17. Stop making my heart flutter.

Patricia walked out of her luxurious bathroom with a bathrobe around her body and her auburn curls rolled on top of her head with a towel. She picked up her phone and saw a missed call from her uncle. 'What does he want now?' she thought.

Dialing his number she placed the phone on top of her vanity and put on speaker as she stripped. Slathering and massaging her skin with expense lotions and perfumes, he finally picked up.

"Hello?" Goerge said from the speaker.

"Uncle, you called me? Why?" Patricia asked.

"Have you contacted you Fiance?" He asked.

Patricia rolled her eyes and frowned "yes, I have a date with him this night."


"Why are you asking me that? Do you perhaps want to he a third wheel?" She asked.

"Don't play with me Patricia. Where are you going." He asked firmly.

"Well if you must know, we are a going to the castle."

"Hmmm... his idea or yours?" he asked.

"His, so now are you done? I need to get ready." She said, walking into her closet to pick out underwear.

"Another thing, why are you on the news?" He asked.

"What do you mean? I'm an actress of course I should be one the news."

"Not entertainment you fool, they say you're the only witness to a murder and something about the death of an actress, Jessie Marin?"

"Wow uncle I didn't realise you were also a fan of Jessie Marin." She said trying to change the subject.

"I am not, and I only know her name because it's all the media is talking about these days. And your name keeps popping up. Isn't that the actress you had a rivalry with?"

"I wonder... I have a lot of rivalries uncle. I'm a Lee after all."

"It's clear to me, with the way you keep avoiding my questions and giving unreasonable answers. Patricia Mae Lee, I hope you did not do anything stupid?"

Patricia frowned who did they think she was? For crying out loud, they could break rules and play around with people but she couldn't? "Uncle, mind you it's none of your business what I do with my time. Besides it's not as if I'm not doing what you and grandfather have asked me, so stop prying into my personal life."

Her uncle laughed. "Make no mistake Patricia, you are a Lee. That means everything you do is my business. I have a theory but I'll refrain for now but the moment things get out of hand. Believe me when I tell you that it's not going to be good for you. Have I made myself clear?" he said.

Patricia fisted her palms and bit her lip in anger.

"Have I made myself clear niece!" He said more firmly.

"Yes!" She said and immediately pressed the red button to end the call. She screamed and she held her hair. He always knew how to annoy her, and here she was happy and fulfilled about how everything was playing out.

Perhaps next she should frame her uncle she was pretty good at it, it would work. He was so annoying like a stone in your Louboutins you couldn't get rid of, the annoying fool.

She grabbed the dryer violently and began drying her hair. This date better go well because she is more than ready to kill someone.


"Are you just going to ignore me?" Jason asked looking at the blonde sitting crossed legged and arms folded looking away from him and out the window. "Jessie? Fine ignore me. I hope you like ignoring me in my penthouse." He said turning the car around.

"What the hell are doing?!" Jessie yelled.

"What does it look like?" Jason looked at her with a smirk from the corner of his eyes. Her legs now uncrossed and her palms on the door and on his seat.

"Stop! What is this? You can't just change your mind." She snarled.

"Oh yeah? I'm doing it right now." Jason said, he was instigating her. He wanted to see her reactions and from her facial expression it was all worth it.

"Jason please, stop playing this foolish game. Take me home." She cried.

Suddenly the car came to a halt be the side of the road and he turned to face her.

"Hmmm... I don't know, should I? I mean maybe I should ignore you like you did me. Doesn't that sound right." He smiled.

Jessie had an incredulous expression on her face. Why was he toying with her emotions? She wondered. How can he change his mind so easily? At this point she didn't know whether to trust him anymore. He was acting like a child, for goodness sake.


"Woah, did I just make Jessie Marin scared?" He laughed.

"I don't understand, why are you doing this? You're acting differently it doesn't make sense." Jessie shook her head.

"Different how?" Jason asked.

"Your making jokes, acting nice and protective. Why?" Jessie tilted her head.

"And that's a complaint? I've always been this way" he said releasing a low laugh. "Nobody ever notices though, or maybe I don't show this side to anyone else."

"Then why are you showing it to me? Stop." Jessie said firmly.

"Excuse me?"

"Stop acting nice, stop saying you want to protect me. Stop making jokes or acting like I'm your responsibility. Stop making my heart flutter." Jessie spat out very seriously. "You bought me for crying out loud, you went to a place that sells people and you are one of those people that steals people's rights to be free, to be their own person. I should hate you, I want to but now how can I when you're acting like a regular guy?!" She yelled.

Jason stared at her very intently, looking into her sincere brown eyes, he felt ashamed. He truly felt disappointed in himself.

"You know, you're the only person in the world that has had me questioning my decisions." He said with a sigh. Looking at her he reached for her face and touched her cheek.

"Do you have to leave?" He asked.

"What?" Jessie asked.

"Can't you just stay?" Jason asked.

"How can you ask me that when you have a Fiancee?" Jessie said.

"Then is that the only reason?" He asked.

"I have a life Jason Kang. I have my dreams and my ambitions, a career that has been put in jeopardy because of what you did, how can you ask me to that? Do you even like me? Or are you just craving sex?" She asked.

"I'm not that bad of a person Jessie. Believe it or not the day I bought out was the first time in my life I had been in an auction house and the moment I set my eyes on you I knew I wanted you." He said.

"So what? Is this a confession?"

He shrugged, "I honestly have no idea, I'm not sure what I feel, but I know that I don't want you to leave."

"I'm sorry but I can't do that. I'm sorry that I want to be free and independent. I'm sorry that you made yourself a disgusting man. And I'm sorry that you think acting like you aren't is going to change anything." Jessie said with so much venom.

Jason smirked and looked at her wearing one of those evil grins he tortured her with previously.

"Gosh you're so serious. Did you think I was serious by chance?" He looked at her with a serious expression. The change in mood frightening her so much.

"Are you Kidding me? So you were joking all along?" Jessie laughed. "Spare me the rubbish." She mumbled.

"Come on I'll drop you of, don't be crazy." He said, suddenly moving to the other side of the car causing Jessie to press her back against the door. "It's just like you said, I'm not a good person so don't assume that I'm capable of feelings, hmm.. and I'm only letting you go because I want to, you've become a nuisance to me. I can't have that in my life understand?"

"Then why did you buy me then?" Jessie scoffed.

Jason smirked away from her eyes and his gaze moved down her eyes to her lips, then her neck and finally rested on her chest. She was glad the dress she wore showed no cleavage not that it helped his eyes bore into her soul.

Jessie's breath hitched when she felt his hands on her knees, moving up gradually higher and higher until the where on her upper thighs. And as he made a move to open her legs she shoved him away.

Struggling to open the door she looked at him, "Let me go!"

Jason wearing an amused expression on his face he chuckled. Jessie was flustered, angry and extremely overwhelmed. Who did he think he was playing with her like that.

"Open the damn doors Jason."

"As you wish my lady" he said sarcastically as the locks clicked she flung the door open and stepped out of the car slamming the door and walking around to stand on the sidewalk.

"Wish you well" He said driving away, leaving her standing in the middle of the high way, in the middle of the night.