Chapter Five

Waking up, Zaccai yawned and slowly crawled off her bed, stretching out all the build up tension from her night's rest.

Going into the bathroom, she gave one final stretch, letting out another long yawn it always surprised Zaccai that even though she went to bed early with a good amount of rest she still woke up feeling as if she only slept for 2 hours or less.

She started brushing her teeth with her bird theme toothbrush.

There was not one thing that she had that didn't have something to do with birds.

When she was finished brushing her teeth, she washes her face with some warm water and then dried her face with a towel.

Feeling refreshed and ready to start a lovely morning she went to her wardrobe murmuring the lyrics to her favorite cartoon Sesame Street while looking for a suit of clothes wear.

After she was finished throwing on some clothes Zaccai started pulling out her hair and left it to hang down her back in big curls.

Walking over to her bay window like any normal day she started watching Eaver the bird and her family. Seeing them do what they do every morning.

Eat Worms.

In some cases, Zaccai wondered if eating worms tasted good and if it had a certain flavor that made Eaver eat it.

. . .

Some hours have passed and Zaccai had done every and anything that she usually does with some new things like trying to build a birdhouse to which she got splinters in her fingers with little blood smudges.

She did it just to pass the time.

When Camila finally arrived at her house she went straight to her bedroom with a big bang on the door.

"Honey I'm home and it's time to make you sexy... Well as sexy as I can get you with that red dress of yours" Camila stated.

"Yessss!!.... Wait, what are you going to wear, I bet you don't have anything to wear but let me find something for you..." Zacca rambled on looking through her closet.

"Don't worry Cai I got my dress, something sexy for all the boys to see?" Camila said with a smirk on her face to which Zaccai looked confused not knowing fully what she meant.

'But what about the boys who can't see her they will be sad' her inner voice proclaims.

"So let's start getting ready, we have only an hour, have you taken a shower yet?"

"Uhh no"

"What why!, haven't you showered in the morning?!" asked Camila looking at her incredulously.

"I don't know I hate showering in the morning" Zaccai complained stomping her feet with her hands flying around.

"But wh- you know what, just go take a shower not the time for discussion" Zaccai was pushed into the bathroom and was urged on to shower fast.

Pouting and grumbling under her breath Zaccai started taking off her clothes clumsily almost falling twice.

When she was finished, she sulkily walked out the bathroom with her towel thrown over her wet frame not wrapped but thrown over her.


Camila was already in her clothes with her hairs and makeup done.

"I did not take long in the bathroom," Zaccai said out grumpily before Camila could start complaining about her taking too long.

She wondered how Camila could finish painting her face and doing her hair that fast.

"Whatever, let's start." Camila acknowledged pulling her in front of the mirror.

The next hour and more were filled with hair pulling (Zaccai got really thick long hair) and the fast dabbing of the makeup brush and more.

Finishing up Camila patted her back feeling happy with her work and taming that beast of a hair.

"Done and you're going to a love it" Camila grinned, feeling proud of herself.

Standing up Zaccai walked in front of her floor to ceiling mirror looking at herself.

Unlike most girls, in our day and time, Zaccai was unique well, according to Camila and her mom.

Zaccai was not tall she was really short at the height of 4'11 and she had a biggish butt and a medium size chest with thick thighs and pale skin from her mother's side of being half Scottish and from not going outside much.

But what really made her unique was her vibrant red hair and blue eyes.

And as much as Camila tells her that she is beautiful she always thinks something is wrong with her and always comparing herself with Camila.

"Eeek look at me" Zaccai squealed happily touching her face with content.

"I know, I know now let's go, we're already late and thank god your parents aren't home cause that would be too many questions" Camila took hold of her hands and pulled her out the door.

Going down the stairs, they hurried to the sitting room, taking the car keys from the coffee table then making their way outside.

"Where exactly are we going is it in the town, please tell me it is"  begged Zaccai she lived in the woodsy part in her town where there were many more trees than buildings, but she still enjoyed living where she is at since it's so peaceful and plus lots of birds are located there.

"Yep, so buckle up I'm known to be a crazy driver" Camila exclaimed, pulling out of the driveway with a crazy look planted on her face.