Chapter 69 – Please Stay Away From Lady Maristella



Dorothea felt an inexplicable pleasure surge at the sudden focus of attention. "Didn't you all see his dance partner today?" she asked the group.

"Wasn't it Lady Maristella?"

"Yes! Didn't you notice anything strange?" Dorothea prompted.

"Well, I don't know," one lady said hesitantly.

"I heard that Lady Maristella's carriage accident was the Duke's fault…" another lady replied.

Everyone knew that, but Dorothea spoke in a hushed voice as if there were more to it.

"Isn't that just how they got acquainted?"

"Just like Lady Cornohen said, Lady Maristella is the Duke's dance partner, but it's no surprise."

Dorothea shook her head. "His Grace is nice to all the ladies on the outside, but you can sense the walls around him, right? He doesn't seem to hang around anyone unless he's really close with someone."

"I think so, too. His Grace doesn't easily let other people be with him."

"Wow, I envy Lady Maristella. Do you think there's a subtle atmosphere between the two that we don't know?"

"But that's not what matters." Dorothea changed the direction of the conversation in a rather serious voice. " Don't you all see anything strange?"

"What is it?"

"Lady Maristella." Dorothea's voice had a tremor of displeasure and anger when she spoke her friend's name. Some of the ladies who noticed it thought it strange, but did not comment on it for fear of worsening the mood.

"Last time she was involved with the Crown Prince, and this time she's with the Duke. Isn't that fishy?" she said conspiratorially.

"What do you mean?"

"She's two-timing them," Dorothea said.

There was a moment of silence, then stunned exclamations poured in from all sides.


"Oh my word."


Dorothea pushed on without regard. "From what I know, she often goes back and forth to Thurman Palace. I'm sure of it. Lady Maristella is playing the two."

"But aren't the Crown Prince and the Duke Academy colleagues? I know they're close."

"It's common for friendship to be tossed aside for love. But they're high-ranking people, right?"

It was true that all sorts of rumors abounded in the Empire's social circles, but Claude and Xavier were of very high status. Therefore, the young nobles were also cautious of making fun of such topics. Dorothea, however, did not seem to care, and whether it was out of courage or foolhardiness, she continued to run her mouth.

"I've known Marie since we were kids, and she's like a fox—" she nattered, when a voice suddenly interrupted her.

"You shouldn't speak of someone when they're not there."

The voice clearly sounded displeased. The other nobles who recognized the newcomer panicked and shut their mouths.

"I knew that you had a rude character from the start, but I didn't realize it would be to this extent."

It was Odeletta.

Dorothea fixed a stare at the other woman. "Am I?" she said haughtily.

"Who do you think you are? Aren't you a friend of Lady Maristella's? I don't understand how you can just talk behind someone's back," Odeletta chastised.

Dorothea gave a scoff. "Ha. When did I talk behind someone's back?"

"What you did just now is called talking behind someone's back. Gossiping in the absence of the other. Don't you feel ashamed?"

"I beg your pardon?" Dorothea fumed, her outrage building. The crowd around them held their breaths as they began to watch the two women fight.

"What did I do that was shameful? I'm just saying what's true."

"You truly are shameless. I already knew that, but I didn't know it was this bad. If you have something to say, at least do it when the person you're talking about is present. Didn't we all learn that was the proper behavior as a lady?"

"Ha, don't pretend to be all noble," Dorothea scoffed once more.

Odeletta's lips turned downward in disapproval, but Dorothea pivoted the conversation once more.

"Look at Lady Odeletta, she's so great."

"…Are you talking about me?"

"Yes. You're taking your friend's side, even though she's in a relationship with someone you like."

Odeletta was rendered speechless by Dorothea's words. Dorothea had struck her weak point. Her expression turned frigid when she realized the fact.

"What kind of 'relationship' do you mean?" Odeletta pressed.

"You've heard everything all this time and you're still thinking of something different? That's funny." A smile widened on Dorothea's face. "Lady Maristella is playing with both the Crown Prince and the Duke. I can't believe you defended your friend in this situation. You're not a noble."

"You're insulting Lady Maristella and the Crown Prince and Duke with unconfirmed facts. Aside from Lady Maristella, you can be charged with insulting the Imperial Family. Do you want to go to Vale Tower?" Odeletta said.

Dorothea cocked an eyebrow. "Are you threatening me?"

"I'm not threatening you, I'm just telling the truth," Odeletta declared.

"Then I'm going to tell you one truth, Lady Odeletta," Dorothea said. "You also love the Crown Prince, right? I'm saying this to you because looking at you makes me sad. Stay away from Lady Maristella. If she really thinks of you as a friend, she shouldn't be close to His Highness."

"That's a very old-fashioned idea. I don't have the right to restrict my friend's relationships just because I like the Crown Prince. And my friend does not have impure intentions towards him. I know that better than anyone," Odeletta said firmly.

That fact alone made Odeletta sadder. It would be easier for her to hate Maristella if the latter were a bad friend. Then Odeletta wouldn't feel any guilt about getting her into trouble.

To her great misfortune, however, her friend was a kind and sincere person.

"You're being fooled. You poor thing," Dorothea sneered.

Is it true? Odeletta wondered wildly for a moment, but she soon shook the thought off. Dorothea was like Satan.

"Are you insulting me now?" Odeletta asked.

"But it's true. I do feel sorry for you. You're about to lose the person you like to your friend!"


Dorothea's childish provocations made Odeletta feel like her body was turning to ice. Because Dorothea was not completely wrong. Xavier liked Maristella.

But even so, Odeletta didn't think the situation had fallen to the point where she would tolerate hearing such things from Dorothea. She steeled herself and began her own counterattack.

"But isn't that also the situation you're in?" Odeletta shot back.

Dorothea looked dumbfounded. "What are you talking about?"

"You are also in danger of losing the person you like to a friend."

Maristella was also Dorothea's friend, after all. At least, for now.

Odeletta smiled. "It's true if I borrow your words. Even if your delusion is right, the fact that you crush is taken away by your friend… Isn't that too much? The Crown Prince never belonged to either of us in the first place, in any case. His Highness would be offended if he heard that."

"Are you insulting me now?" Dorothea accused.

"How is it an insult? I'm only speaking facts," Odeletta replied with a giggle. "You're very confused, but you're in the same situation as I am, Lady Odeletta. We have Lady Maristella as a friend, and we both like the Crown Prince."


"Please stay away from Lady Maristella, Lady Dorothea. You are delusional." Finding herself on the other side of the situation, Odeletta smiled inwardly. Meanwhile, Dorothea found herself astonished. She bit her lips.

"What right do you have to tell me to stay away from Marie—"

"Then what right do you have to tell me to stay away from Marie?" Odeletta said, openly laughing at Dorothea. "Aren't you being hypocritical?"

If I do it, it's romance, and if others do it, it's an affair.