171. Susan Jung.

Jason was enraged, completely and utterly angered and it was as though this unnatural heat he felt was toxic and suffocating. It was as though everyone that came close enough to him felt it and immediately ran the opposite direction. 

Matt refrained from saying anything to his boss, he had never seen Jason in this kind of state. Jason was always cool headed and logical. He always handled things with his head and he was mostly cold and distant, emotions had nothing on him. 

But now right now he wasn't yelling or breaking things. On the contrary he wasn't even looking angry but his eyes, the look in his brown eyes could kill. Literally, as he walked the way cleared. Currently they walked through the dark and deep hallways of Paradise and everyone stepped out of the way even ran away as he walked, through.

Soon the doors of the meeting room opened up as he approached and he walked in. Everyone was already waiting in the room, his voice mail was pretty serious.