
"Caleb! Don't you dare walk away from me!" I stopped in front of the door when my father yelled at me. I slowly turned around to face him, "You don't own me." I said and walked outside the room.

I went straight to my car and slammed the door hard. I slammed the stirring wheel in full force. Why do I have to obey all of my father's commands?! I'm so done with this life!

Do you know what I'm mad about? My dad wants me to arrange a marriage with the daughter of his business partner just to keep the company at its highest. I'm not a puppet and I don't want someone who ruled my life. I'm on my legal age and I can do what I want and I have the rights on making my own decisions. Damn. This is the reason why I went home because he told me on the phone that he has some important matters to tell me, which I found out that he wants me to get engaged. Maybe if I'm not a rich person or if my life is normal, I'd be really happy. Freedom is all that I am asking. I'm tired of these chains that my dad tied me.

I drove to the school because I'm about to be late but ended up skipping the class since I want to be alone. I am peacefully reading while leaning on the shelves when someone caught my attention. He is scrolling in the politics section.

Hmm, I know him. He's one of the scholar students and he's friends with one of the most elite and bachelor guys in this school. Lucky for him. He's a political science student, together with Chris. My one and only rival in everything. Maybe that Chris guy is really envious of me since he's trying to steal my throne as being the top student of this international college but who can blame him? It's my fault. I gave everything up and abandoned my studies when my father is forcing me into things that I don't want.

I'd be lying to you if I told you that this guy who caught my attention is not cute. He is really cute. He sat on the vacant table and I can tell while staring at him that he has beautiful brown eyes and the most precious smile. Even though I didn't see him smile but I know that it will brighten up your day if you see his smile. I bet every girl who sees him will probably fall in love with him from the moment they saw him. I bet he has a really a nice personality since he's friends with Chris and Nicaise. Oh, and he is really adorable from afar.

When I noticed that he got bored, he decided to stand up and went to the aisle where he got the books. I finally made a move and turned the tables at him pretending that he bumped me which I'm the one who really bumped into him.

"Watch where you're going, freak," I said. Our eyes met and I can say that that is the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen but I acted that he can't mess with me, "I'm s-sorry," he looked down and took the book that he dropped.

"How can a clumsy people like you enter here, anyway? I chuckled, "wait, a scholar students perhaps? Who wonder." I added. I looked him from head to toe when someone interrupted.

"Do we have a problem?" Nicaise asked while he is behind with this guy, "Are you defending this freak?" I smirked while I crossed my arms. I really don't want a fight but I want to tease them especially Chris is in his side.

"Well, this guy is really interesting. You should keep an eye on him before I pulled him," I chuckled and decided to walked passed by them.

When I'm already outside the library, I got my phone and called someone, "I have something for you to work on," I then hanged up, I texted my friends to hang out after class because I can't deal with everything that is going on my life right now.

After class, I changed my clothes and meet my friends at the said club. We were having fun, drinking, and dancing. I even told them that my dad wants me to get engage and they burst into laughter because they know that I can't keep a serious relationship how much more if marriage. I smacked them from behind. Wow, really supportive friends. Sadly but true, I can't keep a serious relationship. I don't know but I feel that they only dated me because of my family background and image. But I can't stop thinking about that guy I met at the library. He really has something that makes me want to see him more.

Hours passed, my friends gave up already because they drowned themselves while me? I'm a bit tipsy but I can take care of myself and I can drive.

I returned to my penthouse while massaging my head. Ugh, I'm so dizzy. I was to go to my room when the lamp in my living room switched on.

It is my dad. Sitting on the couch with booze beside him.

"Returning this late?" He asked,

I replied, "This is my place, I can do whatever I want."

"Is that what you adapt when you were in Milan with your mom?" He stood up and walks towards me.

Yes, I stayed for half of my life in Europe together with my mom because she is handling her family business there.

"Young boys like you already drinking?" He snickered,

"Dad, stop playing. Get straight to the point." I said.

"Fix yourself because your engagement is still going."

Not again. I took a deep breath trying to stay calm in front of my father. Chill Caleb, chill. He is your father, don't smack him. If I could, I will. Really. I need to find some reasons damn I'm so tired of his old man. I need to escape this stupid arrange married thing. I want my freedom.

"We will be having dinner tomorrow. You will meet her." He said and walked passed by me heading to the elevator.

"I'm gay."

"What?" He stopped walking.

"Dad, I'm gay," I repeat myself. "Reason why I don't want to get engage with someone because I'm gay, okay?"

He looked angrily at me and grab me at my collar, "What the hell are you playing with, kid?!" He yelled.

"I'm not playing with you. I really am gay. That's why I'm disgusted every time you mentioned it to me that I am getting engage with someone!" I swayed his hands away from me.

"Fix yourself, Caleb! You're a man! I swear I'll kick you out if you don't straight up to yourself!" He yelled and went directly to the elevator.

I am not gay! I just don't have any valid reason anymore! And if I tell him that I'm dating someone, he won't still believe because he never saw me dating anyone. I only dated girls because my dad choose them for me but I ended things with them eventually. I sighed and went to my room. Damn. What have I done? I collapse on my bed and get my MacBook to check my emails. When I'm done, I decided to open my social media through my phone, and while scrolling, I saw Dylan updated his Instagram story. I watched it and they were having a movie marathon with Chris and hmm so Alex is his name. Dylan tagged them. I was about to check Alex's profile but it's a lock. This guy is really mysterious.

Morning arrived, I decided to go to Nicaise's. I need his help. I drove to his place and his butler told me that they were having a breakfast, "tell him I'm waiting." I said to him which lead him to nod and called his boss.

Not that long, Dylan went to see me. I smiled at him while he poured some booze on the two glass at the table beside the couch. "What?" He asked handing me the glass,

"I need your help," I said.

"Go on,"

"I investigate that guy I bumped yesterday. He's a scholar, and I believe he doesn't have a stable work to sustain himself. I need him to work for me." I smirked. Nicaise just looked at me and chuckled,

"No bro. I'm not gonna let my little brother work for you."


"I said no. Xysto is my brother. He is a Chen by blood." He repeats himself.

Out of curiosity, I asked him again, "W-What? H-How? You never mentioned this to me before," I stuttered in disbelief.

"He is my brother," Dylan response,

"According to my investigator, Xysto is already an orphan. There is no way that he is your brother."

"Caleb, his adopted parents got into a car accident but it won't stop him from flowing in his the veins the blood of Chen," Dylan explained, "My parents gave Xysto away for the sake of his safety, okay? That's why the press and the media only knew that I'm the only son of the Chen."

"Does he know?"

He rolled his eyes, "Of course, not."

"He has the right to know," I said,

"Just shut your mouth, okay? This is a private matter."

"I will. If you let him work for me, if not, I'll tell him the truth. That the one he trusted the most, turns out to be his real brother keeping his real identity." I crossed my arms,

He sighed deeply and glared, "Are you threatening me?"

"Why? Are you threatened?" I smirked and walked towards him. Our faces were inches apart when someone interrupts.

Who would it be? My amazing rival.

"What's going on?" He asked, raising his brows at me.

"Mind your business. Stop stealing my spotlight." I replied at him and he shook his head, "I'll see you again if there is no one's bothering us." I told Nicaise. He nodded and tapped my shoulder.

I leave the room and rode the private elevator. I hate that guy so much.