70. Killer.

Jamie stared at the passing traffic as he pondered on his current case. Paul Song and the Dr. Katherine Park had to be involved somehow. Firstly they tampered with the crime scene, how could they take the body away without the police? Plus Paul Song insisted that the autopsy be done in his hospital. When he questioned them as to the reason they tampered with a crime scene, he said they weren't thinking straight. He didn't know if that answer was mockery or just plain stupid.


"So you're saying you walked in when he was already dead?" The detective asked.

"He was still alive but he was already shot, he died a few seconds after we went in." Paul replied with a grim expression on his face.

"Did he say anything when you went in?" The detective asked.

"Yeah, that he was glad to die in the arms of the man he loved." Paul replied firmly.

"Are you serious? Mr. Song please be serious here, we're dealing with a homicide case here."