257. Beautiful woman in silver.

"Mom! Mom!!! Please, wake up! Wake up!!" An adolescent cried out as he held his mother's unconscious body and desperately shook her shoulder with one arm as the other cradled her head to his chest. 

Scarlett liquid staining his navy blue school uniform, his white shirt reddening under the intensity of the flow. "Mom! Please!!" His familiar dark eyes leaked relentlessly. His dark damp hair framing his face he cried.

"Please call an ambulance!" He screamed as people gathered around him. "Please!!! Please I beg you! Call an ambulance, do something! Just help me!!!" He yelled. His thin frame ridden with guilt, "please wake up." He pleaded. 

"I promise I won't be a brat anymore, I won't even complain if you want to divorce dad. I won't be mean to your new husband if you remarry. So please, mom, please wake up!" He cried.