Chapter 62 – I’m Sick And Tired

Odeletta took my hand and spoke in a soft, sweet voice. "I never even dreamed a few months ago that I would be doing this with you." She looked at me with earnest eyes. "This may be sudden and unexpected, but let's continue to be close friends, Marie."

"Of course. I consider you my best friend," I affirmed.

"…So do I."

"I'll give you the fruit cheong after the party tomorrow. Everything is a little hectic right now."

"You don't have to rush. It's not urgent."

"I don't know if His Grace will like the gift," I said worriedly.

Odeletta squeezed my hand in reassurance. "He will like it. It's a heartfelt and delicious gift."

"But there will be so many rare and precious gifts from all over the country."

"It's the feeling that counts. That's why you chose a heartfelt gift instead of an expensive one, right?"


"Then there's nothing to worry about."

Odeletta smiled and patted my hand, and I smiled back at her touch.

"Marie," she said suddenly.


"Do you still go to Thurman Palace these days?"


I panicked at the sudden question. Strictly speaking, the question itself wasn't inappropriate, but I was more taken aback by the fact that she asked me directly.

"Um…" I began awkwardly.

"It's alright. You don't have to worry and answer me, Marie."

"…I don't go very often these days."

That was true. Last time I went to Thurman Palace was when I went to see Xavier after his shocking meeting with Odeletta. It felt too awkward to visit Thurman Palace after that. Xavier never sent me an invitation either.

"It's been a while since I last went there," I said.

"I see."

"Um. I guess it's because of what happened with you."

"Thank you for your consideration, Marie." She gave me a light smile. "It was pretty painful after what happened, but I'm better now."

"…I know." How couldn't I know? I've been watching her this whole time from her side. I gave a short sigh. "You must have gone through a lot."

"I already told you that I won't give up my feelings for His Highness, but…after I returned home, I did worry a lot. Could he not make a connection with me? Could we not achieve a relationship? I don't think I can give up on that."

"…It will work," was my only reply.

Truthfully speaking, I hoped that Odeletta and Xavier would get along well. I felt the same when I read about them outside the book, and my thoughts did not change when I went inside the book.


At the same time, the fraught expression on Xavier's face kept bothering me.

'He looked strangely sad.'

He must be going through a lot. He was stuck in a situation where he could not confess to the person he liked. More than anything, it was clear from my outsider's perspective that he really did have feelings for this woman, so I couldn't hope for progress between Odeletta and Xavier as openly the first time around.

At any rate, it was an act of violence to force someone's feelings. Just because that person was my friend didn't mean that I could indulge in what I wanted.

"If it's meant to be, then it will surely come true," I said, revising the words I needed to say. If Xavier and Odeletta really were destined to be together, then Xavier's heart would change and he would love Odeletta. Otherwise, Odeletta sadly would not be able to be together with him in this life. I hoped that no such tragedy would happen, but if this were fate, I would not be able to stop it.

I gave Odeletta a warm look without saying any of these things. I felt a little sad that this was all I could offer her for now, but it couldn't be helped.

"Ah, I have to go," Odeletta said, rising from her seat, and I looked up at her in surprise.

"You're going now?"

"Yes…" Odeletta nodded and gave me a faint smile. "I think I should take my leave. It's late."

"You can stay for dinner," I offered.

It was almost dinnertime after all. Odeletta shook her head and refused.

"My parents wouldn't like it. It's too much trouble."

"Why wouldn't your parents like you eating at a friend's house? Even more so when the daughter's friend is inviting you to eat."

"Well…I don't think it's troublesome, but they won't want me to be a nuisance to others, don't you think? Well, I'm sure I'm not troublesome." She offered me another smile. "I think I should get going. I don't want to keep the carriage driver waiting until late anyway."

"Alright." In the end I couldn't change her mind, so I walked with her to the front of the mansion and saw her off at her carriage. She leaned her head out of the carriage door, her expression of regret mirroring my own.

"It's a pity that we have to part like this," she said.

"I feel the same. But we'll meet tomorrow anyway." I grabbed her hand. "Travel safely, and I'll see you tomorrow."

"…Yes." Odeletta smiled slightly nodded, our eyes fixed on each other, and I eventually closed the carriage door with sadness.

Before long, her carriage set off for Trakos mansion. I stared blankly at the back of the vehicle as it gradually disappeared, then turned back and went into the mansion.

4. The Duke's Birthday

I slowly opened my eyes the next morning. Fortunately, the party at the Escliffe mansion would not start until around evening.

After a late lunch, I began to prepare for the party with the help of Florinda and the other maids. I wore that pearl-colored dress that Dorothea almost took from me at the boutique, then added matching pearl accessories.


"Oh my word. You look so beautiful, My Lady."

"You look like a bride like this. So pretty."

It wasn't long before the maids began to pour out words of praise. I hadn't seen myself properly yet, so by the time I was almost finished dressing, I was nearly bouncing in anticipation. How pretty did I look for everyone to be saying all this? Of course, this wasn't really my body, so it was a little shameful for me to think this.

Finally, I went to the full-length mirror with Florinda's help. It was at that moment when I finally laid my eyes on myself.


I looked stunning. That was the only thought in my mind. I looked more beautiful in this moment than in any other moment in my life so far. This dress fit perfectly with Maristella's image, a pure white goddess without any stain upon her. The pinnacle of purity.

"Beautiful…" I murmured, a smile spreading on my lips, and Florinda smiled at me from the side.

"You are gorgeous. So gorgeous. The dress is beautiful, and the image fits you. That's why you look even more beautiful." Florinda smiled. "My Lady, are you planning to seduce all the young men attending the party?"

"That's too big of an ambition," I said, shaking my head with a laugh. "I'm sure I will get attention. But it will be on the dress, not me."

"When did you become so modest?" Florinda asked with a giggle, and I turned pink in the cheeks.

"How can you keep saying that? You're embarrassing me."

"But you're so beautiful today."

"Hmmm…" I wondered what Claude would think as well. He was a person who observed details well. "Well, we'll see."

"I'm sure that everyone will have the same reaction as me. Moreover—"

Then, a knock on the door interrupted her. Florinda naturally stopped talking, and I spoke towards the door.

"Who is it?"

"My Lady, you have a visitor."

"A visitor?"

At this time?

"Who is it?" I asked.


But before the maid could finish, someone burst into the room. I blinked in surprise as I registered the person striding towards me. It was a familiar face.

"Hi, Marie."

My expression stiffened, and I spoke the name of the young woman in front of me. "…Dorothea."

Such rudeness. I couldn't even smile through my shock. Florinda looked alternately between me and Dorothea, then gathered herself together and addressed the unexpected guest.

"Lady Dorothea, how about you please wait in the parlor room—"

"Is it so wrong of me to come into the room to meet my friend, Flo?" Dorothea said with a prim glare towards Florinda, and the latter shrank back.

I told Dorothea off instead, offended by the situation. "It's polite to go to the parlor room first, Dorothea."

"Since when was that an issue between us?"


She was the complete opposite of Odeletta. Odeletta had never demanded anything like that under the pretense of friendship. Not once.

'I'm sick and tired of Dorothea's personality.'

I did not bother to hide my expression of displeasure. "What is it?" I asked.

"I came here to go with you. Let's ride the carriage together."

"…Everything was fine, but this sudden visit is very unwelcome, Dorothea."

"Are you offended?" she asked, but she didn't look the least bit remorseful, unlike anyone else who would ask that question.