198. Too pitiful.

"A witness?" 

"Yes, at two o'clock a woman in her twenties walked into the police station to say she witnessed the murder of Diana Flores. That was enough to keep her behind bars for the trial." 

"But the trial can take months, so you're saying she'll be in there that long?" 

"Of course not." Jason curt voice said as he pushed open the door of the familiar and luxurious board room he began to really dislike. "You all have two days to get Jessie out of prison and free of this outrageous claims." He ordered as he took his place at the head of the table.

Florence rolled eyes and opened her mouth to speak but Jason held his hand up to stop her.

"I realised something today. While I was wondering very deeply, why the hell you guys don't do work properly. This is paradise for crying out loud, from what I remember you solved threats of war and even more in mere seconds yet you can't seem to get an innocent person away from corruption." He stated.