was ' HORRIFIED ' and .. ' DIS-TRAUGHTTT ... ' how she took her ' OWN .. LIFE ' .. just because she didn't want to suffer the pain of being abused , mistreated , raped , beaten violently almost to death , owned by a lion that .. just ' wasn't ' .. any good for her. I-It broke me. ' ALLL ' .. of ME ! ''
Princess Destiny looks emotionally empathetical at Wishful , very aware of their very large , cat family's past trials , tribulations , misconceptions , ups , downs , pitfalls and rises when things got good , for now.
Golden : '' ... ''
Wishful : '' I ' DIDN'T ' .. want to tell you - or the rest of our very large , cat family - because I wanted you all to be strong for me. For US together .. as a family. To make it , when all we did in our family , was about .. ' ME ' .. trying to get all of you together ! Fight , protect and run away , fight , protect , run away ... tryin' to make sure that our cat family's all in a very dark , yet comforting den every night. Telling .. you all , to look after each other , while I'm out hunting for ' US ! ' .. Sometimes , Desi helped me. And she's .. ALWAYS been a big help. She helped me and .. stayed with me during my most darkest , worst and baddest times in our family. She became .. like a mother to you all , and like a lioness wife .. to me. She was my first ; my first love , my first snout kiss , my first time being intimate and sexual with her. I ' LOVED HER ' .. like I've ' NEVER ' .. loved ' ANY ' lioness before , in my ' EN-TIRE ' life ! .. Gold ! I loved her ' more ' .. than I loved our Mom. ' MORE ' .. than I loved our Dad , ' MORE ' .. than I loved .. and cared for ' ANY cat ' that I know - or , used to know in my cat past , throughout Moonlight's ENTIRE , cat coalition. I loved Desi more than my life , more than living , more than breathing , but the same amount .. as I .. love you Gold. ''
Golden : '' ... ''
Wishful : '' You ' STOLE ' .. my very first love away from me. ''
Golden : '' ' I ' .. STOLE your very first love away from you ? ! Wish 'n stars , Desi has always been my very first love too ! How do ' THINK ' i feel , when you seduced your way into the picture ? You had no right or no ' BUSINESS ' .. coming between the both of us. - And you've left me in many ' VERY ' awkward , hellishly cruel positions , back when I was a preteen cub when you would leave me behind or '' FORGET '' .. to leave me behind ; or so you said ... ''
Wishful : '' You ' NEEDED ' .. to be taught a LESSON ! ''
Golden : '' .... ''
Wishful : ( soft toned , his blood boiling because of Golden ) '' Some cat had to get you off of your high horse. Some cat had to tell you that you were '' too big '' .. for your boots. Some cat had to tell you that you were too big for your breaches. Some cat had to tell you that you were getting arrogant , thinking that you were all that , being too full of yourself. It had to be me. You've always told me since you were a cub that you wanted to stomp , roar , walk tough and walk tall with the ' biggg ' lions. You were always like : ( mimics Golden's voice as a little , male cub ) '' I want to be a big ,strong lion just like you Wish 'n stars. I want to learn how to fight like you , run like you , fight like you ' and ' stalk like you .. ! It's no fun being a cub. '' ' member that Gold ? You wanted to be a big lion so much ? , so fast ? Okay Gold , I got your wish. So that same day , I didn't forget to leave you. I ' left you ? ! ' .. on purpose .. ! I threw you in the lion's den just to see .. how you would react and how you would handle it. You wanted to be a lion that was better than me so bad ? That's okay , now you ' F-INALLY ' .. get to be one , ' WITHOUT ME ' .. gettin' .. in .. your .. way. ''
Wishful : '' Those lions got to take a good look at you. Got to see what kind of lion you are , what you are made out of , why are you .. a member .. of Moonlight's Indenius pride in the first place. And I ' BET ' .. they saw you .. as a JOKE ! And I ' DON'T .. FEEL .. BAD .. ' .. whatever it is , that those cats .. did .. to you. Not at all ... ' STILL ' .. want to be a big lion like me Gold ? ''
Golden : '' ... ''
Golden : '' And right now , now you're reaping what ' YOU ' sow from me. Cats can be such bitches sometimes can't they. ''
Wishful : '' NOT if you let them control you and your life they can't ... ''
Golden : '' You tried to control Desi ... ''
Wishful : '' Well she LOVED it ... there's a difference , heh ! ''
Golden : '' ... ''
Wishful : '' If you want me to say I'm sorry , I won't. If you want me to give you sympathy , I won't give you that. If you want me to give you love , well , you're ' UN-GRATEFUL ' , ' SPOILED ' , ' SELF-CENTERED ' furry behind , ' doesn't ' deserve love. I- I don't even need to give - o-or pay you ' any-more ' kindness , care ness or fondness .. ! a-as your eldest brother anymore ! You blew it ! You really did this time ! Y-You ' MESSED UP ' .. SOOO .. MANY .. TIMES ! ' More ' than I can count ! - And if you want some pity , s-some tough love from me ? , that I give you - through forgetting about you , leaving you behind and cat jumped you with our family - ' ONLY ' .. because I LOVE you and our Mama told me to because you happened to be .. the type of male cub .. that Sundaya .. would DESTORY .. bit by bit , PART .. BY PART ; I won't give you that either. I am ' SICK ' .. of giving you stuff ! SICK Gold , SICK ! , ''
Golden : '' ... ''
Princess Destiny : ( says very , very softly ) '' Wishful please , I-I think you've broken Golden enough ... ''
Wishful : ( snaps incandescently ) '' No I have not Desi ! , * almost slowly turns his furry , lion head back to look at Golden after looking at Princess Destiny * * Princess Destiny jumps back a little offensively * I need to ' SAYYY THISSS ' to Golden , because Golden here ; has ALWAYS thought that my life as a male lion was EASY ! ( mimics Golden's voice ) : '' Ohh it's been ' SOO EASY ! ' You've always been our mother's favorite and even if our father got into it every now and then , our father ' STILL ' loved you and had always been proud of you for stepping up as a real , male lion to take care of our family when it was hard for him to. , and when their marriage hit downhill ' so fast ' we don't even ' KNOW ' what happened to our mother when they did ! '' ( his voice returns to being beside himself ) Talkin' about my life is soo perfect. I took responsibility , I-I took EVERY cat situation our family life , that LIFE .. AND SUNDAYA threw at me , and then ? .. solved it in style by throwing a curve ball right back at life ! Everything always came natural to me , ''
Wishful : '' I knew how to fight , how to be a lion , how to have my very own way of speaking to lioness , going after lioness that I wanted , being a hot-shot , know-how my ' WHOLLLE .. LIFE ' as a male lion. I did what I had to do. I did what I felt - or thought - was best. I just got up EVERY .. DAY .. out of our family den - first one up , and the very LAST .. to fall back asleep - makin' sure this family MADE IT , passed cat adulthood. I-I don't know .. what happened to our father though. H- He's .. no longer in the picture as far as I know. It's not about getting Desi , i-it's not about getting my way , i-it's not about taking on the male lion lifestyle that it was partially .. ' MY FAULT ' .. for putting and raising you ' UNDER ' that influence , ' while ' .. I took you everywhere I went in Sundaya. Just when the rest of our cat family couldn't , because they had furry lives of their own. It's about ' WHY ' you did it , the ' LOOK ' in your eyes , that you gave ' ME ' .. and the rest of our cat family , that gets me ' BESIDES MY-SELF ' with you ' SOOO MUCH ' .. that it hurts so much. To me , personally , to me. ''
Golden : ( says soft-toned , trying to reach out to Wishful ) '' Look Wishful , I know that we've never been able to come to an agreement , or be able to see eye to eye ; I'm sorry ... ''
Wishful : * says as he shakes his furry , lion head filled with harsh judgement * ( says softly , ready to snap some more * '' No you're not Gold ... you're not ... ''
Golden : '' Oh yes I ' am ' Wish 'n Stars , y-you gotta believe what I'm sayin' to you here ... ''
Wishful : ( snaps again inflamed this time , yelling , touched off ) '' NO .. YOU'RE .. NOT GOLD ! YOU'RE ' NOT ' .. SORRY ! ( voice lowers down a bit to raising his voice ) Y-You're just not Gold. I'm not sorry. I-I don't believe you. I'm ' SICK ' .. and ' TIRED ' .. of believing you. Believing everything you say , having confidence in you , letting you up to the words you tell me , con-vincing myself ' EVERY DAY .. AND EVERY NIGHT ' .. that you ' AREN'T ' .. the bad lion , that all of us in our cat family are perceiving you as. I want to believe you Golden , I ' REALLY , REALLY ' do ; I'm fightin' ' SO HARD ' .. and prayin' to Kinny ' SO HARD ' .. that I'll be able to win this fight of .. me being in denial , but I can't no more. Y-You knocked ' ALL ' of that believing right out of me. ; Till up to the point where .. I don't have anything anymore. I have nothing ; thanks to you. NOTHING Golden .. ! * Princess Destiny frowns sorrowfully at Wishful and Golden * I can't ' FEEL ' anything .. for you .. anymore. I just .. ' DON'T CARE ' anymore. , ''
Golden : '' ... ''
Wishful : '' I-I-I'm done. I-I'm wrung out dry , I- I'm lifeless. I .. am NOTHING at this point. I have no heart , no spirit , no self conscious , no thought ? , no nothing. And it's all thanks to you Golden. Come on Golden .. ! join me. Thank you with me. Thank you .. ! ''
Golden : '' Wishful , my kitty is right. Stop it , you are out of line. ; And this is getting ' way too far ' between us. ''
Wishful : '' Thank you .. ! ''
Princess Destiny : '' Wish please ! ''
Golden : '' Stop it Wish ! I know what I did wrong now. I was wrong and you were right. ''
Wishful : '' ' THANK .. YOU ! ' ''
Golden : * roars a loud powerfully to shut Wishful up *
Princess Destiny : '' ... ? ''
Wishful : '' ... ''
Golden : '' That's ' ENOUGH ' Wishful. You made your point , you said your piece. I was wrong. I-I'm ALWAYS going to be wrong , and you , you are always going to be right. Okay ? ''
Wishful : ( soft toned again , fanning his flames ) '' ... Is it Gold ... it is ' REALLY ' okay ? ''
Golden : '' I- well I can't lie sooo , no Wish .. 'n stars. It isn't. ''
Princess Destiny : * sighs a bit softly in relief * '' Wishful , hon , it's okay. It's okay , we hear you out. ''
Golden : ( deep toned , trying to be earnest ) '' I know what I'm wrong for Wish 'n stars. I know , I already know. And I tried , and tried , and tried , to make this right. To earn your respect back from me , to earn your trust back , to earn all of your love , to earn all of your respect , to earn EVERYTHING .. that I messed up , lost and ruined .. for the both of us. , ''
Wishful : ( more soft toned , trying to calm himself down ) '' You mean for ' you ' .. there's no '' we '' in that Gold. There's just a ' you. ' There's ALWAYS .. been a ' you. ' ''
Golden : '' - Yea , r-ight. Me , not you. ''
Wishful : * says softly as he grits his teeth * '' Uh-huh ... ''
Golden : '' I've even tried to get our family's love , respect , approval and .. t-the exception .. to be a part of the family first , but in order to do that ; I needed to go to ... ''
Golden and Wishful : ( said at the same time ) '' Me first. ''
Wishful : '' Yea , uh-huh. I'm the head , in charge lion in our family Golden. Always have been , always will be. ''
Golden : '' But I don't understand though. I-I've tried , and tried , and tried , and tried , but whatever I do ; any-time I do something , to make it up to you and make it right for our family , it only adds fuel to your fire .. and fans the flames to our family even more. I just only seem to be making things worse for all of us. I seem to be .. parting you .. away from me , and from our cat family. Nothing seems to be working. I-I'm stumped. I- I don't know what to say or do anymore. I- I tried bowing down , I tried clearing the air , I- I tried speaking to you personally , I- I tried to spend time with you and make conversation with you .. and , you just keep shutting me down once I start talking and you tell me that you didn't come to spend time with me , just to talk. Only to spend time with me and that's it. ''
Wishful : '' Heh. It's hard reapin' what you sow isn't it Gold. You can't want your meat and eat it too Golden. I've been telling you that since you were a little cub. You ' STILL ' don't know .. what that means by now ? - Well ' KEEPP .. TRYING ! ' You still have a long way to go. You dug yourself a hole with that same shovel , either you go find that shovel , find a way to get that shovel to fall in the hole that you're stuck in .. or find a way to get out of that hole. Well .. it depends on how ' deep ' your hole really is. * Golden low growls at Wishful * In your case , that hole is deep enough to hit Earth's core ... ! Heh ! But don't you worry though , as ' if ' this'll be encouragement for you , I'll be at the very top of the hole , waiting for you to find a way out. ''
Golden : ( low-toned ) '' No you're not Wish , you're ' ONLY ' at the top so 1 : you can push me back down , 2 : so you can laugh in front of my face and then walk away or 3 : BURY me deep inside. You could ' HONESTLY NOT ' .. give a damn. ''
Wishful : '' You know me so well Gold ... I always knew you did. ''
Golden : '' Mom should've ' NEVER ' .. put you in charge. ''
Wishful : '' Oh ? , and you think it was ' FAIR ' to me ? , how you turned against me , fought at the cat poseidome with me ' TWICE ' , just to earn control and earn being in charge with our family only cuz you were sick of me being in charge with our cat family ; no cat was complainin' but you. The rest of our cat family listened to me , liked me , respected me , admired me , looked up to me , relied and depended on me ' MORE ' .. than they all ' ONCE ' .. relied and depended on our cat parents put together ! You were the ' ONLY one ' .. that just ' HAD ' to be out of sorts. ' HAD ' to take a stand , ' HAD ' to protest and fight against me. Now let me ask you this ' one ' more time : you ' STILL THINK ' .. that it was fair .. when you fought against me numerous of times at the cat poseidome , just cuz you couldn't stand that I was the eldest , cat sibling in our family that all six of our cat family members liked - ' and ' valued - me more than you did. , ''
Wishful : '' that .. doesn't .. sound .. fair .. to me. ''
Golden : '' You ' and ' our cat family , CAT JUMPED ME ! When I didn't .. ' DO .. ANYTHING ' .. WRONG .. whatsoever ! ''
Wishful : '' Ohh lion the ' HELL UP ' GOLD ! LION IT UP ! You're in a cat-eat-cat world here in Sundaya , like I said before , you ' NEEDED ' .. to be taught a lesson. Ha ! I was only testing and drilling you .. just to see how you would do , just to see how you would react , just to see if you were learning and understanding everything and anything that our cat parents told ' ME ' .. to teach ' YOU ' .. and the rest of our six , cat siblings. .. And you failed , MIS-ERABLY ! * softly laughing * * Golden low growls at Wishful even louder * It wasn't much fun when you got Desi involved but ! , I had to work with that condition one way .. or the another so ; I ' DON'T ' .. feel bad .. have any regrets .. or have any REMORSE .. for you .. ' and ' doing that. You ' needed ' to grow up , and grow up FAST. I needed a second , older sibling like you .. in our cat family to help me raise and help our cat family make it through living in Sundaya T-OGETTHER , as a family , ' WITH-OUT ' .. our cat parents. But you disappointed me , you dispirited me for how I once saw you and how I once viewed you. I thought that you were good of a male lion as I was , but when you lost .. ' so many times ' at the cat poseidome when you fought against me , in front of ' WHOLLLE ' cat family , in front of Touphy , Tum Tum ' and ' Miss Desi , oh I ' KNEW ' .. that you were just full of yourself ! You were just lickin' your own boots , and was ' wayy too big ' .. for your own boots , as you always were. And when you weren't that second older brother that I needed .. ' THE MOST ' , when our Dad wasn't there long enough to help me raise and get our cat family through adulthood and through living in Sundaya , ' I ' .. forced myself head on : to raise and take ' FULL ' responsibility .. in raising and defending out cat family ' MY-SELF ! ' No cat else , but ' ME ! ' Sure , Desi helped along the way , but I did ' MOST ' .. of the work. If I had to grow up fast - along with the rest of our cat siblings - ' SO ' .. do you. ' Exactly ' how I did. You think I ' WANTED ' to grow up fast Gold ? , you think I ' WANTED ' .. to take on this family life ? No Golden , no ! I didn't ! , ''
Wishful : '' I wanted to live my life being a young , male lion. I wanted to explore , I wanted to mess around and cause trouble with other cats in Moonlight's Indenius pride : see what those cats are about and ' how ' .. did they get included in Moonlight's Indenius pride anyway. I wanted to have as much fun and trouble as I can , before I got caught or punished ' if ' .. I got caught and punished. In which .. sometimes , I got caught by Moonlight and our cat parents , but I ' MOSTLY ' got away with it. I wanted to fall in love , have sex , know what that feels like ; meet a beau-tiful lioness ' exactly like ' Princess Destiny , that looked so .. royally HOT and royally SEXY ; that looked like she's goin' places , that looked like she got her ' WHOLLLE ' royal life planned ahead of her. I wanted to see what Desi was about , through a lover's eyes. , and .. once I got to see the ' WHOLE ' , furry package of her , I was ' SOO SURE ' that she was going to be mine .. that I , was going to have her ' ALLL ' .. to myself. * Princess Destiny opens her furry snout widen at Wishful * Try .. to get her to see .. that Prince Tawny , isn't good enough for her. Try to get her to see .. that I could be good enough for her , that I can give her ANYTHING she ever wanted and EVERYTHING that she ever NEEDED .. when her royal parents couldn't give her what she wanted. For what reason , that's personal for her. But no , no Gold , you - ' and ' the furry maniacs called our very large , cat family - couldn't give me that huh. You all needed a cat to take care of you , and the ' ONLY cat ' that was available when our cat parents finally got ' out ' of the picture , was me. ME ! .. Like I ' WANTED ' .. to raise .. every , single one of you ! I have a life of my own too ! ''
Wishful : '' But I became a really good - no - a ' too damn good ' lion that took care , raised , fought for and protected ' every , single ' cat sibling .. in our family. , and each of you , I watched you all grow up , get ' out of line ' and forget .. who the ' HELL ' .. do you think , that you were talking to. I watched you all get out of line , and then put you all in your ' furry ' place ! I was .. ' too busy ' talkin' care of you and the rest of our cat siblings that I had been wasting my life , raisin' you .. ' and ' the rest of our cat siblings. When was ' my life ' gonna start ? When , was ' I ' .. going to be able to do something .. that I wanted to do , that made me happy ? When , was ' I ' .. going to start doin' something for ' myself ' for once , for ' myyy ' happiness huh. What , till you all are all grown up and by then , I've ' WASTED ' my ' EN-TIRE ' , cat life and I'm old ? Huh. * scoffs * No Golden , I don't think so. You were the second , oldest sibling in our cat family ! The rest of us six , cat siblings all relied and depended on us ! And when they saw that you weren't up to the level .. of acting and being a male lion - couldn't or just wasn't , mature and sensible enough , to take on our cat family's demanding , cat responsibilities , situations and cat hardships - they all looked to me , bowed down to me , listened to me ' and ' from the day forward , they all started to rely and depend on me. , ''
Golden : '' ... ''
Wishful : '' not you , ME. ''
Golden : '' ... ''
Wishful : '' They couldn't wait anymore for you to ' STOP ' actin' like a damned , spoiled , little , male cub and start ' ACTING ' like a real , grown , male lion. Because that's what you are , and ' that's ' how our cat family is going to see you as. - And I ' COULDN'T .. WAIT ' .. for you .. to ' FINALLY ' .. GROW .. THE HELL .. UP ! I couldn't Golden ! I .. COULDN'T ! You've made me give up on you and lose hope in you enough as it is. I .. ' KNOW ' .. that you ' ONLY ' .. went against me , because you didn't like how I handled things , you didn't like my decision making skills , you didn't like how I raised you and dealt with you , you didn't like how I was ALWAYS .. on your case .. and not on any cat sibling in our family's case , ' but ' yours. You didn't like that the both of us ' ONLY ' argued .. because we have ' way too many ' differences of opinions , view points and battles of different words. I get that Gold ! I really do , we've always simply agreed .. to disagree , but ' I'M ' .. head lion , in charge .. of our cat family. One of us , had to step up and take responsibility. A-And if it wasn't you , then who ? ''
Golden : '' ... ''
Wishful : '' Who Golden , who ? ''
Golden : '' Well maybe I had our cat family's best , caring and loving interests at heart. ''
Wishful : '' Ohh .. ' TRY .. A-GAIN ' Golden , Oh I ' KNOW ' .. that you can do better than that ! - No Golden , you ' DON'T HAVE ' our cat family's best , loving and caring interests at heart. You NEVER had , and you NEVER will. All you've ' EVER wanted ' .. in our cat family , was to be in control. - I'll say it again , who Golden. ''
Golden : '' It could've been me. ''
Wishful : '' Who Golden. ''
Golden : '' Don't make me say it Wish 'n stars ... ''
Wishful : '' WHO ? ! ''
Golden : '' ' YOU ' Wish 'n stars ! , ''
Wishful just looks at Golden silently.
Wishful : '' I'm sorry ? , say that again for me .. ? ''
Golden : ( low-toned ) '' I said ' you ' Wish 'n stars. Okay , I get it. You. ''
Wishful : ( saying very soft toned ) '' Yea , Yea Gold. T-That's right. Me. Not you. Me. ; You .. never really gave me much of a choice Gold. I couldn't approach you , your opinions and viewpoints maturely , sensibly ; I couldn't think straight , have any options left , I couldn't find any easy way outs or easy exits. I had to broke you , knock down your ego , knock down your pride , knock down your sensitive , soft spots. I didn't want to , but I did. I had to hit you right in your heart , ' exactly ' where it hurts. I know that .. ' NO CAT ' .. likes their ego and pride being hurt , a-and I .. would NEVER .. want that .. from you Golden. I don't want to you ' THINK ' .. that , that ... was my very first intention , when you and I had rising and falling issues that keep our lion , family relationship from getting any closer and any stronger. But you ... ? You were getting negatively powerful. You , were getting bad. You started to ' ACT LIKE ' .. you were better than me. You were starting to act like .. you , were the lead , male lion in our family. ' I ' .. TOOK .. DAD'S PLACE ! Not you , but ' I ! ' ' I DID ! ' Not you ... ''
Golden : '' ... ''
Wishful : '' I didn't want to cat jump you , I didn't ' WANT ' to fight you , I didn't ' WANT ' .. to hurt you , but you ... ? You .. were getting on my ' LAST ' , in-furiating nerve. I had to break you. I had to end you. I had to get you to see , a ' good ' look ' on the surface of the water , at ' your reflection ' .. of what .. you .. have become , ' BECAUSE ' of me. , in a good way .. but also in a bad way , that would come back to me .. and bite me on the butt. That I knew .. that I was going to have to deal with , ' once ' you started crashin' down and acting like I - as well as our cat family - was beneath you. ' I ' .. knocked ' YOU ' down .. to size. You needed to see your match , you needed to see .. that ' I ' .. am NOT your enemy , I am your eldest brother , the parent and sometimes if I don't cross the line and confuse you , I can ' also ' be your best , lion friend in our cat family too. As long .. as you know who you're talking to .. and who spent their ' WHOLE ' , earlier cat days raising you. That's it Gold , that's it. That's all .. that I could ' EVER ' .. want you to understand. You can be sorry ' ALLL ' you want to , you can hate me , you can not want to talk to me , you can roar ' ALL ' .. YOU .. WANT .. TO .. about how unfair our cat family is , and how ' I ' turned out to be in charge ' because ' , our cat parents told me to. I don't care Golden. , ''
Golden : '' ... ''
Golden : '' ... ''
Wishful : '' I .. ' REALLY ' don't. At this point in my life with my family and .. with you , I just ' DON'T ' care anymore. I've done my part , I've stepped up , I've done what I had to do for our family and I raised you ' ALL ' .. to cat adulthood , makin' ' DAMN SURE ' .. that you all ' at least ' .. got passed you all's very first , cat birthday. Go ahead , tell me how much of a bad , elder brother that I am to you. But I ' HAD ' .. to push you , fight with you and be on your case .. to get you to survive out here , in Sundaya , in this cat-eat-cat world , ' ONLY ' because I love you ' so much ' and I care for you , like I've ' NEVER cared ' for any cat before. Go ahead and judge me right now , hate me , I'm listening. ( low-toned ) But if I hadn't , you would've lasted a ' SINGLE DAY ' here , in Sundaya. You'd be a hyena's dinner ' LONG BEFORE ' I come get you and save you from danger and cat destruction , like I ALWAYS do. When , frankly , I ' should ' just watch you get eaten and don't do anything. , ''
Golden : '' ... ''
Wishful : '' you would've made it passed your very first , cat birthday .. if it hadn't been for me. Shoo , back in your past , cub days , you experienced ' more than ' ten , near death , cub experiences. Almost got grabbed by an alligator , almost got into the jaws of a hyena .. and a grown , male lion that once invaded Sundaya. Almost got trampled by an elephant , because one of your little , furry paws were stuck ! Did you forget to bow .. in order for that elephant to see that .. you meant no harm to it. I guess you did. - You're ' SOO DAMN LUCKY ' that day , when I was takin' a stroll with Desi out on a date that sunset. What ' would've happened ' if I wasn't there Golden. Could you tell me that ? You .. ' wouldn't ' have made it. ' THAT'S ' .. what would've happened. And you know what else ? ''
Golden : '' What else Wish. ''
Wishful : '' I'd take my ' VERY , OWN LIFE ' .. if that happened to you , and I wasn't ' there ! ' to save you with Desi. ' That's ' how much I love you ! You wanted to know how much I loved you , back when you were a cub ? Well you know ' now. ' ' I ' .. would freakin' ' DIE ' for you. T- * Wishful pauses heatedly * There would be absolutely ' NO POINT ' .. in living , dear KINNY FORBID IT .. if you happened to not have made it that day. I know .. that you and I , have ALWAYS been known to disagree and agree A-LOT , but I love you Golden. I do. I really , really do. But biting the paw that feeds you ? , you've just ' CROSSED ' boundaries between us , that I never would even ' THINK ' .. that you would. ''
Golden : '' Like you haven't crossed any of my boundaries ... ''
Wishful : '' Is Desi a boundary ? Or a limit. Wait , no. She was ' my boundary ' and ' my limit. ' ''
Golden : '' You can't keep controlling my kitty this way. ''
Wishful : '' Your kitty .. ? Well you just keep on watchin' me Golden. I'll do just whatever the hell I want , ' when ' I want. Just like you can right. I'll make love to her in front of your face if you keep on pushin' me. ''
Golden : '' Like she'll ' ever ' make love to you again. ''
Wishful : '' Then ' why ' was she waiting for me in my den the week before .. ? ''
Golden : '' Why was she in my den the following week after that .. ? ''
Princess Destiny : '' Okay , you guys. That's far enough. Wishful , you've said your piece now and I've let you stay ' long enough. ' You've overstayed your welcome. ''
Wishful : '' Yea love , I have. You mean '' Golden's welcome. '' ''
Golden : '' Even your furry presence is no longer welcome. ''
Wishful : '' You weren't sayin' that all of those times that you've spend time with me. ''
Golden : '' Well I ' should have ' each time that I spent time with you. ''
Wishful : '' Ohh .. ? , then why didn't you Golden. Care to tell me .. ? ''
Golden : '' Care to see me in cat hell ? ''
Princess Destiny : '' Golden please ! Stop it you guys ! ''
Wishful : '' Gladly. I guess I better be getting on my way. I .. guess I ' really have ' overstayed my welcome. At least you still want me here , right my furry , lil' sexy ? ''
Princess Destiny : '' I didn't say that Wish ... ''
Wishful : '' You didn't have to , your eyes already spoke for you. ''
Princess Destiny : * softly sighs romantically , almost taken her breath away by Wishful * '' ... ''
Golden : * purposely clears his throat * '' .. Leave her alone. She doesn't know what she wants between us yet. ''
Wishful looks back from Golden then back to Princess Destiny.
Wishful : '' So she tells me but , that's NOT what her eyes are tellin' me ... ''
Golden : * low growls at Wishful more loudly *
Wishful : ( soft toned , compassionate ) '' Beautiful , I am ' so sorry ' .. that I had overstayed my welcome. I should've listened to you when my ego and pride wasn't so big , and I once felt that I needed to impress you. To get back on your side again. I'm really sorry .. for snapping at you earlier , when I was speaking with Golden right in front of you. I didn't mean to snap at you , you didn't do anything wrong and I just wanted to let you know that I didn't mean to snap at you .. before I go. Okay ? , ''
Princess Destiny : '' Okay Wishful. I know. * little smiles a bit * I know that you didn't mean it. I understand. ''
Wishful : '' Good , ''
Wishful romantically head rubs Princess Destiny's furry forehead. His furry , beside himself , red eyes closed as he allows himself to get a romantic thrill and take romantic pleasure in head rubbing with Princess Destiny. Her furry , dark/light brown eyes closed , Princess Destiny starts to softly purr caring and touchingly to Wishful as he snout kisses her furry forehead and then licks her on her left , furry cheek in front of Golden.
Wishful : ( more soft toned ) '' how much .. of what I said about you , did you hear. ''
Princess Destiny : '' Everything , Wishful. ''