254. Dead serious.

"Don't you dare walk out on me!" Krystal yelled at the rebelling teenager storming out of the apartment. "Hey, Karen! I swear if you go out don't come back!" 

"I won't! I don't want to be here either, I cannot take this nagging!" She huffed angrily. 

"Oh yeah? Let's see how well you survive out on the streets, perhaps I should just quit looking after you sorry ass and send you to some foster home!" She spat at her.

"Oh boo hoo, do you think I'd shiver at the word foster home again? I'm no longer a scared little kid Krystal. I'm sure I can handle a foster home." She rolled her eyes. "Besides it's nothing I haven't done before." She said.

Krystal wanted to pull out her hair in frustration what kind of life was this? "Fine then go ahead!" She screamed. 

"I will! At least I don't have to listen or be with some psycho that worships a murderer!"