122. Abomination.

Patricia frowned, only one way she would deal with this anger, shopping. Jason, Mary all the lot of them were so annoying. She grabbed her purse and drove to the most expensive boutique in the town.

Throwing her keys to the valet she walked in, someone was at the door to take her purse and glasses and direct her to the VIP section. What she needed was something so exquisite and expensive, pretty things always managed to calm her down.

She sat down as the attendants brought what they imagined would attract her attention, red and indecent. What did they think she was? A whore? Wow these people really had a low key way of insulting people. How dare they?

She got up and walked to they rack and pushed it down. 

"What is this? Just because I mostly buy red dresses does that mean all other colours cease to exist?" She asked the two women before her.