318. Naughty girl.

"Katherine?" Paul asked. "What is this? Weren't we here for your father?"

"Ofcourse we were but it was a good plan, killing two birds with one stone." She said softly. Feeling uncomfortable under the questioning gazes of both Paul and Jason. Jason's more of a glare.

"Do you still not understand how dangerous it is for you to look for that auction house? George guards that thing like diamond, it's literally the love of his life." Paul scolded her.

"I don't see the difference, we were already snooping in his office. What difference does it make? What we are looking for?" Katherine asked.

"You searched George's office?" Jason asked.

Paul nodded. "I didn't find any thing though" Katherine explained. "Besides, Jessie was no where near that office." She replied. 

"Then were is she? George isn't here either he hasn't been for some time." Jason said.

"Who left first?" Paul asked.

"Who do you think?"