Chapter 4: F.B.I.

'Open my Mission' Michael thought uneasily.

He didn't like how he had just finished a mission, yet he already had another one. Even worse, he had just met up with Alan and was worried the mission had something to do with him.

[Mission: Punch the Man With the Red Bracelet.

Reward: 10 Origin Points and 1 Mystery Box.

Punishment for Failure: Alan dies.

Time limit: 2 Hours.]

Michael was relieved that the mission wasn't directly related to Alan, but was still uneasy about the fact that if he doesn't complete the mission in time Alan will die. He also wasn't sure who the man with the red bracelet was, but he would get to that when it happened.

He didn't know what a mystery box was either, so he decided to ask Samson.

'What's inside the mystery box?'

[It's a mystery.]

'Why did I expect a straight answer from you?'

He decided to put it away for now and followed Alan into the bar.

He noticed that there was a line at the door, but after the bouncers saw Alan, they moved out of the way and let Michael in after him.

'Must have quite the influence.' He thought to himself. He had never actually met Alan's family, so he had no idea what they actually did for a living, only that they were quite well off.

Alan walked towards a door at the end of the hallway and knocked on it"Come in," Somebody grunted from the other side of the door. The voice had a rough tone to it like the person was a frequent smoker.

Alan opened the door, and Michael saw a man who looked to be in his 40s to 50s smoking a cigarette. He was sitting behind a desk in the center of the room, but when he saw Alan, he stood up and made his way over.

"Haven't seen you around before. Are you a friend of my son?" The man asked.

"Oh right. Michaels never met you before. Michael this is my dad, Sebastian, the boss here," Alan explained.

"Nice to meet you, sir," Michael responded.

"Now that the formalities are out of the way, I think it's about time we start this celebration," His dad stated, walking out of the room.

Michael and Alan followed Sebastian into the main bar, which was strangely empty considering the line that was outside. The other bars were full too, but nobody went to this one. Michael noticed the reason was due to the fact that there were more bouncers directing people away from it.

The three went up to the bar and got their drinks and started lightly talking.

Michael still hadn't seen the man with the red bracelet, but he was glad that it wasn't Alan or the boss of the place.

Michael excused himself from the table on the pretense of going to the bathroom. He stood up and after making sure that he wasn't in the line of sight from Alan or his father, he started to make his way around the bar. He realized that it would be impossible to tell which person he should hit if there was more than one person in the bar wearing a red bracelet.

After realizing this, he heard another dinging noise.

[A compass tracking the man with the red bracelet has been placed in your Inventory to help with your current Mission.]

'That's awfully convenient. Open Inventory.'

The same small box popped up in front of Michael, but there was something new now.

Alongside the other two boxes with the knife and the body, a third box was filled in with a picture of a compass over the box.

Michael took out the compass and instantly noticed that instead of pointing north, the compass spun around before zeroing into one direction, slightly swaying back and forth. The compass was now pointing south-east. All he saw where the needle was pointing was a small sidebar without too many people. Michael stored the compass away and started walking towards where the needle was pointing.

He realized as he was walking that there were fewer people in this area, and was grateful because if a fight broke out, he wanted fewer casualties.

He made his way about 20 feet or so from a group of people drinking and double-checked with the compass one more time that this was the group. He walked around and noticed that the needle would always move towards the group, confirming his target.

He walked up to beside the group and ordered a drink for himself while he subtly glanced towards the group. He saw the man in the middle was wearing a bracelet.

He stood up and put on his mask of Metal Man again. He walked behind the group and just stood there for a second. The men turned around and right before one of them was going to ask if they could help him with something, Michael forcefully punched the man in the face, causing him to fall backward.

'I forgot that I got stronger and put all my force behind that punch.' Michael realized.

The other people in the group with the man pulled out their guns as one reached into their pockets.

"FBI! FREEZE!" one of them shouted.

'SHIT! Samson, did I ever do anything to offend you?' Michael thought.

Right as one of the men started walking forward, they noticed something strange happening on the face of the man that Michael had punched. His nose started twisting in a strange and unnatural way, then fixed itself, almost as if he had never been hit in the first place.

"I would've been able to get away with it if it was anywhere else, but you had to go for the face. Really dude?" the man sighed. "Well, secrets out I guess."

The man lunged for the member nearest to him, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him into the air, strangling him. Some of the other agents snapped out of their daze and started to try and free the agent from his grasp, but whenever they hit the man, the injuries, which included cuts, bruises, fractures, and broken bones at some points, all healed the same way the man's nose had healed.

Noticing that the man being choked was about to pass out, Michael quickly punched the guy in the face once again, knocking him onto the floor. It seems that the extra strength from the strength pill was allowing his attacks to harm the guy enough for a reaction.

As the agent fell, Michael caught the FBI agent who was being strangled, quickly giving him to another agent and turning his attention back onto the man on the floor. Standing up, the man chuckled. "You can't do anything to beat me, why don't you just forfeit?"

"To hell with that! We've already started, we might as well finish this," Michael responded.

"Suit yourself," The man said shrugging. He lunged for Michael's neck, but Michael retaliated by kicking the man in the jaw, dislocating it. Not letting up, Michael punched the man in the gut, causing the man to double over.

It was at this moment that the rest of the members snapped out of their panic and quickly tased the man, causing him to fall unconscious.

As the rest of the members checked with the man who was being strangled, Michael quickly made his exit as nobody was watching him.

When everybody turned to ask Michael who he was, they saw that he was already gone.

Michael walked to the restrooms and tidied his clothes up and stored his mask in his inventory once again.

He walked back to the main bar where Alan and his dad were seated.

"What took you so long?" One of them asked.

"Got into a small scuffle on my way back. It's no big deal though," He shrugged.

"Alrighty then. Let's get back on with the celebrations," Alan said as he lifted a beer.