293. Blatant desire.

The car stopped promptly outside the hotel La vivre. She donned her scarf and glasses, it was too risky to go out any other way and exited the car after paying the cab driver.

This was a fifty percent rate of succes plan, and if she did not want to beg it was a one time plan. That heavily depended on one sole thing, was her target present at the moment? With all the elegance and confidence she could muster, with was a lot, she was an actress after all. She walked into the hotel, not paying attention to all the looks she was getting. 

Not to be vain, it wasn't the first time. It wouldn't be the last, she was attractive apparently. So she got used to it. Pressing the button to the highest floor that housed the most expensive restaurant in the country she walked out looking so compelling yet like she belonged there.

The place was almost empty, as usual not everyone infact most people couldn't afford this place.