89. Sinking ship.

Jonathan waited patiently for his brother to come home, it had been almost three hours and still no sign of Jason. Did he already go up? No that wasn't possible, he was attentive no car came in here without him knowing. As he looked at his watch a car came in and at a glance he knew who it was. His brother. He watched quietly for him to get down off the car, that was an natural number of bodyguards. Since when did he start going around with bodyguards? Did he suspect their father would hurt him? Was he capable of that?

Jonathan got off as well and waited for him by the elevator. 

"The old man send you?" Jason asked as he walked towards him.

"Yes... but that's not the reason I'm here." Jonathan said. 

Jason stood before his brother and tilted his head, "are you going to tell me or should I guess." Jason asked, wearing a bored expression on his face.