175. Memories can never lie.

Jason walked into Reginald office with a grim look on his face.

"Jason!" Reginald said with slight startle, silently praying that he hadn't overheard his conversation. But his statement confirmed he infact did.

"What the did she mean by I killed my mother?" He asked.

"Jason she was just ranting, don't you remember it clearly? What happened that day? Your memories can never lie." Reginald assured him.

Jason stared intently at the man before him and shook his head. Nobody rants like that, the truth mostly comes out when one is either drunk or emotional. "Then why didn't you correct her when she said my mother didn't love you back?" He asked. "If I remember correctly, I was mad at my mother that day because she wanted to leave my father for you. Why didn't you correct her."